Lunar days to attract love and material well-being. love and moon

The most important thing here is to get into resonance with the Universe. And then the energy of the Cosmos itself will help you to go to happiness.

The most important thing here is to get into resonance with the Universe.

And then the energy of the Cosmos itself will help you to go to happiness.

On the first lunar day, you must "place an order" for your love. After all, on this day, whatever you wish, everything will certainly come true! As you know, the first lunar day sometimes lasts only a few minutes.

Do not miss these minutes, even if they fall in the middle of the night. Your whole life may depend on them.

On this day, you must dream in detail and in detail "to dream" your happiness.

Imagine what kind of man you would like to see next to you.

Should he be kind, smart, courageous, handsome?

Maybe rich?

But remember: the most important thing is that he must be loved. After all, if there is no love, neither beauty, nor wealth, nor other virtues will please you, which in the end will begin to annoy.

So on the first lunar day, you must "place an order" for your beloved man, with the confidence that if there is love, then the rest will follow. If there is someone specific in mind, you can dream about him.

True, in this case, think carefully: if there is someone or something that can prevent your reunion, the chances of fulfilling your dream are greatly reduced.

A prerequisite: in your dreams, you should not just draw the image of your beloved man - it is necessary that you see yourself next to him.

It is necessary to dream with joy, with pleasure and with confidence that everything will come true.

But do not take these relationships too far in your imagination: do not give free rein to the imagination if it begins to draw stormy and passionate scenes of love.

Otherwise, these dreams will take so much energy from you that there will be no strength left to realize them in reality.

That is why many romantic dreamers in real life are left with a nose: fantasies take all their strength from them, they are not left to arrange life. Dreams are necessary for us, but be careful with them.

The first lunar day is the best time for making wishes: they will certainly come true.

Having dreamed, try to discard all dreams with the end of the first lunar day, forget about them for a while, switch to another. In doing so, we kind of let our dream go free, allowing it to work independently, independently of us.

On the second lunar day, carefully look at others: is the person of your dreams walking somewhere nearby? It is on this day that we most acutely and subtly feel where our person is and where not ...

If you do not manage to meet him the first time - do not be discouraged: very rarely it succeeds so quickly. It may take more than one month for a dream to come true. Therefore, be patient and believe in success - then everything will work out.

People get to know each other more easily when the Moon is in Gemini and Leo. Therefore, these days try to be in public, communicate more.

Throughout the first phase of the moon, keep dreaming and mentally making plans for your future happiness. This is a period of preparation for the future, so do not rush into action if you have already identified a specific object of your love.

On the sixth lunar day, mentally tune in to the person you like, try to understand him, feel his thoughts and feelings - on this day, intuition is sharpened, and you can very accurately feel what are the prospects for your relationship and how you need to behave in order to dream the best way were realized. Maybe your intuition will tell you that you need to wait patiently, and over time, relationships will begin to develop naturally; you may want to take the first step. On this day, there is a chance to choose the only correct behavior.

Then act according to your intuition.

E If you decide to take action, it is best to choose the twenty-first lunar day: on this day we are brave to the point that we are capable of a feat, and we can do things that we used to fear and dream about. But don't overdo it. No frontal attacks. Remember: when we meet a truly “our” person, a favorable situation for establishing a relationship with him develops by itself.

The task is not to miss this situation, to see the door that has opened before us in time. If the door is tightly closed and we have to break through it with our heads, then you should know: the goal was chosen incorrectly, and it is better to stop all attempts to reach it - they are clearly doomed to failure. Everything is easy with "your" person - remember this rule. It is important not to miss the moment when you need to take one single step towards.

If there was no such chance before the beginning of the fourth phase of the moon, then there is no need to look for it anymore. You just have to start all over again with the advent of the new moon. In the meantime, the Moon is flawed, do nothing else: take a break from both plans and actions.

If your efforts were successful and you found happy love, the best time to start a serious relationship, as well as to get married, is the seventeenth lunar day. We are full of vitality, internally free and liberated as never before, and love promises to be long and strong.

I warn you again: Don't despair if you don't succeed right away. We have all lived in discord with ourselves and with the world for so long that it can take a long time to adjust ourselves to the rhythms of nature. Happiness in your personal life will come when peace and harmony settle in your soul, when you learn to enjoy life just like that, for no reason, when you get used to living in complete harmony with your intuition, discover your true nature and become yourself. Only then will your only person, intended only for you, be attracted to you, like a magnet. So take your time.

As is known 1st lunar day are the moment when you can make wishes, ponder and conduct careful planning. Therefore, to plan your relationship with the opposite sex, you can also use them.
If you are ripe for a serious relationship, want to start a family and meet your loved one on your way, then try not to miss this moment.
Sit down in a calm atmosphere, light a candle, close your eyes and imagine what you would like, how you see your man, what kind of relationship you would like, i.e. in detail with your imagination, try to imagine your future life. But remember that everything should be in moderation. Imagine, think it over and let it go. Do not get stuck in dreams, otherwise nothing will come of reality. Dreams must be pure, no violence. There should not be any particular man in the imagination. You can imagine everything down to the smallest detail, eye color, hair, height, position, condition, but nothing more. You can write everything down or even draw. The main thing is to create a strong mental image. But the mental image is clear, concrete, precise. Don't forget to imagine this man next to you.
Having dreamed, try to discard all dreams with the end of the first lunar day, forget about them for a while, switch to another. In doing so, we kind of let our dream go free, allowing it to work independently, independently of us. In 2nd lunar day pay close attention to those around you. It is on this day that we most acutely and subtly feel where our person is and where not.
If you do not manage to meet him the first time - do not be discouraged: very rarely it succeeds so quickly. Therefore, be patient and believe in success.
People get to know each other more easily when the moon is in Gemini and Leo . Therefore, these days try to be in public, communicate more. Throughout the first phase of the moon, return to your plan. This is a period of preparation for the future, so do not rush into action.
IN 6th lunar day tune in mentally to the person you like, try to understand him, feel his thoughts and feelings - on this day, intuition is sharpened, and you can very accurately feel what the prospects for your relationship are and how you need to behave so that dreams come true in the best possible way. Maybe your intuition will tell you that you need to wait patiently, and over time, relationships will begin to develop naturally; you may want to take the first step. On this day, there is a chance to choose the only correct behavior. Then act according to your intuition. If you decide to take action, it is best to choose 21st lunar day : on this day we are brave to the point that we are capable of a feat, and we can do things that we used to be afraid of and dream about.
But don't overdo it. No frontal attacks. Remember: when we meet a truly “our” person, a favorable situation for establishing a relationship with him develops by itself. The task is not to miss this situation, to see the door that has opened before us in time. If the door is tightly closed and we have to break through it with our heads, then know that the goal was chosen incorrectly, and it is better to stop all attempts to reach it - they are clearly doomed to failure. Everything is easy with "your" person - remember this rule. It is important not to miss the moment when you need to take one single step towards.
If before beginning of the fourth phase of the moon such a chance did not present itself, then there is no need to look for it anymore. You just have to start all over again with the advent of the new moon. In the meantime, the Moon is flawed, do nothing else: take a break from both plans and actions.
If your efforts have been successful and you have found happy love, the best time to start a serious relationship, as well as to get married - 17th lunar day . We are full of vitality, internally free and liberated as never before, and love promises to be long and strong.
Don't despair if you don't succeed right away. We have all lived in discord with ourselves and with nature for so long that it can take a long time to adjust ourselves to the rhythms of the cosmos. Happiness in your personal life will come when peace and harmony settle in your soul, when you learn to enjoy life just like that, for no reason, when you get used to living in complete harmony with your soul, discover your true nature and become yourself.
Only then will your only person, intended only for you, be attracted to you, like a magnet. So take your time. First, learn to use the rhythms of the Moon to derive the formula of any day, any period of your life, and then the Moon will become a reliable compass for you in the ocean of life. She will teach you to navigate in any fog, will invariably lead you to the islands of happiness and love.
What to do if you are in love, but there is no reciprocity?
Perhaps the man is married, and nothing shines for you, or the man is single, but he absolutely does not like you.
True love is always mutual. Unrequited love suggests that you are somehow not suitable for a man, which means that you are imperfect in his eyes. Often unrequited love breaks life, destiny...
It is difficult for many of us to grasp this truth: after all, there are so many beautiful novels, so many fascinating stories dedicated to unrequited unrequited love, and sometimes it can be so beautiful and romantic! Nobody argues, if you like to love unrequited - love. But it is better to give unspent love to the Universe than to suffer because of it and turn it into a self-destructive force. This kind of love is a problem.
The laws of the universe are such that when two kindred spirits meet, two people meant for each other, love flashes instantly in both of them. If this does not happen, you should not waste your energy trying to attract the love of an absolutely alien, "not your" person. Unrequited love must be got rid of, and the sooner the better.
Everyone knows that love is the cure for love - another love. But sometimes ill-fated love fills the whole heart so much that there is no place left for another, true love, the path is blocked for it. To find a new love, it is necessary to free the place in the heart occupied by the former. Doing this is sometimes difficult. Astrology can offer effective

People in love experience a huge range of emotions, they are “stormed” all the time: “Do you love me?”, “Does she need me?” etc. etc. Emotions boil, heads work with difficulty, mistakes are made, relationships deteriorate, and now articles and books “how to maintain a relationship with a loved one”, “what can not be said to men and women”, “10 questions that infuriate our loved ones”, etc. are being used. We all want to hear kind words, to know that we are loved, to receive gifts, to see joy in the eyes of our loved ones when we surprise them, and not to be tormented by doubts “loves - does not love” and suffer from the “ungratefulness” of the faithful.

Our loved ones want exactly the same, and we, it seems to us, are doing everything to ensure that they receive all this magnificence in full. But for some reason, the darling is dissatisfied, the woman tortured her with her endless “do you love me?”. What to do? How can I explain to her that I love you?

In fact, mistakes and dissatisfaction with each other can be easily avoided, and at a minimum cost, receive maximum love, attention, warmth and tenderness. And it's just as easy to give them to your loved ones. You just need to know some little tricks.

Astrologers, together with bioenergetics, unanimously say that the position of the Moon has a great influence on the psycho-emotional state of all people. And this fact should be taken into account when entering into a relationship. Remember the movie "Wizards"?

The question must be asked in a timely manner. This one is from this wall!

Words spoken and deeds done on certain lunar days have the highest degree of "intelligibility" and are remembered longer. You just need to know these “reference points” and it is on these days to say the necessary words to your loved one or take the right steps.

So, I will give a list of typical desires and sufferings, as well as indicate the best time to "solve the problem":

"You do not love me!"

Doubts "loves - does not love, spit, kiss" are caused and removed by many factors: by words, and deeds, and gifts, and other subtle matters.

Dear men, if you are tired for the hundred thousand first time repeating to your precious one that you love her and immediately hear the same question again, dear ladies, if you so want to understand all the time that you are loved, and your darling, like most men, stingy with words, make your life easier:

Say: "I love you" or ask your loved one this question and get a positive answer on the 7th and 8th lunar days. The words of love spoken and heard during this period set the tone for relationships for a long time, create confidence in their “love” and remove the urgency of the question “do you love me” for at least a month. The seventh lunar day is generally a day of increased gullibility and suggestibility, here you can inspire your soul mate with anything for a month in advance.

Say: “we are together”, “we are one family”, “you are my everything”, etc. on the 10th, 17th or 20th lunar day and do something together on the 19th lunar day. Then the question “who am I to you” and “what is my status in your life” will be removed for at least a month.

"You don't appreciate me!"

I do, I do, and he is ungrateful!!! Familiar?

This happens with every couple. Any person wants to feel needed and useful, and if he does not feel this, then he feels disappointed and annoyed. The words of gratitude uttered on the 24th and 30th lunar days have a special power, intelligibility and will permanently fix in your soul mate the feeling of being needed and your gratitude.

“You are so smart,” said on the 28th lunar day, will increase the self-esteem of your beloved for a month in advance.

Present a gift or provide financial assistance on the 4th lunar day, give something that improves the quality of life (mittens in winter) or show physical care - pat on the head and feed sweets on the 13th and 21st lunar days - and your half will remain happy a month ahead.

"It hurt!"

Sometimes we go to our beloved person “this way and that, with words and without words”, and with such a “carrot” and with “that”, but it’s useless: he continues to scatter socks, and she cracks on the phone. When "good" does not work, we loudly shout "bad", but the effect - that is, that is not.

For the result to be, arrange “demonstrative floggings” and “whip” motivation on the 18th lunar day. “Showdowns” on this day have the highest degree of intelligibility and motivate our loved ones “not to do this” for at least a month.

It happens that by making compromises, releasing certain moments “on the brakes”, we come to a situation where the conflict is ripe and requires a way out. But we keep ourselves in hand, and the quarrel continues to mature in a hidden form. It is obvious that sooner or later the situation will “explode”, but it is better if this happens not late or early, but in a timely manner: on the 5th or 27th lunar days. At this time, the most difficult situations are resolved with minimal losses and do not leave a psychological residue.

"We need to break up!"

If the relationship has become obsolete, and you understand that it is time to part, then the most successful time for this is the 19th and 26th lunar days. In the first case, it will be easy to break once and for all, so that even the slightest contact does not remain, in the second, it will be easy to disperse as “friends”.

"Caution, inadequate reactions!"

3 lunar day - everyone is subconsciously set to resist, if you want to ask for something, then it's better to do it on another day

9th lunar day - especially avoid making promises.

14th lunar day - provokes the desire to "command", with all the ensuing consequences.

The 15th lunar day is a full moon - emotions are overflowing, it’s worth making a little noise and you are “nervous” and “hysterical” for a month ahead for your half.

On the 16th lunar day, the more you do, the less the result (any action or gift will cause an attack of discontent, they say it’s not enough, the wrong “color”, at the wrong time, a kind word will respond with irritation “don’t teach me how to live, better help financially” and etc.).

On the 29th lunar day, on the new moon, the worst features of all “climb”, you can let your loved ones “let off steam”, but there is one subtlety here, you can’t take this negativity on yourself. In psychology, for such cases, the so-called garbage pail technique is used: while the sweet half is letting off steam, mentally place an empty bucket between her and yourself, in which all the negativity will be collected, and then just mentally take it to the trash.

Additional information on the influence of the Moon on personal and family relationships.

Science has long proven that there is a fairly tight relationship between the state of the moon and the physical characteristics of people on our planet. This main satellite of the Earth has an impact on many areas of human life.

There are three main factors of the influence of the Moon, on which it depends what kind of energy prevails at the moment in our world, what behavior, well-being, emotional mood it inclines us to. This is the ordinal number of the lunar day, the phase of the moon and the sign of the zodiac in which the moon is located.

The nature of the lunar day to a very large extent determines our behavior. The energy state of the body, the degree of its vitality and activity depend on the phase of the moon. The sign of the Zodiac determines the emotional mood and inclination to a particular type of activity.

Everyone knows that there is a close relationship between the behavior of the Moon and various physical processes on Earth. This satellite of our planet exerts its influence on many aspects of human life. One such area, according to astrologers, is personal relationships between members of opposite sexes. And therefore, astrologers strongly recommend that we take into account the lunar rhythms when building romantic relationships, so that our aspirations do not contradict, but harmonize with the lunar influence on human biorhythms.

Let's try to combine our behavior with the biorhythms of the lunar calendar. So, in the lunar month, it is customary to separate four phases: the new moon, the phase of the growing moon, the full moon and the phase of the waning moon. During the period of the new moon, astrologers do not recommend making any important decisions and making certain plans in their personal lives, but the full moon is just the time of the peak of romantic feelings.

However, be careful, the full moon affects emotional personalities too much, increases anxiety and nervousness, quarrels and scandals are possible. The phase of the growing moon is favorable for any new beginnings, and the phase of the waning moon is a time when activity is reduced and new relationships will be difficult to develop.

The moon naturally influences our emotions. With the change of the sign of the Zodiac, in which the Moon is located, our emotions change. Every month we go through the whole ever-changing set of cosmic rhythms and energies. When we are in unison with them, everything is fine with us, everything is successful, transactions go according to plan, loans are easily issued, etc. When we do not fit in, everything does not go so smoothly.
If you want to be successful when starting a business or building a new relationship, be sure to check the lunar calendar.

Astrologer Vasilisa Volodina often has to answer questions from her fans on her blog. As a rule, most of the questions are asked by women, and they relate to the topic of love and relationships with men. Many representatives of the weaker sex are concerned about the age-old questions: how to meet the man of your dreams? This is what Vasilisa Volodina decided to tell her readers about.

The moon has a strong influence on a person, according to Vasilisa. Moreover, women are affected by the phases of the moon much more than men. The Moon is a planet with feminine energy. Therefore, its power can be used to carry out your plans. It is very easy to do this. This will require a strong desire, a little imagination and a lunar calendar.

In order for the fateful meeting with the man of your dreams to come closer, you need to conduct a small love ritual, in which the energy of the moon will be involved.

On the first lunar day, you need to “make an order” for the man of your dreams. To do this, you need to check the calendar of the lunar phases. Vasilisa Volodina said that everything made on the first lunar day will surely come true. So, in order to “order” your betrothed, you need to focus on the image of your dream man before going to bed. You need to draw in your imagination the one who will be the ideal partner in life. If there is already such a person in mind, then you can think about him. In dreams, one must imagine not only him, but also yourself next to him. The only thing you can't imagine is how relationships are made. Such bright dreams can take a lot of energy. In this case, the forces for the implementation of plans may not remain.

The sixth lunar day according to the lunar calendar is suitable for choosing the right strategy for your behavior. On this day, intuition is aggravated. It is during this period that it is necessary to properly focus on the thought of the man of your dreams or about who is handsome. It is on the sixth lunar day that you can switch to the wave of your object of sympathy, feel it and the prospects for relations with it. On this day, an understanding should come of what needs to be done to make your dream come true.

For active actions and for making acquaintances, the twenty-first lunar day is suitable. This day will be successful in love for those who take the initiative. But don't be hyperactive. Meeting the man of your dreams should happen by itself. The main thing is not to miss the right moment.

After a fateful meeting, it remains only to keep love. To do this, you can also call on the power of the moon to help. On the seventeenth lunar day, luck favors those who seek to strengthen love and move to a new level of relationship. On this day, you can safely make plans for the future, set important dates and confess your feelings.

Vasilisa Volodina often gives such recommendations to those who cannot find the right person for a serious relationship or marriage for a long time. But, unfortunately, this technique may not work the first time. This is because with the growth of progress, people are getting further and further from nature and the universe. Despite this, Volodina still recommends using the power of the lunar calendar to attract love. After all, if you tune in correctly, feel yourself a part of the Cosmos and trust your intuition, then everything will certainly work out. Try to follow these recommendations and do not forget to press the buttons and

25.08.2013 14:56

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