How to win the love of an Armenian man. Marrying an Armenian: the pros and cons of marriage, the procedure and conditions for the official registration of relations

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the migration of the population of our country outside its borders. As a rule, Russians prefer to marry foreign citizens.

Until a few decades ago, such phenomena were extremely rare. At the moment, statistics show that the number of marriage unions between citizens of Russia and other states is steadily increasing.

Approximately 5% of all officially registered relations are with residents of other countries. This article will discuss how to properly register a marriage with an Armenian.

Marriage with an Armenian / Armenian woman: pros and cons

Armenia is a long-suffering power in which a lot of effort is needed to build its own home and grow crops.

Most likely, it is for this reason that men from this country are laconic. They prefer not to talk in vain, but to act.

Few people know that the representatives of the stronger sex living in the territory of Armenia are only so strict and incredibly aggressive in appearance. Behind their beautiful appearance are subtle and vulnerable natures who definitely know how to love, perform a lot of extravagant actions, are able to rejoice at every moment, and are also ready to give their hearts to women.

But, few understand what marriage with an Armenian really means? Of course, you need to pay attention that this is a strong family, which is built on mutual respect and understanding. The inhabitants of this state know how to honor their own traditions, and also respect their elders quite respectfully.

Many women are interested in the question: where is it really possible to meet an Armenian? Of course, you can go to this country as a tourist.

Few people know that this is a truly wonderful state. It is likely that you will be lucky enough to meet the man of your dreams, your real prince. If you can win his heart, you will become his lawful wife.

Consequently, you will enter the Armenian family, and also become its full member. After a while, you will realize how lucky you are. The people who are the indigenous inhabitants of this amazing country put the family above all else.

For this reason, they strive to create not only incredibly strong, but also large enough families. An Armenian man, naturally, is always the head of the family. But, it should be noted that this is not a despot and not a tyrant. He is primarily a caring and loving husband, as well as a father.

Such a responsible and strong-willed representative of the stronger sex will work tirelessly to provide for his own wife and children.

Armenians love children very much, they spoil them... Babies always live in care, honesty, loyalty and respect. But, an integral part of upbringing is discipline, as well as rigor.

If you accept all the laws, traditions and customs of this people, then your acquaintance with an Armenian can develop into something more. If love does not work out, but friendship is definitely guaranteed to you. But how can one understand their holy traditions?

First of all, you need to get to know more about the history of Armenia. You should feel all the pain of the Armenian people.

It should be noted that in temperament and character, Armenians are very different from the peoples of the Caucasus.

They are more judicious, full of confidence and dignity. Another distinguishing quality of such men is calmness.

The wars that have been fought on the territory of their state for quite a long time have taught them to value kindness, peace, as well as to live in harmony with their neighbors and still enjoy life.

How to officially register a relationship with a foreigner in Armenia?

For the conclusion of marriage, the mutual consent of a man and a woman is indispensable. It is important that they are both of marriageable age.

It should be noted that it is strictly forbidden to formalize relations for such categories of persons:

  1. a man and a woman, if any of them is already in an official union;
  2. between close relatives (parents and children, grandfathers, grandmothers and grandchildren, as well as between siblings and half-brothers and sisters);
  3. it is forbidden to register a marriage between cousins ​​and sisters;
  4. it is not yet possible to formalize relations between adoptive parents and adopted children;
  5. the law prohibits the registration of marriages between persons if at least one of them is legally incompetent.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that the state registration of relations between the sexes is carried out with the obligatory presence of the married persons. Unions in absentia are strictly prohibited, that is, by proxy or through a representative.

State registration of marriage is carried out:

  1. territorial office of the registry office. As a rule, the marriage is carried out at the place of registration of one of those entering the union. Naturally, the procedure implies the availability of an appropriate certificate from the place of residence;
  2. registration chamber of marriage and birth, which is located in the structure of the Ministry of Justice of Armenia.

It should be noted that the legal registration of relations between people who do not have a permanent place of residence is carried out by the civil registry office of the person who is married. In this case, the citizen is obliged to provide a special certificate of residence permit.

If an application for marriage is presented to a serviceman, respectively, at the place of service, then his place of residence is the location of the corresponding military unit or the place of distribution of the organization.

It should be noted that on his part it is necessary to provide a certificate from the duty station. Many are interested in what documents must be provided in order to consider an application for legal marriage?

As a rule, to submit an application you need to have with you:

  1. a joint statement from a man and a woman who wish to be combined by marriage;
  2. passports;
  3. documents confirming that none of the persons who want to get married are in an official relationship.

It should be noted that for a foreigner who wishes to become the husband / wife of an Armenian woman / Armenian, it is necessary to make a copy of the passport, which is confirmed by a notarized translation.

Armenian wedding traditions

To become the wife of an Armenian means to follow all the traditions of this nationality. There is nothing more beautiful than Armenian weddings.

For many centuries, regardless of the political situation in the country, the people carefully preserve all existing customs and rituals.

All close and distant relatives, friends, friends of relatives, as well as unfamiliar people are invited to the solemn wedding. Weddings in this country are distinguished by their scope and splendor. The marriage is celebrated for several days.

The most important holiday for the birth of a new family requires meticulous preparation. All relatives and friends must take part in this. Of course, no wedding celebration is complete without engagement.

On a pre-selected day, relatives gather in the house of a potential groom with numerous gifts for the bride. As a rule, these are jewelry.

According to ancient traditions, it is the groom's parents who give the dress to the bride. In traditional Armenian families, the ceremony of confirming the innocence of the future wife is observed to this day.

After the wedding night, a messenger is sent to the house of a decent bride with a red apple praising for father and mother.

Attitude towards civil marriage in Armenia

The Armenians are not encouraged to live in a civil marriage. As a rule, only after the wedding does the groom take the bride from the family nest.

Conditions and procedure for official registration of marriage with an Armenian / Armenian woman in Russia

To formalize relations on the territory of our country with a resident of another state, it is necessary to follow generally accepted rules.

Fictitious marriage for the sake of obtaining citizenship: what to fear?

At the moment, fictitious marriages in our country are not punishable.

Until recently, interethnic marriages in Armenia were concluded mainly between an Armenian man and a woman of a different nationality. So, if we are used to seeing Russian or Ukrainian brides from childhood, then European or overseas grooms for us are quite an extraordinary phenomenon. However, now more and more often you can meet Armenian women who have tied up or are going to link their fate with a foreigner.

This tendency is surprising because for many years, Armenian girls have in principle chosen for their life companions exclusively "from among their own." Sometimes it took extreme forms. An Armenian woman who emigrated to other countries with her family as a child, as a rule, did not marry until she found an Armenian groom (perhaps that is why, with the advent of the Internet, Armenian dating sites became so popular).

What are the reasons for the new trend? In order to answer this question, we first talked with experts and conducted a small survey among our compatriots of various ages and sexes, and also listened to the opinions of foreigners who chose Armenian women as their wives.

A tribute to fashion or a need of the soul?

Many respondents agreed that the main reasons for this phenomenon are associated, firstly, with globalization, and secondly, with the disappointing socio-economic situation in the country. Seeing no prospects at home, people are trying to build their happiness in another country, which is especially facilitated by the development of the Internet. Moreover, in addition to directly dating sites on the "World Wide Web", a like-minded person can be found on all kinds of forums, blogs, various groups in social networks.

As psychologist Migrdat Madatyan notes, marriage is a good opportunity to go abroad. This opinion is shared by many of our interlocutors, adding at the same time that women in Western countries have more freedoms and are not burdened with the burden of patriarchal foundations, as in Armenia.

Of course, there is a certain percentage of girls who, marrying a foreigner, strive for an easier life abroad. However, upon closer examination, it turns out that most often marriage is concluded precisely for love.

At the very beginning, when various chat rooms and dating sites were just gaining momentum, mercantile interests may have prevailed. But over time and with integration, the realities have changed a bit. Now, more and more often, the union of an Armenian woman and a foreigner defines nothing more than a simple coincidence, in other words, love. Girls begin to appreciate understanding and compliance in foreigners, and those, fed up with Western feminism, highly value morality and devotion in Armenian women, and, of course, beauty.

“Armenian girls are smart and friendly. Besides, they are very beautiful and sexy. Dark hair combined with white skin makes them special,” Alex from Australia, who took his wife Mariam from Yerevan a year ago, shared his opinion with us.

Alex considers the conservatism of our compatriots to be a possible obstacle in relations, but this quality is highly appreciated by Michael, who for the sake of his beloved moved from Berlin to Yerevan.

"I hate immorality and licentiousness among women. Due to their high moral qualities, Armenian women are especially attractive to the stronger sex," admits Michael ...

Another reason for this trend, the psychologist considers the unpretentiousness of Western men.

“The fact is that today's priorities have changed somewhat: European values ​​dictate gender equality,” says Madatyan.

The reason, he said, is that girls strive for equality, while young people in Armenia are more conservative.

"Today, equal relations in the family are being campaigned, and the Armenian man is more conservative. But this does not mean that our compatriots have changed for the worse," Madatyan stressed.

The opinion of the psychologist is shared by almost all the girls with whom we had a chance to talk. Moreover, many of our interlocutors note the authoritarianism of Armenian men, which manifests itself with particular force in the family.

Gayane, who married an Englishman a few years ago, notes that, despite the general mentality, certain difficulties often arise in communicating with compatriots.

“At crucial moments in your life, you understand that the seemingly close person is absolutely not worried about your feelings, desires, or even needs or opportunities. ", - says Gayane.

In her opinion, the tolerance and pliability of foreigners, in particular Europeans, is often mistakenly perceived as weakness, while this is far from the case.

"Such an important quality as the ability to understand is reduced to weakness by many, but this is by no means the case. On the contrary, a person must be very strong and self-sufficient in order to be able to neglect his own ambitions and whims and meet another. It is the lack of conflict and calmness that attract our women. to a European, Canadian, American or Australian. This is what conquered me in my future wife, "- says Gayane.

Armenian women are beyond competition

Another no less interesting recent trend is this: if earlier our compatriots were happy to start a relationship with a girl of a different nationality, now almost every young man prefers to see only an Armenian woman next to him.

“I can say for sure that if an Armenian manages to find a girl of his nationality who would meet his criteria both externally and in character, then no woman in the world will be able to replace her. I don’t know what is the reason, but” with your "you somehow feel completely differently," admitted in a conversation with us Grant, who has lived outside Armenia for a long time, but has now arrived in Yerevan and is building serious relations with his compatriot.

When asked about mixed marriages, he gave almost the same answer as the majority of our respondents.

“I am not against our girls marrying an Italian, a Spaniard or a representative of any other developed country professing Christianity. It is very important that they create a family in Armenia, otherwise the nation will lose a lot ... As for marriages with Muslims - Arabs, Turks or other nations, then I strongly condemn this, "says Grant.

As it turned out, there are both supporters and opponents of mixed marriages. Moreover, opponents see this as a threat to the future of the nation ...

It is noteworthy that many foreign suitors, even those who took place in their homeland, are not at all opposed to leaving everything and moving to Armenia. Some have already managed to do this (although the task, to put it mildly, is not an easy one).

Others are only considering a similar perspective. Be that as it may, such a desire often causes surprise and even bewilderment among the locals. Time will tell how mixed marriages will affect the mentality of our nation.

Armenian the male. Wherein phrases an image immediately arises high a handsome man with an oriental appearance. And many girls and women ready for a lot, if only this attractive and the mysterious handsome man drew on them Attention.

First you need to figure out what exactly do we know about Armenian men?

In Russia, an Armenian man tries to quickly adapt geographically, otherwise he will not be able to live there any longer. Over time, a metamorphosis occurs with him - by nationality he continues to be an Armenian, but in behavior, in his outlook, he is more like a Slav. A change in cultural identity is taking place - a forced adaptation in a different cultural environment.

In our thoughts firmly settled the image of the fatal handsome, with an ardent temperament and reverent attitude towards a woman. In fact, Armenian men do not really stand out among men of other nationalities. Distinguishes Armenians sharp mood swings, jealousy, unconditional charisma, loyalty to tradition, respect for family ties, hard work. These are the main characteristics obtained from women living or communicating with men of this nationality. Armenians living in Russian cities are more socialized than their compatriots living in their homeland. But, necessary remember that every person is an individual and people Armenian nationality is no exception.

Before find out how to win the love of Armenian men, you need to clarify how you can draw his attention to your person. Unknown facts that Armenian men prefer a certain type of women. Therefore, it makes no sense to repaint from blonde to brunette, lose weight or gain weight. Armenians can be attracted to a woman mysteriousness, or the presence of a zest, which seems to be visible, but not unraveled. This way you can intrigue him and call him to myself interest. If yours the meeting is casual, and you would like to start a relationship with this person, in no case impose on him, try to gently push him to action and then very reluctantly give in to his request. Lead himself, as unapproachable as possible, this will push him to further actions, because Armenian men are essentially conquerors... Mysteriousness, inaccessibility and well-groomed appearance - your the main weapon in the first stage to the goal.

An Armenian man is saved by his own motivation. Actually, if he married a Russian and lives in Russia, what could be his most serious motivation? First of all, he wants to have Russian citizenship, and for this he endures all sorts of difficulties, sometimes even abandons his family in Armenia ... Thus, he runs away from problems, knowing that for him in Russia the field of permits is wider. Russia is big - there are more opportunities. And in Armenia, on the contrary, there are more problems than solutions.

So now necessary consolidate the result and move to a new level of relationship with the subject of your dreams. You need to try to tie him to yourself. Learn to cook his favorite dishes and learn the Armenian language, this will flatter him and it will be much easier for you to communicate with his family when you further get to know your relatives and friends. And such an acquaintance necessarily will take place. And in order for your relationship to become as strong and durable as possible, you need to please the parents of your Armenian man. Exactly his family's opinion will play a decisive role in your relationship. Whatever attachment the young man did not feel for you, he will be able to break off relations with you if the family so decides.

If you counting on for long-term relationship with your partner, then he will certainly be proud if you know his roots and understand all " branches"His huge family.

You will need to show your partner, what exactly does he play home role in your relationship, but do not let him rob you of your own opinion. This will inspire his respect for you, and he will be proud to be independent in opinion the girl recognizes him head in a relationship.

Not worth checking it out the senses via jealousy... Armenians, as a rule, are very jealous and you can expect a scandal at best, and a complete rupture at worst. relationship.

Armenian women have a need to sit in a "golden cage". For her husband to take care of her, buy everything for her and help raise children. It is much more important for Armenian women to establish themselves in their social status; social order for them is above all. And mind you, the social scenario of life here and the scenario of life among the Russians are completely different. What is important with us? Graduated from high school, received a diploma, now you can get married. Some link has been missed - already a problem. Or she got married, but there are no children - again, the social scenario did not work, and problems cannot be avoided. If the script works entirely, then the woman considers herself happy. She considers, but does not feel, because she has fit into the social scenario of society.

Learn to respect your Armenian boyfriend. Demonstrate him his own intelligence, understanding and admiration. An Armenian man will be proud to have such an intelligent and understanding girl. And most importantly ... If your relationship has grown into a serious one and you reached your initial goal, express your love to him. After all, every person needs to be loved.

You attached the mass efforts to receive love of an Armenian man. What do you get in return? Armenian men, as a rule, are well-mannered, it is interesting to communicate with them, they take good care of them and show care. If you are planning to start a family with him, then, according to statistics, Armenians are good husbands, caring fathers who put family first. They respect wife and her opinion.

These tips are not at all are guidance to action, since each person is, first of all, a formed personality with his own principles and worldview, and, accordingly, he needs a special approach. But, these tips can help you it is better understand the thoughts, feelings and affections of an Armenian, which in the future will help you create and strengthen your relationship with your beloved Noah.

Perhaps, if there was no demographic problem in Armenia, then mixed marriages would not be perceived so painfully. But the fact is obvious - the further, the more married couples of different nationalities as one of the chances to leave the country. Moreover, often spouses are from different religious denominations. But to what extent are these marriages psychologically fulfilling? With this question, I turned to Vladimir Mikaelyan, Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Psychology of YSU and Director of the Anima Psychological Service.

- A mixed marriage is a relationship between two cultures, a relationship between marital models and a relationship between parenting models. It would seem that the closer nations stand to each other - both territorially, historically, and spiritually - they should have fewer problems. It is easier for Christians of one nation to find a point of contact with Christians of another nation, because there is a common religious culture. And if there was a conflict in this mixed marriage, then it happened not so much between a man and a woman as between their cultures.

Let us take the case when a girl is brought up in a Slavic cultural religious environment and, having married an Armenian, finds herself in a different Christian environment. What unites them? Christian worldview. It is not really specified - it is assumed. Therefore, if we are Christians, we must look at a number of circumstances around us in the same way. It turns out that this is not enough. Different cultures bring up different worldviews. That same Russian girl is faced with the fact that Armenians have much more taboo systems than Russians, although both are Christians. She cannot understand why her husband demands that she dress differently, that in society she behaves differently, does not look at other men, does not talk to other people's men for a long time, prefer different dishes, and so on and so forth. If she does not accept the conditions of her husband, there may of course be conflicts. And they arise, as a rule, at the level of everyday life. Practice has shown that it must take about seven years for the relations between spouses in mixed marriages to normalize, to get used to, so that the spouses can combine cultural, religious, family models. This is how a certain common worldview is formed - a common attitude towards life.

- In search of earnings, many Armenian men leave for the near abroad, and in particular for Russia. What is changing in their psychology?

- In Russia, an Armenian man is trying to quickly adapt geographically, otherwise he will not be able to live there further. Over time, a metamorphosis occurs with him - by nationality he continues to be an Armenian, but in behavior, in his outlook, he is more like a Slav. A change in cultural identity is taking place - a forced adaptation in a different cultural environment.

- What saves him?

- An Armenian man is saved by his own motivation. Actually, if he married a Russian and lives in Russia, what could be his most serious motivation? First of all, he wants to have Russian citizenship, and for this he endures all sorts of difficulties, sometimes even abandons his family in Armenia ... Thus, he runs away from problems, knowing that for him in Russia the field of permits is wider. Russia is big - there are more opportunities. And in Armenia, on the contrary, there are more problems than solutions.

- Where does his patriarchal upbringing, patriotism, coupled with paternal responsibility go?

- Here, most likely, a protective mechanism is triggered: yes, he does not stop thinking about his children, about his family, but at the same time he hopes that if we, Armenians, have group thinking, then the relatives will help, they will not leave the family to disappear. The fear of returning is much stronger. And by the way, such problems most often arise in villages. In fact, it is rightly said that the less intelligence, the lower the responsibility, and vice versa.

- What motivates a Russian woman who agrees to marry an Armenian, knowing in advance that she will end up, say, in a family with established traditions and rituals?

- She does not run away from Russia, she runs towards her personal happiness. A Slav in Armenia forms a family, trying to smooth out all corners of misunderstanding and rejection. On the other hand, in the Armenian environment, she acquires protection, which she cannot receive in her homeland. And most importantly, she knows that she will not face the problem of alcoholism, she is sure that her husband will take the main care of the family ...

- And the Armenian women are well aware of this trait of Armenian men, who take this fact for granted ...

- Armenian women have a need to sit in a "golden cage". For her husband to take care of her, buy everything for her and help raise children. It is much more important for Armenian women to establish themselves in their social status; social order for them is above all. And mind you, the social scenario of life here and the scenario of life among the Russians are completely different. What is important with us? Graduated from high school, received a diploma, now you can get married. Some link has been missed - already a problem. Or she got married, but there are no children - again, the social scenario did not work, and problems cannot be avoided. If the script works entirely, then the woman considers herself happy. She considers, but does not feel, because she has fit into the social scenario of society.

- And when they leave their family and go to another marriage - does this mean a way out of the scenario of social life?

- Undoubtedly. By the way, Armenian men easily establish relationships with Russian women, because the latter do not build difficult obstacles, they are spontaneous and easy. And we must admit that for the Slavs this is a very good component of nature and soul - they very easily establish relationships, they do not have all these historically formed and almost genetic barriers. And in this sense, this is a great achievement of culture, ethnos. It is our inherent complexity in this matter, we put obstacles. We have this fear, protection, the desire to establish a guaranteed relationship, not to be deceived, not to burn out on something. This is the fear of learning from your own mistakes. We love to learn from other people's mistakes. But learning from the mistakes of others means learning from the mistakes of others.

- Much is done in society today with an eye on the church. So the Armenian Church is against mixed marriages and does not bless marriages with foreigners ...

- The Armenian Church is against marriages when it comes to another religion. In today's Armenia, populated by Iranians and Syrians, this is indeed a serious problem. I conducted polls among students on this topic: 90% of female students are against marriages with Muslims, but 10% admit this fact. That is, for 10%, the person himself is important, not his nationality, and 90% are fixated on nationality. This is already a phylogenetic, Christian heritage, and nothing can be done about it. True, here one must also take into account the fact that one can have an attitude, but act differently in real behavior. Installation should never be a priority. But if this still happened and a Christian woman married a Muslim, then she should know what she is doing. From the point of view of Islam, a woman is obliged to listen to her husband and show him full obedience, except when he demands something prohibited by Islam. At the same time, the holy book of Muslims, the Koran, calls on husbands to punish their wives in the event of their disobedience, disagreement, or simply in order to improve their character. The Koran says that one should intimidate, scold and beat one's wives when they do not obey ... As a rule, quarrels begin between the mother-in-law and the freedom-loving or stubborn Armenian daughter-in-law. Therefore, many marriages break up at the very beginning of life together. Most wives go back in such cases. But it also happens that women gradually come to terms with their role as daughter-in-law in a patriarchal family, adopt the norms of behavior adopted by local residents, learn the language and, ultimately, become completely Muslim. In order to keep the marriage going this way, she needs a lot of patience. In fact, if a woman marries a representative of another nation, a bearer of another culture, she moves away from the ethnic, national environment. Then they begin to consider her as their own and treat her well - however, only on the condition that she accepts Islam and observes customs.

In mixed marriages, the willingness of the spouses to adapt to each other is very important. It is very important that the spouses understand that marriage is not a confrontation, it is an attempt at merging. It is very rightly said that marriages are made in heaven; there are no accidental marriages. Even if it disintegrates, it is also no coincidence. After all, this marriage should teach a person something. The question is different - what each awaits in this marriage. I believe that if a person is not adapted to his environment, he also does not adapt in a foreign environment.

Kari Amirkhanyan