Cossack holiday "the holiday of the first pants". Scenario of the Cossack holiday in the senior group. "The Feast of the First Pants"

A one-year-old Cossack girl was seated on a felt mat in the female part of the house, and the godmother cut off his first strands of hair, which were then preserved throughout his life as a nominal icon.
The trimmed boy was handed over to the men, and they carried him to the church. There a bare horse was waiting for him. The Cossack girl was put astride a horse on a spread silk scarf (in which the first hair was then wrapped) and wondered how he would behave, trying to guess the fate of the future warrior by the slightest signs. Grabs the mane - will be alive. Cries, falls off a horse - to be killed. The horse was led around the church. Then the father took him in his arms, and the godfather put on both of them a belt so that from a distance it seemed: a Cossack was walking down the street with a sword.
At the gates of their native kuren, the Cossacks were met by women.
“Accept the Cossack! Yes, look after him! So that he was not cool, quick to any work, so that he prayed to God and learned to saber! So that he doesn’t beat the little ones, he respects the elders, and he was respectful to his parents ... "
The godmother removed the saber from the father and son with the words:
“Godfather, take a saber, our Cossack still needs to grow. Keep it for the time being."
The godfather accepted the weapon, kept it and handed it to the godson at the age of seventeen, after the youngster was assigned to the regiment. He, the godfather, taught the godson all church customs, but to a greater extent all types of military art. It was believed that a father can be too strict or too soft - since it is his flesh and blood, and the godfather - the spiritual father - will be both strict and fair.
Training began after the holiday of the first trousers. Pants, as a rule, were given by the eldest in the family. It had to be necessarily harem pants. Without this invention of the Scythians, riding was impossible. Everyone congratulated the boy on his first pants, and the Cossack was very proud of them.
This holiday came, depending on the general development of the boy, but, as a rule, from the age of three to five, the Cossack girl was already taught to ride. The training was hard and constant. They taught to shoot from the age of seven, to chop with a sword - from ten. First, they let water in a thin stream and “put a hand” so that the blade would go at the right angle and cut the water without leaving splashes. Then they were taught to “cut the vine”, sitting on a hitching post - on a log, and only then on a war horse, saddled in a fighting way, in a drill. Hand-to-hand combat was taught from the age of three, passing on special techniques kept in each clan.
The boy was brought up much more strictly than the girl, and from a very early age his life was filled with work and study. From the age of five, the boys worked with their parents in the field: they drove oxen to plow, graze sheep and other livestock. But there was still time to play. And the godfather, and the ataman, and the old people made sure that the little boy was “not stopped by”, so that they were allowed to play. But the games themselves were such that in them the Cossack learned either work or martial arts.
At the age of seven, the boy was ritually sheared for the second time. With a skinhead, he went for the first time with the men to the bathhouse, and then to the first confession. At home, after a festive dinner, at which he ate children's sweets for the last time, under the covert tears of his mother, sisters and grandmother, he collected the bed and moved from the nursery to the brothers' room.
The older brothers meticulously examined his clothes and mercilessly threw away everything that they considered too warm or soft.
"All! they said. - Learn to serve! Tea, now you are not a child, but half a Cossack!
From a very early age, the Cossack was aware of himself as a part of the stanitsa society. Traditions brought us the news that in all the old Cossack military circles there were always smart Cossacks. For this solemn occasion, they even sewed festive clothes at the expense of the ataman's treasury. Of course, they did not take part in the disputes of the Cossacks, they had another task - to listen and remember. In especially important cases, there were several such boys. They stood apart from each other so as not to talk to each other, and after the circle they were asked: what did they remember, what was discussed, who said what, who objected to whom, what decision was made ... This is how the people preserved their history. There were old people who spoke with amazing accuracy about the events of a century ago, and when asked how he knew this, the old man answered briefly and simply: “I was there!”
But the most important task of a Cossack girl has always been studying. Schoolchildren enjoyed special respect. Families were proud of them, they behaved on the street with dignity and dignity. Those who were lucky enough to study in the Cadet Cossack Corps or in the gymnasium were known by name to all the inhabitants of the village or farm. They were invited to the board and congratulated on the holidays by the ataman. Even the old people called students and cadets by their first names and patronymics ... But besides this, every Cossack girl learned to work every day, adopting skills from the elders. A seven-year-old boy was quite able to cope with horses and oxen, he could harness and put in a stable. He did not have enough strength to plow on oxen, but harrowing, raking hay on horseback was an exclusively boyish affair.
From spring to autumn, the Cossacks, as a rule, lived in the steppe with flocks or on melons with the elderly. And here the study did not stop for a single day. Cossacks were taught every day to shoot, ride a horse, chop with a saber, fight. *

* Illustrated history of the Fatherland. Cossacks.
Edited by B.A. Almazov. St. Petersburg, "Diamond",



Purpose: To introduce children to the Cossack traditions and rituals.

Enrich children's knowledge about the culture of the Cossacks, holidays.

Gradually introduce Cossack terms into the dictionary of children: assemblies (gatherings, at once (now), kuren, upper room, kruglik, vzvar.

Contribute to the formation of personality, educate aesthetic taste.

Give children pleasure and joy.

Material: Audio recording of the songs "Motor Butterfly", melodies of various Cossack songs (as a background), horses on sticks, buckets, basins, handkerchiefs.

Treat: Kruglik, boiled.

Dictionary work: Assemblies, infection, kuren, upper room, round, blast.

Preliminary work: Learning the songs “Like our hundred”, “If you want to be a military man”, “Saturday”, ditties, acquaintance with Cossack folklore.

Methodical techniques: Reading quatrains, singing songs, playing, dancing.

Children under the Cossack song enter the hall in pairs.

Reb. - Who does not know our group?

Guys here are great!

They all ask for an addition of porridge,

Cossacks are daring.

Reb. - We have a Cossack house,

It contains antiques:

And a jug, a bed and a basin

Remember grandfather's covenants.

Reb. - I will be a brave Cossack,

Wear a saber on a belt,

I won't forget my mother

I will serve my country.

Reb. - Give me a Don horse,

I will jump across the steppe.

Remove our song

I will drink like the Cossacks.

Reb. - Free wind, steppe without edge,

Smoke to the sky by the fire.

Such a camping life

Don Cossack.

Reb. - We are not simple Cossacks,

Please remember that you.

All Cossacks - "Painted",

Garden "Rainbow" with us.

Reb. - We dance and sing,

We wash and erase.

Let's clean the house

And then we play.

Reb. - This is our way of life.

And the kids are growing

All favorites in a row

In a group of Cossacks.

1 Presenter: Cossacks spent the night well, be healthy, dear guests. And why are you so smart and beautiful today?

Children: We have a holiday of the first pants.

1 Presenter: Do you know what kind of holiday this is? And let's go to the assembly to the Cossack and find out everything.

The Cossack song sounds in the hall 2 Leading - Cossack with a round in her hands enters.

Cossack. - My dear guests! Come into my hut, into the upper room. At once we will have assemblies - gatherings, and they are dedicated to the holiday of the first pants. You are already 4 years old and the Cossacks received the first trousers with stripes as a gift at this age. So today you received your first Cossack pants with stripes. The first trousers and hat are a sign of belonging to the Cossacks.

The phonogram of a Cossack song sounds.

Knock on the door.

Cossack: - And here the guests came to our gatherings.

(children of the first class in Cossack clothes enter)

Children: - Healthy day, Cossacks!

Cossack: - Thank God! Come in, dear guests.

1 reb: We are Preobrazhensky Cossacks

Very friendly guys

Century ready to live peacefully

Don - father to serve!

2 reb: Do not offend kids,

To multiply the glory of the ancestors,

Honor the laws of the Cossacks

Everyone is ready from youth.

3 reb: And without a checker and a horse

We can't even live a day

It's not in vain that all Donchaks

We are faithful to the Don-father.

4 reb: Here we are guys-

All dashing Cossacks

Century ready to live in friendship

And cherish Russia!

Children: - We came to you to talk about this and that, and tell you what a Cossack should be like.

1 Reb: Testaments of antiquity in the family of Cossacks,

They have been kept for centuries.

These commandments are holy

Now we will tell you them.

2 reb: Honor and name of the Cossack

Always the most important in life

Treasure honor from childhood

And keep dignity.

If you're wrong, admit it

Don't let malice in your heart

3 reb: I gave the word - keep it,

Treasure the Cossack word!

Remember the word of the Cossack

It has always been true.

It's better to be wise

What an empty promise.

4 reb: Honor old age everywhere,

Don't hate old people.

Elderly Cossack

Consider it like a father

An aged Cossack

Consider your mother.

5 reb: If it's difficult - die,

But save your friend!

In the service, in the house at work,

Fishing, hunting

Help a friend everywhere

Help out if you need to!

6 children: Serve for a century and work for a century

Such is the Cossack life!

Do not be proud of someone else's good,

And live by your work.

Provide for your family

I despise my laziness.

Reb: - Gutarili that you have a holiday of the first trousers today.

Reb: - And we give you horses. After all, from the age of 4, a real Cossack was taught horseback riding.

Cossack: - Thank you kind guests. Here at once we will practice horseback riding.

(an attraction is being held: “Ride a horse in a circle”)

Cossack: - Well, what did we practice riding horses, and now we will play the song "Saturday" as a gift to our guests.

Song "Saturday"

Cossack schoolchildren leave.

Behind the door is heard the singing of a Cossack under the button accordion.

A horse neighs. There is a knock on the door.

Cossack: - Someone else came to us. Come, good man, to our gatherings.

The Cossack Nikolai Nesterov appears.

Cossack: - Healthy day, Cossacks!

Cossack: - Thank God!

Cossack: - I heard how you play songs, let me, I think I'll look at you. Did you recognize me?

Cossack: - We know, we know you Cossack Nikolai. You are from Kalachevsky farm. Thank you for visiting our chamber. Come on, have a seat. Why did you complain to us?

Cossack: - Yes, I'm bringing hay from the farm. This is my assistant Burka

Tired of my beauty, I gave her oats, let her rest.

Grandfather: - I heard from afar how you played the song, but I did not hear it. Do you know many Cossack songs? And I'll check it out now.

The song "Like our hundred"

Cossack: Well done, you know how to play songs.

Cossack: - Of course we can, but we also know how to play ditties

Solo ditties.

Cossack: - Oh, yes, Cossacks! Well done! Can you play songs and ditties, can you dance and dance?

Cossack: - Of course, we can.

Dance: "Washing".

Cossack: Do you know how to arrange games?

Game-attraction "Who will take the whip first"

Song "If you want to be a soldier"

Cossack: - Thank you dear, for the joy. But it's time for me to go home.

Cossack: And we will not let the Cossack go without a song

Cossack: I am also from the edges of the Cossacks

Where Khoper flows into the Don,

My childish days have passed,

And where was the father's house.

There is a Cossack chicken there

There is a real weave!

And the song! Oh what a song!

Any soul will please!

And the dance one? After all, in place

None of you will sit!

Cossack: - And at once we will play the songs “Oh Don Cossacks”, “Young Commander”.

Cossack: I have time to go. (Whistles) Where is my Burka, I'll go and drink her cold water from Buzuluk. (leaves).

Cossack: - Well, well, my dear guests, I invite you to taste the round and drink the brew.

Target: Introduce children to Cossack traditions and rituals.

Tasks:- Enrich the knowledge of children and their parents about the Cossack traditions.

To form moral and patriotic feelings and spirituality in preschoolers.

Contribute to the solution of problems of the creative development of the individual.





Prepared by music director

Ozhegova Irina Vladimirovna


With. Konstantinovka

Target: Introduce children to Cossack traditions and rituals.

Tasks: - Enrich the knowledge of children and their parents about the Cossack traditions.

To form moral and patriotic feelings and spirituality in preschoolers.

Contribute to the solution of problems of the creative development of the individual.

Vocabulary work:

The house is a chicken.

The bucket is a cybarka.

Basket - sapetka.

Pitcher - glechek.

Tulip - azure.

The rooster is a cockerel.

Preliminary work:Learning the songs “Guests have come to us”, “Let’s go to the garden for raspberries”, “If you want to be a military man”, “March of the Cossacks” and Cossack dances, acquaintance with Cossack folklore.

The course of the holiday

Comes out to the music of the Cossack.

Cossack: Have a good day! Dear guests, Cossacks and Cossacks!

We gathered today for the Cossack holiday, which is called the "Feast of the First Pants." Our children are already 5 years old, and the Cossacks at this age received the first trousers with stripes as a gift. And our Cossacks today put on their Cossack outfits for the first time.

The exit of the Cossacks under the Cossack song "We are the Cossacks."

1. I will be brave as a Cossack,

Wear a saber on a belt.

I won't forget my mother

I will serve my country.

2. Free wind, steppe without edge,

Smoke to the sky by the fire.

Such a camping life

At the Amur Cossack.

3. We have a Cossack house,

It contains old items:

And a jug, a bed and a basin,

Remember grandfather's covenants.

4. Who does not know our group?

Guys here are great!

They all ask for an addition of porridge,

Cossacks are daring.

5. We are not simple Cossacks,

Please remember that you.

All Cossacks, we are Amur,

In the group "Sun" with us.

6. We dance and sing,

We wash and erase

Let's clean the house

And then we play.

7. Give me a dashing horse,

I will jump across the steppe.

Remove our song

Let's drink like Cossacks

The song "Guests have come to us."

After the song, the children pass, sit on chairs.

A horse neighs. Knock on the door.

Cossack: And here are the guests who came to us for the holiday.

(Cossacks enter, lyceum).

Children: Have a great day, Cossacks!

Cossack: Thank God!

Cossack: Gutarili that you have a holiday of the first trousers today.

Cossack: And then!

1. Testaments of antiquity in the family of Cossacks,

They have been kept for centuries.

These commandments are holy

Now we will tell you them.

2. Honor and name of the Cossack,

Always the most important in life.

Treasure honor from childhood

And keep dignity.

If you're wrong, then admit it

Don't let malice in your heart.

3. I gave the word - keep it,

Treasure the Cossack word.

Remember, the word of the Cossack,

It has always been true.

It's better to be wise

What a waste of a promise.

4. Read old age everywhere,

Don't hate old people.

old Cossack,

Respect as a Father.

An elderly Cossack

Consider your mother.

5. If it's difficult - die,

But save your friend!

At work, at home, at work,

fishing, hunting,

Help a friend everywhere

Help out if needed!

6. Serve for a century and work for a century -

Such is the Cossack life!

Do not be proud of someone else's good,

And live by your work.

Provide for your family

I despise my laziness.

From the age of 5, a real Cossack was taught horseback riding. That's why we give you horses.

Cossack: Thank you kind guests. (guests leave).

Just now, guys, you will practice horseback riding

Competition: "Who is the first."

For this I need a Cossack! And two Cossacks - come out! Task: a Cossack woman holding scarves. And the Cossacks must jump from a sunflower to another sunflower, return and be the first to take a handkerchief from a Cossack. Who won first!

A horse neighs. Knock on the door.

Cossack: More guests have come to visit us.

The Cossack appears.

Cossack: Have a great day, Cossacks!

All: Thank God!

Cossack: Whose will you be?

Cossack: Call me Andrey. Stanichnik Konstantinovsky.

Cossacks came to congratulate on the holiday! Yes, test them. Do they know how to talk like a Cossack? Well, tell me what's in the picture?

The house is a chicken.

The bucket is a cybarka.

Basket - sapetka.

Pitcher - glechek.

Doll - kundyubochka, bolezarochka.

Tulip - azure.

The rooster is a cockerel.

Cossack: There are many Cossack words, and you can’t count them all. Well, how did you manage?

Cossack: You play nice, a glorious generation is growing up with us on the Amur.

Cossack: Come in, sit down, Cossack Andrey, and the Cossacks will tell you what Cossack commandments they knew:

1. Honor and a good name for a Cossack is more precious than life.

2. Cossacks are all equal in rights.

3. Honor elders, respect old age.

4. Hold on to the faith of your ancestors, act according to the customs of your people.

5. Keep your word, the word of a Cossack is expensive.

6. Die, and help out a comrade.

7. Take care of your family, serve as an example for her.

Cossack: Ljubo, well done Cossacks?

Cossack: And I will sit next to you on a chair, I will sit with you. I'll guess riddles for you, who's smart I'll see.

1. He rides on someone else's back, and carries others on his back. (Cossack in combat bearing.)

2. A shaggy Cossack, a sash in the middle, walks around the yard, putting things in order.(Broom.)

3. The crooked one carried two brothers to the Don to swim, while the brothers are swimming, the crooked one is lying around idle. (Buckets and yoke).

Cossack: Let the Cossacks please the people, who will manage the work ahead.

Who will go for water, bring it? And he won't spill water in buckets.

Competition: "With a yoke."

Cossack: The Cossacks are cheerful people, they live well. And in free minutes, they dance and sing.

Song "If you want to be a soldier"

Dance "Brave Ataman"

Cossack: And now the game is such, not even a simple one, you guys need to be together.

Cossack kuren build together.

The game "Kuren".

Cossack: Our Cossack women are famous everywhere, everyone loves our dances.

Come out, beauties of the Cossacks, and walk in all its glory!

Dance "With handkerchiefs"

Cossack: The glory of the Cossacks has always floated in Rus'. Cossacks still glorify their beloved land.

The song "Let's go to the garden for raspberries"

Cossack : Today is an occasion to sincerely say, Words and congratulations are simple:

Warmth and optimism to wish the future Cossacks of Russia.


Cossack: Dear guests guys! Our holiday is coming to an end.

You have been proved today: What flows, after all.

There is blood in our veins - Amurtsev!

What is our Cossack glory,

We are rightful heirs

What traditions do we observe,

Let's cherish the memory!

Song "March of the Cossacks"

So that you remember this day, we baked a cake for you. Our gracious guests, I invite you to taste the pie and drink a glass of water.

Based on materials from the history of the Cossacks prepared by A. Petrov, "Zakubanie"

The boy had his first haircut when he was one year old. This rite is described in ancient Russian chronicles as a grand-princely one, and it is not known whether it came to Rus' from the steppe, or to the steppe from Rus'. Or maybe it was common to all combatants: the steppe people, the Slavs, and the Varangians. But the Cossacks have preserved it to this day.

A one-year-old Cossack girl was seated on a felt mat in the female part of the house, and the godmother cut off his first strands of hair, which were then preserved for the rest of his life as a nominal icon. The trimmed boy was handed over to the men, and they carried him to the church. There a bare horse was waiting for him. The Cossack girl was put astride a horse on a spread silk scarf (in which the first hair was then wrapped) and wondered how he would behave, trying to guess the fate of the future warrior by the slightest signs. Grabs the mane - will be alive. Cries, falls off a horse - to be killed. The horse was led around the church. Then his father took him in his arms, and the godfather put on both of them a sword belt so that from a distance it seemed: a Cossack was walking along the street with a saber.

At the gates of the native kuren, the Cossacks were met by women. "Accept the Cossack! Yes, keep an eye on him! So that he is not cool, quick to any work, so that he prays to God and learns to saber! So that he does not hurt the little ones, respects the elders, and is more respectful to his parents ..."

The godmother took off the saber from the father and son with the words: "Take the saber, godfather, our Cossack still needs to grow. Keep it until the deadline." The godfather accepted the weapon, kept it and handed it to the godson at the age of seventeen, after the youngster was assigned to the regiment. He, the godfather, taught the godson all church customs, but to a greater extent all types of military art. It was believed that a father can be too strict or too soft, since it is his flesh and blood, and the godfather - the spiritual father - will be both strict and fair.

Training began after the "holiday of the first trousers". Pants, as a rule, were given by the eldest in the family. It had to be necessarily harem pants. Without this invention of the Scythians, riding was impossible. Everyone congratulated the boy on his first pants, and the Cossack was very proud of them.

This holiday came depending on the general development of the boy, but, as a rule, from the age of three to five, the Cossack girl was already taught to ride. The training was hard and constant. They taught to shoot from the age of seven, to chop with a sword - from ten. First, they let out a thin stream of water and "put a hand" so that the blade went at the right angle and cut the water without leaving splashes. Then they were taught to "cut the vine", sitting on a hitching post - on a log, and only then on a war horse, saddled in a combat, in a military manner. Hand-to-hand combat was taught from the age of three, passing on special techniques that were preserved in each clan.

The boy was brought up much more strictly than the girl, and from a very early age his life was filled with work and study. From the age of five, the boys worked with their parents in the field: they drove oxen to plow, graze sheep and other livestock. But there was still time to play. And the godfather, and the ataman, and the old people made sure that the little boy was "not stopped by" in order to be allowed to play. But the games themselves were such that in them the Cossack learned either work or martial arts.

One of the most beloved was the ancient game of shepherds - dziga, or head over heels, which was played from morning to evening. A specially made toy, similar to both a bobbin of thread and a spinning top, was whipped with whips. The conditions were very different: trying not to drop, they drove a jigs along the route, raced ... Special masters managed to make amazing tricks with head over heels, throwing it up in the air or hitting it at a target many meters away. There were team competitions, there were fights when they knocked down jigs of opponents ... Despite the fact that adults considered "chasing head over heels" an empty occupation, it was it that developed an eye, reaction, dexterity, endurance, and simply taught shepherd's possession of a whip and combat ability to handle with a whip.

At the age of seven, the boy was ritually sheared for the second time. With a skinhead, he went for the first time with the men to the bathhouse, and then to the first confession. At home, after a festive dinner, at which he last ate children's sweets, secretly shedding tears by his mother, sisters and grandmother, he made up the bed and went from the nursery to the brothers' room.

The older brothers meticulously examined his clothes and mercilessly threw away everything that they considered too warm or soft. "That's it!" they said. "Learn to serve! Chai, now you're not a child, but half a Cossack!"

From that moment on, only men could punish the boy (or, if the father died or died, only the mother). Women had no right to interfere in his upbringing. And when the elders left the house, he remained for the owner. “Look,” my father said, “you have a house and women. Look at the household.” And if at first this could not be taken quite seriously, then at the age of ten the Cossack girl already fully understood the measure of responsibility and really was the support of the house and family.

From a very early age, the Cossack was aware of himself as a part of the stanitsa society. Traditions brought us the news that in all the old Cossack military circles there were always smart Cossacks. For this solemn occasion, he even sewed, at the expense of the ataman's treasury, festive clothes. Of course, they did not take part in the disputes of the Cossacks, they had another task - to listen and remember. In especially important cases, there were several such boys. They stood apart from each other so as not to talk to each other, and after the circle they were asked: what did they remember, what was discussed, who said what, who objected to whom, what decision was made ... This is how the people preserved their history. There were old people who spoke with amazing accuracy about the events of a century ago, and when asked how he knew this, the old man answered briefly and simply: "I was there!"

The boys were always present at the breeding of boundary lines. Moreover, after the boy with his eyes closed repeated all the signs and signs of the border, he could suddenly be hit with a hand and a whip. The explanation was something like this: “Forgive me, son, this is not a reproach and not a punishment for you ... The wound is healing, but the memory is forgetful. And you will forget everything over the years, but this is how you were hit for nothing You will remember the century, and with that, all the boundaries of the stanitsa yurt.

But the most important task of the Cossack has always been studying. Schoolchildren enjoyed special respect. Families were proud of them, they behaved on the street with dignity and dignity. Those who were lucky enough to study in the Cadet Cossack Corps or in the gymnasium were known by name to all the inhabitants of the village or farm. They were invited to the board and congratulated on the holidays by the ataman. Even the old people called students and cadets by their first names and patronymics ... But besides this, every Cossack girl learned to work every day, adopting skills from the elders. A seven-year-old boy was quite able to cope with horses and oxen, he could harness and put in a stable. He did not have enough strength to plow on oxen, but harrowing, raking hay on horseback was an exclusively boyish affair.

From spring to autumn, the Cossacks, as a rule, lived in the steppe with flocks or on melons with the elderly. And here the study did not stop for a single day. Cossacks were taught daily to shoot, ride a horse, chop with a saber, and fight.

The sons of Cossack officers were given less time for children's games than the sons of ordinary Cossacks. As a rule, from the age of five or seven, their fathers took them to replaceable hundreds, regiments and took them with them to the service, often to the war.