How to raise your energy level. About female energy. Increasing human energy - a way of life

As already mentioned, every human thought, as well as his feelings and body, has a strong or weak energy. To connect with the power of intention, you need to increase your energy level. How to increase internal energy man?

It is impossible to heal by constantly cursing the disease. By such actions, you only add to the destructive energy that permeates your life. If you react to the low-level energy of the world around you with the same low energy, you will only expand it even more. For example, this can affect the following: if you treat the person who offended you somehow, you will only strengthen the low-frequency energy field.

You don't need to use the low energy that many of your people around you have. Try to operate at higher frequencies, then they will not be able to lower your energy level. On the contrary, you should strive to increase your energy level, becoming what you want and what you strive for.

In order for it to be easier for you to remove all the obstacles that come from the low-frequency waves of your energy, and get closer to the power of intention, you need to learn how to increase your energy system due to the following factors:

● Start practicing meditation regularly. To do this, for a while, drop all extraneous thoughts and immerse yourself in silence, while mentally constantly repeating the name of God as a mantra.

● Try to eat healthy, plant-based foods such as nuts, fruits and vegetables, soy, or yeast-free bread. They have a high alkali content in their composition and have a positive effect on the energy level, thereby making you stronger. Other foods such as sweets, fatty dairy foods and foods with dyes are low in energy. The best option would be: separate meals and, thus, you give the body the opportunity to increase the level of energy.

● Completely give up bad habits: smoking, alcohol, drugs (even light ones). This is simply necessary in order to get closer to the power of intention and increase your level of energy power.

● Take cable and commercial television into the background. It’s not a secret for anyone that modern television programs, films, clips and even children's cartoons in most cases are negative. Try to give up watching TV altogether, or at least pay attention to extremely positive, kind programs.

● When listening to music, pay attention to its energy. Loud, heavy and harsh sound vibrations will drastically reduce your energy levels. Therefore, in order for you to be able to attract love and peace to yourself, as well as the ability to contact with intention, listen exclusively to the music and songs that can reflect your good high thoughts.

● Decorate your frequently visited place with positive photographs. Perhaps this turn of events may seem like complete nonsense to many, but it is not. Photography is to some extent a form of reproducing energy, and pictures that capture expressions of love and joy, nature and kindness, will be an excellent vehicle for filling your heart with high energy.

● Try to communicate with highly spiritual people as much as possible. It may even be your family and friends who see greatness in you and help reunite you with intention.

● Remember to monitor your behavior. Try to avoid places, businesses and people that have low energy fields. Don't be violent, rude, or angry. Instead of going with friends to a cafe or a nightclub for a drink and "some fun", it is better to go to the park, to hike, to the sea. Try to be close to nature. Visit monasteries, travel to holy places, or do charity work, not necessarily financially.

● Do any good deeds from a pure heart, and do not ask for anything in return. When making any decision, be specific, you should not play around.

● Think about forgiveness as often as possible. If someone offended you, on purpose or by accident, you do not need to hold this person angry, and even more insult, forgive him and wish him well.

● Don't be proud. Don't put yourself on the bar higher than other people. Treat everyone equally, regardless of the status of a particular person. After all, pride and self-esteem are the worst enemies on the path to intention.

All these tips will help you as quickly as possible. increase internal energy, and, consequently, to approach the universal Spirit.

Copyright © 2013 Byankin Alexey

Internal energy and its quantity, in fact, is one of the fundamental moments of our life. A person's energy level determines everything: his strength, endurance, desire to do something ... Ultimately, even the desire to live. With a lack of energy, a person is overcome by apathy, sadness, laziness and depression. A person's health, his success in society and his financial well-being directly depend on the level of internal energy.

After all, only a high level of energy allows you to manage your life. For a person is capable of Desiring, Daring and Doing only after his survival is assured. So, the higher energy level, the more successful a person in life.

Undoubtedly, every person who is not indifferent to their life should consider energy boost and preservation her level as the primary task.

Eastern culture was originally built on the concept of a worldwide movement of energy. But not every Western person is inclined to admit the presence of a person's energy field. We live by the principle: Until I see it myself, I don’t touch it myself - I will never believe it. So it's up to you to believe it or not. Nevertheless, further information will undoubtedly be useful to everyone.

So, energy comes to us in several ways:

    • Through food.
    • Through physical activity.
    • Through passive spending time (sleep and rest).
    • Through mental activity (positive and creativity).

How to enhance
your inner energy

Since our body constantly needs energy and constantly consumes it, in order to increase its level, we must simultaneously go in two ways:

      1. Decrease unjustified consumption
      2. Increase admission from various sources.

We already know the ways to replenish energy. I note that it is necessary to simultaneously use different sources of energy replenishment and work in several directions at once. The most important thing is that there is Harmony in your life and it develops in all directions.

To reduce energy consumption it is enough to get rid of bad habits. Did you know that smoking takes away 80% energy! Excessive alcohol shortens life by years. The body also spends enormous resources on its cleansing from toxins.

10 best methods
increase your energy

  1. Eat properly(food should be balanced, eat vitamins, drink enough water).
  2. Master the correct complete rhythmic breathing.
  3. Drenched in the morning cold water.
  4. Lead an active life (sit less, walk more).
  5. Exercise regularly physical exercise(minimum 15 minutes of charging in the morning).
  6. Do more with cheerful energetic music (wake up, do exercises, clean the house).
  7. Get enough sleep and get enough sleep.
  8. Conduct regular meditations and use various spiritual practices.
  9. THANK YOU (always say thanks, before going to bed, thank everyone who helped you today - for the experience, for knowledge, for ideas and interesting tips).
  10. Practice total SILENCE (try to live a day without a computer, TV and phone).

Of course, all methods of energy replenishment are not limited to this ten. Energy boosts can be achieved in many ways. We will gradually reveal them all. To do this, follow the further publications.

Now, my goal is to offer you a fairly complete set of methods covering all the ways of replenishing energy. So that you have a certain integral system that would allow you to develop harmoniously in all directions. And thus, achieve your lofty goals.

Desires, Strength and Success to you!

Do you want to be full of energy throughout the day? Here are 6 ways to boost your energy and look great without coffee and energy drinks. Our lifestyle and nutrition are directly related to feeling energized. Lightness + sea of ​​energy or heaviness + desire to lie down? The choice is yours.

1. Eat more vegetables and fruits

Ice cream, cookies, Coca-Cola, chips not only destroy our health and beauty, but also deprive us of energy! Sugar charges the body with fast energy for a short time, after which the strength remains even less. After a few hours, the urge to snack on cookies or snickers reappears. By eliminating such foods from the diet, the body will not waste invaluable energy to digest empty, heavy foods with zero benefit.

It's best to eat a bowl of brown rice or whole grain pasta (if you're not gluten sensitive) with a large serving of vegetables to provide your body with slow energy throughout the day. Don't forget about superfoods for energy boost - bananas, almonds, ginger, green vegetables and hot peppers.

2. Eliminate caffeine

Caffeine stimulates the burst of energy, while at the same time depriving us of energy. Coffee, energy drinks and Coca-Cola are physically and psychologically addictive. One cup of coffee is not enough to energize from morning to evening, so after a few hours the desire to have a cup arises again. Coffee provokes side effects such as headache, fatigue, irritability. The more coffee you drink, the stronger the side effects become.

Try a green smoothie made from greens and fruits, which are full of vitamins and minerals, instead of coffee for breakfast several times a week.

Green smoothies are easily digested by the body, unlike heavy foods, and make us prettier and healthier. The nutritional composition of these mixes will energize you for the whole day!

3. Get enough sleep

Sleep is essential for physical and mental health. You can read more It is very likely that you are lacking energy due to insufficient sleep.

Watch your feelings immediately after waking up! It is very important to fully recover at night. And wake up with renewed vigor and desire to move mountains.

A few hours before bedtime, put aside electronic devices that can disrupt your daily biorhythm. And on a day off, turn off the alarm, trust your body and sleep as much as you want.

4. Drink water

Dehydration lowers our energy levels. Drink clean water, herbal teas, and fresh vegetables and fruits to nourish the body and maintain water balance. Add lemon wedges occasionally for flavor.

5. Go in for sports

Did you know that physical activity increases energy levels several times more than caffeine? Just a 40-minute walk before breakfast will energize the day! Regular physical activity makes us stronger, more positive and energetic.

6. Don't be nervous

When we get tired emotionally and psychologically from daily tasks and stressful situations, we feel physically tired. Stopping for a few minutes throughout the day will help calm your mind and reboot yourself completely. Taking a deep breath a few times before answering a call, meditating for 2-3 minutes on the way home, or taking a bath after a weekday are small steps each of us can try.

Switching from a restless mind to your body will save precious energy and will drastically change you and your way of thinking! You will become calmer, more balanced, peaceful and feminine. Thanks to such moments, you find answers to exciting questions, and any problem turns out to be simple to solve.

Take the first steps, gradually changing the usual way of life. Swap your morning coffee for a glass of freshly squeezed green juice or a smoothie several times a week. Try snacking on fruit instead of candy when the energy is at zero. Always listen to your inner feelings.

When we feed the body with healthy food, devote a few minutes a day only to ourselves, we not only feel a sea of ​​energy and inner balance, but also look great! After all, beauty reflects physical health! There is no other way.

With love,

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"an article about how to develop and strengthen energy... With the aim, of course, to improve their lives.

How to develop and strengthen energy? First you need to decide what exactly we will develop. To develop what is needed and not reinforce any nonsense. Since there are a lot of energy development exercises on the Internet, we will not copy them (gymnastics, yoga, qigong, khi-kong wushu, and so on). Let's dwell on very important points that should precede any exercises for the development of energy. Without these moments, you will be wasting your time (and even your health money).

Let's start with the definition. Energy is what creates movement. So, there are physical characteristics - agility, speed, weight, strength. And there are energetic ones. For example, no matter how strong a person is, if he has little energy, then he cannot do anything. Is it possible to fall without strength and without. That is, energy is what allows you to move, what gives rise to movement.

Accordingly, the rule is: the more active a person is, the more powerful his energy.

The more he lies on the couch, the weaker it is (even if this person claims that he has super developed his energy). Accordingly, a more active person does more useful things - and lives better. So to develop and strengthen the energy really, not in the imagination - this is a very, very useful thing.

Having dealt with the definitions, let's move on to the key points in the development of energy. And we'll start with the body.

Since we are corporeal beings, the body plays a very important role in human energy. Simply put, a person can control the energy that his body can withstand. Accordingly, first of all, before starting to develop the energy sector, it is necessary to improve:

  • a) the energy intensity of the body (its ability to contain a certain amount of energy)
  • b) the energy conductivity of the body (its ability to conduct energy without delays and barriers).

Otherwise, whatever technique you use, you will not take more benefit than the body allows. But more harm, please. Energy flows that are too strong for a particular body can lead to various breakdowns in the body. It's like with an electrical circuit - too much current will melt the wire, short circuit, and so on.

On the other hand, energy intensity and energy conductivity increase when a person uses his energy regularly and incrementally. That is, energy intensity and energy conductivity are trained. The basic rule is:

Excess energy intensity and energy conductivity of the body should not be critical.

That is, a slight excess is good, it encourages the body to rebuild. But a big excess is an overload and a road to various problems.

The second nuance, which we will focus on, also concerns the body. But not only. So, many techniques for the development and strengthening of energy involve visualization when performing exercises. Earlier, we have already touched on what visualization is and how it works. So we will not repeat ourselves. Let's just say that there are two types of energy training exercises.

  1. The first type is visualizing, say, the flow of energy, in the form of a mental picture.
  2. The second type is visualization of the same flow of energy in sensations in the body.

The first type is nothing more than a waste of time. Energy does not depend on how vividly you can imagine the picture. It doesn't depend on your imagination. It does not depend on images in the mind.

Energy is associated with the body, energy passes through the body, energy is accumulated in the body. Therefore, any visualization when working with energy must take place in sensations in the body. Not in a picture in your mind.

That is, if the exercise requires you to feel the fiery point in the tailbone, then

  • it is useless to draw a picture of the tailbone and a fiery point on it;
  • it is necessary to FEEL IN FEELING this very fiery point in the coccyx.

Naturally, the choice is yours. But now you know the truth, so you are responsible for your results 🙂

And the third point on which we will stop. So, there are two large classes of energy development exercises. Both classes assume that a person is full of this or that energy that can be accumulated, conducted, and so on.

  1. However, the first class of exercises presupposes a person as a consequence.
  2. And the second class of exercise is the cause.

The first class exercises invite you to feel how energy fills you, how it flows in, how higher beings infuse it. That is, the reason is outside. Man is a consequence. He says something like "energy come, fill me, make me stronger ...".

Exercises in the second class assume that the person is directing the energy CAM. He absorbs it, he emits it, he transforms it in one way or another in accordance with his tasks.

Guess which of the exercise classes is more effective 🙂

If anything - a hint. How will you treat a person who, wishing to study physics, will say to a physics textbook: "Oh, knowledge, penetrate me! Enter my mind and fill my body!" How much will such a person learn? Naturally, nothing. But if he began to read, think, compose examples, solve problems, then he would study physics.

It is the same with energy: either you ask for it, or you control it.

Thus, how to develop and strengthen energy? It's very simple - with the right exercises.

Well, after reading this article, you can easily determine whether the exercises are right in front of you or not.

If you are suffering from an energy crisis, another cup of coffee will not save you. A headstand and orange glasses are just some of the odd but effective ways to quickly boost energy.

Ear massage

When you massage your ears, you stimulate the acupressure points that energize the entire body and improve circulation. You don't need to use any specific methods. As soon as you feel tired, massage your earlobes and then the top of your ear.

Wear orange lenses

If you're used to watching TV before bed, the blue light that your monitor emits can interfere with the production of melatonin, the sleep hormone. To resist the blue light and protect your sleep, try watching TV with orange lenses to help you relax and avoid fatigue.

Take a cold shower

A hot shower in the morning is a good idea, but a cold shower will give you a huge boost of energy. The flow of cold water will improve your breathing rate, a response to shock, increased oxygen consumption, and increased heart rate as your body works to keep warm.

Eat two kiwis

This fruit is fortified with vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and potassium, which boost energy. Research results show that eating two kiwis a day is enough to eliminate fatigue and depressive symptoms and increase energy.

Bee pollen

Bee pollen is packed with essential nutrients that have been shown to increase stamina and focus. Great product.

Do a headstand

Your coworkers may think you're crazy if you do this in your office, but inversion therapy is a quick way to improve mental performance. This exercise improves brain health by increasing blood flow. If the blood flow to the brain increases, then more oxygen and glucose will enter the brain.

Mow the lawn

The mere thought of having to mow your lawn can fill you with dread. But research shows that the smell of freshly cut grass can suppress bad moods and promote feelings of joy, calmness, and well-being.

Keep a journal

Writing down everything you are grateful for can help you feel refreshed and happy, and it can also improve your sleep. This is an effective way.

Listen to loud music

If you have a long commute to work, grab your headphones and download your favorite playlist to your phone. Loud music has been known to boost energy and improve your mental well-being. Also, funny music evokes positive memories.

Don't forget to have breakfast

It doesn't matter if you think breakfast is an important meal or not, many scientists, so to speak, are on its side. They have proven that those who skip breakfast feel much better, are less stressed, and more resilient during the day than those who skip breakfast.

Wash your face

Need a quick boost? Instead of steeping a pot of coffee, try washing your face with cold water and you will feel more energized than drinking a cup of coffee.

Pay loans on time

Financial issues are always stressful, sometimes it is impossible to escape from it. Credit debt affects our mood and lowers energy levels. Try to pay all bills on time.

Eat eggs


Sedentary work can drain energy and leave you depressed. Walking for a short walk, however, can make you a little happier and more energized.

Eat yogurt

Yogurt is fortified with complex carbohydrates, protein and fiber. And these components provide a steady burst of energy.

Sniff the rosemary sprigs

This aromatic herb has been proven to improve physical condition and relieve mental fatigue. Rosemary is believed to improve memory and soothe headaches.

Try to consume as much magnesium as possible

If you constantly feel tired, your body lacks magnesium. When a person does not get enough magnesium, the body works harder to regulate the heart rate and convert glucose into energy. As a result, you feel drained. Nuts, whole grains, and fish are all good sources of magnesium.

Eat chia seeds

Add two tablespoons of chia seeds to a cup of unsweetened almond milk, then refrigerate. Sprinkle cinnamon on top for a delicious snack.

Give up alcohol

A glass of wine before bed can ruin rest and slow down energy levels. While alcohol may initially make you drowsy, it also increases the production of stress hormones that can lead to insomnia.

Mint chewing gum

This elastic will not only give you a fresh breath, but also make you feel refreshed. Spearmint is known to increase alertness as effectively as cold water.

Orange juice

This is not as stupid as it sounds. Research results show that people who drink orange juice for breakfast are less tired and generally feel more refreshed.

Eat Indian food

Many Asian dishes contain spices that have medicinal properties, improve blood circulation and mood. They also boost energy.

Stress can drain your energy and this can affect your mood. Some researchers consider laughter to be the best medicine. So take the time to watch all those funny animal videos, especially cats, that your friends on social media throw at you, and you will see how a good laugh can help you get rid of lethargy.

Cinnamon tea

Instead of chasing another can of Red Bull, the next time you feel sleepy, make yourself a cup of cinnamon tea. The aroma of the spice improves memory and attention.

Take vitamins

Vitamin B is needed for energy production, but about 40 percent of people do not get enough energy. A B 12 deficiency can lead to fatigue, mood swings, and dementia.

Give yourself a mental health day

If you are constantly exposed to stress at work, you may feel tired, moody, and drained. To restore energy, take a short break and take a day off. Mental Health Day will allow you to leave your office job and focus on your happiness, which will restore energy. Make sure to plan your day so you don't start doing household chores. Instead, spend some time reading, walking, or anything that makes you feel refreshed and energized.

Drink more water

A person is 60 percent water, and even mild dehydration can lead to an energy crisis. To keep your body functioning properly, try to drink eight to ten cups of water a day.


A sedentary lifestyle leads to health problems, including cancer, depression, and diabetes. It can also cause feelings of lethargy. To boost energy and protect your heart, try getting up from your desk more often and doing a warm-up. This will increase your heart rate and energy levels, while reducing your risk of serious health problems.

Trampoline jumping

Trampoline jumping is known to improve mental clarity and generate positive energy that lasts all day. You will definitely love it.

Eat blueberries

When a wave of fatigue hits you, fight it with sweet, delicious blueberries. The berry is known to boost energy and promote brain function thanks to its rich concentration of phytonutrients and antioxidants that improve brain function and memory.