What fabric are serving napkins made of. We fold napkins beautifully in different ways. Four ways to lay out in a napkin holder

There is such an anecdote: a client in a restaurant asks why the napkins are greasy, and the waiter says, they say, I'm sorry, but you don't need to wipe off the pancakes.

Laughter, laughter, but once upon a time thin, low-fat pancakes like lavash were actually used as napkins. For the same purpose, fig leaves, rice paper, sleeves, and even the hair of court boys were used at various times.

The first cloth napkins appeared among the ancient Romans. Large rectangular panels protected the bed from dirt (the patricians ate while lying down), they also got their lips and hands wet.

In Russia, the nobility to use these hygiene products was stimulated by the decree of Peter the Great, since then it was impossible to wipe with a sleeve or a tablecloth. The usual paper napkins for us were patented in the 19th century, and their continuous production began only in the 70s of the last century.

Today, when serving a banquet table, cloth and paper napkins are used. The former are designed to protect clothing from contamination; it is not customary to wipe greasy hands or lips with them. Although it will be correct to blot the lip tissue after drinking or touch it with slightly dirty fingers.

In order to create a festive mood and surprise guests, you can wrap and twist the most incredible figures from square napkins. After washing, the fabric must be starch - this way it keeps its shape better.

Impressive compositions are made in napkin holders and from ordinary paper products, cutlery is wrapped in them, and in a cafe or restaurant many young people strive to twist a napkin rose for their lady.

The art of folding original paper figures - origami - was born in Japan. This skill was a sign of good form and was mandatory for the upper classes. According to one version, origami has its roots in the Asian art of draping fabrics for religious rituals.

We are not Japanese aristocrats, but we are able to decorate the table and cheer up loved ones. We present to you a variety of ways to fold napkins with your own hands. Step by step instructions are included. With a little practice, you can teach others.


Start with a simple circuit that takes no time or skill. Wrap the napkin with a tube (for convenience, you can wrap it over a pencil, then remove it) and put it in a glass or glass. Appropriate decoration of a home evening, New Year's holiday, dinner with a loved one. Fast, easy and sophisticated, and guests don't have to guess how to deploy. By the way, if you give a master class to children, they will then gladly take over this function.


The coniferous tree is a companion of the New Year and Christmas. Christmas trees from napkins will look beautiful on the table, it is easy to make them. This option is also suitable for children's birthday celebrated in winter. Arrange the Christmas trees on plates, and you can put a bow, or an asterisk-shaped cookie on top for decoration.

4 color schemes: lotus, tulip, rose, lily

In any decor, the floral theme is traditionally in the lead, table setting is no exception. Try to "grow" a lotus, tulip, rose or lily according to our recipes step by step. The table will turn out to be very elegant.


The flower, sacred in many religions, keeps flowers and leaves clean at all times. A symbol of divine power (the Egyptian god Ra was born from the lotus), purity, cordiality and fertility.

A serving napkin folded in this way will decorate any occasion. If the hero of the occasion is a man, choose shades of blue, if a woman - pink or lilac. White or red lotuses are suitable for a wedding table. White is generally universal; such “flowers” ​​are also good for a business lunch.


A symbol of spring, beauty, perfect love. According to an established custom, these flowers are presented to women on March 8th. You can also decorate the table with tulip-shaped napkins.

White color symbolizes purity of thoughts and trust - for business negotiations, decorate the table with appropriate napkins as a sign of openness of your intentions.

Red tulips mean love, passion and fidelity - use this symbolism in the table setting for the next anniversary of family life.

If you decide to part with your partner and want to have a farewell dinner - please, here's to you yellow tulips. Although in the East a different meaning is attributed to yellow tulips - this is a compliment: "Your smile is like the sun!"

Dark purple color- royal blood, nobility, nobility. These napkin tulips can be used to decorate a status table: on the occasion of a solid anniversary, receiving important guests, celebrating large projects with serious partners ...

the Rose

Queen of flowers. In Ayurveda, it is considered blissful along with the lotus. Symbolizes divine ideals and earthly passions, innocence and fertility, the triumph of life and the mystery of death.

Napkins folded in the form of roses will be a wonderful decoration for a wedding banquet, Valentine's Day, any women's holiday. Your daughter will be pleased with pink roses, your spouse will appreciate the red flowers that tell her about the strength of your feelings. But a man should not be given roses for his celebration, even from napkins.


Lily has conflicting meanings. Slavic female amulet, European royal flower ... But in the Renaissance, the rulers branded criminals with their emblem - everyone probably remembers the Three Musketeers.

White lilies symbolize purity and innocence, which is why they are often presented for weddings. But - and on mourning days, since these flowers also mean life "on the other side" and atonement for sins.

Accordingly, lily napkins will be appropriate both on the festive and on the memorial table. If there is Lilia among your relatives and friends, decorate the table on her holiday with namesake flowers.


The folding method is close to the lily. Suitable for any event, just choose the colors in the appropriate style. By the way, if you have napkins to match the tablecloth, try to make them from a thinner material - it will look more advantageous.


Everything is clear here: love, Valentine's Day and just a way to tell your partner, mom or child about your feelings. See an example of how you can set the table using this diagram.


A universal option. Bright napkins are suitable for a warm dinner in a friendly or kindred circle, a cheerful drawing can be laid out on a children's table, while white napkins will add solemnity to the moment. And these step-by-step photos will help you!


A gentleman's accessory. Place the butterfly on a plate by February 23rd, or for a boy's or man's birthday. If a representative of the strong half of humanity is harsh and serious, choose a strict color scheme.


Playful rag bunnies will delight children and adults, suitable for Easter, Valentine's Day (rabbits also have long ears, and they are a symbol of reproduction), and indeed for any holiday in a close circle. For official receptions and sad occasions, hares, of course, are inappropriate.

If it is difficult, watch the video instruction that even a child can learn from:

With space for a guest card: 2 schemes

The napkins folded in the following two patterns provide space for a business card. First of all, these options are good for business lunches and dinners: at some conferences, events where there are many people who do not know each other.

You can decorate a large family celebration with such napkins - an anniversary or a wedding, if you plan in advance who to plant with whom. Little guests will also be delighted at the children's birthday - just choose a bright color, and instead of a business card, you can put a photo of a child and a candy.

With tissue ring

If you are thinking about how to beautifully fold napkins on the festive table for the most solemn occasion, stop at this elegant option. Such a stylish decor is worthy of a wedding, an anniversary, a graduation, and even a meeting at the highest level.

Previously, napkins were hung by the collar, now they are placed on your knees. Moreover, the owners should be the first to do this, as they give the signal to start the meal.

"For instruments": bag and envelope

In the last two schemes, paper napkins are used, from which a bag and an envelope for a spoon, fork and knife are folded.

A table without napkins is suitable for a buffet celebration or informal meetings in a close circle.

DIY tablecloth. It would seem that difficult? Cut out a piece of fabric to the correct size and simply hem the hem. But there is one subtlety. A good tablecloth should have the right corners. And another advantage of a do-it-yourself tablecloth is that you can sew napkins from the remnants of the fabric by processing the edges and corners in the same way.

Materials and tools:

sewing machine;
threads of the desired color;
pencil or chalk;

We sew a tablecloth and napkins with our own hands:

Cut a piece of fabric of the size you need from such a calculation so that the "overhangs" on all sides are 30 cm each. Cut out square napkins from the remaining strip of fabric from the width of the strip.

Tuck the edges of the napkin 1 cm wide. Steam the folded edges with an iron.

Tuck the edges 1 cm again and steam again.

Fold the napkin diagonally right side in, wrong side out and pin together. Draw a line perpendicular to the diagonal fold of the napkin from the corner to the edge of the hem.

Place a seam along the marked line on the sewing machine.

This is what the seam will look like. It is very important that the beginning of the seam matches the corner of the napkin exactly.

Cut a corner of the napkin close to the seam (at a distance of 2 - 3 mm). Also cut off a small piece of fabric in the corner of the napkin.

Treat all corners of the napkin in the same way.

Press the seams on both sides.

Turn the seams right out, iron the hem and corners of the napkin with an iron.

Sew the napkin exactly along the edge of the hem. Iron the napkin again.

Hem all napkins in the same way.

To hem the tablecloth with your own hands, in the same way, first bend the edges 1 cm wide, and then 2 cm wide. Iron the edges.

Also fold the tablecloth diagonally, pin up, mark the seam line perpendicular to the fold line.

Sew on machine. Trim off excess fabric.

Press the seam on both sides.

Turn out and smooth out the corner.

Sew around the hem of the tablecloth.

Do-it-yourself tablecloths and napkins look neat and do not differ from the edges of purchased tablecloths and napkins.

After you have mastered this technique of sewing corner tablecloths, you can experiment. Sew with your own hands a tablecloth with embroidery, hemstitching, applique, etc.

Every housewife knows that the home atmosphere is created from little things. So, ordinary do-it-yourself napkins made of fabric can transform the kitchen and make everyday meals a cozy family feast. Napkins fulfill not only a practical but also a decorative function. Sewing them yourself is quite simple, even without a lot of experience in sewing.

Selection of tissue for napkins

To make such products, special attention should be paid to the choice of material, since the appearance and functionality of the accessories will depend on this. And so that in general everything looks harmonious, it is advisable to think over at the stage of choosing a suitable fabric.


The material for kitchen napkins should be dense enough, but lightweight, easy to wash and maintain its original shape.

Traditionally, the following types of fabrics are used to make table linen:

  • Satin.
  • Cotton.

Important! For everyday use, cotton napkins are more appropriate, since they are not too easily soiled and retain their shape well. The version of satin and linen looks more festive, but at the same time, there is much more trouble with washing and starching such decorative elements. If you decide to choose the second option, be sure to save yourself a few ways for yourself,.


Conventionally color palettes that are used for sewing napkins are divided into several groups:

  • Pastel shades.
  • Silvery and golden (indigo, emerald, purple).
  • Classic colors (pearl, white).

Important! The choice of color will only depend on your personal preference. But at the same time, the products should be in harmony with the tablecloth and the general design of the room, both in color and texture. Harmony is not only a complete match of colors, but a good contrast or mix.

Depending on the specific occasion and the upcoming celebration, consider also ways to decorate the table. To help you, we offer the following articles:

Choosing the color of the napkins, if you match them with the tablecloth, is quite simple. To do this, take into account the density of the fabric:

  • If the napkins are inferior in density, they should be slightly darker.
  • If the material of the tablecloth and decorative elements is the same in structure, you can safely choose napkins of the same color as the tablecloth.

Important! Cotton fabric must be washed before cutting, as it shrinks strongly - the finished product may lose its appearance after the first wash.

Tools and materials

The materials and tools that you will need in order to sew do-it-yourself napkins for table setting can be easily purchased at any sewing store, and some of them may be found in your home:

  • Textile.
  • Fine needle.
  • Thick threads.
  • Sewing machine.
  • Scissors.
  • Pen (for marking).
  • Iron.

Important! It is advisable to use sharpened scissors for cutting fabrics. Otherwise, the edges of the material will start to crumble, and the cut will come out uneven.

Stages of work

To make a napkin, you must proceed as follows:

  1. Decide on the size of the future product. The best option would be a size of 50 by 50 cm, where the size of the workpiece will be 58 by 58 cm.
  2. Mark the fabric and start cutting. All sections must be perfectly even so that in the future the napkin can be folded in different ways.
  3. Place the pattern seamy side up. Fold the edges on all 4 sides 1/2 cm and iron well. Then fold the edges over an additional 2.5 cm, iron again well.
  4. Expand all folds from the point where the folds intersect, and draw a line 90 degrees to the diagonal of the napkin.
  5. Cut a corner along this line. Then step back 1.5 cm from the cut and make a line on the typewriter.
  6. Iron the fabric at each seam on both sides before turning the sewn corners over to the right side. Turn the corners to the right side, sew the edges of the product around the perimeter.
  7. Starch the finished napkin and iron it well.

Table decoration with napkins

You can beautifully decorate the table with napkins in different ways. Let's take a look at some of them.


On sale you can find many different accessories for napkins, including clips, rings. These small decorative details can help create an unusual composition:

  • Rings - allow you to achieve rigor and elegance in design. They can be decorated with rhinestones, feathers, flowers, name letters made from different materials.
  • Ribbons - designed for bandaging napkins and, if you figure it out, they function as rings.
  • Clips - also serve to fix the napkins. Additionally, they can be decorated with flowers or rhinestones.

Folding methods

There are many options for folding paper or cloth napkins. But of them, several of the simplest and most successful can be singled out separately:

  • Sail is perhaps the most concise way to decorate napkins. For this option, fold the cloth of the napkin in half, with the fold away from you. Then fold the top corners to form a triangle. Next, fold the resulting shape in half (along the seam).
  • Roll is most appropriate at official receptions. Fold the napkin in half with the fold toward you. Cover the cutlery with the left and right edges of the triangle. Wrap the resulting envelope.
  • French is a very elegant option. Fold the napkin diagonally so that there is a folded edge on the left side. Next, fold the top corner down, leaving about 2 cm of the right corner open. Now fold the right side down.
  • The pyramid looks strict, but quite impressive. Fold the napkin diagonally, and then fold the left and right sides so that the end is up. Next, bend the future pyramid along the centerline.
  • Fan - A fan-folded product can be placed in front of a large serving plate. A fan in a glass will also be an original solution.

Important! Having chosen the way of decorating napkins that suits you and starting to set the table, also find out,

I am sure that every housewife, regardless of whether she is a seamstress or not, has scraps of fabric at home that we can easily apply and decorate with the help of their interior of our house. I recently stumbled upon a store where I discovered natural linen fabrics. I hurried to get myself a piece of this fabric to sew the curtains for my kitchen. I have a remnant from which I made decorative pillows for chairs. Which will be discussed in the next article. And also I decided to do table napkins... It would seem that it is so difficult to sew napkins, cut a square or rectangle out of fabric, process the edges and that's it. But it was not there. To make the napkins look beautiful and graceful, it is necessary to process the edges and corners of the fabric in a special way. This method can be used to process the corners of napkins, tablecloths, bedspreads and other products with right angles. This method will be discussed further.
First, we need:

  • fabric 50x50 cm.
  • scissors,
  • iron,
  • sewing machine,
  • scissors.
The fabric, of course, can be taken in a rectangular shape, but from a square fabric there are more ways to fold napkins. So, in my case, this is a square made of fabric 50 * 50 cm., The sizes can be different. Each edge of the square is folded to the wrong side, the fold is 1 cm wide. For convenience, we will use an iron and an iron.

Now we will open all our ironed folds and mark the folds with chalk or soap, as in the picture.

We bend the napkin with the right side inward with an envelope.

Set aside 2.5 cm from the upper horizontal line downwards - this value is equal to the width of the second fold, and draw a diagonal, as in the figure.

We lay a machine line along this diagonal.

We retreat from the line 1-1.5 cm and cut off the excess corner.

We spread the allowance, for convenience you can iron it.

We turn the corner out and continue with each corner.

After all the corners are processed and turned out, we lay the machine stitch along the bend, retreating 1-2 mm.

That's it, the napkin is ready.

The center of any meal is a tastefully laid table. When a hostess has a question about table textiles, tablecloths and table napkins come to mind. Why do we need cloth napkins? How to deal with them during the feast?

This article is for people over 18 years of age.

Have you already turned 18?

What is a textile napkin

They are divided into two types, based on the purpose. Placemat napkins are those that are laid on the table individually for each guest and on which the serving is organized. But the most common is the second option for table napkins, which need to be laid on your knees and your hands wiped off. It is about them that we will talk. Moreover, you will learn three ways of folding textile napkins: the simplest, but effective and meeting the main requirements of etiquette.

Where did the napkin come from on the tables?

During the Middle Ages, such an attribute of a feast as napkins had not yet been invented, and in order to wipe their hands from fat, people used the tablecloth itself. Only distinguished guests were served a bowl of water and lemon, which has disinfecting properties, to rinse their fingers in it.
Napkins came into widespread use only in the 16th century. At first, napkins were placed on the shoulder, on the arm, or were used as a bib, which was attached to the vest with silver hooks or tied at the back of the neck. Gradually the napkins "moved" to my knees. In the 17th century, when women's skirts became more magnificent, the size of napkins increased to 90-115 cm. With the advent of new cutlery, the size of the napkin also changed. So, as soon as the use of a fork came into practice (and this happened only in the middle of the 18th century), the participants in the meal became more accurate and the napkins decreased in size.

Modern textile napkins: materials and sizes, style and color

According to the canons of classic table etiquette, for a banquet, dinner party or dinner, table textiles should be sewn from natural white linen. But modern table etiquette allows you to deviate from this rule, in addition, now there is a huge variety of mixed fabrics for table linen: beautiful, expressive, and most importantly, more practical to use (for example, Teflon-coated fabrics that are not afraid of fat, wine and coffee ). For an informal meal, white table textiles can easily be replaced with beige or another neutral shade. And if you want to create a certain mood at the table or maintain the style of the interior, then etiquette allows colored or even combined tablecloths and napkins: the fabric can be in a cage or strip, with a floral or any other interesting print. Choose according to your taste! A very convenient and win-win option is the use of companion fabrics, when one of the table linen elements (tablecloth or napkins) uses a fabric with a multi-colored pattern, and the other one uses a single-color fabric repeating one of the print colors; or two prints are combined (for example, flowers and stripes) with the choice of the same color palette.

The dimensions of a modern table napkin are approximately 40 × 40 cm (from 36 to 46 cm), a tea napkin is smaller in size - approximately 30 × 30 cm (from 25 to 35 cm).

In the modern world, textile napkins are an indispensable attribute of table setting, so every housewife should take care of their availability.

Why do we need textile napkins if there are paper

For the first time, they learned about paper napkins in 1867, when their first batch was released at a paper mill in England. The guests really liked this serving attribute, and since then their production on an industrial scale has begun. Paper napkins have a number of advantages: they perfectly absorb moisture, and most importantly, there is no need for washing, which, of course, every housewife will appreciate.
But can they completely and completely replace textile ones?

Linen napkins are an obligatory attribute of any feast, their main goal is the comfort of guests and the safety of their costumes. Nevertheless, paper napkins must be present on the table in sufficient quantities.

The main task of a textile napkin is to protect the guest's outfit; it should be laid on your knees. Also, a linen napkin is used when the fingers are a little dirty. What to do if your hands are very dirty, and what to use during a runny nose? Paper napkins will save you, it is for these purposes that they are created.

How to use textile napkins

All the guests, including the hosts, took their places - the meal began. The hostess is the first to start the feast - she unfolds her napkin, then the guests follow her example.

  • take a textile napkin from the table and unfold it;
  • fold it in half and lay it on your knees with the fold towards you;
  • during a feast, wipe your slightly soiled fingers with the upper edge of the napkin, while not removing it from your knees;
  • leave a napkin on the chair in case you need to go out;
  • if you get up from the table already at the end of lunch, then put a napkin to the left of the plate. There is no need to fold it again: grasp the middle of the napkin so that all the folds come together and place it on the table. When the hostess does the same with her napkin, consider that dinner is over.

Three ways to fold napkins

Arriving at a restaurant, we often see napkins twisted in the form of a Crown, French lily, Bishop's Miter or other unusual shape. The art of folding napkins came to us from the 17th century. At the French court, there were special people who folded napkins for the royal table and did it simply masterly, but it was forbidden to use such a napkin for its intended purpose, as it was considered a violation of the rules of etiquette. During the Victorian era, the views on the rules of behavior at the table changed somewhat - people began to think more about hygiene. Imagine how many times you will have to touch the napkin during the folding process, and, moreover, what a wrinkled look it will have, having been in the form of a Fan or Artichoke! It is unlikely that any of the guests would want to wipe their hands or lips with such a napkin.

Complex folding options faded into the background, they were replaced with simpler ones. Modern etiquette adheres to the same rules for folding napkins: a minimum of touching and a minimum of folds.

They are absolutely universal:

  • they meet the requirements of modern table etiquette: a minimum of touches and folds;
  • very simple: any housewife will easily master them and will spend no more than five minutes on serving, which means that a woman will have additional time to rest - this is priceless;
  • effective and suitable for different serving styles.

When choosing a way to fold napkins, you need to take into account the reason for the meal itself. For an official feast, napkins with lace or the option of fanning are certainly not suitable. But to create a warm spring mood - what you need.


By the way, you will have to use the “Petals” method of folding napkins - an ideal option for an informal cozy atmosphere, perfectly combined with the floral print of textiles and floral decor on the table.

1. Unfold the napkin and lay it on the table with the wrong side up.

2. Take the upper left corner and pull it to the opposite corner, folding the napkin in half, forming a triangle.

3. Pull the upper corner of the resulting triangle to the left corner, but do not connect them to each other.

4. Repeat the action: fold the right edge to the left without closing the corners of the napkin.

5. The napkin is ready! We put it on a substitution plate with the petals to the right, put a snack plate on top. We supplement the serving with cutlery and glasses.

Napkin rings

Nowadays, napkin rings are used as a decorative element of serving. But there were times when rings served a different function: they guaranteed ownership of a dirty napkin.

Historical background: since table linen was rarely washed, textile napkins were used many times. The rings served as an identification mark so that the guest could be sure that he received his own dirty napkin.

Rings are made from different materials: silver, wood, fabric, etc. But even in the absence of serving rings, you can easily improvise, for example, replace them with a ribbon.

There are many ways to put a napkin in a ring: you can collect a napkin in unusual folds, fold it in a fan or simply twist it into a tube, choose whichever one suits your taste! Let's take a look at the simplest option:

1. Unfold the napkin and lay it out on the table seamy side down.

2. Take the napkin with your hand in the middle and shake it to form loose folds.

3. Place the middle of the napkin in the ring and straighten the folds. Ready!

It is convenient to put the napkin in the ring directly on the plate. Firstly, it will save space on the table and free up space for dishes. And secondly, the napkin on the plate, as it were, hints to the guest that he will not be able to start the meal until he spreads the napkin on his lap.

Cutlery envelope "Stripes"

A napkin envelope is a great option for formal dinners in a simple style. Although, if you dilute the serving with delicate decor or flowers, this method of folding napkins will be appropriate at an informal dinner with close people.

1. Place the folded napkin in quarters on the table so that the four free corners are at the top right.

2. Take the top free corner and fold it diagonally inward as shown in the photo. Align the fold.

It is very convenient to put cutlery into the formed "pockets", thereby saving space on the table. You can also put a note, flowers, gift, or even a small bun in there.

A beautifully folded napkin will decorate your table. The napkin can be shaped in a variety of ways, from simple traditional to more sophisticated. Note that starched napkins are much easier to fold. But always remember that textile napkins are an indispensable serving element; you cannot do without it, giving preference to paper napkins.

Do not neglect the rules of etiquette. Show respect for your guests by worrying about their appearance, then they will appreciate your concern and in return will thank you for the warm welcome!