International Women's Day. International Women's Day Competition "Common Cause"

Winter is ending on the street, which means that soon the most beautiful women's holiday is March 8. On this day everything is for women. Men are in a hustle and bustle looking for gifts for lovely ladies. They are planning where is the best place to go on such a long-awaited spring day, but what about those who have no one to celebrate with? We offer several cool options on how to spend March 8 alone, unique ideas.

Best holiday ideas for a lonely heart

So that this holiday does not leave negative impressions in the memory, it must be spent with dignity. Arrange a holiday for yourself. Let this day be "woven" only with your desires.

Beauty saloon... On the eve of the holiday, plan out exactly what you want to do. Go to a hairdresser, nail salon. Make drastic changes. This will make you feel unique. You can also change your hair color. After such a trip, you will remember the holiday only in bright colors.

Shopping... What else could be better for a woman than a shopping trip. On this day, do not spare money for yourself. Such a holiday happens only once a year. Choose the most unusual and beautiful things for yourself. It always lifts the mood. And the purchased things will delight you for many years.

Jewelry... All women love precious jewelry. As a rule, it is rare to afford such a purchase. Now the time has come when you can buy whatever you want. Buy yourself the ring or earrings you've dreamed of for a long time. A RESTAURANT. If it so happened that on this spring day you yourself, then go to a restaurant. Book your seat in advance. As a rule, on March 8, each institution comes up with its own entertainment program. You will be able to participate in the draws. Order yourself the very best menu. Treat yourself to something delicious.

Flowers... If you are a fan of turning gray at home and watching TV. Then do it in a festive manner. Order flowers delivery. You can spend a little money, but make the apartment as festive as possible. Prepare a gala dinner, turn on a movie and celebrate Women's Day at the festive table.

Aquapark... On March 8, please yourself with such entertainment. Go to the water park. You are guaranteed a good mood. There you will not only have fun, but also find new friends. These establishments have bar counters. You will be able to afford to drink something unusual and tasty. For example, some unusual cocktail.

Travel... This is the best option for a holiday. But also one of the most expensive. While everyone is walking in discos, you can not only improve your health, but see many amazing places. Go where there is sun and warm sand at this time. Relaxing on the beach will give you beauty, lift your spirits, and allow you to forget about the cold winter. When you return home, you will understand that this is exactly what you needed.

Excursion... If you live in some locality, far from the Regional Center, you probably rarely visit a big city. Set off on the morning of March 8th for an excursion. This will not greatly affect your financial condition. You will be pleasantly surprised by all the sights that you see. Surely you do not know the history of these or those historical places of the city.

Cinema... On March 8, romantic films are shown in droves in all cinemas. Go to the premiere of something new. After that, you can visit a cafe, eat ice cream. The main thing is not to stay at home on this holiday. After all, then you will not find the right mood.

clothing... If you are a couch potato by nature and you do not want to go somewhere, then dress in something smart. This will give you confidence in yourself and tomorrow. Choose brighter colors like yellow. It is the color of the sun, warmth and summer. You will certainly feel like a real woman and understand that the 8th of March is just for you.

Tenis... If you love sports, then it will be quite easy for you to meet Women's Day even alone. Go play tennis. There is always a company there. Interesting general topics, you are guaranteed. If your partner is a guy, then a lot of compliments are guaranteed to you. So go ahead!

Dacha... If you have a country house, this is a very good option for retreat from the daily hustle and bustle. After hard working days, the dacha will be a way out of the situation. Put on the music, cook dinner, and voila. The holiday was a success. Silence, peace and classical melody. What else is needed on such a long-awaited day.

Bath... March is quite cold, so you can go to the bathhouse. Relax not only with your soul, but also with your body. Ask someone to beat you a little with a broom. It will give you a thrill. You can douse yourself with cold water. Such a kind of contrast shower, invigorates very well.

Sushi bar... All women want to look as beautiful and slim as possible. Therefore, every holiday is a test. Visit a sushi restaurant. It is very useful and festive. Yes, not every day you allow such visits. This institution will certainly have a special program specially for March 8th. Forward to the holiday!

Bathroom... If you don't want to go anywhere, make yourself a kind of celebration at home. Have a festive bathroom. You will be able to relax not only with your body. Fill the bathroom full of water, pour as much foam as possible. So that the result is too much of it. Buy champagne and fruit. Prepare candles in advance. Turn off the lights and enjoy all the delights of a romantic setting.

Disco... If you are lonely and want to spend March 8 outside your home, then visit the disco. Review the programs of the institutions you are interested in in a few days. After all, everyone will have their own entertainment program and menu. On this day you can have fun and dance. You can also find your soul mate.

March 8 is not just a women's holiday. This is the only day of the year when a woman simply has to be selfish and enjoy her own life, discarding all her usual worries for later. Therefore, this holiday should be celebrated brightly, unusually and effectively.

1. A day for yourself

Since most days of the year a woman takes care of others, it is better to devote the holiday of March 8 to herself to her beloved. You can start your day with a good sleep and a delicious, unusual breakfast. The further program depends on personal preferences: fitness club or gym, swimming pool, hairdresser, massage, beauty treatments and manicure. You can also arrange a little shopping and buy yourself a thing that you have dreamed of for a long time. When you return home, enjoy a glass of wine and a special dinner to end the evening as pleasantly as possible.

2. Day at home

If a woman spends every day at work, and returning home starts cleaning, cooking and other business, then on March 8, she can afford to relax on the couch. Let a man do household chores on this day, and let a woman pamper herself with a huge piece of cake or a box of chocolates, listen to her favorite music, watch a funny comedy, take a walk on the street in the first days of spring, or pamper herself with new clothes in her wardrobe.

3. A day with girlfriends

It is best to celebrate the 8th of March holiday with those who perfectly understand all women's problems - with friends, having arranged a bachelorette party. Guys are strictly not allowed. You can arrange a dinner with champagne and various goodies, chat about life and men, or go to the club and dance well, pushing aside the routine and everyday worries for the next day.

4. A day with a loved one

If there is not enough time for romance in a relationship behind the routine and household chores, you can arrange a dinner for yourself with your beloved man. The main condition of the day is to do all the work together, or to shift the preparation of food onto the shoulders of your significant other. If you want to break out of your familiar home environment, you can go to a restaurant and boldly order all the dishes that you have dreamed of trying for a long time. On this day, every woman can count not only on a gift from her man, but also on a romantic continuation of the evening.

5. A day with friends

On this day, it is not necessary to focus on the fact that this is a women's holiday, and just have a great time with close friends. If the weather permits, then you can go away from the bustle of the city to nature, have a picnic with barbecue, play games, quests, football or have fun chatting.

You can have a poker night at home. All you need to do is order a pizza, gather your friends in your living room, and throw out a couple of parties for light-hearted chatter.

6. A day with family

To arrange an unforgettable holiday on March 8, you do not have to go to a club or restaurant, you can just spend this day with your family and friends. Invite parents, brothers, sisters, gather the children, sit together in the kitchen, have a nice chat at dinner and look at old photos. Round off the evening with a tasting of various desserts and sweets.

In fact, it doesn't matter which of the described methods you choose, the main thing is a good mood and positive emotions. Holiday greetings!

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Spring comes into its own, tulips and snowdrops bloom, the eyes of women sparkle, whose holiday is approaching, promising joyful impressions and attention of a strong half. For many of the fair sex, the work team is an important part of the social circle, and, of course, on such a day, one should not stand aside.

How can you please the women who work with you? How can you temporarily turn a respectable office space into a branch of Vesna? What to present as a gift to female colleagues, and what to the boss? And most importantly, what to do to make this day unusual and memorable?

We offer you some original ideas regarding the celebration of March 8 in the work team. All of them are easy to implement and do not require large expenditures of finance and time.

How to invite Vesna to the office

March 8 is a public holiday, so working ladies will spend it with their families. But this is not a reason to refuse to celebrate in the work collective! Usually in offices it is customary to congratulate the beautiful half on the eve of this weekend, or on Friday, if the holiday falls on a weekend or Monday.

Having come to work on this day, women should feel the approach of the holiday from the very beginning. For this, the room does not have to look as usual. Staying late in the evening after work, men will be able to give the office an unusual and festive look in an hour and a half. Yes, the working atmosphere will suffer a little, but women will be charged with joy and enthusiasm for a whole year, and this is certainly worth the effort.

How can you decorate your office? It all depends, firstly, on the size of the premises, and secondly, on the capabilities of the organizers. The simplest, but invariably effective way is balls. But there are other original options for giving a formal room a festive look, you are with them.

To complete the picture, you can color not only the office itself, but also the workplace of each heroine of the holiday: see how to do this in an unusual and most effective way.

What to give beautiful ladies

Any woman is pleased not only with the attention shown to her during the preparation for the holiday, but also with its material expression in the form of a present, which will remind of this day and invariably return high spirits.

In each team, it is customary to approach this issue in its own way. If the number of women is small, more expensive gifts can be presented. And if you have a whole "flower garden" at work, while there are few representatives of the stronger sex, then you will have to think about lovely souvenirs or other pleasant, but inexpensive tokens of attention. And if you need to congratulate the lady boss? There is no way to be mistaken here. In general, the problem of choosing a gift is not an easy one, however, do not panic, we are ready to help you!

When choosing a gift, think not only about financial costs. Since you are going to give gifts not just to ladies, but to colleagues, you should not lose sight of corporate ethics. You should not risk the mood and disposition of women on such a day by giving them gifts that can be interpreted ambiguously.

Holiday "in the subject" - ideas for a thematic celebration on March 8

A holiday in style is always interesting, original, attunes people to a common mood, rallies and gives the party a completely unique atmosphere. It is not too difficult to organize such a holiday on your own, in addition, now there are many companies that provide such services. If there is a corporate party outside the office, there are no problems at all, but in the workplace, you can also recreate the spirit of the chosen topic with very little effort, adapting the advice that we will gladly give you.

What themes can serve as an entourage for a spring holiday dedicated to beautiful ladies?

  • "Back to USSR". It is no secret that International Women's Day was adopted as a sign of women's struggle for equality; in Russia it was established in 1921 by the decision of the 2nd Communist Women's Conference. The most feminine of the Soviet holidays can be celebrated by returning for a short time to the nostalgic past. How to organize such a holiday, you can learn more.
  • Hollywood Style. Well, what woman doesn't want to feel like a star of the screen, worthy of universal worship for a short while? A "star" party for working ladies may well be organized in the office. We are pleased to present you in our materials, as well as in a "movie star" style.
  • "Mafia Party". Give your colleagues a chance from law-abiding workers to turn into reckless mafiosi friends for one day! Chicago style has always been attractive to people with an adventurous streak, and such a "forbidden fruit" will be a good excuse to escape from the mundane workdays. Ideas for a holiday in the style of Chicago 30s you.
  • "Royal welcome". Ladies will be pleased to feel knightly worship and receive truly royal honors if you make a "palace" party for them. You don't have to travel back in time or rent great halls to do this. Notes of medieval splendor and the cult of the Beautiful Lady can be easily introduced into an ordinary office space.
  • "Casino". “What is our life? The game!" Invite your ladies to Monte Carlo or another famous gambling house. A holiday with the appropriate entourage will suggest ideas for an interesting pastime.
  • "From a book or a movie." If lately the company has only been talking about a new film or new book released, it is quite possible to make a thematic holiday that will turn out to be close and interesting to everyone. You can choose not a novelty for the topic, but always popular classics, the main thing is to guess correctly with the prototype.

How to congratulate colleagues on March 8: 15 original ideas for a festive variety in the office

Take the time and a little effort to prepare, and your holiday will turn out to be extraordinary. The admiring eyes of your colleagues and their gratitude will be the best reward for you, as well as guarantees that they will not spare your attention on the appropriate occasion.

We bring to your attention a kaleidoscope of additional ideas that will help make this day truly outstanding.

1. Celebration right from the doorstep... Meet the ladies who come to work with an unexpected surprise:

  • suddenly turn on solemn or just beautiful music (some even invite live musicians!);
  • fill the path of women from the entrance to the workplace with rose petals (they are easy to purchase in packages);
  • at the entrance to the ladies, the courteous butler opens the door and helps them take off their jacket or coat;
  • to lay a "red carpet" along which to arrange "paparazzi". Photo of greeting the stars of the holiday will decorate the monitors of your office ladies.

2. Treat "not for every day"... Nowadays, you won't surprise anyone with a buffet table. But ladies will surely remember for a long time, for example, a chocolate fountain, themed cupcakes or gingerbread made to order, an original candy bar, handmade sweets or chocolate with wrappers in the form of a photo of the heroes of the occasion, an unusual cake. Now all this is easy to organize with the help of catering companies or simply with the masters of their craft.

3. Slaughter photo zone... What better reminder of the past holiday than documentary incontestable evidence in the form of a photo? And they should be such that the ladies would not be ashamed to post them on Instagram, Vkontakte, Facebook or Odnoklassniki! Hire a professional photographer with good equipment for this day and set up a “work area” for him: choose a cozy corner of the office with suitable lighting.

It is not difficult to arrange a photo zone: a nice plain background (drapery), balls, flowers, garlands, banners, several interesting accessories. Tantamares in the form of movie stars, queens, goddesses, ballerinas will also be a success.

4. Show number... Easy to perform and a win-win option, costly only in financial terms, which will definitely cheer up the ladies. Organize a performance that your business lady will love by inviting a professional.

For the Spring office holiday, you can choose:

  • sand show - within 15-20 minutes, pictures drawn on the sand to a romantic melody will change in front of your eyes (they are usually created on a special table, which the master brings with him, and the image is displayed on the screen), and at the end there is a congratulation written exactly for the women of your company;
  • light show - spectacular and unusual in the evening or in the hall where you can achieve complete darkness: 15-20 minutes of creating successive 3-D pictures that melt in the air, with personal congratulations at the end;
  • show with pigeons - romantic and beautiful, easy to implement in an office environment;
  • tricks - everyone loves them;
  • soap bubble show - don't think it's just for kids, sparkling soap balls bring genuine joy to everyone.

5. Unusual prank... If there are not many women in the company, 3-5 people, then you can arrange for them an unusual and harmless prank that will make them smile and keep the intrigue until the very end. Write on beautiful cards the names of the gifts that the company is supposedly going to present to each lady: "face peeling", "hair removal", "full body massage", "hypnosis session", etc.

To present the “gift”, the ladies are invited one by one to a secluded office, from where, to the shock of the others, loud sounds are heard (of course, the recording is made in advance). In fact, in the office, the recipient is savoring a glass of champagne and promises not to give away the secret until the last "sacrifice".

6. Beauty salon right in the office... Hire a make-up specialist and hairdresser who will give the ladies the opportunity to do their festive hairstyle and make-up without leaving their workplace.

7. Master classes... This entertainment is becoming more and more popular. It helps not only to spend time interestingly and usefully, but also to keep a masterpiece made with his own hands as a keepsake, and for someone, perhaps, to acquire a new hobby, to discover himself. It is quite simple to organize: you just need to make a choice of a master class and invite a specialist.

Be careful with your choice: you should not do, for example, pottery or embroidery on such a day.

As practice shows, women are delighted and fascinated by such activities:

  • chocolate master class: making sweets or chocolate bars;
  • painting - oil, pastel;
  • making cosmetics - "bombs" for the bath, scrubs, balms, sometimes even perfume;
  • soap making;
  • casting decorative candles;
  • making jewelry and jewelry;
  • painting on fabric - you can buy eco-bags for this purpose, so that you have something to carry the gifts you received home.

8. Karaoke... Everyone loves to sing, the voice sounds especially good after 2-3 toasts ... Karaoke programs can be easily installed on any computer, and if you want a more professional approach, you can order equipment and a presenter who will compose a special program with song contests for your ladies.

9. Quest... Adventure always beckons everyone. To arrange such entertainment, it is not necessary to take your colleagues to an equipped quest room. On the Internet, you can find many ideas regarding the arrangement of a quest in any room, including the office. If you want, experts will help you with this. And the theme of the quest can be anything!

10. Individual awards... Every woman is pleased if they see something special in her that others do not have. If a man takes the trouble to look for such a "zest" in each employee and give a prize for her, a good mood is guaranteed. The options for awards may be different ":" The most mysterious eyes "," Fascinating voice "," Invincible intellect "," Empress of accounting "...

Just avoid vulgarity and ambiguity.

11. "There are only girls in jazz"... It is always interesting and funny when a man tries to act as a woman. If you have brave and artistic employees in your company, dress them up in “Daphne” and “Josephine”, and have them pose with the girls in the photo zone or participate in competitions on an equal basis with other ladies.

12. Poems or serenade for ladies... No woman will remain indifferent to such a manifestation of feelings. Just don't take template texts from the Internet! If one of the employees is gifted with poetry, let him compose a few lines for each employee or write the lyrics to a well-known melody especially for that day. Or you can order this service from professionals.

13. Office "fairies"... Let only today all the desires of your beautiful ladies be fulfilled by a charming "fairy", in the role of which one of the employees can be. The image of a "fairy" can be varied: a prince, an elf with wings, a dignified butler, etc.

“Fetch water, juice or champagne? This minute! "," Let me move you a chair "," Would you like to lean on my hand? "

Perhaps at first the ladies will be shy, but soon they will get a taste.

14. Live postcard... Collective congratulations from all men, of course, it needs to be rehearsed in advance. It would be nice to include some musical composition, and then line up in a certain order and say congratulations. A composition from some famous painting looks very impressive, the image of which can be displayed at the same time, or perhaps it is it that decorates your office? You can "revive" and some scene from the film.

15. List of good deeds... This interesting and unusual idea can be realized at the end of the holiday. Think up and write various things that you can do to please your office colleagues of the fair sex, and then play the lottery. It is more interesting when the lottery is "double": first, the name of the man who will carry out the task is pulled out, and then the surprise itself is played out. Make sure that the number of "good deeds" corresponds to the number of women gifted.

These "special offers" may include the following:

  • a three-day "transfer" from work to home (by the transport of a male donor or by taxi);
  • wash the car for an employee;
  • provide her at work with breakfast (three days or another agreed period);
  • once a day for a week, bring her a cup of coffee for lunch;
  • give flowers unexpectedly three times during the next month;
  • the most extreme option is "American", that is, a desire at the discretion of the lady herself.

Whatever ideas you use for organizing March 8 in an office environment, do it with all your heart. May there be one more joyful day in life, when a woman has the right to rely on your attention and pleasant surprises. Let women have one more reason to feel charming, chic, admirable. And when you give joy to others, you yourself receive it tenfold. Happy Holidays!


For representatives of the strong half of humanity, this responsible day may look like this:

Try to postpone all your affairs on this day and devote it to your beloved. If you have children, organize a party for her together. It would be nice if you arm yourself with a cookbook or advice from friends who know how to cook the day before, prepare and serve breakfast yourself.

Gently wake up your other half and give her your gift. You are something that yours wanted for a long time. Don't forget that most ladies love flowers. Moreover, the cut bouquet, maybe even better to replace with some interesting plant in a pot.

This day should be unusual. As one of the options, you can choose to travel with the whole family out of the city, into nature. Or to a family sports club, bowling, snow slides, finally. In general, you can discuss the venue of the holiday in advance. Don't forget to bring your camera. The pictures taken on this day will take a worthy place in your family's photo chronicle.

You can spend the evening at home; in this case, think in advance how you will have dinner. In order not to look for the right products that day and not to waste time on cooking, try to order everything you need at home. It's even easier to sit quietly in a restaurant, dance and have a nice conversation. Just keep in mind that booking a table during rush hour is a problematic action. This must be foreseen a few days before the holiday. A nice surprise for your beloved will be a beautiful ring, chain, handbag, etc.

Of course, you can get creative and come up with some fantastic Women's Day scenario, from scuba diving somewhere in the southern seas to hang gliding. It all depends only on you, on your capabilities and preferences. The main thing is that you present this to your woman with love.

What to do on this day for those women who have not yet acquired family ties? Of course, give yourself some unforgettable gift to your loved ones. Or a lot of gifts, joy and good mood.