What kind of nutrition should a pregnant woman have. Nutrition during pregnancy. Recipes for proper nutrition during pregnancy

Happiness, anxious expectation, anticipation and even fear - all these feelings inevitably accompany pregnant women. And it is very important during this period not to surrender to emotions, but to remember that responsibility, which is also an integral part of it. It is at this time that the observance of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle is most important. Almost all of them apply to pregnancy, although some require minor adjustments.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy is most important, since it depends on what a woman eats, how her child will develop. For example, whether a pregnant woman gets enough protein depends on whether the child will have enough building material. Protein nutrition for pregnant women is very, very important.

In addition, many products have the most detrimental effect on the condition and development of the child, and on the well-being of the mother. Naturally, such products must be discarded. It makes sense to take into account one important feature: proper nutrition in the early stages of pregnancy will differ slightly from the diet of a pregnant woman in the last weeks.

Not everyone understands where such differences come from, but understanding the topic will be quite simple. Judge for yourself, in the early stages important systems of the body are laid, but the size of the fetus increases slightly. That's why in the early stages a healthy diet for pregnant women is based on an adequate intake of minerals, vitamins, and the like.

In the second trimester pregnancy, nutrition should be guided by an increased intake of protein, since it is now that the active growth of the child and his internal organs begins. All this requires a building material, that is, protein.

Nutrition in the third trimester pregnancy - these are, first of all, vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the development of the internal systems of the child's body, in particular calcium for the growth of bones and the development of the nervous system.

When planning a pregnancy, proper nutrition is also very important. The healthier, more enduring, strong the woman's body is at the moment of conception, the more chances of successful fixation of the ovum in the uterus. And a certain set of vitamins in the body contributes to the correct development of the embryo.

As you can see, the difference in recommendations for proper nutrition of pregnant women by months, and sometimes even by weeks, is quite justified. However, there are, of course, general rules for proper nutrition during pregnancy, so they will be discussed further.

General principles of proper nutrition during pregnancy

First of all, it is worth remembering one simple thing: it is better to get up from the table slightly hungry than with a heaviness in the stomach from overeating. In this regard, it is better to adhere to the principles of fractional nutrition altogether: eat less, but more often. The ideal option would be to eat 5-6 times a day. You need to eat the last time 3 hours before bedtime. Eating later is highly discouraged, if the feeling of hunger is unbearable, you can drink a glass of milk or kefir, eat an apple or pear. It is this diet for pregnant women that will be the most optimal.

Proper nutrition during pregnancy, as well as, in fact, any proper nutrition, involves the rejection of fried foods, pickled foods and smoked meats. Foods that are steamed, boiled, stewed, or baked are much healthier. Food for pregnant women should be as fresh as possible, should not contain preservatives, excess salt and the like.

Obviously, canned foods, various sausages and other products of long storage, if they do not refuse under the prohibitions, then require strict control of their use.

Of course, it is recommended to give up fast food. However, it is worth noting that if you have a choice - to stay hungry or to eat something not very healthy, it is better to choose the second one. A pregnant woman should not starve. Another thing is, if you face such a choice suspiciously often, then you should think about carrying fruits or sandwiches with you.

The balance between essential nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and vitamins and minerals is essential. Of course, balanced nutrition for pregnant women at different periods presupposes a different balance of these components, the fact itself remains unchanged.

Meals by week

1-3 weeks of pregnancy

Gynecologists count pregnancy not from the day of conception, since it is almost impossible to calculate it, but from the first day of the last menstruation. Consequently, the first 2 weeks of obstetric pregnancy are before conception.

Pregnancy planning- this is an extremely crucial period, on which, whatever one may say, the health of the unborn child and the absence of any complications during pregnancy depend. So it turns out that proper nutrition before pregnancy is of paramount importance. At this stage, it is very important to increase the amount of folate. Often doctors recommend drinking it in capsule form, however, it is much better to get all vitamins from normal food. Folic acid is found in greens, lettuce, and grains.

Eating yellow fruits and vegetables is also beneficial. But it is better to refuse fatty and sweet foods. This will avoid problems with obesity, as well as reduce the risk of early toxicosis.

At about 10-14 days of the cycle, fertilization occurs and the ovum begins to move towards the uterus. From this time on, we can talk about the onset of pregnancy.

3 week

Nutrition at the beginning of pregnancy is a very complex topic, since literally every week new organs and systems appear in the embryo, which means that the need for vitamins and nutrients is constantly changing.

In the third week of pregnancy, the egg is implanted and the placenta begins to develop, as well as the fetal membrane. For their full development, calcium is needed, which is found in milk and dairy products, broccoli, green vegetables and fruit juices; and manganese, it can be obtained from turkey and pork, almonds, oatmeal, eggs, raisins, bananas, carrots and spinach.

4 week

For 4 weeks, the food remains the same as for 3 weeks, but at this time it is especially important to give up coffee. However, drinking this, of course, tasty, but not very healthy drink during pregnancy should be done with extreme caution. Especially coffee is contraindicated in the evening. As you can see, proper nutrition in the first month of pregnancy is not too difficult. Further it will be a little more difficult.

5 week

As a rule, around this time, toxicosis of pregnant women begins. To alleviate this condition, you can slightly change your daily menu. So, meat and eggs, as well as other animal proteins, can be replaced with nuts, soy and other legumes. Instead of milk, you can eat yogurt and cheese. It will not be superfluous to introduce carrots, mango, apricot into the diet.

6 week

Toxicosis is in full swing, so the morning should start with crackers or savory crackers. It is better to eat them immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. At this stage, it is better to drink plenty of fluids, at least 8 glasses a day. You can eat a handful of raisins at night.

7 week

At this time, bowel problems may occur. Therefore, avoid gas-forming foods, including cabbage. It will not be superfluous to refuse those products that are attached. It is better to introduce prunes, fresh kefir and the like into the diet.

8 week

Ginger tea will help cope with toxicosis, and do not forget about nuts.

9-10 weeks

Choose whole grain cereals and whole grain breads. Brown rice is better than white rice. In general, the body of a pregnant woman at this stage requires quite a lot of fiber.

11-12 weeks

The first trimester of pregnancy is coming to an end, and nutrition at this time should be special. This is the most difficult time, and it is very important to listen to yourself, to your body. If you want to eat a specific dish, then it is precisely those substances that are contained in it that your baby lacks. Of course, you shouldn't go to extremes.

13-16 weeks

Nutrition in the 2nd trimester during pregnancy is characterized, as already mentioned, by an abundant intake of proteins. In addition, it is necessary to increase the total daily caloric intake of food. If in the first trimester it will be enough to eat 2400-2700 kcal, then from that time it is necessary to eat 2700-2900 kcal.

16-24 weeks

Nutrition at 6 months of pregnancy should help develop the baby's eyesight and hearing. That is, you need vitamin A and beta-carotene. At this time, it is better to eat cabbage, yellow peppers, carrots. Keep in mind that vitamin A is absorbed only with fats.

24-28 weeks

It is at this time that fractional nutrition becomes especially relevant. The uterus is actively growing, takes up more and more space in the abdominal cavity, and begins to put pressure on the stomach. Accordingly, the stomach becomes smaller and it is difficult for it to hold large amounts of food. Even with small meals, a pregnant woman may be disturbed. It is better to give up carbonated drinks and coffee, they also provoke heartburn. In general, the nutrition of a pregnant woman in the third trimester should be as varied as possible, since the baby's needs are growing.

29-34 weeks

At the 8th month, bones and teeth are actively growing, therefore, it is very important to eat as many calcium-containing foods as possible. For the development of the brain, fatty acids are simply necessary, and it is they that contribute to the absorption of calcium. Lack of iron during this period can lead to the development of anemia, both in the mother and in the child. Fatty fish, nuts, red meat, dark green vegetables and seeds are some of the foods to eat during this period of pregnancy.

35-40 weeks

Nutrition at 9, the last month of pregnancy, should contribute to the overall strengthening of the mother's body. After all, she has a very difficult and time-consuming job ahead of her - childbirth. The main source of energy in the body is carbohydrates, it is their consumption that should become the basis of a pregnant woman's nutrition before childbirth. Porridge and vegetables - these are the foods that you should eat during this period.

That's all there is to say about trimester nutrition. An example of a dinner, breakfast or lunch for pregnant women can also be useful.

An approximate menu for the day might look like this:

  1. First meal: black bread toast, a small slice of butter, a chicken egg, a glass of kefir;
  2. Second meal: Green salad, a glass of tea;
  3. The third meal: Chicken fillet, boiled potatoes, one pear, a glass of kefir or drinking yogurt;
  4. Meal 4: Toast with jam or butter, a glass of juice;
  5. Meal 5: Brown rice, boiled fish, vegetable salad, tea;
  6. Sixth meal: a glass of kefir or a small fruit.

Special nutrition for pregnant women

But this is not all the nutritional features of pregnant women. In some cases, women develop pathologies during pregnancy that require special nutrition. So, with anemia special nutrition is a must for pregnant women. In this condition, it is very important to increase the intake of foods containing iron.

In addition, it is important not only to know what foods to eat, but also in what combinations, as this affects the absorption of iron in the human body. A woman facing anemia during pregnancy should consult a doctor not only about drug treatment, but also about an appropriate diet.

With obesity developing during pregnancy, there may be a need for dietary food for pregnant women. It is important to remember that a pregnant woman should not choose a weight loss diet without consulting a doctor. The risk of developing pathologies and abnormalities, both in the mother's body and in the child's body, is too great.

Mono-diets and diets requiring prolonged fasting are especially harmful. Both that and another contribute to exhaustion and vitamin deficiency. It will take a very long time to restore the state of the body, the supply of nutrients and vitamins, and it is completely impossible to compensate for the harm that such diets cause to the child.

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All the necessary substances are supplied to the baby from the mother's blood. Therefore, a woman in position should. Need to eat a lot? How a woman should eat during pregnancy.

The most common question is the amount of food. Many years ago, it was thought that a pregnant woman should eat for two. And then excess weight builds up. But, today there is so much information about systematic overeating that expectant mothers are already consuming too little. And malnutrition can also harm the baby. What to do?

There should be no more food, but several times better quality

The human body works at the expense of energy. And it is formed due to the "combustion" of food. Calories represent the energy that is available in food. However, all foods have a different amount of calories. In order for the body to fulfill its functions, it receives calories from food. And he needs a specific minimum of calories to maintain life.

The metabolism depends on gender, age, body weight. A woman with simple physical work, weighing 60 kg should receive about 2000 kcal per day. Metabolism during pregnancy increases by 25%. As a result, a woman in the first half of pregnancy needs 2500 kcal, in the second - 2900 per day.

Improper nutrition. Its symptoms.

  • Excess food.
  • Poor food quality.
  • Incorrect mixing ratio.
  • Lack of food.

What can you expect from an unhealthy diet during pregnancy?

  • The baby has a reduced resistance to before and after pregnancy.
  • Hyperactivity and hyperexcitability.
  • Encephalopathy.
  • At birth, the baby is underweight, prematurity.
  • Poor fetal development.
  • Reduced blood clotting and postpartum hemorrhage.
  • Exhaustion of a woman in childbirth, weak labor.
  • Anemia.
  • Placental abruption may occur.
  • Not carrying a pregnancy, which will cause it to develop incorrectly.
  • Late toxicosis.

It is very difficult to eat right, but it is necessary for your unborn baby.

What kind of nutrition can be called correct?

Important components of good nutrition:

  • liquid;
  • minerals;
  • vitamins;

Fats... The ideal daily rate is about 80 grams and vegetable 30 grams. From animals, we recommend ghee and cream of the highest grade, vegetable - corn, olive, sunflower. Butter substitutes such as lard and margarine are best avoided.

Carbohydrates... In the first half of pregnancy, 350 grams per day and 400 grams in the second. If a woman's physical activity is reduced, as a result, the energy consumption of the body is reduced, then it is also necessary to reduce the consumption of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates must be "good". They can be obtained from berries, fruits, vegetables, cereals, black bread from premium flour. And you don't need to take "bad" carbohydrates in large quantities - confectionery, pasta, white bread, sweets and sugar.

Squirrels are an important "building material". It's not just that pregnant women can eat eggs, milk, meat during Lent. And if you are a vegetarian, then during pregnancy you need to abandon this principle.

In the first half of pregnancy, the ideal rate of protein per day is 100 grams and 120 grams in the second. Half of them are animals.

Every day, women should eat up to 150 grams of fish or lean meat, as well as fermented milk, milk, cottage cheese and cheese. This list of products contains essential amino acids and easily digestible proteins in optimal proportions.

Vitamins in the human body guarantee a good course of physiological and biochemical processes. This is very important for pregnant women.

Vitamin D needed to form the skeleton and bones of the baby. If there is a deficiency of it, then this can lead to the development of anemia.

Vitamin A... With its help, the placenta develops normally. It also protects against the bad effects of radiation and toxic products. The ideal rate per day is 2.5 mg. Vitamin A is supplied to the body from beta-carotene. And it is found in fruits and vegetables of red, orange and yellow colors (melon, pumpkin, tomatoes, peaches, apricots), cauliflower, parsley.

Muscle fibers strengthen B vitamins. Such vitamins are needed for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular, digestive and nervous systems. Rich in vitamin B peas, flour, brown rice, brewer's yeast. From animal products, it is found in the heart, kidneys and liver.

Vitamin C stimulates and strengthens the immune system. The daily allowance is an average of 150 mg. This vitamin can be obtained from foods such as onions, bell peppers, kiwi fruits, black currants, citrus fruits, and rose hips.

Vitamin E a woman really needs during pregnancy. With its help, the reproductive system works normally and the fetus develops. The daily requirement becomes 20 mg. Nuts, legumes, cereals, eggs, liver - that's all. For its full assimilation, it is better to use it with vegetable oil or sour cream.

For the nervous system of the fetus to develop normally, you need folic acid... Its source is greens.

Trace elements also very much needed by the fetus. These are iron, sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus,.

Magnesium, phosphorus and calcium are the "building blocks" for baby's cartilage and bones. Calcium deficiency has a very bad effect on a woman, or rather on her teeth, there may be caries.

Calcium can be obtained from milk, green vegetables, and cheese.

There is a lot of magnesium in vegetables, nuts, cereals, watermelons; phosphorus - in unrefined grains, eggs, meat, fish.

Sodium and magnesium are needed to regulate the body's water balance. The main sources of potassium are mushrooms, nuts, peas, spinach and raisins. And sodium is table salt.

Iron. If there is not enough of it, then the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases. And this will be the reason for the development of hypoxia in the fetus. You need to consume iron per day - about 20 mg. Its sources are fruits, herbs, liver and yolks.

The need for trace elements and vitamins during pregnancy is very important. Indeed, in such a situation, their deficit is often observed. Therefore, doctors recommend using complex multivitamin preparations.

The body also needs fluid. 2.5 liters are required per day. Half of it is found in consumed products. Therefore, you need to drink one liter of free liquid. If you are prone to edema, then the liquid should be limited to 800 milliliters. Recommended drinks - table mineral water, milk, jelly, compotes and juices. Also, weak tea and coffee (in small quantities) are fashionable.

You need to pay attention!

Gloria LeMay is a renowned Canadian midwife. She gives a woman who was afraid of gaining some advice from one doctor: “Regarding weight, don’t worry. If you eat natural foods, then excess weight will not be observed. Potatoes should be in their skins, cereals - prepared by you personally, vegetables - raw and clean, sweets - melon, peach. " If the product is refined, it is poorly processed. Therefore, it is better not to use such a product. Gloria also recommends the use of gray sea salt, because it contains many trace elements.

Table of harmful food additives that are dangerous not only for the body of a pregnant woman!

Dangerous food for a pregnant woman

Seafood are a source of iron and protein, and omega 3, which are present in fish, stimulate the development of the brain and have a good effect on the growth of the baby. To prevent harmful viruses or bacteria from entering the body from foods, do not eat raw fish, shellfish and oysters, sushi. Also avoid smoked seafood.

Game and meat... During pregnancy, blood circulation and metabolism change. And this can be the cause of bacterial food poisoning. And the reaction of the body will be painful. This situation does not happen often, but poisoning can affect the child's body.

Before serving game and meat, cook it thoroughly to avoid foodborne illness.

For nine months, forget about homemade and uncooked sausages. Unwanted bacteria can enter the body. And they die at a temperature of at least 80 degrees.

Do not consume street meat dishes and hot dogs... This is the source of such a well-known disease as listeriosis.

Dairy products. These include cottage cheese, mozzarella and fat-free. But, a product that contains unpasteurized milk in its composition is strictly prohibited during pregnancy. This can be the cause of foodborne illness.

Do not eat cheeses made from unpasteurized milk: Camembert, Feta, Brie.

Caffeine. You can drink two cups of coffee during pregnancy. But, this does not mean that caffeine is safe and healthy.

It can penetrate the placenta and affect the breathing rhythm and. You should not abuse caffeine, because the baby will have a reduced weight.

Herbal teas. During pregnancy, you need to be careful when drinking such drinks. Always consult your doctor before use. After all, raspberry and mint leaves in large quantities can be the cause of contractions, miscarriage.

Eat right and be healthy at all times!

Pregnancy is a wonderful, but at the same time, difficult and responsible period in the life of a mother-to-be. From the moment of conception, she needs to reconsider her lifestyle, eliminate unfavorable factors, observe the daily routine of a pregnant woman, and reconsider nutrition. All these factors directly affect the development of the baby.

Nutrition during pregnancy: reviewing the diet

One of the main factors affecting the health of the mother and the unborn baby is a balanced diet. In the first trimester, it is recommended to eat 4-5 times a day with a daily intake of at least 2000 kcal. The composition must necessarily contain proteins of at least 120 g., Carbohydrates up to 350 g., And fats 75 g. Attention should be paid to animal proteins: meat, poultry and fish. From the first months of pregnancy, you need to include in your diet a sufficient amount of calcium, which is found in fermented milk products.

Useless carbohydrates that can lead to weight gain should be avoided. A large number of them are found in bread, baked goods, and confectionery products. The right carbohydrates can be obtained from cereals, vegetables, and fruits.

Iron is an important element in the diet, which transports oxygen to the tissues of the mother and fetus.

The largest amount is contained in:

  • Nuts;
  • Spinach;
  • Meat;
  • Currant.

In the second trimester, you need to increase food intake up to 6-7 times, but reduce the portion size. Snacks are made with fresh vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

A balanced diet for a pregnant woman: a reminder to eat foods

In addition to a balanced diet, it is necessary to take folic acid, which affects the development of the fetal organs and the central nervous system. It is rich in rice, oranges, grapes, broccoli, spinach. You can additionally take medication.

Memo for nutrition during pregnancy:

  1. Frequent meals in small portions.
  2. A light vegetable or fruit snack is allowed between meals.
  3. The liquid should be consumed up to 2 liters in the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, then the volume is slightly reduced. Give preference to clean water, compotes and fruit drinks. Eliminate the use of strongly carbonated and sugary drinks. Especially useful are cranberry and currant juice, which will relieve swelling and gently affect the genitourinary system.
  4. Boil, bake or steam dishes.
  5. Include in the diet as many vegetables, greens and fruits growing in the region as possible.
  6. In the second half of pregnancy, it is necessary to exclude spicy, salty and fried, due to the increased load on the liver, kidneys and stomach.

A balanced diet will allow you to gradually gain weight and provide the child and mother with all the necessary vitamins. It should be remembered that weight gain by the end of pregnancy should not exceed 10-12 kg. Excess weight is the birth of a large baby, and as a result, a complication during childbirth.

What should be the daily regimen of a pregnant woman

A woman expecting a baby must follow a certain daily routine. Sound sleep, timely food intake, walks in the fresh air and small physical exercises are the key to the health of the child and the great well-being of the mother.

  1. Healthy sleep. A woman in a position needs a little more time to recuperate. Optimum will be 9-11 hours of night rest and an hour during the day. It is recommended to wake up at 7-9 am, depending on biological rhythms and work availability. You should fall asleep no later than 11 pm.
  2. Physical exercises. After sleep, you need to slightly stretch out, activating physiological processes and increasing blood circulation. In the afternoon, the special exercises for pregnant women should be repeated.
  3. Water procedures. A cool shower will help you wake up and invigorate. It is recommended to swim 2 times a day, in the morning and before bed. A hot bath and a visit to the bathhouse will have to be postponed for a while, as this can provoke a miscarriage.
  4. Nutrition. It is advisable to take food by the hour, in small portions 5-7 times a day. Breakfast is very important for women in position. To avoid nausea, you need to eat 30 to 50 minutes after sleeping.
  5. Stay in the fresh air. During pregnancy, the need for oxygen increases by 30%, so you need to take 2 to 3 hour walks every day. If a woman attends work, the best option would be a 20-40 minute leisurely walk to work and an evening promenade after a working day.

Failure to follow the daily routine, erratic eating, lack of sleep and limited oxygen access worsen the well-being of the expectant mother and can lead to gestosis of the fetus.

Do I need to change the lifestyle of a pregnant woman

A pregnant woman should not only adhere to a daily routine, but also change her usual way of life.

It is necessary to give up all bad habits. Alcohol and nicotine negatively affect the development of the embryo, especially in early pregnancy.

Working women should avoid prolonged standing or sitting. You should change position more often and take a 10 minute break. From 4 months, the expectant mother should exclude night shifts and hard physical labor. By law, the employer is obliged to transfer the woman to an easier job. The labor table should be no more than 30 hours per week. If the work involves light work and is not associated with psychological stress, a pregnant woman can continue to work until childbirth.

During the period of carrying a child, it is necessary to refrain from air travel, it is better to use ground transport.

Exercise is essential for expectant mothers. It is only necessary to limit the intensity and duration of classes. However, not all sports are suitable for a woman in position.

It is necessary to exclude:

  • Lifting weights: barbells, dumbbells;
  • Cycling, horse riding and alpine skiing. These loads are capable of provoking a miscarriage.
  • Any types of martial arts;
  • Intense simulator training.

Moderate physical activity is allowed. Swimming, Pilates, yoga, dancing are best.

Necessary rules or reminder for pregnant women

Pregnancy is a new stage in a woman's life, which must be approached with all responsibility. The well-being of the expectant mother will have a positive effect on the development of the fetus.

Memo for pregnant women:

  • It is necessary to give up bad habits;
  • Diversify food with natural products;
  • Observe the food intake and daily routine;
  • Take care of your own hygiene;
  • Avoid heavy physical exertion and stressful situations;
  • Facilitate working conditions;
  • Use every opportunity to stay in the fresh air;
  • Provide the body with good sleep for at least 10 hours a day;
  • Avoid taking medications other than folic acid up to 4 mg per day;
  • During the period of an influenza exacerbation, he is not in crowded places;
  • Engage in light physical activity.

A woman needs to register with a gynecologist in the early stages of pregnancy and pass all tests in a timely manner. In the period from 12 to 13 weeks, the first screening is done, which will determine the location of the organs, the length of the fetus, the head circumference and measure the thickness of the cervical fold. All parameters allow you to create a picture of the development of the child.

The correct regime for a pregnant woman's day (video)

A pregnant woman needs to create safe comfort and coziness, lead a healthy lifestyle and prepare for the appearance of a baby.

"We are what we eat!" The relationship between nutrition and health is especially strong during pregnancy. The linguistic kinship of the words "nutrition" and "upbringing", as it were, unobtrusively hints that, eating right, a mother, from the first days of the birth of a new life in her, "brings up" her baby healthy. At the same time, it is important to remember that the energy value of the diet, as well as the qualitative and quantitative ratio of its various components, differs at different times. So, nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy is significantly different from that of a pregnant woman in the third trimester.

The basics of nutrition for a pregnant woman in the first trimester

Eating early in pregnancy requires little or no change. In the first weeks, it is enough to give up bad habits and follow the basic principles of healthy eating: exclude fatty, fried, pickles, sweets and pickles. At this stage, there is an active laying of all organs in the baby, as well as placental tissues necessary for his life support, therefore, an important nuance of nutrition in the first trimester of pregnancy is the inclusion of a sufficient amount of protein food in food, which serves as a kind of building material, vitamins and minerals.

Eating early in pregnancy means focusing on local foods and dishes, and avoiding fast food and caffeinated beverages. Experts differ in their opinions on drinking coffee during pregnancy, but it is still recommended to abstain from it in the first trimester.

Pregnancy nutrition by week: first trimester

Nutrition for pregnant women by week in the first trimester looks like this:

  • 1-2 weeks: it is recommended to increase the amount of foods in the daily diet in which folic acid is present (among them leafy garden greens, cereals, etc.). Refuse excessively fatty foods and sweets, as they provoke early toxicosis. Include bright yellow and orange fruits and vegetables in the menu;
  • 3-4 weeks: The focus is on foods that contain calcium (dairy, broccoli, herbs, fruit and vegetable juices), as well as zinc and manganese (turkey, lean beef and pork, spinach, bananas, eggs, etc.) .). It is recommended to completely abandon coffee and not get too carried away with nuts, since they are quite a lot of fat;
  • 5-7 weeks: since the laying of the heart, neural tube and most of the internal organs is in progress, at this stage, calcium, phosphorus, B vitamins, vitamin E (tocopherol), fluoride, proteins and fats are extremely important (yogurt, cheese, fruits compensate for this need and vegetables, nuts and legumes, lean meats);
  • 8-9 weeks: the child's skeleton, joint tissues, lungs are formed, and his mother's blood volume significantly increases. Now both need vitamins C and bioflavonoids (vitamin P). They are found in strawberries, buckwheat, citrus fruits, onions, rose hips, etc.;
  • 10-11 weeks: the formation of the heart and blood vessels takes place, the teeth, smell and genitals are laid. In order for their development to be correct, it is important to include in the diet calcium, fluoride, zinc, iron and vitamin E, which are found in meat dishes, cottage cheese, green vegetables, cheese, seafood and legumes;
  • 11-12 weeks: the formation of the body of the unborn child and the placenta reaches the home stretch - now the baby's internal organs will grow and develop, and the placenta will begin to fully function, protecting the fetus and providing it with nutrition and respiration. A pregnant woman's diet in the first trimester should include more fruits, vegetables and berries.

General principles of nutrition for a pregnant woman in the second trimester

In the second trimester, it is recommended to slightly increase the calorie content of food. The best way to do this is to include easily digestible proteins, fats, and carbohydrates in your diet. The middle of pregnancy is a period that is accompanied by the active growth of the baby and the tissues of the placenta, as well as the amount of amniotic fluid. All this creates a serious load on the mother's body. Therefore, at this stage, it is important to consume more protein foods of animal origin, dairy products and plant foods.

The daily requirement for fats is compensated by 20-25 g of unrefined vegetable oil, which can be added to various vegetable salads. In proteins - low-fat varieties of fish and meat, eggs, cheeses, except for soft and moldy varieties, since the latter are classified as prohibited for pregnant foods. A source of useful carbohydrates are bread (optimally - from wholemeal flour), fruits and berries.

Pregnancy nutrition by week: second trimester

The nutritional structure of pregnant women by week in the second trimester may be as follows:

  • 13-16 weeks: this period of time is the final stage of the formation of skeletal bones and the beginning of their rapid growth. Now it is important to increase the calorie content of the diet by about 300 kcal per day. To do this, it is recommended to eat an extra apple, a loaf of bread or a slightly larger portion of porridge than usual every day. Do not forget about dairy products (it is good to drink a glass of milk or kefir every day, and if this seems not enough, then you can supplement them, for example, with oatmeal cookies);
  • 17-24 weeks: the baby is developing vision and hearing, the tissues of the skin and mucous membranes are improving, therefore it is necessary to supplement the diet with foods that contain vitamin A (red vegetables, cabbage, etc.);
  • 25-28 weeks: the increasing size of the fetus and uterus begin to put tangible pressure on the stomach, so you need to eat a little and more often. It is recommended to exclude excessively fatty foods, sweets and starchy foods from the daily diet. After 21 weeks, the release of insulin in the mother's body increases, so the abuse of sweets and pastries is fraught with the development of diabetes in pregnant women.

Pregnancy nutrition by week: third trimester

The nutrition of a pregnant woman in the third trimester is based on the following principles:

  • Reducing the amount of salt;
  • Complete exclusion of harmful products (smoked, fatty, salty, etc.);
  • Refusal of food restrictions (here the approach should be reasonable and concerns low-calorie foods - vegetable stews, steamed cutlets, etc.);
  • Increase in fermented milk products;
  • Liquid dosing (no more than 1.5-2 liters, including soups, herbal teas, plain water);
  • Frequent, but fractional meals.

Nutrition during pregnancy by week looks something like this: 4.7 out of 5 (33 votes)

Is it possible to do fasting days during pregnancy? What sports to do while waiting for the baby? How can a pregnant woman avoid putting on extra pounds? These and other questions are answered in the article!

Obstetricians-gynecologists urge pregnant women to be attentive to their nutrition, recalling that the main focus of the diet during pregnancy is to provide the mother and child with nutrients, minerals and vitamins. The emphasis should be on food quality, not quantity. The permissible increase during the period of bearing a child is 9-15 kg. The task of every expectant mother is to keep weight under control, since excess body weight negatively affects the health of the baby and complicates the process of childbirth.

According to statistics, about 40% of women gain excess weight during pregnancy. This is not only an aesthetic defect, but also a risk factor that contributes to the development of various diseases.

Losing weight in an "interesting position" is a risky business, but in some cases you cannot do without it. The main thing is to remember: regardless of the term, pregnant women should choose a menu that will allow them to lose excess without prejudice to their own well-being and the health of the child!

Dangers of being overweight

Overweight during gestation can be said if, starting from the 16th week, the increase exceeds one kilogram in seven days. A solid fat layer on the body of a pregnant woman makes it difficult for doctors to assess the condition of the fetus and leads to the following consequences:

  • varicose veins;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • dysfunctions of the endocrine system;
  • hypertension;
  • hypercoagulation (increased activity of the blood coagulation system);
  • urinary tract infections;
  • an increase in the load on the spine;
  • threatened miscarriage;
  • indications for emergency caesarean section;
  • overbearing of the fetus;
  • premature rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • overweight childbirth.

The excess weight of the mother is detrimental to the health of the unborn child. Development of such moments is allowed:

  • oxygen starvation;
  • dissymmetry between the pelvis and the head;
  • nutritional deficiencies;
  • neurological diseases;
  • the tendency to gain extra pounds in the future.

Balanced diet for weight control

Carrying a child under her heart, a woman is obliged to follow the basic "nutritional" rules of her position:

1. Control the quality of consumed products, paying attention to their variety.

2. To restore mineral and vitamin reserves. In addition to eating seasonal vegetables and fruits, you need to take vitamin complexes:

  • "Elevit" - contains magnesium, folic acid. Recommended to be taken together with iodine-containing preparations. Take a tablet with meals;
  • Vitrum Prenatal Forte is a multivitamin preparation containing minerals. Additionally contains iodine. Take a tablet;
  • "Vitrum Prenatal" - contains vitamin A, iron, folic acid, magnesium. Take a pill.

3. Eat foods to maintain normal bowel function.

4. Take care of a balanced diet.

A complete supply of the body of the expectant mother and the fetus with all the necessary substances is a balanced diet. The daily energy value of foods in a woman's diet should be distributed as follows:

  • 30% of the daily value is for breakfast;
  • 10% reserved for lunch;
  • 40% shown at lunchtime;
  • 10% falls on an afternoon snack;
  • 10% should be consumed for dinner.

All essential nutrients must be supplied in specific proportions to each other and controlled in volume:

  1. Proteins are the basis of the diet, an important "building material" involved in the formation of tissues and organs of the fetus. The daily rate ranges from 90-130 g (2 chicken eggs, 0.5 kg of cottage cheese, 0.1 kg of fish or meat).
  2. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy. They affect the rate of metabolic processes and raise the level of internal glucose. The daily rate should not exceed 400 g. The excess leads to the growth of the subcutaneous fat layer. The lower limit is 350 g per day.
  3. Fats are one of the most important components of food, a "gold reserve" of energy resources. Their contribution to the organization of a balanced diet is significant. The daily rate is 90-130 g (60 g of butter, 0.4 kg of lean meat, 8 chicken eggs, 0.2 kg of sour cream). Excess fat is dangerous, since it is the main cause of weight gain during pregnancy, being deposited in the body in reserve.
  4. Microelements. Especially important is calcium, which is consumed by the body very intensively during pregnancy. This is due to his active participation in the construction of the bones of the child. The daily norm is 1.3 g. The diet during gestation should also contain iron. The daily rate is 18 mg. Among other things, zinc, magnesium and sodium are important.
  5. Fiber is essential for normal bowel function. Its presence in the diet is of particular importance in the later stages of gestation.

Mandatory points:

  • the diet should include dairy products: up to 200 g of milk (in the absence of allergies), about 200 g of yogurt or kefir, about 150 g of cottage cheese;
  • the menu should contain porridge made from cereals and pasta made from the highest grade of flour. Their consumption will reduce the amount of bread on the menu;
  • you should eat meat daily and fish several times a week;
  • dishes should contain vegetable oils: olive, mustard, linseed;
  • the lower limit of the liquid consumed per day is one and a half liters. A woman should not only consume water - herbal tea is allowed. It is useful to add freshly squeezed juices, homemade fruit drinks and compotes, rosehip broth to the menu.

It is better for a pregnant woman to eat at a strictly fixed time. Breakfast is recommended 1.5 hours after waking up. The last main meal should be at least 3 hours before bedtime. A clear regimen will improve digestion and prevent you from gaining extra pounds. You need to eat in equal parts from four to six times a day. This will eliminate the feeling of hunger, will not allow you to overdo it with a portion and will reduce the desire to snack on junk food. It is better for a pregnant woman to be undernourished a little than overeat!

It is appropriate to refuse fatty foods, animal products, pickles, flour products and pastries from shortcrust and yeast dough, cakes with fatty butter creams, and sugary carbonated drinks.

Women who have been overweight before pregnancy should opt for lean meat and low-fat dairy products. “Simple” carbohydrates found in rice, white baked goods and sweets can be replaced with “complex” ones by switching to brown rice, dried beans, whole grain bread. Salt retains fluid in the body, so its intake should be kept to a minimum.


The following products restrain a woman's body from excessive weight gain, therefore, should be present on her table every day:

  • zucchini;
  • cabbage;
  • broccoli;
  • carrot;
  • pumpkin;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • green onions.
  • plums;
  • apricots;
  • pears;
  • apples.

Dried fruits:

  • raisin;
  • prunes;
  • dried apricots.
  • cherries;
  • Cherry;
  • watermelon;
  • melon;
  • grape;
  • kiwi.

Lean meat:

  • beef;
  • Turkey;
  • rabbit;
  • hen.

How to cook

Weight loss products need to be prepared in a safe way. The most acceptable is for a couple. It is good if there is a special device that allows you to preserve all the beneficial properties of food. Oven-baked dishes are no less useful. You can bake anything. For this, special paper or foil is used. Shown and extinguishing. A healthy cooking method involves keeping the food on a low heat for a long time in a container with a lid. It turns out very tasty to cook meat and potatoes this way. You can't do without boiling.

Before each meal, a pregnant woman needs to drink a glass of clean water. This will improve the digestion process and allow you to eat less.

Calorie content

For the healthy development of the fetus, a woman needs 300-400 kcal more than before pregnancy. It is by this amount that the energy costs of her body increase. On average, a pregnant woman should receive from 2000 to 2800 kcal / day. A large amount does not mean good and is absolutely not necessary for the normal course of pregnancy.

If a woman in an "interesting position" is shown bed rest, the daily caloric intake is reduced by an average of 20%.

Overweight menu

  • In the morning on an empty stomach: a glass of still water.
  • After 10 minutes: an apple.
  • For breakfast: salad of sweet peppers, cucumbers and tomatoes, kefir or milk porridge (oatmeal, barley, buckwheat) with the addition of berries.
  • For the second breakfast: green or herbal tea, biscuit biscuits or a piece of feta cheese.
  • For lunch: light soup, fish baked with vegetables or low-fat borscht with a piece of lean boiled meat.
  • For an afternoon snack: a glass of juice and a couple of walnuts or a glass of kefir with an apple.
  • For dinner: boiled chicken fillet and a light salad with olive oil dressing or low-fat cottage cheese with kefir and berries.
  • Before bed: grated apple and sugar-free carrots.

Is it possible for pregnant women to diet

With an excessive set of extra pounds, modern medicine does not exclude the use of nutritional regimes by pregnant women that help stabilize weight and exclude its intensive growth. At the same time, doctors are paying attention to the fact that carrying a child is not the right moment for bold experiments and the use of popular diets. Absolutely forbidden:

  1. Severe food restriction, fasting and mono-diets are harmful to the woman herself and her child. The exclusion of certain foods from the diet is fraught with insufficient intake of vitamins and other important substances by the fetus.
  2. Citrus diets, the menu of which is based on the use of tangerines, grapefruit, orange and their juice, develop the likelihood of allergic reactions in the newborn. The chocolate regime, which includes the use of chocolate, coffee and cocoa derivatives, works in the same way.
  3. Modes based on legumes (soybeans, beans, peas) help increase protein in the body. Its decomposition products sometimes cause toxic reactions. Protein diets work similarly, and it is permissible to sit on them only for medical reasons and under the watchful supervision of doctors.
  4. A diet based on blood-thinning berries (currants, strawberries, strawberries, viburnum, raspberries) can harm the fetus and even cause bleeding.
  5. During pregnancy, it is unacceptable to use fat burning cocktails and drinks to speed up metabolism. They can provoke a miscarriage.

The diet can be recommended for a pregnant woman in case of an increased level of salt in the body (established by clinical analysis), which leads to the accumulation of fluid in the tissues and the appearance of edema. Also, a doctor may prescribe a diet for pregnant women, aimed at solving a specific problem in a particular woman.

Benefits of a diet during pregnancy

  1. Proper nutrition is essential for the birth of a healthy baby.
  2. A special regimen helps in maintaining the stamina of the expectant mother.
  3. A special diet helps fight a number of diseases.
  4. A diet for weight loss helps to normalize weight.

Diet by trimester

During certain periods of pregnancy, the mother's body behaves differently. It is important to adhere to a pregnancy diet for weight loss appropriate for the developmental period of the fetus. So it will be possible to exclude the development of health problems and not to gain too much.

1 trimester

Extra pounds are gained by women before the 12th week of gestation, while the emphasis should be placed not on quantity, but on the quality of food. The diet should be based on proteins and vitamins. You should consume no more than 2000 kcal daily.

The diet for pregnant women for weight loss should include:

  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • green pea;
  • white cabbage and seaweed;
  • low-fat cheese and cottage cheese;
  • coarse bread;
  • liver;
  • freshly squeezed juices.

It is wise to refuse:

  • canned food;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • fast food products;
  • crackers and chips;
  • coffee;
  • mustard and vinegar.

Daily menu


  • 8:00 - muesli with medium fat milk.
  • 11:00 - low-fat yogurt.
  • 13:00 - soup with lean broth.
  • 16:00 - vegetable salad with olive oil.
  • 19:00 - boiled rice and stewed cabbage.
  • 8:00 - oat milk porridge.
  • 11:00 - sandwich with a piece of butter.
  • 13:00 - soup with low-fat fish broth.
  • 16:00 - 100 grams of fat-free cottage cheese.
  • 19:00 - liver with boiled pasta.
  • 21:00 - some seaweed.
  • 8:00 - 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, green tea.
  • 11:00 - tea with biscuit biscuits.
  • 13:00 - soup with vegetables.
  • 16:00 - pear.
  • 19:00 - steamed chicken cutlet and mashed potatoes.
  • 21:00 - low fat yogurt.
  • 8:00 - buckwheat milk porridge, freshly squeezed juice.
  • 11:00 - yogurt.
  • 13:00 - broccoli and cauliflower soup, a slice of bread.
  • 16:00 - apple.
  • 19:00 - salad of tomato, avocado and spinach leaves, a slice of tuna.
  • 21:00 - cranberry juice.
  • 8:00 - a glass of fermented baked milk, a loaf of bread with a slice of cheese.
  • 11:00 - orange.
  • 13:00 - boiled pasta, steam cutlet, salad.
  • 16:00 - a couple of walnuts.
  • 19:00 - baked potatoes with sour cream, fish and tea.
  • 21:00 - a handful of dried apricots.
  • 8:00 - syrniki, herbal tea.
  • 11:00 - a handful of dried apricots.
  • 13:00 - chicken broth soup, bread.
  • 16:00 - apple and carrot salad.
  • 19:00 - salad with tomatoes and soft cheese with the addition of olive oil.
  • 21:00 - a glass of skim milk.


  • 8:00 - oatmeal with milk, apple, juice.
  • 11:00 - banana.
  • 13:00 - chicken broth soup, tomato salad, tea.
  • 16:00 - fruits.
  • 19:00 - chicken cutlet, steamed vegetables.
  • 21:00 - a glass of yogurt.

2 trimester

During the period of active growth of the fetus, the woman's body needs additional feeding. The daily diet for pregnant women is 2500 kcal. Starting from the 14th week, you should limit the consumption of sugar and confectionery. Vitamins D and E are important.

  • spinach;
  • dairy products;
  • butter;
  • egg yolk;
  • raisin;
  • liver of marine fish.

It should be excluded:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • spicy and smoked;
  • sausages.

Menu for the week


  • 8:00 - boiled egg, cheese and tomato sandwich.
  • 11:00 - cottage cheese and raisins.
  • 16:00 - yogurt.
  • 19:00 - vegetable and avocado salad.
  • 21:00 - a glass of rosehip broth.
  • 8:00 - milk oatmeal.
  • 11:00 - nuts, banana and apple.
  • 13:00 - soup with chicken broth and cauliflower.
  • 16:00 - 100 g of cottage cheese.
  • 19:00 - Lean stew.
  • 21:00 - a glass of yogurt.
  • 8:00 - scrambled eggs.
  • 11:00 - low fat yogurt.
  • 13:00 - fish soup.
  • 16:00 - apple.
  • 19:00 - porridge with milk.
  • 21:00 - fruits.
  • 8:00 - cheese cakes with sour cream and raisins.
  • 11:00 - a handful of walnuts.
  • 13:00 - lentil soup.
  • 16:00 - apple.
  • 19:00 - boiled rice and a slice of baked skinless chicken, tea.
  • 21:00 - a glass of yogurt.
  • 8:00 - scrambled eggs and a slice of bread with tomato.
  • 11:00 - tomato juice.
  • 13:00 - stew with a piece of lean meat.
  • 4:00 pm - seasonal fruit.
  • 19:00 - boiled pasta and tomato juice.
  • 21:00 - tea.
  • 8:00 - 100 g of cottage cheese, berries.
  • 11:00 - a piece of hard cheese, a loaf of bread.
  • 13:00 - buckwheat, a slice of baked beef, vegetable salad, tea.
  • 16:00 - freshly squeezed juice.
  • 19:00 - baked fish, tomato.
  • 21:00 - a glass of low-fat milk.


  • 8:00 - corn porridge with milk, a handful of dried apricots.
  • 11:00 - low fat yogurt.
  • 13:00 - cabbage soup, cucumber and tomato salad.
  • 16:00 - A handful of nuts or raisins.
  • 19:00 - squash pancakes, sour cream, rosehip broth.
  • 21:00 - a glass of yogurt.

In the second trimester, a woman should be careful with allergenic foods. Their consumption should be rare. Exotic fruits, citrus fruits and strawberries can be consumed, but in modest portions if possible.

3 trimester

It is best not to overeat during this period. Despite the need for carbohydrates, you should not lean on too high-calorie meals. The energy value of food does not exceed 2800 kcal per day.

  • fruits;
  • nuts;
  • vegetable soups;
  • steam fish;
  • boiled meat.

It should be excluded:

  • fats and lard;
  • fried foods;
  • yolk;
  • pickles;
  • gravy;
  • vegetable and butter.

In the third trimester, you need to limit water consumption - no more than a liter per day. The rule also applies to liquid foods, including soups. It is useful to arrange fasting days several times a week. This will restore tone to the body and prepare it for the upcoming birth.

Weekly menu


  • 8:00 - porridge with milk.
  • 11:00 - dried fruits.
  • 13:00 - soup with vegetable broth.
  • 16:00 - kefir.
  • 19:00 - steamed chicken cutlet, buckwheat porridge.
  • 21:00 - fruits.
  • 8:00 - dry biscuits, tea.
  • 11:00 - fruits.
  • 13:00 - boiled pasta, salad.
  • 16:00 - tomato, olives, spinach.
  • 19:00 - dietary pilaf.
  • 21:00 - kefir.
  • 8:00 - butter sandwich, tea.
  • 11:00 - 1 egg and seaweed salad.
  • 13:00 - fish soup.
  • 16:00 - 100 g fat-free cottage cheese.
  • 19:00 - a piece of baked lean meat, mashed potatoes.
  • 21:00 - juice.
  • 8:00 - boiled egg, bread, butter, herbal tea.
  • 11:00 - fruits.
  • 13:00 - borsch.
  • 16:00 - pear.
  • 19:00 - salad with egg, tuna and rice.
  • 21:00 - fruits.
  • 8:00 - low-fat cottage cheese with berries.
  • 11:00 - freshly squeezed orange juice.
  • 13:00 - beef stew with vegetables, tea.
  • 16:00 - dried fruits.
  • 19:00 - rice with carrots and onions.
  • 21:00 - kefir.
  • 8:00 - oatmeal porridge and dried apricots.
  • 11:00 - salmon sandwich.
  • 13:00 - pumpkin soup, a slice of baked chicken breast.
  • 16:00 - fruit juice.
  • 19:00 - rice and a piece of baked fish.
  • 21:00 - fermented baked milk.


  • 8:00 - cheese cakes and sour cream.
  • 11:00 - a handful of nuts.
  • 13:00 - pasta, steamed fish cutlet, vegetables.
  • 16:00 - fruits.
  • 19:00 - stuffed cabbage rolls with low-fat sour cream.
  • 21:00 - milk.

Special diets for pregnant women

During the gestation period, the doctor may recommend a special diet for the woman based on her health condition. The ration of each diet for pregnant women for weight loss is balanced, so nutrition systems help to keep track of the amount of pounds gained.


The diet involves eating a high amount of protein. It is indicated for pregnant women with a rapid set of kilograms, as it helps to control their growth and reduce excess. It is important for a mother-to-be to eat milk, meat, eggs, consuming about 120 grams of protein per day. Also shown are carbohydrates - up to 400 g per day.


  • sugar;
  • condensed milk;
  • cakes;
  • chocolate;
  • fresh bread.

The intervals between meals are about three hours.

Chicken and quail eggs are an irreplaceable source of protein. During pregnancy, cooked "in a bag" is better absorbed. You do not need to cover the daily protein requirement with eggs - they can cause allergies.

A protein diet for pregnant women has obvious advantages:

  1. No strict dietary restrictions.
  2. Improving metabolism.
  3. Burning fat stores.
  4. Strengthening the uterus and placenta.
  5. Sufficient saturation.

Sample menu

It is recommended to formulate the diet for pregnant women in such a way that the morning starts with carbohydrates, which perfectly saturate and give the body energy to digest food. It is good to make lunch from high-calorie dishes that can relieve hunger for a long time. In the evening, exclusively protein foods are preferred.

  • 1 trimester: bran flakes with milk, a slice of rye bread, tea.
  • 2nd trimester: apple, muesli and yogurt, chamomile tea.
  • 3rd trimester: curdled milk, milk porridge.
  • 1 tr: milk and biscuit biscuits.
  • 2 tr: fermented baked milk, prunes.
  • 3 tr: a slice of cheese, whole grain bread.
  • 1 tr: soup on a weak chicken broth, a slice of baked fish, yogurt.
  • 2 tr: lentil soup, boiled meat, seaweed salad, juice.
  • 3 tr: soup on a weak vegetable broth, tuna salad, a slice of baked chicken breast, rosehip broth.
  • 1 tr: biscuit biscuits and tea.
  • 2 tr: almonds and banana.
  • 3 tr: yogurt and apple.
  • 1 tr: rice, a piece of baked meat, milk pudding.
  • 2 tr: grilled fish, tomato, yogurt.
  • 3 tr: rice, boiled fish, fermented baked milk.

Before bedtime

  • 1 tr: kefir.
  • 2 tr: fat-free kefir.
  • 3 tr: fat-free kefir.

The diet can only be used under the supervision of a doctor, as excessive protein intake and the desire to lose weight can result in an increase in the burden on the liver and kidneys.

When to stop

The protein diet is stopped when:

  • unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract;
  • excessive sweating;
  • cloudy urine;
  • itchy skin;
  • increased irritability;
  • dizziness.

Remarkable! Protein-vegetable diet is a type of protein. In some cases, it is easier to tolerate. The regime involves the alternation of fish, meat and vegetable days. As a rule, protein products are consumed for several days, the next two days you need to eat vegetables and fruits. The benefits of the nutritional system are based on a greater intake of minerals, vitamins and antioxidants necessary for a woman and a baby. The diet is suitable for minor weight correction of a pregnant woman.


For normal health, a person needs to consume up to 5 g of table salt every day. Most people exceed the norm by several times. As a result, fluid accumulates in the body, weight gain occurs, and diseases of the kidneys, liver and cardiovascular system develop. For pregnant women, excessive salt intake is fraught with high blood pressure and edema. Salt during gestation should be limited, and in some cases, adherence to a salt-free diet is indicated.

The essence of the diet is to avoid eating high-salt foods. With the correct selection of the components of the diet for pregnant women for weight loss, there will be no lack of salt in the body.

You can use:

  • fruits;
  • greens;
  • bread (no more than 200 g);
  • eggs (no more than 2);
  • butter (about 10 g);
  • lean beef;
  • fish;
  • milk and cottage cheese;
  • kefir with a small% fat;
  • jam;


  • roast;
  • spicy;
  • smoked;
  • fatty;
  • sour;
  • marinades;
  • pickles;
  • pork and lamb;
  • confectionery.

Menu for the day

  • Morning: 100 g of porridge, scrambled eggs from a couple of eggs, 100 g of cottage cheese, fruit drink.
  • Snack: 150 g of yoghurt with fruit.
  • Lunch: 200 g of baked meat or fish, vegetable salad with legumes, compote.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g of baked apples or dried fruits.
  • Evening: vegetable puree soup (you can stew), a piece of bread, smoothies.
  • Before going to bed: a glass of kefir.

At first, a salt-free diet may seem too harsh. To get rid of the freshness of food, you can use sea salt, adding some salt to the dishes at the very end of cooking or just before serving.


According to experts, an allergy is formed in a child during his stay in the mother's body due to her intolerance to certain products. The doctor can determine the latent allergy in a woman by the presence of extra pounds, preeclampsia and edema. In the presence of such problems, the pregnant woman is prescribed a special hypoallergenic diet.

The following are subject to exclusion:

  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • nuts;
  • milk;
  • a fish;
  • red and black caviar;
  • tomatoes;
  • chocolate;
  • Strawberry;
  • raspberries;
  • citrus;
  • hen;
  • sweets;
  • salting;
  • spicy dishes;
  • canned food.

Allowed for use:

  • lean meat;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables and fruits of a dull color (cucumbers, zucchini, potatoes, cabbage, yellow and green apples, pears);
  • mushrooms;

In limited quantities, it is allowed to use sour cream, pasta and bakery products made from premium flour.

Menu for the day

  • Breakfast: oatmeal porridge in water, a slice of wheat bread, an apple.
  • Snack: a glass of plain yogurt.
  • Lunch: vegetarian soup, steam rabbit cutlet, cauliflower salad, compote.
  • Snack: fruit.
  • Dinner: salad of permitted vegetables with the addition of vegetable oil, stewed potatoes, a slice of boiled beef, tea.
  • Before going to bed: kefir.

A decrease in hemoglobin (anemia) during the period of bearing a child can be caused by various reasons. In any case, iron deficiency is dangerous, as it negatively affects the body of the mother and fetus. To normalize the condition of a pregnant woman, a special diet is useful. Its essence is a varied healthy diet, rich in vitamins and microelements. The diet of this diet for pregnant women cannot be imagined without proteins. Fat intake should be reduced. Carbohydrates - no more than 500 g per day.


  • almond;
  • apricots;
  • pork and veal liver;
  • turkey meat;
  • veal;
  • cocoa;
  • spinach;
  • egg yolk;
  • stale bread.

The appetite of a pregnant woman with a low hemoglobin may be somewhat suppressed, which is why it is recommended to take vegetable, meat and fish soups. It is recommended to add various sauces and salt to the main dishes. You can take about 40 g of butter and 30 g of vegetable oil, no more than 50 g of sugar.

It should be excluded:

  • citrus;
  • seafood;
  • raspberries and strawberries;
  • chocolate;
  • mushrooms.

Menu for the day

  • Breakfast: buckwheat porridge, boiled meat or fish, soft-boiled egg.
  • Second breakfast: salad of beets and carrots, rosehip broth.
  • Lunch: soup with broth from the heart and meat of a turkey, bread, cottage cheese, fruits.
  • Afternoon snack: berries.
  • Dinner: vegetable stew, a piece of baked meat, tea.
  • Before bedtime: fermented milk product.

Contrary to popular belief about the benefits of eating insufficiently processed meat and offal with low hemoglobin, such experiments during pregnancy are unacceptable!


Carbohydrates are a source of energy that the body of a pregnant woman needs for normal bearing of a fetus and an important element of a healthy diet. They are well absorbed and prevent the accumulation of toxins and fatty deposits.

The essence of the nutrition system is the use of "complex" carbohydrates, that is, fiber and pectins. They are low in calories but promise fullness. The diet helps to normalize the weight of a pregnant woman by accelerating metabolic processes.

"Simple" carbohydrates are excluded from the diet for pregnant women:

  • confectionery;
  • non-whole grain cereals;
  • sweets;
  • white flour bread;
  • grape;
  • bananas.
  • legumes;
  • cottage cheese;
  • whole grain cereals;
  • Brown rice;
  • pasta from hard wheat combs;
  • vegetables and fruits.

Menu for the day

  • Morning: milk porridge (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice), an egg, a sandwich with cheese, fermented baked milk.
  • Snack: peach or apple.
  • Day: cabbage stewed in meat broth, vegetable salad with low-fat sour cream, apple juice.
  • Snack: 100 g cherries or gooseberries.
  • Evening: boiled fish, cottage cheese with fruit, compote.

With toxicosis

Toxicosis occurs due to the fact that the mother's body perceives the fetus as a foreign object and forms antibodies to its own cells. As a result, the work of important organs and systems is disrupted, and the state of health worsens. Also, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver are prone to the development of toxicosis. The problem often overtakes emotionally unstable women.

There are several degrees of toxicosis:

  • I - the urge to vomit occurs up to five times a day. Weight loss is up to three kilograms;
  • II - vomiting about ten times a day. Weight loss over a two-week period is up to four kilograms;
  • III - vomiting occurs up to twenty-five times a day. Weight loss is over ten kilograms.

Toxicosis can be early, manifested in the first trimester, and late (gestosis), arising after the 35th week of pregnancy.

Early diet

  1. Meals should be fractional. The stomach accepts small portions better, which do not cause it to stretch. Eating frequent meals does not overexcite the hunger center.
  2. Toxicosis imposes a ban on fatty high-calorie foods. Foods should be easy to digest without requiring significant effort on the part of the digestive tract.
  3. Breakfast is required. At the same time, you should not eat fully. The ideal solution is fruit that is easy to digest and provides you with the glucose you need to feel good.
  4. It is advisable to refuse soups, especially those cooked in meat broth. Mixing liquid and solid foods in one meal will induce vomiting. Bite tea with biscuits is excluded for the same reason.


  • vegetables: tomatoes, pickles, fresh cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, zucchini, broccoli, beets, eggplants, potatoes;
  • fruits: lemons, cherries, strawberries, apples, oranges, plums, cranberries, kiwi;
  • protein: boiled chicken fillet, boiled eggs, lean fish, hard cheese;
  • fats: butter and vegetable oil;
  • porridge: rice, buckwheat, millet.

Bread can be eaten a little after drying it in an oven or toaster.

Nutrition with gestosis

The best prevention of late toxicosis in pregnant women is moderate food intake. Pickles, marinades and smoked meats are strongly not recommended. When choosing a power supply system, doctors recommend following the following rules:

  • the amount of salt cannot exceed 5 g;
  • the body should receive no more than 800 ml of fluid;
  • the diet should be rich in proteins;
  • food must contain natural vitamins, in winter-spring time - to be enriched with vitamin complexes.

Approximate daily menu

First breakfast:

  • boiled fish (150 g);
  • boiled potatoes (200 g);
  • fresh carrots (80 g);
  • 1 boiled egg;


  • cottage cheese (150 g).
  • beetroot with sour cream (300 g);
  • buckwheat porridge (200 g);
  • steam cutlet (60 g);
  • 200 ml of compote.
  • seasonal berries (300 g).
  • boiled fish (200 g);
  • vinaigrette (300 g).

Before bedtime:

  • 200 ml of kefir.

Up to 200 g of rye or 100 g of wheat bread are allowed per day.

Unloading diet menu for pregnant women

Fasting days are usually called periods in which the volume and variety of products are limited. The emphasis is on low-calorie foods, which rid the body of toxins and toxins, and helps to correct weight. Short-term dietary restrictions during pregnancy are prescribed by a doctor to stimulate metabolic processes and increase the consumption of fat stores. They help restore the functioning of the digestive system, speed up metabolism, and reduce swelling. In one fasting day, a pregnant woman can lose up to 800 grams of weight.

A fasting diet is indicated for pregnant women with:

  • swelling of the legs;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • fast weight gain;
  • shortness of breath while walking;
  • liver and kidney problems.

Unloading rules

  1. Dietary restrictions are only permissible after the 28th week of pregnancy.
  2. Rest the stomach needs once a week or ten days.
  3. To avoid a deficiency of vitamins and nutrients, it is recommended to combine different unloading options.
  4. Unloading should take place on the same day of the week.
  5. Chewing food should be thorough and slow.
  6. The daily portion of food should be divided into several receptions (5-6).
  7. It is important to eat at well-defined time intervals to avoid hunger.
  8. You need to consume at least 2 liters of water per day.
  9. In the evening before unloading, you should refrain from heavy food. Dinner no later than seven o'clock in the evening.

The energy value of a pregnant woman's diet during unloading should not be less than 1500 kcal.

A versatile diet for weight loss

  • Breakfast: 150 g low-fat cottage cheese, fresh pear, a cup of tea.
  • Second breakfast: 200 g of low-fat yogurt, fresh berries.
  • Lunch: soup with light broth, steamed minced chicken cutlet, fresh cucumber.
  • Afternoon snack: half a glass of light yogurt, a handful of dried fruits.
  • Dinner: 100 g of boiled low-fat fish, vegetable salad.
  • Before going to bed: a couple of prune berries, half a glass of kefir.

"Nourishing" fasting days

It is permissible to carry out unloading diets on hearty foods once every 7 days, but for medical reasons it is sometimes allowed to repeat unloading every 4 days. The energy value of the diet does not exceed 1000 kcal.

Diet options for pregnant women for weight loss, indicating the food needed for the day:

  1. Meat and vegetables: 400 g of lean meat, 800 g of fresh vegetables. Before going to bed, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.
  2. Seafood and vegetables: boiled seafood in the amount of 0.5 kg, stewed vegetables in the amount of 800 g. The use of unsweetened tea is allowed.
  3. Potatoes: 1 kg of boiled potatoes and a few glasses of low-fat kefir.
  4. Yoghurt and fruits: 1.5 kg of domestic fruits, low-calorie yoghurt (300 g).
  5. Berries and cottage cheese: 800 g of any berries, 400 g of low-fat cottage cheese. You can drink unsweetened decaffeinated coffee once.

Mono-unloading for weight loss

A mono-fasting day involves the use of one product. The goal is to give the digestive system proper rest. The energy value of the diet is low, so you can repeat mono-unloading only after 10 days and only after consulting a doctor.

  1. Vegetable or fruit: during the day, it is allowed to eat 1.5 kg of fresh vegetables or fruits. It is allowed to use a little vegetable oil as an additive to salads.
  2. Compote: during the day, you can drink 1.5 liters of compote from 100 g of dried fruits and 1 kg of fresh apples. It is allowed to add no more than 3 tablespoons of sugar to the finished product.
  3. Dairy: you can drink 1.5 liters of milk, yogurt or fermented baked milk per day with a fat content of no more than 1.5%.

Interesting to know! The dairy diet (unloading) is very good for pregnant women who have a lack of appetite. Milk is food and liquid at the same time. A delicious milkshake will saturate and cheer you up.

Buckwheat unloading

Buckwheat is one of the healthiest cereals. Its grains contain iodine, magnesium, iron, potassium and a whole spectrum of vitamins. In addition, buckwheat contains lysine - an amino acid that is not synthesized by the body, which is necessary for better absorption of calcium. Buckwheat strengthens the walls of blood vessels well, cleanses the intestines from heavy deposits and toxins.

For pregnant women, a fasting day on buckwheat is very useful: in addition to getting rid of excess weight, cereal promises to replenish the body's reserves with microelements, raise hemoglobin levels and improve digestion.

To preserve the beneficial properties of buckwheat, it is recommended to abandon its cooking. A glass of cereal should be placed in a thermos and pour boiling water over, let it brew overnight. In the morning, the porridge is divided into portions and consumed throughout the day. To make it easier to endure the unusual regime, pregnant women can supplement the menu with a glass of kefir or a couple of apples.


A fasting day on kefir allows you to get rid of all that is superfluous and normalize the stool, which is especially useful for pregnant women suffering from constipation. You can only use fresh kefir. For a day, take 1.5 liters of a fermented milk drink with a fat content of 1.5% and 600 grams of cottage cheese. It should be consumed in 6 doses. With a tangible feeling of hunger, it is allowed to eat a few tablespoons of wheat bran.

How to eat the next day

Eating plentiful food the next day after unloading is unacceptable. After "cleaning" the pregnant woman's menu should be light, otherwise the lost grams will return, discomfort will arise again.

  1. Breakfast is best with low-fat yogurt, boiled eggs or a portion of milk oatmeal.
  2. For lunch, eat protein-rich foods such as lean beef or lean fish. You need to combine protein food with fiber, therefore vegetable salad is recommended as a side dish.
  3. As an evening meal, boiled meat or granular cottage cheese is suitable.


Fasting days are contraindicated for pregnant women with the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • food allergy;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • endocrine pathologies.

Healthy recipes

Vegetarian soup


  • cabbage (three hundred grams);
  • celery root (one piece);
  • carrots (one piece);
  • potatoes (two pieces);
  • onions (one piece);
  • parsley;
  • vegetable oil (four tablespoons);
  • litere of water;
  • some salt.

Chemical composition of 100 grams:

  • proteins - 0.72 g;
  • fats - 4.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 3.8 g.


  1. Chop the cabbage, peel and chop the potatoes, dice the rest of the vegetables (onions in half rings), finely chop the herbs.
  2. Send carrots, onions, celery root to a pan with oil, add water, simmer for 15 minutes.
  3. Add cabbage, potatoes to the pan and continue to simmer.
  4. Send ready-made vegetables to a saucepan, pour boiling water over, salt. Cook for no more than five minutes after boiling.
  5. Garnish with herbs when serving.

Potato-curd casserole


  • potatoes (two hundred grams);
  • low-fat cottage cheese (thirty grams);
  • a quarter of an egg;
  • butter (five grams);
  • sour cream (twenty grams).

Chemical composition:

  • proteins - 10.5 g;
  • fats - 12 g;
  • carbohydrates - 35.7 g.


  1. Wash the potatoes, peel, cut into slices. Boil until tender. Drain the water, wipe the potatoes.
  2. Grind cottage cheese, combine with potatoes, add egg and butter. Mix.
  3. Put the potato-curd mass on a baking sheet sprinkled with breadcrumbs. Smooth and brush with sour cream. Bake until golden brown.

Beetroot and green pea salad


  • beets (two hundred grams);
  • canned peas (sixty grams);
  • vegetable oil (ten grams).

Chemical composition:

  • proteins - 2.4 g;
  • fats - 5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 11.7 g.


  1. Boil the beets (one hour), put them in cold water for half an hour, then peel and grate.
  2. Remove the liquid from the peas.
  3. Mix the beets and peas, season with oil.

White cabbage and seaweed salad


  • frozen seaweed (thirty grams);
  • green onions (ten grams);
  • white cabbage (thirty grams);
  • fresh cucumber (thirty grams);
  • vegetable oil (five grams).

Chemical composition:

  • proteins - 1 g;
  • fats - 5 g;
  • carbohydrates - 2.7 g.


  1. Dip the seaweed in cold water until completely thawed. Slice thinly. Cook in lightly salted water for about 15 minutes. Refrigerate.
  2. Chop the white cabbage, chop the cucumbers into strips, chop the onion.
  3. Combine the components, add vegetable oil.

Corn milk porridge


  • corn grits (sixty grams);
  • milk (seventy grams);
  • water (seventy grams);
  • sugar (five grams);
  • some salt;
  • some butter.

Chemical composition:

  • proteins - 6.8 g;
  • fats - 7.4 g;
  • carbohydrates - 51.6 g.


  1. Pour cereals into boiling water and cook for about 25 minutes. Drain off excess liquid and add milk.
  2. Put salt and sugar in the porridge. Cook until thick.
  3. Add oil before serving.

Sports to keep fit

It has been proven that children of mothers who played sports during pregnancy develop faster. Physical activity is also useful for the figure of a woman expecting a baby: a sedentary lifestyle of a pregnant woman can lead to a rapid increase in body weight and the development of edema. Another issue is the permissible load.

The following activity is unacceptable for expectant mothers:

  • aerobics;
  • jumping;
  • skiing;
  • diving;
  • a ride on the bicycle.

Exercises based on stretching the abdominal muscles, inverted yoga asanas, swinging and strong bending of the back are dangerous.

For good health and body preservation, experts recommend that pregnant women walk more often and take a closer look at one of the following directions:


Useful for pregnant women throughout the nine months. During swimming, blood circulation improves, lungs are trained, muscles are strengthened. The load on the spine is minimal, which is especially necessary in the second half of pregnancy. Swimming is a great way to keep your body in good shape.

Important! When visiting the pool, it is important for pregnant women to use tampons, especially if there is a predisposition to inflammatory diseases of the vagina.


If you can find an experienced trainer, Pilates will be the best preparation for childbirth. In addition, this is the first step towards a quick recovery of the figure after the birth of the child. Thanks to the exercises, flexibility increases, the back is strengthened. A woman learns to feel her body, to hear it.


Special groups for pregnant women offer special exercises that not only prevent weight gain, but also help with toxicosis. A half-hour lesson relieves pulling pain in the lower back, relieves stress on the back and prepares the breast for lactation.


Yoga is especially necessary for women who were familiar with it before the "interesting position". You need to choose exercises adapted for pregnant women, and only do it under the supervision of a trainer.

Before starting any workouts, it is important for a pregnant woman to get permission from an observing gynecologist!