How to descale a steam iron at home. How to descale the iron inside at home

The iron is an irreplaceable thing, without which it is almost impossible to do. Modern manufacturers offer all kinds of iron models that will help make life easier for the whole family. Regardless of the quality of the products, there are certain rules for caring for them, observing which you can extend the service life of the equipment for several years. This article will show you how to descale your iron using simple and affordable tools.

Why does pollution appear?

Any technique sooner or later falls into disrepair, and irons are no exception. The main cause of breakage is limescale deposits on the bottom of the unit and inside the water tank. Using the iron too often can lead to limescale build-up even on a newly purchased appliance.

Usually, the water in the water supply system is quite hard, therefore, the difficulties in using water-consuming equipment are familiar to residents of large cities firsthand. Even multi-stage cleaning is not able to soften the water and completely eliminate the presence of salts in the water.

The only way to reduce the amount of scale build-up at home is to use distilled water for ironing. Filters and the use of bottled water help well, but even this does not guarantee getting rid of limescale forever.

Few people know why scale is dangerous. It conducts temperature poorly - about 10 times worse than the steel from which the iron body is made. The more limescale on the sole, the harder it will be to iron things. In this case, the metal of the iron will overheat, and it will take several times more time to heat the water. As a result, the functionality of the device decreases, the metal is curved, and the ironing process becomes more difficult.

Common remedies

Before you start cleaning your iron, you need to determine which cleaning method is right for your technique.

Many housewives prefer home cleaning methods, especially since in every apartment there are always one or two tools that will help you quickly and easily remove scale from the device. Each of them has its pros and cons and is effective in its own way. To find out which method is right for you, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the most effective folk methods for cleaning the iron.

Lemon acid

Any housewife can find citric acid, so this method can be called the most popular of all.

To begin with, you should carefully inspect the heating sole of the iron, pay particular attention to the holes for the steam outlet... The accumulation of scale inside the holes can be seen with the naked eye, and if there is too much of it, then it is better to start the procedure with them. Otherwise, it will be difficult to clean the water tank.

You will need:

  • syringe;
  • several cotton swabs;
  • basin for draining dirty liquid.

First, dilute citric acid with hot water and stir. This should be done as carefully as possible, since the ingress of undissolved crystals into the reservoir is unacceptable. If the holes are too clogged with scale, then you can blot them with a cotton swab dipped in the resulting solution.

You can clean the water tank as follows. The solution with citric acid must be poured into it through the holes on the surface using a syringe. Fill the rest of the liquid in the usual way. Next, you need to heat the iron to a high temperature and leave it in a horizontal position for 5-10 minutes without removing the plug from the outlet.

The cleaning procedure is by no means calm - at this moment, steam or a pungent smell may go out, the iron may begin to "hiss".

After a while, you need to rinse the tank with clean water and treat the surface of the sole with gauze or a soft cloth. To do this, pour water inside and iron the unnecessary rags in the usual way. If traces of limescale are still visible, the procedure must be repeated.

remember, that the acid solution should not be too concentrated even if the holes in the surface are too clogged. You can remove scale only by thoroughly wiping the holes, and too much citric acid in the solution can damage the internal parts of the device and even cause equipment failure.

The same can be repeated with lemon juice. It is necessary to squeeze lemon juice into a glass of water, then pour the resulting liquid into the iron reservoir. It must be heated to full capacity and turned on to steam. It is best to do this over a bathtub or container. As a result, all scale should come out of the iron.

You need to continue manipulating until all the water comes out of the iron. Then cool the device and repeat the procedure with clean water. This cleaning method was especially fond of the hostesses for their safety, because natural lemon does not contain any harmful substances.


Acetic acid copes well with burns and limescale, but it is considered a more aggressive agent, so it can only be used to clean the underside of the product.

You can wipe the soleplate with a cotton pad or a soft cloth dipped in vinegar.

The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. the iron must be heated;
  2. a cotton swab or cloth should be moistened with undiluted vinegar;
  3. gently walk along the bottom of the device;
  4. use cotton swabs to wipe the holes.

At the end of the manipulations, you need to walk with the iron on some unnecessary cloth to remove the remaining dirt.

Do not unplug the iron during cleaning: the higher the heating temperature of the device, the more effective the procedure will be.

Experts recommend cleaning the iron every two to three months, this will help to increase the service life of the equipment and save you from problems during ironing. Remember that you cannot pour the vinegar solution inside the iron reservoir - it can corrode rubber parts.

The use of trays with vinegar is allowed. To do this, you will need an unnecessary baking sheet or container and two slats on which you can put a heated iron.

The procedure goes like this:

  • boil water and mix with a little vinegar;
  • pour the solution into the container so that it covers part of the sole;
  • leave the device for about an hour;
  • to enhance the effect, the baking sheet can be put on a low heat.

To avoid injury and burns, be careful during this procedure!

Vinegar works well with baking soda. The good thing about this home cleaning method is that all of its components are always at hand.

For this you need:

  • cover the table with rough cloth (you can take a waffle towel);
  • add a little baking soda;
  • crush the lumps thoroughly;
  • pour a little vinegar over the baking soda. For more effect, you can add a few drops of ammonia. If there is no vinegar in the house, only ammonia is allowed;
  • rub the heated iron on the fabric. The resulting foam well cleans the sole of the device from various dirt and burns.
  • repeat the procedure several times if necessary.

It is necessary to carry out manipulations with vinegar in a well-ventilated area, otherwise there is a risk of getting poisoned by vinegar fumes.


Manufacturers of household chemicals are trying to make household life easier and create effective tools that allow you to quickly and easily descale your iron. The use of chemicals greatly facilitates the cleaning of the device and makes it simple and safe.

Today, all cleaning products on the market contain acids that can cope with almost any dirt and scale.

Before use, be sure to read the instructions for use and strictly follow the manufacturer's recommendations.

One of these products is "Anti-scale", which removes scale well and has a low price. The cleaning technique differs little from the above:

  • dilute "Anti-scale" with water, observing the proportions indicated in the instructions;
  • pour the device into the reservoir and turn on the temperature at full power;
  • when the iron warms up, turn on the steam;
  • foam should appear from the holes for steam;
  • wait until the device cools down and rinse the reservoir in the housing with clean water.

Compared to folk remedies, this method is more expensive, but the use of a chemical agent allows you to speed up the procedure and makes it as effective as possible.

Specially designed products for cleaning irons will help to avoid breakdowns, as their composition is specially selected for this type of equipment.

What to choose?

There are many ways to clean your irons from scale and other contaminants. Each of them has its own pros and cons.

Chemicals save time, but using them, it is important to take precautions and avoid contact with the skin of the hands. Do not use coarse abrasives and rub the surface of the iron with a stiff brush or metal brush - this can damage the sole. It is better to choose soft cloths and gentle cleaning products designed for this.

In addition to the cleaning methods described above, there is a whole list of folk remedies using soda and detergent, laundry soap, hydroperite, salt, toothpaste and even a paraffin candle - which one to choose is up to you.

Do not forget that the cleaning method must be appropriate for each individual model of the device. Some devices have a delicate surface that is very easy to spoil with salt or baking soda, so in such cases it is best to give preference to more gentle methods.

When using candle wax for cleaning, make sure that it does not get clogged into the steam holes of the device. Do not forget to put the tray under the bottom, as when heated on the iron, the candle will begin to melt and flow down. Avoid getting wax into the holes by tilting the iron vertically.

Regardless of which folk method you used, after completing the procedure, make sure that there are no cleaning agent residues on the sole, and only then start ironing things.

How to clean properly?

Most of today's steam irons are equipped with a special self-cleaning system, using which you can significantly increase the life of the devices. It is also the most functional way to cleanse this technique from the inside out.

The self-cleaning procedure of the device takes place in several stages:

  • it is necessary to pick up a deep container, preferably metal;
  • fill the tank with water, you can add a commercial product intended for this;
  • the iron must be turned on at full power to warm up;
  • after it warms up, disconnect it from the power supply and turn on the self-cleaning mode. At this point, the device must be held over a basin or bath. The self-cleaning button is located on the body of the iron. Pressing it will provoke the removal of steam and water from the tank, along with which pieces of plaque will come out. To make the procedure more effective, you can shake the iron slightly;
  • to completely remove the scale inside the device, you can repeat the procedure a couple of times.

Ceramic surfaces

The popularity of ceramic-coated irons is due to the practicality of use and ease of maintenance. Such irons practically do not spoil things, they are easy to clean from dirt, besides, they are distinguished by a long period of use.

Over time, any technique becomes obsolete. It is common for irons to build up limescale deposits on the soleplate and inside the water tank. Stains from clothes often appear on the surface, which not only complicate the process of ironing, but can also be imprinted on things.

There are several ways to remove dirt and plaque from ceramic coatings:

  • Means for glass ceramics. This is one of the most affordable and cheapest ways to remove dirt and limescale. How to use: apply the solution to the cold surface of the iron and rub with a soft sponge until the surface is completely clean. Afterwards, remove the remnants of the product with a cloth soaked in warm water.
  • Vinegar + ammonia. How to use: apply ammonia to the cold surface of the sole and use a sponge or soft cloth to walk over the entire surface. Soak a cloth in vinegar and repeat the manipulations, heat the iron and turn on the steam mode. This will help remove limescale even from the holes in the sole.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. This is another easy and affordable way to descale surfaces. How to use: moisten a cotton swab with peroxide and treat the work surface. To enhance the effect, the iron must be turned on, but make sure that the surface does not get very hot.

  • Salt... With its help, you can easily clean the ceramic iron from too strong burn. How to use: sprinkle a thin layer of fine salt on the sheet. Turn on the iron and smoothly, slowly iron the sheet with salt. Do not use coarse salt - ceramics are easily scratched.
  • Hydroperide tablet. With its help, you can easily get rid of stubborn dirt on the surface of the ceramic iron. How to use: heat the device to the maximum temperature and unplug it from the socket. Rub the tablet over the entire surface of the sole, paying particular attention to old stains. Remove the rest of the tablet with a damp cloth. Using this method, open a window or balcony so that the hydroperite vapor is weathered.

It is an indispensable assistant for anyone who wants to look neat and pleasant to others. The neatness of your look directly depends on the quality of your iron, on how often you clean it from dirt. We will show you how to clean your iron at home.

After reading this article, you will understand that cleaning the iron is not difficult, requiring minimal effort on your part.

In this article, you will learn:

  • how to clean the sole of an iron at home;
  • how to clean a ceramic coated iron;
  • how to clean a teflon iron;
  • how to clean the iron from burnt fabric;
  • how to descale your iron at home;
  • how to descale a steam iron.

Everyone will agree that clothes spoiled by a dirty iron are an unpleasant surprise at the moment when you need to iron something quickly and quickly run on business. Anyway, clothes damaged by an iron are always a nuisance.

How many times have you been upset when a recently purchased iron suddenly starts chewing on the fabric of your favorite item? After all, some shirts and blouses are made of very whimsical fabrics, and such troubles with the iron can lead to throwing your favorite thing in the trash.

Do you want to forget about problems with ironing once and for all, long searches for means to clean the surface of the iron? Then read the article carefully.

Iron coatings, that is, their soles, are made of iron, Teflon or ceramic. These materials are very durable and easy to use.

How to clean the iron from burns at home?

Let's consider the first way. In order to use hydrogen peroxide to remove carbon deposits from the soleplate, you will need regular hydrogen peroxide, which you can buy at any drugstore, and a cotton pad.

Soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide so that the cotton ball is completely wet. Wipe down the soleplate of your iron. With each movement, the carbon deposits will disappear.

This method is easy to use and does not require large expenditures.

You can find the answer to this question by reading the following method for cleaning your iron.

Cleaning the iron with citric acid is also not particularly difficult. In order to clean the iron from limescale with citric acid, it is necessary to dilute a package of citric acid weighing 10 g in a glass of boiled water.

Next, you need to pour the resulting solution into the iron reservoir. Activate the steam boost mode with the iron on full power.

This cleaning should be continued until all the water in the tank runs out. The citric acid will steam off the limescale, after which all the dirt will disappear.

How to descale a steam iron?

Steam irons made today are self-cleaning.

In order to descale the steam iron, you must turn it on at full power, having previously typed the maximum amount of liquid into the water tank.

Next, the iron will begin to heat up until it reaches the maximum heating mark, after which it will turn off. It is necessary to wait for the second shutdown of the iron, then unplug the appliance from the socket, and then press the button located on the body of the iron.

This button is provided to clean the device.

Prepare the container in advance so that the steam and dirt that will come out of the iron after pressing the cleaning button does not stain you.

In the process of such cleaning, the device must be shaken vigorously so that the scale leaves the iron faster. At the end of this procedure, it is necessary to rinse the sole of the iron, rinse the container.

Using the salt method to clean your iron will help you figure out how to clean carbon deposits from the soleplate quickly and without any hassle.

In order to clean the iron with salt, you need finely ground salt, clean paper (do not use a newspaper, as ink may remain on the soleplate during the cleaning process).

Pour the salt onto clean paper and heat up the iron. Run the iron over the salt surface as if you were ironing. Hot salt will clean the soleplate of your iron quickly and efficiently.

Cleaning with soap

If the stain on the soleplate is still fresh enough, the fourth method of removing dirt from the iron is suitable for cleaning.

You will need soap (laundry soap is more suitable) and water. Heat the iron, then gently rub the soleplate with soap. It is necessary to wait until the iron cools down, after which the contamination can be easily washed off using a wet cloth.

The cleaned surface of the iron will delight you.

Cleaning the soleplate of your iron with a chemical pencil is the easiest way to remove a burnt stain from the soleplate of your iron.

Just heat the iron, then press the cleaning pencil directly to the soleplate of the iron and anoint the dirt on the soleplate. After you notice that the product has corroded the dirt, you need to wipe the iron on a lint-free cloth.

This cleaning method is suitable when you have time to go to the hardware store for this pencil.

How to clean the iron from carbon deposits?

If you do not have such a cleaning agent as a chemical pencil at hand, then you can also clean the iron from carbon deposits with the help of toothpaste, which, of course, everyone can find.

It is necessary to apply the toothpaste to the sole of the iron, preheating the appliance. A few minutes after applying the toothpaste, remove the remaining toothpaste by ironing the unwanted cloth with an iron.

Vinegar cleansing

We clean the iron without heating. Cold cleaning of the iron can be done with vinegar. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with vinegar and wipe the dirt.

Carbon deposits from the soleplate of the iron can be easily removed in a matter of minutes. At the same time, the iron must remain switched off!

Using a matchbox

With the side of the matchbox, where the strip of sulfur is located, wipe the dirt on the iron. In this case, the iron must be hot.

The last way, but not at all in terms of efficiency. A reliable way to remove burnt tissue from the surface of the soleplate with a paraffin candle will help you solve your problem.

Wrap a paraffin candle in a cloth (cotton is best), spread the resulting "sausage" on a hot iron in those places where you want to remove dirt.

Melting paraffin will do its job perfectly.

How do I clean my ceramic iron?

Everyone knows that ceramic is an expensive material that requires attention, but cleaning a ceramic coated iron is not as difficult as it sounds. There are several ways to clean the ceramic soleplate of your iron at no extra cost.

One of these methods is baking soda. It is necessary to mix soda with water in a ratio of 1:20. Next, wipe the surface of the iron with a soft cloth. The ceramic iron can also be cleaned with citric acid, toilet soap, and hydrogen peroxide.

How do I clean my teflon iron? The answer is simple. You can clean a Teflon iron using the same methods as for other types of irons.

In order to remove a burnt piece of synthetic fabric to the surface of the iron, you just need to heat the iron, then scrape the melted fabric off the iron using something mild, a scraper will do.

Want to know how to descale your Philips iron? The fact is that a special container is built into the irons of this company, which collects scale. In order to descale your Philips iron, you need to remove the container by pressing the release button located on the back of the iron.

After taking out the container, rinse and dry it, wipe off the scale particles with a damp cloth, after which the container will be ready for use again.

Modern iron from Tefal - iron from. In order to clean the Tefal iron, it is necessary to pour mineral water into the water tank, as it perfectly removes scale, then the iron turns on at full power.

After the water has completely evaporated, the procedure must be repeated, only with ordinary water. You can also clean with citric acid, but I usually clean with mineral water.

So, you got acquainted with the main effective ways of cleaning the sole of the iron from adhered fabric, burning. We learned how to clean the ceramic soleplate of the iron, how to clean the iron from the burn-on on the soleplate, how to clean this household appliance from the inside.

Regular cleaning of your iron will prevent your appliance from burning. Now you are not afraid of holes in your favorite clothes, resulting from ironing with a dirty iron, because now your iron will always shine clean.

With the appearance of scale in the iron, every owner of this useful household appliance can encounter, so it will be useful for everyone to find out how you can easily and quickly get rid of it yourself. Consider effective ways to clean the iron from scale inside at home, using improvised and special cleaning products.

Scale- this is a hard deposit that is formed by the heating elements of the iron during its operation (from the salts contained in the water, which is poured into the iron for steaming during ironing). Even the use of purified and boiled water will not insure you against the appearance of plaque and scale on the inner surface of the water tank, in which it is heated, as well as in the combs (holes) from which steam comes out during ironing and steam ironing.

The formation of scale inside the iron over time can lead to its breakdown, as well as to dirt and damage to clothes (during ironing, “rusty” water flows out of the iron and small particles of scale settle on the clothes).

When the first signs of scale formation appear, as well as for preventive purposes, once every 3-4 months, it is necessary to clean the iron inside from scale, therefore, we will consider below the most effective and time-tested methods of cleaning the iron from plaque and scale using ordinary improvised means that can be found in almost every home, as well as special chemicals that can be bought at the nearest home store or supermarket.

How and how to clean the iron inside from scale at home

Before considering each of the methods for removing scale inside the iron, we note that the best solution is to use specialized tools, often developed by iron manufacturers with one goal - to remove scale and white deposits inside the iron and on its sole as efficiently and quickly as possible. Nevertheless, you can safely use folk methods, which are also quite effective and in demand for many years by many housewives.

The following home remedies for iron descaling, as well as special chemicals, are universal and can be used to clean the irons of most of today's popular iron models: Tefal (Tefal), Phillips (Philips), Braun (Brown), Bosch (Bosch), Polaris, Rowenta, Redmond, etc.

Note: many special products for irons from scale contain the same citric acid (the main active ingredient), which is often used to get rid of scale in the iron.

Self-descaling function in the iron

Many models of modern steam irons have a special self-cleaning function, which must be carried out at intervals of several months (for more details, see the instructions for use of your iron, if available). Let's take a look at how automatic self-cleaning works in an iron:

  • We collect water in the iron up to the maximum mark, and we also prepare a container in advance (for example, a basin), into which dirty water with scale will drain during the cleaning process (you can also carry out the procedure over the washbasin);
  • We set the temperature regulator for heating the iron at full power and turn on the iron to the network;
  • We are waiting for the iron to completely heat up, turn off and again completely heat up before turning off;
  • Press the self-cleaning button on the iron (the "Calc Clean" button), holding it horizontally with the sole downward above the prepared container or washbasin, while steam with dirt (scale, sediment) will intensively come out of the iron from the holes on the sole. During steam release, the iron can be gently shaken a little so that all dirt and liquid come out of it more intensively;
  • We repeat the entire procedure several times, after which we wait until the iron has completely cooled down and use a clean damp cloth to clean the remains of scale and stains on the sole of the iron.

The presence of the automatic self-cleaning function of the iron is very convenient and does not require special knowledge and skills, as well as the purchase of any cleaning products, only ordinary water is used. The main thing is to carefully study the instructions for your iron model in order to correctly and consistently follow the entire procedure according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of this model.

Preventive cleaning of the iron with protection against limescale

An equally useful refinement in modern irons are special filters (cassettes) from scale, which soften the water poured into the iron, and in others, anti-lime rods that mechanically clean the iron inside from scale.

There are two types of anti-scale cassettes: removable (must be replaced with a new one after a certain service life of the iron) and permanent (designed for the entire service life of the iron).

Anti-lime rods are designed for the entire life of the iron, but for their normal operation, it is necessary to periodically descale them (once every 1-2 months). To do this, remove the rod from the iron, and put it in a previously prepared solution of citric acid (1: 1 with water) or a solution of acetic acid (9% table vinegar is mixed 1: 1 with water) for 2 hours (during this time, scale, plaque and sediment dissolve in the solution on the rod), after which the rod is rinsed with plain water and inserted back into the iron.

Benefits: An efficient and quick way to descale the inside of the iron. This method is suitable for irons with ceramic, Teflon and metal soles.

Disadvantages: unpleasant odor during evaporation of citric acid solution.

Using citric acid to clean your iron is one of the easiest, most affordable and effective ways to remove limescale deposits from the inside of the water container and from the holes in the soleplate that steam when ironing. Cleaning the iron inside from limescale with citric acid takes place in the following sequence:

  • We prepare a container into which dirty water with scale from the iron will drain (large saucepan, basin). Also, the procedure can be carried out over a washbasin.
  • We prepare a solution of citric acid, for this we dissolve a sachet of citric acid (25 grams) in a glass of water or measure citric acid with teaspoons (2 teaspoons of citric acid for 250 ml of water). In this case, it is important to thoroughly stir it in water so that no grains and sediment remain.
  • Pour the prepared citric acid solution into the water tank in the iron and close it.
  • We set the temperature regulator on the iron to the maximum and turn it on, wait for the iron to heat up completely and turn it off automatically.
  • Holding the iron horizontally with the sole downward above the prepared container or sink, gently shake it from side to side (so that the solution inside washes out the accumulated scale better) and press the button for supplying steam from the sole. We wait until the entire solution of citric acid with scale and pieces of lime deposits comes out with steam.
  • We repeat the procedure several times, rinse the inside of the iron with plain water, after which, after waiting for the iron to cool down, clean the sole and the holes on it from the remnants of dirt and streaks with a clean damp cloth.

Note: after cleaning the iron with citric acid, it is advisable to pour clean water into it and carry out a test ironing of the old unnecessary fabric (preferably cotton) at the maximum temperature, while releasing steam from the sole of the iron to make sure that all residues of the citric acid solution and particles limescale has come out of the iron and will not stain clean clothes.

Advantages: an affordable way to remove scale in the iron, as well as clean holes (holes) in the soleplate of the iron at home.

Disadvantages: unpleasant odor during cleaning. This method can be used for irons with metal soles.

Using vinegar is effective for cleaning the soleplate, holes and channels through which steam escapes from the soleplate of the iron. Cleaning the iron with vinegar from limescale takes place in the following sequence:

  • Prepare a large frying pan or baking sheet (into which you can pour water and heat on the stove).
  • We make a vinegar solution for cleaning by mixing 1 liter of warm water with 1 cup of 9% table vinegar.
  • On the bottom of the selected frying pan or baking sheet, put 2 wooden sticks parallel to each other and place the iron on them with the sole down (it is desirable that the back of the iron is slightly higher than the front).
  • On the iron, set the steam regulator to the maximum, after which we add the prepared vinegar solution to the container in which the iron is located so that it completely covers the sole of the iron, but does not reach a higher level to the plastic surfaces.
  • We turn on the stove and bring the vinegar solution in a container to a boil, after which we immediately turn off the stove.
  • We wait until the vinegar solution has completely cooled down and repeat the procedure again.
  • After the next cooling of the container with the solution, take out the iron and thoroughly clean the entire sole with a damp cloth, while you can rinse the container into which it is poured in the iron with water.
  • We do not use the iron for 24 hours, after which we carry out a "rough" ironing with clean water inside on an old unnecessary cotton towel (or other unnecessary thing, preferably made of cotton) so that the remains of scale come out of the inner surface of the iron and the holes through which you come out are cleaned steam on the bottom of the iron.

How to descale the iron inside using special cleaning agents

Most of the companies that manufacture modern steam irons also produce under their own brand special chemical descaling products, developed by professionals for specific iron models. These descaler cleaners can be purchased at hardware stores and online stores (often found in sections that sell irons).

Also, in every household department of supermarkets, you can choose a descaling agent from conventional manufacturers, both domestic and foreign, which are versatile and suitable for descaling inside and outside irons. At the same time, as it was already written earlier, many chemical descaling agents among the main effective components contain citric acid, which copes well with scale and plaque.

On a note: how to correctly use special means for cleaning scale in the iron is described on the packaging of all products, so this issue will not be emphasized.

There may be cases when the iron has not been descaled for a long time (possibly for several years after purchase), in which case there are situations when, in addition to carbon deposits, a small scale deposit can form on the sole, while the holes themselves on the sole, from which steam also escapes clogged with a layer of limescale. In this case, do not despair and you can use the vinegar cleaning method (described above), in the case of an iron with a metal sole, but if the sole of a steam iron has a ceramic or Teflon coating, then you should use the tips below:

  • Prepare a citric acid solution by thoroughly stirring 1 sachet (2 teaspoons) of citric acid in warm water.
  • Carefully manually clean the sole of the iron with cotton pads soaked in a solution of citric acid, and clean the holes with cotton swabs, which we also moisten in the prepared solution. If the holes in the sole are heavily soiled with scale, they can be abundantly moistened with a solution and left for 10 minutes to soak and begin to dissolve, after which we continue to clean these holes with new cotton swabs until they are completely cleaned.

Note: it is always better not to bring the iron to a state where a large layer of scale forms in it, as well as clogged channels and holes in the sole, since in this case a thorough long cleaning is required.

We also read the article

The instructions for use say that only distilled water can be added to the water tank of the iron. According to the manufacturer's fair comment, following this recommendation, you will not need to look for information over time on how to descale the iron at home.

Why do I need to descale my iron?

Even several times using the iron with a tank filled with tap water without preliminary cleaning will be enough for the formation of limescale on the heating element. It is wrong to ignore the formation of limescale. An iron with a reservoir covered with formations cannot be used for ironing for one simple reason - it will leave “red” stains on the surface of the materials.

That is why, upon noticing the first signs of contamination of the tank for operation in steaming mode, you need to descale the iron inside, paying particular attention to the steam holes. There are several ways and means for this, both folk and professional.

What is self-cleaning and how it works

Many modern iron models are equipped with a self-cleaning function. This means that manufacturers have made sure that devices are cleaned without human intervention if necessary. To start the function, in most cases it is necessary to fill the tank to the maximum, connect the power supply and let the device work at full capacity.

  1. The iron is heated to the maximum and turned off several times in a row.
  2. After reheating, the self-cleaning function is activated (usually the start button is located on the body).
  3. At the moment of activating the function, steam with particles of dirt and scale will begin to emit intensively from the steam holes, therefore it is better to do this over a special container.
  4. The traces of limescale and organic compounds are removed together with the exhausted steam by shaking the iron.
  5. The cleaned water tank inside the device is rinsed with clean distilled water.

So that cleaning the iron according to the specified algorithm does not end with burns, you need to remember the ability of the device to maintain the temperature of the sole for a certain time without touching it with your hands.

The self-cleaning function is a convenient, simple and reliable way to descale your iron. But not all devices are equipped with it, therefore, to solve the problem of formations on the walls of the water tank of devices, alternative methods were invented.

Hot treatment of the iron - how and why is it done?

An effective way to remove scale on your own at home is a hot bath with the addition of chemical compounds. The cleaning process in this case is as follows:

  1. Lay out two slats on a baking sheet.
  2. The iron is fixed on a kind of bridge.
  3. A baking sheet is filled with a store-bought anti-scale mixture or one prepared with your own hands from improvised components (for example, citric acid at the rate of 5 tablespoons per liter of water).
  4. Boil water in a separate container, pour it into a baking sheet so that the lower part of the sole of the iron is completely covered.
  5. Leave the iron in this position for 1-2 hours.

When it is not possible to remove scale in this way, put the baking sheet on fire and boil for several minutes.

Lime deposits in the tank - folk methods

In addition to the above method, you can get rid of scale using one of the methods described below.

Option one. Mineral water based solution. It is not difficult, and most importantly, you can effectively clean a steam iron with a simple mineral water. To do this, you need mineral water and a large container for collecting liquid with deposits.

The cleaning process begins with filling the tank with mineral water, followed by heating to the maximum. Steam is released over the prepared dishes by sharp pressing of the button, thus provoking the exfoliation of the scale layer along with the heated mineral water. The manipulations are repeated several times. The final stage is rinsing the iron with ordinary distilled water, all the same with steam extraction.

The proven method of cleaning with citric acid is a natural, affordable and safe remedy. To remove traces of limescale, citric acid (1 sachet) is diluted in hot water and added to the reservoir of the device. The iron is turned on to the maximum heating mode, vigorously shaken several times and press the steam outlet button. In most cases, in this way it is possible to get rid of the bulk of the scale.

There is another way to prepare an effective citric acid-based product, suitable not only for descaling, but also for cleaning the sole of the device from old particles of dirt and melted fabric. To prepare the product, use 1.5 tablespoons of acid, 2 tablespoons of sodium carbonate and a tablespoon of vinegar. It is believed that a descaler will solve the problem in no more than 30 minutes.

Treat the device in the same way as the hot bath described above, except that the acid is mixed with soda and vinegar. The iron is placed in a shallow container with dry cleaning mixtures, where boiling water is gradually added, making sure that its height does not rise above the permissible rate.

After such cleaning, the iron is thoroughly wiped dry, if necessary, they proceed to re-cleaning, but this time already the soles.

Vinegar is also used as an affordable and safe remedy. You can clean the iron with vinegar at home without much effort, following the following algorithm:

  1. The iron is placed in a deep container.
  2. Two glasses of vinegar are mixed with a liter of water.
  3. The finished solution is poured into a container so that it covers the sole by half.
  4. The back of the iron is raised, placing it on a self-constructed "pedestal" from available tools.
  5. The steam release function is turned on at full power, the container is placed on the stove and brought to a boil.
  6. Cool the liquid and repeat the steps.
  7. Shake the iron along with the steam to loosen the limescale.

After the end of the procedure, you need to rinse the iron and leave it inoperative for a day.

Chemical attack - specialized means

When traditional methods do not help to make the steam iron cleaner, or do not inspire confidence, specialized preparations designed for delicate cleaning without damaging the device parts are suitable.

One of these facilities is Top House. It includes components that protect against premature failure of the iron elements. The German-made product is suitable for both internal and external cleaning.

At points of sale of household chemicals, you can also purchase products such as "Cillit" or "Anti-scale", as well as special cleaning pencils. Lack of funds - a sharp specific smell and, in some cases, the price. The advantages include ease of use and efficiency. It is necessary to work with industrial preparations, observing safety measures, using protective gloves.

How do I clean the steam vents on my iron?

It is not enough to clean the water container in the iron, disregarding the holes in the sole. In order for the device to work in a full-fledged mode, it is necessary to devote time to the steam holes, using all the same mineral water or citric acid. The iron is placed in the solution on the bars, additionally treating each hole with a syringe.

The cleaning procedure is repeated several times until a positive result is achieved.

When the iron gets dirty on your clothes, it means that there is scale inside the tank, which means that the steam holes are dirty. The solution to the problem will be professional products or hydrogen peroxide. To process the holes and the reservoir, wipe the surface with a cotton pad, allowing it to contact the drug for several hours. After the specified time has elapsed, making sure to clean the steam holes, wipe the reservoir and soleplate dry with a clean cloth.

How can I prevent limescale build-up in my iron?

Observing the rules for using the device, you can keep it in working order for the operational period declared by the manufacturer. To do this, you must first clean the water tank from the tap, if it has remained there from previous use, carefully treat it with one of the above means and refill with pure distilled water.

In the future, during operation, it is allowed to use exclusively purified water.

Iron soleplate - how to remove adhered fabrics?

When you need to clean the sole of the iron from the remnants of melted fabrics, it is better to use proven methods. This can be a paraffin candle, a special pencil, hydrogen peroxide, or regular vinegar.

Modern models of irons are of high quality. However, they still require careful attitude and some care. Contamination inside the device and on the sole is a common problem. That is why the question is relevant, how to clean the iron from scale without damaging it either inside or outside? There are several proven tools for this.

What will help to rid the iron of dirt at home?

Scale builds up in the iron due to the use of hard water containing impurities. And also due to frequent or not entirely correct operation of the device, such contamination can appear on the surface of the electrical appliance. The iron should be descaled regularly. Otherwise, contamination will affect the efficiency of ironing, leading to a rapid failure of the equipment.

What will allow you to get rid of the scale at home that has accumulated inside?

  1. Carbonated water, as well as a mixture of filtered or distilled water and tap water.
  2. Citric acid, lemon juice.
  3. Specially formulated products suitable for cleaning devices from contamination. For irons, descaling agents inside electric kettles may also be suitable options.

When choosing a descaler, you can give preference to the following options:

  • Silit;
  • "Antinakipin";
  • "Delu";
  • Optima Plus PO-020;
  • "Luxus".

What home remedies can you use to descale your iron?

  1. With the help of hydroperite.
  2. Using a matchbox sulfur, but this method will not work with Teflon coated devices such as Tefal irons. Due to this effect, there will be scratches on the surface.
  3. Will help remove dirt from the surface of the iron ammonia, hydrogen peroxide, lemon juice, vinegar solution, laundry soap.
  4. The dishwashing detergent copes well with scale on the surface.
  5. Cleaning the iron from scale can also be carried out using special products. Pencil from dirt Is a fairly popular descaler that removes dirt from the sole of the device.

To make cleaning the iron from scale easy, you should use soft sponges, cloth, or gauze, on which a solution or special agent is applied. It is worth excluding the use of powder mixtures and metal sponges, which will leave marks even on aluminum or ceramic surfaces.

In addition to using chemical or folk remedies that help solve the problem of how to descale the iron, there is a special function in modern models of devices, for example, Bosh, Rowenta and others irons. It is with the help of it that cleaning can occur inside the iron. And a range of Philips irons are designed with improved cleaning ability.

An additional feature of Philips, Tefal, Braun electrical appliances is that they are equipped with the Anti-scale function. This simplifies the process of removing scale in the iron and on its surface, because the device is slightly dirty.

"Self-cleaning": how to make it more effective

If the iron has a function that helps clean out plaque from the inside, then you should resort to this method every 2-3 months. The name of the self-cleaning system may differ depending on the brand of steam iron. Most often, the notation " selfclean". But the Philips iron equipped with this system has a button on the body " Clac clean».

Do not use vinegar to create a solution that will be used to remove limescale deposits from the iron. Vinegar, unlike "lemon", can negatively affect the rubberized parts, disabling the device.

But how to clean the iron from scale inside so that the result is worthy?

  1. Pour either a mixture of distilled and tap water (calculation 3: 1) into the water container, or use a citric acid solution. 2-3 small tablespoons of "lemon" should be poured into a glass of hot water, stir and pour the solution into the tank.
  2. Then you need to connect the device to the network, setting the heating level to the value for ironing wool (about 140 degrees) or to maximum power.
  3. As soon as the iron is hot, it will turn off automatically. After that, you need to repeat the heating again, especially in the case when you need to know how to descale the iron with citric acid with instant results.
  4. After turning off the device, you need to substitute a basin under the iron.
  5. Next, you should activate the self-cleaning button by holding it down until all residual water or solution comes out after steam.
  6. The iron can be gently chatted.
  7. At the end of the procedure, when the scale is removed from the device, the tank must be rinsed, filled again with clean water and again "let off" steam.

Even in situations where the model of the iron does not have a special system, you can still clean the iron with steam by using the steam function.

Descaling from the inside

Removing plaque inside the iron with steam from a citric acid solution or mixed distilled and tap water is a folk method. But it does not always completely eliminate contamination in the steam holes. What to do in this case?

Instead of trying to figure out how to descale your iron with citric acid, you can take sparkling water... The cleaning process will be the same as in the self-cleaning situation, only carbonated liquid is poured into the tank.

By applying lemon juice diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1, you can remove dirt from the steam slots. To do this, a cotton swab is dipped into the solution, with which the holes are wiped. Then, using the function " steam boost" or " steam action», After pouring water into the iron, the holes should be cleaned from the remnants of lemon juice.

At the end of all the manipulations, trying to get rid of scale at home, the iron should be wiped with a soft cloth.

In a situation where chemical agents are used to destroy plaque, dirt, it is necessary to perform all actions strictly according to the individual instructions attached to the tool.

Cleaning the soleplate of the iron from external limescale

If the question is not how to get rid of limescale in the iron, but you need to clean the outer sole, you can resort to simple but effective options.

  1. Rub the surface of a preheated iron 72% laundry soap... Then cool the device and clean off the soap, wiping the soleplate with a soft cloth. If the soap particles got inside the holes, pull it out with a cotton swab, and then blow it with steam using softened water.
  2. Moisten a piece of gauze or bandage in the chosen improvised means ( vinegar, hydrogen peroxide, ammonia, lemon juice), wipe the cold surface of the device. By applying dish detergent, you need to pour it on a soft sponge and wipe the sole. Then rinse the product, wipe the surface.
  3. When warming up the device, you can use with a pencil (chalk) against scale for various coatings of iron soles. This tool is rubbed over the entire desired surface. The pencil will melt quickly and can be easily wiped off along with scale.
  4. The cleaner works great hydroperite... A tablet of the agent is rubbed onto the heated surface of the electrical appliance. Then, when the device has cooled down, wipe the sole with a piece of soft cloth.
  5. An extreme way is to use not only vinegar, but also sulfur from a matchbox... It is necessary to rub the heated surface of the iron with the gray-coated sides of the box. Then rub the sole of the sole with a sponge.

You can watch how to descale your iron in a short video below:

Removing deposits from the inside and outside of the ironing unit is not difficult. The main thing to remember is that you need to get rid of scale immediately, as soon as even a small amount of it has formed. And so that the problem occurs less often, you do not need to often use hard water from the tap. It is better to use a special one for irons, distilled or, in extreme cases, cleaned with a household filter.

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