When edema begins in pregnant women. Additional examination for edema. Swelling during pregnancy, stage

The last weeks of gestation are considered the most difficult for the expectant mother, because weight increases significantly, internal organs, nerves and blood vessels are compressed, which is the cause of the development of edema. Almost every woman encounters such a phenomenon as the accumulation of fluid in the body during pregnancy. A large amount of water in the body increases the volume of circulating fluid, which leads to an increase in blood pressure, the development of preeclampsia.

Why does edema occur in pregnant women?

The accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space is called edema. During pregnancy, the amount of water in a woman's body increases significantly due to physiological changes in water-salt metabolism. The uterus that grows with edema in size compresses the blood and lymph vessels, which slows down the normal outflow of fluid and contributes to the accumulation of water. As a rule, severe swelling is characteristic of the third trimester of gestation (from about 30 weeks).

When registering in the first weeks of pregnancy, the doctor should examine the patient for a tendency to form edema, inform the woman about the methods of prevention. This is necessary to prevent the development of such a symptom, because severe edema during pregnancy can harm the mother and child, as well as complicate the course of gestation, childbirth, and provoke preeclampsia. The main causes of edema during pregnancy can be divided into two large groups: physiological and pathological.

Physiological nature

A small accumulation of fluid of a physiological nature, as a rule, does not threaten the state of a woman's health, it is a temporary violation. The origin of such edema is associated with compression of the vena cava, vessels of the kidneys, ureters, as a result of which a violation of fluid excretion develops. In addition, many women have increased sodium levels in the body, which leads to thirst, increased water intake, and as a result, swelling.

Pathological causes

If fluid retention is caused by organ dysfunction, then it is necessary to carry out specific therapy to prevent fetal hypoxia. Edema as a symptom can accompany many systemic pathologies. These include:

  • phlebeurysm;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • diabetes;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • placental insufficiency;
  • glomerulonephritis;
  • chronic heart failure;
  • late toxicosis (gestosis).

Why are edema dangerous during pregnancy?

Retention of fluid in the body of the expectant mother can harm her health and the body of the fetus. Edema during late pregnancy can lead to severe hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the child, compression and disruption of the woman's organs. Sometimes the excess fluid does not bother a woman, her health remains satisfactory for a long time, which may be a sign of latent edema (accumulation of fluid in the tissues of internal organs), which often cause the development of insufficient functioning of vital organs.

Latent edema in late pregnancy is difficult to diagnose by visual examination and is considered the most dangerous for the patient's health, because clinically manifest themselves already with the development of pathological conditions. The main symptoms of fluid accumulation in internal organs are:

  1. a sharp large increase in body weight in a woman;
  2. the presence of protein in the urine (proteinuria);
  3. small daily urine output with normal fluid intake.

Signs of edema during pregnancy

If a woman's puffiness appears in the last stages of pregnancy and is of a short-term nature, disappears after a long rest or sleep, then such a symptom is a physiological norm. In the presence of persistent edema on the fingers, face and lower extremities, the development of gestosis is suspected:

  • With edema of the face, severe swelling of the eyelids, bags under the eyes appear. In case of serious violations of the kidneys, additionally there is swelling of the nose, facial features are smoothed.
  • Swelling of the fingers often develops in women who work at a computer for a long time or do handicrafts.
  • Swelling of the legs develops more often than others. In this case, the accumulation of fluid is noticeable on the legs and feet. As a rule, it occurs in women who are on their feet for a long time.

Dangerous symptoms

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is the first symptom of late toxicosis (gestosis), which is a serious pathological condition that threatens a woman's health. Signs of this condition include:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • palpitations;
  • tension of the abdominal wall;
  • rounding of the face;
  • nausea;
  • burning sensation in the chest area;
  • tingling, numbness of the fingers;
  • shortness of breath.

The accumulation of fluid in the tissues during gestosis leads to insufficient blood supply to the placenta and vessels of the fetus, which can provoke a delay in its intrauterine development. In the clinical course of pathology, several stages are distinguished:

  1. First degree (gestational edema). At the same time, the patient complains of increased fatigue, malaise, drowsiness, severe swelling of the lower extremities.
  2. Second degree (nephropathy). It is characterized by increased blood pressure, the presence of protein in the urine.
  3. Third degree (preeclampsia). It is characterized by severe circulatory disorders, a high risk of retinal hemorrhage.
  4. Fourth degree (eclampsia). During this period, the woman loses consciousness; research reveals oxygen starvation of the fetus and premature aging of the placenta.


During pregnancy, the doctor regularly examines the woman, takes measurements of the pulse, blood pressure, body weight, circumference of the legs and abdomen, and examines the presence of pasty face. In addition to examination, blood and urine tests, ultrasound examination (ultrasound) are regularly carried out to identify pathologies of the urinary, reproductive systems and placenta.

If there is a suspicion of fluid retention, the doctor additionally prescribes a study of daily diuresis, detailed biochemical blood and urine tests. In addition, to determine the violation of water-salt metabolism, the McClure Aldrich test is carried out: a small amount of saline solution (0.2 ml) is injected intradermally on the area of ​​the inner surface of the forearm. In the presence of pathology, the resulting blister dissolves in 30-40 minutes (normally about an hour). An important diagnostic feature is the formation of dents on the lower leg when pressed.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Therapy for edema during pregnancy should be comprehensive. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor depending on the gestational age, the patient's age, the presence of concomitant pathologies and the severity of her condition. As a rule, measures to eliminate edema include:

  • normalization of the diet;
  • drug treatment;
  • remedial gymnastics;
  • massage;
  • the use of folk methods.


Nutrition plays an important role in eliminating edema during pregnancy. There are the following dietary guidelines:

  • Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid fatty sauces.
  • Reduce the use of starchy foods, sweets, smoked meats, sausages, cheeses.
  • The amount of salt per day should not exceed 1-1.5 g.
  • Eat more boiled or stewed lean meats (beef, chicken, turkey).
  • Drink more pure water, green tea, and avoid carbonated drinks.

Drug therapy

Treatment with drugs is usually carried out in a hospital setting. To eliminate edema during pregnancy, the following pharmacological agents are used:

  • Complex herbal medicines that have an anti-inflammatory and mild diuretic effect (Canephron, Cyston, Eufillin, Fitolizin).
  • Means for improving vascular tone (magnesium preparations, lipoic acid) and for eliminating spasm (No-Shpa).
  • Drops of magnesia, which relieve puffiness and lower blood pressure.


In the absence of the threat of termination of pregnancy, it is necessary to perform therapeutic exercises, walk a lot, visit the pool. Exercise will speed up blood flow and help remove excess fluid. Here are some simple exercises for women in position:

  1. Lie on the floor, raise your legs and rest them against the wall, placing a hard roller under your buttocks. Gently raise and lower your pelvis low. Do the exercise several times a day.
  2. Stand straight with feet shoulder-width apart. Gently raise your arms up over your shoulders, stand on your toes and stretch as much as possible. Repeat 3-4 times.
  3. Stand straight with your feet together and your arms around your waist. Alternately lunges forward with your legs. Repeat 10-15 times.


Regular self-massage procedures for the legs enhance blood circulation and metabolism, strengthen blood vessels. Massage is recommended in the morning and evening in a horizontal position. Pregnant women should carry out the procedure only with hands or a towel; the use of various devices is prohibited due to the risk of injury to blood vessels. The procedure should be performed as follows:

  1. Massage the limb from knee to thigh with light strokes, then rub the entire leg.
  2. Press down on the limb.
  3. Use your thumb to massage your calf muscles in gentle circular motions.
  4. Use a towel to rub your leg upwards.
  5. Finish the massage with even strokes.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine prescriptions should only be used with the approval of your healthcare professional as an additional measure to relieve swelling. Many herbs and plants can cause spontaneous abortion, so use with caution. Among the popular and safe folk recipes for removing excess fluid from the body, the following are distinguished:

  • Infusion of lingonberry leaves. Take 2 tablespoons. crushed dry leaves, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. The drink should be consumed 2-3 rubles / day, if desired, you can add a little honey or lemon.
  • Rosehip infusion. Pour 2-3 tablespoons of hot boiling water over. rose hips, close the lid, leave to infuse for a day. Take 100 ml of the product at night.
  • Foot baths with a decoction of medicinal herbs. Take 2 tablespoons each. chamomile flowers, lavender and sage, pour 1 liter of hot boiling water, cover and leave for an hour. Then strain, pour into a basin and dilute in the required amount with warm water. Lower your legs into your pelvis for 15–20 minutes. The procedure is recommended to be performed in the evening before going to bed and combined with massage.


The appearance of a slight puffiness during pregnancy does not pose a danger, but in order to prevent the accumulation of a large amount of water in the internal organs and the development of complications, it is necessary to follow some recommendations:

  1. Eat a balanced diet.
  2. Cut back on salt, sugar.
  3. Avoid standing or sitting for extended periods.
  4. Do a gentle warm-up several times per hour when working on your computer.
  5. Exercise unless contraindicated.
  6. Walk more, regularly ventilate the room in which you are.
  7. Perform regular weighing yourself, write down the values ​​so that the doctor can analyze the weight gain.
  8. Wear compression stockings and a special bandage.


Swelling during pregnancy: 11 ways to relieve swelling

During pregnancy, a woman is especially careful about her health, and the occurrence of edema during pregnancy can cause anxiety. Know the causes of this common problem and how you can alleviate the condition.

As a rule, the ankles and legs swell first, but the manifestation of swelling on the hands and face is also possible. Almost 75% of women experience edema of varying degrees during pregnancy.

What is the cause of edema during pregnancy?

"... almost 75% of women face edema of varying degrees during pregnancy ..."

Causes of edema during pregnancy:

- This is an excess of fluid in the tissues of the body. During pregnancy, the volume of fluid circulating in the body, including blood, increases up to 50%.

Sometimes the growing uterus begins to press on the veins, which leads to a violation of the outflow of blood from the lower extremities, disruption of normal blood circulation in the body. Because of this, during pregnancy, the feet, ankles and legs begin to swell.

At the same time, swelling during pregnancy can be caused by hormonal changes in the body.

What should expectant mothers expect?

Basically, edema is caused by an increase in the volume of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman.

The liquid softens the tissues, allowing them to expand and move for comfortable development and growth of the baby.

The extra fluid also helps to strengthen the pelvic joints and tissues, preparing them for childbirth.

Most often, edema appears in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Sometimes the swelling worsens during the day, reaching its most severe condition in the evening.

Hot weather, a sedentary lifestyle, and fatigue usually make the condition worse.

However, remember, pregnancy edema is only a temporary condition. It will pass as soon as you give birth.

When should a pregnant woman worry?

Although edema during pregnancy is normal, there are conditions that require immediate medical attention. Note if you have any of the following symptoms.See your doctor right away if you notice alarming symptoms!

Severe swelling of the legs, fingers and the area around the eyes can be a symptom of gestosis in pregnant women.Gestosis is a serious health complication in late pregnancy.With gestosis, the work of the kidneys, blood vessels and the brain of the expectant mother worsens. Its most characteristic signs are an increase in blood pressure, edema and the appearance of protein in urine tests, as a sign of impaired kidney function.

If one of the legs swells more, and the swelling is accompanied by pain in the thigh and lower leg, then thismay be a sign of thrombosisand requires immediate medical attention.

Excessive swelling of the hands and arms can be a symptom of carpal tunnel syndrome. The swelling compresses the nerve endings of the hands.

“… Signsgestosis - this is an increase in blood pressure, edema and the appearance of protein in urine tests in a pregnant woman ... "

11 tips to reduce pregnancy edema and ease a woman's condition

Most likely, you will not be able to completely get rid of edema during pregnancy, but you can definitely reduce unpleasant symptoms with the help of 11 simple rules:

1. Move!

Try not to sit or stand for a long time.

  • If you have to stand for a long time, be sure to take breaks and sit down.
  • If you have to sit for a long time, get up and walk.
  • Do not sit cross-legged.
  • Do some light arm and leg exercises during breaks.

2. Sleep on your left side.

When you sleep on your left side, there is less stress on the vein that carries blood from the lower extremities to the heart.

  • Place your feet on a raised platform, for example, using a pillow. This will reduce pain and noticeably reduce the swelling of the legs.

3. Eat right.

Compliance with a balanced and avoiding unhealthy foods will help reduce pain and swelling.

  • Eat more vegetables and fruits.
  • Limit your intake of salt, sugar, and fatty foods.
  • Avoid convenience foods and instant foods.
  • Don't eat canned foods, they are high in salt, vinegar and preservatives.
  • Increase your daily dose of vitamins C and E (be sure to consult your doctor first).

4. Drink water.

Medical experts cite 8-10 glasses of water as a must for pregnant women.

  • Water helps to flush out toxins and waste products from the body and also lowers salt levels in the body.
  • Adequate water intake reduces swelling as the body stops retaining water as a reserve.

Important! Drink plain water. Juices, carbonated drinks, sweet teas contain a lot of sugar, which will have a negative effect on edema during pregnancy.

5. Sport is good for pregnant women.

With your doctor's approval, you can do special exercises for pregnant women, do stretching, and swim. Daily walks in the fresh air also accelerate blood circulation throughout the body and lift your spirits.

In the absence of contraindications during pregnancy, water sports are especially useful: swimming and water aerobics.On the one hand, this is active movement, good physical activity, on the other hand, the water exerts pressure on the skin, preventing the vessels from expanding and the legs from swelling.

6. Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs during pregnancy.

If there are no contraindications during pregnancy, you can do a lymphatic drainage massage of the legs (pressotherapy). The massage can be done by a specially trained masseur, or independently with the help of special devices for pressotherapy with cuffs on the legs.

  • Pressotherapy naturally removes excess fluid from the bodyand metabolic products (slags and toxins).
  • Pressotherapy removes flabbiness of the skin and, by activating the body's resources, naturally improves its condition, makes the skin smoother and more elastic.

7. Choose comfortable shoes.

In some expectant mothers, the foot expands during pregnancy, and their usual shoes are no longer comfortable. And the tight lacing of the shoes can impair blood circulation.

  • Choose lightweight, comfortable flat shoes.
  • Some doctors also recommend orthopedic shoes and insoles. These shoes are believed to help relieve pain, swelling, and even relieve back pain.

8. Avoid tight clothing

Clothing should not squeeze your ankles and wrists.

  • Loose clothing does not interfere with the circulation of blood and other body fluids.
  • Wear compression socks or maternity tights that do not compress the abdomen and help the blood flow out of the lower extremities.

9. Try traditional methods and home therapy

After consulting with a specialist, you can:

  • Massage your feet in moderation using massage oil. Movements should be soft and directed from bottom to top.
  • Make foot baths from infusions of cypress, lavender and chamomile.
  • Drink herbal teas.

10. Relax in the water

Dip your feet in a tub of cool water. The water compresses the tissues of the body and you experience relief from pain and heaviness in your legs. The coolness brings relief.

11. Don't smoke and cut down on your coffee intake.

Always remember that swelling of pregnant women is only temporary and will disappear as soon as your baby is born.

Take care of your health, be attentive to yourself, take care and maintain a good mood!

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Before answering this question, you need to find out several very important points. First, do you really have swelling. Secondly, what is their reason. And only after receiving answers to them, you can think about treatment.

Quite a common occurrence. Especially in the second half of pregnancy. With edema, a woman feels heaviness in, hands can go numb, shoes become tight and the rings on her fingers are pressed. Usually, in edematous places, when pressed, a fossa remains, which disappears very slowly. The skin of the body (in edematous areas) becomes smooth and pale.

The causes of edema in a pregnant woman are different. The growing uterus is the main one. She presses with her weight, their large vessels, which lead to the limbs. As a result, venous outflow from the legs becomes more difficult. Due to the pressure on the vessels of the kidneys, their function is disrupted, the excretion of fluid from the body slows down. Such edema is called physiological. For a pregnant woman and her baby, they are not dangerous. Usually, swelling is observed only on the legs and feet, and disappears after rest.

But there are more serious causes of edema in a pregnant woman. They can be associated with impaired kidney and heart function. If the edema extends not only to the limbs, but also to other parts of the body, if they do not disappear in the morning, it becomes difficult for a woman to breathe, blood pressure rises, a protein is found in the urine analysis - you should consult a doctor, undergo prescribed studies, find out the true cause of the swelling and only after that start serious treatment. There is a degree of edema that is treated only in a hospital. In any case, you must understand that self-medication in this matter is strictly prohibited!

Foreign doctors do not recommend treating physiological edema. Domestic medicine is more careful in this matter. Our obstetricians say that already the first stages of edema must be treated without fail, since in 90% of cases in pregnant women, after mild edema, protein rises and appears in the urine. And these are already symptoms that are dangerous for both the mother and her child.

There are several treatments for edema during pregnancy:

  • drug treatment of edema;
  • ethnoscience;
  • diet.

The most common treatment for edema is diet. Its peculiarity is only that fried, smoked and salted foods should be excluded from the diet. During the day, it is allowed to consume no more than 8 grams of salt. After all, it is she who retains fluid in the body. Also, following a diet for edema, a pregnant woman should monitor her fluid intake. Experts recommend drinking no more than 1 liter of water per day.

Traditional medicine for the treatment of edema offers a variety of tinctures. Lingonberry leaf, bearberry leaf, horsetail, bear ears - these herbs have a weak diuretic property. Usually, 1 glass of herbal infusion is drunk during the day. The course of treatment is up to 1 month. But even these "light" drugs can only be used as directed by a doctor. After all, they are contraindicated. They can be prescribed only in extreme cases and for a short time. These drugs include: Cyston, Kanefron, Fitolysin. All these drugs have a diuretic, antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect, improve kidney function. But these drugs have a lot of contraindications and side effects. They adversely affect the fetus. Therefore, in any case, do not take them without a doctor's prescription.

When treating edema, it is important to strengthen the vascular system, improve uteroplacental blood flow. This will prevent fluid from seeping from the vessels into the tissue, which means that swelling will not be able to form. Therefore, very often doctors prescribe Magne B6, Magnerot, lipoic acid.

However, the treatment of edema must first of all begin with the correct daily regimen. A night's sleep of at least 9 hours, a long stay in the fresh air, walking in comfortable shoes, daily exercise, healthy eating - all this should become the norm in your life.

For the prevention and treatment of edema, it is recommended to take at least once a day for 5-10 minutes. In this position, the uterus ceases to press on large vessels and ureters. This improves the blood supply to the uterus, placenta, fluid from the kidneys "flows" into the bladder.

Also, at every opportunity, raise your legs higher. And try to rest on your side. This will help your kidneys work without interruption, and it will also increase blood flow to the placenta.

Health to you!

Specially for- Tanya Kivezhdiy

Reading time: 8 minutes

For the overwhelming majority of women, the period of carrying a baby seems to be difficult and associated with a whole set of unpleasant phenomena: nausea, digestive problems, weight gain. However, doctors say that all these are signals of internal failures, like edema during pregnancy, especially arising in the last stages, and requiring not only to remove them, but to eliminate the root cause. Why is their appearance dangerous and why do they arise?

What is edema during pregnancy

The amount of fluid that circulates in the tissues naturally increases in a pregnant woman. It is needed to feed the baby, which requires the expectant mother to drink more and inevitably provokes a slight retention of fluid, leading to weight gain. However, if sodium begins to accumulate in the vessels for some reason, noticeable edema forms in certain areas:

  • on the face (begins to look puffy);
  • on the lower limbs (especially the legs, feet);
  • on the hands (often fingers);
  • in the abdomen.


In the early stages of pregnancy, excess fluid accumulates in small quantities (if there are no serious diseases, especially kidney diseases), so this will be expressed only in minor edema, mainly on the face. There may be swelling under the eyes, slightly increase in the volume of the lips, "creep away" - the nose. Some women experience a general rounding of the face during pregnancy, which is also a symptom of fluid retention.

Later, it becomes easier to recognize this violation - in the middle of pregnancy or closer to the last trimester, edema is accompanied by:

  • A sharp jump in weight, which greatly deviates from the existing norm. The exact numbers are determined by several factors, but if a woman sees an increase of 1-2 kg in a short time, this is a sign of puffiness.
  • Ankle enlargement: if a woman takes off her socks and sees bright marks from pressed rubber bands, or she cannot button up her usual shoes with a bootleg.
  • Problems with the sensitivity and mobility of the fingers (they can also swell, which will be especially noticeable when trying to remove / put on the ring), in which there is a burning sensation, numbness, or they do not bend well.

Types of edema

If the body copes with the incoming water, regulating its distribution and excretion, there is almost no fluid retention and swelling will be minimal. At the slightest internal malfunction, its accumulation begins in the tissues, which can be divided into 4 stages, differing in the degree of severity:

  • 1st degree - the legs swell during pregnancy (mainly in the lower leg area), there may be swelling on the face, but there is no strong weight gain.
  • 2nd degree - the edema spreads higher, affecting the legs completely and moving to the lower abdomen.
  • 3rd degree - hands suffer from puffiness, puffiness of the face appears, and rapid weight gain begins.
  • 4th degree - characterized by obvious excess weight and severe edema, which doctors call dropsy.


In medicine, there is the concept of physiological edema of pregnant women, which is associated with the already described above active intake of fluid into the body and its circulation in the tissues. However, the preservation of water, which helps to thin the blood, is considered normal only until the harmonious mechanism breaks down and the excess 2-3 liters "freeze" in the tissues.

Here you already need to understand the reasons for the appearance of edema:

  • Violation of the water-salt balance, causing an increase in the level of sodium salts, which block the exit of fluid.
  • Poor outflow of lymph and blood through the veins (mainly provoke swelling of the legs during pregnancy).
  • The fragility of the walls of blood vessels and an increase in blood viscosity are especially characteristic of late gestosis.
  • From the second half of pregnancy, edema often becomes a consequence of renal pathology, diabetes, heart disease.
  • In the later stages, edema in pregnant women may not be a symptom of serious pathologies, but are associated with an enlargement of the uterus, which exerts pressure on the inferior vena cava and ureters. This leads to poor blood flow from the veins of the lower extremities, especially if there is a history of varicose veins.

Hidden edema during pregnancy

The most dangerous phenomenon is not a change in figure, but an internal accumulation of fluid that cannot be seen, but which is characterized by a rapid and obvious weight gain. More than 300 g per week during pregnancy is a pathology in which fluid collects not only in tissues, but also in internal organs. In the last stages of pregnancy, it is especially easy to track this violation: if a woman gained more than 15 kg before giving birth (while the pregnancy is not multiple), she has hidden edema.

Why are edema dangerous during pregnancy?

If we consider an exclusively physiological phenomenon in its initial form, there is no more harm from it than from early toxicosis of pregnant women: often such edema causes only external discomfort. Worry follows about edema in late pregnancy, which develops due to gestosis and can provoke:

  • fetal hypoxia;
  • abortion;
  • disruption of the internal organs.

How to identify swelling during pregnancy

The external manifestations of the process of fluid retention are many: the fastest of all women are faced with the pressure of the ring on the finger or difficulties in wearing the usual narrow shoes, especially in the case of pathological edema of the last trimester of pregnancy. Additionally, there are several more markers by which you can navigate:

  • by the end of the day, the legs swell, in the morning everything is fine;
  • the skin of the puffiness zones becomes pale and smooth;
  • elimination of less than 70% of the fluid drunk in the urine.

A separate category is the previously mentioned latent edema, which may not have external manifestations, but affect the overall well-being. The symptoms of these dangerous complications depend on the organ affected:

  • With cardiac edema during pregnancy, a woman will notice a constantly high pulse, which can become uneven. She will begin to suffer from shortness of breath, the mucous membranes will get a blue tint, problems with blood pressure will appear (the initial stage of gestosis). Cardiac edema during pregnancy is localized in the lower trunk.
  • With kidney disease during pregnancy, edema of this organ is often observed and they are manifested by a general puffiness of the face, severe bags under the eyes.
  • Any latent edema is characterized by a sharp and strong weight gain even at the beginning of pregnancy, and if a woman has gestosis, an additional marker will be the appearance of protein in urine analysis.

How to relieve swelling during pregnancy

A woman who has noticed this problem in herself needs a doctor's consultation to find out the causes of puffiness (especially if the diet is not characterized by an excess volume of fluid). If it appeared due to the pressure of the uterus at a later date or due to the active use of fluids in the first weeks of pregnancy, the doctor will prescribe:

  • change in diet;
  • the introduction of diuretic foods;
  • performing light gymnastics;
  • use of compression underwear.


If a woman's hands become swollen during pregnancy, facial swelling and other symptoms of fluid retention appear, salt should be removed from the menu, and dairy products should be consumed more often. You will need to forget about sugary drinks (retain water), spicy dishes, coffee. In the diet throughout pregnancy, you need to achieve a constant presence of protein - fish, poultry, accompanied by vegetables.

Diuretic products for edema during pregnancy

To eliminate edema, provoked by problems of water-salt balance, especially in the early stages, acidic fruits and berries help well: this can include lemon, currants. They give a weak diuretic effect, thin the blood. If a woman does not have kidney disease, you can use in the menu and:

  • rosehip broth;
  • cranberry juice;
  • dried apricots;
  • lingonberries;
  • melon;
  • Dill;
  • celery.


Doctors advise that in case of edema, do yourself a foot massage on your own and be sure to take the knee-elbow position - for 15 minutes several times a day. In this position, you can build all home gymnastics, especially in the last stages. A couple of simple exercises for pregnant women:

  • Take a knee-elbow position, gently take back legs alternately, straightening at the knee.
  • In a similar knee-elbow position, alternately pull your right and left legs to your stomach, at the same time rounding your back.

Wearing compression garments

In the middle of pregnancy, doctors advise to buy a woman special underwear, which makes the load on the back less and facilitates the outflow of blood through the veins. The choice is made so that the bandage does not press, but supports, and if it is tights, the phlebologist should give recommendations. They wear them exclusively in a prone position, with their legs raised. Such underwear is worn every day, until the very birth, it is often added to therapy as an addition to drug treatment.

Remedies for edema

Medicines are prescribed mainly to eliminate the cause of edema - if there are diseases of the heart, kidneys, etc. Doctors try to prescribe serious medications so that a woman does not face complications of gestosis, and at the initial stages it is advisable only to drink herbal teas, take vitamins. Diuretics help treat dropsy in pregnant women, but must be chosen by a doctor.


Whether a woman needs to take strong diuretics (Hypothiazide, Furosemide, etc.) should be determined by the doctor - even with very noticeable edema, they may not be prescribed if there are no internal pathologies. Mostly, experts try to prescribe herbal medicines that help normalize the water-salt balance and reduce the burden on the kidneys:

  • Kanefron is a herbal remedy with a combined composition, a safe diuretic, without contraindications.
  • Phytolysin - should not be used for acute kidney disease, but copes well with the initial stage of edema.
  • Euphyllin - removes sodium, has a beneficial effect on vascular permeability, but can lower pressure.

Tea for edema

If you are tormented by the question of how to deal with edema during pregnancy, not associated with a dangerous disease, prepare yourself several times a week tea from currant leaves with the addition of grated ginger root. On a standard cup (200-250 ml) take about 3 cm of fresh product. In addition to affecting the fluid in the tissues, it will help get rid of toxicosis, but try not to drink more than 2 cups per day, especially at the end of pregnancy.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

In the presence of diseases of the kidneys, heart, it is advisable to treat them before conception. After that, regular physical activity and a balanced menu help to reduce the risk of edema formation, especially in recent months, but it is not necessary to reduce the frequency and amount of fluid intake. It is mandatory to monitor the health of a pregnant woman by a doctor, to periodically take blood and urine tests, and weigh in.


During pregnancy, the volume of fluid circulating in the body almost doubles. So it would seem that there is nothing surprising in the fact that a woman expecting a baby sometimes suffers from edema. But doctors consider them an alarming symptom, especially if they are accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine.

So, if the wedding ring does not fit on your finger, and your shoes become too small, see a doctor immediately. And it is imperative to follow the recommendations that he will give, because self-diagnosis and self-medication will not lead to good. But the prevention of edema is available to every expectant mother.

Eliminate salt

Why? Table salt contains sodium. This element has the property of retaining water in the body. The more salt, the more fluid will remain in the tissues.

How is it in practice? Remove from the diet (or greatly reduce the dosage) pickles, herring, sauerkraut, black bread, sausage, not to mention such unhealthy, in every sense "junk" products such as crackers, chips, snacks, smoked meats and canned food. Even the usual dishes are best cooked without salt or undersalted.

Important: You should not be afraid that you and your baby will receive less sodium: this element is found in many products in its natural form or in the form of salts.

Love a healthy diet

Why? With a tendency to edema, the expectant mother should not only exclude salt, but also observe some other restrictions. After all, problems with blood vessels, for example, also lead to the formation of edema. Therefore, you need to eat so as not to give the swelling the slightest chance.

As in practice. Do not fry meat and vegetables, but cook or steam them. Eat fatty, spicy, sweet, rich foods as little as possible, and be sure to regularly cook porridge, eat vegetables and fruits. Tea or coffee can affect the state of blood vessels and, as a result, on blood pressure - it is better not to abuse these drinks. And even the "hyper-healthy" green tea - it has more caffeine than black tea, and you shouldn't drink more than two cups a day. But freshly squeezed juices and still mineral water are welcome.

Important: The average daily calorie intake of food should not exceed 2800-3500 calories. That is, the expectant mother does not have to "eat for two."

Observe the drinking regime

Why? Previously, it was restrictive: the expectant mother was instructed to consume only 1-1.5 liters of liquid per day, including soups and compotes. But then studies have shown that such a restriction is not useful: it worsens the condition of the venous wall, affects the quantity and quality of the mother's blood, and its coagulability. Indeed, during pregnancy, blood volume increases, and if it is not maintained at the required level, blood clots and other problems cannot be avoided.

How is it in practice? The most common recommendation is that the expectant mother needs to drink 2.5 and even 3 liters of liquid daily. This amount includes any liquid, including that found in liquid dishes, fresh juicy vegetables and fruits. Water should be at least 1.5 liters per day, and it should be drunk not at once, but in small sips, little by little, but often. The water must be still.

Important: With gestosis, it is better to drink not water, which flushes out many salts and trace elements from the body, but tea with milk, sweet juices and fruit drinks, which "pull" water from the tissues and thereby reduce swelling.

Be careful with diuretics

Why? Medicines during pregnancy can harm not only the expectant mother, but also the baby. Therefore, taking any medicinal and even natural herbal diuretics must be coordinated with the attending physician.

How is it in practice? Usually, expectant mothers are prescribed homeopathic remedies, as well as herbal preparations with a mild diuretic effect - bearberry, lingonberry leaf, parsley decoction.

Important. Together with the liquid, potassium is washed out of our body, which, in particular, is important for the proper functioning of the heart muscle, for the health of mother's bones and teeth, and for the construction of the baby's skeleton. Therefore, potassium needs to be replenished - with a diet or taking appropriate vitamin complexes (you should also ask your doctor about which one to choose).

Resting your feet

Why? During pregnancy, 40% of women show some signs of varicose veins. One of its symptoms is leg swelling, which, fortunately, is the most harmless and does not require special treatment.

How is it in practice? While resting, raise your legs in relation to your body position. For example, while sitting at the computer, place the legs on the stand. You can take an example from the Americans and put your feet on a table (or a chair next to it, if otherwise inappropriate). In the supine position, you need your legs to be on an elevation up to 30 cm high. This position will be provided by a high pillow or blanket roller placed under the mattress. There are beds in which the height of the footboard and headboard can be varied.

Important."Varicose" edema is also reduced with the help of creams with extracts of horse chestnut or hazel.

Lie on your left side

Why? 80% of women develop so-called physiological edema during pregnancy. They are considered the norm, since, unlike pathological edema, they go away as if by themselves after eliminating the causes (and they may be a violation of the diet or a quick walk on a hot day, which caused increased sweating). The main "medicine" is to give yourself a rest, to lie down.

How is it in practice? When lying on the left side, the kidneys experience the least stress, work best and more quickly drive urine through the excretory system.

Important. If the face swells, fingers are difficult to clench into a fist due to excessive plumpness, it is impossible to bend down due to swelling of the lower back and abdominal wall - see a doctor immediately. Such pronounced edema is a sign of gestosis in pregnant women, a very dangerous and insidious complication.


Why? The risk of fluid accumulation in the legs decreases if the woman moves a lot (but feasibly!). For an active mom, the chances of developing edema are reduced by about half!

How is it in practice? Walking on foot (only in the park, not along a gassed street) is an activity that is accessible and useful to almost all expectant mothers. You need to walk for at least 40 minutes a day, and even better - 2-3 hours. Special gymnastics for pregnant women, swimming with water aerobics, and yoga with belly dancing will also help (it is better to do all this under the supervision of specialists).

Important: If the work is mostly sedentary, do "dynamic pauses" every hour - twist your feet in different directions for 5-10 minutes, stand on your toes and on your heels. But sitting cross-legged is not recommended categorically!

Special linen

Why? You need to get special support underwear no later than mid-pregnancy. The bandage will unload the back, support the abdomen, and relieve the load on the veins of the lower extremities. Compression stockings and tights prevent the development of varicose veins - which means they relieve the feeling of heaviness and swelling in the legs. Lingerie, designed specifically for expectant mothers, protects blood vessels from excessive accumulation and stagnation of liquid in them.

How is it in practice? The bandage must be selected by size, and it is imperative to adjust it so that it does not squeeze, but supports it. The degree of compression of the pantyhose (weak or strong) will be suggested by the phlebologist after examining the problem.

Important: Bandages, compression stockings must be worn lying down so that the load is distributed correctly.

Get treated if needed

Why? Gestosis, kidney and heart problems are very serious abnormalities that require hospital treatment. Gestosis is fraught with preeclampsia and eclampsia - deadly conditions for mom and baby. The kidneys and heart can fail and fail. In general, if the doctor, based on the results of observation and analysis, is in a hurry to write out a referral to the hospital, do not resist: the specialist knows better.

How is it in practice? Cardiac edema never occurs on the hands and face, and is accompanied by some other symptoms (persistent palpitations, shortness of breath, bluish staining of the mucous membranes). Renal edema occurs with some kidney disorders. Puffiness of the face, bags under the eyes appear, and later - swelling of the legs and arms. Usually, a woman knows that the kidneys are her weak point, and will be able to recognize specific edema in order to consult a nephrologist or urologist.

Important: In the event of the occurrence or exacerbation of such diseases during pregnancy, treatment is carried out only in a hospital setting - self-medication and hope at random are unacceptable!

Extensive physiological edema almost always accompanies pregnancy with twins or large fetuses. But even such edema after childbirth very quickly disappears: the fluid accumulated during pregnancy leaves the body (and this is almost 8 extra liters!). And if the swelling remains in place even a few days after the birth of the baby, then this is either excess weight, not edema, or the cause of these edema is not at all in pregnancy.