How to become the best wife for your husband. Rules for a Happy Marriage: How to Be a Good Wife

Men want to see as their wife a charming and understanding girl who would take care of the comfort of the family hearth and surprise their imagination at night.

To such a lady, representatives of the stronger sex rush home from work at breakneck speed. They devote all their free time to her and constantly delight her with surprises.

The secret of success seems to be very simple in theory. However, how to become a good wife in practice?

What mistakes shouldn't be made?

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Many ladies confuse caring with annoying obsession. This behavior of the wife is sorted out from the mother-in-law. They are trying to become a worthy replacement and adequately surround the spouse with affection.

Some men, please note their minority, will accept this behavior of their wife as quite acceptable. They really yearn to find a woman with a maternal habits.

Most men do not like the behavior of a caring hen. Using this model, you can only learn how to become a good bad wife.

Obsessiveness and persistence will annoy her husband. Gradually, he will stop taking your concern in positive tones.

To create and maintain a happy marriage, you need to have an intuitive sense of proportion. Deficit of attention is just as damaging as oversaturation.

Rules of conduct in society

It is equally important for the stronger sex to know what friends think of them, whether colleagues envy them and whether others like them.

Therefore, the wife's behavior in society is on a large scale! How to become a good wife for a husband? Follow these rules:

  1. Don't make a man look bad. Men love to feel the smartest and most knowledgeable. If in a conversation with friends you know something better, then you should keep silent.
  2. No criticism in public... Each person is very vulnerable to discontent and condemnation of his actions. Even if your husband makes a mistake, speak out gently, supporting him at the end. In public, even the slightest criticism is a strong blow to self-esteem.
  3. Notice the success of your loved one and praise him for it.... Men are like children. They need praise and attention. These actions are multiplied by two in the presence of guests.
  4. Be wise... A good wife is oblivious to the little things, but she sees more good things.

How to be at home?

If you really want to be the best and best wife for your husband, be so at home. Is he proud of you when you are together in public? Do everything to make him proud of you and when you are the only two.

  • Beauty and grooming- he drew attention to you thanks to his beautiful appearance and mad charm. Naturally, he fell in love with you for your spiritual qualities. However, this does not diminish the importance of beauty in any way.
  • Self-development- You shouldn't build your life around a man. He is a very important part of life, but only a part. Pay due attention to yourself, develop, improve. If you live exclusively as a husband, you will soon become absolutely uninteresting to him.
  • A fine line of control- sometimes a man likes a little jealousy when you ask from whom the SMS came. However, paranoid habits and constant phone checks can ruin a marriage.
  • Correct perception- you cannot react vehemently only to the negative, but take the positive for granted. The spouse perceives this behavior as ingratitude, and even insolence.
  • Surprise him at night- forget about embarrassment and stop blaming unwillingness for sex on a headache. Tell the faithful what you would like to receive in bed and be ready to hear a counter offer.
  • Virtuoso hostess- care for the "nest" is always noticed by loved ones. Your efforts are never wasted, even if he doesn't talk about it. By the way, a good wife can also invite helpers around the house, just organizing the order in the house.

Axioms of a happy marriage :

  1. Don't obsessively show pleasant attention from you.
  2. A loving wife will not force her partner to choose between herself and his friends.
  3. Small and infrequent fights have a positive effect on relationships. Constant assent and agreement with a man in all matters and disputes, leads to a relationship without emotion and passion. How to Become a Good Wife? Sometimes add some spice to a relationship.
  4. Change your look at least slightly every six months.
  5. Receive his relatives hospitably.
  6. Provide support at the right time.
  7. No comparisons or mentions of former partners.
  8. Sincerely respect your husband's opinion.
  9. Give him complete freedom, and then he will want to return to the captivity of your embrace.

A virtuoso hostess is the guarantor of harmonious relationships

How to become a good wife and housewife? How do you manage to complete so many tasks? In order to achieve the goal, it is necessary to take into account all sorts of facts and aspects of life together.

The fundamental factor is the comfort of the family hearth. It may seem to men that this is a simple matter, but it is very multifaceted. A woman, doing household chores, gets tired no less than at a full-time job.

In order for everyone in the house to be happy, you should use the following tips:

  • Come up with a diet for several days in advance, or better for a whole week.
  • Based on the planned meals, make a list of products.
  • Write a to-do list on your daily routine.
  • Don't forget to rest.

A good housewife should also take care of the family budget. Each family chooses the main lines of expenses.

However, the most generalized and logical directions are: food, health, clothing, pastime, rest, investment. By dividing the budget into similar parts, it will be much easier to manage it!

Being the perfect mom is an equally important task.

A man determines the degree of his wife's ideality, looking at her methods of raising children and the time she spends with her offspring. However, there is also the other side of the coin, the man does not want to receive a smaller dose of attention and share your care.

In order for a man not to feel jealous of a child, it is necessary to engage in raising offspring together, to be one team.

Do not forget also about joint leisure, where you can spend time together, showing equal care for each other.

To become a spouse and mother is the cherished desire of a huge number of women. How to Become a Good Wife for Your Husband? This is a lot of work that requires strength, patience and great desire. A good wife must be able to do absolutely everything, she is wise, caring, kind, interesting. Harmony in family relationships is very important for her, so she spares neither time nor effort to create it. How to be the perfect wife for your loved one? Model spouses are not born, they become!

What does a man want from a woman

How to become the best wife for your husband? Beautiful appearance, culinary talent or special "midnight" skills are sometimes completely insufficient to win such an honorary title. First of all, it is necessary to understand male psychology, to realize what needs a representative of a strongly gender in marriage wants to realize?

It is extremely important for guys to feel needed, to feel love, support, respect. From his beloved woman, he wants understanding and devotion, he wants to see a person next to him who can be trusted. Psychologists say that a man expects from the second half:

  • equipped life;
  • harmonious atmosphere in the house;
  • calmness.

This means that in a cozy house created by his wife, he wants to feel physical and moral satisfaction, be confident in her loyalty and admire femininity.

Ideal spouse behavior style

A good wife is a woman who can turn an ordinary apartment into a cozy nest, where her husband will return with pleasure every day. It's not about expensive renovations, state-of-the-art furnishings and the regular appearance of pies on the dining table. The ideal wife is the embodiment of the feminine principle, she knows when it is necessary to express words of support, and when to just keep silent, instantly feels the mood of her beloved, does not arrange scandals out of boredom, can calmly listen and give competent advice. This is a like-minded person, friend, lover and mother in one bottle.

What are the signs of an ideal wife?

  1. She is not shy about showing feelings. The husband of an exemplary wife will be sure that he is loved and expected at home, because he often hears these words and knows that they correspond to reality.
  2. She has no disagreements with the friends of her beloved man. A wise lady knows how to dose their communication and eliminate the influence of friends on her spouse without his knowledge.
  3. An intelligent wife knows how to do well for her husband. This applies to absolutely all aspects of life - from bed to emotional conversations.
  4. She always monitors her appearance, demeanor and does not allow herself to show flaws. Next to an ideal woman, her partner also feels the need for transformation, so over time he acquires the same habits as his beloved.
  5. How to become a wise wife? If your spouse considers himself the head of the family, he is happy with life and is happy to return home to spend time with his wife and children, then a woman deserves this high title.

I will be a good wife

There are no marriages in which there are no conflicts. However, a wise woman is able to control her own emotions and influence not only the situation as a whole, but also the behavior of her spouse. How to Become the Perfect Wife for Your Husband? It is necessary to determine the tactics of behavior and follow them.

The following rules of a good wife will lead to family happiness and harmony.

1. Don't over-criticize

How to be a wise wife? Try not to criticize your spouse for failures, and you should also avoid criticism over trifles. Do not put pressure on the man, do not try to remake him by force. Just love and try to accept with all the merits and demerits.

2. Praise

Celebrate any success with heartfelt praise. There aren’t many good words. Learn to give thanks for any help. Pamper a man with delicious dinners, invite him on dates, talk heart to heart.

3. Don't be smart

The main quality of a good wife is the ability to remain silent in time. You should not demonstrate intellectual ability or broad knowledge in the areas discussed by men: politics, cars, business. Representatives of the stronger sex do not like to look stupider than women.

4. Don't compare

Under no circumstances, even in a state of passion during a grandiose scandal, do not try to compare your beloved with another individual. On the contrary, in any situation, try to emphasize his personal dignity - this arouses gratitude and increases a person's self-esteem.

5. Do not encroach on personal space

If you want to know how to become a beloved wife for your husband, psychology will help you with this. Experts recommend giving your loved one time to be alone or to have fun with friends. Do not try to fill every spare moment with your spouse. Let him get bored, learn to appreciate the wisdom and non-conflict of your beloved young lady.

How to combine the roles of wife and mother

With the appearance of a child in a family, a certain misunderstanding may arise between a man and a woman, which should be eliminated immediately. No matter how sensitive and loving the husband may be, he will not be able to perceive the baby in the same way as the mother perceives him. The father may secretly be jealous of his beloved, but this will not lead to anything good. How can you become a good wife and mother so that you can pay enough attention to both your baby and your spouse?

It is possible to harmoniously combine the 2 hypostases only if the time is correctly distributed between the man and the child. Try to enlist the support of grandmothers and be sure to spend time alone with your loved one. Don't let your spouse feel that the son or daughter is more important. By her behavior, a woman must show that her warmth and attention will be enough for both.

Live according to "Domostroy"

In the popular Soviet edition, which tells about the intricacies of everyday life, it was constantly said: a woman is the keeper of the hearth, she must be able to thoroughly wash floors, darn socks and prepare complex culinary masterpieces. How to become a good wife and housewife for a modern woman? Show your man that you know how to create cleanliness, order and comfort around you.

Today, most of the household chores can be entrusted to technology: a washing machine washes dirty laundry, a multicooker will prepare a delicious meal, a vacuum cleaner will remove dust. Meet your husband from work with a laid table, let there always be clean ironed shirts in the closet, and let the environment be as tidy as possible. You should not devote days to cleaning and cooking, it is enough to devote 15-20 minutes a day to putting things in order and to teach household members to maintain it.

Only a woman who is not afraid to constantly work on herself and her relationship with her lover can become a better wife!

Why does a woman wonder how she can become the perfect wife for her husband? Perhaps this is love, when a woman wants to make her loved one happy. Perhaps this is fear, when a woman is afraid that her husband will cheat on her or leave the family altogether if she does not satisfy his needs. Perhaps it's just a desire to get public approval for how she tries for her husband. Each woman is guided by her own personal motives, which make her wonder how she can be ideal for her man.

In fact, there is no consensus here that will be correct in all cases. However, the site of psychological help, the site gives such advice that is suitable for absolutely all couples - like those with whom you have tied your destiny. As you turn to other people for advice on how you should be so that your husband considers you the ideal wife, you are more interested in what they consider to be the ideal. In fact, the only person you have to ask how you should be is your husband.

Ask your husband what you need to be in order for him to think you are ideal. After all, you are trying for his sake! This means that only he can list the criteria by which he will evaluate you as a bad or good wife.

Stories about unhappy and unrequited love, about the parting of once loving people - all this is about the saying that like is drawn to like. Why do you attract one type of boyfriend when you like another? Why do you love but dislike you? Why do the feelings of partners who were once happy cool down? All this can be answered unequivocally: partners simply do not suit each other.

Each person has a set of concepts of what love and family are, a set of desires that he would like to embody in his love relationship with another person, as well as a list of requirements for the personality of a loved one. Thus, if all this does not coincide with the personality of at least one of the partners, then feelings and relationships come to naught. If you love your ideal, then understand that he also has his own desires for a partner. If you have ceased to be loved, then know that you have ceased to be suitable for another person according to some criteria. This is what all unhappy love stories are based on.

When they fall in love with you, but you do not reciprocate, it means that by some parameters the other person is not interesting to you. If you fall in love, and you are not answered in the same way, it means that you do not meet the requirements of your chosen one or chosen one. If they break up with you or you break up with someone, this only means that one of you is no longer satisfied with the personality of the second partner. Each of you has your own plans and desires that he wants to realize in a love relationship. And if someone does not correspond to them, that is, the person realizes that his partner cannot help him to translate his desires into reality, then the union falls apart or does not begin at all.

Become perfect for your ideal. Don't just look for your loved one, but also become the kind of person that your ideal would like. First, become ideal yourself, and then claim the hand and heart of your ideal. Then your relationship will not only begin, but will also have a future.

Stories of unhappy love demonstrate only the fact that someone did not suit someone. You may have fallen in love, but unfortunately, your loved one has a different idea of ​​your partner that you are not like. If you want to win the love of your ideal, become like his ideal. Imagine who your beloved husband wants to see next to him - and become such a woman. Remember that like is always drawn to like. And if you are just looking for your ideal in other people, but you yourself are not an ideal for him, then again you find yourself in another story about unhappy love.

Remember that anyone will be looking for a more suitable partner for themselves. He will not underestimate his requirements or humiliate himself enough to make your dream come true. Another person wants to make his dream come true - to find his ideal partner. And if you are not such a person, then this is your oversight. Therefore, first work on yourself, become the ideal for your ideal. Become exactly the person your loved one is looking for. And don't waste time in suffering that won't change your personality or connect you to your loved one.

How to Become the Perfect Wife?

A woman asks a rather difficult question when she wants to become an ideal wife. This is encouraged both by other women and by the husband himself, who only benefits from the fact that his wife wants to conform to him and satisfy his desires. However, a lot of effort will have to be made here. You won't be perfect in one day. You will have to spend a lot of time to match the ideal of your husband.

The desire of a woman is dictated by many motives. By and large, just everyone wants to keep her husband near her so that he does not look at other women and does not cheat. It seems that being perfect, this way you can keep your husband. And this has its own grain of truth.

To be perfect, you will have to learn this art, because here you will have to be able and to be:

  • Be feminine, kind, patient, sincere, natural.
  • Combine coldness and emotionality, bitchiness with charm.
  • Study the art of seduction.

A woman should understand that she is wondering how she alone can be ideal. If she assumes that her desire will induce a man to become ideal for her, then she is committing meaningless actions. A man may not want to change something in himself, despite the fact that a woman is trying for him. To become ideal or not, should be a personal desire of everyone, and not a compulsion, urge or something else.

A woman must personally decide for herself whether she is ready to change for the sake of a man who may not want to change for her. After that, all actions must comply with this decision. However, if a woman decides to be perfect, even if her husband never makes an effort to live up to her ideals, then this also has its plus: the woman tries to strengthen their relationship. It's much better than doing nothing at all. And when at least one of the partners tries, then the union has a chance to exist. After all, often women want to be perfect when their marriages are bursting at the seams or they need to return their husbands to their families. Here, you will definitely have to act alone and cause the desire of men to at least return to a relationship.

So you've decided to be perfect. What do I need to do? Develop the qualities of a good wife:

  1. Tolerance.
  2. Sense of tact.
  3. Kindness.
  4. Compassion.
  5. Understanding.
  6. Attentiveness.

Naturally, all this should be based on love. It is good when there are feelings between partners, as they help them maintain union, even when they are imperfect.

It should be understood that a woman's appearance matters, but she will not save a marriage if a man is dissatisfied with the qualities and behavior of his wife. It is a mistake for women who put themselves in order, thinking that in this way they will keep men. In fact, in this way you can only keep a man at the level of the bed. And if you want him to still love and think about you, then you will have to have the following qualities:

  • Learn to listen to a man, understand him and even support him in his thoughts. It is important for a man that at the most difficult moment he can speak out and get advice or at least stay heard.
  • Stay feminine. A man chooses a woman who must continue to be feminine.
  • Be proactive. A man wants to see interest from a woman who is also fond of something.
  • Be interesting, that is, improve, read, learn so that you can tell your husband something.
  • Stay unpredictable. It is desirable that the surprises are pleasant for the man.
  • Make the home a man's favorite vacation spot. This means that a man should feel comfortable in the house. It should not be so clean and beautiful as it should smell delicious. Also, a man should have his own territory in an apartment / house, where a woman should not get him. He should have his own closet, where a woman should not poke her nose.
  • Stay passionate. Sex is important for a man, so a woman should not stop doing this with him. Moreover, over time, you will have to use your imagination in order to somehow diversify sex, which may already become boring to your husband.
  • Communicate with your husband without demands and claims. A man does not need to be plagued by his discontent. If any problems arise, then it is necessary to solve them jointly, with respect for each other.
  • Stay independent. You don't need to dissolve in your husband. Moreover, it will allow you to remain unruly, mysterious to the end. Have your own affairs, interests, desires and opinions so that the man sees you as a person, not his shadow.
  • Meet your husband in a good mood. After all, he is your loved one! Remember this.
  • Cultivate the qualities that your husband desires. What are these qualities, ask him personally. He will tell you what he wants to see in you.
  • Be limited in your requests. On the one hand, ask the man to do or buy something for you. On the other hand, don't climb your neck. Keep in measure. Skip some purchases to save money or even buy something for your husband.
  • Have common goals with your husband. This point should be decided by partners even before marriage. If a woman and a man a priori look at their future in different directions, then it will be difficult for them to create something in common. Life goals should be shared and desired by both. At the same time, both a man and a woman should implement them. Everyone should have their own responsibilities that are performed. Everyone is responsible for what has been achieved, even if nothing has been achieved in the end.
  • Be smart. It does not mean the amount of knowledge, but the ability of a woman in various situations to remain educated, cultured, be able to solve problems and have her own opinion.
  • Take all sides of your husband. Your lover has merits and demerits - you accept everything that is in him, while continuing to love.
  • Continue to pay attention to your husband, even if there is a child in the family.

How do you end up being the perfect wife?

Only a husband can say what he considers ideal for himself. It should be your decision to live up to it or not. However, if you decide to become the ideal wife for your husband, then you will pleasantly please him.

At the same time, remember that all new qualities must fit perfectly into your personality. You should not contradict your own principles and views of yourself with your new actions. If the new image does not suit you, then your husband will see it, who may even think that it is time for him to look for a new wife. If something doesn't suit you, you don't need to impose it on yourself. Remain yourself, because it is such a man who fell in love with you and has already taken you as a wife, which means that you already suit him the way you are.

Many girls mistakenly believe that the ideal wife is one who knows how to cook well, do clean laundry, keep the house clean and raise children correctly. At the same time, some ladies manage to attend work, have a high position, be highly developed, both intellectually and physically, and receive a good salary. But as it turned out, not everything is so simple. Why, in the presence of all the listed attributes, does it often happen that the husband leaves for another? Let's find out what the strong half of humanity really needs from a companion and whom they are actually ready to call an ideal wife.

What should be in a woman

Experts say that the spouse's skill is not only limited to the kitchen space. Rather, on the contrary, not only food is important for a man, but also other moments in life together. Also, a person in love will pay little attention to not ironed trousers, and will be happy to contemplate at the beloved who is lazily stretching in bed in the daytime. Well, you have to learn the basics of femininity anew and become an ideal wife. By the way, the secrets for finding perfect habits are very accessible and simple.

Important: no matter what twists and turns are encountered in life together, remember, your husband is the best and. Believe me, if you are sure of this, and constantly defend this position, the spouse will already consider you an ideal wife.

We mistakenly believe that men are fatheads and do not understand their mistakes. But here it all depends on the behavior of the wife. If she gives him this opportunity - to make mistakes, then he will definitely take action to correct them. For the trust shown, he will faithfully serve your happiness and will not give reason to doubt his love. One of the greats said that a man's love is not directed at a woman, but at the feelings that he experiences next to her. And advice from experienced psychologists will help us with this.

First of all, you need to remember that you are a woman. This is what men want from us, so that we do not forget about our destiny. We must manifest what is inherent in nature - and always remain ourselves.


This detail is an integral part of every representative of the beautiful half of humanity. Being an ideal lover is already a guarantee of an excellent marriage, which will last for many years, but rather, until the end of life. Emancipation and rewarding her man with stunning caresses, long sex, like a boomerang will return to her as gifts, love and maximum dedication from her husband.

Sexual intercourse should be mutual. Yes, we all know that for men the result is more important and he is not always interested in what you felt. But from time to time it will be pleasant for him if the beloved is beside herself with happiness from the hot and passionate intimacy. A lady is obliged to be able to seduce, excite and give maximum pleasure to her beloved. If you still haven't learned the skill of seduction - open the Internet, buy literature and do your own educational program.

Over the years, sexual relations gradually grow cold and can reach the point that the spouse turns his gaze towards the hot thing. Your duty is to throw firewood into the fire of love, that is, to constantly keep yourself in shape, look beautiful and give your husband new sensations. Familiarity with the manuals will also help you avoid difficulties in sexual matters. This will help you understand what you really "like" and give your spouse a guide to action.

Be a faithful wife

Remember - a lady should give her love only to her own spouse. As soon as it starts scattering around - write - it's gone. The spouse will immediately feel betrayal and change his attitude. Even light flirting with a stranger can cause conflict.

Don't forget about delicious food and cleanliness

Yes, we pointed out that this is not the most important thing. Don't try to fix us, everything is going according to plan. It is not necessary, but desirable, that the house is always clean and tasty. The relevance of the saying about the path to the heart through the stomach has not yet been completely lost. A man will never stay in a pub or with friends in a cafe if he has a good borscht, fried duck, fresh salad and delicious pastries waiting for him at home. He will also begin to very quickly move away from companies vacationing in public catering, because the houses are clean, cozy and warm. After the daily routine, heavy physical exertion, he will receive relaxation, calmness, comfort and freedom of action in his native walls.

Important: there is no need to look for excuses and be indignant that you also work and get tired, just like him. He is not interested in your activity - he wants to devour the mammoth, which he "killed" during the working day. Create a calm atmosphere for your loved one, let him feel how much and how much they were waiting for him and tried to cook the best dish in the world.

You should not force a man to help you with everything within the walls of your home. Believe me, if he regularly tries on his apron, you will see a “second” mistress in him and at the level of instinct you will grow cold as a man. And it’s not normal when a representative of the strong half took over the functions of a cook - it’s unnatural. Cooking and pampering homemade yummy is your direct responsibility. And if the kitchen smells of baked goods and the smell of vanilla and cinnamon, your husband will move mountains for you.

Don't take away his space

You don't need to be an annoying "fly" and give your spouse a moment of rest from you. If you constantly shake over his head and offer, then one thing, then another - he will get mad and express a categorical protest. Learn to step aside and be with him exactly when he needs it.

A family for a man is what he works and tries for. Because of marriage, he gave up his freedom, and this is the most important thing for a strong half of humanity. Just imagine what stress your husband is going through, giving up his favorite company, daily meetings over a glass of beer. After all, he did not marry you for cutlets, but for love. A diligent mother prepared delicious food for him with great pleasure. Therefore, he must sometimes go to his garage, sit with the men, drink beer and eat fish.

Never stand between him and football. This sport allows you to shout and swear openly and without hesitation. Thus, the breadwinner releases steam.

And sometimes the head of the family simply wants to be alone with his thoughts, to make an important decision, which also concerns the well-being of the family. And you with your "crackle", from which there is itching in the ears.

Experts consider doubts to be a big mistake of wives. Why did he decide to go to the store himself, can I really interfere with him in the garage? And in order to rectify the situation, the woman begins to impose herself and thereby arouses anger on the part of her spouse. He needs personal space, and if he is violated, he leaves for good.

Important: a person's personal space also includes his notebook, mobile phone, laptop, tablet, computer, personal closet, desk, car and even a garage. As for the car, a woman can put things in order, but not arrange everything to her liking. Tidy up your car.

Men are very negative when they interpret the appeal to him. He has a name and all kinds of bunnies, kisyuni, masiki, kittens, babies cause anger and irritation. He is sure, and sometimes quite thoroughly, that the whole male brotherhood laughs at him, since nicknames are often associated with treatment during intimacy in bed.

He has desires too

Any normal man who is truly in love with his wife dreams of only one thing - to make her life happy and prosperous. But he is not a magician and neither a sorcerer, nor a student of Messing and cannot read thoughts at a distance. If you want what - tell it straight, do not make a secret out of your desires. After all, how often we are faced with the fact that the man did not guess with the gift and there was a disagreement. Here's a good example:

For the 25th anniversary of marriage, the husband decided to give his wife a good gift. He went shopping with her and took her to all departments. At the same time, he came up with a reason that had nothing to do with the approaching date - to take a walk, buy a razor, etc. And he drew attention to what his beloved was looking at with delight. And she literally screamed at her head when she saw a huge cactus. But when they approached the jewelry shelves, she admired the products with her mouth open and not expressing any emotion. So her husband gave her a huge cactus that no one needed, which, moreover, took up a lot of space in a small apartment. And only having “rejoiced” at the thorny plant, she openly said what she would like.

Well, here's the real story for you. Tell me - who is to blame? He - in no case! Men are made differently than we are. Do not think that this is greed. Believe me, a cactus costs fabulous money. Therefore, do not be silent and do not hope that he will guess.

Another mistake in desires is saving on yourself. Yes, it's high time to change the tires, but build the costs so that there is enough for both the replacement and your desire. He gave money to you for personal expenses - so spend it on yourself. A new frying pan or saucepan will wait, the more there is something to cook on.

Important: never accept surprises and gifts with reproach or tired joy. They want to bring you joy, reward your impulse and show how happy you are thanks to his attention. If the wife, every now and then, will refuse gifts, express indignation, the spouse will be discouraged from doing something pleasant for his beloved.

You should also not overdo it, you need to know when to stop in everything. Constant demands for new things and spending on clothes, jewelry and other little things can lead to real discord. The man will get tired and feel like a trapped horse. Gifts that are begged for do not bring the expected effect.

Keep yourself in shape

Someone will object - my husband adores me the way I am. And this is a big mistake. How many relationships have been destroyed because of the once-beautiful wife's walking in a crumpled robe, with curlers on her head. And you have not noticed how much the lovebirds try not to repeat such mistakes. They will meet someone else's husband fully armed: with makeup, styled hair and a beautiful dress. Do not be lazy, do not seize fatigue with buns and cakes. Watch your figure, but don't overdo it. Your constant talk about new diets and unhealthy thinness will alienate your spouse. A rough saying, but it reflects the truth "A man is not a dog, he does not throw himself on the dice." Everything should be in moderation.

Stop being jealous

This is not about justified jealousy after, but about his light flirting. Begin to be jealous about and without - he will have an opinion about your low self-esteem. On the contrary, try to look so that any rival would fade away next to you. Show your husband - how much you are superior in beauty and taste to his admirers, not too much to refresh yourself intellectually. Men love to show off their wives, especially if the spouse combines beauty, intelligence and a good sense of humor.

Try to periodically visit, if possible, a spa, sauna, massage room, do not forget about manicure, pedicure and hair condition. It's okay if you have to spend a little, just don't visit these points too often. But your joy and pleasure will be a real gift for your hero and supplier. Most likely, he expects gratitude closer to the night - do not forget to encourage the knight. Maintain beauty also on your own, but do not try to meet your spouse in a mask or with cellophane on his head. You need to do everything before his arrival and open the doors with a natural beauty.

Beauty should not only be external. Engage in self-development, read books, listen to good music, learn new recipes, ethics. Family is also communication, and the conversation should be supported from two sides.

Learn to trust your loved one

Your spouse is the head of the family and must make responsible decisions. Nobody says that it is not necessary to listen to the opinion of the wife, but the final point is for the man. Do not take this opportunity away, trust your companion and rely on his wisdom, determination and prudence. And it's okay if something doesn't work out. You are still young, and experience comes over the years. Who among us is not wrong? Do not try to poke your nose into his bad decisions. He will listen a maximum of two or three times, then leave and never return. You will constantly repeat that you warned, said, did not agree - the relationship will be ruined. Be patient and the next time you have a calm conversation, present more reasons for your decision.

Make friends with your spouse's family

It doesn't matter what family your husband is from. But remember the golden rule - it will only bring positive results. It will be possible to lure a capricious relative to your side - and the marriage will be insured by a powerful force. And if you can make friends with her, then you can not worry about relationships from other family members. Everyone will love you, the father-in-law will try to do it. This state of affairs will have a great effect on the attitude of the husband. He will be happy and content with family harmony.

Important: but not always everything goes smoothly - life is life and conflicts are possible that arise through no fault of yours. But even if they are present, never force the husband to abandon his relatives - this is wrong. Nobody forces you to forget mom and dad.

Be patient

Men and women have different hormonal levels. And depending on what is happening in the human body, emotions are experienced in different ways. Therefore, you do not need to be offended by your spouse in moments of irritability or alienation. Perhaps he is experiencing some unpleasant moments at work or in the family of relatives. Do not meddle in the soul, he himself will soon tell about everything. If he does not consider it necessary, it means that he cannot reveal someone else's secret. Quite often, after a short period of time, the spouse himself realizes that he is wrong and will apologize. And you should accept them with gratitude and show understanding.

Patience should not be confused with self-sacrifice, although in extreme cases this is not superfluous. We are now talking about the ability to wait patiently, and possibly separate for a while, right up to the move. A wise and understanding man will appreciate your tact and will adequately thank you for your indulgence. A stupid person will not understand - why is such a person needed?

Show sincerity

Be a bit of an actress

There is an opinion that men remain infantile children in life. And those, in turn, require a playful relationship. Therefore, do not miss the moment to play along with your loved one. If he stomps his foot and wants to prove that he is the main one in the family, agree.

A friend of mine told a funny story. Wherever they go to visit, at the set table, the slightly intoxicated spouse claims that he is the head, the owner. As he said - so it will be! She always silently smiles and agrees, but at the same time she is silent that all his salary is in her wallet.

Do not forget to praise your husband, they really need it. Screwed on the handle - you are my master, repaired the toilet - well, just golden hands.

Monitor your health

Remember the saying "A brother loves a rich sister, and a husband loves a healthy wife." If you oykat and aikat, walk constantly with a handkerchief and sniff, hold on to your head, throat, side, lower abdomen - your husband will surely find an outlet for himself on the side. Do not lie in bed for long hours complaining of discomfort, always be clean and exude only the scent of expensive perfume. Take care of yourself, stop whining. Do physical exercises, sign up for a swimming section, visit a fitness club, a yoga studio. Improve your health and don't give any reason to doubt your physical well-being.

Be busy

No need for unnecessary sacrifices. Learn to combine both career and economy. As soon as you stop being a person for yourself, your spouse will immediately feel your lack. And if you can't stay at work, get carried away with some hobby, sign up for some hobby club.

Be discreet

A woman should not throw up scandals and tantrums, especially in the presence of her husband's friends. Be wiser and be patient, you can talk about everything at home. If the husband's entourage witnesses an ugly scene, a crack will arise in the relationship. And diligent friends will every now and then pin up your spouse in his "henpecked".


The appearance of a baby in the house does not mean that you need to completely forget about obligations to your spouse. Yes, a child requires special attention, and any normal mother puts her beloved child in the first place. The baby cries day and night, he needs to be fed, a heap of laundry appears. But with the arrival of the spouse from work, you still need to wait for him with a ready-made dinner. If it's really hard, talk, explain and ask for help. This kind of open conversation and trust will do wonders. The once lazy and incomprehensible spouse (if he is a normal person) will certainly take on some of the responsibilities and will not let the spouse get so tired.

Well, here we have learned the basic rules that allow you to at least get closer to the title of an ideal spouse. It is clear that there is no exact recipe, but if you try, you can maintain harmony and calmness in your family. Everything will be perfect for a wise woman - husband, children, home and relationships with relatives. And what is needed for this - to love, endure, give in, play, be attentive and diligent. These qualities have long been taught to our grandmothers and mothers, it would not be superfluous for us to follow their example. Be happy!

Goodbye to everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

When getting married, every girl is full of romance and does not think about how to become an exemplary wife. It seems that the relationship will develop by itself, because the main thing is love. But so that the husband strives home from work and life together brings joy and happiness, a woman should take care of this.

An exemplary wife in male performance

To become a caring hostess and wife, you need to listen to a man in order to understand what he is striving for in family relationships, because a good wife is not an evaluative opinion of colleagues at work, grandmothers on a bench or even a mother-in-law, but above all - a balance of his own needs and desires and partner expectations.

Of course, if you ask a man directly, he will answer that the main thing is the ability to cook, create comfort, support and satisfy sexually. Many men will say that appearance is not important, which will change after marriage due to some circumstances. There is only a grain of truth in this statement. In addition, if a woman takes on the functions of exclusively caring, then the relationship ceases to be marital to the end.

The real mistress of the house

Today, in the age of emancipation, this phrase is painted in a slightly different color, and the woman no longer performs the function of a true real mistress, but takes on the tasks of the owner, i.e. male role than oppresses a man. Roles change performers, and as a result, either the man begins to displease his spouse, or there is a struggle for the dominant role, and quarrels on this basis lead to the accumulation of resentment and the destruction of love.

Another situation happens when, becoming a "real mistress", a woman takes on the role of a mother, not a wife, which does not benefit the relationship. An adult man is not a little boy, and excessive care either destroys the masculine principle in him, or again leads to confrontation, from which the "child" tries to leave and hide, and not to be at enmity.

Therefore, it is important in the search for solutions to understand the correct meaning of the word "mistress" and not to take on other people's roles. In essence, an exemplary hostess is only comfort (order, orderliness of life, cooking) and no other functions.

Create an atmosphere of warmth and comfort in your home

It's a pleasure to return to a clean and comfortable home. And the fact that bachelors do not maintain order in the house is 70% myth and does not mean that a man will be ready to endure the same in marriage. Therefore, in order to become an exemplary wife, the task of creating comfort should come first. Comfort is achieved due to the functionality of everyday life that is comfortable for both: things are in their places, tasks are completed on time and at the same time do not cause severe difficulties. But the leather upholstery of the sofa and the inlay of the cabinet door with python leather indirectly refer to the concept of comfort.

Know how to cook deliciously

In response to the question "how to become a good wife and mistress", the phrase "the way to a man's heart is through his stomach" comes to mind. Of course, the ability to cook is an important quality for a spouse, but even knowing how to cook only scrambled eggs, learning this art is simple, you should look at our website and see the recipes. There are no women who cannot cook, there is only a reluctance to learn and a fear of failure. As psychologists say, this is in the head. Remove complexes and installations and everything will work out. Think also about the fact that the wife eventually becomes a mother and seeks to feed the child with healthy food, because this is a matter of health, and therefore a successful future.

Watch yourself

Even if a man says that his partner's appearance is not important to him, this does not fully correspond to the truth. Let's remember one more truth - "a man loves with his eyes." She will help in solving the problem "how to become an exemplary wife." Let's take a look at what you need to look good for:

  • Be attractive and take care of yourself not only when going outside, but also at home, as at work your companion is surrounded by well-groomed lovely women and, to keep love and desire, "keep the bar".
  • An attractive woman wants to be conquered, but it is easier to lose. It is more difficult for her to convince her that she is worthless.
    Men are also not devoid of romance. Imagine that the heroine of a favorite novel or melodrama at that very moment would not be in an elegant outfit, but in a pulled oversized T-shirt with spots, this whole romance would have happened to her?

Taking good care of yourself will help avoid misunderstandings with your partner. Remember that most girls who think they are not sexy and unattractive are desirable for men. And the phrase "I am ugly", said to a man, can be equated to "you have bad taste" or "you do not deserve better." But to show beauty so much that a man is unworthy of you is not worth it.


Remember that the woman must remain a mystery. A developing woman is admired, it is more difficult for her to instill that she is worthy only of what she has. Therefore, while developing, you work for yourself. But just do not oppress a man with this: there is nothing terrible if he does not quote "Anna Karenina", because, for sure, you also will not say what a pressure regulator is and where it is located. Everyone has their own path of development, the main thing is simply not to stand still.

Respect and value your spouse

To preserve the family, it is important not to criticize your partner (there is enough criticism at work and outside the family), but to be respectful and supportive. Even if your spouse is wrong, remember that everyone is wrong.

Do not quarrel in public: for a man, reproaches in public are an insult. Discuss problems in a calm manner at home. It would also be unpleasant for you if your husband told you that you do not know how, for example, to cook.

Each person needs respect and support, especially from a partner. In our everyday life, we forget about why we chose this particular person: for his kindness, responsiveness, positive, or for something else. Remember pleasant moments often, the first steps together and appreciate it.

Plan your family budget

A woman knows the needs of her family better than a man, so it is easier for her to keep a budget. It is important to use money rationally, even if there is enough money. And with small incomes, a good housewife will always find a way out.

Pay attention to your sex life

Perhaps the only statement that is not true is that sex is not the main thing. Sex is a need, an instinct for procreation, a psychological relaxation in the relationship of partners. If the instincts and needs are not fulfilled at home, the search will begin for a place where the man can compensate them. No matter how sad and offensive it may be for a woman, this is nature. Of course, sex is not a reward or punishment, you are not an educator or trainer, you are a spouse and lover rolled into one.

If something is missing in your intimate life, talk about it with your husband without hesitation. There is no closer interlocutor for such conversations than a husband. Remember that both partners should be comfortable in sex life.

Find common ground with his family

Often third parties become the cause of quarrels between spouses and, of course, we believe that the husband's relatives are the big provocateurs in this regard. If you really think so, it means that you and your husband still do not live in one strong family. This is the tactic of children in a sandbox or warring corporations, but not a family.

The family is a single organism and everyone is right or wrong in equal shares. Our great-grandmothers had from 5 to 9 children, and they coped with everything, because they knew how to get along with relatives and knew how to help each other.

Think about how hard it is for a husband to be torn between relatives and you. Relatives are often not a gift, but if you love your husband, try to make sure he doesn't get hurt by your disagreements.

Caring mother for children

A man, determined to create and preserve a family, chooses not only his mistress and mistress as his wife, but also the mother of the children. Therefore, being a caring mother and wife are equal tasks. However, the appearance of a child in the family brings not only joy, but also certain difficulties in the relationship. The main thing here is not to forget that with the advent of the child, you have not ceased to be a spouse. Now all the tasks are supplemented by finding a balance between the relationship between the child and the father.

You shouldn't often say "it's hard for me", "I'm not coping." With such behavior, you will steadily instill in your husband the idea that you do not correspond to his ideal and are not able to cope with the task of the wife. Use other words, for example, "I would like you to help", "I would be happier if ..".
It is difficult to live up to the ideal, but you need to strive for it. Do not set yourself overwhelming tasks. Better to do simple household chores with dignity. Go to your goals gradually and do not forget to enjoy life.