What if the baby cries before peeing? Why a child before peeing: causes of pain when urinating in girls and boys Causes of crying before urinating associated with pain or discomfort

A healthy infant has a sound sleep, he eats with pleasure, relieves needs without any problems. However, sometimes the baby's immunity weakens, and malaise appears. One of the problems encountered in young children is painful urination. Why does a newborn or older toddler cry when he pees? What is the reason, and how to fix this situation?

Crying baby during urination is a problem that needs to be urgently addressed, as it can be a serious illness

Diagnosis of malaise

If a newborn cries before urinating, twists his legs, makes faces, there is no need to immediately seek help from a specialist, especially at night. First you need to carefully study the state of the crumbs. To do this, you should determine:

  • whether the baby's health has worsened, whether the temperature has risen;
  • whether the baby's nighttime sleep and appetite have deteriorated;
  • whether the skin under the diaper looks healthy, possibly a prickly sweat;
  • the urine has changed color.

If the toddler is cheerful, plays with pleasure, eats, and shows anxiety only during the trip to the toilet, you should not worry. This is how the baby shows that he just needs to empty his bladder. The excitement of the crumbs, who is a month old, is understandable: urine accumulates in the bladder, because of which it stretches and brings an unfamiliar sensation to the newborn. Then the child calls his mother to help him overcome his anxiety. It is more difficult for boys to cope with the feeling of a full bladder than for females who find this difficult process easier.

If a month-old baby cries before urinating, the girl becomes painful to write, it is worthwhile to carefully study the problem (for more details, see the article :). Perhaps the baby wants to say that he is worried about a serious illness.

Normally, urination in an infant should not cause any discomfort.

Signs of abnormalities

If it hurts a child, no matter a girl or a boy, to write, by his behavior alone he makes his parents understand that something is wrong with him:

  1. Babies under one year old do not pay attention to their bladder emptying process. If discomfort appears, then the newborn cries when he pees, gets very nervous, screams, tightens his legs (for more details, see the article :).
  2. Children under 2-3 years old go to the toilet without any excitement. In case of painful sensations, the baby cries, pushes. The child can show where it hurts, or refuse to write.
  3. Children from 3 years old can report painful sensations to their mother and indicate the genitals. They resist going to the bathroom after experiencing pain when urinating.

If the child becomes painful to write, it is likely that the urinary system is inflamed, the baby may experience cramps, itching, burning, false desires, discomfort in the lower back and lower abdomen. It is definitely worth noting these symptoms and referring to the pediatrician.

Older babies can show their mom that they are in pain. With babies, things are more complicated.

Sources of pain

If it hurts a boy or girl to write, it is necessary to determine the reasons for the discomfort during the emptying of the bladder. They can be different.


Pain during urination can be allergic in nature:

  1. Soap getting into the urinary tract and genitals (we recommend reading :). If the baby has itching and burning after bathing, it is better to rinse it with water. If the child is older, you should explain to him that it is correct to soap the hands, not the genitals, and show him how to rinse the soap thoroughly.
  2. Contact dermatitis. If the baby cries before peeing, examine the skin under the diaper. You can not ignore the appearance of a rash, peeling, redness of the skin. Perhaps the cream or oil that is used under the diaper is not suitable for the baby, as it causes allergies. However, inflammation of the skin can also indicate a serious illness.

The reason for crying when the skin is irritated lies in the fact that the urine stings the inflamed skin, causing pain in the little one. The kid screams, notifying the parents of what has happened. In this case, it is necessary to change the diaper, use powder or another hypoallergenic skin care product after gentle washing. If inflammation persists, you should consult a pediatrician.

Having diaper dermatitis can make your baby painful when urinating. In this case, it is necessary to cure the disease as soon as possible.


Another group of reasons for the appearance of painful sensations in which it is very painful for a child to write is caused by an infection in the body:

  1. Vulvovaginitis and synechiae. Diseases are caused by bacteria, infections in the body, or foreign objects. If it hurts a girl to write, you need to examine her crotch (more in the article :). If there is a discharge with a yellow or green tint, it means that the vagina is infected, and the baby urgently needs to visit a pediatric gynecologist (we recommend reading :). The cause of the development of infection is pathogens that get on the mucous membrane and multiply. They appear in the genitals of the baby as it passes through the maternal birth canal. Then itching, burning begins. When trying to urinate, urine gets on the inflamed mucous membrane, causes pain, which makes it painful for the girl to write, she cries a lot. With a prolonged course of the disease, synechiae is possible - fusion of the labia, up to the closure of the urinary canal. If the baby feels pain immediately before, or during the trip to the toilet, you need to carefully examine the labia: if adhesions are visible, you need to consult a pediatric gynecologist.
  2. Urinary tract infection. Cystitis and urethritis cause frequent and painful urination, burning, pain in the abdomen and lower back, as well as foul urine odor and urge incontinence. When the baby is in pain, he screams before relieving himself - examine his urine. If it is patchy, cloudy, pus, blood, or particulate matter, then an infection is present. The toddler refuses to eat, his body temperature rises. It is recommended to be examined by a specialist without delay.

With an infection of the genitourinary system, specialist help and compulsory treatment are required

Other reasons

Some diseases can appear both due to the onset of infection and for other reasons, for example, due to an anomaly in the structure of the vesicoureteral segment or metabolic disorders in the body. Among them:

  1. Balanitis and balanoposthitis. If a boy screams when urinating, you need to look at the penis and its foreskin. With balanitis, the penis becomes inflamed, with balanoposthitis, the skin turns red, edema appears, the temperature may rise, as the inflammatory process is taking place. You should show your baby to a pediatrician or urologist.
  2. The formation of kidney stones, or a foreign body in the urethra. In this case, severe pain appears first in the back, then in the abdomen and urinary system. Difficulty emptying the bladder. The kid tries not to move so as not to worsen the pain.
  3. Vesicoureteral reflux. The pathology is the reflux of urine from the bladder back into the kidney, accompanied by back pain during urination. This is a chronic disease, with the intensification of which the baby shudders while going to the toilet and cries.

If signs of illness appear

When the baby has difficulty urinating and it is very painful for the child to write, there is severe pain in the lower abdomen or back, it is urgent to show it to a specialist (see also :). The doctor will examine the baby, write out a referral for tests, as well as for an ultrasound scan. For the boy, you will also need to take a scraping of the flora from the genitals in order to determine the presence of microbes in the urethra and to understand whether they cause inflammation.

If necessary, the doctor will refer the child for an ultrasound

It is not worth getting rid of pain by self-medication, you need to call an ambulance. Let the baby choose the least painful position for himself, do not change it until the doctor arrives. It is only allowed to take the necessary measures if the temperature rises.

Cases in which you need to immediately visit a specialist:

  • the baby is pushing, twisting with his legs, but cannot pee;
  • there is blood in the urine;
  • the baby's belly is swollen, the baby has difficulty emptying the bladder;
  • the child urinates frequently, with pain;
  • the urine has a bad smell;
  • urinary incontinence (enuresis) after a period of stable urinary control.

Visit to a specialist

Violation of the urine output function in the body is studied by a urologist and a nephrologist. These doctors are accepted when parents and a child with severe pain directly contact them, or when another doctor has referred the patient to them, as well as after calling an ambulance.

At the appointment, the doctor will find out the cause of the infection and prescribe the necessary treatment

When making an appointment with a specialist, prepare for the following questions:

  1. How long has the pain started?
  2. How does the baby react to the process of emptying the bladder, how does he behave before and after relieving himself?
  3. Why did the disease appear?
  4. Is it the first time that painful sensations have appeared?
  5. Does the baby have congenital anomalies of the urinary system?
  6. Did the parents try to cure the child themselves?

Knowing the answers to such questions will allow the specialist to quickly determine what is happening with the child and how to help him. As a rule, the standard set of tests prescribed for pain in the urinary system includes a general analysis of urine and blood, a Nechiporenko test, an examination of the pelvic organs, as well as an ultrasound of the urinary tract and kidneys.

Treatment and prevention methods

After studying the disease, a treatment plan is drawn up in a certain form. If pathogenic microbes are present in the body, antibiotics and antimicrobial agents are offered. The patient is recommended:

  • bed rest;
  • low-salt diet;
  • physiotherapy treatments to stop the inflammation process.

Complete nutrition, containing vitamins and biologically active substances to enrich the diet, as well as strengthening the immune system - this is what should be done in order to prevent inflammatory processes of the kidneys and urinary tract in children. You can not let the child freeze, this has a special relation to the girl. Their urinary canal is wider and shorter, therefore, inflammation of the urinary tract sets in faster, and it hurts the girl to write.

A child is much more active than an adult. In combination with increased curiosity and lack of experience, this often leads to injury, hypothermia, burns and other situations that can harm your health.

But the connection between the symptom of the disease and the actions of the baby is not always obvious. Often mothers cannot understand why the child is crying when urinating, what caused the pain and what measures should be taken.

The situation is complicated by the fact that children, due to their age, cannot always tell what worries them. If a child cries while peeing, you need to pay attention to all the changes that have occurred: the volume and color of urine, frequency of urination, body temperature. Do not delay the visit to the doctor: correct and timely treatment will help to quickly eliminate the cause of the pain, relieve the baby from suffering.

Pain during urination in children most often occurs due to hypothermia. But the reason is not the effect of low temperature itself, but the infections and inflammatory processes that develop against the background of this.

The likelihood of contracting viruses or bacteria is higher during an epidemic, when visiting crowded places, especially swimming pools, saunas.

And, of course, immunocompromised children are primarily at risk.

Painful urination in a child may be the result of excessive curiosity. At a certain age, children develop an increased interest in the peculiarities of their bodies, including the structure and functioning of the external genitourinary organs. During a diagnostic examination, foreign objects are found in the urethra: beads, small parts from toys, buttons.

Sometimes pain during urination occurs due to genetic characteristics, hormonal disruptions, malformations of the organs of the urinary system. These factors are difficult to influence, but it is important to identify them in time and begin treatment.

Painful urination can be a sign of the following conditions:

  • Cystitis. With this disease, the mucous membrane of the bladder becomes inflamed, the child often asks to pee, but the volume of urine is small. The process is accompanied by pain. Sometimes a bacterial infection is attached.
  • Kidney stone disease. There are many reasons for its occurrence: hereditary predisposition, endocrine disruptions, deficiency or excess of certain vitamins, disorders of urine outflow, etc. The basis for the formation of a stone can be a foreign body in the urethra, blood clots, fibrin, bacteria. In this case, the child pushes when urinating and does not move, so as not to provoke an attack of pain.
  • Vesico-pelvic reflux. With such a violation, urine is thrown from the bladder back into the pelvis. This is because the sphincter, which is supposed to prevent fluid from returning, contracts incorrectly. The reason for this may be congenital and acquired pathologies of the urinary tract, frequent infectious and inflammatory processes in them.

Less commonly, the causes of painful urination in girls are vulvovaginitis and synechiae (fused labia). Boys have a narrowed urethra outlet and balanitis (inflammation of the glans penis).

Determining the symptoms of diseases is complicated by the fact that children often cannot describe their condition, make complaints, and determine the location of pain. A newborn baby cries before and during urination, makes sudden movements, screams.

At the age of 3 years, there are more means to indicate the condition: the baby can point to the genitals, hold on to them with his hand, and run away from the pot.

Older children can already at least approximately show the place of pain and even describe its nature (stings, burns, hurts a lot, or just a little).

Each of the diseases that can cause pain during urination are accompanied by a number of symptoms:

  • With infections of the urinary tract, including cystitis, the child has a burning sensation or pain when urinating, pain. The kid often pees, does not have time to reach the pot. The portions of urine are small, sometimes a few drops with an unpleasant odor. Characterized by an increase in temperature, bouts of vomiting, appetite disturbances. Pus and blood during urination in children appear with severe cystitis.
  • With kidney stones, urine may also contain pus and blood. The pain is localized not only in the genitourinary organs, but also in the abdomen, lower back, on the front and inner thighs. By nature, it is colic - acute, sudden. Nausea, weakness may appear. In a certain position, often lying on its side, it becomes easier for the child.
  • With vesico-pelvic reflux, pain is localized in the lumbar region, but it can be difficult for babies to determine this, and they indicate the abdomen. Urination is not difficult, the urge is frequent, sometimes by itself does not cause pain. The pathology is characterized by a chronic course. If an aggravation occurs, the child flinches when urinating from unexpected discomfort.

If your child has pain during urination, you should first contact your pediatrician. He will conduct an initial survey and either prescribe treatment himself, or give a referral to a narrow specialist. Depending on the assumptions about the disease, this can be a nephrologist, urologist or gynecologist.

In a newly born baby, the muscles of the genitourinary system are weak, so urination is reflex and is not accompanied by discomfort. As the body develops, muscles become stronger. If a newborn cries before going to the toilet, this symptom cannot be ignored.


If the baby cries first and then pees, perhaps we are talking about irritation, which inevitably arises if the parents forget to change the diaper in time. In this case, emptying is accompanied by a burning sensation and other unpleasant sensations. Compliance with basic hygiene standards will help to solve the problem.

If irritation has already appeared, you need to wash the child with warm water more often, and then apply baby cream, powder and talcum powder. For water procedures, you can use decoctions of chamomile and celandine - they have good anti-inflammatory properties. If you use soap, it should be baby or antibacterial.

Boys problems

If a male baby is naughty and crying before urinating, and parents observe hygiene when caring for him, serious pathologies can be a problem:

  • phimosis;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • prolapse of the testicles;
  • urethritis.

Phimosis is an abnormality in the development of the penis.

Phimosis is an abnormality in the development of the penis when the foreskin prevents the glans from opening. As a result, the emptying process becomes more difficult. In addition, the appearance of pain or the development of inflammatory processes is possible. In such a situation, specialist advice is needed. Phimosis is usually treated with surgery.

With balanoposthitis, inflammation spreads to the head of the penis and the foreskin. Therapy is strictly mandatory and is carried out under the supervision of a specialist. Boys' testicles normally drop about a month after birth. If this does not happen, a survey is carried out at the age of one. When spontaneous descent does not occur, the operation is indicated for the little patient.

Pyelonephritis is a serious kidney disease that requires long-term treatment under the supervision of a nephrologist. A urologist will help cure urethritis and cystitis. If alarming symptoms appear, do not delay the visit to a specialist. Timely help will help avoid serious complications and health problems.

Girls problems

When a newborn baby cries before emptying the bladder, we can talk about such pathologies as:

  • inflammation of the vagina;
  • fusion of the urethra;
  • synechiae;
  • kidney disease.

The most common cause is vaginal inflammation. It can be provoked by infection during childbirth, microtrauma, non-compliance with simple hygiene standards. If it hurts a girl to write, her genitals should be carefully examined. If there is a discharge of a yellow or green hue, you urgently need to show the baby to a gynecologist.

The causative agent of the disease is pathogenic microorganisms that infect the mucous membrane and actively multiply. Then itching and burning sensation appear. When emptying, urine enters the inflamed area and causes pain, which causes the baby to cry. The result of inflammation can be a complication such as synechia - sticking of the labia minora. At the initial stage, all violations are easily eliminated, but if the disease is started, the treatment will cause many problems.

The most common cause of newborn girls is vaginal inflammation.

Cystitis and urethritis cause painful and frequent urination, burning, bad urine odor, and incontinence. If the girl is crying, check her urine before urinating. If it is cloudy and heterogeneous, there are visible impurities of blood or pus in it, we are talking about an infection. In this case, the newborn refuses to eat, his temperature rises. Such symptoms are a reason to visit a pediatrician.

In the first weeks after birth, the newborn and his mother are just getting used to each other, and much of the baby’s behavior is incomprehensible to the mother. Why, for example, does the baby worry about the breast during feeding? There are many reasons for this, and we decided to describe them and suggest ways to overcome difficulties. Let's start with the cause of the child's anxiety, which mothers call the first, but which really exists the least often.

Lack of milk

This is the first thing that comes to mind, whose baby cries a lot, including at the breast. One of the biggest difficulties with breastfeeding, oddly enough, is that breastfeeding mothers do not know exactly how much milk their babies are getting, and if they are getting enough of it.

If your child is overly anxious, most outside well-wishers will most likely point out to you that the child is probably hungry. Since you are a mother, such remarks can make you feel guilty. After all, it is you who are responsible for feeding the baby! How to dispel doubts and fears associated with a lack of milk?

  1. Watch your little one urinate and defecate. After the sixth day of life, you should receive at least six wet and one dirty diapers per day. If so, your milk is enough for the baby.
  2. Frequent feedings are normal. In the first few weeks of life, a newborn usually needs 8-12 feeds per day. In the beginning, you may need to hold it against your chest at times almost constantly. For several hours, he will demand it very often, and then fall asleep for four to five hours. As the baby learns to suckle more effectively, the number of feedings decreases.
  3. Monitor your baby's weight. By two weeks, the baby should have regained the weight at which it was born, and in the next two to three months gain at least 150 grams per week.

If you are still worried that you are low on milk, you may find it helpful to have a lactation consultant monitor, evaluate your baby's weight gain, and advise on ways to increase milk supply, if necessary.

Swelling of the breast

Sometimes the baby's restless behavior near the breast is caused by breast swelling. Excessive breast swelling most often occurs in the first weeks after childbirth. To reduce it, express some milk by hand or with a quality breast pump to make the breast softer and easier for the baby to pick up. Avoid expressing too much milk, as this can cause excess milk production later on, which will only worsen the swelling. Apply cold compresses to your breasts between feeds to reduce swelling and soreness.

Flat or depressed nipples

The baby may also feel nervous when latching on to the breast if the mother has flat or depressed nipples. To stretch them out, you can wear special pads between feedings. Turning on the pump for a few minutes before putting your baby to your breast will help pull the nipples and also start the flow of milk, so the baby will receive it right away and will be more likely to continue to suckle instead of quitting and crying.

In some cases, a woman has to use pads to help suckle until the nipples bulge. This should happen after about two to four weeks of breastfeeding. If you are having difficulty with flat or depressed nipples, seek help from a breastfeeding consultant as soon as possible.

Improper attachment, uncomfortable posture

Another reason for restless breast behavior is wrong position... Both the mother and the baby can be uncomfortable, which makes the impact on the breast not as it should be, and a sufficient flow of milk is disturbed. If your baby is very nervous, it is best for you to use the armpit position (when you hold the baby to the side of you, placing it firmly against the nearest breast) or the cradle (when you hold the baby horizontally at the breast), since these positions allow you to control his head.

These positions provide the ability to guide and hold the baby towards the chest. The baby's nose and chin should be pressed into the mother's chest. He usually sucks better when his mother holds him tight. If something makes you uncomfortable while feeding, contact a counselor. Perhaps this is the reason for your baby's anxiety.

Gastroesophageal reflux

Almost all children have gastroesophageal reflux to some degree. This medical term denotes a condition in which the annular muscle (sphincter), which blocks the entrance to the stomach, has not yet fully formed and does not always completely cover the opening. Because of this, some of the milk, along with gastric juice, can flow back into the esophagus, causing what we call heartburn.

As anyone who has ever experienced it knows, it is quite an unpleasant sensation. Just as an adult can relieve it by sitting with a straight back, a child can usually be helped by being held upright.

Reflux can sometimes occur during feeding. It can be prevented by holding the baby more upright or by taking breaks from time to time to let the baby "stand" for a while. As his muscles develop as he progresses, cases of reflux become more and more rare.

Sometimes the problem is so serious that the baby is unable to eat properly due to reflux. In such cases, you need to see a doctor.

Increased gas production

All newborns have flatulence... When a child begins to eat, he triggers reflex gas production, which is necessary for the waste generated during feeding to be quickly excreted from the body. This prevents constipation.

Because breast milk is very easy to digest, it takes very little time for this food to pass through the baby's gastrointestinal tract. You can often hear characteristic sounds when your baby is still sucking. Although all children have gas, some tolerate it better than others. The time of day can also affect this. Apparently, the problem of flatulence becomes more noticeable at the end of the day. Traditionally, this time is considered to be the most hectic. The child does not seem to want to let go of the breast at all, and this, in turn, can aggravate flatulence. This problem disappears on its own as the baby develops.

How to calm a crying child
Many of the methods that promote tranquility involve simulating prenatal conditions in one way or another. Make sure the air temperature is comfortable - not too hot or too cool. Change diapers in time. The baby can feel calm if he is firmly pressed to himself or rocked. Either monotonous sounds - music or the buzzing of electrical appliances - can be effective. You can carry your baby in a sling, thereby providing him with comfort and getting the opportunity to do some business at the same time.
You can involve someone from the family in calming the child - for example, a father, grandmother or grandfather; in this case, the baby will not smell breast milk coming from the mother, which can turn him on. It will also give the mother the opportunity to take some time for herself.

Physiological lactase deficiency

At the beginning of breastfeeding, breast milk is more saturated with milk sugar - lactose. It is called "front". After 10-15 minutes of feeding with the same breast, she begins to produce hind milk. It is richer in fats, which neutralize lactose and thereby reduce gas production. If the baby is getting too much front milk and not getting back milk, excess lactose and a lack of the enzyme lactase, which increases flatulence.

Try to have your baby suckle from one breast for at least 12-15 minutes to get hind milk. When the baby grows up and suckles more efficiently, it will begin to get to him in a shorter period of time after the start of feeding. Hind milk has a soothing effect and helps restless babies to fall asleep. Most newborns naturally fall asleep at the end of a feed due to the sedative effect of hindmilk.

The child chokes on milk

While the child only learns to suckle the breast, the so-called milk ejection reflex may be too powerful for him and lead to the fact that he will choke. Because of this, the baby may throw up the breast and become nervous. Press firmly on the breast for about a minute to stop the milk from flowing too fast, and then attach the baby to the breast again. Try expressing some milk before breastfeeding and see if you can trigger an ejection reflex before the baby takes over. Feed your baby in an armpit position. As you grow older, your baby can easily deal with the effects of the milk ejection reflex in any feeding position.


On rare occasions, the baby is nervous and throws the breast from soaps or creams you put on your breasts or nipples... If you start using a new product and the baby becomes more nervous, wash it off and start feeding again.


A baby in the mouth or mother's nipples may develop yeast- so-called . You will see white specks in your baby's mouth.

Your nipples may turn bright red or start to itch, and they may feel a burning sensation after feeding. During feedings, the baby may be more restless than usual.

See a doctor. If he confirms you have a fungal infection, both you and your baby will have to undergo treatment.

Too noisy and light

In some children, excessive anxiety is associated with hyperstimulation. They can be calmer during feeding if it is done in a dark and quiet room.

Hello everyone! Today we will talk in detail about what should be the care of a newborn baby and consider 23 important tips that should be in the arsenal of every mother caring for a child.

The first hours after a baby is born can be very exciting and joyful. The minutes when you first hold a child in your arms, you can feel how your dreams, plans and hopes have come true!

Many mothers ask the question, what is caring for a newborn baby, what and how to do it right? It is very important that the child is with his mother from the first minutes. They need to be together so that no one bothers them. Seeing a child's face after waiting, bringing him home and giving him love is wonderful.

Caring for a newborn begins with the understanding that the child needs a mother, because only with her will he feel safe. When he was born, he found himself in a new environment and now he can feel your skin, hair and hear your voice. Experts believe that newborns are able to recognize their mother's voice and smell and therefore feel protected. That is why it is important that the mother takes care of the child from the first minutes of life.

With the advent of a newborn in the house, there are always many questions about his care. Here are 23 of the most common questions parents ask.

1. Why does the child have this skin color?

Often, a newborn has a yellowish or reddish skin color. Should I worry? This color of the skin is due to the excess of bilirubin in the blood (this substance is produced as a result of the destruction of red blood cells). The baby's liver is not yet able to process this substance well and therefore the skin acquires such a specific color.

As a rule, to solve this problem, it is enough to expose the child to sunlight. Of course, this should not be direct sunlight. Just place the cradle closer to the window, but so that the light does not shine directly into your eyes.

2. Why does the baby have such dry skin?

Excessively dry skin is part of a child's adaptation to drier environments. After all, before that, the child was in the mother's stomach for 9 months, being completely in a liquid environment.

Use a cream or oil to care for the skin of a newborn baby several times a day. Add skin care products when bathing your baby.

3. Why does the baby hiccup so much?

The baby hiccups because his diaphragm is still immature. The diaphragm is a muscle that regulates the amount of air entering the lungs. In about three or four months, these hiccups will go away.

Until then, you can try giving your baby some water in a bottle or changing his position.

4. Care of the umbilical wound of the newborn

Caring for a newborn baby necessarily includes such a question as the correct handling of the navel.

Keep your navel dry and clean.

Use a bandage over the wound. It is convenient to do this when changing diapers.

If the navel does not heal, has a strange color, or smells bad, then you need to see a doctor, as the child may have an infection.

5. How to bathe a child?

The air temperature in the bathroom should be about 22 degrees. The water temperature is about 37 degrees.

Undress your baby and place him in the tub. Support your baby's neck and shoulders.

Wash your hair to prevent seborrheic dermatitis.

Once you get your baby out of the water, wrap the baby in a towel. The head should also be wrapped.

When the baby is dry, spread the cream over it.

Also, mothers often wonder what it should be like, where the child sleeps ..

6. Why does the child often sneeze?

Do not worry. If a newborn baby sneezes, this does not mean that he is cold. This is a common reflex that helps the baby clear the airways.

In the event that sneezing is accompanied by fever or other suspicious symptoms, then you need to call a doctor.

Most of what newborns do, they do reflexively. When they are hungry or unhappy, they automatically start crying. For them, the advice does not fit in any way: first think, and then act.

Familiar smells

The ability for a heightened sense of smell develops simultaneously in both the newborn and his mother. The child can not only distinguish the mother's voice from many others, but also find her by smell. An interesting study was done with 6 day old babies. Each of them was brought to the breast of several mothers, but he only reached for his mother's breast, regardless of whether there was milk in it. Mothers also have the ability to recognize their baby by smell. In particular, blind women do this.

Imaginary images

Newborn education begins with striving for comfort and better satisfaction of their needs. They are hungry, asking for their arms in order to get comfortable, and for all this they have only one language - crying. Put yourself in the place of a newborn: "I cry - and they take me in my arms. I continue to cry - they feed me. I cry again when I am alone - and they take me in their arms again." After repeated repetition of such signals and responses, an imaginary image is formed, a picture depicting what should be expected as a result of crying. Specialists dealing with the problem of child development call such pictures schemes. The more such imaginary images are created in a baby, the better his mind develops. Thus, the initial reflex, crying, develops into thinking, or a cognitive process. At the same time, images are born in the child's mind that contain an answer to his need. At the same time, the language of the signals it gives is being improved.

For the mother, the process of rapprochement goes, as it were, in the reverse order. When you first start communicating with your baby, your thoughts precede your actions: "Is he hungry? But I just fed him. Is he wet? Or does he just want to sit on my neck? Maybe!" The more often you do such gymnastics for the mind, the faster you will learn to intuitively feel what the child needs and act almost reflexively, i.e. act before thinking.

By constantly developing the language of communication with the child (the "signal - response" connection), you will soon come to a state of harmony: the process of your learning will go in parallel, and you will learn to adapt to each other - your baby, in whose head there are already many beautiful pictures of possible interaction, and you, more and more responsive to his signals.

The style of rapprochement, which includes communication of the "signal-response" type, fosters the child's trust in you, teaches them to formulate their needs in such a way that others will quickly understand them. So, 9-month-old babies reach out to you in anticipation that you will vilify them. At the same time, they have an image - a picture: "Pick up and play" and a corresponding signal to you.

Mutual improvement

Pictures-images are born not only in the head of a child expecting help from you. Parents also imagine an image of what their child wants. This is how invisible threads stretch from the baby to the mother's consciousness, and from the mother to the child's.

What happens to babies, to whose signals the parents do not respond, for fear of making the children too dependent or being subordinate to them ("We do not want him to pitch the rope out of us"). The mind of a child, whose calls remain unanswered, and whose needs are unmet, turns out to be not so rich. Without knowing what answer to expect, he cannot recreate an image-picture that suggests what should follow his cry or some other signal. His head is filled with "dummy cards". The mother is also largely impoverished, since the child's signals are not improving and it is still very difficult for her to understand what he needs. Between them, such a mutual understanding has not been developed as in the first case. Mother and baby know little about each other's thoughts, and a certain distance begins to arise between them.

Once I was explaining to a young mother how best to establish contact with a newborn. She seemed to understand everything, but then suddenly anxiously asked: "With these calling sounds, everything is clear, but what if I am so stupid that I give them the wrong answer. Suppose he is wet, and I think he is hungry?" I encouraged her: “You can't be wrong and stupid when you pick up your baby and start babysitting. what worries your child The main thing is that by your actions you will show that you are ready to listen to him and try to help him.

Basic behavioral conditions of the child

Cry. Loud, dissatisfied screams, accompanied by sharp uncoordinated movements of the limbs. At this point, it is very difficult to grab the child's attention. This behavior is unpleasant for both the baby himself and his loved ones.

Active concentration. A state similar to calm concentration, but the child's head and limbs move, as if he is immersed in himself and does not notice you. The child seems to be attracted to the movements of his own body.

Calm concentration. The eyes are clear, open, attentive; the limbs are in relative rest. The child seems to be contemplating the environment. This is the most appropriate state for interaction and learning.

Doze. The eyes are open but stick together or begin to close. The child is quite absent-minded, limbs and torso move, sleepy half-smiles pass across the face. He just woke up or is about to fall asleep.

Superficial sleep. The child wakes up easily, his limbs and face twitch from time to time; breathing is uneven, there are outbreaks of motor activity. The limbs are pressed against the body.

Deep dream. The child's movements are minimized, the facial expression is calm, peaceful, breathing is even, the limbs are relaxed and dangle like a rag doll.

Enjoy your newborn's smile

With the first smile of a newborn, you will freeze with happiness and forget all sleepless nights and constant babysitting. You think with delight, "My baby really loves me." But suddenly his cheeks puffed out with a bubble, and you sigh in disappointment: "Oh, it's just air coming out." After many years of observing the smiles of newborns, I myself want to blow an air bubble. Babies can smile and do smile, and not just let the air out (although this also happens after they get rid of the excess gas).

As veterans in the study of children's smiles, we, with good reason, divide them into two main types: internal and external smiles. Inner smiles, as if turned into oneself, are more characteristic of the first few weeks and perfectly reflect the state of inner satisfaction. Sometimes it's like sleepy half-smiles; sometimes just a slight twitching of the corners of the lips. There are other smiles: relief - when colic stops, satisfaction - after a good meal, or when children are picked up and start to rock. Sometimes you can catch the smile of a child while playing with him. Such early smiles are like a signal: "I'm fine." They make you experience pleasant moments too. And nevertheless, it will take several more months before the baby will have an external smile when communicating with you. It is meant only for you and seems incredibly captivating to you.

Whatever the reasons for the baby's smile, enjoy it - both sliding grins and sleepy half-smiles - all of them are nothing more than faint semblances of a future conscious smile all over your mouth.