How to attract the attention of your ex-husband. Everyone knows the way to a man's heart. Reasons for loss of interest

Keeping and maintaining interest in the eyes of a husband for many women is a whole art. Especially for those who have been married for a long time and have tried many ways. To learn to always be attractive and alluring for your beloved spouse, you should try ...

Relationship with her husband. Reboot

It's no secret that over time, even the most passionate relationships gradually subside. Even if at first you could not live without each other and feelings flashed like fire, as soon as you looked at each other, then after a few years, especially after marriage and with the appearance of children, feelings gradually fade away and joint pastime becomes commonplace. Plus, when you get tired of work, and at home you still need to redo a bunch of things, the romance disappears instantly ...

But you really want to relive the happy moments together again, the feeling of love and excitement when you first met. And not only you, but your husband also dreams about it, even if he says nothing about it. But, unfortunately, we cannot turn back the clock. ...

It is within your power to create an environment and atmosphere in which both of you can relax, be alone and experience new and stronger emotions. It doesn't have to be a romantic evening. Because for someone, a simple evening spent together is commonplace. But going to the movies or going to friends will add variety. Either way, spend your evening differently. If your usual everyday life is at home with your child, break out for the weekend somewhere. And if, on the contrary, you do not have enough time to be at home together, give the child to your grandmother and arrange a romantic evening in a pleasant atmosphere. In one word, refresh your senses, arrange a reboot. To get even closer, you need to experience strong emotions together. ... Remember the last time you had to do this? The wedding, the birth of a child, and then everything is smooth and calm.

A few ideas to help bring something new:

  • Joint travel. Even a small trip of one or two days will be full of impressions. Choose places where you two will be interested. For example, a recreation center in the summer or a beautiful city with interesting sights, which you have never been to. A change of scenery and relaxation together will allow you to forget about household chores, refresh relationships and get closer.
  • Go-karting, paintball or skydiving. Make your beloved husband an unusual gift in the form of any extreme vacation. It is important to choose entertainment that your man will definitely like. Perhaps even it will be fishing or a test drive of the car that he has long dreamed of. Discuss in advance the day on which the surprise will be presented, so that it does not turn out that the husband decided to sleep on his only day off, and you will drag him on a fishing trip to catch carp.
  • Arrange a date. But unusual, but one that will remind you of your first meetings. Recall the moments when you first started dating and remember how and where you loved to spend time. Arrange everything exactly so that your husband will immediately guess that your date is associated with that time. Perhaps feelings will wake up again, and you will experience pleasant moments together.

Why do men lose interest in women?

When a man stops paying attention to a woman, it means that he is no longer interested in her. In order to maintain this interest constantly, it must be supported in every possible way. After all, a girl must have some kind of riddle that you want to solve.

A woman should constantly surprise and attract a man. She takes care of her beauty, neat appearance, always be positive and bring something new in sexual relations. But when she becomes his wife, it becomes much more difficult to maintain interest. Because, living in the same territory, it is impossible to constantly look 100%. And it is interesting how to keep the riddle when you know all the habits and habits of each other by heart? It seems that there is nothing to surprise. ... That is why, over time, many men begin to stare at other women, because they are more interesting, mysterious and inaccessible. ... If you feel that your husband gradually began to lose interest in you, take urgent action to correct the situation.

  1. A stupid wife looks after her husband, and an intelligent one looks after herself. This wisdom is essential for every woman who wants to have a happy and strong marriage. You need to take care of yourself all the time, regardless of how your husband treats you. Instead of nagging your husband for constant delays at work and climbing his phone to reread his messages, take care of yourself. Go to the hairdresser, join the fitness room, or master your oriental dance skills. Believe me, very soon the husband himself will begin to wonder where you are constantly disappearing and for whom did you make a new haircut ...
  2. Self-develop. Read interesting books, attend professional development courses, find yourself a new hobby. Even if you are on maternity leave and spend every day at home, this is not a reason to focus only on household chores and taking care of your child. Always find time for your favorite activities, thanks to which you develop spiritually, emotionally or physically. If you are interested in yourself, then your husband will always be interested in you.
  3. Admire your husband. Even if you know that he is far from ideal and that he has a bunch of bad habits. Respect his opinion and try to compliment him more often. All men love to be appreciated. And if the wife is constantly nagging her husband because he does everything wrong and constantly belittling his dignity, then you should not count on the fact that he will look at her with loving eyes.
  4. Develop your femininity. No wonder they say that a woman's strength is in her weakness. Any man wants to see a beautiful, fragile, loving and gentle woman next to him. And not gloomy, angry and at all offended grymza, which periodically "nags" him. It even happens that a girl looks very attractive outwardly, but for some reason her behavior repels men. Therefore, if you feel that you are not sufficiently developed in communication skills with men or sexuality, try to develop these skills in yourself. Show weakness sometimes, ask your husband for help. Thus, he will feel his importance and he will want to protect you and take care of his beloved wife.

In fact, there are a lot of ways to attract the attention of your own husband and return a warm relationship, the main thing is that the feelings are mutual. Thus, if you love your spouse very much and he loves you too, but for some reason forgets to remind you of this, take the initiative and you will succeed!

Hello everyone! What a family is is not only nights spent together, joys and fun, sincere conversations and support for each other. A family as well as a person may experience a certain crisis, and people may experience disappointment, fatigue, and misunderstanding. Unfortunately, even between deeply loving people, a crisis can happen. Their complexity depends on the cause that caused the problem. But to deal with it, you need to work on the relationship, find out the truth that led to the crisis, and take measures that will correct the situation. Today's article will be devoted to women, wives who noticed that their significant other stopped paying attention to them, perhaps even cooled off. The tips are quite simple, but you need to remember that each family is individual, so rely on your feelings and experience of communicating with a person. And my task is to tell you how to attract the attention of your husband.

Why did your husband stop paying attention to you and become cold?

The worst test that can happen to a woman, and even to a man in a relationship, is indifference. For many, the slightest manifestation of feelings, even if not quite those that you expect, for example, jealousy or resentment, already say that a person is not indifferent. He experiences feelings that result in the result. But indifference is like the unknown, what will happen next, what the beloved thinks, how he will behave in the future. And the main task of solving the problem is to find out the reason. Why did the husband become cold, why did he stop opening up, showing that he loves you, maybe even closed in on himself.

The main thing in this matter is not to panic, not to arrange scenes of jealousy and scandals. This will not get you anything. You should have a head on your shoulders, and adequate and reasonable. Otherwise, you can aggravate the situation and ruin everything.

The reproaches and discontent that a wife usually shows to her husband in this situation will also not lead to anything good. Following, as a rule, there is irritation and mutual discontent. Talking about how you miss him, not enough communication with him and affection, you need in a suitable environment, in a benevolent tone, and not when he rushes to work, and you shout to him about your grievances in the wake.

You should also take into account the temperament and character of the person with whom you live. Some are quite emotional, eccentric, capable of an insane act, expressing their feelings vividly and with passion. Others are taciturn and show their love by taking care of you, helping around the house, kissing you gently. Still others prefer to prove their love with gifts, expensive presents, trips to countries.

One should not expect more from a person with a passionate character, which he usually does much, just as one should expect a serenade from a silent person under the window. Each person is individual and learn to accept what you are given, the main thing is that it is from the heart and with love.

And so, carefully analyze the situation, compare all the facts and think about what could be the reason for your husband's inattention to you, which served to cool the feelings. For example,

  • Fatigue. This is one of the most common reasons. If your husband works a lot, rests little or does not get enough sleep, then it is quite natural that he does not need anything else, except that no one touches or bothers him.
  • Previous conflicts. Think, maybe you had disagreements not so long ago, or even had a quarrel, after which he changed his strategy of behavior. Perhaps your words or actions have alienated you from him. Resentment can completely ruin a relationship if you do not deal with it in time.
  • Another woman. Worst case scenario. He, perhaps, does not need any comments at all.
  • Integrity. There are quite a few people who often behave stubbornly and principledly. “My wife didn’t welcome me from work as I would like, now I’ll show her where the crayfish spend the winter.” And it doesn't matter what was the reason for the wife's lack of attention - illness or lack of time, busyness or just laziness.
  • Self confidence. Oddly enough, this feeling can also offend the spouse. And this applies not only to husbands, but also to wives. The exact realization that the second half, as they say, will not go anywhere, gives great self-confidence. Why try and pay too much attention if everything is fine anyway? The candy-bouquet period has passed ...

How to get your husband's attention

Let's go now to the answer to the question asked at the very beginning. If the reasons why your husband stopped giving you the attention that you would like are completely harmless, that is, he does not have another woman and love is still in his heart, then I offer you the following solutions to problems.

And remember, your job is to remind your spouse that you love each other and refresh your feelings. Men love women who are confident, purposeful, gentle, and beautiful. Therefore, pay special attention to yourself.

Well, if you are squeezed, insecure, scared and sloppy, alas, everything can turn out to be hopeless. Set a goal and follow it. And the goal is to attract the attention of her husband and.

Here are the steps to help you. You can use all or some separately. The main thing is to take into account the character of your husband, his preferences and temperament.

Giving yourself confidence, believing in yourself will help external changes... For example, dye your hair and get a haircut, buy a pair of dresses that will make you look attractive. And even if you are a housewife and do not go out often, home clothes and home appearance are very important. Take care of yourself. Men love neatness and neatness.

Get busy. As strange as it may sound, your busyness will not only give strength in the fight for your husband, but will also show him that you are an independent individual who has interests in addition to work or raising children. It can be a favorite hobby, or a completely new field of activity. The main thing is that you want to do it and do not quit in the near future.

Intimate talk. Sometimes a man does not understand the hints and signals that we give them. Sometimes it's easier to be direct and open about your feelings and thoughts. But this too must be done correctly and delicately. Arrange for your husband. It can be in a restaurant or at home. Get out for a walk, develop. It will be ideal if you are going on a trip. Then one of the hot evenings, hugging each other, say that you really miss, and would like to see him more often. Perhaps you will understand something for yourself why your husband stopped paying attention to you. Heart-to-heart conversations in 99 percent of cases end in compromises if people respect and value each other.

Take an interest in his affairs and talk more often... You don't have to be silent every time you eat dinner, staring at the TV. Talk to your husband, find out about his affairs, be constantly involved, if possible, help. A common cause always brings people together.

Respect your husband. In my opinion, mutual respect is the key to family happiness. Even if you are on the brink, resentment and tears are choking you, a simple misunderstanding threatens to escalate into a scandal, in no case insult each other, do not call names, do not throw yourself and do not be hysterical. Try to control yourself, and the conflict will exhaust itself much faster if you show wisdom and restraint.

What's next?

If your husband loves you, and his coldness is a consequence of fatigue, then he should hear you and understand how much you miss him. Another question is if the relationship has stopped at the same level, and there is no progress. Then an idea arises, is it worth fighting for a person who doesn't care? He continues to keep his distance and does not notice your attempts to improve the relationship.

Many in such situations either disagree, or continue to live in alienation, tolerating such an attitude towards themselves, and taking it for granted.

If you are in doubt, then all the same, I think it is worth fighting for love, because you once had reciprocity, you spent time together and had the most tender feelings for each other. Every family has crises, but this is not a reason to get divorced and lose all ties. It is better to try, but if you fail, then there will be no views for not even trying to save love.

In any case, it's up to you to make decisions. After all, each couple is individual, there are no identical relationships and characters of spouses. To endure or not to endure the indifference and coldness of the husband is the choice of everyone. But the bright mutual relations of people who love each other are a guarantee of happiness and harmony.

If the article "How to get your husband's attention" was interesting and useful for you, share it with your friends! Good luck and good mood! Bye!

Family life is not only a cloudless pastime. These are joint affairs, everyday life, which, as they say, can muffle even the feeling of love. But this should not be so, and if the wife is a wise woman, then love will be eternal.

How nice it is to look at the bride and groom who have just left the registry office. What happiness their eyes are burning, how good they are together and they no longer need someone. But why can feelings dull over time, one of the spouses cools down to the other, and finds the object of adoration on the side? But it seemed that love would be eternal. How tragic are divorces when a husband or wife still loves their soul mate.

To prevent such a minor, it is important to anticipate the situation. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have clairvoyance or have extrasensory abilities. A woman by her nature should have worldly wisdom. If she behaves correctly, then there will be no need to cry to her friends and ask them: “Why does my husband not pay attention? ".

These are the tips you can give ladies so that they are always adored by their soul mates:

After the stamp in the passport has been put, a ring is put on the hand and the beloved has become a legal spouse, one should not think that these attributes will keep him next to the girl forever. A bride who has become a wife should not turn into a frequently scolding, "nagging" spouse. Well, the husband does not want to screw in the light bulb, not yet necessary. Maybe he has the following principle. If he had not been told this 100 times, perhaps he himself would have twisted it a long time ago (a favorite excuse of men). A true woman will act differently.

First you need to look at the clock. Husband has to come home from work soon? Is the light off for the second day? You need to take everything into your own hands. The wife must have a certain supply of seductive clothes in her wardrobe. And it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money on it. Sometimes a simple lace curtain can work wonders. And then you will not need to ask yourself: “How to attract the attention of your husband? "

The husband will come home from work, and the wife is standing on a stool, as if trying to screw in a light bulb, and there is only a lace curtain on her clothes. It is unlikely that a man, after such a beautiful vision, will calmly bury himself in the newspaper without showing attention to his soul mate. If a man starts hugging a woman, let her tell him in an insinuating voice that she will go and prepare another surprise, and let him quickly screw in the light bulb for now. The husband will do it just lightning fast. But the wife does not forget that the man came home from work and it is absolutely necessary to feed him tasty food. The second point of the narrative follows smoothly from the first.

The hostess must cook deliciously. Now there are many semi-finished products that will help a woman quickly set a chic table. You can make mashed potatoes from the bag of the same name in 5 minutes and make highly artistic sausages in 4 minutes. To do this, sausages are cut crosswise on each side, or cuts are made obliquely. The nipples are placed in a pan and fried with the lid closed for 3 minutes on each side.

This is just an example of a quick meal. If you have time, you can take a chicken, stuff it with boiled rice - and put it in a preheated oven for an hour. Fuss is a minimum. But what a chic and spectacular dish it will turn out.

After the husband screwed in the light bulb, the wife said that she was waiting for him in the kitchen. Well, there, as usual, there are candles. In the middle of the table stands a ruddy chicken and a bottle of wine. But you can do without it. Fragrant tea is not bad either. Well, what will happen after a romantic dinner is clear. After that, you won't even need to ask yourself how to get your husband to do the dishes. You need to say: “Darling (Kitty, Sunny, Zayunya, etc.), please wash the dishes and come to the bedroom, there you will find the next surprise.

A wife should always be interesting to her husband, so from time to time she will have to come up with something new. You can go in the summer together to nature and have a great rest there. In general, it is important to periodically change the environment. It promotes long-term relationships.

You should not attract the attention of your husband by flirting in front of him with another. If the husband is jealous, then it may not end happily. But if a wife sees that her husband has ceased to show interest in her, then it is here that many means are good. First you need to go to a beauty salon, buy yourself a new thing that emphasizes the dignity of your figure and invite guests. Let there be 1-2 free men in the company who will invite his wife to dance. Perhaps the husband will then look at his soul mate with different eyes and appreciate her.

A woman must come up with new ways to attract the attention of her husband. You have to try to look good. But makeup can work wonders, and you can choose clothes that will make your wife look gorgeous.

It's no secret that over the years, falling in love leaves and everyday life begins. The husband comes home later from work, watches TV all evening or sits on the Internet. Turns away in bed and falls asleep before you.

But on the street he stares at other women, talks a lot with friends. This is an alarming signal, which means that your husband is used to you, you have become his property, a shadow that will not go anywhere. He knows what you are going to say now, what you will do. You just thought, but he already knows the answer. He read you like a book, solved all the secrets and now he is not interested. He lives with you because he is comfortable and comfortable, not interested. He knows what to expect from you.

Stop, think, look back. We have to do something about this, decide. How to interest your husband?

So that he falls in love with you again and understands that it is you who are the one and only. Therefore, we want to give you some tips to get your husband interested.

What does a woman who is interesting to her man look like?

Do not think that for your husband you will always be a beauty, put this fable out of your head. Men always love with their eyes. And it is important for them that there is a well-groomed beautiful woman nearby, and not a beast in a skirt.

Do not carry baggy, leaky items at home. Wear neat clothes. Put on shorts, a T-shirt. So that your husband can see and admire your forms.

With age, kilograms have been added, it does not matter, dress so that you can appreciate the dignity of the figure. Better to be plump and pretty than looking like a sack of potatoes.

For example, rent a room in a small hotel and call your lover, or arrange a small trip to the hayloft, why not.
Role-play with him, or just buy, set the table, have a romantic dinner and striptease. Can't you? Believe me, your husband will not care, he will be surprised by a surprise. And the night, we are sure, will give you many hot minutes, which even you will remember.

Try it and you will see that your husband will start to look at you in a completely different way. Although they are hunters, they are very lazy. Why go looking for, persuade, when there is a smart, beautiful wife nearby, who will understand and feed tasty food, and also give such hot sex.

Our advice did not help, it happens. After all, advice is an individual thing to help someone, but not to others. Anything can happen in life, but there is no need to despair.
There are quite a few men, and you are the only one. And life, after all, goes by. One must fight for it and smile in spite of all adversity.
And believe me, she will thank you in return!

It is not necessary to have superpowers to interest a husband again.

When your spouse does not pay enough attention to you and does not show an intimate desire, first you should reconsider your behavior.

After all, if he feels coldness and ignorance on your part, you should not expect tender feelings from him.

Since the spouses spend a lot of time together, it is quite difficult for them to surprise each other with something. You have to fix this. To again attract the attention of a loved one and become interesting to him, do not forget to monitor your appearance.


Do not console yourself with the thought that for your husband you will always be a beauty, and he will love you for who you are. A man loves with his eyes. And when there is always an unkempt woman in front of him, then no matter how beloved she is, she will eventually lose his interest.

  • So that in the eyes of my husband, as before, a flame of passion burns, wife just has to be neat.

Do not use old, shabby clothes as home clothes. Let it be an ordinary sarafan, but new, not washed.

  • Forget about baggy clothes.

The spouse should see your forms, and once again make sure that he got a beautiful wife. To become irresistible for your loved one again, dress in such a way as to emphasize all the advantages of your figure.

  • Looking good at home is a rule not to be violated.

But this does not mean that a man is only interested in a painted wife with a perfect hairstyle. In order to please the husband's eye, it is enough to have clean nails, hair and teeth. Whatever happens, never let yourself go.

  • At the same time, remember that all cosmetic procedures should remain your little secret.

Men love a mystery in women, a kind of mystery. So let the beautiful view, preserved for many years, become your secret.

To become interesting for your beloved, carry out all the manipulations with your appearance in the bathroom. It is unacceptable, having applied a mask, to sit in it in front of her husband, or, even worse, to carry out depilation.

The well-known path to a man's heart

You can become loved and desired by your husband again by paying more attention to his culinary preferences. Even if you hate your spouse's favorite foods, cook them as often as possible. This will show him how much you value his desires and tastes.

Cooking shouldn't be a time-consuming activity. And it is not necessary to make a cult out of food. It should just be a necessary addition to your family life.

Try not to cook once for several days. It will be much more pleasant for your husband if you surprise him with your culinary masterpieces more often. In addition, monotonous food is bad for the stomach and gets boring quickly.

Surprise your loved one in bed

Intimate life is one of the most important areas for any man. The variety and activity of a woman is very exciting for the stronger sex.

Therefore, take the reins into your own hands, and you will see that it is easy to become interesting for your spouse. Soon he will again look at you with loving eyes, in which a spark of passion will shine.

And in order to diversify your sex life, you can:

  1. Rent a hotel room.
  2. Arrange a romantic evening.
  3. Go on a joint journey.
  4. Buy new sexy lingerie.
  5. Play role-playing games.

The best option would be to go somewhere. A cozy place for this can be either a hotel abroad or a small country house. Such a journey will not only bring new feelings into your intimate life, but also bring you closer spiritually.

What not to do

When a woman ceases to be interesting to her husband, she can do many stupid things that will further aggravate her situation. Therefore, carefully study those actions that should not be taken in the family.

  • Do not swear.

During your life together, most likely, there were a lot. Try to keep them to a minimum. Most often, it is a woman who can do this.

It is common for a wife to grumble or yell at her husband for the slightest reason. Drop this case.

It would be much wiser to keep silent or simply ignore the "slip" of the spouse. This behavior will elevate you in the eyes of a man who is expecting another scandal.

  • Don't change.

Sometimes a woman, trying to prove to herself that she is still attractive and interesting to someone, decides to cheat. This is a very stupid step, since it does not at all solve the problem of inattention on the part of the husband.

On the contrary, a feeling of guilt and disrespect for one's own personality appears in the soul, which can lead to mental instability. And this is the first enemy in solving complex issues.

Remember: no family problem is a reason for cheating.

  • Don't be offended for no reason.

When you try to become interesting and desirable for your husband again, unnecessary resentment will only get in the way. The man's attention will be distracted by guesses about the reason for your discontent. And they certainly will not evoke tender, romantic feelings. You will not become an object of attention, but a cause of irritation.

  • Don't blackmail.

Many self-confident ladies have a habit of blackmailing their husbands with sex or food. Such actions of a woman can bring nothing but quarrels and insults.

An arrogant wife who considers herself the mistress of a man will never be of interest to him. To return the former sympathy to the relationship, there should always be delicious food on the table (regardless of the "weather in the house"), and wonderful sex in bed.

  • Don't neglect communication.

Be genuinely interested in your husband's affairs. Any topic related to his life should be of interest to you. Give your spouse more attention.

If you communicate with your girlfriends more often than with him, you will not be able to become the center of the universe for him again. In order for peace and understanding to reign in the house, discuss everything that is boiling, do not remain silent in the corners.

  • Don't focus on bad habits.

Most likely, the man had bad habits before marriage. That is, you should have seen who you are marrying. If they have already appeared in family life, then realize that you are to blame for this.

But constantly “nagging” a husband and annoying him with your claims is a thankless task. Quarrels may arise between you that do not help restore the old relationship.

  • Do not forbid what you do yourself.

Never scold your spouse for actions that you, too, would not mind doing. For example, if you like to eat in the living room, he also has every right to do so. By prohibiting what you do yourself, you are misleading the male psyche, which leads to disgust.

If your goal is to become queen for your husband again, avoid such conflicts. On the contrary, when he is watching his favorite show, bring food and have dinner with him.

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To become interesting and desirable for your husband again, just love and respect him. Even when you don't have the energy to talk or something more, just hug him and tell him how much you appreciate him. This is enough for him to again see in you the princess he once loved.

Do not leave your husband in difficult situations, always be on his side. He will definitely appreciate it.

And the most important advice

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    Yes, I also disagree with the article. What happens is that you have to go out of your way so that the husband feels loved and irreplaceable. And if the situation is like this, you don’t nag, take care of yourself, the hostess is excellent at home, and the effect is the opposite, he gets used to everything. and really the navel of the earth begins to consider himself and allow himself to take a walk with friends without warning, like this is the norm or to be rude out of the blue, and there are also complaints from nowhere. and she herself began to leave the house more without him, even flirting with other men. And believe me, it worked for "5 +" - immediately attention to me woke up and the claims evaporated. The man was trite afraid that His woman might suddenly become not His ... like this, the "hunter's" instinct is banal ... the only thing, of course, I never blackmailed with a bed ...

    The article is called "How to put your husband on your head." Oh, if only it were that simple. Before my eyes, an example of the above-described wonderful wife in the person of a mother and mother-in-law. Both sorceresses, fairies and Scheherizads who worship husbands. And what can I observe? Husbands don't appreciate it! It is believed that this is the duty of the wife. And if you don't give up slack and do less for them, demands and discontent begin! I was completely lazy and so on. If by your behavior you lift a man to OLYMPUS, then he will soon begin to consider himself GOD, and will not go crazy with love for you. Judging by my observations, everything should be in moderation. You have to love yourself, and then everyone else.

    To be interested in his life, his work ... And if he doesn’t talk? If any question annoys him? If you stand at the stove all day while he is at work, and he says - and there is nothing else ??? If she did everything in bed, and he just - I love you, good night, and my back is to you ...... What's that called? And I'll tell you what it is. It's called EAT! Everything is for them, but they wipe their feet and do not regret until they stay on their own !!! Egoists !!!

    Of course, we owe them absolutely everything. And cook, and earn, and not cut. And understand. And look good. And not to complain about problems, otherwise he will not be interested in us. And they don't owe anything, everything is forgiven them. If he cheated, his wife is to blame, she let herself go. Etc. FIG get married.

    The article is good, but not acceptable to life. Love lives only three years between spouses, everything else is a habit. I myself live with my husband as with a neighbor, there is no sex, she does not give money for the household and I am not interested in him, and he is with me. So we live by inertia.