How beautiful to part with a man who loves. We part by SMS. Examples of messages from a psychologist's practitioner. Farewell words beloved

We are all different, so in different ways we treat various life situations. Sometimes we have to choose. And this is not a choice of lipstick or hands cream. Sometimes you have to make much more responsible steps and become in the literal sense by the vertex of the Fate.

You have a boyfriend, and you meet with him for a long time. It seems everything goes well: your relationship is developing, you spend all your free time together. Together, celebrate holidays, together you are leaving skiing for the winter holidays, you are friendly called the bride at school ... And suddenly everything ends. Your life turns into a nightmare. Love breaks down, definitely rotten thread.

Your favorite committed betrayal. He changed you on the other, and the tale ended, as if her did not happen.

Now you locked in your room and crying a pillow with one and only thought: "Why?". At the same time, you are overwhelmed with this. He betrayed you, and with traitors parting. He is a villain, and you are a victim. Continue relationships? Why, there is not the slightest meaning. And you decide to part with him. Whatever beautiful and brighter love, treason do not forgive.

It depends on you, as you leave - with a highly raised head (unfortunately, there are very few such balanced people) either with a scandal and the analysis of flights. But after that, one way or another, they will still have to go away.

And if the relationship simply did not work out from the very beginning, but for some unknown reason they were delayed? Breake down? Or wait - suddenly everything will change for the better? You constantly doubt, almost like Hamlet.

And if you decided to part, but you do not want to hurt the guy? Maybe, individually you are good people, but together you do not work, or you just do not want to take responsibility and take the initiative in the break of relationships? Much easier if you both want to stop them, and it is also not interested in the continuation of the novel! Here everything is solved simply and quite painless for both participants in relations.

Where worse, if your relationship is one of you. Such a problem is familiar to many girls.

You do not understand what happened. Yesterday, you are watching your girlfriends for hours about what is wonderful, how you love him that he is your only, the best guy in the world! Even better than Robert Pattinson and Justin Bieber together. You built so many collaborative plans and could not live without the day without seeing each other!

But it's all in the past, and now you no longer know what I found in it than he was like that.

You are annoyed by what has previously attracted in it. For example, his interest in computers and polygon games. Or you infuriate from his manner talk, although before it did not notice his habits through every word to say: "Count."

Previously, you talked for hours by phone, sent each other CMC ... And now you will delete an annoying message about what he loves you.

In order to make sure that the relationship is over, check your feelings for the guy. Answer the questions below.

- Do you flirt with other guys?

- You decide to go to the movies with a girlfriend, and not with your guy?

- Are you kidding him when it is not there?

Answer honestly. It is possible that what you called love is actually not at all this feeling.

Especially often such a confusion happens in adolescence, when you still do not share such concepts as "love" and "love".

As for the latter, she quickly fades. And the girls happen faster, because they grow faster than guys. And the boys endure parting much harder. When the girl rejects the feeling of the guy, he can even threaten her or promise to commit suicide.

If such a situation arose with you, naturally, concerns arise: what if he will lead his threats to action? For example, will be thrown from the ninth floor or will open the veins? Or kill you with a scream "so don't you get anyone!"?

Here you fall into real panic and despair. The simplest thing is to translate the problem on someone else. Let's say on a girlfriend or mom. Let them understand, and you sit quietly peacefully on the side and pay the fact that everything is so bad. Listen to their advice, but then ... then you will do it in your own way.

Or do you feel before the Internet, you will find the forum and become pouring the soul there, asking friends in misfortune, how to be what to do. Completely unfamiliar girls will give you advice and share their own stories. True, it is not a fact that these tips will be delomet.

But no one, besides you, to solve the problem, alas, will not be able. No matter how looking for the help of unauthorized persons, the decision to take you. And act too.

Therefore, it is very important to decide how to part with a guy. Your tactic should be safe and most painless for both of you. To do this, try to connect psychology.

The guy who throws the girl to transfers it to his own way of his male ego. The fact is that every man is the owner, and even the idea itself is unacceptable for him that you decide to break up, and not he. Subconsciously he opposes this: how so, because he should have thrown you, and not the opposite!

It will be easy to part with the guy easily and simply if you resort to simple female tricks.

First prepare a young man to rupture relations. How? Davi for the fact that guys can not tolerate. Stay a boring, persistently "give up" a guy, demand more attention to yourself. Tasse a guy in your friends - at some point he will face listening to female talk about clothes and guys and simply run away from you!

You can scare your boyfriend with mom. In male psychology, such a step with your side causes a subconscious fear. What if he is going to marry him, thereby having deprived of precious freedom? Most likely, the guy will begin to avoid you and will suggest parting.

But what should not be done, it is to break the relationship right away, in the forehead. It may arise, right for example, an unexpected situation. The guy can simply "move from the coils" from the surprise and start doing nonsense up to the threats and the use of violence towards you or try to do something with you. Anyway, it says statistics.

Therefore, a direct application for breaking relationships will not cost you with small blood.

However, if the guy is balanced, you can try to talk to him. Sometimes the most scented thing that can be taken in your situation is an honest conversation. True, you yourself determine what this conversation will be. Whether you and the guy calmly, without scenes and mutual accusations, find out everything, whether to choose another parting scenario.

But you must decide for yourself that in the current situation parting is the only reasonable option. And then you will not pity and edge yourself for the hasty decision.

Decided? Then take the courage and determination and make this step! You must be ready to be ready in advance that your conversation can take any turnover, including completely unpredictable. Do not doubt: your guy has the full right to insult, because you "throw" him! He may not even suspect that at some point your relationship was cracking, and only you noticed it in time.

It is necessary to part with a guy with the mind, with an imperious smile and pleasant memories of yourself, "Coco Chanel once said. You can part with the guy and remaining friends, the main thing is to do everything right!

Remember: from any situation there is an output, and not even one. The most important thing is to gain determination in time and not to postpone the case in a long box. Listen, more trust your own intuition. She will not let us down, be sure!

And if you still do not know what to do and how to part with a guy, read the following tips.

Tip 1.

Do not do dishonest towards your boyfriend, even if the former! Do not break the relationship on the phone, in a letter or CMC, do not ask to say about the girlfriend. Of course, there are exceptions to the rules when it is difficult to talk directly. For example, if he is in St. Petersburg, and you are in the Far East. But this, agree, an atypical case.

Tip 2.

Tell your boyfriend that you need to talk seriously. Carefully treat the choice of places where this conversation will happen. Do not suit the conversation from someone from you at home or in your favorite park where you met.

It is best to choose a neutral location with whom does not have personal memories of a time spent. Receive what you want to say. Formulate thoughts specifically: it is better to go through it once than to part long and tediously.

Tip 3.

When you part with a guy, never use the phrase "Let's stay friends." It is quite humiliating for him, because you herself to hear it would be unpleasant!

If you really want to continue to be friends with him, wait. While he is offended, he takes time to start talking to you again.

Tip 4.

Do not play two fronts! Some girls do not want to part with the guys, as they just do not want to stay alone. Do not humiliate to this! Such behavior will insulted your former guy, and with a new one do not wait after this trust relationship. He can decide what exactly you challenge all your guys.

Tip 5.

Do not think that after the rupture, he will immediately forget you. It is unlikely that it will happen quickly. Will you remember happy moments for a long time: when he gave you flowers when he confessed to love ... And for a long time you will think, whether it was right, deciding to such a step.

But now you see a lot in a different light, because the past always appears before us in pink paints. Only if everything was so beautiful, would you break up with a guy?

Tip 6.

Do not ask the girlfriends to make a decision for you. Remember that even the closest girlfriends give advice not to you, and myself! They represent that they are in your place, and judge from their bell tower.

And even more so do not trust everyone in a row! Maybe Olya, who advised you to throw your boyfriend, simply herself fell in love with him?

So think your head and soberly rate the situation that created!

Tip 7.

You do not part with your boyfriend for a long time, because you're afraid to stay alone? You think something like this: I'll throw it, and then I will go without a guy.

But it is stupid! Still Omar Khayam wrote: "You'd better be one, than with whom it fell." Think: You meet with a guy who do not love, and therefore you lose the opportunity to meet with whom you will truly happy. Who knows, suddenly your prince is waiting for you, and at this time you suffer yourself, spending time with the boning guy!

Tip 8.

Do not be afraid to ask for help close! Now you are experiencing not the best moment in your life - nothing surprising that you need support for relatives and loved ones. You will always calm the best girlfriend or mom. Who, how not they will give a good advice? And if you feel that the help of loved ones does not suit you, turn to the school psychologist.

Tip 9.

Over the years you are gaining life experience. Therefore, do not take again on the same rake! Analyze, because of what you broke up with a guy? What did not suit you in your relationship - the lack of common interests, distrust to each other? If you answer these questions, in the future you will have fewer problems in relationships with guys.

Tip 10.

Alas, love passed, as if her did not happen. All the same, who became the initiator of the gap, because you suffer both. It is hard and lonely and you, and him. You just showed more hardness and was able to take the first step. Do not hold back emotions, let yourself be inserted. You will see, it will be easier for you.

And then look at some kind and fun movie and dares from the soul. This will help you get rid of negative emotions.

Tip 11.

Roney away depression!

Color your world in bright colors! Your depressed state is not the best decoration of appearance. Eat more fruits and vegetables, it best helps from stress. Enjoying freedom, because now you can finally listen to Pink instead of the annoyed punk rocks of our former and wear a mini-skirt that he did not like. Do not care that it is short and with rhinestones! The main thing is that you are comfortable and comfortable.

Tip 12.

That neither say, parting is a painful thing. You will be at first terribly missing him, you will be sorry for your act. But do not try to call him allegedly in order to hear his voice for the last time! Ele all his photos, erase all CMC. Even if you are so expensive these memories, better leave them in the past.

Did you see him on the other, and jealousy sulled in you? Then remember how he covers a three-story mat your computer that does not want to work, and think that now to listen to it.

And if it suddenly serves loneliness, invite the best friend. Do not stay alone with your sad thoughts. Distracted - go with friends to the club or walk through the park.

Remember: life does not end this. Ahead of you is waiting for new love!

There are different situations in life. And not always everything is developing as we draw in our Gresses.

Life experience may not be enough to resolve the issue.

In this case, you need listen to the advice of psychologistswho will prompt how to part with the guy you love.

I love, but I want to part: psychology and reasons

5 Saving loss experience after parting in this video:

How to painlessly break the relationship with a man you love?

You finally understood that the relationship should be completed, but still love your partner? Then listen to the advice of psychologists and parting will be more or less painless:

How to part with a lover if there are feelings?

Perhaps at some point in your family life came a family break, and you started a lover. But you realized that it could not continue and need to break the connection with him. What if you have sincere feelings to him?

  1. Understand what is more important for you. Family or some man on the side? If you have such love for him, then why not go to him? Spend detailed self-analysis and decide for yourself what you want.
  2. Meet with a lover and calmly explain to him that you are not on the way.

    Be prepared for the fact that it can freeze and even begin to threaten and blackmail.

  3. After the conversation, in no case will be returned to this person. He can write, call - dismiss any connection. So it will be better for both and easier to survive parting. You can now switch to family relationships and concentrate on them.

How to part with a married man who love?

Maybe he told you not immediately about his married position.

Perhaps you ourselves decided to close the eyes into this in a gust of love.

But now everything went too far. How to stop relations with a man who has a wife?

  1. Put yourself in place of his wife.You would have been very painful and unpleasant if some woman entertained with your husband.
  2. Think about the fact that these relations have no development. You will stay for him with a girl with whom he sleeps. And that's it. Even if a man tells you that it is about to go from my wife - you shouldn't believe. You can even put a question with an edge: tell me that you return, as soon as you see a certificate of divorce.
  3. All these reflections should ease your thoughts about parting. After you finally decide, meet a man and inform him about the decision.

    Do not rush into tears, do not arrange hysteria, do not detract from throwing it a family. Save your dignity.

  4. Divide. Start walking on dates, meet with friends, make a hobby. Fill out your free time.
  5. Stop any contacts with it. Even seemingly innocent correspondence in social networks significantly complicates the separation process.

How to throw a guy you love?

Do you like your boyfriend, but objectively understand that the relationship is time to finish? Then you should contact the advice of psychologists:

How to painfully part with a guy? Find out this video:

Farewell words beloved

Parting is a rather complicated and unpleasant procedure for both sides. Sometimes it is very difficult to correctly express words. Here are general advice:

  • do not look for template phrases.Tell me better not very beautiful, but but sincerely. Who will be pleased to hear when farewelled by a brought phrase from the Internet?
  • tell me how well you were together. But do not foresee memories. Just emphasize that he is a good person and gave you many pleasant moments;
  • inform the cause of separation What kind of negative qualities you did not like. He has the right to know. Do not leave it with no relation and constant thoughts "What went wrong";
  • sincerely wish happiness. You still love him, which means you want only good. Let and not with you.

Beloved man during parting.

How to behave when parting? Main mistakes of women:

How to throw a girl who loves you?

If you parted by mutual desire is one thing. But if you have to throw a girl who still loves you, then this is not an easy task. Here are some tips how to make it competently:

How to part with his wife who loves you?

A particularly difficult situation when you want to part with your wife. Most likely, you have a lot in common, since the years lived together and ending with the children.

  1. Prepare for a serious conversation. You must be unshakable, otherwise your wife will not understand the seriousness of your intentions. Speak essentially as it is.

    Do not insult and do not blame her in all sins. Now it is harder to you, what to do with understanding.

  2. Discuss detail further actions. Who will stay in the apartment? What to do with shared friends? Who will the children stay with? These topics may well reduce the heat of emotions and translate the conversation to another direction.
  3. Be sure to explain the cause of your care. Do not leave my wife in ignorance. It will be better if you honestly say than if it is to think and scroll through probable breaking out options in my head.

How beautiful to part with a girl who love you?

It happens that you love a girl very much, but for some reason you cannot continue the relationship. How to behave in such a situation?

I can not part with my mistress. How to part with your beloved woman?

If you have a woman on the side, then, most likely, sooner or later the choice will take: a wife or lover. How to part with a mistress, if there is feelings for her?

  1. Observe what is more important for you.. Since you choose my wife, family values \u200b\u200bare not empty sound for you. Then on the family and focus!

    Immerse yourself in these relationships, try to establish communication and spend more time together.

  2. With the mistress you will have to meet again. But not for love merits, but for conversation. Tell her about your decision and warn that there will be no more meetings.
  3. Chop all ends. Delete the room, erase all messages from it. Best of all, if you have nothing to remind you about it.

Parting is always hard.But if you get to this process consciously and trust the advice of psychologists, then the gap and emotions can be simplified from it.

What to say a girl when parting? Useful tips:

I am writing an article to help those who thought about parting with a man. There may be many reasons for parting, but each lady wants beautifully and tastefully complete the relationship.

In this article, consider how to part so as to be proud of yourself. Moreover, we will develop the methodology for different situations in relations.

He does not love you, does not appreciate, changed

You lived, it means, they lived and realized that the chosen one would not burn with special feelings. Understanding that in the relationships of these, the prospects for development are not, they decided to complete them in order not to suffer. Or, for example, they received good evidence of the satellite infidelity and realized that they could not forgive and live with it. Or tired of dismissive relationships and skils at a level place.

In such a situation, the goal for you will be to leave the mark in his soul, so that I remember for a long time. You can not comply with the rules of decency, but looks wisely and solid. He should not sigh with relief, they say, "got rid of finally," and on the contrary - it should bite the elbows, steal at night and regret his unreasonable deeds. Maybe after that, it will learn to appreciate women.

These items should be observed:

  • Appearance. To the last meeting, prepare thoroughly. Hairstyle, makeup, manicure, his favorite flavor - everything is as expected. Do not dress up festively, but with the help of clothes, emphasize your outstanding places. Let him see what loses.
  • Freshness of May roses. Even if you suffered a week, they fed on one coffee or candy, we cried out the days, let the traces of the crushes disappear. Make masks, remove the edema, use the droplet of the auto market for the face. Remember, cosmetics creates wonders!
  • Disgusting tone. Talking to him must politely, calmly and weighed, even if it was caught up with a secretary on the table. Do not work on the status of hysterical. But here is the tone, look, gestures - all this should declare your neglect and even disgust. Believe me, a man who offended, deserved such a farewell.
  • The meeting place can be any. You can even declare a desire to part by phone, that's just a trace in the soul will not work. You can talk in a cafe or park, and then leave. It is desirable to be angry with the heels, and so that the hair flowed over shoulders!

Other views on life

It happens that the person is good, and even love is present, but the relationship is left to desire the best. That jealousy it comes, then I will not get off my mother, then you can carry friends. When patience reaches a limit, it is necessary to part. If you are ready to continue these relationships, only after formatting, try exposure to the correct parting.

  • Impeccable appearance. The main goal is to promote a person to change. Men, as you know, love our eyes, and therefore, time to appear before these eyes in all its unearthly glory.
  • Smooth, respectful tone. Do not criticize and do not humiliate this person. Accent your attention on the moments that you are not satisfied. Let it be a soft calm speech. From most men, it is impossible to achieve anything, but a smooth conversation will make it think.
  • To be bored. For this you need to disappear. Trave out to grandmother, mom, to a friend in another city. During this time, do not write, do not call, do not respond to calls and SMS can not be. If you want him to beveling to return, make a man to believe in the seriousness of your intentions. Get rid of the experiences, he will not find anyone during this time, and if he finds - there he is the road. Just use this method selectively. Preferably once.

You blundered

If your reluctance is becoming the gap to continue the relationship, then be prepared for what to come across non-acceptance, the lack of understanding, the reluctance of the man to disperse and your actions should be different. Put yourself in his place. How badly feels like a person who loves, suddenly decided to leave.

Your task make a break soft and painless:

  • Surrive effort to be attractive. Here is the place at the sports costume and priests. I am afraid that even this will not have a proper effect, since in the eyes of a loving person, even in a bag will be attractive, but it is better not to focus on our own beauty.
  • Goodwill. If you are going to offer friendship, instead of relationships, it is better to wait with it. For each man it hurts and humiliating. But explain to the person that you are willing to maintain a normal relationship with him within reasonable. It is not necessary to tell that it is ideal, but you are not created for "meetings", too.
  • Speak the truth that they fought. If you have already met the other - this fact is better to teach, at least temporarily. Wish a man of happiness, with another woman. Speak gently, but confident.
  • Do not create illusions. By the way, about its disadvantages that led you to such a solution, it is also better not to spread. So it is created for a guy an illusion that he will be able to return if it changes.
  • Be careful. In our world, the psyche disorder is difficult in man. Get together better in a crowded place. For example, in a popular cafe, in the daytime, when there are many visitors. If you suspect in the former elect "inadequitative", set out the desire to part in the letter. Let it be warm and sincere. Write that you sincerely regret that everything ends with this way, but for him there is a half, with which everything will be in the best possible way.

Parting by mutual agreement

If you have already felt the chill in the relationship, mutual irritation and premises of the collapse of the Union, then you have the chances of bringing it to a complete collapse with mutual betresses and accusations, but to complete the relationship is kindly, noble. It is also worth it exactly so, if both feel that the connection is guided by an ordinary sense of habit.

  • Leave a positive impression on my own. Overcome irritation, remove in the apartment, if you live together, do not take everything that they have purchased together. Take him to him in human, it was good together before, complete the relationship on a positive note.
  • Civilized conversation. Invite it to your favorite cafe, remember the pleasant joint moments, agree which of you will take the dog. Discuss the subtleties to avoid the causes of these conversations again.
  • Wish good luck. You felt comfortable next to this person and wish him only good. Thank you for the time spent together, and also give some pleasant trifle (key chain, lighter, cup). You can joke, present the young man to the ligament of inflatable balls. Freedom is still.

People do not always fall in love and begin to build relationships with those who fit them. Therefore, not all relationship, which is called, "have the future." However, the heart does not order, and sometimes the question of how to part with a man you love, gets up with an edge. After all, love is far from the only condition that makes our relationship with full-fledged, viable.

If your relationship went into a dead end, you have different goals and plans for the future, and find a compromise cannot be found. If a man sobbed you out or met someone who fits him more. In general, if the point in the relationship is necessary, but you are moving and you can not decide on parting, because you still love it - this article is for you.

And you know what second words Will help to fall in love with a man very fast?

To find out this - click on the button just below and see the video to the end.

The most difficult thing is to decide on the need for parting.

When you love someone really strong, the most difficult thing is to admit that your relationship is not viable and decide to put the final point. It is always difficult to part with a man, and if there is feelings, it is really a painful process. Almost we are talking about what you must put yourself.

Therefore, women find men who love thousands of excuses. I stopped calling and writing - well, he is just very busy. Does not support you at a difficult moment? But after all, it was so much so much fell. Refuses meetings and generally pushes you with all their might - just such a period of him, probably wants to be alone.

Be honest in front of you. Answer yourself to a question - whether you need a person you are not needed. Find for your beloved woman a little heat, a couple of gentle words - a lot for this need time and effort. If you do not get in relationships you need, feel lonely and unhappy - maybe it's time to stop torturing yourself?

Break with a man right

To tell him about what you love him, is also completely superfluous. Applications like "I love you, but I can't do anything else," more suitable for love melodramas, and not for real life situations. And do not pour tears with such a conversation. Men for the most part do not like female tears, because first, they do not know how to behave, and secondly consider them (in such a situation, it is not difficult) with his beloved female manipulation.

How to find the key to the heart of a man? Use second wordsthat will help you conquer it.

If you want to know what you need to say a man to charm it - click on the button just below and see the video to the end.

Therefore, if you doubt that you can tell a man about your decision calmly, it is better not to start this conversation. Write a letter by email. Take a pause into which you can calm down and come into myself a little, and then talk and permanently finally.

Remember that option is possible that the man does not want to let you go quietly. No one likes to feel abandoned. So be prepared for his attempts to stop you or returning you. You may want to give him a second chance. Especially if the feelings are strong and he is persistent.

Decide how to act in this case, only you. You can try to enter this river for the second time or burn bridges and interrupt any communication with him. So that you do not decide, the main thing you need is a hardness in your intentions. It makes no sense to rush back there, converge in order to then part again. This is a waste of strength and time, do not let a man pull you into such a game. Even if you love it very much.

After parting - how to learn to live without a man you love?

Do not play the iron lady. Give your emotions out, survive the loss, fully feel your grief. Give yourself a definite time and chandrit. Just make sure that you do not fall into depression. You just need time to get used to the past in your life there will be no more. Do not think about him and about your feelings for it - focus on what awaits you ahead. And ahead you have new feelings and new relationships.

5 stages of loss experience

Have you heard of five stages of experience in grief, loss, losses? They can be used to apply. In psychology there is a theory that you need to pass consistently after five stages - denial, anger, trading, depression and adoption. What you will not be able to take a loss and accept it, until you spill offead, you will not live anger on your beloved and yourself, do not brand as follows.

Therefore, do not be afraid to fully live each of the stages. When you become a little easier, try, for example, objectively evaluate the man with whom you broke up to make his psychological portrait. Describe all its qualities on paper, as well as how he showed himself in relation to you.

Is it so ideal, as you think under the influence of pink love glasses? If so, what poisoned your relationship made you unhappy in them? After all, it crips, makes any set of male advantages meaningless.

Go out "in the light", do not get closed in yourself

Survive parting with a man who love is much easier if not closed in his world, but gradually and steadily establishing his life without him. Meet new people, find new hobbies and hobbies. Get distracted by bad thoughts, fill out all your time with some lessons, do not leave yourself internal forces on experiences.

Spend more time with loved ones. With someone with whom you feel good. Let's give your psyche to relax from the experiences and calm down. Do not communicate, do not torment yourself with questions "Why?" Or "for what?". Learn to look forward with humor and positive.

Analysis of what happened

Yes, you will need to understand the reasons for what happened. Why did you love this person? How did it happen that you could not be happy together? What is your responsibility for what happened and what is it.

But you should do it after you finally calm down and accept what happened. Someone needs more time to forget your loved one, someone enough couples weeks. The main thing, remember - life on this break will not end. And no matter how bad you are - it will pass. And you will meet another person with whom you will definitely be happy.

There are only a few secret wordsHaving heard that a man will begin to fall in love.

Open the secret that only the units of women know. Click on the button and see the video to the end.

Ilya Shevelev

Greetings, dear readers and especially readers. In this article, I decided to affect not very, perhaps, popular, but nevertheless enough interesting and important topic for some people. We will talk to you about how to part with a guy with whom the girl wants to break the relationship, but does not know how to do it better. Why is this topic important? The fact is that there are such cases, and I sometimes had to face in my work, when the girls come across very annoying guys, with which it is quite difficult to break the relationship. Such a guy, if a girl decides to break with him, can start her to pursue her, in every way to blackmate, threaten her or begging her to stay with him, making her psyche. These situations, although rare, are very unpleasant, and sometimes dangerous enough. After all, some guys because of their hot blood can do a lot of nonsense and harm the girl because of her desire to part with them. Therefore, with some guys you need to part very carefully and very competent, so as not to face negative consequences. That's how it can be done, I will tell in this article.

Immediately I want to say that if you, dear girls, see that your boyfriend, let's say, is not entirely balanced and can be extremely aggressive if it refuses something in something - you do not need to try to part with it in standard ways. Everyone is these here: "We need to part" and "let's stay friends" or "I have another guy", "We do not fit each other" and so on - do not fit. And even more so, you should not tear relationships with a guy by phone or by mail, because it can cause it an extremely negative reaction that is unknown to lead to. And you do not need to explain anything to your boyfriend if he does not want to hear anything. There are people with whom you can communicate, which you can say something and be sure that they will hear you. And there are people who do not understand words and do not hear their interlocutor at all during the conversation. That's if your guy is just such, you do not need to talk to him. In short, if he is a fool who does not understand what he is told - do not talk to him. You do not need all these - serious conversations or conversations for souls, with those who cannot, because it does not want to hear others. Do not waste your time and nerves, and your boyfriend is once again not disturbing so that he does not start to get you. But this is relevant when, as I said, your boyfriend does not want to hear you when he does not understand words. So appreciate how your boyfriend follows to find out - you can part with it normally or not. If not, then read on, I will tell you what to do.

Different guys behave in different ways when the girl wants to part with them. Some everyone is well understood and parted with girls without any problems, for they are confident in themselves, they know their price and are not going to forcibly forcing them to meet with them. Forcibly after all, Mil will not be. And there are guys who start pouring tears, to start snot, begin to begging the girl does not throw them, well, and so on. Such guys look quite sorry, because they have a strongly understated self-esteem and they are afraid of the fact that they will remain alone. And there are such guys who are extremely aggressively reacting to the desire of the girl to part with them and can begin to give her big problems. They can blackmail a girl, put on her, threaten her. And if the girl throws such a guy, he can then start her revenge. And sometimes such a revenge turns out to be very cruel. In general, you know, problems with such guys can be very serious. By the way, often those guys who first pour tears and let snot, after the girl quitting them - begin to revenge. From all this disgrace I want you, cute girls, save. Therefore, I repeat, the first thing you need to do is to find out how your guy is an adequate person. And if you see that it is not adequate that when you parting with it, you may have problems - do not part with it in conventional ways. Scroll to him as I offer you to do it.

So, there are several ways to make sure that people who are not interested in you are rather and ethically, but everyone has their drawbacks. Therefore, I will not speak about them now. And there is very reliable and repeatedly proven, including my practice, the method of separation, in which you in the overwhelming majority of cases are guaranteed to part with any person, even with a guy, even with a girl, without negative consequences. That is, no one will begging you to stay, no one will threaten you, no one will blackmail you so that you stay, in general, everything will pass very smoothly, without a bitch and zadorinka, and everyone will remain satisfied.

To show you all the effectiveness of this method, let me start a little afar. I want you to understand the very essence of this method and have been convinced of its effectiveness. Then you can use it without any problems. So, you want to part with a guy, but the guy does not really want it, but it probably does not want it at all, and at the same time he is not quite adequate, and you know it, and therefore, when you parting with him, you may have problems. Consequently, you need to part with him so that this person disappears forever from your life and never bothered you anymore and did not interfere with you. To understand what needs to be done for this, I suggest you imagine yourself on the site of your guy with whom you want to part. Let's assume that you have met very beautiful, very interesting, very smart and very good from your guy's point of view, with which you are very good together, so it's good that you can not even imagine life without it. And suddenly, one day, he decides to part with you, no matter what reason. Imagine how you will feel, having learned about it? Probably not very good, agree? And if you still fell in love with the ears in this guy, or simply do not want to lose it, because he is dear to you, or you are afraid to stay alone, then surely you will try to keep him in every way, including, maybe With the help of blackmail and even threats. Well, or with the help of persuasion and tears. You know better. In short, you do not want to part with a guy. And this is your desire - this is the essence of the problem, as for him, if he wants to part with you, and for you, if you do not want it. Desire - that's the whole thing. We do not want to lose what is expensive to us that we consider valuable for yourself.

And now let's imagine another scenario for the development of events, in which this guy who really likes, gradually begins to behave in such a way that you are not very comfortable next to him, or you can even say that you are disgusting next to him. This is possible, right if the guy changes. That is, this guy can become such a person who is unpleasant to you and not interesting. For example, this is a very good example, it can start to behave like a complete poverty. Let's say he suggests bad, terribly look, ugly dress up, constantly whining, complain about life, on various problems, including financial, in general, will turn into such a guy who are usually not like to be like. Imagine what will begin to take place with your feelings for it? They will start changing, right? And, definitely, not for the better. Your interest in this guy will begin to disappear. And if he also will tell you about any disease, which he has found, suppose it will be some disease that imposes a restriction on his sex life, then it will make it an even stronger negative impression. Thus, your attitude to it will begin to change, of course, for the worse. And ultimately will happen the following - you will throw it yourself. In most cases, it is true. Not interesting people, problematic people, people with whom uncomfortable we usually throw. Now imagine that this is what it was necessary for him, and that all his terrible behavior and appearance was his game, which he led from one sole purpose - to part with you. And he will do it if you decide to break up with him. I emphasize: decide themselves. This is what is important. As a result, no scandals, no tears, no blackmail, no threats, no persecution and other disadvantages - you ourselves, and you will be glad that you will never see it. After all, you need a normal guy, and not the hell knows who. Thus, his goal is to part with you, will be achieved. And you just find yourself another, normal from your guy's point of view. And everyone will be satisfied. That's exactly what I suggest you, speaking about how to part with a guy, if he does not want it. You need to do so that your boyfriend will decide to part with you. And we are talking here again about desire, but already about another desire - about the desire that you need to call your boyfriend.

Therefore, in order to part with a guy so that he does not cling to relationships with you and nothing and not blackwiddled you, you need to achieve only one thing - so that he threw you. Well, or in any case, so that he is not against parting with you. That's all, if you want, the focus with parting. This method is guaranteed to help you get rid of the guy without any negative consequences. After all, it will be it, and not your decision based on his desire, at least you will be interested in it. This is the essence of effective and relatively trouble-free parting with a guy. Why is relative? Because the guys are different, under some of them you need to adjust in a certain way to cause them aversion to themselves, so that they decide to part with you. The main thing, remember - you need to ensure that the person himself threw you, or was not against it to part with you, because of your behavior, the appearance, because of your problems, then everything will be pure and smooth. At the expense of the ethics of a similar approach to parting, it is difficult for me to say anything, for further everything will depend on those methods with which you will cause disgust to yourself from the guy. And they can be different. In some cases, it is enough to become a very unclean girl, in other unnecessary sterrene, in the third frivolous, in the fourth very ugly, and so on. You can combine negative qualities and character traits, behaving so that the guy began to sick from you for better efficiency. In this case, it is desirable, and sometimes necessary, to repel from the preferences of your guy to become for him just such a girl who will cease to love and appreciate, and will begin to witness to her, that is, that will be not at all interesting and not Need. Then he will quickly lag behind you. With problem guys, such a parting method works fine.

By the way, the guy exactly can also part with the girl, what I mentioned above, if he sees that she does not want to let him go and in every way hold for him. He may change so much for the time that she herself will be happy to throw him. After all, they don't like all guys, and some guys do not like them at all. Especially they do not like - insecure in themselves, fodderless, unnecessary, too shy, compact, and also with the form of flawed, weak and depressed guys. It is like such guys, as a rule, there are problems with girls - they can not find anyone, since many girls do not want to meet them. It would be for the psychologist to ask for help to solve their problems with girls and not only with girls, but also with them, but many of them are, unfortunately, do not. Well, those guys who have problems with the girls of another kind, that is, those who want to part with them and without unnecessary problems to part, only the role of an unattractive guy will well play and the case will be done - the girl from such a guy will leave. So in this sense this method of separation is universal. Sometimes, however, this approach to parting can take some time, which will be required to cause a person a disgust to themselves, but this man will leave you and you will not have any problems with him in the future.

So you can part with a guy who does not want to part with you in a good way. Of course, in each separate case, it is possible, and sometimes necessary, choose a special way of influencing the guy so that he himself decided to throw you. But you can also use the most common ways to take advantage of which I wrote above to repel interest to myself. Think what you can do to this directly in your case. If you do not manage anything suitable to come up with, to force the guy to part with you, well, then please contact me - we will think together on this task. The main thing is not to climb on the dog, do not swear with your boyfriend, do not annoy it, do not make it aggressive, insisting on the break of relationships, if he does not want it. And then you never know what happens. Young blood is hot blood, how many nonsense people do, due to unrequited love. I have come across it, so I know what I'm talking about. Act cunning, and then everything will be fine, you will get your own, without any problems.