How to remove wax from wood, fabric, carpets and hard surfaces. How to remove candle wax from clothes, the best solutions

Our life is filled with fun events, where candles play an important role. For these events, everyone wears only the best clothes, so it's unpleasant when your favorite dress or blouse gets dirty with wax. But don't be upset, because there are many effective ways to remove a wax stain.

The fresher the pollution, the easier it is to remove it, but don't panic if precious time is lost. The main thing to remember is that you cannot rush in this matter, since you can damage the fabric. Below are only proven ways to remove wax stains from fabrics, which fall into two categories: cold and hot removal.

Hot Removal Techniques:

  • Using an iron, dry napkin and towel. Turn the iron to medium heat setting. Place the soiled item on the ironing board, after placing a clean napkin under the stain. Cover it with a towel or handkerchief on top. Use a heated iron to gently iron the stain through the fabric. This will melt the wax and soak it into the napkin. For maximum effect, change the wipes until the stain is completely gone.
  • How to remove a wax stain from clothes using boiling water. Boil water in a clean container and carefully lower the soiled area of ​​clothing into it. The wax or paraffin will quickly melt and drain into the water. It is important to remember that this method is only suitable for white or solid-colored solid colors. Otherwise, the thing may shed. It is also not recommended to remove wax stains on delicate or natural fabrics in this way.

Cold Removal Techniques:

  • How to remove wax stain from fabric using ice. This method is suitable if you are in a cafe or restaurant. Apply ice to the contaminated area or, in extreme cases, any food from the freezer. The wax will harden quickly and come loose from clothing.
  • How to clean a wax stain with a dishwasher. This method will be a useful find if a delicate fabric item that cannot be processed with high temperatures gets dirty. Carefully treat the contaminated area with dishwashing detergent and leave for half an hour. Then carefully peel off the wax from the surface of the thing and wash it by hand or with a washing machine in the appropriate mode.

Now you know how to remove wax stain quickly and effectively. But it should be remembered that after wax or paraffin, a greasy mark remains on the clothes. It can be removed using:

  • Laundry soap. Lather the stain, leave the item for 5-10 minutes, wash.
  • Talc. Sprinkle the stain on it, leave it on for 5 minutes, shake off the residue and wash the item.
  • Baking soda. Sprinkle it liberally over the stain, let it sit for 10 minutes, then carefully remove the residue and wash in soap and water.
  • Turpentine. Dilute 50 grams of turpentine with ammonia, stir thoroughly and apply to the wax mark with a cotton pad. Leave the item for three hours, then wash it.

Now on your clothes there will not even be a hint that there was once wax there. It will be helpful to learn how to remove wax stains from fabrics of different textures.

How to remove paraffin stain from different fabrics

Since candle-lit festivals are celebrated all year round, it will be helpful to learn how to remove wax stain from delicate items such as fur and leather.

  1. How to remove wax stain from cotton or wool? To do this, place a clean towel on an ironing board or any flat surface. Put the stained product on it and cover it with paper napkins folded in two layers. Then heat the iron to the maximum indicated on the garment label and iron the soiled area several times. The paraffin will melt and be absorbed into the towel.
  2. How to remove wax stains from linen products if they are dry? Initially, gently scrape off the wax with your fingernail or knife. Place a towel on an ironing board with a slightly damp, thick, unpainted cloth on it. Then lay down the stained product and cover it with absorbent paper. Iron with a heated iron until no wax appears on the paper. Naturally, the paper is changed after each ironing.
  3. How to remove wax stain from synthetic fabric? Spread a slightly damp, clean towel on the ironing board, lay the stained clothing on it and cover it with a thick cloth. Heat the iron to the lowest setting and iron on the spot. After it is completely absorbed into the fabric, you can wash the item.
  4. During the winter holidays, information will come in handy on how to remove a wax stain on clothes made of natural or artificial fur. In this case, freezing is applied. To do this, take the item out onto the balcony for 2 hours. The wax will completely freeze and can be easily removed from the villi with nails.
  5. How to remove wax stains on leather products without the slightest damage? To do this, also take the soiled thing out to the balcony or place it in the freezer, if the size allows, for about 30-40 minutes. Then fold the skin in half in the area of ​​the spot. Cracked wax can be easily scraped off with fingernails or other not very sharp objects.
  6. Suede clothing never goes out of style, so it's important to know how to remove wax stains from such fabric. To do this, let it dry well, then gently scrape it off with a blunt knife or nail file. Then put a dry towel in two layers on the problem area and apply the product to a not very hot iron. It is important to apply in such a way as not to damage the tissue structure. Change the towels until the wax stops showing. To remove old stains, use a mixture:
  • 5 ml of gasoline.
  • 5 ml of wine alcohol.
  • 30 ml of ammonia.

Everything is thoroughly mixed, applied to the stain for 5-10 minutes, then removed with a damp cloth or cloth.

  1. Such impurities are removed from velvet and plush with warm alcohol or turpentine. To do this, soak a cotton swab in these liquids, blot the stain.
  2. How to remove wax stain from silk clothes without the slightest damage? For this, cologne comes in handy. Apply it to the problem area, leave it on for 15 minutes and wash it in warm water.
  3. How to remove wax stain from non-washable fabric? To do this, take rubbing alcohol or denatured alcohol. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the dirt every 10 minutes until it disappears completely.

These simple tips will help you get rid of problem stains and keep your clothes looking good in any fabric.

If not only clothing is damaged, but also furniture, use the following folk remedies.

How to remove wax stains from furniture made from different materials

In order to immediately achieve the maximum effect, it is advisable to choose a method specifically for the material from which the furniture is made.

  1. For wooden furniture, use a hair dryer, paper towels and polish. A completely frozen spot is treated with a hairdryer until it is completely melted, then quickly blotted with a towel, and the remains are removed with a polish.
  2. For leather furniture, use a kitchen sponge and dishwasher. Sponge the stain with a damp, soapy sponge, let dry and wipe with a clean dry cloth. Repeat as necessary.
  3. A stain remover is suitable for upholstered furniture. Having previously cleaned the surface from wax with ice or a knife, treat the problem area with a stain remover and leave for 30 minutes. Then treat the contaminated area first with soapy water and then with clean water.

Of course, there are many other ways to remove a wax stain from fabric, but the above have proven to be the best.

To get the most out of your cleaning, remember the following:

  1. Prepare your work area first.
  2. Do not hurry.
  3. Cleaners and mixtures are applied only to the problem area.
  4. Be sure to use rubber gloves.
  5. Dry processed items in a well-ventilated place.

Now you are not afraid of wax. But it is still better to prevent such situations than to look for a solution later.

A romantic candlelit dinner or a sacrament in church may not end on the most joyful note. The flame of a candle is a mesmerizing sight, but until the wax is on your clothes. Molten candle stains are not as popular, but they are just as common as tea or sauce stains. When it comes to how to remove wax from clothes, commercial detergents can help, but it is not always worth resorting to drastic measures and washing the thing. In addition, you run the risk of spoiling the material irrevocably.

Due to the components that make up the candle, the wax is not washed off with either detergents or water. A reasonable question arises about how to remove wax from clothes if they cannot be wetted. It is necessary to apply more effective cleaning methods... The main thing to remember is that under no circumstances try to remove the wax immediately after contact with the fabric. Blot it gently with a napkin and wait for the paraffin to harden, otherwise you can damage your clothes and increase the amount of dirt. Then scrape off as much wax as you can.

Various materials

Before you start to solve the problem of how to remove wax from a candle from clothes, you need to decide on the material of the spoiled thing. Each fabric requires an individual approach. And if some of the products help in the fight against a wax stain on one material, then this does not guarantee that when cleaning another fabric, the same result will be achieved. So the materials:

Removing fresh drops

If the stain is small and fresh, it can be removed with a heated hot spoon. Just place it on the drop and wait. After a while, the pollution will go away. If your things cannot be heat treated at all, then use alcohol-containing solutions. Rub the stain with a cotton swab dipped in the solution and rinse the item in cold water. Check in advance how the product might affect your fabric. To do this, drop a small amount of the solution onto an area hidden from view and wait. If no reaction has occurred, then you can use the solution.

A fresh drop of paraffin wax from a church candle can be removed with a piece of ice. Just lay it on the spot and wiggle it until it melts. Then rub in the cold water with a soft brush.

Steam or hot air is another effective method of cleaning clothes from wax. Special steam generators have become part of modern life and are available in almost every home. How it works to remove paraffin simple. Direct a hot jet of steam at the dirt, after a while, you will see how the wax leaves the fabric. Remove it with a tissue and wash your clothes.

If you don't have a steamer, use a hairdryer. Sweep a hot stream of air over the speck, placing a napkin under it. After 2-3 minutes, if the stain was small, it will come off. All that remains is to clean the contaminated area with a sponge and erase the stain.

If you do not have any of the equipment, then you should use the steam from the kettle. Put the kettle on the fire and when a stream of steam comes out of the spout, substitute a wax trail under it. Let it sit for 3-4 minutes and remove the melted wax with a cloth.

And also a fresh stain can be easily cleaned with vegetable oil. Put a few drops on the dirty area and after 10 minutes remove the oil with dishwashing gel. All that remains is to wash your clothes.

Wash off colored wax

The situation with colored wax is more complicated than with colorless wax. The dyes that are part of the candle can behave unpredictably. Not all homemade wax removal methods will help in this case. When sealed, the dye will penetrate deeply into the fabric and it will be almost impossible to remove it. More drastic measures are needed... But before you clean up colored paraffin, you need to know some rules:

  • Never wet the stain;
  • Do not try to wipe it off, you can work the paint particles deeper into the material;
  • Do not heat the wax drop.

The best method to clean colored wax from clothes is to freeze them. Then gently with a blunt object scrape off the drop and wash clothes with a stain remover.

Getting rid of greasy traces

Even after removal, wax drops often leave greasy marks. It is not difficult to get rid of them, the main thing is to adhere to the recommendations and perform all actions with caution.

Cleaning products

Remove greasy wax marks different cleaning products will help. So let's apply:

On furniture

Steam can help remove wax stains on furniture or carpet. Move the steamer over the contaminated area and wipe with a napkin. You can also use the ironing method. The procedure has not been changed. Cover the stain with a tissue and iron at low temperatures.

Ice or cold water can also deal with this problem. Fill the stain with water and scrub with a coarse-haired brush. You can add a drop of dish detergent and let it sit for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

You can remove wax from a white sofa or carpet using bleach. But in this case, you will have to wash the entire surface of the object. Special stain removers can help, but only if you have removed the main wax drop.

For high-quality removal of wax from clothes, use these friendly recommendations:

If you get a drop of wax on your favorite thing, then do not be discouraged. There are proven folk recipes that can cope with this problem in no time. But if the home methods did not help you, then you should contact the dry cleaner. Don't make hasty decisions or get rid of your clothes. You can always find the right cleaning product for you.

Attention, only TODAY!

Melted wax that gets on your clothes can leave greasy marks on it, which are not so easy for an untrained person to remove. Some try to scrape off the wax on their own, others take the spoiled thing to the dry-cleaner, others simply shove it away into the closet or throw it away. If you happen to find yourself in a similar situation, do not despair, the information below will help you quickly and easily remove wax, and after that there will not even be a trace of it left.

To carry out wax removal work you will need:
  • iron;
  • paper napkin;
  • a small piece of clean cloth.
The easiest cleaning method is for items made from durable fabrics such as linen or cotton. Wait until the wax hardens and hardens first. Then place the soiled clothing on a hard, level surface, stain side up. Cover the stained area first with a tissue and then with a cloth. After preheating the iron to 60-80 degrees, iron the fabric and quickly remove it along with a paper towel. The wax should melt and transfer to the paper surface. If this does not happen or the contamination has not completely disappeared, repeat the procedure again, remembering to replace the soiled napkin. When the hard wax is done away with, all you have to do is get rid of the greasy stain left in its place, which can be removed by washing the clothes with your hands or in the washing machine. The approach described above is also quite applicable to things made of synthetic materials. The only thing that you should pay attention to is the heating temperature of the iron, which should be an order of magnitude lower. If the clothes cannot be ironed, immerse the contaminated area in hot water for 5-10 minutes, then try to remove the remaining wax with a piece of cloth or napkin. Do not rub the cloth on the cloth; try to saturate the stain by firmly pressing the cloth against the soiled area. Since you are unlikely to succeed in completely removing the stain on the first attempt, repeat everything several times, then wash the treated area in warm water and soap. Acetone or any other solvent is invaluable in the fight against wax stains. Using a cotton pad, dab some solvent on the stain and let sit for 5-10 minutes, then wipe the area with a soft sponge. When the stain is completely disappear, wash clothing - this will help you fix the result and get rid of the smell of the solvent. Remember, this method requires special attention, as an aggressive solvent can corrode the paint and completely ruin the item you love. If you manage to spoil clothes made of faux or natural fur, then low temperatures can help you. If this happened in winter, take the soiled thing out onto the balcony, but if it's summer outside, try placing it in the refrigerator, after putting it in a plastic bag. After a while, the wax will harden and you can safely remove it with your fingers. If a leather thing gets dirty, then you shouldn't worry at all. When the wax hardens - bend the clothes in the very place where the wax got - it will break into pieces and fall off, and a small greasy spot can be removed with a soft cloth or paper towel.

How to scrub wax from furniture and glass

How to scrub wax from furniture

It is best to remove wax from furniture before it has hardened. If you fail to notice the stain right away, then wiping it off without damaging the furniture will be much more difficult.

Here are the most effective methods for removing wax from furniture:

  • cooling. To do this, place an ice pack on top of it. Then carefully peel off the wax with a piece of heavy cardboard or an unnecessary plastic card. After cooling, the wax becomes brittle and much easier to remove;
  • the heating. This method is suitable if the wax trail is small. Place a paper towel on top of it and heat with a hair dryer or iron. It is important that the minimum or average temperature is set. This will prevent damage to the paintwork. You can easily wipe off melted wax with a lint-free cloth.

This will remove the stain if it is on a wooden surface. If wax has dripped onto the fleecy surface of the furniture, then you can try to steam it off and remove it with a special brush. When it is not possible to completely wipe off the stain, you should contact a professional.

How to scrub wax from glass

When the wax is still hot, it can be easily removed with a regular tissue. And to eliminate the oily sheen, the glass is wiped with soapy water.

If the wax has already hardened, then its removal will occur in several stages:

  • carefully cut off most of the stain with a knife as close to the glass as possible. Make sure that the knife does not scratch the surface. If the spot is very small, skip this step;
  • stain residues can be removed by freezing. If possible, place the soiled item in the freezer for half an hour. Then remove the wax with a plastic spatula.

If the size does not allow you to freeze the thing, use another method. Heat the stain with a hair dryer. As soon as it starts to melt, blot with a tissue. Repeat the process until the stain is completely gone. The process is quite long, but there will be no trace of the stain. Wipe cleaned surface with solvent or soapy water.

If you like to light candles, thus creating a romantic or magical atmosphere in your home, you cannot avoid the problem of paraffin residues on the walls and bottom of the candlestick. How to remove wax from glass so that you can use the glass cup from under the candle again? How to remove wax from a glass table? In this article, we'll take a closer look at four ways to easily remove candle wax from glass.

The easiest and fastest way to clean a glass cup from wax or paraffin residues is to dissolve it with hot water and rinse off the residues.

Never pour hot wax into the sink, you risk clogging the plumbing, the wax will harden and block the water drain!

The melting point for wax is 64 degrees, for paraffin - 50 degrees. When heated together with water, paraffin and wax float to the surface.

Put a saucepan with a little water on the fire before removing the wax from the candlestick. We lower the glass candlestick to the bottom so that water does not flow inside. Heat the water to hot tea. Wait for the wax to melt, then you can easily remove it with a paper towel. Throw the rest of the wax together with the napkin in the trash can. Wash the cup with hot water using a regular dish detergent.

You can just use very hot tap water. Place the jar in the sink, blocking the drain. Now pour hot water directly into the jar. The remaining wax should melt and float to the surface. The water should cool within fifteen minutes. You can easily remove wax floating on the surface.

Use a knife to remove the debris. The wax should be soft and pliable, but if you want a clear transparent glass effect, soak a dish sponge in hot water and wring it lightly over the sides of the candlestick. A damp paper towel is also suitable for this purpose.

Melt with a hairdryer

A very simple and quick way to clean wax from glass table and window surfaces. Aim a hair dryer with warm air at the wax spot on the glass. Keep the hair dryer not too close to the glass to prevent it from cracking. We remove the hot evosk with a paper napkin. Wash off the remaining wax with a sponge and detergent.

Use the fridge freezer

  1. Before placing the candlestick in the freezer, let it cool down. This is because the hot glass can crack easily due to the sudden change in temperature. Take the candlestick in your hand, if you are not hot, you can safely act.
  2. Leave the glass in the freezer for about an hour. In the cold state, the consistency of the wax becomes denser, its volumes decrease in size, and you can easily remove it from the edges and bottom of the candlestick - just shake the glass cup.
  3. Use a kitchen knife to remove small residues. The glass will become shiny and transparent if you treat its surface with a cotton pad moistened with plenty of vinegar.

  • A sharp blade or scraper is perfect for these purposes. They can easily remove wax from a flat surface such as a glass table. If you are afraid that the blade will leave marks on the surface, try using a small plastic knife, or a special scraper for working with ceramics. Work carefully so as not to damage the fragile glass surface.
  • Continue using a dry fleece cloth to remove the wax flakes. Continue to work with the knife, removing wax in short strokes, until you have cleared the entire table. Use glass cleaner and paper towels to finish the job.

  1. Preheat the oven to 90 degrees and prepare a baking sheet and parchment paper to make cleaning easier.
  2. Place the candlesticks upside-down at a sufficient distance from each other. The wax will melt as it flows out and flood the entire oven with it.
  3. After fifteen minutes, the wax will melt. Do not leave wax inside the oven for too long. It can easily ignite.
  4. Do not forget to open the window while working.
  5. Remove the baking sheet from the oven and place it on a heat-resistant surface.
  6. Use heat-resistant gloves or an oven mitt to avoid scalding.
  7. Use paper towels to remove any remaining wax from the sides of the candlestick.
  8. If you cannot completely clean the wax from the jar, use sunflower oil or soap and water.


  1. Do not empty the contents of the candlestick into the sink, as this could clog the pipes.
  2. Buy better quality candles, because cheap candles contain oil in addition to wax. Because of this, its removal becomes more laborious.
  3. On contact with very high or very low temperatures, the glass may crack.
  4. Never use a microwave oven to remove wax from glass. The wax vapor will destroy the heating element.
  5. Do not wash candlesticks with wax residues in the dishwasher. This can damage it as the wax will clog the filter.
  6. Pour two tablespoons of water into the bottom of the jar if using long-lasting candles. This will prevent large amounts of wax from sticking to the bottom.

How to remove wax from a glass cup - methods are voiced on video