How to remove super glue from clothes using effective methods and tools. How to wipe super glue off clothes yourself

When you need to glue something, two problems usually arise: why doesn't it stick, and how to remove the glue from clothes? And if in the first case you should choose the best adhesive, then this article will help in the second.

For help!

This is not to say that only mothers, whose children adore crafts and applications, face such a problem. Often an adult can also be smeared during minor or major repairs. In any case, it is important to know how to quickly and easily remove the adhesive from clothing.

If you notice that you get dirty right during work, act immediately:

  1. Try to wipe the stain off the garment with a tissue.
  2. If something has already dried, scrape it off with a knife or scissors.
  3. Before pouring the little thing with any stain remover, check its effect on the wrong side of the product.

It is also important to know what kind of glue you have used in order to use solvents that can handle the specific composition.

Super glue

The most powerful adhesive that can bond wood, plastic and others is superglue. It can be called in different ways: "Moment", "Second", "Power" - but the essence is the same.

It dries very quickly and adheres to surfaces, is moisture resistant and durable. These are all, of course, pluses when it comes to the bonding process. But there are definite disadvantages if a drop got on your T-shirt.

From now on, be careful and wear an apron when working with such a compound!

So how do you remove super glue from your clothes?

  • Wipe the fresh stain with laundry soap.
  • Gasoline can also help. Soak a cotton swab in it and rub the product.
  • Kerosene is another reliable solvent that also removes traces of paint, ink and tar.
  • In building materials stores you can find "Super Moment Antikley" - a special tool for removing the sticky layer. Suitable for white clothes only. By the way, it can be used to remove excess from any surface, not just fabric.

  • These are not all the tools, since you can remove the glue from jeans with a nail polish remover or acetone.
  • White spirit is another solvent tested over the years that can work a miracle.
  • Thinking about how to remove super glue from woolen or silk clothes, look into the kitchen. Every housewife has vinegar. Dissolve 20 ml of vinegar in 40 ml of water and soak the little thing in this. Then wash in the usual way.
  • The wallpaper composition can be washed off in soapy water or using regular powder.

Be aware that cheap Chinese tubes will be of inferior quality. That is, this will affect the durability of the materials to be glued, but they are much easier to wash off.


Regular office glue with a water-soluble composition. Fresh dirt can be easily removed in warm soapy water. Even a simple stream of lukewarm water will easily wash away the white liquid.

If you got dirty for a long time, and only noticed now, the following steps will help you:

  • The rubbing alcohol will help dissolve the gluten on jeans and heavy cotton fabrics.
  • The ammonia will cope well with dirt on suede products, including shoes.

It is advised to steam the suede first. Hold over a boiling kettle for 10 minutes, and then wipe with ammonia.

  • Use the freezing method for delicate fabrics. Send your blouse to the freezer for an hour. After that, you just have to scrape off the frozen composition from the surface of the product and wash it as usual.
  • Vinegar can save synthetics (microfiber, fleece, acrylic).

Try to act immediately, as it is much more difficult to remove dried glue from any clothing.


It is also called liquid glass and is often used hot. In case of heavy dirt, it is better to go to dry cleaning, especially if these are thin fabrics. You can try to cope with dense materials yourself.

So how do you remove silicate glue from clothing?

  • Soap solution or washing powder can handle light dirt. Soak a dirty sweater in a wash basin for a couple of hours, then wash and rinse as usual.
  • You can add soda to the powder and soak it too. This will be effective for old, dried blots.

Silicone sealant

This viscous composition can be easily washed from things if it left a small mark.

  • Soak a sponge in vinegar and place on the stain for 30 minutes.
  • Acetone and White Spirit can also dissolve dried sealant.

Use the products described above for natural fabrics, synthetics will not withstand such a load.

A thick layer of silicone must be filed off or cut with a knife, the remaining stain must be removed with a solvent.

Any strong liquids must be used with gloves on.

We have listed for you the main types of adhesives that are used in construction and in everyday life. Now you probably know how to effectively remove glue from clothes.

Information for women of fashion was left for a snack.

Stickers, rhinestones, labels

Often in stores, sellers glue labels directly to clothes, so that after removing a sticky mark remains, which quickly becomes overgrown with pile. Lovers of things decorated with rhinestones have a similar problem. After all, these small beads often fall off, leaving behind a nasty white mark.

So, here are the surefire ways to remove adhesive from stickers, labels and rhinestones from clothes:

  • Apply any vegetable oil to the dirty area. It can dissolve any sticky residue in an hour. What to do with the greasy stain now? Just soak it in dish detergent.
  • An iron can also be your assistant. Place a paper layer between the spots and the iron coating, now iron the product. The sticky compound should stick to the paper.
  • For white clothes, a cotton swab dipped in white spirit or acetone is suitable. Treat the surface with this and the thing will be clean immediately after drying.

It will be useful to remind you that any tool should always be tested first on the wrong side of the product or in things that are invisible to the prying eye. This will help protect you from permanent damage to an already damaged item.

Every house has a couple of T-shirts and pants that are not fit for publication. They are best worn during repair work and in the process of creative crafts.

Super glue is a good helper in the repair of our clothes. It will easily help to glue tightly any material. It happens that when using the Moment glue, it gets on the fabric of our favorite clothes. Do not despair and do not rush to throw it away. It is quite possible to remove such a stain on your own at home and save your favorite thing.

In this article we will tell you how to quickly and efficiently remove superglue from clothes without spoiling it.

When a moment hits the clothes, many, not knowing what to do, begin to rub it even deeper into the fabric. This makes the stain more visible. After that, you have to get rid of your clothes. You should not immediately rush into panic, because there are many methods on how to remove such an unpleasant and corrosive speck.

If the moment hits the shoes, it can be removed with acetone or laundry soap and a brush. From nubuck or suede, you can try to file it with a nail file.

First steps

As soon as the superglue hits the fabric, you need to immediately start removing. Otherwise, if it dries up, it will be much more difficult to remove it, and in some cases even impossible.

The first step is to remove the stained clothing from yourself and place it on a flat surface to prevent the glue from spreading even more.

Place something hard under the spot to prevent the Moment glue from absorbing and seeping onto the other side of the material.

Blot fresh glue with a dry cloth, you can try to scrape off the glue with the back of a knife or scissors, then wash your clothes. This can only help while the blot is fresh. This method is not always enough to get rid of the stain.


One of the most effective ways to remove Moment glue from clothes is to freeze it.

Place your favorite jeans or dress in a bag so that the area covered with glue does not touch the clean fabric and put it in the freezer for about an hour and a half.

Due to the low temperature, the Moment glue inside the fiber becomes hard and can be gently scraped off with something sharp, such as tweezers or a knife. If the drop is very thick, you can simply break it. After that, soak the clothes in powder water and simply wash.


Superglue fears not only low temperatures, but also high temperatures. At 80 degrees, it begins to melt and it can be easily removed.

Place a piece of plain cotton over and under the stain and iron with a hot iron. It is very important not to miss when the glue becomes soft, as soon as this happens, start scrubbing it with any sharp object.

Then, as in the previous method, wash the thing.

Soapy water

Oddly enough, ordinary soap and water will help get rid of Secunda. Dilute boiling water (at least 80 degrees) with laundry soap until a highly concentrated solution is obtained and pour over the affected area, leave for a few minutes.

Do not use this method for items that cannot be washed in hot water. Therefore, carefully study the label of the item.

The next thing to do is wipe off the glue with a not very sharp object, and then wash.


Fat is an excellent solvent. To get rid of a speck on a cheap material, you can take margarine or butter as its basis and grease the speck with it until the blot disappears, and rinse off the rest with dishwashing liquid. For expensive material, petroleum jelly or glycerin is suitable.

Chemical substances

Chemicals will get rid of the dried "Moment" glue. They must be picked up carefully so as not to destroy the fabric. These methods are best used when a regular iron or water does not help. There are several such methods.

Even the toughest, stubborn superglue stains can remove acetone. Moisten the copiously dripped Moment glue and wait until it completely dissolves. It will take you an hour. The next step is to wipe off the dissolved adhesive mass with a dry, soft cloth. If the remainder of the stain remains, then repeat the procedure.

It is better not to use this method for delicate and bright clothes.

You have to be very careful with this method and only use it on white linen. Pour the product over the stain and rub it lightly into the fabric. Chlorine, which is contained in whiteness, will corrode the glue.


This method works best for woolen or silk items.

To get rid of the traces of gasoline, clothes should be washed several times, as one wash will not be enough.

What to remove the Moment glue from clothes you need:

  1. Moisten two cotton rags liberally with gasoline and apply them to the stain on both sides.
  2. Wait 10 to 25 minutes.
  3. Remove residual glue.
  4. Powder wash.

This solution is inexpensive and can be purchased at a pharmacy.

  1. Wear rubber gloves before use to avoid getting the product on your skin.
  2. Soak cotton swabs liberally.
  3. Apply on both sides for 10 minutes.
  4. Scrape off any residue from the fabric.
  5. Do your usual wash.

It will be an excellent alternative to gasoline and acetone. However, unlike acetone, it cannot be used on natural fabrics.

The application of this tool is similar to the previous one. Just dampen a cotton ball, apply it to the glue for a few minutes, then wash with powder or soap.

Sometimes ordinary table vinegar can come to the rescue.

  1. Mix 1 cup of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of warm water in a saucepan.
  2. Spread it on a dirty place and leave your favorite dress alone for a while.
  3. Rinse in cold water.
  4. Perform the procedure several times.

Only suitable for fine, non-synthetic fabrics.

Probably the most widespread and actively used tool. It is very easy to use and suits any outfit.

Before use, check the reaction with clothes by dropping a slightly invisible place.

Apply Anti-Superglue on the dirt, for 5 minutes, then remove it all with any metal, not very sharp object.

In custody

Such a nuisance as getting superglue on clothes can be solved on your own at home, or you can have your things dry cleaned. Unfortunately, any impact on the fabric will shorten its lifespan. Therefore, when working with superglue, it is better to wear something unnecessary, which is not a pity to spoil.

We suggest watching a video on a good way to remove super glue:

Super-glue manufacturers promise that it is able to bond any surfaces forever. Of course, this is his indisputable plus. But how offensive it becomes when a drop of glue accidentally falls on your favorite thing. Do you think that it is impossible to remove super-glue from clothes ?.

  • If the stain is fresh, soak the item in warm soapy water as soon as possible. In some cases, even such a step is already able to save your favorite blouse or trousers. All grease is the enemy of glue, so soap can deal with a terrible stain.
  • Lather the wet cloth well and rub thoroughly. Be careful with delicate materials (silk, chiffon, velvet), because they can just rip under your fingers. For best results, add some vinegar or citric acid to the water.
  • Also try dabbing a tablespoon of vinegar on the stain itself and letting it sit for a few minutes. Next, wash the item with plenty of soap.
  • As mentioned above, glue does not like grease, so in some cases, you can use liquid glycerin or petroleum jelly. Particularly enterprising housewives cope with the glue using butter or margarine. It is necessary to rub any of the proposed fat-containing substances on the stain until the glue is completely removed. Residual dirt can be removed with dishwashing liquid or conventional stain remover.

If others have appeared on your fabric, then our tips from the article are for you.

How to remove super-glue from clothes with acetone?

If the previous measures did not help, then we turn to heavy artillery. You will need paint thinner or just a nail polish remover that contains acetone.

  • A few drops of this product will help remove the glue. But this method is not suitable for colored materials. Also note that in some cases, for example, nail polish remover can stain white fabric. Experienced housewives recommend a drop of acetone on the seam to assess its effect on the material.
  • For snow-white things, whiteness is also suitable. A small amount of bleach containing chlorine should be applied to the super glue stain and rubbed lightly. Do not use cotton wool or special cosmetic discs for these purposes, because small fibers can cling to the glue that has not yet dried. It is much more convenient to resort to using a cotton cloth.
  • Gasoline is suitable for wool and silk. It is a versatile product for removing large amounts of stubborn dirt. It is necessary to remove the glue stain with gasoline using the following technology: apply the product to a cloth and rub the place of contamination. Next, you need to wait 10 minutes and wash the thing with soap and powder. You may need to soak and wash your clothes several times, as the glue often leaves dark spots.

Let the glue dry

It is possible to remove super-glue from clothes made of leather or thin materials without the use of chemicals. Wait a couple of minutes for the stain to dry completely. To prevent the glue from spreading to another surface, place cardboard under the fabric. Do not touch the stain itself at this moment, because you can simply stick to the material.

Dried super-glue turns white and creates a dense film on the surface. Try to clean it off with a fine abrasive surface. A knife (namely, its blunt side), pumice stone, nail file will do. Try to carry out the procedure as carefully as possible, without touching the fabric itself. If the glue is not too strong, then it will give up under such pressure.

Temperature changes will help remove super-glue from clothes

The glue does not tolerate heat and frost, and this can be used in the fight for clean things.

  • Option 1: put your clothes in the freezer. It is appropriate to pre-place the item in a plastic bag. After a few hours, you will notice that the adhesive film is dry and covered with small cracks. Now you can proceed to carefully scraping off the stain of the technology that we have already proposed above. In this case, the glue will come off even more easily, because its structure is broken.
  • Option 2: if the cold did not help, then we will act on the glue with a high temperature. Place a cotton cloth on the inside and outside of the garment, which will subsequently absorb the remaining dirt. Iron the stain with a hot iron on both sides. You may need to repeat the procedure several times. As a result, the glue itself will melt and transfer to the fabric, which we use for this very purpose. But a dark stain may remain in its place. According to numerous reviews and opinions, this option is the most effective, and the traces that remain can be removed by regular washing several times. However, for delicate fabrics, this method is not suitable, because you can easily damage the material with an iron.

If none of the above methods worked for you, then you will have to dry-clean your clothes. In any case, be careful when working with super-glue: wear clothes that you do not mind throwing away, and protect your hands with gloves.

If you decide to connect something with glue, be prepared for the fact that in the process of work, no matter how hard you try, the adhesive will drip or spill in some incredible way into places that are not intended for gluing. At the same time, the skin of hands, surfaces, and wardrobe items will suffer the most from the consequences of using glue. How to remove the glue from clothes in this case, so that there is no trace left, because superglue does not lend itself to regular washing? In this article, we will offer you several effective ways to remove glue from fabric using available tools.

What is superglue?

The most common fast adhesive is considered to be superglue, known as Cyanopan, Monolith, Super Moment, Second, Glue, Strength, Super Moment. Its distinctive feature is fast adhesion, high strength, resistance to moisture, high and low temperatures.

How to wash the glue?

How to remove super glue is a quite pertinent question in the case when it gets on clothes or skin, because the substance is based on cyanoacrylate acid, which can only be dissolved with the help of complex chemicals. To solve the problem, we recommend you some chemical products that can be bought in building materials stores:

  • dimethyl sulfoxide;
  • solvent based on nitromethane;
  • superglue enhancer "Super Moment AntiGlue";
  • liquid for softening acrylates (used in nail salons).

As a rule, during repairs with glue, it ends up not only on clothes, especially if you have not taken precautions in advance. Each individual case needs its own methods and means. Therefore, read the practical tips separately,.

How to wash off super glue?

Depending on the composition of the soiled fabric, its thickness, the degree of persistence of the stain from the glue, the method and means for removing this problem depends. Before starting the procedure, pay attention to important factors:

  1. As chemicals are very toxic, handle them with extreme caution.
  2. Cover the surfaces as much as possible to avoid contact of the adhesive with the surfaces.
  3. Wear protective gloves.
  4. Before using chemicals on dirt, test them on an inconspicuous place on the product to check for compatibility.
  5. Use acetone carefully on synthetic fabrics, it can discolor and warp.

Are your hands covered in sticky, stiff spots too? Read in a separate article what tools you can use to.

How to remove super glue from clothes?

If you don't have special solvents at hand, and you need to remove the glue from your clothes right now, the following tools will come in handy:

  • nail polish remover;
  • White Spirit;
  • acetone;
  • kerosene;
  • petrol;
  • "Dimexid";
  • vinegar.

How to remove super glue from clothes?

Depending on what exactly you find to remove stains, choose the appropriate method for cleaning your items.

Method 1

To remove super glue stains from fine fabrics, use nail polish remover or white spirit:

  1. Take a cotton ball and soak it in liquid.
  2. Rub the stain gently.
  3. Soak in soapy water.
  4. Hand wash, paying special attention to problem areas.

Method 2

You can remove glue stains from denim with aggressive solvents such as acetone, paint thinner, gasoline. To prevent the fabric from sticking to the surface while dissolving the glue, place cardboard or plain white paper under the area to be cleaned. Proceed in this way:

  1. Dampen a cloth with the substance.
  2. Rub the affected area.
  3. Leave the thing soaked in solvent for 20-30 minutes.
  4. If the stain has not gone away, repeat the procedure a few more times until the stain disappears completely.

Method 3

Use Dimexidum solution, an anti-inflammatory drug that can be purchased over the counter without a prescription. Apply it this way:

  1. Soak a rag in the substance.
  2. Apply to the problem area until the adhesive is completely dissolved.
  3. Wipe off any residue with a damp cloth.

Important! Use Dimexide carefully on plastic surfaces as it may warp or discolor.

Method 4

Freeze and heat to remove dried superglue from clothing:

  1. Place the damaged item in the freezer for a few hours.
  2. Remove the product from the freezer and scrub the stain thoroughly so that the glue falls off the material, scrape it off with the blunt side of a knife.
  3. Remove glue residues with a hair dryer or an iron: place a piece of clean natural fabric on both sides of the stain and iron.
  4. Remove the remaining stain with a stain remover.

How and how to remove dried glue from clothes?

If the glue has already dried well, and you just noticed stains, proceed as follows:

  1. Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1 tablespoon to 1 liter of water.
  2. Soak the product for 40-50 minutes.
  3. Wash in hot soapy water and stain remover.

How and how to remove Titan glue from clothes?

The most radical way to remove a large Titan superglue stain is to use a hammer:

  1. Lay out the problem area of ​​the product on a cardboard lining.
  2. Place cheesecloth on top.
  3. Tap the stain gently.
  4. Use your hands to separate the loose particles of dried glue, you can use a nail file to saw off particularly dry areas.
  5. Wash in the hottest water the fabric will allow, using a high concentration of laundry soap.

How to remove super glue from the skin?

To quickly cope with the question that has arisen, how to remove super glue from the skin of your hands, you need to use the Secunda anti-glue agent. It perfectly dissolves even old stains, practically without damaging the surface and without burning the skin. Apply the product for 10-20 minutes, rinse with water.

Important! If the question concerns surfaces made of wood, plastic, fabric, then the exposure time of the product depends on the degree of aging of the stain and the type of fabric, and can take from several minutes to several hours. Before use, be sure to read the instructions for use. The product may discolor the fabric at the treatment site.

What is Glue Moment?

Moment glue is a universal gluing agent. It is more often used at home, but with all its advantages, it has one drawback - it leaves very persistent stains that need to be removed with lacquer solutions.

How to wash off the glue moment?

In this case, you will need:

  • solvent 646;
  • petrol;
  • kerosene;
  • acetone;
  • nail polish remover;
  • White Spirit.

How to remove the glue moment from clothes?

If Moment glue gets on things, use one of the methods below. They will help you quickly and efficiently remove all traces of trouble.

Option 1

  1. Soak a cotton swab in one of the above products.
  2. Wipe the dirty area several times until the stain is completely removed.
  3. Apply a clean cloth soaked in solvent to the area to be cleaned for 30-50 minutes.
  4. Soak an old toothbrush in the substance and scrub the problem area.
  5. Start washing with active detergents.
  6. Dry the product in a well-ventilated area or outdoors to remove strong odors from oily products.

Important! You can use a special cleaner "Antikley" - the process of removing the glue from the fabric will be much easier.

Option 2

Freezing. Under the influence of low temperature "Moment" becomes brittle and detaches from the tissue. That's why:

  1. Place the item in the freezer.
  2. Take out after 1-3 hours.
  3. Scrape off frozen glue with the dull side of a knife or a piece of pumice stone

Superglue is a very necessary and useful thing in the household, but extremely harmful and unpleasant if it ends up on your favorite T-shirt or new jeans. Therefore, before you start gluing something with superglue, you need to take protective measures: put on something old and unnecessary, cover all the places where the glue might come into contact with other surfaces with newspaper and wear gloves. And also prepare a damp cloth to wipe off the glue immediately if it still manages to drip in the wrong place.

But there are situations in which there is no time for dressing up and taking precautions. For example, just before leaving the house, a decorative buckle from your purse fell off or a bow from a shoe came off. You take superglue, safely glue the missing piece and ... drip the glue onto your jacket, sweater or skirt. Is the thing now hopelessly ruined? Or is it possible to do something?

You can try to remove the super glue from your clothing. There are several fairly effective ways, but you can only find out if they will help you in practice. Because it depends on several factors: on the composition of the damaged fabric, on its thickness and strength, on the size of the glue spot and on the availability of the necessary funds at your fingertips.

Before the super glue stain dries

  1. Spread the glue-stained fabric on a hard surface with cardboard or paper underneath to prevent the fabric from sticking to the surface. This advice is especially important if the fabric is thin. Take a cotton swab or cotton pad (the disc is preferable because it has a tighter structure and the lint will not come off and stick to the stain), dampen it with nail polish remover containing acetone or white spirit, and try to gently wipe the stain off. If it's not completely frozen yet, you might be able to do it. After wiping off the stain, the thing must be soaked in soapy water, and then washed, paying special attention to the place from which the stain was removed.
  2. If the fabric is thick, for example, denim, and the drop of glue is small, then it is not necessary to insert cardboard. For a start, you can try white spirit, if it doesn't work, use acetone or paint thinner. But remember that acetone can only be used on dense natural fabrics. If you start rubbing a cotton swab with acetone on a thin synthetic fabric, its fibers will be damaged and a gap will form.
How to remove a cured super glue stain
  1. For a start, you can simply try to scrape off the frozen stain with a knife. The knife should not be sharp so as not to damage the fabric. For the same reason, the use of a blade is not recommended. If the fabric is strong and dense and the glue hasn't smudged, you may be able to do this. Some glue mark will most likely remain, but it may disappear after washing.
  2. If the glue stain is large and of decent thickness, then, after it is completely dry, you can try to break it with a hammer. Spread the fabric on a hard surface, hit the spot with a hammer several times. When it falls apart, carefully separate it from the fabric and wash immediately in very hot water and laundry soap.
  3. More efficient method: freeze superglue. Of course, along with the fabric on which he found himself. To do this, put the thing spoiled with glue in the freezer and leave it there for several hours. Then remove and carefully scrape off the glue with a blunt knife.
  4. The opposite method is strong heating. You can remove the super glue stain with an iron and a clean cloth. Place a piece of clean cotton cloth (on both sides) over the stain and iron it with an iron at high temperature. The adhesive will break down and transfer onto a clean cloth. The flap of fabric should be replaced with a new one as it gets dirty. After this procedure, most likely, a stain will remain on the fabric, which can be removed with a wash with a stain remover.
  5. There is a specially formulated solution for removing superglue stains on clothes. It is called "Anti-Superglue". It can be found at hardware or home improvement stores and used as directed. But remember, this product can discolor the fabric in the area of ​​the stain. Therefore, be careful and try on an inconspicuous area first, or better yet, on a spare piece of fabric that is often included with garments.
But it is better, of course, not to allow situations with glue on clothes, since preventive measures will take much less time than the subsequent struggle with the consequences of sloppy work. And the very result of the struggle may not always please you.