What is the best month for conceiving a child. The best month to conceive a baby

Many women of reproductive age have repeatedly asked the question "When is it better to get pregnant?" Today, there are many myths about auspicious days and the best age for conception. Therefore, below we will consider in detail the questions of what is the best time to get pregnant in terms of various factors.

Pregnancy planning

If everything is in order in physical terms, it is strongly recommended that a couple of months before the intended conception, normalize your daily routine, avoid stress, adjust your diet and, of course, be sure to give up bad habits, including secondhand smoke in women. For more information on when and how to plan a pregnancy correctly, see the article.

When is the best time to get pregnant in terms of age

Those girls who give birth to a child younger, and even more so those who become pregnant as a teenager, are not able to fully bear the baby. This is because when the body of the expectant mother itself is not sufficiently developed in physical terms, it cannot provide the necessary amount of nutrients for the child who is in the womb. Not unimportant is the fragile psyche. Thus, the disadvantages of the early appearance of the baby are obvious:

  • Frequent premature birth;
  • A greater number of weakened children;
  • Insufficient (wrong) education
  • Shifting parenting responsibilities to grandparents;
  • It is often impossible to provide a future for the child, because parents themselves "did not get on their feet."

When the age reaches the mark after 30 years, getting pregnant is also not the best option. Despite the fact that psychologically a woman becomes stronger, prepared for the birth of a baby, she is often very much waiting for the appearance of a baby, there are disadvantages, and they can be significant:

  • Less likely to get pregnant
  • Increased risk of complications from the fetus: low birth weight / high weight fetus, placenta previa, hyper
  • Higher likelihood of genetic abnormalities in the fetus, mainly associated with gene or chromosomal mutations.

Men also have some limitations for the optimal age of conception. They have it up to 45-50 years, since when they reach an older age, the risk of genetic abnormalities in their offspring increases dramatically.

If a woman protected herself using oral contraceptives, and after the end of their intake she thinks when it is better to get pregnant, then there is no need to rush. In order for the gestation period to pass without complications, it is better to postpone the pregnancy for 2-3 months.

What days is it better to get pregnant

When the question arises of what time it is best to get pregnant, the answer becomes obvious in terms of the menstrual cycle. The best time to get pregnant is during the ovulatory period. It is then that the ovum leaves the ovary, after which it enters the cavity of the fallopian tube, where it can only meet with the sperm once a month. To determine when ovulation occurs, you can use special tests that are sold in the pharmacy or by measuring the basal temperature.

Please note that the best way to get pregnant is to have sex on the day of ovulation. Despite the fact that, presumably, the viability of sperm is up to 1 week, if sexual intercourse occurred the day before in 1-2 days, then the probability of successful conception decreases, amounting to about 30%, and if in 3-5 days - then by all means 10%, which once again proves that such a time is not the best for conception. After ovulation, the probability of fertilization of the egg lasts only a day, after which, as you know, the female reproductive cell dies, and the probability of conception is equal to zero.

It turns out that for men, the question is also relevant, on which days it is better for a woman to get pregnant. So, the best time will be when the spermatozoa become the most active, as well as mobile, and this happens from late summer to early autumn. Although, in general, the spring and autumn seasons are considered fruitful. the number of sperm in the seminal fluid at this time reaches its maximum.

Some people want to plan for the sex of the baby over time. You can find out when you can get pregnant with a child of a certain gender from the article

Best time to get pregnant with your second child

It is better not to plan the birth of a second or third child immediately after the previous birth. After severe stress, a woman's body needs a long enough period to recuperate. It is recognized by physicians that the optimal interval between the first and subsequent pregnancies is from 3 to 5 years. An earlier pregnancy is fraught with heavy stress on a strengthened body, and a later one increases the risk of complications during pregnancy.

If a woman has had an abortion or miscarriage in the past, the best way to get pregnant is to wait at least six months for conception and gestation to be successful.

Myths about when to get pregnant

Modern society is not without prejudice about when is the best time to get pregnant. However, most of them are myths that have no scientific support.

The earlier you get pregnant, the better.

For some reason, many have an established opinion that the younger the body, the better it will cope with pregnancy and childbirth, and the faster it will recover. Regarding the reserve potential of a young girl, this is true, but when an early pregnancy occurs, she is fraught with many problems, including even serious medical complications. Despite the fact that, from a biological point of view, the age from the moment of the onset of menstruation (11-15 years) is considered childbearing, from other positions this age is too young for conceiving a child.

After 35 years of age, pregnancy always has complications.

In this categorical statement, the key word is “always.” So, this is not true, in addition, it depends not only on age, but on the individual state of the body of a particular woman. A healthy woman who does not have bad habits, who takes care of herself, can absolutely safely bear a healthy child after 35 and even 40 years.

To get pregnant, you need to follow the lunar calendar.

Whether to adhere to a certain season in order to conceive a child or not is up to every woman. The data that say that it is better to get pregnant at a certain time of the year is not based on scientific facts and medical evidence, but on "pseudo-scientific" statements that find a connection between a favorable pregnancy and constellations, the amount of fruit, temperature, etc. Moreover, even according to the lunar calendar, even if conception occurred at a favorable time, for example, in autumn, when there are a lot of vegetables, then the last trimester will be in the summer, when in hot weather it becomes problematic to carry a child.

First you need to make a career and gain financial independence, and only then get pregnant.

The age of primiparous women becomes more and more every year for this reason. Material well-being is placed above family values. Newlyweds believe that the baby will greatly hinder them in achieving their goals. Many women want to first simply realize themselves in a career and only then think about when is the best time to get pregnant, but the years go by faster than we think. Despite the fact that the birth of a healthy child in an adult woman is no exception, the risks that appear with a later conception still exist and they are real. When a sick baby is born, no material well-being can save the situation, so it is important to do everything in due time.

Thus, when a woman decides that it is time to become a mother and begins to think about when it is better to get pregnant, she can adopt the above tips and independently calculate the best day for conception and prepare in advance for the onset of pregnancy in order to bear a healthy baby in the future.

Author of the publication: Valeria Konstantinova

On the one hand, it is easy for a representative of the fair sex to get pregnant, but on the other, it is difficult. Why is there such a duality? Let's turn to physiology. In a woman of reproductive age, it happens every month around the middle of the cycle. This term refers to the release of a mature egg from the ovary. This process takes only 1-2 days.

Many people, after reading the text written above, will probably think that getting pregnant is very simple - you just need to calculate the day of ovulation, and have sex with your partner before and after it. However, things are not as simple as they seem. If it was possible to get pregnant strictly in the middle of the cycle, then there would be no unwanted pregnancies and women who dream of a child, but cannot get pregnant for some reason.

On what days is it impossible for a baby to conceive?

Women who have chosen the calendar method of contraception and have refused other means of contraception (condoms, various drugs) are upset, because there are no absolutely safe days. You can get pregnant at any time. It is only necessary to take into account the fact that on some days the chances of conceiving a baby are great, while on other days they are significantly reduced. There are no zero-probability periods.

A relatively "safe" time can be considered a couple of days before menstruation and a couple of days after them. To calculate the "dangerous" days, you need to know the length of the menstrual cycle. It must be stable - this is the main condition.

With a 28-30 day menstrual cycle, the highest chances of conception occur on days 14-15, since ovulation occurs around this time. Deviations are also possible for a number of reasons: due to nervous breakdowns, stress, the presence of diseases, the use of drugs.

How to calculate without errors on which days you can get pregnant?

Calculating the days on which you can conceive is not easy. To do this, you need to analyze the entire menstrual cycle, taking data for the last 6-12 months. If at this time hormonal contraceptives were used, then the calculation results may be incorrect.

In order not to forget what days there are menstruation, you should create a special calendar... If the menstrual cycle is not regular, then it will not work to determine which days you can get pregnant. It is best to use other methods of calculating favorable periods for conception in such cases.

If insignificant deviations are observed during the investigated time interval, then the following step-by-step calculation can be made:

  1. Select the longest and shortest menstrual cycles in 6-12 months;
  2. Subtract 18 from the number of days of the short cycle. The result is the day on which the period with a high probability of getting pregnant begins. For example, the shortest cycle is 25 days. Subtracting 18, we end up with the number 7. This means that the favorable period for conception begins from the 7th day of the menstrual cycle;
  3. Subtract 11 from the number of days in the longest period. The result is the day on which the period with a high probability of getting pregnant ends. For example, the longest cycle is 29 days. Subtracting 11, we get the number 18. Thus, on the 18th day of the menstrual cycle, the favorable period for conception ends;

From this example, it can be seen that the most likely to become pregnant persists from the 7th to the 18th day.

Is conception possible before menstruation?

There is no definite answer to this question. Conception may or may not happen. First, let's figure out why the above question can be answered negatively.

As you know, ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. Before the onset of menstruation, the egg dies. If ovulation occurs much later or repeatedly, then an interesting situation may not occur, since the woman's hormonal background will be tuned to a new cycle.

Now we will explain why conception can occur before menstruation. Healthy women with irregular sex life have a high chance of getting pregnant. Conception can occur after any sexual intercourse.

The body can respond to such a rare event with unplanned ovulation. It can also be provoked by the substances contained in the semen. Women who regularly have sex with a regular partner may not face this.

Is conception possible during menstruation?

Pregnancy during the first days of your period is unlikely. This is due to an unfavorable environment for sperm and for embryo implantation (abundant blood secretion). However, “surprises” from nature should not be ruled out.

Conception in an unfavorable period can occur in the following cases:

  • with prolonged menstruation (for example, less than a week may remain before ovulation, and then the sperm will wait for the release of a mature egg);
  • due to menstrual irregularities caused by diseases, infections, physical exertion, stress;
  • if the period of safe sex is incorrectly calculated (due to the irregularity of the menstrual cycle).

Is conception possible immediately after menstruation?

Many women say that it is impossible to get pregnant for a few days after your period ends. Doctors do not adhere to this point of view. They warn that at least during any period you can get pregnant.

Sperm cells, entering the female genital tract, can remain viable and active for several days. If your menstrual cycle is short and your periods are long, you are more likely to get pregnant. Sexual intercourse may just take place during the most favorable days for conception.

Pregnancy immediately after menstruation can occur for the following reasons:

  • due to the ability of sperm to maintain their activity for several days;
  • due to the maturation of several eggs in one menstrual cycle;
  • due to the shift in the time of ovulation. It can happen not in the middle of the menstrual cycle, but much earlier or later. The "culprit" of such violations in young girls is the irregularity of the menstrual cycle, and in adult women - hormonal abnormalities.

Based on this, we can say that the calendar method is not a reliable method of contraception. For some women, it doesn't work at all.

In what period is it most likely to get pregnant: how to determine

Calculating the most favorable days for conception is possible not only with the help of the calendar method. There are several other more efficient ways:

  1. Determination of basal temperature;
  2. Ovulation tests;
  3. Folliculometry;
  4. Subjective feelings.

1. Determination of basal temperature

To calculate the period when the probability of conceiving a child is high, it is necessary from the beginning of the menstrual cycle (from the 1st day of menstruation) every morning after waking up to measure the basal temperature in the anus.

Errors can arise for several reasons:

  • due to overwork or illness (during such periods, the temperature is always elevated);
  • if a lot of alcohol was drunk before the measurement;
  • due to taking certain medications;
  • if intercourse has occurred 6 hours (or less) before the measurement;
  • due to lack of sleep.

Based on the measured data, a graph should be drawn up, which can be updated daily with new results. In the first half of the menstrual cycle, the temperature ranges from 36.6 to 36.9 degrees. It rises above 37 degrees after the release of a mature egg.

You can find out when ovulation occurs if you carefully study the schedule. On the 12-16th day, the basal temperature may slightly decrease. This will portend the onset of ovulation in the coming hours. This is the period during which you can get pregnant. At this time, women who dream of a baby should have sex.

2. Conducting ovulation tests

A modern and more accurate means of determining the release of an egg is ovulation tests. They even look like tests that tell you about pregnancy. The result is shown as 2 bars. The difference between the tests is only in the reagents. For example, ovulation-determining agents contain a substance that reacts to the presence of luteinizing hormone (LH), the level of which in the body rises 23-36 hours before ovulation.

In order not to miss the long-awaited event, you need to do tests every day and at the same time. After ovulation, the LH level drops significantly, and then the strips begin to show a negative result. Ovulation test manufacturers include several strips in the packaging. Due to this, this method of determining favorable days for conception is the most justified and convenient.

3. Folliculometry

It is very easy to diagnose the period in which you can get pregnant. using ultrasound(Ultrasound). This method cannot be called economical. It suits those of the fair sex who want to conceive a child, but they just can't do it.

It is recommended to visit the ultrasound room from the 10th day after the start of the last menstruation. Within a few days, the doctor will assess the growth of the dominant follicle in the ovary. When it reaches a size of 18-24 mm in diameter, it will release an egg ready for fertilization. Follicle formation may not lead to ovulation. It may not burst, but regress. Such cases are rare, but they do take place in real life.

The main signs of the onset of a favorable period for conception, which the medical worker sees on the monitor during an ultrasound scan, are the corpus luteum in the ovary without a dominant follicle, as well as a little fluid behind the uterus.

The onset of pregnancy is influenced by the quality of the endometrium. It is known that an egg fertilized by a sperm must be implanted into the uterine wall for further development. If by the time of ovulation the endometrium does not reach a certain thickness, then pregnancy will not occur, since the fertilized egg will not be able to attach to the uterus and will die.

4. Subjective feelings

This method is not 100% reliable, but many women who are sensitive and attentive manage to determine the days on which they are most likely to become pregnant. The sensations are repeated every month. If you listen to your body, you can draw some conclusions.

The most common signs of the onset of a favorable period for conception are:

  • the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen or the location of one of the ovaries;
  • a sudden increase in sexual appetite;
  • profuse vaginal discharge. They can be easily noticed by any experienced gynecologist. Discharge differs from the symptoms of infectious diseases. They are colorless and odorless. After 2-3 days, the discharge disappears without a trace until the next cycle.

The fair sex 1-2 times a year have cycles called anovulatory... They represent a kind of "reset" of the female body. It is impossible to get pregnant at this time. It is very easy to determine these days. Here are their main features:

  • when measuring basal temperature, there are no jumps;
  • Doctors have established the optimal age for the birth of the first child - 21-26 years, but many women continue to postpone the first birth to 35 years. A similar trend is associated with the desire to build a career, to achieve success. Late motherhood, regarding the first-born, among doctors, has a number of alarming moments. An older woman is at great risk of carrying problems, the risk of various gene mutations increases, and one should not forget about past, acquired diseases that leave a mark on health. The age of the man likewise plays an important role. Scientists have proven that a man's fertility begins to decrease at the age of thirty (the chances of conceiving decrease). The biological clock is ticking, not paying attention to career plans, it is worth listening to the opinions and recommendations of doctors. The majority of couples began to plan pregnancy by going to doctors in advance, strengthening their health. Also couples choose the best month for the birth of a baby.

    Scientists have long been interested in the question of the best time for conception. For centuries, people have noted that the health and development of a child largely depends on the time of birth, scientists picked up this idea, began to develop, study. Thanks to research, it became known which months are favorable for the birth of a baby. According to research, babies born in winter are more susceptible to various diseases. Doctors associated a similar trend with the peak of viral, infectious diseases that weaken the immune system, affecting normal development. Social factors also play an important role, studies have proven the following: the well-being of the family, the education of the parents leave an imprint on the development of the baby. To find out as accurately as possible the best period of conception, birth without taking into account social factors, studies were carried out among families with several children born in different months. It has been proven again that the seasonal factor plays a key role in the development of children.

    The best months for conceiving a child are summer.: according to statistics, babies are born strong, get sick less. May turned out to be the most unfavorable; the number of cases of preterm birth, causing malformations, is increasing.

    What time of year is it better to give birth, the pros and cons of the seasons

    When planning conception, each couple knows in what period of the year the baby will appear. Doctors have determined what time of year it is best to give birth, have identified the pros and cons of a certain season.

    Winter... Having conceived in winter, childbirth will take place in the fall. The first trimester falls on the peak of infectious, colds. This period is dangerous, organs, viruses are laid, infections can negatively affect the development of organs, plus the likelihood of miscarriage remains. The expectant mother should take care, avoid crowded places, try to increase immunity, and eat right. Autumn childbirth falls on not the best weather. Frequent rains, dampness, cold can interfere with the long walks necessary for the baby, outbreaks of SARS are dangerous. On the positive side, the last period of gestation falls on cool weather: there is a low probability of edema, poor sleep.

    Spring... The birth will take place in winter. Conception in the spring is associated with the weakening of the organisms of the mother, father. Lack of vitamins causes hypovitaminosis, various vitamin and mineral complexes solve the problem. The first trimester intersects with respiratory diseases, the last with cold, slippery weather, fraught with injuries, falls. The positives include the lack of heat, the cold makes it easier to endure the last trimester.

    Summer... The birth will take place in the spring. Summer is the best time to conceive a baby. Excellent weather conditions. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help replenish the vitamin supply. The diet is healthy, complete, rich in nutrients and minerals. You will have to give birth in the spring, but hypovitaminosis of a nursing mother can negatively affect the baby, therefore it is very important to adhere to a healthy, varied diet that replenishes vitamin reserves as much as possible.

    Autumn... Give birth in the summer. In autumn, the vitamin reserve is at a high level, which is very important for the well-being of the mother, for the good growth of the embryo, which receives the necessary vitamin elements from the mother's body. There is an unfavorable moment - it is dangerous to get sick in the first trimester, and the autumn season is a period of increased incidence of influenza. The winter period is similar. The last trimester will take place in hot summer, a woman may experience problems with sleep, edema. Heat, stuffiness contributes to a deterioration in well-being, the production of melatonin decreases, which contributes to a favorable

    Opinions on the optimal time for conception vary. Some say that it is better to get pregnant in the summer, and to give birth in the spring: in the warmth, under the rays of the summer sun, the baby will quickly get stronger. Others, on the other hand, consider pregnancy in the cold season risky: the expectant mother is less likely to be outdoors, eats fewer vegetables and greens, and there is no need to talk about the lack of sunlight. What do scientists think about this?

    Better not to get pregnant from January to March

    In the UK, they analyzed the performance statistics of more than 800 thousand Scottish schoolchildren for 2006-2011. It turned out that children conceived from January to March (and born, respectively, in late autumn or early winter) studied worse than their peers by an average of 7.6%. Physicians sent these observations to the authoritative journal American Journal of Epidemiology, adding their reflections on the reasons for this phenomenon.

    According to the researchers, the main problem was the lack of vitamin D in infants, the synthesis of which significantly decreased in winter.

    Apparently, Scottish pediatricians do not warn Scottish mothers about the need , this is especially important for children in the first months of life. If the British hypothesis is correct, then only a few tens of micrograms of this substance - and no problems with academic performance in "Christmas gifts"!

    Better to conceive on Christmas than on summer vacation

    In 2015, at a meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine in Baltimore, pediatrician Paul Winchester presented the results of his long-term (more precisely 12-year) study. The research team analyzed the data on 52 million pregnancies (no matter how dubious this figure may sound - let's leave it on the professor's conscience) and found that the best months to conceive are December and January. According to them, children born in the fall are more physically active (about academic performance, which was given so much attention in the previous study, nothing is known. Scientists explain everything, again, by the availability of vitamin D, but not for a newborn, but for a mother during pregnancy Taking care of the last months in the summer, she stores this "sunshine vitamin" both for herself and for her baby, and besides, she eats fresh vegetables and fruits, which improves the quality of mother's milk.

    Moreover, the Americans studied almost half a million cases of conception with the help of IVF and found that the highest percentage of successful attempts was in couples who performed the procedure from December to February. True, it is not clear why.

    But the summer conception of Professor Winchester is not at all to his liking; in his opinion, in the first trimester, when both the mother and the fetus are especially vulnerable, the woman is forced to breathe dust, which is raised by cars, and agricultural pesticides, which can be quite far from the cultivated fields. The last months of pregnancy in this case will be in the winter, flu season and .

    Probably the most interesting part of the report was the statistics of the dependence of the number of births on the time of year throughout the 20th century.

    It turns out that even 100 years ago, March was the hot month of midwives. However, starting in the 30s, more and more newborns were born in the fall, which Dr. Winchester explained by the spread of the same harmful pesticides.

    Discard conception in May in favor of June

    Planning to get pregnant in the summer? Here's a study by Janet Curry and Hannes Schwandt from Princeton University! These two women scientists are economists, so they were not particularly interested in medical aspects, but their statistical methodology is impeccable. To rule out the influence of sociocultural factors, they looked at data on childbirth between 1994 and 2006 in the states of New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania. From the entire data set, they made a sample for those families in which several children were born during this period at different times of the year.

    It turned out that the worst was for those babies who were conceived in May. 13% more happens in January and February than in other months. The unfavorable seasonal factor of conception made itself felt back in January, and during the winter and spring months it grew, reaching a peak in May.

    But, starting in June, conception leads to a normal duration of pregnancy and the birth of more well-fed babies. Children conceived in summer weigh on average 8 grams more than their peers at birth - a trifle, but nice!

    However, it may not be a matter of the month of conception at all, but in the month of birth. Christmas holidays are the peak of the flu epidemic, and respiratory viral diseases just provoke early birth.

    Such data were presented by Dr. Hayagriv Simhan of the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He noted that in 2009, when the H1N1 epidemic hit two months earlier than usual, the decline in gestational age also happened earlier. “I think this is a reason » , - said the scientist.

    Well, have you decided on the time of conception? We, in turn. We are sure that any pregnancy can be healthy and happy if you carefully monitor your health, follow all the doctor's prescriptions and think only about the good. And statistics are just statistics! However. Perhaps you have your own statistical observations? Share them!

    Prepared by Ekaterina Ershova

    Maria Sokolova

    Reading time: 7 minutes

    A A

    Couples who calculate in advance all the "pros" and "cons" of conceiving a child by the seasons. Only not everyone succeeds in completely planning the conception of a child. The process of conception should be natural, but there are months that are most pleasant to conceive. To do this, you need to know about the months in more detail and what you will have to experience in one month or another. Read on for tips on when to get pregnant so that your baby is born at the best time of the year.

    Pros and cons of conceiving in the spring

    If you become pregnant in the spring, the baby will be born in the winter. Look at the pros and cons of conceiving in springtime.

    "Pluses" of "spring" conception

    • In the spring the hormone melatonin necessary for the normal development of the fetus is produced ... This hormone helps a woman to bear a child;
    • In the spring air humidity and air temperature are most favorable than at other times of the year. This makes it easier for the pregnant woman to tolerate toxicosis;
    • In the spring happens ... It will be easier for a pregnant woman to get the fruits and vegetables she needs;
    • Emotional uplift and love, which intensifies in the spring, will help to conceive a child.

    Cons of pregnancy since spring

    • The third semester of pregnancy takes place in period of special risk of injury : ice, the risk of accidents and the risk of falls - all this can affect the development of the fetus;
    • Epidemics of acute respiratory infections and influenza fall in the first months of the child's birth. This increases the baby's risk of illness, despite the maternal antibodies that are supposed to protect the baby from illness;
    • The first months of a child's life fall on unfavorable climatic conditions. ;
    • Despite the natural fortification, spring is the peak of vitamin deficiency ... Mom will not receive the necessary vitamins and minerals.

    Pros and cons of pregnancy from June, July, August

    If you become pregnant in the summer, your baby will be born in the spring. Assess the pros and cons of conceiving a baby during the summer months.

    Benefits of conceiving a baby during the summer months

    • Natural vitaminization of the body will allow you to enrich the body and fruit with natural fruits and vegetables at affordable prices;
    • Summer is a time of vacations, rest and positive emotions. You will be able to wave to the sea, relax and recharge with positive emotions.
    • The fetus will be able to receive the required amount of vitamin D , which is necessary for full development;
    • Reducing the risk of disease , which will protect the embryo from miscarriage.

    Cons of conceiving a baby in summer

    • Childbirth occurs in unfavorable months. The peak of hypovitaminosis occurs just during lactation, which can cause milk loss;
    • Traumatic and unfavorable bearing conditions (slush, rain, ice, frost and road accidents).

    Is autumn suitable for conceiving a child?

    If you become pregnant in the fall, your baby will be born in the summer. Look at the pros and cons of conceiving a baby in the fall months.

    Pros of conception in September, October and November

    • During conception and lactation, natural fortification of the body mother and fetus;
    • The last trimester takes place in period of reduction of traumatic situations .

    Cons of "autumn" conception of a child

    • The first trimester of pregnancy occurs in epidemiological outbreaks (influenza, ARI, ODS, etc.). Under the influence of infections, the fetus becomes most vulnerable to a decrease in immunity;
    • The last trimester will be in the summer ... During this time, the pregnant woman is exposed to heat and stuffiness, which complicates the fight against late toxicity. Possible deterioration in the condition of the expectant mother and unforeseen fainting;
    • Autumn - unfavorable time for the production of the hormone melatonin , which ensures the normal course of pregnancy and full bearing of the fetus.

    Pros and cons of conception in December, January, February

    If you become pregnant in the winter, you will have a baby in the fall. You should know the positive and negative aspects of conceiving in winter.

    Pros of Conception in December, January and February

    • Natural vitaminization in the last months of pregnancy. This is important, because at the time of birth, the fetus will be able to stock up on the necessary substances and adapt to extrauterine life;
    • Low probability of missing milk. Your baby will be able to feed on breast milk, which is a huge benefit.

    Cons of conceiving a baby in the winter months

    • The first months of pregnancy coincide with outbreaks of various diseases;
    • Unfavorable weather conditions for walking ... The possibility of injury and loss of a child.

    As you can see, each season has its own pros and cons of conception. There is no 100% favorable month for conceiving a child. In fact, it is not so important when exactly the baby is conceived. It is important that it be out of mutual love. The child should feel the warmth and presence of both parents, then pregnancy in any month will proceed safely.