Synopsis of the nodes for the development of speech in the preparatory group of the dhow on the topic "telling from the picture" to school. Abstract of the open lesson in the preparatory group on the topic "Drawing up a descriptive story based on the picture Winter

Lyudmila Taranova
Summary of the lesson on the development of speech in the preparatory group. A story based on the painting "In the Wild North"

Abstract on the development of speech in the preparatory group on the topic:

« Picture story"On north wild»

Educator: Taranova L.V.

Target: teach children to compose story by picture.

Tasks: 1. To cultivate love for the natural environment.

2. Develop observation, logical thinking.

3. Teach children to give a complete answer and independently compose story by picture

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introduction to the topic


Do you guys have friends? (children's answers)

It's always nice to talk about friends. Let's smile at each other and say a kind word.

The game "Call your friend affectionately".

Children come up with affectionate epithets:

(Pretty Zhenya, kind Sonechka, little white Helen, smart Natashechka, affectionate Kolya)

Well done, you treat each other well. And what words, similar in sound, can be matched to the word "friend"?

(friend - friendship - friendly - friendly - girlfriend - friends, etc.)


It happens that a person has no friends, and he is left alone.

What words can be found for a word "one"(one - lonely - lonely - lonely - lonely, etc.)

Children, do you think being alone is good or bad?

Please listen to the music.

What kind of music did you play, Vitya?

Calm, slow, sad or funny?

The teacher once again offers to listen to the music and reminds the composer's mood when he wrote the music, shows the children a reproduction paintings and... Shishkina "On north wild» .

(sadness, longing, loneliness, sadness).

What colors did you choose to paint this landscape?

(blue, black, white, gray, blue)

What's in the foreground, Lisa?

That's right, pine, well done!

Children, what can you say about the pine tree? What is she like?

(lonely, sad, shaggy, sad, big, old)

Well done, you can also add - wise, thoughtful, etc.

What's in the background, Lena?

What words can you say about the sky? What is it like?

(gloomy, dark, cold)

- Educator:

Listen to the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov "On wild north ...»

On the wild north is lonely

There is a pine tree on the bare top.

And slumbers, swaying, and loose snow

She is dressed like a robe.


The artist I. Shishkin painted a pine asleep under the snow.

And what is the silence!

What mood do you think the artist wrote this picture?

That's right, with sadness, sadness, well done.

With whom the pine could communicate, as Kolya thinks?

With the sky, the sun, well done, and I will help - with the wind, snow, moon.


Children draw picture it is possible not only with paints, but also with words. To do this, you can use the reference circuits.

What do you see on picture? (pine)

Where does the pine grow (on the mountain)

What is the sky? (gloomy, sad, etc.)

What does the pine think about?

Well done, thanks, everyone worked well.

Children make up story.

Related publications:

Synopsis of an integrated lesson on the development of speech. Telling about the painting "Dog with puppies" and drawing from the picture Purpose: To teach children to describe a familiar picture, composing a short, coherent story modeled on the teacher. Continue helping the children to agree.

Abstract of the GCD for the development of speech (storytelling from the picture) "Winter" Synopsis of educational activities directly. Approximate basic educational program: edited by N. Ye. Veraksa “From birth.

Tasks: To teach children to compose a descriptive story about a picture, using the most accurate words to denote color, size; exercise.

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Astafieva Guzel
Summary of GCD in the preparatory group for school "Composing a story based on a plot picture"

Abstract direct educational activities in preparatory group for school on the topic« Drawing up a story based on a plot picture»

Target: teach children compose a story based on a plot picture.

Tasks: teach children look at the picture, answer questions correctly; form grammatically correct speech, activate the dictionary; train children in the correct use of the instrumental case and in the selection of synonyms; develop the ability to come up with events preceding and subsequent; develop attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills of hands. Equipment: plot picture"We are on duty"; subject Pictures Preliminary Work: games "Words-friends" (selection of synonyms); "What changed", "The fourth extra".

Organizing time:

Friends in our grouppe

Girls and boys. And we will make friends with you Little fingers. 1,2,3,4,5. Start counting again. We have finished counting.

The one who will pick up a word close in meaning to the word work will sit down. To work means what to do? (work, do). By the way to communicate? (talk, talk, chat). By the way guys? (kids, children)

2. Today we will be with you compose a story from a picture. Consider the picture... - Tell me who the artist painted on picture? (children)

Where are the children? -How did you guess? (educator, flowers, nature calendar, aquarium).

What are the children doing (watered, fed)... Two words - water and feed - can be replaced with one. What word do you think? (working)... What else? (on duty)... - And if the children are on duty, then who are they, how will we call the children (attendants).

- Where are they on duty? How can we call picture? - What do they have in the corner of nature, compare with our corner.

Tell about the kids(Masha watering the flowers with a watering can)... - What is the name of the houseplant that Masha waters?

What other flowers do you see on picture? Name them? Tell us about Nadya... What can you say about her? What is she like? (neat, diligent)... What is the item depicted on picture, tells us about it.

Tell about Vasya... What is he doing? What kind of fish do you see in the aquarium? Is the aquarium shown in the picture from our aquarium? - What can you say about these children? Do you think they worked? How could they help the teacher? What are they talking about?

Looking at this picture, is it possible to determine the time of the year? What objects tell us about this? (clothes, trees outside the window, nature calendar).

3. Game "1, 2, 3" The teacher shows Pictures that need to be remembered and named in the same order.

4. Dynamic pause.

On the mighty poplar, the buds burst. And from each bud Leaves grew. The tubules unfolded, The skirts were blossomed. Spun, smiled And said: "We woke up!"

5. Game for the development of attention and logical thinking. The teacher offers to listen to a number of words and choose unnecessary and explain your choice. Ficus, pelargonium, tradescantia, tulips. Perch, walleye, pike, guppy Table, chair, bedside table, window. Vasya, Nadia, Masha, Sidorov.

6. The teacher draws the attention of children to picture... Now you have to come up with story about this picture... Think, where were the children before kindergarten? Where did they come from? What they were doing? How do they work? What did the children do afterwards? - About what you need tell? Repeat one more time. Children's stories... Grade stories by children.

7. Lesson summary. What did you like about the lesson? What have you learned?

Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Winter" in the preparatory group for school.

Target: Painting storytelling training.


1. Training in compiling a short story based on a picture based on mnemonic tables.

2.1 Exercise in the selection of related words to the word winter from the context and the selection to the words snow, frost.

2.2 Concordance of adjectives with nouns in gender.

2.3 Formation of signs and actions to the words frost, snow, winter.

2.4 Enrichment of vocabulary with synonyms and real participles.

3. To cultivate the ability to notice mistakes in the speech of comrades and kindly correct them.

Preliminary work:

Observation will take with children in nature.

Consideration of winter landscapes A. Plastov, P. Kuznetsov.

Acquaintance with poems about the winter by A.S. Pushkin, I.S. Nikitin.

Anchoring the winter months.

Materials and equipment:

Subject picture "Winter", mnemonic tables; physical minutes "Blizzard", "Snowball" (see card index).


1. Highlighting the signs of winter in passages from poems about winter:

Here is the north, catching up with clouds,

I breathed, howled, and here it is

The winter sorceress is coming!

Came, crumbled, in shreds

Hanged on the branches of oak trees,

Laid down in wavy carpets

Among the fields, around the hills,

Brega with a motionless river

Equalized with a plump shroud.

Frost flashed. And we are glad

The pranks of mother winter. (A.S. Pushkin)

Winter sings, hunts,

Shaggy forest lulls

Stozvon pine forest.

Around with deep longing

Are sailing to a distant land

Grizzly clouds.

And in the yard there is a blizzard

It spreads like a silk carpet,

But it's painfully cold.

Sparrows are playful

Like lonely children

Snuggled up by the window.

And a blizzard with a furious roar

Knocks on the hanging shutters

And he gets angry more and more. (S. Yesenin)

2. D / y "Pick up the signs":

Winter - white, silvery, gray …….

Snow - fluffy, squeaky, sparkling ...

Frost - strong, strong, crackling ... ..

3. Д / у "Pick up actions":

Frost - hardens, stings, freezes, cracks….

Snow - creaks, melts, falls, whirls ... ..

4. D / y "Form a sign":

Snow sparkles in the sun - snow sparkles in the sun.

Snow glistens in the sun-

Snow sparkles under the rays of the sun-

The snow is silvery in the sun

Snow creaks underfoot-

Snow crunches underfoot-

Snow falls to the ground-

5. D / y "Say otherwise":

Snowfall, blizzard, blizzard, blizzard, porosha, blizzard.

Cold, cold, frost, cold.

Freeze, freeze, freeze, freeze, freeze, freeze.

6. D / y "Pick up the words-relatives":

Snow - snowball, snowflake, snowfall, snowmobile, snowflake, snowfall, snowmobile, snow scooter, snowman, bullfinch, snow maiden….

Frost - frost, frost, freezer, freezer, frostbite….

7. Conversation on the picture:

How many winter months are there in a year? Name them in order.

What color is the most in the picture?

Is it good or bad when the winter is snowy?

What is it good for? And for whom could it be bad?

What can you say about the weather when it snows?

Why do wintering birds move closer to human habitation?

What winter fun did the kids come up with?

What kind of snow are snowmen made of?

Find words for ice (what?)

Why did the bear fall asleep deeply?

What riddle do you know about the hare?

Why did the squirrel change its red coat to a gray one?

Come up with your own name for the painting.

8. Drawing up stories by children using mnemonic tables.

A fierce winter has come. The cold winter sun does not warm. Migratory birds flew to winter in warm countries. Overwinters - moved closer to a person's dwelling. We changed into warm squirrel coats and a hare. A bear lay down to winter in a warm, cozy den. And the children happily greet the winter-winter.

Alena Dzoblaeva
Abstract of the GCD in the preparatory group. Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Winter"

Theme:Drawing up a story based on a plot picture« Winter» .

Targets and goals:


Work on a coherent speech.

Development of attention.


Teaching children a sequential retelling based on subject matters.


Foster friendships, the ability to evaluate your actions and the actions of friends.

Development environment:

Subject Pictures,plot picture by theme« Winter» .

GCD move

Guys! Let's guess the riddles?

1. Washes like blue glass

Slippery, fun, light. (ice)

2. The tablecloth is white,

I put on the whole field. (snow)

3.From the sky as a star

On the palm of your hand with water. (Snowflake)

4. Grows upside down

Doesn't grow in summer but in winter

Only the sun covers it

She will die. (icicle)

5. He's white fluffy

Is spinning in the air

And quietly to the ground

Falls down. (snow)

What time of year do these riddles relate to? (for winter)

These riddles are magical and beautiful as myself winter.

We all wait for her for a long time and when she comes we say

"Has come (which) long-awaited: winter.

It is very cold in winter. We talking: Winter(which) cold. In winter, severe frosts. We are speaking winter(which) frosty. what about snow? What is he? Is the snow white? Fluffy snow. The snow is sticky. The snow is shiny.

Of what consists of snow? (from snowflakes)

What about a snowflake? What is she like? (white, patterned

Easy) You love winter (Yes) Why? (In winter you can ski. You can go sledging. You can go ice skating.

How do birds do in winter? The birds are cold and hungry. They need to be fed.

Game for attention. I will call winter words. If the words do not apply to winter, children clap.

Sleds, skis, bicycle, white, radiant, hot, cold, transparent, shallow, hot, slippery, loose.

On the edge of the table lie pictures of answers... Place them in front of you. I will ask you riddles --- you will guess them. But listen to how you need to answer in detail the answer.

Question: “Who has shiny, slippery, glands! I have shiny, slippery skates.

1. Who has white, fluffy, loose ...

I have --- --- --- (snow)

2. Who is slim, smart, green ...

I have --- --- --- (Christmas tree)

3. Who has wooden, long, fast ones?

I have --- --- --- (skis)

4. Who is slippery, icy, tall?

I have --- --- --- (slide)

Work on proposals

I gave each one picture... (Children feed the birds and the dog. Children dance around the festive green tree)

The game "Magic bag"

Snow in one bag (in a bucket)

In another cotton wool

A letter with instructions is read out.

“I have sent you two magic pouch: one is light green, the other is red, there is something in the bags. You have to guess what is there.

Conditions: touch but don't take, guess but don't speak. Father Frost.

Who guessed what was in the salad bag?

And why? And in red (Vata)

Plot picture« Winter» what season came: answer with a full sentence. The long-awaited one has come winter.

What lies around? Fluffy snow lies all around

What did they eat wrapped up in? Green Christmas trees are wrapped in snow.

Whom does Andrey feed? Andrey feeds the birds.

Look guys who is sledding down the mountain? ... sledging down the hill.)

Who is skiing?

Who is making the snowman?

Who sculpts the bunny?

Guys, it turned out story... Let's retell.

Who will tell about winter, about the snow?

Who will tell about the birds?

And who wants tell about the winter fun of children?

After retelling in parts, the child is called and completely retells story.

How can you title Winter story. "Winter fun".

And then the lesson

What did we talk about today?

What did you do in the classroom?

We did well today. Well done!

Related publications:

Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Red Summer Has Come" Objectives: activation and updating of the vocabulary on the topic; improving the skill of composing a story based on a plot picture; the development of coherent speech,.

Lesson on speech development "Composing a story based on the plot picture" A true friend " Purpose: to teach children to compose a story based on a plot picture. Tasks: 1. Cognitive development Teach children logically, consistently.

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Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the senior group "Drawing up a story based on the painting by I. I. Shishkin" Winter " Synopsis of the integrated GCD in the senior group. (integration of educational areas: communication, artistic creation). Topic: “Compilation.

Types of children's activities: communicative, cognitive research, play. Purpose: to foster interest and attention to the word, to enrich.

Summary of GCD consideration and compilation of a story based on the plot picture "Family" CONSIDERATION AND COMPOSITION OF THE STORY ON THE PICTURE "FAMILY" Middle group. Purpose: To form the ability to tell according to the content of the plot.

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the artistic - aesthetic and social - personal development of children

No. 21 "Sparkle", Berdsk

Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group

"Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures"

Prepared and conducted:

Efanova S.Yu.


Target: Teaching a coherent, sequential presentation of events in a series of plot pictures.


Educational:To learn to convey the plot inherent in a series of paintings.

Developing: Develop the ability to independently invent events.

Educational: Foster respect for other people's work. Develop observation

Preliminary work:The game "what happened first, then what?" Reading stories about the seasons.

Integration of educational areas:speech development, cognitive development, social and personal development.

Activities:play, communicative, motor.

Subject-developmental environment:a series of plot pictures (in an envelope), a ball.

Organizational educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: Guys, this morning they brought a letter to our kindergarten.

Find out what's in our group.

Educator: Let's see what's in it! (A letter from Luntik, in which he writes that he wants to take part in the story competition. But he needs help to compose the best story. There are still pictures in the envelope).

Educator: Do you agree to help Luntik? What needs to be done for this?

Children's answers: Arrange the pictures in order, consider each picture, make several sentences for each picture, come up with a name, compose a story for all the pictures.

2. The main stage

The teacher and the children put the pictures on the magnetic board out of order.

Educator: Take a close look at the pictures. Are they related by common content?

Children: Yes.

Educator: Why do you think so?

Children: All pictures have the same characters.

Educator: Which picture do you think should come first? Why? What is the second, third, fourth, fifth?

Children's answers.

Chatting on pictures:

Educator: What time of year is shown in the first picture?

Children: Winter

Educator: What are the kids doing?

Children's answers.

Educator: Consider the second picture.

What has changed in the picture?

What is the hare planning to do?

How did he decide to do this?

Children's answers.

Educator: Consider the third picture.

What did the hare come up with after an unsuccessful jump for a carrot?

Could the hare reach the carrot? Why?

Children's answers.

Educator: Consider the fourth picture.

What mood is the hare in? Why?

What do you think the hare will do next?

Educator: Consider the fifth picture.

What happened to the snowman?

Why did it melt?

What is the mood of the hare? Why?

3.Physical training « There is a pine tree in the yard "
There is a pine tree in the yard,
She reaches for the sky.
Poplar grew next to her (Standing on one leg, stretching)
He wants to be more authentic. (Hands up, then the same, standing on the other leg.)
A strong wind flew
All the trees swayed. (Tilts the body back and forth.)
Branches bend back and forth
The wind shakes them, oppression. (Jerks in front of the chest.)
Let's squat together -
One, two, three, four, five. (Squats.)
We warmed up from the heart
And we hurry to the place again. (Children go to their places.)

Educator: Rebta, I think that the story we have compiled will really please Luntik and he will be able to win the competition.

Let's play some more.

4. Play exercise"Finish the sentence" (with the ball)

  • It snows in winter, and in autumn(leaf fall).
  • It snows in winter and in summer(rain) .
  • Snow falls in winter, and in spring(melts).
  • Sledding in winter, and in summer(by bike).
  • In winter, the forest sleeps, and in spring(wakes up).
  • It gets cold in winter and in summer(hot) .
  • In winter, the trees are white, and in autumn(yellow).
  • Snowdrifts grow in winter and grow in summer(plants) .
  • In winter, insects hide, and in spring(get out).
  • In winter, the bear sleeps, and in the spring (wakes up)
  • In winter, the day is short, and in summer (long)
  • In winter, the wind is cold, and in summer (warm)
  • In winter, the hare is white, and in summer (gray)

5. Reflection:
- What did we talk about in class today? From whom did you receive the letter? What did Luntik ask us for? Who was the story about? What did you enjoy doing the most?