How to apply apricot kernel oil. Mask for sensitive dehydrated skin. Hair mask with apricot kernel oil

A quivering droplet of oily liquid of a light yellow hue on the tip of a finger, a light nutty aroma with a delicate shade of apricot. With gentle movements, it is rubbed into the skin and it is filled with life-giving moisture, nourishing and protecting its beauty and health. What is this miracle cure? This oil from the seeds of the amazing southern fruit - apricot, is a real treasure of health.

The scope of its application is huge. This is cooking and medicine, soap making and cosmetology ... The list goes on. But for women, the most important aspect is self-care, so it's worth learning more about this wonderful product.

Apricot oil - how to get it

To obtain apricot oil from seeds (kernels), a rather expensive method of cold pressing is used. It is not the most practical economically, but the product is of the highest quality. The hot method is much cheaper, but it is not suitable, since the temperature of the raw material rises to 300 ° C, causing the destruction of a number of very useful substances contained in the apricot.

Another possibility of obtaining a liquid is based on solvent extraction. But it also has its drawback, as it is able to change the chemical composition of the final product.

Apricot oil - beneficial properties

To understand what useful properties apricot kernel oil has, you should read dry and uninteresting, but necessary information about the most important components of its composition.

1. The content of fatty, organic acids is important in any oil. Apricot is especially rich in oleic and linoleic acids. It is very healthy, as the composition is dominated by unsaturated fats, which contain a significant amount of vitamin E.

2. Of the micro-nutrients, it contains the most phytosterols.

3. Vitamins D, E, B, C are very necessary and valuable.

4. Useful liquid contains proteins, sugars.

5. It is a miniature periodic table, containing a whole list of minerals, including: Zn (zinc), Ca (calcium), Fe (iron), Mn (manganese), Cu (copper) and others;

6. Due to the specificity of its chemical composition, it has the ability to absorb oxygen radicals.

With such a rich composition, apricot oil has a beneficial pharmacological effect on the skin:

- tonic;

- regenerating;

- moisturizing;

- anti-aging;

- antiseptic.

Apricot oil - contraindications (and possible harm)

Well-squeezed apricot kernel oil is practically harmless. In fact, the only contraindication is individual intolerance. Before use, a small test should be performed: apply an oily drop to the bend of the elbow and rub into the skin. Thanks to its sensitivity, in this place it will be seen how the body reacts to a new substance. If redness appears, then it is better to choose another remedy for yourself, if not, you can safely apply this miracle of nature.

Another nuance concerns internal use. Apricot oil is produced in two types: for cosmetic, medicinal purposes and for cooking. For topical use (in dermatology), it is absolutely safe, with the exception of a possible allergic reaction, and oral administration is associated with a certain risk.

The nucleoli contain amygdalin. Once in the body, it is converted into a fairly poisonous substance, with an overdose of which it is easy to get poisoned. The development of respiratory failure and even death is quite likely.

Amygdalin should be completely excluded from the product at the manufacturing stage. This is usually the case for responsible, reliable suppliers, which is not the case for handicraft production. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase the desired product either in pharmacies or in proven specialized stores where only certified products are sold. In this case, subject to the expiration date, complete safety is guaranteed.

Apricot oil - indications and methods of application

Apricot stone oil is widely used in dermatology, the main direction is external use. The peculiarity of the product is that it is perfect for all absolutely skin types, and it is harmless for such sensitive ones as babies. If there is no individual intolerance, then it can be used even in such delicate periods of a woman's life as pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects from active use have not yet been identified.

Apricot oil is indicated not only for all skin types, but also for all ages. In youth - in order to prevent and maintain tone, in maturity - to combat the first and subsequent signs of age-related changes.

Main indications:

- skin imperfections - wilting, wrinkles, dryness or dehydration, hardened epidermis;

- dry dermatitis;

- cellulite;

- inflammation on the surface layer, etc.

Apricot oil is used for cosmetic procedures:

- massage;

- nutrition;

- cleaning;

- moisturizing.

The main ways to use apricot oil:

1. In order to nourish the skin of the face and neck, you must first cleanse and moisturize it. Then rub in 4-6 drops with soft, gentle movements, following the massage lines.

2. To nourish the skin of the eyelids and the area around the eyes, it is necessary to apply tiny portions of oil and rub them very gently, trying not to get on the eyelashes.

3. To moisturize and soften the surface of the body, you can apply a few drops of liquid to wet palms and spread them over the entire skin with sliding movements.

At the end of the oiling, the residues of the product must be blotted with a damp cloth made of natural fabric, for example, cotton. It is enough to perform such procedures once every 6-7 days to make the skin look healthy and radiant.

4. In order to enrich lotions, night or day creams, you can add 5-8 drops of oil per serving.

5. For self-preparation of masks for nutrition and moisturizing, 5-10 drops of oil are added to 1 portion of the agent used.

Enrichment of creams and masks is also performed at the rate of 1 time per week.

Apricot kernel oil - for face

Apricot kernel oil is most effective for the skin of the face: flabby, sensitive, flaky, with rashes, with numerous fine wrinkles and "crow's feet". It is good to use it for everyday self-care, and the choice of methods is quite rich.

1. You can wipe your face every time before going to bed using a cotton pad with a couple of drops of oil.

2. Daily lotions are good for the eyelids. Apricot oil perfectly relieves puffiness and strengthens the skin around the eyes, prevents the appearance of dark circles from lack of sleep, fatigue. If you are not lazy and use oily liquid regularly, then such procedures can reduce the risk of expression lines and fine lines around the eyes.

3. Any creams, ointments or lotions for face care can be enriched by adding literally 2-3 drops of the product to a serving before use.

5. An excellent face mask can be made from 1 chicken yolk by thoroughly rubbing it with a teaspoon of oil. However, it can be added to any care product, the effect will be great.

6. To perform facial massage use a couple of drops of liquid in pure form or as a component of an oil cocktail with jojoba, avocado, etc.

With a certain degree of caution, the oil should be used by people who have a predisposition to acne, as the product can clog pores a little. This can cause the appearance of acne, blackheads.

Apricot kernel oil - for hair

With proper use of oil from apricot kernels, even elite shampoos with balms cannot be compared with it in terms of effectiveness. The most unsightly looking strands will come to life after a course of procedures. Yes, shiny, luxurious hair without the slightest sign of grease - this effect can be achieved with regular use of oil for masks. By the way, in the summer it is also irreplaceable - it perfectly protects the strands from the negative effects of excessive ultraviolet radiation and retains moisture in the hairs due to the thinnest film formed on them when a slightly viscous liquid is applied.

How to Treat Hair with Apricot Oil? This can be done in several ways.

1. The easiest way is to saturate your shampoo at the rate of 15-20 drops per 100 ml - you get an effective balm for a flowing waterfall of shiny strands. It is good to apply such a remedy on damaged hair for about 1 hour, only then rinse with warm water.

2. A small amount of oil can be heated in a water bath or in a microwave oven. In a hot state, it must be rubbed into the roots of the hair, wrap the head with a film and cover with a towel. The procedure takes from half an hour to an hour (depending on the condition of the hair and its volume). Then gently rinse everything off with shampoo and warm water. This method of hot processing allows you to provide the hair with full nutrition, especially vitamin E. Due to this, an optimal rate of growth is achieved.

3. If dandruff appears, then a useful mix of apricot oil and rosemary oil, tea tree, rubbed into the scalp will help get rid of it.

4. To make hair thicker, you can mix 1 teaspoon of oil in equal proportion with honey and cognac. Then grind the composition with egg yolk and apply along the entire length of the curls, while massaging their roots for 3-5 minutes. Roll the oiled hair in a towel for 2 hours, then rinse off the product. Just a couple of applications and the result will be clearly visible.

5. If the hair grows irritatingly slowly, then it is worth making such a mask: add 2 teaspoons of sour cream (heavy cream), 2 tablespoons of apricot oil to 3 chicken yolks. Grind the whole mixture until smooth with the addition of a pinch of hot pepper.

A woman who is used to taking care of herself and does it with pleasure will always find a place for natural cosmetics among cosmetics, and wonderful apricot oil has every right to be among them.

Hello dear readers. Today I want to talk to you about apricot kernel oil. This oil is similar in properties to peach seed oil and almond oil. But, nevertheless, apricot kernel oil is widely used in cosmetology. I really love apricots, bright and fleshy fruits, they contain a stone inside. Apricot kernels are cold pressed to produce apricot oil, which in turn allows you to preserve all vitamins in the oil. Reviews about this oil speak for themselves and the results after using the oil can be seen after several procedures. This oil is great for hair, face and body. Apricot kernel oil is often referred to as apricot oil.

Apricot kernel oil absorbs very well into the skin. The oil is light yellow, odorless, only light walnut-apricot notes are felt. The oil contains many valuable components in its composition. Contains oil vitamin C, A, F, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium, linoleic, oleic and other fatty acids.

Apricot kernel oil. Properties.

Apricot oil is known for its ability to penetrate deeply into the skin without leaving a greasy residue. Applying the oil helps to make the skin smoother, smoother and more beautiful. It also helps to reduce flaking, irritation, softens the skin, heals cracks well.

Vitamin A, which is part of apricot kernel oil, promotes rejuvenation and regeneration of skin cells, normalizes sebum production. Moisturizes the skin and helps to make it soft, soft and supple.

Vitamin C is an antioxidant, this vitamin stimulates collagen production in skin cells. Vitamin C is needed for an even and beautiful complexion, for youthful skin.

B vitamins contained in apricot oil prevent inflammation and help in the healing of microcracks.

Contains apricot kernel oil and vitamin E, which is an antioxidant. Helps protect the skin from adverse environmental influences.

Potassium helps to retain moisture in skin cells. Magnesium has a positive effect on the functioning of blood vessels.

Apricot kernel oil has wound healing, tonic, nourishing, softening properties.

Apricot kernel oil. Application.

Apricot kernel oil is used for the body, face, hair. The oil perfectly restores the skin, maintains skin elasticity. In addition, it stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells, promotes cell renewal.

Apricot oil helps soothe, soften and repair skin after intense sun exposure, which is especially true in summer.

Apricot kernel oil helps in the healing of wounds and cracks in the skin, reduces flaking, inflammation. And because of its ability to be easily absorbed into the skin, it can be applied to the face and body.

The oil helps to cope with dry skin, suitable for sensitive, dry, aging skin.

This oil is used to smooth out fine wrinkles on the face. To do this, lubricate cleansed skin with apricot oil. After a couple of weeks, the results are noticeable, the skin will become more elastic and firm.

The oil helps to fight inflammation on the skin of the face. To do this, add 1-2 drops to one tablespoon of apricot kernel oil and lubricate the affected skin.

Since the oil does not irritate or inflame the skin, it is excellent for the delicate skin of babies.

Apricot oil perfectly cares for the skin of the hands and cuticles, nourishing and softening the skin, and also accelerates the healing of wounds and injuries. You can lubricate the cuticle with a cotton swab and then it will become more pliable for processing. Also, the oil strengthens the nail plate making it smoother and more elastic. You can warm up the apricot oil and immerse your nails in the oil for 15 minutes, after just a few procedures the condition of your nails will significantly improve.

Apricot kernel oil. Application for the face.

Apricot kernel oil is great for facial care. This oil can be used instead of a cream, applied to cleansed skin, wait until the oil is absorbed, and remove excess with a napkin. After several procedures, the skin will be soft, smooth and even.

The oil is excellent for the care of the skin around the eyes, it helps to smooth out fine wrinkles with regular use. And also, it is just a great tool for removing makeup from the eyes.

You can enrich your face cream with apricot kernel oil. Add a couple of drops of oil to a serving of the cream and apply it to your face.

Pure apricot oil can be applied to areas of the skin on the face where there is peeling, inflammation, irritation. The oil is great for treating a chapped face. Since this oil softens, soothes the skin, promotes the healing of wounds and microcracks in the skin.

You can mix one yolk with a couple of tablespoons of apricot oil and apply the mask for about twenty minutes on the face and, as a result, soft, delicate skin of the face.

You can also apply oil compresses to your face a couple of times a week. To do this, a piece of gauze should be moistened in warm apricot kernel oil and applied to the face for 20 minutes. Then rinse your face with water and pat dry with a towel.

With regular use of the oil, the complexion improves. The facial skin becomes softer and more elastic. In addition, the oil is suitable for the care of the delicate skin of children. It is considered the softest along with almond oil.

Apricot kernel oil is like no other suitable for massage. Masseurs like it precisely because it is perfectly distributed over the skin and is well absorbed into the skin, making the skin soft.

Applying apricot oil to hair.

Apricot oil is used in its pure form. Mixed with essential oils and other vegetable oils. Prepare masks with oil or enrich a portion of shampoo just before washing your hair.

Apricot kernel oil makes hair healthy, silky, and also nourishes the hair. The oil is heated in a water bath and applied to the hair before washing the hair. Apply for about an hour, then wash your head with shampoo.

Masks with apricot oil are suitable for dry hair as well as for hair ends. This oil is available and its price is not high in comparison with other oils, which allows it to be regularly used on hair.

I usually use apricot oil mixed with lavender essential oil. I add a couple of drops of lavender oil to a spoonful of oil and apply the mixture to my hair half an hour before washing my hair. I wash off the oil with shampoo.

Apricot kernel oil can be applied an hour before washing your hair by warming your head with a towel.

Since the oil is perfectly absorbed into the hair, it can be applied to dry hair ends after shampooing, thus protecting the hair. Plus, after applying the oil, the hair becomes soft, combed better, does not get tangled, and the hair structure improves.

Apricot kernel oil can be used in a mixture with other oils such as jojoba, avocado, almond,.

The advantage of this oil is that it is a natural product and does not have any chemical additives in its composition. But, you should not use this oil with its individual intolerance.

Use apricot kernel oil for the health and beauty of your face, hair and body.

One of the most popular base oils, extracted from apricot kernels, is appreciated by many not so much for its unique healing properties as for its delicate delicate aroma and surprisingly pleasant texture that gives the most delicate sensations when applied to the skin. This is one of the most ancient and legendary base oils, the first experience of using which dates back to the medicine of Ancient Tibet.

It is believed that the beneficial properties of oil were known 5 thousand years ago, and in Europe they began to actively use it about two thousand years ago. In the first centuries of our era, it was actively used for tumors and ulcers, and at the beginning of the 17th century it was literally worth its weight in gold. Despite the fact that apricot trees themselves can be found in orchards of almost all continents, apricot kernel oil remains one of the most expensive due to the small volumes of industrial production. But at the same time, it remains the undisputed favorite among the nutritional and vitaminizing base oils.

Properties and characteristics

A unique base oil that many compare with and is obtained by traditional and technologically simple cold pressing from the kernels of the kernels of the fruit of apricots. Raw seeds, by the way, have a very strong almond smell, while oil has a delicate, almost imperceptible, very delicate and charming smell, with a more pronounced nutty undertone.

In terms of chemical composition, apricot kernel oil is very close to the two aforementioned "brothers", it retains a unique combination of unsaturated and monounsaturated acids, but the main advantage of the oil is an unusually high content of minerals and vitamins, which, due to the combination with fatty acids, are actively absorbed by the epidermis. In addition to vitamins C, A and B, usual for base oils, it contains an active form of a rare vitamin F, unique tocopherols and magnesium, potassium, and zinc salts. It is thanks to this composition that apricot oil is famous for its nutritional and vitamin-enhancing properties. Outwardly, this base oil is transparent, fluid, very liquid, with a soft, barely perceptible yellowish color.

When buying a base oil, check its composition: in the production of oil from apricot kernels, cherry plum seeds are also often used, which affect the vitamin composition of the oil and the content of minerals. Usually oil from harvested seeds is cheaper, and oil from pure apricot kernels is more effective, but it is very difficult to find a truly absolute without impurities. Complementary essential oils are, and.

When applied to the skin, this base oil has a noticeable refreshing effect, it is quickly absorbed, penetrates deep into the skin, never leaves marks on clothes and instantly restores skin elasticity. It is distributed over the skin quickly and evenly, restores the natural barrier of the epidermis, improves metabolism, collagen and elastin synthesis. Apricot oil also perfectly transports useful microelements, therefore it is most often used as a carrier base oil. True, given the considerable price, it is wiser to dilute it with other basic ones, more affordable. In such mixtures, apricot oil will not lose its nutritional properties.

Apricot kernel oil is completely non-toxic and hypoallergenic.

The healing properties of apricot oil, so beloved by many, are used primarily for healing damage to the skin, including cuts, burns, and abrasions. This oil helps to quickly relieve dry dermatitis. Providing a general regulating and anti-inflammation effect, this base oil heals rough skin. Also, oil from surprisingly aromatic apricot kernels actively contributes.

Skin care with apricot oil

The oil extracted from apricot kernels by pressing is most actively used in cosmetology. While this base oil is actually ideal for sensitive and allergenic, dry or mature skin, it works great for any other skin type as well. Apricot oil has a refreshing, regenerating, soothing and tonic effect, actively relieves redness and dermatitis, restores skin elasticity.

With regular use, apricot base oil gives the skin a surprisingly beautiful and delicate, and most importantly, even color. It can be used for so-called "quick" masks that restore tired skin before important events. This oil has a moisturizing and nourishing effect on the skin of not only the face, but also the body, neck, and décolleté. This is one of the best oils for complex care of such delicate skin of the eyelids. It actively restores the tone and natural elasticity of flabby skin.

One of the main advantages of this base oil is to restore the normal balance of problem and combination skin.

Due to its delicate texture and the absence of active acids, apricot oil can even be used every day as the main care product for baby's skin, including for the treatment of irritations of various origins.

Combination with other essential oils

Apricot base oil mixes wonderfully with all essential and fatty base oils. It can be used to form a basic custom blend or a comprehensive skin care product. Most often, from the base oils, it is combined with almond, adding from a tenth to half of apricot oil to them.

  • For massage, it can be used even for newborns, while usually one drop of neroli, lavender, chamomile, orange is added to apricot oil, depending on the purpose.
  • For cellulite and skin coarsening, this base oil is used in a mixture with regenerating avocado oil (in equal proportions) with the addition of a couple of drops of aromatic oils

Apricot kernel oil will add an unusual and pleasant taste to a culinary dish. As part of cosmetics, it softens and moisturizes, it can even be used for babies.

Many people love to feast on the sweet, aromatic fruits of the apricot tree. The bone inside it is undeservedly deprived of attention, considering it useless. But the benefits of apricot kernels are pretty great. Apricot kernel oil has become very popular among women who look after their appearance.

Chinese medicine men were among the first to discover the beneficial properties of apricot kernels. In the modern world, they are widely used in the treatment of diseases of the joints and skin. Squeeze is also very popular in cosmetology.

Apricot oil is considered basic along with almond or peach oil. The product has a liquid, slightly viscous texture. The aroma is pleasant, unsharp. This oil is made by cold pressing the fruit pits.

The apricot kernel consists of the following components:

  • proteins fats carbohydrates;
  • hydrocyanic acid;
  • essential oils;
  • vitamins A, F, PP, B;
  • tocopherols and phospholipids;
  • iron, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus.

The benefits and harms of apricot pits

Having decided to taste the heart of juicy apricots, you should pay attention to its taste. Sweet kernels can be safely consumed, but eating bitter kernels should be treated with caution. The apricot kernel contains hydrocyanic acid, its excess can cause significant harm to the human body.

Important! Apricot lovers should remember the permissible rate of consumption of its kernels: adults - 40 g, children - 20 g of the product at a time.

You should not eat seeds that have lain unused for a long time. The content of toxic substances in such bones only increases over time. Drying them in the oven or boiling them in boiling water can negate the harmful effects of the bones. High temperatures destroy toxic substances in the nuclei.

Excessive consumption of seeds can lead to poisoning. Typically, in such cases, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pain and pain in the stomach;
  • Strong headache;
  • lethargy, general weakness;
  • attacks of nausea, stomach cramps.

Severe forms of poisoning entail fainting, surges in blood pressure, respiratory arrest, convulsions.

Eating seeds

You should not eat apricot seeds in cases where a person has such pathologies:

  • diseases of the liver and thyroid gland;
  • diabetes;
  • pregnancy or assumption about it.

Important! Apricot kernels are quite high in calories. They should not be eaten by dieters or overweight people.

Small portions of apricot kernels will be beneficial to humans. With their help, you can improve your well-being, and sometimes even cure some diseases.

A significant effect of apricot kernels is achieved in the treatment of such ailments:

  • oncological diseases;
  • pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • upper respiratory tract diseases, bronchitis and whooping cough.

The healing effect of the oil

The beneficial effects of apricot seeds are as follows:

Apricot pomace is very effective in solving kidney problems, as well as in cases of constipation, anemia. The remedy is also able to relieve the symptoms of stomach ulcers, gastritis and hemorrhoids. Its use is also relevant as a prophylaxis of liver cirrhosis.

In addition to the obvious healing effect, apricot kernel oil has a wonderful taste, and therefore is widely used by culinary specialists. By adding kernels to apricot jam while boiling the pulp, you can add an unusual flavor to the dish. The bones are also used by confectioners to create various masterpieces: cakes, icing, waffles, ice cream. Apricot seeds go well with oatmeal and various yoghurts.

The seeds can be used as a substitute for almonds.

Apricot in skin care

With its unique properties, apricot kernel oil is an indispensable skin care product. It does an excellent job of softening and moisturizing the skin. In addition, it is practically non-allergenic. It also spreads perfectly on the skin and has excellent absorbency.

Due to its hypoallergenic properties, the oil is quite suitable for infant skin.

Apricot oil is versatile and suitable for almost every skin type. It is most effective in the care of dry as well as sensitive types. Apricot tones the skin, making it more elastic and evening out the complexion. Apricot also provides collagen and elastin synthesis, preventing premature aging of the skin.

Southern fruit squeeze is a great way to moisturize your skin after a shower. The oil is easily absorbed, eliminates redness and flaking.

In tandem with essential oils, apricot pomace will be an excellent means for anti-cellulite massage.

Is it possible to combine apricot with other oils

The pomace of apricot kernels goes well with any other oils. You can make masks, lotions, creams from such mixtures at home. Here are some options for using oil combinations.

Vitamin lotion for dry skin. A tablespoon of apricot pomace is mixed with a teaspoon of castor oil. Next, add 10 drops of vitamin E. This cocktail is applied to the face with a cotton pad. The excess is blotted a little later with a napkin.

Mask for problem skin care. A tablespoon of apricot pomace is mixed with tea tree oils, as well as lemon, lavender (1 drop each). Apply as an application to problematic facial areas. The resulting product works great with acne and other skin imperfections.

Rejuvenating mask to eliminate deep and fine wrinkles. The marc of jojoba, apricot and avocado is mixed (a tablespoon of each oil). Then add 3 drops of incense and rosewood oil. This combination is applied to a cleansed face before going to bed.

Mix for hands and nails. Pomace of apricot, wheat germ and jojoba are mixed together in the amount of a tablespoon. The combination is applied to the hands while massaging the nail plates. The product perfectly moisturizes, whitens and softens the skin of the hands.

Scrub based on apricot kernels. A couple of tablespoons of sea salt is mixed with two teaspoons of apricot oil and three drops of vitamin E. When the salt absorbs the oil, the product is applied to the face, massaged for 2-3 minutes, and then washed off with cool water.

A lot of useful products can be prepared from apricot kernel oil. This versatile product is applicable in almost any field: from cosmetology to cooking. Useful ingredients and light texture make the oil very popular among housewives and women who look after their appearance. The main condition for the use of such pomace is moderation in use and the absence of contraindications.

Sweet fruits of apricots hide an unsightly bone in their pulp. But it is in it that the real treasure is contained - a valuable vegetable fat with healing properties. It can easily compete with expensive and exclusive cosmetics. Apricot kernel oil is widely used in folk medicine and even in cooking.

Beneficial features

Apricot oil is a light yellow liquid of medium viscosity. A barely perceptible nutty smell is slightly reminiscent of almonds. The product is obtained by cold pressing. Only this way of processing allows you to save all the nutrients. And the product contains a lot of them: vitamins, fatty acids, phospholipids, mineral salts.

In scientific medicine, the agent is used as a basis for liquid ointments, for the preparation of injections. With its help, some medicinal substances are dissolved.

Traditional healers use this valuable product more widely. It is believed to have the following properties:

  • lowers blood pressure;
  • reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease;
  • normalizes the digestive system;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • provides sun protection;
  • supports immunity.

Apricot seed oil is a good aid in the fight against anemia. It contains a large amount of copper, iron, cobalt. It is these microelements that are responsible for the process of hematopoiesis.

The product also contains vitamins E and A. Tocopherol keeps skin youthful, protects against thrombosis, supports male fertility and promotes proper fetal development during pregnancy. Vitamin A is essential for good vision, strengthening nails and hair. Both vitamins belong to the group of powerful antioxidants that neutralize the harmful effects of free radicals.

Apricot seeds are a source of amygdalin, sometimes referred to as vitamin B17. In folk medicine, they are used as a remedy for cancer. Proponents of alternative therapies argue that eating foods containing amygdalin (including apricot oil) can counteract and even cure cancer in the early stages. However, it should be noted that the effectiveness of the substance has not been confirmed by scientific research. Therefore, no food supplements can replace drug therapy methods, but can, with the permission of a doctor, be used as an additional tool.

Source of omega acids

Apricot oil contains a valuable complex of essential fatty acids that are not synthesized by the human body.

Linoleic acid belongs to the omega-6 class. Its lack, first of all, negatively affects the condition of the skin. The dermis becomes dry, elasticity decreases, and premature wrinkles appear. If a person does not consume products containing linoleic acid for a long time, then there is a possible risk of various skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, atopic dermatitis, etc.

The product contains an important oleic acid, which belongs to the omega-9 class. It is necessary for the normal process of digestion: it counteracts the appearance of heartburn, indigestion and other stomach problems. In addition, the acid lowers cholesterol levels, thereby protecting against cardiovascular disease. Oleic acid is used for the manufacture of cosmetics, as it moisturizes the skin, makes it soft and elastic.

Eating small amounts of oil daily will provide essential fatty acids.

Internal use

For medicinal purposes, the product is allowed to be consumed internally. It is mixed with non-hot food before use. The daily intake depends on age.

  • Children - 1 drop per 1 year of life;
  • adolescents - 0.5-1 teaspoon;
  • adults - 1-2 teaspoons.

To prevent dry skin and early aging of the skin, take 1 to 2 tablespoons of oil per day.

Healing balm for the skin

It is no coincidence that apricot seed oil is used in the production of cosmetics. It is remarkably absorbed, does not irritate, does not leave a greasy sheen.

The product can be used instead of a night cream. A few drops are applied to a cleansed and moisturized face. Rub it into the skin with gentle movements for one minute. Then the face must be gently blotted with a paper towel to get rid of the remaining fat. The skin becomes moisturized and soft. In the same way, they take care not only of the face, but also of the body. After a bath or shower, the preparation is evenly applied in a thin layer to the skin, massaged in a circular motion, and then wiped off with a terry towel.

The oil is also recommended for the care of the thin skin around the eyes. It is applied like a regular cream, lightly patting the delicate areas with your fingertips. By using the product regularly, you can forget about dark circles and puffiness under the eyes.

Apricot oil is also useful for those with oily skin. It will help to effectively unclog pores and get rid of blackheads. To do this, the face is generously lubricated with an oily liquid, massaging areas with black dots. A small towel is moistened in hot water and gently applied to the skin for a few minutes. The heat will open the pores, and the vegetable oil will dissolve the sebaceous blockages during this time. Now it remains to remove the remnants of dirt by wiping your face with a towel and rinsing with cool water.

Other uses

Sometimes dry and rough skin on the heels, elbows and knees becomes a real curse. You can easily get rid of an unpleasant problem by rubbing a little oily liquid into the problem areas every day. Regular use will restore the skin softness and smoothness.

Since the drug has a mild effect on the skin without causing allergic reactions, it is often recommended for the care of delicate baby skin.

Apricot kernel oil perfectly nourishes and moisturizes hair. To restore damaged strands, you need to apply one or two drops of the product to the washed hair. Distribute through hair with a comb. It is recommended to rub the substance into the scalp. This procedure stimulates hair growth, eliminates itching and flaking.

For gourmets only!

Edible apricot oil is rarely used in cooking. Basically, it is added to add a savory nutty flavor to dishes. It is not recommended to heat the product, therefore it is seasoned with various snacks and cold dishes. In salads, it goes well with fresh herbs, broccoli, hard cheese. It is rarely added to dairy dishes. However, even a teaspoon of the aromatic substance will make a milkshake, jelly or porridge play with new notes.

Apricot oil goes well with spices such as vanilla and cinnamon. Shortbread cookies or homemade pie with nuts will become even tastier if you replace part of the animal fat with apricot fat in the dough recipe. The product also improves the quality of dessert creams.

In the production of certain varieties of liqueurs, apricot oil is used. It softens the taste of alcohol, adds a pleasant bitterness to drinks.

Only cold-pressed refined oil is suitable for consumption. It should be stored in a dark and cool place.