How to get a guy to confess. Self-love spell to make the guy fall in love and be bored. Love spell on a guy's love strong

“If a guy doesn’t call, it doesn’t mean that he has lost your number, got sick and is gaining courage - he just doesn’t

wants to do this, ”said the heroine of one popular melodrama. But even if he calls, kisses or spends the night with you, this also may mean absolutely nothing. And not because "they are all like that" and "there is no love in the world." It's just that this love is different for everyone. As well as confessions, kissing and sex.

Love does not love

My friend Sergei usually confesses his love to girls on the second or third date. Girls, like dating, change regularly - every few months. Why does he say "I love" and not "I like you"? "Why not? It's good to hear and good to say. I'm not lying, just the word “love” as such for me is not something decisive, - explains the young man, - for example, I love, I love to play the guitar, I love skiing, Dasha, Sveta, Veronica. More strawberries, but slightly less skiing. And I love - not at all synonymous with "you are the best" or "I dream of being around." If the feeling is strong and real, I prefer actions over words. "

Another friend, Zhenya, believes that the word "love" can only be pronounced under the influence of deep and vivid emotions. And he says - sincerely, deeply, burying his face in the hair of the girl of dreams, whispering the so desired words in a voice hoarse with excitement. I love him - this is “I love” the present, I love more than anyone else in the world, but with the prefix “at the moment”. And in a week, a day and even - I promise nothing. And if the girl, after the recognition, plans the style of the wedding hat and thinks whether to invite her friend Sveta to the ceremony, then Zhenya has nothing to do with it - he just fell under the influence of the moment. It's another matter if you meet a girl with whom this moment will last forever - then you can have a hat and Svetka as a witness, let her also rejoice and eat salads.

There are also indifferent and calculating "love" - ​​master keys - in order to achieve what is needed; and a semi-“love” in the form of an illegible “I, too,” when it seems that you need to answer a confession, but there is nothing to answer; and the guilty "I love you, don't be angry"; and demanding "I love you, which means ...". It's hard to even imagine that this simple combination of three words can have so many shades, and it's even more difficult to believe that its shade will exactly match your own, and you will understand and appreciate it as it is worth it. Alas, a clear and distinct gradation of "love" or "in love" and reasoning on the topic "I love - is it more or less than I love?" remained in the days of the first passions of high school.

It is probably worth evaluating the degree of seriousness of adult relationships by completely different criteria - actions, attitude, reliability and degree of trust. And if all this corresponds to expectations and dreams, then the longed-for recognition will certainly sound beautiful and turn out to be exactly the way you always wanted.

Just a kiss?

Their lips joined, their hands intertwined ... The first kiss is a stage as important as recognition, and even less revealing or meaningful. “A kiss is a kind of chemical test for further compatibility,” says Oleg, “I kiss a girl to understand whether she is“ mine ”or not. And the test answer is not always positive. It happens that during a kiss you just don't feel anything and wait for it to end. For me, this is a sign that there is hardly anything more than friendship between us. Probably, the girls then think that I am a villain, incapable of long-term relationships, what can you do? But the spark from the contact of the lips, igniting a fire inside, can change even the slightest relationship. After the last such kiss, I have been dating a girl for three years, now we are thinking about a wedding. "

“I don’t like kisses, hugs and other“ calf tenderness ”at all. Perhaps psychologists would find an explanation for this in the form of some childhood trauma, but the fact remains. In general, I kiss a girl if I feel that she is really looking forward to it, but a kiss as such does not mean anything at all. A tribute to the traditions of courtship, ”Denis explains his point of view.

“A kiss is a matter of mood. Sometimes it can even be a logical continuation or end of a conversation, and in the process go into a stormy prelude, ”Stas said.

But for the most part, the first kiss (both the first in life and the first with a specific girl) is not at all a guarantee of subsequent kisses and relationships. American scientists generally came to the conclusion that men during kissing usually think about upcoming sex (and quite agree to skip this foreplay), and women are planning further relationships, and are not ready to do without kissing. Fortunately, it is almost always possible to find a compromise, otherwise humanity would have died out long ago.

Sex as it is

As one of the greats wrote, nothing brings two people closer and apart like sex. Often casual, but enchanting sex at a party or corporate event can develop into a serious relationship, and, on the contrary, a long romance fizzles out immediately after a night spent together. And the point is not that men "only need this", and women - love and romance. It's just that intimate relationships have many different facets and nuances, so subtle that sometimes it is difficult for the participant himself to explain what was wrong, or, on the contrary, what was "hooked" in earnest.

“Sex always shows a true relationship - you can pretend, you can compromise with yourself, but not in bed. And what you feel towards a woman during and, most importantly, after, is your real attitude. Several times the first night with a girl became the last for me precisely because it helped me to better understand my feelings, ”recalls Ilya.

“Sex for me is a way of mutual pleasure. I do not promise anything to anyone, just at the moment I am trying to please the woman and get it myself. At the same time, there may not be a relationship - this is not a hindrance for good sex, ”Aleksey explains his point of view.

“When a woman is attracted to you, your brain just shuts down. And only then you can understand what it was - a momentary gloom or a serious feeling. So I don’t think sex necessarily involves a meeting and a call. Of course, it's better when it happens, but it happens in different ways, ”says Dmitry.

In general, sex is a delicate matter, especially the first in a relationship. Just like the relationship between a man and a woman, which is full of open and unspoken rules, and even more - of exceptions. And I want to believe that your relationship will definitely be a happy exception.

In the old Soviet film "Grandma", a song is constantly played (performed by one of the main characters of the tape), in which a girl complains about her beloved, a quiet man. He seems to be good for everyone, but he will not dare to admit his feelings in any way - and in the end, this circumstance forces the girl to take such a decisive step herself.

Of course, even in the current times of female emancipation, such a scenario does not suit all the fair sex. They seriously fear (and sometimes by no means groundlessly) that as soon as a lady takes the initiative, she will have to continue trying on this role of "first violin" in a relationship with her beloved, and he will finally turn into an absolutely weak-willed henpecked. However, you want to have a decisive man nearby, who would be perfectly aware of his own desires and aspirations and would not give his girlfriend the "reins".

In this regard, ladies sometimes seriously think about how to make a guy confess his love. Of course, it is not enough for them to contemplate the indirect signs of deep feelings - they yearn to hear the cherished words from the one to whom they gave their heart. Sometimes it will not work for such a thing - if next to them is a young man who is confident in his own strength and ability to attract a woman (this is still very rare nowadays). What, then, should those who have inherited a timid and indecisive youth?

This task will turn out to be very difficult, because - due to the special, different from the female, structure of their brain - men talk about feelings, in principle, not that they do not like, but they do not particularly know how. In many cases, it is difficult for them to express in words the emotions that are eating them from the inside, and in fact any question about this can drive many of them into a dead end.

To begin with, you should follow the young man's reaction to talking about love in principle, regardless of the situation of the couple. The girl should in general with him - with half hints - describe a story very similar to the one that actually happens to him and her - or, if she is brave enough, still admit her feelings first.

When, in response to such hints or revelations, the betrothed begins to look away, blush (in a word, to show embarrassment), it means that one should hardly doubt his reciprocity. On the contrary, you need to act, trying in every possible way to call him to frankness.

In a concrete calculation of what to do to make a guy confess his love, one must proceed from the peculiarities of his character (which the loving lady, undoubtedly, at least in part, has already "deciphered").

For example, some men can be helped by a little "shake-up", which will allow them to realize: this girl is dear, and it is important to fight for her. Some girls for this in every possible way cause jealousy of a loved one. However, you should be very careful with such methods, because their use often leads to the opposite result. So, if a young man does not declare his love solely because he is not quite sure of the feelings and loyalty of the chosen one, then her flirting with another and other similar actions will only prove to him how right he was and how windy she really is.

Other methods will be much more effective. For example, the girl's attempts to find out from the friends of the chosen one what he says about her “behind the backs”, and in the case of a satisfying answer, a request to talk to him about whether it’s time to openly explain with her beloved.

The most effective method is to become really irreplaceable for him: to bring him positive emotions, provide support, etc. - in a word, to be the most important part of his life, without which he cannot do.

Men of a certain temperament, accustomed to proving feelings exclusively by deeds, generally turn out to be extremely stingy with words. Sometimes you can't wait for specific confessions from them, but your beloved will be provided with other signs of attention: candy flowers (or even more serious gifts), giving a hand when leaving the car, etc.

In this case, the girl can be comforted by the realization that although her betrothed and "silent", she always feels a real support in him. True, in reality, the "second halves" of such gentlemen hardly need consolation and sympathy - they got a real man, and not a fluff, whose words would not always go in harmony with actions.

At the very thought of the guy you are in love with, your heart starts to beat and your palms sweat. When you like someone - it doesn't matter if you have known each other for many years or have just talked a couple of times - you instinctively want to know how that person feels about you. Once it becomes clear to you how you feel about this person, it is only natural to want to know how they feel in response. In order not to guess for too long, there are many ways to provoke a guy to confess his feelings. Once you realize that this is your person, take the right approach.


Make sure the guy is open and ready.

    First of all, make sure he doesn't have a relationship with anyone else. You should not cross someone's road, trying to snatch recognition from a guy who is already busy. In addition, you shouldn't have hopes about a guy who spends a lot of time with another girl and, perhaps, is seeking her. In fact, in order to understand the situation, much effort is not required. All you need to do is chat a little with his friends, look at his social media profile, or even just ask him a question directly. Here are examples of similar questions:

    • If you are brave enough, ask during one of your conversations if he is dating someone. Ask a question as if casually: "Do you have a girlfriend?" or "Have you already noticed someone for yourself?" Questions like this will not betray your feelings in any way.
    • If you cannot ask him directly due to natural shyness or the rarity of meetings, try to find out about it from his friends. Incidentally mention him in a conversation, and then ask: "By the way, do you know if he is dating someone?"
    • If you have no one to ask about this, check their status on social networks.
  1. Clarify his position in terms of relationships with girls. If it turns out that he is alone, it is worth asking how he generally relates to girls. So you can understand if he is potentially ready for a relationship as well as you. Be subtle and try to ask such questions in private. Examples of relationship questions:

    • "When was the last time you met a girl?"
    • "Would you like to date any of the girls?"
    • "Do you go on dates often?"
  2. Be light and cheerful with him. When you are having a conversation, try to add a pleasant and cheerful note to the conversation to see if he enjoys joking in front of you. You can even try patting his shoulder in a friendly way as you talk to see how he will react. If he laughs and makes some kind of reciprocal gesture, this is a good sign. Humor is a great way to open up a heart inclined towards you, as it will show your interest and make the guy feel more comfortable.

    Watch the chemistry between you. If it turns out that in the presence of each other you constantly laugh and find a lot in common with each other, then there is a great chance that you mutually like each other. Constant laughter and smiles are the main indicator that something is happening between two people. Boys in love also very often call their passion by name. Here are a couple more signs that reveal his true feelings:

    Lead him to confession

    1. Develop trusting relationships. Let him feel special with your interest in his personality. Take an interest in his hobbies and dreams for the future. React openly and positively to everything he talks about so that he is comfortable sharing it with you. Do not be afraid to appear vulnerable by talking about yourself, as this will make him feel that you have special trust in him.

      • Share your biggest fears or share the story of how you got embarrassed.
      • If you show your trust, it will be easier for him to open up to you.
    2. Listen to it and avoid value judgments. Let him show himself for who he is. Let him know that you are not going to rate him and appreciate everything that makes him so unique. Your goal is to build trust and create a safe environment in which to talk about anything. Guys are reluctant to share their inner experiences. Most of all, he is held back by the fear of rejection on your part. Let him know that you will not criticize him or reject his feelings.

      • To open up emotionally, a guy needs to feel free from judgment.
    3. Don't put pressure on him. Guys don't like to feel like they're trapped. And flattery and toadying, most likely, will completely alienate him from you. Even if he has any feelings for you, he will not rush to confess if you are too intrusive.

      • Be patient. By hurrying, you can scare him away and make him close even more.
      • Don't bombard him with text messages. You should not turn into a person whose messages he will read first in the morning and last in the evening. Make sure that the communication is mutual, not one-way.
      • At least from time to time, he should be the initiator of your meetings. If you invited him somewhere, but he refused, wait for the next time an invitation from his side.
    4. Don't chase him. If you go after a guy in the hope that he will confess his feelings to you, you will only achieve that he wants to run away from you. In addition, he may like your desire to achieve it - he does not need to achieve you! Pause and let him know that he doesn't want to lose you. This will make him more likely to confess his feelings to you.

      • Don't come to his house or work uninvited.
      • If you've crossed paths at a party, don't follow him all evening. Connect with other friends and show that you are having a good time on your own.
      • There is only one courting couple, and it should not be you.
    5. Be honest and humble. If you act confident and boastful while hiding your true feelings, the guy will feel awkward around you, as he will latently feel that you are faking. Be confident, but don't be arrogant or boastful - that's repulsive.

    6. Flirt a little with his friend. If you focus your attention on one of his friends, he may be afraid that he has lost your interest and will rush to explain his feelings to you. You don't have to flirt too far, just strike up a fun conversation with one of his friends to create a little jealousy, and that should be enough. Here's what you can talk to his friends about:

      • "What do you like to do in your free time?"
      • "Where do you work?" or "What job do you want in the future?"
      • "What are your favorite films?"
    7. Don't let him know your feelings too early. Perhaps the belief that you are already him keeps him from recognizing him, and it is not worth doing anything else. Once you realize that you want him to confess his feelings, play a little touchy: do not always agree to a meeting and do not return all his calls. This will spur him on to speed up the recognition of his true feelings.

      • Give him the opportunity to miss you or reflect on what you are doing. Let him be the first to call or send SMS.
      • If he asks what you are doing on the weekend, answer honestly, but always positively. You can say, “Hanging out with friends or watching movies,” or “I’m planning to spend some time with my family this week, and then I’m not sure what to do.”
      • Whatever you say, in no case create the impression that you will be bored, and you will sit at home, not knowing what to do with yourself.
    8. Playfully ask him if he likes you. Nothing bad will happen if you ask him directly. If he's too shy to admit that he likes you, be honest that you like him. This can help him take a step towards revealing his secret feelings. If you have been friends for a long time, and suddenly you noticed that he is smiling at you and constantly flirting, ask him a question directly. For example:

      • Sit down next to him and say: "I like you, and I wonder if you like me?" or “I really enjoy spending time with you and I kind of want you to enjoy it too. Do you like me?"
      • If he doesn't know what to say, giggle and say, "Well, do you like me?" He will simply fall victim to your charm.
      • If he says yes, you have achieved your heart's desire. If he says no, at least you will now know it and will not waste time on him. If he paused and didn't answer, don't worry: it may just be difficult for him to formulate his thoughts.
      • If you subtly hint to him that you like him and you are open towards him, perhaps he will decide and admit that he likes you.
      • Give him the opportunity to be by his side.
      • If he enjoys teasing you playfully, that’s a sign that he likes you.
      • Try not to flirt too much with other guys. Yes, this can provoke jealousy in him, but it can also make him lose hope and become silent about his feelings forever.
      • Smile at him, and if he smiles back and shakes his head, then he is keeping you in his field of vision!
      • A good sign that someone likes you if the person is constantly striving to communicate with you, even to the point of ignoring everyone else.
      • Enjoy life whether he is around or not. Enjoy activities that have nothing to do with it. This is an indicator of your emotional stability, and it is this position that makes you want to be around.
      • Don't change for anyone, and don't expect him to change.
      • If his friends tease him in your presence, this may also be a sign that he likes you.


      • Do not chase him on the net and do not constantly check the phone. If this is destined to happen, it will happen. Getting too close will only make you want to distance yourself.
      • Don't push him away from his friends, or you risk irritating him. Give him space to support other relationships that are meaningful in his life.
      • Be prepared for the fact that he says no, and take it easy. If he refuses, it just means that you are not suitable for each other.

It doesn't matter if months or years of dating connect you with your beloved man. To keep your feelings warm, you need to feed them and at least occasionally voice them.

Let the representatives of the stronger sex are not as emotional as lovely young ladies, but sincere girlish emotions will not leave anyone indifferent, even the coolest, macho.

So what is the best declaration of love to a loved one? How to tell your lover about your sympathy and strong feelings? We have prepared the most pleasant, warm and gentle words that every man will surely like.

The poem will provide the girl with the opportunity to express most emotionally and reverently all her tender feelings, even those that are extremely difficult to convey in ordinary words. Poems will help a romantic nature to conquer the chosen one, if he is not yet with her, or to kindle the flame of past passions that is starting to fade away.

Of course, it is better to confess warm feelings in verses of your own composition. Let them not look like the works of professional poets, but the man will like your sincerity. But not every girl was lucky to be born with the gift of versification, so on the Internet you can pick up surprisingly gentle poems for every taste.

Time them to read or send them via SMS to some important event in your life together: first date, wedding anniversary, etc. Well, or just dare to say about love for no reason!

You just be! Live under this sky
Let it be far away, on the other end of the Earth ...
You just be - good, kind, bright,
Let not with me, but loving me.
You just know that I'm under this sky
Though far away, but I remember about you.
You just know: with your soul, mind, heart -
I live, I love, I dream - for you

You have become so important to me ...
So strange, but more needed than many ...
And the sparks of your fire
Part of the road was lit for me ...
The warmth of short strange phrases
Warmed my soul with revelation ...
And with the past, a frenzied contrast,
Suddenly turned into healing ...
You have become so ... necessary for me ...
Although I was not looking for a miracle ...
And the bitter smoke of the past pain
Remained in crumpled patterns ...
I didn't pray for you ...
Close up? Will you hide? Will you condemn?
But I live like in a wonderful dream,
As long as you are ... As long as you are ...

My soul, my light, my air,
I'm just yours, and it's too late to think.
Take me all without a trace -
Insanely sweet in your hands.
My dear, affectionate kitten,
You are my angel. I am your imp.
How are you - nobody caresses
How are you - no one warms.
My wind of happiness and hope
My devotee and most gentle.
You burn with your desire
You know about me, you know everything ...
My insatiable, my coveted
Crazy, most awaited.
And let these lines be banal.
I'm happy with you, period!

Agree, such verses touch the soul to tears, so your man can't resist such incredibly beautiful words.

Agree, not every man will like a poem, and not every girl will be able to read it with ease and without excitement at the right time. It's good that in addition to rhymed lines, there is another declaration of love - ordinary prose.

How to confess and present this magnificent surprise is entirely your choice. You can, of course, say at a meeting, but the most memorable way is to send it, as in the old days, by mail (electronic version is also allowed).

Here are some examples:

  1. “I miss you so much. When you leave, I feel very lonely and sad. Gentle caresses and touches, your warm hands are all that I need in this world. Hug me, and in return I will give all my endless tenderness and love. "
  2. “Do you know what I'm dreaming about? Falling asleep next to you, holding tightly to your gentle hands, watching you laugh, frown, wrinkle your nose funny when you speak. I also want to smell your perfume on my clothes. Do you think these are too simple dreams? Perhaps, but for me they are the most important, because I love you! "
  3. “Do you remember that September day when our eyes met? I knew right away that you are the guy I've been waiting for all my life. I do not have time to express words of gratitude to those higher powers that brought us together. And in this letter I want to confess that my feelings for you are only getting stronger every day. Love you!"

A similar declaration of love to a husband from his wife touches him to tears, forcing him to look for equally pleasant words to say about his feelings. Be sure that having received such a letter, a man will want to arrange a romantic evening for you and also confess his sincere feelings.

Who said that beautiful declarations of love must be in poetry or downloaded from the Internet? It is quite possible to touch a loved one to tears in your own words. Moreover, many of the stronger sex are skeptical about pompous phrases and pompous speeches.

So, a girl does not need to have literary talents at all in order to confess her sympathy and express gratitude to a man for his feelings. Describe the love you feel in your own words and send a message by text message, email or in person. And to make it easier for you, use the following "blanks":

  • "The best man on the whole planet ...";
  • "I am happy to be with you ...";
  • “It's hard to find words to say how much I love you ...”;
  • "It is impossible to count the pleasant minutes that I spent next to you ...";
  • "Your love and tenderness makes me stronger ...";
  • "I want to always be with you - my beloved man ...".

Declaration of love by SMS

A girl doesn't have to say thank you to her man through email or in person. Short declarations of love can and should be sent in SMS messages. These can be small romantic poems, funny and biting phrases. The most important thing is to fit the whole gamut of emotions in a few symbols.

Below are sms about love in verse, but you can convert them into prose or even say about feelings in your own words. Try to add a couple of gentle phrases, compliments and feel free to send an SMS to your chosen one with a short postscript: "From a loving and beloved wife."

Great happiness for me
Near to see only you!
I'll be waiting for you alone
Always dream of you!

There are many different men in the world,
But I don't look at others,
You are indicated to me from heaven by God,
And I already love you!

I'm sad without you
I often see us in my dreams.
I dream to hug again soon
And say about your love.

If a girl is lucky to meet a cheerful and positive guy, then you can confess your sincere feelings to him in a humorous manner.

Send him an SMS or email with funny poems or extraordinary pictures.

Another unusual declaration of love is “funny” prose, which your chosen one will definitely like. Take advantage of the following templates to create your own cool and completely out of the ordinary love surprises:

  • “My dear human being! I adore you so much that I am ready to sit forever on your mighty neck, dangling my most beautiful legs on the sides ”;
  • “My love is so strong that you will have to always carry me in your arms, because I am not able to carry the load of my feelings on my own fragile shoulders”;
  • “My beloved! There is something very gentle, beautiful and the best in the world in your life. It's me!";
  • “You are the most beautiful, sexy, talented and kindest ... monster. And you are lucky that I live in the world - a beauty from a fairy tale in love with you. "

How else to declare your love?

Love confessions to your husband in prose and poetry are not enough for you? It's time to act decisively! To add variety to your established relationship, talk about your moods in a very gentle and romantic way. Use one of the following options:

  1. Romantic dinner... Pleasant emotions will be given by a candlelit meal, which can be organized at home, in a restaurant, on the roof, balcony or even on the lake shore. Create a relaxing environment, prepare or order extraordinary meals and expect a great continuation.
  2. A note. Write warm words on bright paper, draw emoticons in love and attach the "letter" with a magnet to the refrigerator. Another option is to write a few gentle words in your lipstick on the mirror.
  3. Unusual breakfast. Get a variety of heart shapes for scrambled eggs, cookies and indulge your loved one with a romantic breakfast. A similar charge of positive emotions will remain with him for the whole day.

It doesn't matter which way a girl will like to declare her love to her man. Romantic poems, love prose, funny SMS or family dinner - the main thing is that all this is sincere and disturbing to the soul.

However, if you want to please your beloved, it is important not to cross the fine line between surprise and annoyance. Let your pleasant words and actions become something between the rule and the exception!

Hello, I am Nadezhda Plotnikova. Having successfully completed her studies at SUSU as a special psychologist, she devoted several years to working with children with developmental problems and consulting parents on raising babies. I use the experience gained, including in the creation of articles of a psychological orientation. Of course, in no way do I pretend to be the ultimate truth, but I hope that my articles will help dear readers to deal with any difficulties.

Sometimes men are in no rush to admit their feelings. Shyness, insecurity - all this makes the moment cherished for every girl postpones. What if there is no more strength to wait? How to nudge a loved one to confess his love? In this situation, magic and love spells do not seem completely stupid things. And a way out of this situation has been found. Now it remains to find effective conspiracies for a declaration of love.

Types of love conspiracies

White magic is more forgiving and less dangerous. But even she can harm the caster if something is done wrong. It is worth sticking to the correct white conspiracies.
Black love spells primarily affect your health and emotional state. And they will also harm the one on whom the love spell is set. Black magic is usually used to harm a person.
  • vintage
We all know about old sorceress grandmothers - it was from these grandmothers that unusual conspiracies began. Mostly old women practiced folk recipes. Herbs, etc.
  • with an appeal to specialists
Here you need to be extremely careful, as there are many scammers. Contact your acquaintances, maybe they have already gone to one of these preachers.
  • independent
Self-fortune telling can lead to both bad consequences and good ones.

Everything is only at your discretion.

Declaration of love conspiracies

To a greater extent, they are interested in independent love spells associated with white magic. Since black magic (although it is stronger) will return after a while to you with negative energy. I don't want to take on dirty deeds, so let's turn our attention to white magic.

Rules that all women must follow before you are going to make a love spell:

  • Necessary pay attention to the moon... It must necessarily be growing, rituals at this time acquire the greatest strength. The feelings of the beloved will only grow, like the moon.
  • Necessary believe in what you are doing. Indeed, without faith, nothing will work out, and magic will not acquire its powers. Believe only the best and imagine how your betrothed will confess his love to you.
  • In no case can't tell about what you have done. It's like with a desire, if you made it up, then never tell anyone about it. otherwise, the love spell will not work.

Effective love spell on a loved one

  1. Find a photo of your lover. On it, he should be captured alone.
  2. Flip it over and write on the back: " A true master, slave (name) cannot live without his shadow, longing for me, your slave (name) will not overcome. Walk, stutter, gasp for breath. As the sun is in the sky, so are you with me, the slave of the master (name)".
  3. You need to read the plot three times a day. After the ceremony is completed, you need to burn the photo, and get rid of the ashes (scatter in the wind).

Love confession conspiracy

To carry it out, we only need a glass of water.
We drink in small sips and quietly whisper a conspiracy:
"WITHI measure the frost sea with sips, say a word with a feathery bird.
The falcon will sing songs about love to me, but all sincere.
The slave (name) will say, the black raven will not cover with its wing"

Vanga's strong conspiracy for love

A photograph of a loved one will be required.
  1. Place it next to you and say: " The bed is empty without a loved one, life is sad. How my beloved will come to mewill bring love with him, so the empty place will close,in my life the door to love will open. So be it".
  2. After that, put the photo under your pillow, when you wake up in the morning, kiss and say: " I spent the night, got used to it, love woke up, my soul began to sing. They are connected with one thread, the road is shown to us with our beloved. Amen".

Conspiracies for a loved one to confess love

Also, conspiracies for a declaration of love are also rare.

If feelings begin to fade in family life or relationships, or you have not heard a declaration of love for a long time, then you can use such conspiracies:

  • Before going to bed, put on your underwear, stroke yourself and whisper: “ I radiate love and happiness, I attract a happy relationship to myself, I wish my man's attention».
  • When combing your hair: " As my braid is long, so life with my husband will be cloudless and happy. Love is always with me, it comes from me and attracts everyone».
  • If, with all this, you also want to help your man: “ I love you so much, just as much you are smart, rich and successful».
After these whispers, your man or lover confesses his love to you. And finally, the rumor will please the pleasant: " I love you!"

Do not forget that any love spell is valid for six months, and if during this time your lover does not have true feelings, then it is worth repeating it.

And also love spells can turn into bad consequences:

  • May have nightmares.
  • Increase the feeling of hatred towards all people around. There is a desire to tear yourself apart.
  • After a love spell, aversion to a loved one appears. You don't want to be with him.
  • The emergence of addictions, alcoholic, etc.
  • Depression and negativity.
Remember, before you bewitch a person, think about your actions... Any love spell can both help and harm you. Maybe you should think about whether it is necessary to resort to non-traditional means, because you can try to achieve your betrothed. If you nevertheless decide on the ceremony, then you must subsequently turn to an experienced witch doctor, perhaps you did something wrong. And this can turn negative consequences for you and your partner.