Abstract of GCD on traffic rules in the middle group “Road signs. Summary of traffic rules in the middle group "We play, we study the rules of the road"

Summary of traffic rules in the middle group "Country of Road Traffic Rules"

(middle group)

Program tasks:

$ 1 to consolidate the knowledge of children about traffic lights, about its signals;

$ 1 systematize the knowledge of children about road signs, about their meaning;

$ 1 consolidate knowledge about land and air transport;

$ 1 develop observation, visual memory;

$ 1 develop the ability to respond with a complete answer.


$ 1 a picture depicting the street and various situations on the road;

$ 1 pictures with the image of road signs;

Preliminary work:

$ 1 problem-search conversation: "Our friends are on the road";

$ 1 viewing pictures of road signs, traffic lights, transport.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to the country of "Rules of the road".

Educator: Let's imagine that we are walking in this unusual country. There are many streets in this large, beautiful country. Many cars and trucks, buses move along them and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To maintain our health and life, we must strictly follow the traffic rules. And our today's friend will help us remember them, who invited us to this country. (Showing the picture "Traffic light") But first, you need to guess the riddle.

Three colored circles

Flashing one after another.

Glow, blink -

Help people.

Children: Traffic light

Educator: Why do you need it, guys?

Children: To regulate traffic

Educator: The traffic light has three light signals:


Redlight is the most severe, Stop! There is no further Drogi, the Way is closed for all!;

Yellowlight - warning, wait for a signal to move;

Greenlight - says "Come on, the way is open!"

Educator: children, at what traffic light can you cross the road?

Children: To the green light.

Educator: Well done, guys! Let's play a game with you?


Educator: It is called "Assemble the Traffic Light Correctly." I need an assistant. Who wants to help me?

(one child comes out)

Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light. So here we go!

(the child arranges the circles in a certain order)

Educator: Look, guys, did he do the right thing?

Children: Yes

Educator: That's right, sit down! And the traffic light has prepared riddles for everyone. He has assistants, they are called road signs. Have you heard of them?

Children: Yes

Educator: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!

1. Stripes in black and white

The pedestrian walks boldly

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Let the car run quietly -

Children: Crosswalk


Educator: guys, look, our road sign "Pedestrian crossing" is not enough. I need an assistant to help me find him.

(the child comes out and chooses the appropriate sign)

Educator: Guys, look, right? Why is this sign needed?

Children: He shows us where to cross the road

2. Only cars drive here

Menacingly their tires flash

Do you have a bike?

So stop! No Droga!

Children: No cycling

Educator: look, the sign "Cycling is prohibited" is missing! Who can help you find it?

(4, comes out baby)

Educator: right guys, look? And what does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign warns us that it is very dangerous to ride bicycles here.

3. In the white triangle

Bordered in red

For schoolchildren

Very safe

This sign is road

They know everything in the world

Be careful,

On the road -

Children: Children (5)

Educator: Guys, who will help you find him? (one child comes out)

And what does this sign tell us?

Children: This sign stands for Caution Children. The driver sees this sign from afar and slows down, because in this place children can cross the road.

Educator: And where are such signs usually put?

Children: Near schools, kindergartens.

Educator: You see how many assistants are on the road at the traffic light! And now we will pretend that we are drivers. Do you know who they are?

Children: Those who are driving a car?

Physical minute "We are the drivers":

(children should show movement)

I swing, I fly

At full speed

(children are walking)

I'm a chauffeur myself

(simulate steering wheel control)

And he himself is a motor

(circular movements with the shoulders)

I step on the pedal

(bend the knee)

And the car rushes into the distance.

(running in place)

Educator: Guys, what types of transport do you know?

Children: land, air, water.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the terrestrial type?

Children: car, bus, trolleybus, truck, etc.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the air type?

Children: plane, helicopter.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the water species?

Children: ship, steamer, motor ship

Educator: well done! Let's play with you the game "What picture is missing?" (6) Who will help me?

(baby comes out)

Educator: Look, right guys? What kind of transport is it? Where does he go?

Children: on the roads

(7, comes out baby)

Children: in the sky

Educator: I need one more assistant. The picture is missing here too.

(8, comes out baby)

Educator: Look, guys, is everything correct? What kind of transport is it? Where can we meet him?

Children: on the water

Educator: That's right guys.

Educator: Well guys, it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. We learned a lot about the rules of the road. Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like the most?

Elena Filonova

Goals: To acquaint children with different types of traffic signs. Creation of a joyful mood.

Tasks: 1. To give children an idea of ​​the various traffic signs and their purpose.

2. Develop children's horizons, the ability to classify objects (signs).

3. Continue to develop a sense of responsibility for your life.

4. Consolidate the knowledge that the road must be crossed using a pedestrian crossing.

Materials (edit): Road signs, traffic light layout, circles (red, yellow, green, pictures with modes of transport.

Preliminary work: Talking about traffic signals, examining signs, learning riddles and verses about the rules of the road.

Course of the lesson:

Educator: Hello guys!

Children: Hello.

Educator: Guys, today I want to invite you to walk around our city... Imagine that we left the kindergarten on the street and walked.

(a mock-up with a picture of a street with a pedestrian crossing, cars and pedestrians hangs on the board)

Educator: What are we called now?

Children: Pedestrians

Educator: What is the name of the path along which pedestrians walk?

Children: Sidewalk

Educator: Look how many cars drive along the road, and who knows what this road is called?

Children: Carriageway

Educator: Guys, we live in a big beautiful the city with green wide streets and avenues. Many cars and trucks move along them, trolleybuses, buses go and no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. To preserve our health and life, we must strictly adhere to the established traffic rules. And our today's friend, who came to visit us, will help us to remember them as quickly as possible.

Educator: He has three eyes,

Three on each side!

And although not once

He did not look at eight at once -

He needs all eyes.

It hangs here for a long time

And he looks at everyone at close range.

Who is this?

Children: Traffic lights

Educator: Why do you need it, guys?

Children: To regulate movement

Educator: The traffic light has three signals spark:

Red light is the strictest. Stop! There is no further road, the way is closed for everyone!;

Yellow light - warning, wait for a signal to move;

Green light - says "Come on, way open

Educator: Children, what kind of traffic signal can you cross the road?

Children: On the green light.

Educator: Well done boys! Let's play a game with you?

Educator: It is called "Assemble the traffic light correctly"... I need an assistant. Who wants to help me?

(children come out)

Educator: Guys, your task is to correctly arrange all the colors of the traffic light. So here we go!

(children arrange circles in a certain order)

Educator: Look guys, did they do it right?

Children: Yes

Educator: That's right, sit down! And the traffic light has prepared riddles for everyone. He has assistants, they are called road signs. Have you heard of them?

Children: Yes

Educator: So, the first riddle, listen carefully!

1. Stripes in black and white

The pedestrian walks boldly

How many of you guys know

What does the sign warn about?

Let the car run quietly -

Children: Crosswalk

Educator: guys, look at our road sign "Crosswalk" lacks. I need an assistant to help me find him.

(the child comes out and chooses the appropriate sign)

Educator: Guys, look, right? Why is this sign needed?

Children: He shows us where to cross the road.

2. Only cars drive here

Menacingly their tires flash

Do you have a bike?

So stop! No Droga!

Children: No cycling

Educator: look at the sign "Bicycles are prohibited" lacks! Who can help you find it?

Educator: right guys, look?

Children: This sign warns us that it is very dangerous to ride bicycles here.

3. I want to ask about the sign,

The sign is drawn like this:

In the triangle guys

Running as fast as they can.

Children: Caution, children.

Educator (one child comes out)

And what does this sign tell us?

Children: This mark indicates "Caution, children"... The driver sees this sign from afar and slows down, because in this place children can cross the road.

Educator: And where are such signs usually put?

Children: Near schools, kindergartens.

4. A round sign with a window in it.

Don't be in a rush

Think a little,

What's here, a brick dump?

Children: No entry.

Educator: Guys, who will help you find him? (one child comes out)

And what does this sign tell us?

Children: That travel is prohibited.

Educator: You see how many assistants are on the road at the traffic light! And now we will pretend that we are drivers. Do you know who they are?

Children: Those who are driving a car?

Fizminutka: "We are chauffeurs"

(children should show movement)

I swing, I fly

At full speed

(children are walking)

I'm a chauffeur myself

(simulate steering wheel control)

And he himself is a motor

(circular movements with the shoulders)

I step on the pedal

(bend the knee)

And the car rushes into the distance.

(running in place)

Educator: Guys, what types of transport do you know?

Children: ground, air, water.

Educator: What kind of transport is terrestrial?

Children: passenger car, bus, trolleybus, truck, etc.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the air type?

Children: plane, helicopter.

Educator: What kind of transport belongs to the water type?

Children: ship, steamer, motor ship

Educator: well done! Let's play a game with you "Pick a picture".

Educator: You have pictures under your chairs, you need to choose pictures for the modes of transport.

Educator: Look, right guys? What kind of transport is it? Where does he go?

Children: On the roads.


Children: In the sky.

Educator: Look guys, is everything correct? What kind of transport is it? Where can we meet him?

Children: On the water.

Educator: Right guys.

Educator: Guys, I want to play a game with you "Collect pictures"... Cut pictures are on the table, children pick up pictures and lay out the image.

Educator: Well done guys, you did the job.

Educator: Guys, for the successful completion of our walks I want to play an interesting game with you. It is called "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends" I will ask you questions and you will answer them.

How many of you give way to the elders in the close tram?

Who flies forward so quickly that they don't see the traffic light?

Who among you goes forward only where there is a transition?

Educator: Well done boys! This is our interesting the walk has come to an end.

Be careful children on the street!

Firmly remember this rule!

Remember this rule always!

So that trouble does not happen to you!

Educator: Did you like our city ​​walk? What did you like the most?

Olga Generalova
Summary of traffic rules in the middle group "We play, we study the rules of the road"

Olga Generalova

Summary of traffic rules classes in the middle group« Play, we study traffic rules».

Target: Formation of knowledge about traffic rules.


1. To reinforce in children the idea of road signs, traffic lights, sidewalk and other attributes related to traffic rules.

2. Teach children the rules safe behavior on road, orientation when using the layout.

3. Develop a culture of communication, enrich the vocabulary.

4. Foster a conscious pedestrian and safety stance road traffic.

5. Correct the basic cognitive processes of children (fine and general motor skills, memory, attention, etc.)

Equipment: city street layout, tree with signs, traffic light layout, small traffic lights, medals.

Course of the lesson:

Children come in group, the teacher shows them a model of a city street (without road signs, emergency situations have been created from the cars on road).

Educator: - There is a small toy city in a distant fairyland. Lived - did not grieve the inhabitants of this town. They were in great friendship with road signs, performed all traffic rules, respected and listened to the main traffic light. Therefore, this city has always reigned order and peace in the streets. But one day an evil and mighty hurricane flew into the city and carried away everything road signs to the dense forest. See what happened in the city. (Children are considering the layout, discussing the emergency the situation: No road signs, car crashes, the traffic light disappeared).

Educator: - Yes, guys, there is no order in the city. The signs must be rescued and returned to their place. But how to do it? (Children speak out).

Educator: - Let's help the inhabitants of a fabulous country, let's go to the deep forest to help out road signs... It's a long way, but to get out of the city we need to remember Traffic Laws.

Educator: - Tell me, what is a street? (Answers of children).

Educator: Each street has a carriageway. What do you think it is for? (children's answers).

Educator: - Right, the carriageway is needed for traffic... On both sides of the carriageway there are special track... What are their names?

Children: - Sidewalks.

Educator: - And what are the sidewalks for? (Answers of children).

Educator: - Quite right, for people. Adults and children walk on the sidewalk. Is that why they are called?

Children: - Pedestrians.

Educator: - And if you need to cross the carriageway? Where can this be done? (Answers of children).

Educator: - Yes guys, the road you need to cross in special places called pedestrian crossings. How do you recognize this place? (Answers of children).

Educator: - Right! There is a sign "Crosswalk" and white stripes are drawn. Who knows how cross the road correctly? (Answers of children).

Educator: - First they look to the left, reaching the middle, they look right... Wonderful! You know well Traffic Laws and with you you can safely set off on a journey through an unfamiliar city. Let's get on transport let's go on the road... What would you like go? (Children name and choose the mode of transport).

Game - warm-up"Cars"

Educator: - Cars, cars are going on our street. (Children go in circles, stop).

Educator: - Cars are babies. (Children sit down).

Educator: - The machines are big. (Children get up and put their hands up).

Educator: - Hey, cars! Full speed ahead! (Children go fast in circles).

Educator: - Hold on to the wheel, look ahead! There will be a turnaround soon! (The teacher shows a sign, the children are going the other way).

Educator: - Stop, cars! Stop motors! Brake all chauffeurs! (Children stop).

Educator: - Well done, that everyone respected traffic rules! Therefore, we got to the forest so quickly and without accidents. (Children are cleaning transport).

And here are the missing signs. (The teacher exposes the tree on which they hang signs: "Crosswalk", "No entry", "Telephone", "Caution, children!", "Turn"). (Children explain the signs).

Educator: - Do you think these road signs are needed in the forest? (Answers of children).

Educator: - Why? (Answers of children).

Educator: - Right, guys! Road signs in the forest are not needed because there are no streets or vehicles. They must be returned to the city and put into place.

Educator: - Guys, look what happened to the main traffic light?

Children: - Broken.

Educator: - Yes, guys, the colored lights at the traffic light have broken and they need to be collected.

The game"Split traffic light"

Educator: - What fellows! We did a good deed - we fixed the traffic light! Why do we need a traffic light? (Answers of children).

Educator: - Right, guys! Traffic light helps to regulate traffic, establishes order on the streets. Now let's check if you know well what each traffic light means?

Educator: - Red light!

Children: Stop, it's dangerous! The path is closed!

Educator: - Yellow.

Children: - A warning! Wait for the signal for movement!

Educator: Does the green light speak?

Children: - The way is open for pedestrians!

Educator: - Go through the way to you on the street is always

And these bright colors will help and prompt!

And what are these signs? (Answers of children).

Educator: - Yes, guys! These are broken traffic lights from our city and the lights are lying. So what's now?

Children: - Fix it!

Educator: - Right! We have to fix them. But you need to hurry. How can we quickly return to kindergarten? (Children suggest).

Educator: - Yes, we will fly by airplanes. (Children imitate airplanes)... So we flew to kindergarten.

Educator: - Guys, what needs to be done to fix the traffic lights?

Children: Stick it on!

Educator: - Do you remember the order in which they are located? (Answers of children).

Educator: - Right! Red, yellow, green. Let's start fixing traffic lights. (Children take mugs, apply glue and go to the teacher, who glues all sides of the traffic light).

Educator: - Traffic lights repaired! Let's put all the signs in the city in their place. Now order has come to the fairytale town and all residents are happy. (Children sit on high chairs).

Educator: - For the fact that you are so kind, sympathetic, attentive and know well Traffic Laws, you are awarded with medals "Honorary pedestrian"! (Presentation of medals).

Related publications:

After reviewing the materials on traffic rules on this site, my partner and I decided to create a layout for studying traffic rules in our group.

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Synopsis of an integrated lesson for children of intermediate to school age"Traffic rules - rules of life".

Work description: This material will be useful for kindergarten teachers of middle groups, this synopsis was developed for children of middle preschool age, the synopsis is used in safety classes.

Synopsis of the integrated lesson "Traffic rules - rules of life".

Target: formation of a consciously correct attitude towards observance of traffic rules as a pedestrian.
Tasks: to consolidate the knowledge of children about the rules of the road, to teach to apply the knowledge gained earlier in practical activities. To consolidate knowledge about the purpose of road signs, about traffic signals; about the fact that people walk on sidewalks, cross the road at crossings, with a permitting traffic light. Continue to educate attentiveness, the ability to navigate when crossing the road.
Integrative tasks:
- to expand and consolidate the knowledge of children about traffic signals, traffic rules;
- continue to acquaint children with road signs;
- to encourage the desire of children to show initiative in order to acquire new knowledge.
- to acquaint people with the profession who monitor the implementation of traffic rules.
- to enrich the children's dictionary with the names of road signs, transport.
- to develop the play activities of children;
- to familiarize with the elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers.
"Reading fiction":
- expand the vocabulary of children with poems, riddles;
-to improve performance skills when reading poems.
"Artistic creation":
- improve the skill of using scissors when cutting strips;
- to educate independence, to develop the ability to actively and creatively apply previously learned methods of application.
Demo material: traffic police inspector doll, road signs, toy baton, multimedia installation.
1. Organizational moment
The teacher and children gather in a circle:
Hey! Come on guys
Look at each other
Say hello with your palms,
Smile a little.
A warm-up is carried out (verses by S. Mikhalkov).
I roll on two wheels (They go in a circle one after another.)
I spin with two pedals, (They walk, raising their knees high.)
I hold on to the steering wheel, I look forward, (They hold an imaginary steering wheel with their hands.)
I know: the turn is coming soon. (They turn and walk the other way.)
At the end they sit down on chairs.
Educator: What mood have you become?
Children: Good.
2. Main part
I know that you love to play, and now I want to play a game with you. The game "Stand up, those who ..." is being held. Children sit on high chairs arranged in a circle, listen and complete the teacher's task:
Stand up those who like to play cars?
Stand up those who come to kindergarten on foot?
Stand up those who come to kindergarten by bus?
Stand up those who are brought to kindergarten by car?
Stand up those who mom brought in today?
Stand up those who dad brought in today?
Stand up those who come to kindergarten alone, without adults?
Look, guys, now you are all sitting, this means that you all come to kindergarten with adults, with mom or dad, with grandmother or grandfather. Why do you think? (children's answers). That's right, you and I know that a street, a road is a place where you need to be very careful so that trouble does not happen.
Remember the name of the rules that people must follow if they are going to go out and go or drive somewhere? (children's answers). That's right, these are the rules of the road. What do we know about the rules of the road?
In chorus:
“To never get into difficult situations,
You need to know and follow the rules of the road! "
Educator: Now we will check how well you know the rules of the road. To cross the road, you need to know the rules of the road. Who knows how to cross the road?
Children: Children give individual answers.
You should walk along the sidewalk as far as possible from the carriageway;
Crossing the road, you should stop at the carriageway and look to the left, then to the right and again to the left;
You can cross the road only when the traffic light is green;
They cross the road in safe places - at a traffic light, at a zebra crossing;
Educator: We have repeated the basic rules of the road, guys, today I also want to introduce you to the profession of people who monitor the implementation of traffic rules. Maybe some of you know? (children's answers). Let's see who it is (draws children's attention to the screen of multimedia equipment). Traffic police inspector. Now take a close look at the hands of the traffic police inspector. What is in his hands?
Children: wand.
Educator: right, wand.
Guys, tell me, what does a traffic police officer need a wand for?
Children: in order to control the movement of cars and pedestrians on the roads.
Educator: well done, they answered correctly.
Now let's play the game "On the road": you are all cars and must move in the same direction, in a column. And I - a traffic police inspector - with the help of a baton and words, I will show you the direction of the road. The first car will be Dasha. The rest of the cars follow her. We look closely at my rod.
Assignment: “The column of cars drives straight, turns right (the inspector raises his right hand), turns right again (raises his right hand again), drives straight (directs his hand straight), turns left (raises his left hand), drives straight (directs his hand straight ahead), turns left (turns back).
Educator: we did everything right. You guys are great! Such difficult tasks, and you have completed everything! It means that you know the rules of the road well!
Physical education:
The road is not a path, the road is not a ditch
Look to the left first, then look to the right.
Turn left, smile at your friend next to you.
Stamp with your right foot: 1, 2.3,
Shake your head: 1, 2.3,
Raise your hands up
And clap: 1, 2, 3.
Didactic game "Collect the road sign". From the puzzle, children collect road signs and tell which sign they have collected.
3. Practical part (making a rod).
Explanation of techniques and sequence of work.
Collective production of the wand.
Educator: Well done! All have coped with the task. Thank you guys for making the rod.
As a keepsake, I want to give you all badges - medals, certifying your knowledge of the rules of the road.
4. Outcome
Today in the lesson we repeated the rules of the road, played games and got acquainted with the rod, and in order for you to remember it better, we made it.

Peredriy Svetlana Anatolyevna
MBDOU d / garden No. 96 of the city of Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania

Summary of traffic rules classes in the middle group

"Talking traffic light"

Purpose: instilling in preschoolers a responsible attitude to personal and public safety and the formation of their experience of safe life.

Software content

Educational tasks:

To generalize the knowledge of children on the rules of the road, the rules of behavior on the street, to consolidate the knowledge of children about traffic lights, about its signals; to systematize the knowledge of children about road signs, - to bring to the consciousness of children what a violation of traffic rules can lead to.

Enrichment of vocabulary: sidewalk, pedestrian, intersection, road signs, with words-actions: on fire, turned on, coordination of a noun with adjectives: green, yellow, red light.


Create conditions for the development of logical thinking, intelligence, attention, imagination, observation, visual memory;

To develop the interests of children, dexterity, ingenuity, curiosity and cognitive motivation, creative activity.


To cultivate attention, concentration, sensitivity, responsiveness,

educate a literate pedestrian.

Methods and techniques: explanation, exercises, play method, questions, children's stories.

Equipment: Traffic light (educational toy), 3 circles: red, yellow, green, road signs: zebra, stripes, ball.

Preliminary work: excursion to the traffic light; conversations, viewing illustrations, reading poems and riddles on the rules of the road, watching presentations on traffic rules.

Technologies used:

1. Technology of student-centered education.

2. Health-saving technology.

3. Technology of cooperation.

4. Child support technology.

5. Game technologies.

6. Modern information and communication technologies.

Educator: Guys! Today our guest is Ekaterina Mikhailovna, a traffic police inspector.

Inspector: Traffic rules

Study, young friends!

Treat them without respect

It is simply impossible and impossible.

Everyone should know them thoroughly

And learn to be careful.

This is, guys, wonderful-

To be on friendly terms with the rules.

We are supposed to know these rules,

Business before pleasure.

Road traffic regulations

Games and poetry will teach you.

Educator: Here, listen to the riddle.

With three eyes lives

Flashes in turn.

As it blinks, it will put things in order.

What it is?

Children: Traffic light.


How did you guess that this is a traffic light? (children's answers) What kind of eyes does the riddle refer to? (children's answers)

Red, yellow and green -

Very bright colors!

Each color is specific

It makes sense for a reason!


What do you guys think is the meaning of each color?

Red is the color of a bonfire, fire. This is anxiety. Red is a danger!

Yellow is the color of the sun, which can be both friend and foe. The sun, as it were, warns: Be careful and attentive. Do not rush!

Green is the color of grass, forest, leaves. It reminds of rest, tranquility. This is security.


Guys, I want to give you a Traffic Light! Play and memorize the traffic rules.

Game (in order to fix traffic light signals)

We're standing at a traffic light

The red light will come on soon.

Having received such news,

The pedestrian stands still.

There is no other way out:

Red light is forbidden light.

If the yellow light is on:

Be patient, he says.

A green pedestrian is born

The highway will cross.

But before that, young friend,

He will look around everything.

Everyone will tell me soon

What I learned about traffic lights.

(The game is for all the children, one by one, to interpret the information received.)

Outdoor game "Traffic signals"

The presenter invites the children to turn into traffic lights and play. Each child receives a circle of one of three colors. Children move in a circle. As soon as the whistle signal sounds, they are drawn in three circles according to the colors of the traffic light.

"Traffic lights"

to learn to correlate actions with the color of traffic lights, to develop attention,

visual perception, thinking, quick wits.

Material: circles of red, yellow, green.

The course of the game: The teacher shows the circle, and the children perform the actions:

Red - stand, are silent;

Yellow - clap their hands;

Green - stomp their feet.

Inspector: Listen and remember!









GAME "Zebra"

Purpose: to train children in the exact execution of the rules of the game, to develop quick reaction, speed, orientation in space.

Material: strips of white paper (cardboard).

Game progress:

All participants in each team, except for the last one, are given a strip of white paper (cardboard). Upon a signal, the first participant puts down a strip, stands on it and returns to his team. The second one walks strictly along his lane, puts down his “step” of the zebra and comes back. The last participant walks along all the strips, returning, collects them.

Game (we consolidate the material, learn a funny and useful poem.)


At the playground

The traffic light has been standing for five years.

He has a three-eyed head

He sends greetings to all the guys.

Children, as it should be,

Each of the guys

Road rules

They want to know very much.

Fun and great

In our kindergarten.

Traffic light area

In front of the square.

There, next to the birches,

There is not the first year

Tracks with intersections

And even "TRANSITION".

There is a real one standing here

And for a very long time

Our smart talking

And a kind traffic light.

He does not get bored for a long time

And exactly, and seriously

The guys are responsible

Any question.

We didn't waste our time

We played here often.

Here are the educators again

We are being led to the site.

And we will listen together -

Our Traffic Light is smart.

About the rules, about the necessary

He will tell again.

Ignat asked his question,

The bravest of the guys:

Traffic light, you are very strict.

But tell me, we should know

Can children on the road

Jump, play with the ball.

The traffic light said with a smile:

It would be a mistake

I will simply answer the question,

And no other is given

On the road for children, adults

It is always forbidden to be.

Why? Tell me decorously!

Because there are cars.

In those places where TRANSITIONS,

Pedestrians walk boldly.

Exactly! Only here's the trouble -

The traffic light said in alarm. -

Always be careful

We must, children by the road.

A very important piece of advice:

Don't play where you have to.

Where there is no traffic light

The transition is called "Zebra".

Stop aut O ,

And the driver will let us through.

You are the road, what matters is

Only then go on.

The guys have a lot of questions

There are a lot of them and adults.

They also need to know

The rules are serious.

They don't want to violate

Important rules for adults.

Suddenly the stubborn Kostya said:

I'm always at the red light

I'll just cross the road

And without any difficulty.

The traffic light said alarmingly:

Don't forget about one thing

You can cross the road.

But this path is dangerous.

This path should be clear

Not deliberate, empty.

If the light is red, remember

Do not rush! Stop in place!

If the yellow light is on,

He, get ready, says.

And suddenly the green lights up,

Then the way is clear.

You're smart and smart

Don't forget important rules!

We have an excellent traffic light

Smart, kind, cute.

Valya, Pasha, Misha, Zhora,

Petya, Julia, our whole garden,

They often go to the traffic light.

They talk to him for a long time.

Our traffic light is friends with us.

We are glad to him, friends.

No road rules needed

Nobody can live!

All these rules are well known.

After all, they are good for that,

Which is very necessary, useful.

You need to teach them, kids!

Inspector: What a fine fellow you guys are! How well you know the rules of the road! Now I am calm for you! Now I know for sure that nothing will happen to you. And I have to go on, on my way, to the other guys, whom I have to teach how to behave on the road. Goodbye!

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: Well, guys, did you like meeting the inspector?

Educator: Will we invite him to visit us again?

Educator: At the end of our conversation, remember, be careful, think about safety.