Fleece hood for jacket pattern. How to sew a beautiful hood. Hood patterns from sewing school a. corfiati. Construction and pattern of a classic-shaped female hood

Hood - the collar is cut out in one piece with the shelf of the product and looks like this

To build a drawing of such a hood, we need patterns for the shelf and back.

1. The groove from the shoulder cut of the back is transferred to the cut of the neck of the back

2. We translate the pattern of the shelf onto paper.

3. To the outlined piece of the shelf we lay the piece of the back so that the tops of the neck of the shelf and the back are connected at one point, let's call it point P. The shoulder section of the back should be a continuation of the shoulder section of the shelf. The middle of the back should be parallel to the middle of the front. We outline the pattern of the back.

4. From the middle of the line of the neck of the back up in a straight line, set aside a segment equal to the measurement of the height of the head Bgol plus an allowance (point B).

5. Through the resulting point B, draw a horizontal line to the left and lay 1.5 cm on it to the left - point B1. We connect point B1 with point A with a straight line.

6. From point B1 to the right, set aside a segment equal to 1/2 of the Sv.h. - point B2.

Swiss hours -the width of the top of the head.

7. We connect the obtained point B2 with the cut of the shelf bead.

Here's what you should get

8. We carry out modeling:
- we change the direction of the groove of the back of the hood (preferably)
- round the corner at point B1 (if there is such a desire)

As a result of all the actions, this is the pattern of the hood, one-piece with a shelf.

The hood has one seam - a middle seam from the middle of the back to the front edge and two undercuts.

The volume of the hood depends on the increase in freedom. The more the increase, the greater the volume.

Designers consider the hood to be one of the main and necessary additions in a jacket, coat, sweatshirt or any sportswear. In addition, the hood is considered an excellent accessory, on which various images, patterns are often depicted, embroidery and postponements are made, and bright lining is added to the image. It's amazing how much this piece of clothing can change a person's outfit and appearance.

Sewing a one-piece hood is easy and anyone can handle it. The main thing is to build a pattern for a hood, since this is what most often causes difficulties for novice seamstresses.

To get started, you need to know:

  1. Head circumference.
  2. Head height.

This kind of hoods usually used for coats, shirts, jackets. It is very practical and convenient as it can be detached later. First of all, before starting modeling, you need to take measurements - the desired length, head circumference, thickness, etc. The pattern of this model is somewhat reminiscent of building a collar, since the beginning of work is performed precisely from a right angle. A segment is drawn from the beginning of point O, which will be after stitching the hood into the clothes. The segment should be no more than 5 centimeters.

From the segment, lay another one horizontally, 2.5 centimeters long, which will show how much the hood will fit to the head. The fit will increase if you make the distance more.

Then we postpone a new segment from point O to point K, which will determine the length of the neck. The main task is to provide a rough sketch of the hood from the side. From the drawn segment of the neck OK, we find there point K1, which is equal to half of the tuck solution - it is approximately equal to 8 to 12 centimeters. This point defines smooth cut on the pattern.

After that we add the length of the product. We make the height from the initial segment, taking into account a couple of centimeters of free fit. This calculation depends entirely on the preferences of the needlewoman, however, do not forget that too long a hood threatens to fall off. Next, we connect the height and the OK segment with smooth lines, forming a mock silhouette of the hood.

Hood without darts

After all the necessary measurements have been made, you can proceed to the process itself, such as building the hood. A pattern of this type is similar to the previous types of product, however, it has its own small details that should be given due attention. This type of design is often used in the sewing society to create a look with a coat.

Helmet Hood

All types of this kind of products have a similar technology when cutting out, therefore, the question of how to build a helmet-shaped hood will have a similar answer as the previous ones. However, there is some little things, which also distinguish this type from the rest: it is worth paying attention to how to sew a hood with other things, for example, a coat or a raincoat, because a large collar can become a hindrance; cut out should also be different, since there is still a clasp.

Children's short coat with a hood this type is a great option for anxious parents, as the high collar provides low airflow.

Large hooded coat

Interest in this model appeared among fans of being in trend for a reason. Recently, world-famous designers have presented their options at fashion shows. different styles coat, complementing this practical and functional wardrobe item with such a pleasant and useful accessory. In addition, the pattern of a coat with a hood is considered for people with basic skills and is perfect for beginners who want not only to get a beautiful thing, but also to develop a skill. The consumption of fabric for an adult model of a coat will be about 2-3 meters, while a child's tailoring requires no more than 1.5 meters.

Your attention is invited to an article that will tell you how to correctly and efficiently sew a pattern for a children's hood. This is a very beautiful and practical element for outerwear, which was created specifically to protect you from cold winds, snow and other nasty weather. It can be conveniently fastened to the neck of the jacket with buttons, zippers, buttons, just sewn into clothes. You can also make a one-piece jacket with a hood. Shown here are just a few handy options. cutout hood for baby.

In order to correctly make the hood, it is necessary to accurately measure the length of the neck of the product, which we will denote as Z.

For constructing of the hood, you need to know the length of the neck of the product (Z), which is equal to the sum of the length of the neck of the back, Ltsp, and the length of the neck in front, Ltp. In the example presented, our parameters are as follows: Z = Ltsp + Ltp = 9 + 12 = 21 centimeters.

Another dimension we need do, this is the parameter for the height of the hood. We denote as Vk. This measurement should be taken from the point of the base of the neck, passing from the right through the highest point of the head, right to the point of the base of the neck on the left, and then we divide the value in half. For our parameters, we get: Bk = 66/2 = 33 centimeters.

Also, do not forget about the increase for a loose fit of the hood. It is taken both in height and in width. Its size depends on the type of model you will be cutting.

Let's consider the option of a set-in hood without a dart and with a dart. After all the necessary measurements have been removed and counted, let's go directly to creating the hood. Both set-in and clip-on are built according to the same scheme. To begin with, let's start building a right angle, the vertex of which is at point O. From our point, draw up the vertical line for stitching the hood.

We mark a new point K. The length of our segment OK will be from two to five centimeters. Further from point K will carry out to the right a horizontal line, its length is the size of the abduction of the midline of our hood from the vertical. Let's put the point K1. The length of KK1 is no more than two centimeters.

From point K1 horizontally O we make a notch with a radius, the length of which is equal to the width of the hood along the line of the set. We will put a new point K2 there. The length of the segment K1K2 is equal to the sum of Z and B, we get: 21 + 2 = 23 centimeters. B is a solution darts, it is equal to two centimeters. It is needed to create a more round shape. Draw a vertical line upward from point K and debug the height of the hood. This will be point K3. The length of KK3 is equal to the sum of Bk and the allowance for free fitting in the height of the hood. Its value varies from one to ten centimeters, or depending on the type of model. In our case, we get 33 + 5 = 38 centimeters.

Further from point K3 we carry out to the right is a horizontal, and on it we mark the width of the hood from above. Let's mark point K4. The length of K3K4 will be equal to K1K2 plus Psh, an increase for a free fit along the width of the hood from above. Its length can be from zero to five centimeters, also depending on the model. In our example, it will be 23 + 3 = 26 centimeters.

Let's draw a straight line from point K4 to point K2. Down from the point K4 on the straight line K2K4 we measure the bevel hood above. Let's put a new point K41. The length of the K4K41 segment will be from zero to four centimeters.

Let's draw a bisector for the angle КК3К4. It is necessary to mark the K3 point on it at a distance of three and a half to five centimeters. At this point we will put the point K31.

We connect points K1, K31 and K41 with a smooth line. This will be the midline of the hood. The front side of the product is designed according to the presented pattern.

In order to correctly form the line of stitching in the hood, it is necessary to connect the points K1 and K2 using a straight line. In the middle of the resulting segment, you need to put the point K5. Through the new point K5, draw a perpendicular up to the straight line K1K2. On it we mark the value of the deflection of the line stitching... We mark point K6. The distance between K5 and K6 ranges from one to one and a half centimeters.

The stitching line of our hood issued through points K1, K6 and K2 with a smooth line. If our model provides for a groove, then from point K6 it is necessary to continue the line K5K6 upward to a distance equal to the length of the dart. We will put point K8 there. The K6K8 segment is six to eleven centimeters. On both sides of the point K6 along the stitching line, draw segments equal to half of the tuck opening. We put new points K6 'and K6' '. After that, we connect these points to the K8 point.

That's all. This version of the hood is ready.

Consider the next model of a hood-helmet. The main feature of such a hood is that a clasp is added to it. The construction is almost identical to the previous one. pattern, which was detailed above.

To build a fastener, it is necessary to set the height upwards from the K2 point protrusion hood for fastening. We will put point K21 there. The length of the K2K21 segment varies from two and a half to seven and a half centimeters. From point K2 to the right, set aside a horizontal segment, which is equal to the width of the side, the value c drawing shelves. We mark the point K10. Then we make out the protrusion for the fastener according to the model. The upper part of the front line of our model of a helmet-hood can be decorated with a corner.

That's all. This hood model is also built.

Now let's move on to the last model our hood, it will be a model with a central insert. This kind of hood is very common in most outerwear. It consists of three parts, two of which are lateral and one central part.

Let's look at how you can calculate the details for the cut. hood... After you have finished building the set-in hood (this is our first pattern), draw lines on the drawing to grind the central part. To do this, it is necessary to draw a line from points K1, K41 and k31 to grind the central part along the model. In our case, it is equal to four centimeters. The line for stitching the central part is formed by a smooth line running parallel to the K1K31K41 line. Our new line goes through points K1 ', K31' and K41 '. To obtain the central part of the hood, you need to measure the segment from point K41 to K41 '. The resulting distance is doubled. Now it is necessary to measure the length of our curved line K1'K31'K41 '. When measuring, place the tape measure on its edge.

Moving on to building rectangle. The short side will be: 4 * 2 = 8 centimeters. The long side is equal to the length of the curved line K1'K31'K41 '. In order for the seam that connects the center piece to the two side pieces for a more neat appearance, the center piece needs carve out along the oblique thread, the angle is 45⁰. It is noteworthy that such a construction of the hood is suitable for both children's clothing and for male and female models.

You can decorate the front line with fur trim, you can also choose other decorative elements. To further decorate our hood, you can additionally sew on "ears", "tails" and other original decorations.

That's all. The third model of the hood ready... Each of them will perfectly protect the child from bad weather, so you can safely choose any pattern. Good luck.
K apyushon is a necessary "option" for such Please note that hoods come in different shapes and sizes. clothing such as jackets, raincoats, sweatshirts, sportswear and winter clothing. Hoods, in addition to their functionality, can become an adornment of clothes, because on the hoods they often make embroidery, stitching, put a bright lining or turn off the edge of the hood with fur.

It is very easy to build a hood pattern and we will show you how to do it. Please note that the hoods can be of different shapes and sizes - close-fitting, semi-close, pivot, fastened to the neckline with a zipper or buttons, with an approach to the fastener, without an approach to the fastener, etc.

According to the pattern-base of the hood, we modeled 2 models of the hood - a hood sewn into the neckline with an opening on the fastener and a hood with an insert in the center, decorated with embroidery.

Sewing School of Anastasia Korfiati
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Hood base pattern

To build a pattern for the hood, you need to take 2 measurements:

Head circumference - 56 cm

Head height - the distance from the junction of the neck with the shoulder to the crown

The collar hood is very practical! To build a pattern for the hood, reshape the shelf of the product completely, deepen the neckline and neckline of the back. Simulate the approach to the fastener, set aside the neckline of the back from the shoulder, build a hood about 30 cm high and about 22 cm wide.

IMPORTANT! Your measurements may vary, so adjustments may be required!

Rice. 4. Hood-collar at the neckline pattern

Remove the hood separately. Cut out 2 shelf parts and 2 hood parts.

Rice. 5. Hood-collar cut details

Sew beautiful things and wear them with pleasure!

Hoods were worn in ancient times on raincoats, they perfectly protected from wind and rain. Now hoods are found on any clothing, such as jackets, raincoats, coats, sweatshirts, and even robes are sewn with hoods. But if your coat, for example, does not have a hood, then it is quite possible to make it yourself.

First you need to decide on the model of the hood. They are of different types: set-in, fastened with a zipper or buttons, hoods with cuffs, with bright lining and decorative details. Whichever hood you decide to sew, you will need for it:
  • pattern paper;
  • material for the hood;
  • lining material - fur, fleece, any soft fabric;
  • threads, scissors, pins;
  • sewing machine.
Responsibly approach the choice of patterns and the construction of the hood. It is easiest to cut it out of two parts, with a dart. You can also sew a three-piece hood with a strip in the middle, or three pieces with a dart. To build a pattern for a hood, you need to measure the length of the neck of the product to which the hood will be sewn, and the height - we measure from the base of the neck through the highest point of the head to its base. It is also necessary to measure the depth of the hood - the distance from the back of the head to the front edge of the hood, the depth can be changed at will. If you are sewing a hood that fastens in front with a button, then add two rectangular pieces to the pattern, from the collarbone to the chin. We start the construction of the pattern with a rectangle, its base is half the length of the neckline, its height is the desired height of the hood. Now round off the top corner of the rectangle. You can additionally cut out a strip that we will sew into the middle of the hood. Or we cut out a hood-cap, with an acute angle in the back of the head. Cut out the finished pattern, put it on the fabric, leaving allowances for the seams and edge processing - 1-2 cm, and pin it to the fabric with pins. We cut out the details of the hood from the fabric, if you are sewing a hood with a lining, then we cut out the lining identically to the hood.

All seams are swept away by hand, darts are sewn first, then the rest of the seams. We measure the hood and adjust it to the desired size and shape. Sew the finished, sour-cream hood on a typewriter. The lining is sewn in the same way as the product itself, then sewn in, the seam runs along the line of its front cut. You can sew the lining deeper than the hood and turn the edge outward to create the cuffs. If you are sewing a set-in hood, now it should be sewn to the main product. If it has buttons or buttons, then we sew the buttons to the neck of the product, and loops must be sewn onto it. Do not forget to process the edges and seams on the hood, sew the button to the clasp. You can also sew the product on a lace, for this you need to sew a strip of fabric through which the lace is passed into the lower cut of the hood.

Sewing a hood according to patterns is not at all difficult; it can be decorated with embroidery or decorative buttons. Approach the sewing process with imagination, and it will become not only protection in bad weather, but also an excellent decoration.