Class hour “rules of personal hygiene. dental care. nails and hair. Home training step by step - hygienic manicure

Nails and hand skin need special care, so you need to pay special attention to your pens, and not at all limit yourself to visiting a manicurist once a month. The need for weekly nail and hand skin improvement is called hygienic manicure, about the technology of execution and the types of which you will learn.

A manicure is a cosmetic procedure focused on correcting nails and fingers. It is possible to carry out the treatment of the nail plates and the caring complex for the fingers both in a professional beauty salon and at home. The manicure procedure allows you to preserve the beauty and health of nails and fingers, and also acts as a kind of prevention of diseases associated with nails and skin of the hands.

The procedure of hygienic manicure is undertaken in order to equalize the length of the nail plates, give them the necessary shape, get rid of burrs and cracks, remove jagged nails and make the skin of the fingers fresh and smooth. If you will carry out this procedure in a beauty salon. The master will steam the hands in a special bath filled with soapy water, then one by one he will process each nail, level them, file, if necessary, move or remove the cuticle and thickenings formed near the nails. To avoid the occurrence of cracks on the nails, the master treats the plates with oil, and finishes the process with a hand massage.

In general terms, we note that hygienic manicure can include procedures such as:

  • Bath for softening the skin of hands and nails
  • Correction, polishing of nails
  • Care of nail plates and fingers
  • Nail painting.

You will find out detailed information on how to carry out a hygienic manicure at home and what is needed for this by reading our article to the end.

To prepare for the procedure of hygienic manicure at home, you need to "arm" with certain means. We will present you with a basic list, which you can independently supplement the missing attributes or remove something from it.

  • A tub filled with soapy water. For the procedure, you can use scented liquid soap, as well as decorate the water with flower petals or add a couple of drops of essential oil.
  • Antiseptic. Allows you to cleanse the surface of the hands.
  • Manicure scissors or nail clippers. You can use both kinds of tools, or one or the other. You can also stock up on rounded scissors to remove cuticles. As an alternative to scissors and tweezers, you can use special nail files and cuticles, with which you can shorten the nails or get rid of the skin around the plates.
  • Nail files. Depending on how many and what types of files you have, the number of files may vary. If you have a multi-sided multi-sided nail file for filing, sanding and shining nails, then this may be enough. If you do not have such a multifunctional file, you need to use different types of files.
  • Nail oil. It will keep nails from flaking and allow them to stock up on essential vitamins and minerals.
  • Acetone-free nail polish remover. Allows you to remove old varnish.
  • Nail polish. You can also use a base varnish, which is applied to the flat surface of the nails to protect the plates from delamination and the destructive effects of decorative varnish, as well as a hardener varnish, which prolongs the service life of the decorative varnish.
  • Hand cream. Useful for hand massage and skin protection for delicate hands.
  • Towel. You will wipe the handles with it after taking the bath.
  • Cotton wool, cotton swabs.
  • Lemon juice. Useful for polishing and shining nails. Ordinary chalk will also work for this. You can use a special product to whiten the tips of your nails.
  • Orange stick. Helps to push back the cuticle.

Ugly nails have never brought success and pleasure to anyone. Every woman is obliged to take care of her hands and nails. Once a week, it is necessary to carry out a hygienic manicure procedure, which involves going through the following stages:

  • Hand cleansing process. To do this, you should use an antiseptic solution, which can be purchased at any cosmetics department.
  • Getting rid of old varnish. It is necessary to get rid of the old varnish before the steaming process. To do this, moisten a cotton swab with nail polish remover.
  • Alignment of the nail plates. At this stage, you need to pick up a nail file and give the claws the desired look, align their shape and length. Do not forget that if due to professional characteristics (for example, you work as a teacher at school), you should not leave your nails long, despite their beauty. In certain professions, it is simply not acceptable to have long nails. It will not look aesthetically pleasing, and it will also cause inconvenience. If you have thumbs, then in this case it is better to give preference to short nails.

When aligning the nail plates, remember that dry marigolds only need to be filed and cannot be cut with tweezers or nail scissors. Also, do not forget that proper filing of nails involves movement from the corner of the nail plate to its center. If the tool you are using is not very good, then it is recommended to file the nails in only one direction. If you drive the nail file back and forth, this will lead to delamination of the nail plate. Exceptions to this rule are ceramic sealed files and Bohemian glass nail files. Pay attention to how close you hold the file to your skin. If you file a nail very close to the skin, it will lead to the formation of a wound. It is impossible to cut the sides - this is the first step towards weakening and fragility of the nail.

If you use tongs to correct your nails, keep them at right angles. If skin wounds or cuts appear, use a hydrogen peroxide solution.

  • Taking a bath. Pour warm water and a little liquid soap into a bowl. Hold your hands in foamed water for 5-10 minutes. dry your hands with a towel.
  • Cuticle treatment. After the handles are dry, remove the cuticle or push it back with an orange stick. To remove the cuticle, you can use a special solution, after applying which it is enough just to gently push it back with a stick.
  • Cleaning the nail plates. This stage involves not only getting rid of dirt near and under the nail plates, but also removing burrs and rough skin. If you ignore these actions, then oxygen will be cut off to the nail. Due to the lack of nutrition for the plates, they will become fragile and brittle, the process of their growth will slow down.
  • Nail polishing. This procedure should not be neglected and it is enough to do it 1-2 times a month. Nail polishing is recommended for girls who do not use decorative varnish, because it makes their nails exfoliate and become fragile. You can use lemon juice or chalk for polishing. This requires a small piece of flannel cloth, on which you need to apply a couple of drops of lemon juice or rub with chalk. After applying the selected product, the nail must be rubbed with a cloth until it shines.
  • Whitening the edge of the nail. You need to use a special tool or a whitening pencil for nails.
  • Brush massage. Apply a nourishing hand cream enriched with calcium to nourish the marigolds on the skin of the hands, fingers and nails. Massage involves alternately kneading and stroking the wrist, hand, each finger, and the skin around the fingers.
  • Hand cleansing. After the massage and the process of whitening the regrown edge of the nail, it is necessary to cleanse the hands again in order to get rid of traces of these funds. Again, you need to lower your hands in a bath with soapy water and wipe them.
  • Varnish application. On even polished smooth nails, first apply base varnish, then decorative colored varnish and fixer varnish. The hygienic manicure is over!

Varieties of hygienic manicure

There are several types of hygienic manicure that you can carry out both at home and in a beauty salon. When choosing the latter, the cost of services can vary from 500 to 2000 rubles, depending on the authority of the salon and the master.

  • Classic manicure. It is called edged or "wet". This is the simplest option that any salon will offer you. During this procedure, hands should be soaked in a special solution that makes the cuticle softer in order to get rid of it painlessly and easily. The cost of this service, in addition to the credibility of the salon, also depends on the solution that the master will use. It can be a composition of pure drinking water and sea salt, or a unique chemical composition. After taking such a bath, the cuticle is removed with a stick. All the procedures that we told you about in the previous part of the article are carried out.
  • European unedged manicure. This type differs from the classic manicure in that there is no need to take a bath that softens the cuticle. Instead of a solution of salt and drinking water, a solution of fruit acids is immediately applied to the cuticle, however, the master may suggest taking a bath at last, after removing the cuticle. Further, the steps are typical for a classic manicure - varnish application, massage, etc.
  • Hardware manicure. This type of manicure is a type of the European version, but it differs from it in that it is not fruit acids that are used to remove the cuticle, but a special apparatus with a corresponding attachment. This type of manicure is recommended for women and girls with very weak, thin nails.
  • Spa manicure. This is perhaps one of the most pleasant procedures that one could think of for nails. Spa manicure involves steaming in a bath, and peeling, and applying masks, and massage and even wrapping.

Pay attention to the health of your nails and skin of your hands at least once a week. However, the best option would be if you examine your hands and do a massage every day, because it is so useful and enjoyable!

Proper nail care is a simple matter, but it requires regularity. If you stick to some rules, your hands will look great.

The importance of nail hygiene

The main function of nails is to protect sensitive fingertips from various injuries. The condition of the nails can tell a lot about a person's health, since various diseases (in particular, a lack of certain vitamins and minerals) spoil the appearance nails. In addition to internal factors, environmental factors also affect the nails. Unkempt damaged nails are especially vulnerable to various infectious diseases. Fungi and bacteria multiply quickly enough under the nails, which can easily enter the body. It is not for nothing that there is such a thing as “dirty hands disease”. Due to neglect of basic hygiene rules, people often contract the flu, colds and other infectious diseases. Doctors have long noticed that washing hands with soap after coming from the street, before eating and after using the toilet significantly reduces the likelihood of contracting the flu. And, in the end, unkempt nails look very unattractive. And this applies not only to the fair sex, but also to men, who must also properly care for the nails of the hands and feet.

Hand washing

Most people do not pay attention to their nails when washing their hands, which makes a big mistake. Hands should be washed thoroughly before and after meals, and after coming home, especially if you have been on public transport. When washing your hands, don't just rinse. The use of soap is a must, but preference should be made in favor of a mild soap. Particular attention should be paid to the area under the nails where dirt and pathogenic microbes accumulate. If you have long nails, it will take longer to wash your hands as more dirt collects under the long nails. In this sense, it is better to keep your nails short.

Home manicure

Many women prefer to take care of their nails not in special salons, but at home, despite the fact that home manicure is a simple procedure.

Initially, you need to make a nail bath. This softens the skin, cuticles and nail plates. After the bath, you need to wipe your hands with a towel, after which you can start working on your nails. Manicure scissors or special tweezers are used to shape the nail plates. Further correction is carried out using a nail file, preferably glass, since such files gently polish the edges without damaging the structure of the nail.

You need to be as careful as possible with the cuticle. If you cut it off inaccurately, it can cause an infection under the skin. In this regard, more and more women and men prefer the so-called "unedged" manicure, in which the cuticle is not cut, but softened with special means, and then moved with a special stick.

After carrying out all procedures, apply to hands and nails. . To do this, you should use special moisturizing and nourishing creams for hands and nails.

Before applying the varnish, the nails need to be degreased in order for the varnish to hold well.

Toenail care

Many women believe that toenail care should be done only in the summer season - in the season of flip-flops and sandals. This is a misconception, as the toenails, like the hands, require regular maintenance throughout the year.

Wearing the right shoes is a fundamental prerequisite for caring for your toenails. As you know, it is the toenails that are most susceptible to fungal diseases. Excessive moisture contributes to this, as well as non-compliance with basic rules regarding foot hygiene. Never go barefoot in public places (baths, swimming pools, saunas, gyms), and do not measure shoes on bare feet. Pay great attention to your shoes, they should not let moisture through, and at the same time, the shoes should "breathe". In the cold season at work, it is advisable to have removable shoes so that your feet do not sweat. Feet should be washed every day and dried thoroughly after washing.

As in the case of a manicure, it is also advisable to do a pedicure "unedged" with the cuticle moving aside, which will save you from possible infections. on the feet, cut as short as possible, while maintaining a straight cut line to prevent ingrowth of the nail.

If the nails (both on the hands and on the feet) change color and shape, then with a high degree of probability one can judge about a fungal disease of the nails. In this case, you need to consult a dermatologist who identifies the cause of the disease and prescribes adequate treatment.

Questions From Readers

18 October 2013, 17:25 Good evening! Help me please. 2 months ago I increased my nails. a week after the extension, a light spot appeared on the nail (little finger). I thought there was air under the tipsu. But when I took off the extended nails, it became clear that the nail had come off by half !! I didn't hit anywhere. Tell me, please, what can it be? And how is it to be treated? Thanks a lot.

Class hour



Classroom teacher

1 "B" class Skryokhina T.A.

Target: consolidation of knowledge about some of the rules of personal hygiene.

Tasks: to form in children an idea of ​​the basic rules of personal

hygiene; promote understanding of the need to implement them,learn

correctly perform some actions for the hygiene of the oral cavity, hands;

to form the ability to explain their choice of behavior option; to contribute to the education of neatness, neatness to their appearance and preservation of health.

During the classes:

    Organization of the beginning of the lesson.

Are you ready, eyes?(Stroking the eyelids)
(Look through binoculars)
Are you ready, ears?
(Place palms on ears, stroking them)
Are you ready, pens?
(Clap their hands)
Are you ready, legs?
! (Stroke their feet, stomp)
You are ready?
(They spread their arms to the sides and hug themselves)

II. Statement of the theme and purpose

- Look at the blackboard. Do you like the people in the pictures? What makes these people very attractivemi? (Hairstyle, smile, etc.)

- Notice how beautiful their hair and teeth are. Tell me, can those around you like a person with unkempt hair, dirty nails and who, moreover, have yellow and ugly teeth? As in one poem.

(The child reads the poem "Slob".)


He doesn't need the sidewalk:

Unbuttoning the collar

Through ditches and puddles

He walks straight ahead.

He does not want to carry a portfolio, -

Dragging him along the ground.

The belt slid to the left side.

A wedge has been torn from the leg.

I confess that I do not understand

What was he doing?

Where he was?

How spots appeared on the forehead

Purple ink?

Why is there clay on the trousers?

Why the cap is a pancake

And the collar is unbuttoned?

Who is this student?

- Today in the lesson we will talk about what rules are necessarymoobserve each person so that his appearance is pleasing to the people around him.

III. Knowledge update

ZagAbout personal hygiene items.

- Guess riddles about objects that help a person to be clean on a daily basis.

Smooth and fragrant.

Washes very clean.

NECESSARYso that everyone has.

What is it?(Soap.)

Wafer and striped.

Smooth and shaggy

Always at hand.

What it is?(Towel.)

Bone back.

Stiff bristles

Friends with mint paste

Serves us diligently.(Toothbrush.)

As many as 25 teeth.

For curls and tufts.

And under each tooth

LIEhair in a row.(Comb.)

I AM saw my portrait,

Moved away - no portrait.(Mirror.)

Rubber Akulinka

I went for a walk on the back.(Sponge.)

Lay in my pocket and watch

Roar, Crybaby and Dirty.

They will have streams of tears in the morning,

Notforget and about the nose.(Handkerchief.)

What are all these items called? (Personal hygiene products.)

- What are they needed for?

- What items should not be given to anyone? Why?

Ophthalmic pause.

IV. Group work.

A so that no onenot

(Dramatization of the poem)

A very scary story

Mom says to her son:

- You look awful

I need to wash my hair.

And then another cut.

The boy frowns stubbornly.

Mom must have lagged behind fashion:

Wash your hair with shampoo,

To cut them in the hairdresser -

These are just relics

It is high time to forget them.

Time flies like a bird

Hair stuck together like glue.

And they look like a burr.

He has grown them to the shoulders,

I forgot to take care

Trimdoes not give them.

Their the comb does not take.

Long hair and skin

Require daily care!

If you want to be beautiful

To the hairdresser NECESSARY walk!

NS. Uspensky

Group 2. Nail care

Nails should be trimmed regularly.

On hands - once a week, on legs - once every 2-3 weeks (they grow more slowly).

water. The nails are softened.

Group 3. "Why do teeth hurt?"

● -

The first teeth, milk, appear in a person in the first year of life. By the age of 6-7, there are 20 of them.

Some of them have already fallen out, in their place new, permanent ones have erupted. By the age of 10-11, milk teeth usually lose weight, being replaced by permanent ones.

● - What are teeth for?

(The teacher reads a poem.)

Like our Lyuba

Like uour Lyuba

Teeth ached:

Weak, fragile -

Baby, milk ...

Wholeday poor thing moans,

He drives his girlfriends away:

- I have no time for you today!

Mom regrets the girl

The rinse in the cup warms up.

He does not take his eyes off the daughter.

Papa regrets Lyubochka.

Glues the doll out of paper.

What to do with my daughter

To make painDENTALtake off?..

S. Mikhalkov

- Why do you think Lyuba's teeth hurt? (The tooth is damaged, there is a hole in it)

- Why did the damage appear?

- 3 lips are covered with enamel. It is hard and protects teeth from damage. But if your teeth are not properly looked after or eaten improperly, holes (caries) appear.

- A hole in a tooth always hurts. And bad teeth harm other organs - the stomach, kidneys, etc.

- How should you care for your teeth? (After every meal, as well as in the morning and in the evening, rinse your mouth or brush your teeth.)

- Who knows what every person needs to have to care for their teeth? (Toothbrush, paste)

- Choose a brush with smooth, soft bristles. Wash it regularly. Change every 3 months. How to properly brush your teeth?

How to eat, clean zu bki.

Do this twice a day.

Choose fruit over candy.

Very important products.

So that the tooth does not bother.

Remember this rule:

We go to the dentist

Twice a year for an appointment,

And then the smiles are light

V. Consolidation of what has been learned

Group performance.

Didactic game "Yes - no"

If my advice is good.

You clap your hands.

To the wrong advice

Say no. no no.

Constantly NECESSARY there is

For your teeth

Fruits, vegetables, scrambled eggs.

Cottage cheese, curdled milk.

This is my owl T good?

Do not chew on the cabbage leaf.

It is absolutely, completely tasteless.

Better eat chocolate.

Waffles, sugar, marmalade.

Is this the right advice?

Lyuba told mom:

- I will not brush my teeth.

And now our Lyuba

A hole in every, every tooth.

What is your answer?

To give shine to teeth,

Need a cream shoe take.

Squeeze out, half a tube

And brush your teeth?

This is the correct advice ""

Vi. Summing up the lesson.

- How not to be dirty? Were we able to answer this question?

- What personal hygiene items should every student have?

A letter to all children on one very important question

Polish poet J. Tuwim

My dear children!

I am writing you a letter:

I ask you to wash more often

Your hands and face.

It is imperative to wash

In the morning, in the evening and in the afternoon -

Before every meal.

After sleep and before sleep.

Rub with a sponge and washcloth.

Be patient - it doesn't matter

And ink and jam

Wash off soap and water.

My dear children!

I beg you very, very much -

Wash more often, wash cleaner.

I AM I can't stand filth.

I will not shake hands with dirty people.

I will not go to visit them,

I wash myself very cleanly.


Your Tuwim

- Why are cleanliness and health related? (Compilation of a cluster. "Rules of personal hygiene.")

Health Longevity Confidence

Friendly communication Personal rules




- How do you understand the meaning of proverbs.

Cleanliness is the best beauty.

He who is accurate is pleasant to people.

- You have a picture, place it in one of the suggested answers to the next question. “I follow the rules of personal hygiene because ... .. (answer options)

1. On this insist 2. Nice to friends. 3. It is necessary for me adults. yourself.


Annex 1

Group assignments

1 group. Explain how to care for your hair.

Scientists have determined that hair can live on average 2 to 4 years. During this time, they manage to grow by 12-15 cm.

To keep your hair healthy, clean, you need to take care of it, first of all, comb it daily.

Brushing removes dust and dirt from the hair. At least once a week, the head should be washed with hot water and soap or shampoo.

A so that no onenotI had to go through a story that happened to one boy, his hair must be cut regularly.

Group 2. Tell about nail care.

Nails protect the fingertips from injury.

But they can also become harmful to humans if they are grown and not kept clean.

Then a large number of pathogenic microbes can accumulate under the nails.

Nails should be trimmed regularly. On hands - once a week, on legs - once every 2-3 weeks (they grow more slowly).

It is recommended to keep hands and feet in warm soapy water before the procedure.

water. The nails are softened.

The cut of the nail should be semicircular. If nails are not trimmed properly, sharp edges can grow into the skin and cause pain and inflammation.

Group 3. "Why do teeth hurt?"

Explain the cause of the dental disease. How to maintain a beautiful smile?

● - How many teeth do you have? What are they?

The first teeth, milk, appear in a person in the first year of life.

By the age of 6-7 years, they become 20. Some of them have already dropped out, new, permanent ones have cut through in their place.

By the age of 10-11, milk teeth usually lose weight, being replaced by permanent ones.

If a person loses a permanent tooth, a new one will not grow in its place.

● - What are teeth for?

They grind food, without teeth it is impossible to correctly pronounce sounds, etc.

Appendix 2


To keep your fingers and toes looking healthy and well-groomed, nail hygiene is essential. How to do it right, you will learn from this article. We will tell you about the rules of home manicure and pedicure, care for extended nails and nails affected by the fungus.

Hygiene of nails is a simple but important procedure that gives an attractive appearance to the hands and feet. But the main thing is that the general state of human health depends on the state of the nail plate and the skin around it.

The Importance of Regular Hand and Toe Nail Care

The nail plate is designed to protect the tips of the fingers and toes from the negative effects of the environment. On the other hand, if you do not follow the rules of hygiene, nails become carriers of bacteria, viruses, fungi. Pathogens, located on the limbs, easily move to other parts of the body, infecting the entire body, which leads to intoxication.

Do you think that nail fungus is primarily an aesthetic problem?


Home manicure rules

If you prefer to do your manicure at home, follow this algorithm:

  1. Disinfect the manicure tool and fingers with disinfectants.
  2. Use a soapy water hand bath to soften the cuticles.
  3. Dry your hands with a soft towel, apply moisturizer, oil, or special cuticle cleaner.
  4. Examine each finger carefully. If there are burrs, cut them off with wire cutters or scissors.
  5. Trim your nails to the desired shape. On the hands, the side edges are usually rounded.
  6. File your nails. For this, it is better to use a glass file, as it does not injure the nail structure.
  7. Using a special bamboo stick, gently push back the cuticle. This will help cut it out as much as possible.
  8. Now go about cutting the cuticles with a pair of scissors or nippers. This must be done with extreme care to avoid damage. Firstly, you will bleed, and secondly, infection may occur, and the wound will heal for a long time.
  9. If you have not yet learned how to skillfully use the tools, you can get an unedged manicure. To do this, a special softening agent is applied to the cuticle, after which the skin is shifted with a stick.
  10. It is advisable to polish the nail plate with a special file.
  11. Lubricate your hands with cream.
  12. If you decide to apply varnish, first degrease your nails, and then apply a decorative coat.

During manipulations, try not to touch the nail bed and roller. It is advisable to carry out nail correction every 7-10 days. Try to file the plate so that there are no unevenness and roughness.

Home pedicure rules

A pedicure is done according to the same principles as a manicure, but with the difference that the cut of the nail should be even, and not rounded. Correction is carried out 1-2 times a month.

The nail plates on the feet very often grow into the skin, because they are compressed by shoes (especially in the presence of high heels), therefore, it is customary to cut the nails on the lower extremities very short.

Extension nails care

Extension of nails allows a woman to look spectacular, create any length, shape, pattern and color. Most importantly, you don't have to file your nails weekly and worry about them breaking, being cut with a knife, or getting damaged. On the one hand, there are no problems, but on the other hand, it becomes necessary to strictly adhere to the rules for caring for extended nails:

  • Before going to a beauty salon, make sure that the nail plates are free of damage, stains, stripes, dents.
  • With extended nails, it is strictly forbidden to take antibiotics and steroid drugs (hormonal).
  • Avoid hitting the nail - it can break and fall off along with your nail plate.
  • It is not recommended to use metal files, especially if gel is used for extension.
  • Do not contact with solvents and acetone.
  • Avoid contact with household chemicals, especially alkalis and acids.
  • Wash your hands often, remove dirt from under your nails after work.
  • When natural nails begin to grow back, be sure to examine their surface daily. If there are any changes, immediately contact the clinic. The fact is that a kind of "sauna" is created under the artificial nail, which is a favorable environment for all types of bacteria and fungi. For this reason, care for extended nails should be stricter.

Hygiene of nails with fungus

If you have nail fungus, be sure to follow these hygiene rules:

  • Fungi love a humid and warm environment, so do not fiddle with water for a long time, do not wear shoes that do not allow air to pass through (your feet will sweat a lot).
  • After visiting the bath, shower, be sure to treat these places with disinfectants (whiteness, domestos). Otherwise, your family members can become infected, and you can get a secondary infection.
  • Do the same with manicure tools.

  • Do not share towels, but try to wash yours daily.
  • Change your socks twice a day.
  • Clothing for the legs and arms should be exclusively cotton (allows the skin to breathe).
  • Wear only your own shoes, treat them daily with antiseptics (the drug Chlorhexidine).
  • Wash your limbs with laundry or tar soap.
  • Wash your feet at least 2 times a day.
  • After removing socks or gloves, wash them immediately, or at least put them in a plastic bag and tie them tightly. This will prevent the infection from spreading.
  • Wash contaminated laundry separately from other clothing. This applies not only to socks, but also to bedding.
  • Socks and bedding must be boiled (the fungus dies at a temperature of 75 degrees and above).
  • In addition, things need to be ironed on both sides.
  • If you wash clothes in a washing machine, turn on the "Sterilization" mode or any other mode where the temperature is above 75 degrees.

If you strictly follow the rules of hygiene and care of your nails of your hands and feet, you will never have a problem of infection. Remember that it is easier to prevent any disease than to get rid of it later: treatment of fungal pathologies requires a long period of time, up to a year.

The basic law of personal hygiene is cleanliness.

Caring for healthy body skin, healthy hair, nails and teeth is called hygienic or preventive cosmetics. Correctional cosmetics, conservative and surgical, are dealt with by specialists - cosmetologists. The attractive appearance of a person creates a good mood for himself and those around him, helps to prevent certain skin diseases. Skin care should be ongoing, only in this case you can achieve the desired result, look beautiful and stay healthy. The main helpers in this matter are water and soap. Body treatments include a daily treatment consisting of morning and evening treatments and a weekly general wash, preferably in a bath. Under the influence of water, free bases are released from the soap, which emulsify the fat of the stratum corneum, form foam, mechanically cleansing the skin of dead cells of the stratum corneum, secretions of the sebaceous and sweat glands, dirt and microbes. The irritating effect of the soap depends on the content of the base; therefore, the soap must be selected taking into account individual sensitivity.

Water not only cleanses the skin, but also has a therapeutic effect. Under the influence of water, a reflex response from the internal organs arises, blood supply, blood pressure, and sweating change. A quick change in the temperature of the water (contrast shower) has a beneficial effect on the nerve endings, being a kind of gymnastics for the blood vessels, which ultimately improves the nutrition of the skin, stops its withering. The bath is ideal for such procedures. Hard water is considered unsuitable for skin care. Interacting with skin fat and soap, calcium, magnesium and iron salts form insoluble viscous substances that block the sebaceous and sweat glands, cause itching and irritation of the skin. You can soften hard water. The easiest way is to boil. For a healthy person, a water temperature of 34 ° C is considered useful. Room temperature is recommended for facial skin. Facial skin care needs to be given special attention, there are many sebaceous and sweat glands on it, the face is constantly exposed to atmospheric effects, sun, wind, frost, dust.

Hygiene of nails

Nail hygiene includes manicure and pedicure. These can be done on their own or in beauty parlors.

Manicure is a hygienic procedure for the care of hand nails, which is recommended to be carried out once every 10 days. During manicure, the cuticle is cut off carefully, without touching the skin of the nail folds. It must be remembered that trauma to the nail folds can lead to the growth of a deformed nail. The free edge of the nail should protrude at the level of 3-4 mm, long nails often break, dirt accumulates under them and this requires more careful maintenance. In a number of professions, long nails are unacceptable, for example, for medical workers.

The varnish used for manicure can cause inflammation of the skin around the nail. At the slightest symptoms of this phenomenon, the varnish must be replaced or not used at all, since there is a threat of eczema.

Pedicure is a hygienic foot care procedure. It is recommended to carry out it every month, but if there are manifestations of any disease on the skin or nails of the feet, then it is necessary to seek help from a dermatologist.

When carrying out a pedicure, the cuticle of the nail roller is removed, the length of the nails is corrected. All hyperkeratotic layers are removed with special devices without traumatizing the skin, so as not to cause pain when walking. The thumbnail should be longer than the rest of the nails and protrude slightly above the soft part of the toe. Unlike manicure, when the free edge of the nail of the brush can be shaped in any shape, the toenails should have a free edge in the form of a straight line.

When carrying out manicure and pedicure, it is necessary to follow the rules of asepsis. A slight violation of the integrity of the skin can lead to bacterial and fungal infections. When visiting beauty parlors, there is a risk of contracting diseases that can be transmitted through blood-contaminated objects (hepatitis B, C, HIV infection, etc.).