How to deal with enlarged pores at home. Professional cosmetic procedures for pore tightening. Traditional methods of treatment

Many of the fair sex carefully monitor their appearance. They give due attention to their face. As sad as it may sound, people with unkempt skin alienate others and create a not very favorable opinion of themselves. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of your skin. Quite often, people are faced with the problem of enlarged pores on the face, which looks very unaesthetic.

General description of the problem

This problem is quite common. It is especially common during adolescence. Many people complex about this and try to get rid of such a cosmetic defect. But before you start dealing with enlarged pores, you need to:

  • Find out what it is.
  • Find out why the extension is happening.
  • Apply the correct treatment method.

This is mainly due to improper or irregular facial care. Of course, there are a lot of problems due to open pores:

  • Ugly and unkempt face.
  • Uneven distribution of makeup.
  • Reproduction of bacteria.
  • Black spots.
  • Acne.

Causes of a cosmetic defect

Speaking about why pores can expand, large clogged pits form, inflammation, an uneven surface that looks unattractive, it should be borne in mind that there may be several provoking factors. There are many reasons for this expansion. These include:

Treatment methods

To get rid of enlarged pores on your face, first of all, you need regular skin care. Every day, without being lazy, you need to wash your face three times.

In the morning, it is advisable to do this with a special foam. In the daytime, wash your face with plain water. It should be at room temperature. In the evening, you can use soap for washing. It should be non-liquid, which contains vitamins.

It is imperative to use only high-quality and natural cosmetics. You should also always have a face cream: nourishing, day or evening. You need to use it once a day. Cosmetologists say that it is best to use a similar cream two to three hours before bed, so that the product can be better absorbed into the skin.

When the problem is deeper, you can use a facial peel. This procedure consists in deep cleansing, while part of the keratinized or dead skin comes off the surface, which makes it possible to rejuvenate the skin and begin proper regeneration. In other words, he simply begins to breathe calmly.

In stores, you can buy a special mask for treating enlarged pores on the face. It is used once or twice a week and afterwards a cream is applied, which every girl or woman should have.

It is imperative to replenish the vitamin composition in the body. To do this, you need to buy vitamins at any pharmacy and drink their course for a month.

Before you deal with enlarged pores on your face, you should pay attention to your lifestyle: stop drinking alcohol and smoking, and also make the right diet. Of course, with a normal diet and no bad habits, you can still notice open pores. It is best to go to a highly qualified doctor who will prescribe tests that will help find the real cause of the problem, because it may also be a malfunction of the internal organs. Open pores in this case are just a signal from the body about an existing ailment. This should not be ignored.

3% of people who have open pores have stomach and duodenal ulcers. Therefore, when the whole problem lies precisely in the internal disruption of the work of organs, unfortunately, various manipulations, even in the most expensive salons, will not help. They will only temporarily mask a cosmetic defect, but it will return again. It is imperative to start treatment with full confidence that the root cause of the problem has been identified.

Traditional methods of treatment

Of course, in the 21st century there are various salon procedures that can remove and narrow pores in a short time, but not everyone can afford it. Many people start looking for advice in traditional medicine. wanting to get rid of large pores on the face.

This problem is not new, so there are many recipes that save you from it.

It must be remembered that such funds are effective, safe, but they should not be abused. And their incorrect use can either not give positive dynamics in treatment, or worsen the condition of the skin. For this reason, it is worth following the procedures strictly according to the advice of our ancestors. It is imperative that you choose a product exactly for your type of face.... Tips and Recipes:

  1. You need to take laundry soap, chop or grate on a fine grater. Then add mineral water, but without gas. Mix everything thoroughly and turn into a thick foam. After that, rub the composition on a clean face in circular movements, but only in problem areas of the skin. Then rinse everything well. Be sure to have a nourishing cream on hand. Apply it to the surface of the skin immediately after the procedure. You can repeat the procedure twice a week for one month. This mask is suitable exclusively for normal skin types that are not prone to flaking. After two weeks, the pores will be completely visually invisible, but the full course of therapy is one month. Do not quit the procedure as soon as you notice an improvement.
  2. Plain ice is another way to get rid of enlarged pores on the nose, cheeks, forehead, or other area of ​​the face. To do this, you need to pour water into ordinary molds, it can be boiled or ordinary, even with gas. Cosmetologists recommend using carbonated mineral. Leave for a day so that the liquid freezes well. Lightly, in a circular motion, wipe your face with ice cubes. Such a procedure will be able to narrow the pores, and also significantly rejuvenate the face. It is worth doing such manipulations in one day and only in the morning, they especially awaken from sleep not only the person himself, but the entire body, charging him with vigor. It is recommended to do the procedures for one month, after which it is worth taking a short break.
  3. You can also take a regular ascorbic tablet, drip a couple of drops of water to turn it into a liquid form, add honey or a simple face cream, then apply it on the skin for 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly. This procedure is suitable for normal and oily skin types. The duration of treatment is two months, you need to do it five times a week, apply cream after each manipulation.
  4. A honey-lemon mask will help to narrow open pores. For cooking, you need to take a small plate, preferably a plastic one, drip a few drops of lemon, add honey and olive oil. Use three times a week as a mask. Apply on face for 10 minutes. Suitable for all skin types. The course of treatment is one month.
  5. Once a week, you should do a toothpaste mask. This is a pretty old but proven way. Apply regular toothpaste to clean skin for 15 minutes. It is best to wait until it is completely dry. Then thoroughly rinse everything and wipe the skin with fruit ice in a circular motion. It is very easy to make it. This will require the juice of any fruit: strawberries, raspberries, you can take mint. Brew the fruit in an ordinary mug and let it cool, then pour it into molds and freeze it in the refrigerator. This method is also suitable for all skin types. It must be treated within one month.
  6. The simplest ingredients are required to prepare the mask. Take two teaspoons of baking soda and dilute with plain, unboiled water until a gruel is formed. Apply the composition to the face for five minutes, then rinse everything and spread with a nourishing cream. The procedure is suitable for normal to oily skin. You need to do it twice a month for six months.
  7. You can make a mask from regular honey. Just apply it on your face for half an hour and rinse everything off with warm water. Suitable for all skin types, can be used once a day for two months, after which it is worth taking a short break.
  8. Masks are central to the fight against enlarged pores. Therefore, they should be given due attention. The composition of garlic cleanses the skin especially well, but it is suitable for normal to oily skin. You need to take five small garlic cloves, peel them and turn them into gruel, add a little soda and fir oil, then apply on your face for no more than five minutes. Rinse off thoroughly, preferably with a facial foam. This procedure should be done once a week for a month.
  9. It is very helpful to wipe the skin with tea tree or eucalyptus oil. These products perfectly soothe the skin, fight acne, acne and even blackheads. At the same time, they perfectly nourish the epidermis
  10. It is very useful to steam the face, then apply a thick layer of soap on the steamed skin and rub it into the face with light movements, then rinse everything off with warm water, and at the end of the procedure, rinse with ice cold water. This manipulation can be done every day, but do not forget that after each procedure you need to apply a nourishing cream to the skin surface.
  11. It is very useful to wipe your face with hydrogen peroxide, but you should not apply it too much and often. This tool will be able to get rid of blackheads, narrow pores, cleanse and whiten the face, remove age spots. Great for all skin types, after one month of use you need to take a break for two or three months.

There are little tricks, perhaps not very well known. There is a myth that the water when washing, especially in the morning, should be ice cold. This is an absolute delusion, since the liquid when washing the skin of both the face and the whole body must be completely comfortable for the body.

The body of any person is purely individual and therefore it is convenient for someone to wash with cool water, for someone - with warm water. But the best is the liquid for washing, which has room temperature.

It is imperative to wash three times a day, and this also has its own nuances. In the morning, you need to wash your face with foam or just plain water. During the night, the skin rests and practically does not produce fat, and for this reason it remains clean. During the day, you can simply refresh your face with water.

But in the evening you need to wash your skin with soap. After all, a lot of dirt has accumulated on it all day and it is best to get rid of it with a cleanser. It should be creamy. There are many capillary vessels in the face area, which are responsible for the condition of the skin, and if it is very dry, it can cause premature aging.

It is best to manipulate the face in the form of masks in the evening. The most favorable is 19:00.

Most often, the problem of narrowing the pores on the face occurs in women with oily or mixed skin types, which produce a large amount of sebum. Such surplus accumulates in the pores. Over time, comedones are created - sebaceous plugs, due to which the pores, stretching, become very noticeable. The problem of enlarged pores in dry skin is much less common.

1. Protein mask. Whisk the protein well and mix it with the lemon juice. Apply the mixture in a thin layer to your face and lie down. During drying, the product will tighten the face, so for the best effect it is better to take a horizontal position. When the mixture on your face is completely dry, remove any residue and wash your face.
2. Tomato mask. Cut a small tomato into thin slices and cover the entire face with them. After 20 minutes, do a contrasting wash on your skin, alternating between warm and cool water.
3. Apple mask. Grate a small apple and mix it with a pinch of chopped horseradish. Add whipped egg white to them and stir. Apply the finished mass to your face, wait 15 minutes, and then do a contrasting wash.
4. Sour milk mask. Dissolve two crushed aspirin tablets in half a glass of sour milk. Add some lemon juice there and stir. Gently apply the finished mass to the skin, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.
5. Oatmeal mask. Grind a handful of oatmeal, pour boiling water over them and leave until completely swollen. After a while, lightly squeeze the already steamed flakes and apply the resulting gruel to your face.
6. Protein-orange mask. Whisk in the egg white and chop the orange pulp. Combine both products and mix well. If the product ends up being too liquid, you can add crushed oatmeal to it. But, if you guessed the consistency, you can do without them. Apply the mask to the skin, cover your face with gauze and hold the mixture for about half an hour.
7. Mask their starch. Dissolve a spoonful of starch with currant juice. Apply the mixture in a thin layer to your face and wait until it dries completely. This composition perfectly tightens the skin and tightens the pores.
8. Honey mask. Pour natural honey, salt and starch with warm milk in such an amount to make a thick mixture. Apply the thoroughly mixed mass in several layers on the face, and rinse off after 25 minutes.
9. Clay mask. Dilute a small amount of white clay with lemon juice mixed with water. Rub the mass until smooth and apply in a thin layer on the face. You can wash it off after complete drying. This clay mask perfectly tightens the skin while simultaneously cleansing and tightening pores.
After using a pore-tightening mask, rubbing your face with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile or mineral water is very useful. Such a small procedure will perfectly consolidate the result and increase the skin tone.
Lotions and tonics
After cleansing the pores, they should be closed, therefore it is necessary to use high quality tonics and lotions. These products may contain astringent ingredients: extracts of rosemary, birch, lemon, hawthorn and calendula.
Scrubs and gommages
Pore-tightening cosmetics, in addition to basic cleansers, are also represented by auxiliary preparations for deep cleansing of the face - scrubs and gommages. Hommages, unlike scrubs, are cream-based products designed to exfoliate dead cells. Scrubs should be used for dense, oily skin, while gommages are ideal for mixed and sensitive skin. However, if you need to quickly narrow pores, then you should visit a professional beautician for this purpose.

The type of facial skin determines the basic rules of skin care. There is one problem that exists in women of all ages - enlarged pores on the face. This cosmetic defect is most often a sign of oily and combination skin type, and is located on the skin of the nose, forehead and chin. It is necessary to fight with enlarged pores on the face, especially since in our time there are a huge number of special cosmetics, salon procedures and folk remedies for this.

Enlarged pores on the face not only look unattractive, but also contribute to the growth of bacteria, which, in turn, causes acne. If you ignore the enlarged pores, then over time they increase in size, then acne and pimples appear, the skin becomes "greasy" and "blackheads" are formed. Therefore, with such a disadvantage, it is necessary to fight at an early stage.

Most often, enlarged pores on the face are companions of girls during puberty and are accompanied by an inflammatory process. In the presence of problems in the gynecological sphere or in the area of ​​the gastrointestinal tract, inflammation can be more acute. Enlarged pores often disappear with age, but there are times when they continue to ruin life for a single year.

Causes of enlarged pores on the face.
In fact, there are plenty of reasons for the appearance of enlarged pores on the face. Their occurrence can be facilitated by a genetic predisposition, hormonal disruptions, sunburn and dehydration, neglect or improper implementation of the procedure for cleansing the skin from impurities and dead cells, the use of low-quality decorative cosmetics, improper use and selection of decorative cosmetics, unhealthy diet, bad habits, constant stress in conditions of modern life and many other factors. So, for example, due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation in the skin, the process of collagen production is disrupted, which leads to an increase in pores.

But, of course, a common cause of this cosmetic defect is the improper use of cosmetics or their irregular use.

Treatment of enlarged pores.
You can eliminate enlarged pores on the face using the peeling procedure, due to which, as a result of cleaning the skin epithelium, all irregularities on its surface are leveled, including fine wrinkles, and the skin of the face looks renewed. With this procedure, the stratum corneum is removed, which stimulates the regeneration of the skin, as a result of which its elasticity increases.

Chemical peels, in particular with the use of trichloroacetic acid - TCA, help to narrow pores and improve skin condition. Thanks to modern technologies and the qualifications of specialists, this type of peeling is easily tolerated even by people with sensitive skin type. During this procedure, dead cells are removed, and an active process of penetration of substances into the deep layers of the skin.

Glycolic peels are also effective against enlarged facial pores. This procedure also tightens pores, exfoliates the skin surface, using a glycolic acid solution.

Enzyme peels are also a type of superficial exfoliation that also helps to tighten pores and unclog skin. The enzyme peel contains special enzymes (bromelain, trypsin and papain) that cleanse the contents of the pores and help smooth out skin turgor.

The most effective procedure, which is carried out in salons, is considered to be microdermabrasion, which narrows pores, removes fine wrinkles and cleanses the skin of the dead skin cells. When carrying out microdermabrasion, a special scrub is used with the addition of solid microparticles. This procedure, provided that it is performed in the salon by a professional beautician, can stimulate collagen production. A course of two or three procedures is considered optimal.

Cryotherapy today is a fairly popular procedure in cosmetology. It helps to activate metabolism, improves well-being and overall appearance, including the condition of the pores: there is a noticeable lightening of the skin, a decrease in the production of sebum, and acne disappears. A popular and most useful cryotherapy procedure is cryomassage using liquid nitrogen.

Exposure to the skin with high-frequency currents, carried out with the use of ultrasound (darsonvalization), can solve many skin problems, in particular, eliminate comedones and acne, and significantly improve the color and structure of the skin. Today, devices have appeared on the market that allow this procedure to be carried out at home.

Laser facial cleansing is also a popular treatment for enlarged pores in beauty salons. In addition, this procedure eliminates age spots, the effects of acne in the form of scars, wrinkles, visibly tightens and tones the skin, promotes the production of collagen and elastin.

For deep cleansing of the skin, scrubs can be used, since they contain the smallest granules, thanks to which effective cleansing of the pores of the skin and improvement of blood circulation is carried out. After this procedure, the face should be washed with cold water, or rubbed with ice cubes, which is one of the ways to narrow the pores. However, not everyone is shown such a procedure. For women who have a capillary mesh visible on their face, this procedure is not suitable.

Special care should be taken when using scrubs, as skin with enlarged pores can be easily injured by large particles that can be found in the scrubs, which can have the opposite effect, and the pores will become even larger. Therefore, in order to avoid trouble, you should choose special scrubs that are designed to cleanse skin with enlarged pores. After cleansing the skin, use a toner.

Other cosmetics for enlarged pores.
The cosmetic market offers a huge selection of skin care products with enlarged pores: cleansing gels, milk, with essential oils and plant extracts (lemon, chamomile, basil, orange, clove, aloe, iris, grapefruit).

A daily facial moisturizer should also be a pore-shrinking product. Antimicrobial and constricting components, such as algae, cinnamon, ginger, burnet, should be present in the composition of this kind of cosmetics. People with enlarged facial pores just need to use a toner or lotion every day. They help to narrow the pores after the cleansing procedure. It is best to give preference to quality cosmetics. Pore-tightening tonics contain astringent components: extracts of birch, calendula, lemon, hawthorn, rosemary. And if zinc oxide is present in the lotion, then with its help you can not only narrow the pores of the skin, but also remove excess sebum. After the toner, a daytime moisturizing and protective cream should be applied to the skin, which nourishes and smoothes the skin.

It is best if the tonic that narrows the pores of the skin contains the following components: salicylic and glycolic acids, zinc, witch hazel, glyxil, copper. An excellent cosmetics that narrows the pores of the skin, reduces the secretion of the sebaceous glands and tones the skin, are cosmetics with Dead Sea minerals and plant extracts. It contains vitamins A and E necessary for the skin. Besides, such cosmetics provide a lifting effect.

Folk remedies for enlarged pores on the face.
Masks with a narrowing effect can be prepared independently at home, according to traditional medicine recipes.

Almond mask with herbs to tighten pores.
Take a tablespoon of chopped almonds and pour it hot herbal decoction (1/4 cup), add a teaspoon of flour and half a teaspoon of honey. Stir well until a homogeneous consistency is formed. Apply the resulting mass to the face, after thirty minutes, rinse off the mask with cool water. The herbal decoction is prepared as follows: take two tablespoons of the herbal collection (elderberry, linden, chamomile flowers, pine shoots) and pour a glass of boiling water.

Astringent mask to tighten pores.
Pour one tablespoon of linden flowers with half a glass of boiling water, put on fire. After the formation of a thick mass, remove from heat. The resulting mixture should be applied in a thick layer on the face skin in a warm form for oily skin, after cooling - on dry and normal skin. After 15-20 minutes, wipe the face with a dry cotton pad and rinse with cool water. In the case of dry and normal skin, after such a mask, the skin should be lubricated with a fat cream.

Clay mask for tightening pores.
Cosmetic clay has long been renowned for its properties, including its ability to shrink pores. It can be effectively applied in the form of masks. It absorbs sebum and impurities and tones the skin. In addition, the clay has a bactericidal effect on the skin.

To narrow the pores, you can use rose water, it helps to normalize the work of the sebaceous glands.

Mask the enlarged pores on the face.
Applying a thick layer of foundation will not hide skin imperfections, but will only make them more pronounced. In this case, with enlarged pores, it is recommended to use makeup bases with silicone polymers, which have a matting effect and perfectly smooth out irregularities on the skin. Preference should be given to a lightweight foundation with reflective particles. In areas where the pores are pronounced, a concealer (concealer) should be used. It is not necessary to often use powder to eliminate oily sheen during the day. An alternative would be to use matting wipes. In hot weather, effectively spray thermal water over makeup to refresh your face.

How to prevent enlarged pores?
Everyone knows that it is better to prevent a problem from occurring than to solve it. Therefore, in this case, in order to avoid enlargement of pores, it is necessary to carry out cleansing and moisturizing procedures in time, use mild scrubs and means to regulate the secretion of sebum. Use cool water to wash your face, as hot water expands the pores. It is especially important to protect the skin from the sun's rays by using cosmetics specially designed for this purpose. In addition, the decorative cosmetics used must be of high quality. And finally, you need to monitor your diet, which should include more fresh fruits, vegetables, salads and a lot of liquid (water, green tea, fruit drinks, fresh juices).

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How to get rid of enlarged pores on your face

There are four types of skin: dry, combination, normal and oily. Those with oily skin are somewhat lucky - they don't need to worry about additional moisturizing on their face. This type is less prone to aging, wrinkles appear much later than those with dry or normal skin. In winter, sebum protects the face from the negative effects of low temperatures and cold winds.

However, excess fat production provokes the growth of bacteria. The consequence of this is blackheads, acne, inflammation. Oily skin is characterized by enlarged pores and pronounced shine. How can you eliminate the negative features of oily skin and tighten the pores on your face? Let's answer these questions in detail.

First of all, you should understand the cause of this problem. Excessive sebum expands the pores, dirt and dust gets into them. Over time, impurities build up and blackheads called comedones form on the skin. This environment is conducive to the growth of bacteria that cause acne. In order to prevent the appearance of blackheads, you need to start performing a complex of cosmetic procedures as soon as possible to narrow pores and reduce sebum secretion.

It is very important to perform the procedures not only regularly, but also in moderation. You should not constantly cleanse the skin with aggressive cosmetics, dry it out with alcohol-containing lotions. Such actions will only lead to worse consequences over time.

Causes of enlarged pores on the face

Hereditary predisposition. All cosmetic procedures can narrow such pores only for a short time, and proper daily care will help not to aggravate the situation.

Hormonal Disorders. First, the cause should be eliminated, an endocrinologist's consultation is required.

Gender. In men, the pores on the face are wider than in women.

Puberty, oily problem skin.

Exposure to unfavorable environmental factors, improper diet and bad habits.

Improper skin care and the use of substandard or inappropriate decorative cosmetics for your skin.

To successfully deal with enlarged pores, you need to adhere to the following rules:

1. You need to try to eat right, limit the use of sweet and fatty foods, semi-finished products.

2. It will be useful to adhere to the daily routine, go to bed at the same time, avoid stress and overwork.

3. Periodically visit a beautician, do deep cleansing of the face using professional methods.

4. Regularly carry out cosmetic procedures to narrow the pores at home.

Healthy lifestyle and nutrition

Many people know about the health benefits of proper nutrition, but few adhere to such a regime. Treatment of problem skin should be started with a revision of the diet. It is necessary to completely exclude or at least limit the use of fatty, fried foods, sweets, semi-finished products, foods containing a large amount of food additives.

Food preference should be given to cereals, vegetables, dairy products, lean meat, fruits. You should eat regularly, without overeating and avoiding starvation. Many girls have oily skin when they eat a lot of sweets (cakes, pastries).

You can improve overall well-being and get rid of skin problems if you avoid stress and overwork. You need to rest more, play sports, walk in the fresh air, lead an active lifestyle. You can strengthen the nervous system by mastering some spiritual practices, for example, yoga, meditation. It is useful to do breathing exercises and light gymnastics.

Professional cosmetic procedures for pore tightening

Home skin care should be complemented by regular visits to the beautician for more effective action. Deep cleansing of the face can be done correctly only by a professional; it should include manual cleansing of the face and ultrasonic peeling. Then the beautician must apply a pigmentation mask and cream.

In addition, there are physiotherapy procedures that help improve the condition and appearance of oily skin, restore the normal acid-base balance. These include: cryotherapy, electrophoresis, darsonvalization, galvanization, ultrasound therapy and some other cosmetic measures.

The darsonvalization procedure dries up the skin and tightens the enlarged pores. Thanks to its healing effect, it helps to treat acne. It is carried out with a dry mask. The method is based on exposure to high-frequency alternating current. Prolonged use may cause skin burns.

The use of galvanization provides an enhancement of the cleansing processes due to local stimulation of blood circulation. The method is based on the action of direct current. It should not be used if there are wounds and injuries on the skin.

Microwave therapy accelerates healing processes, destroys bacteria and shrinks pores. It is based on the action of an electromagnetic field.

Cryotherapy dries and heals the skin. The procedure consists in treating skin areas with liquid nitrogen. It has a pleasant cooling and soothing effect on the skin.

Chemical peeling - renews the skin, tightens pores and removes oily sheen. It is carried out in a cosmetology office by a qualified cosmetologist.

Microdermabrasion (mechanical peeling) - tightens pores, cleanses and smoothes the skin, removes fine wrinkles.

Shrinking pores at home

You can get rid of enlarged pores at home without resorting to the help of specialists. The greatest effect can be achieved if cosmetic procedures are carried out regularly. Even the most expensive beauty salons won't be able to shrink pores without basic daily care.

To get rid of enlarged pores on your face, you need to cleanse your face twice a day with a special gel for washing, preferably containing fruit acids. After that, the skin should be treated with a toner for oily skin. Compositions based on salicylic acid, cucumber or lemon juice have an excellent effect of narrowing the pores. You can buy this cosmetics at any store or pharmacy, preferably after consulting a beautician.

Oily skin does not need additional intensive hydration, but it also needs nutrition. Therefore, a day cream should have a light texture, a matting effect and should be appropriate for the woman's age. A night cream should be nourishing, but designed specifically for oily skin. You should be more careful in choosing tonal products and BB-creams, as these cosmetics clog enlarged pores and provoke the formation of even more skin defects. The concealer must be non-gummy and free of silicones. If necessary, you can use local corrective agents.

The courses should use serum with porosity effect once a day for 1-2 weeks.

Once or twice a week, use a homemade chemical peel or scrub and mask to tighten the pores. The scrub is best used with synthetic components, they do not injure the skin. Scrubbing elements of natural origin are crushed fruit seeds. They can injure the skin and provoke inflammation. Masks can be bought ready-made or you can prepare them yourself.

The advantage of self-made cosmetics is the guaranteed freshness of the product and natural composition. In terms of consistency, all mixtures should be thick enough so as not to spread over the face and not dry out. The composition should be prepared in glass or ceramic dishes. Masks are applied to a clean face, left for 15-20 minutes. Then they are washed off with warm water and a pore-thinning cream is applied. The use of masks allows you to quickly get rid of enlarged pores and prevent the appearance of breakouts. They are most effective after deep cleansing of the skin with a scrub, acid or enzymes.

Homemade pore tightening mask recipes

Clay based pore tightening masks

1. Masks based on cosmetic clay

For cooking, use blue, white, black, green clay. You can buy it at the pharmacy. This product cleanses, tightens the skin and tightens pores. Masks are applied in a thick layer to cleansed skin. There are several simple recipes:

The clay should be poured with warm water, mixed thoroughly to a thick consistency, evenly distributed over the face and left for 15-20 minutes until completely dry. Then rinse off.

Mix the clay equally with water and sunflower oil, add a little honey. You can enrich the composition with a few drops of any natural essential oil.

Combine clay with aloe juice, green tea and water. This composition perfectly cleans the pores, pulls out dirt from them. It also reduces the secretion of fat, removes shine, refreshes the skin, relieves inflammation and redness.

2. Porosity masks based on oatmeal

These products help to cure acne and rashes, eliminate redness and blemishes of problem skin, and tighten pores. Masks based on oatmeal are very soft and do not act aggressively on the skin, so they can be applied without harm 2 times a week. It is not difficult to make such a cosmetic product:

Mix 1 tablespoon of pre-steamed flakes with the same amount of sour cream. Add a small amount of lemon juice. This composition cleans the face well, narrows the pores.

Combine the beaten egg white with 2 teaspoons of ground oatmeal. Add cucumber pickle. A greater effect can be achieved by including a spoonful of baking soda or an aspirin tablet in the mixture.

3. Masks for tightening pores based on eggs

This is a very effective remedy available to every woman. At the heart of such funds is egg white whipped to a dense thick mass, therefore such masks are also called foam masks. These formulations should not be used too often, it is optimal to use them 2-3 times a month. There are many options for making a foam mask:

Combine the protein whipped into a cool foam with grated plantain leaves. The resulting green mass narrows the pores well.

Add lemon juice to the egg white. You can also include a small amount of alum in the mask; you can buy these salts at the pharmacy. This remedy works well even on very oily skin.

Mix oat flour and whipped protein until a thick gruel is obtained.

Combine the beaten egg with aloe juice and a small amount of steamed oatmeal. This mask will help remove excess sebum, shrink pores and remove impurities.

Stir in fresh fruit or berry juice with protein. It is best to use natural juice of currant, lemon, viburnum, cherry. Fruit and berry acid perfectly cleanses pores from impurities, and protein narrows them, preventing the appearance of acne.

Combine egg white, beaten with a pinch of salt, and finely grated raw potato.

4. Tomato-based porosity masks

Tomatoes are very healthy and rich in vitamins and nutrients. Tomato masks help to normalize oily skin, remove redness and inflammation. Also, such a remedy stimulates the healing processes of small wounds. Apply tomato masks for 15-20 minutes, remove with warm water. You can use the beneficial properties of tomatoes as follows:

Cut clean tomatoes into circles, distribute over the face, excluding the area around the eyes. Top the mask can be covered with gauze. Such a remedy is the simplest and at the same time very effective.

Peel the tomatoes, chop with a grater or pass through a sieve. Include a little starch or finely chopped potatoes, a little olive oil in the composition. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous thick gruel.

5. Honey masks to tighten pores

Masks based on natural honey help to shrink pores and reduce oily skin. You can prepare them in the following ways:

Combine two dessert spoons of yeast with liquid honey, add green tea, aloe juice or an ordinary face tonic.

Dissolve 4 tablespoons of honey in the same amount of sour cream or yogurt. To enhance the effect, it will be useful to add a little citric acid.

Grind 1 tablespoon of almonds in a coffee grinder, add a hot herbal decoction, which includes 2 tablespoons each of linden flowers, pine shoots, elderberries and chamomile flowers. Then add 1 teaspoon each of honey and flour. Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for 30 minutes.

To improve the condition and appearance of oily skin, tighten pores, get rid of acne and reduce shine, you need to regularly monitor the condition of your skin. It is necessary to combine professional beauty treatments and proper daily home care. It is important to adhere to a healthy diet, lead an active lifestyle. All these recommendations will help get rid of enlarged pores and reduce the oily skin.

The sebaceous glands of oily skin work harder, and they are the reason for the appearance of excess sebum. The male hormone testosterone is to blame for everything, which enhances their work, so the stratum corneum is thicker in oily skin than in normal skin.

But there are absolutely no reasons for frustration: problem skin is not a sentence. In modern cosmetology there is a complex of products that eliminate shine. With proper care, your face will remain flawlessly matte even in the hottest weather.

In summer, it is much more difficult to mask oily sheen, fine wrinkles and enlarged pores with foundation cream. Today we will tell you what to do with problem skin during the hot period.


The main remedy for dealing with enlarged pores is regular cleansing. In summer, due to dust and heat, the skin begins to sweat, which means it quickly becomes dirty. Therefore, it is very important during this period to properly cleanse it, using a gentle foam, gel or mousse that does not contain alkali, or salicylic acid-based products containing caring extracts and vitamins. Do not wash your face with soap and cold water, otherwise dry your skin.

Too hot water will stimulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. The same can be said for alcohol cleansers - they disrupt the hydrolipid balance and ultimately provoke even more sebum production.

If the skin is not only oily, but also sensitive (and this is more common), milk is ideal, allowing you to completely eliminate the negative effects of chlorinated water. Another alternative is cleansing wipes, which help to quickly remove makeup, including around the eyes. Preference should be given to napkins containing aloe extract, tea tree oil and other anti-inflammatory ingredients.


A light exfoliation is needed once or twice a week. For this, use either scrubs or special cleansing masks, for example, in the form of films that freeze on the face. An excellent option is enzyme peels that gently dissolve fat and cleanse the skin of dead skin cells and dirt.

Fruit acid products have good exfoliating properties. But they have a drawback: they whiten the skin and increase its sensitivity to ultraviolet light, which means that the risk of pigmentation may increase.


It is a mistake to think that oily skin should not be moisturized, but only dried. In the summer, extra moisture is necessary for any type of skin, and if you are over 25-30 years old, hydrating agents should become a must. In hot weather, use water-based emulsions, fluids and gels. They have a light texture, are absorbed faster and do not leave a shine.

When choosing a moisturizer, do not be too lazy to study its composition. The most potent products usually contain hyaluronic acid, which actively hydrates the skin. Oily skin really likes products based on seaweed, chamomile and aloe plant extracts, jojoba oil. These ingredients have not only hydrating but also sebum-regulating and soothing properties.

In daytime remedies, it is desirable to have antioxidants - vitamins C and E, extracts of white and green tea. They have an anti-aging effect (prevent skin aging) and reliably protect the skin from negative environmental influences.

Makeup nuances

Before applying a light foundation to your skin, use a special makeup base. It degreases and mattifies the skin. It should be applied after daytime care. The base can be either transparent or colored (green masks redness well, pink will hide a grayish complexion, etc.). Stay away from cosmetics containing lanolin, mineral oils and waxes. Although it softens and moisturizes the skin, it strongly clogs the pores, which leads to the formation of sebaceous plugs and various inflammations.

It is better to use mineral cosmetics as decorative cosmetics. It not only mattifies the skin, but also regulates the sebaceous glands. Mineral powders can be either compact or loose. The latter, by the way, look more natural on the face.

Features of skin care for enlarged pores and shine on the face

It is worth adding sebum-regulating products to the daily care program for oily skin: lotions, tonics, night creams, serums. A good effect will be given by products containing zinc, extracts of licorice, chestnut, sage, essential oils of juniper and cypress. All of them control sebum production and gradually reduce it.

Face masks

Apart from this, masks based on kaolin (white clay) are very useful. It is enough to do them 1-2 times a week. This procedure will quickly and effectively cleanse the pores and even visually narrow them.


Shrinks pores and improves complexion. Apply beaten egg white mixed with lemon zest to cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.


Slightly dries the skin. Apply fat-free kefir on your face with a cotton swab, rinse off after 15 minutes.


Cleans and brightens the skin. Mix 1 tsp. a spoonful of lemon juice with 20 g of yeast, add a little warm milk, apply on the skin for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.


Refreshes the skin. Rub the cucumber on a fine grater, add boric acid (in a 6: 1 ratio). Apply for 10 minutes. Rinse and rub your skin with lotion.

Sun protection

Sun protection is one of the essential steps in summer skin care for shine-prone skin. For the city, the usual daytime or even foundation with 15 will be quite enough.

But for long walks and even more so for the beach, pick up special tools. For owners of oily and sensitive skin, cosmetics with physical filters (titanium dioxide, zinc dioxide) are suitable. It is considered the safest in terms of comedogenicity (contamination of pores on the face) and has a mild mattifying effect. The texture of sunscreen products should also be as light as possible, it is better to give preference to gels and sprays that are completely imperceptible on the skin.

On a note

If your face shines during the day, matting wipes will help. A small piece of rice paper (brand manufacturers) or cellulose (simpler manufacturers) will remove excess fat from the skin, refresh and invigorate it, and make it velvety. Usually, wipes are used to treat the T-zone of the face; additional bonus: you don't have to use powder again.

Modern cosmetics manufacturers produce salicylic alcohol-free wipes. They are effective due to microfibers and various polymer particles, on which special powdered substances are applied to make the skin matte and make fine wrinkles and enlarged pores on the face invisible.

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