The man likes women's shoes. What kind of men's shoes do women like

Recently, we talked about what kind of shoes men like on women. It's time to consider the preferences of the opposite side. So, men, attention! What kind of shoes to wear to please women?

Shoes with a flair for aristocracy

Simple narrow-nosed models are no longer quoted, and some ladies associate them with provincialism. Nowadays, shoes that have a noble origin are held in high esteem. These are good old oxfords, monks, brogues. They should be made of expensive genuine leather, noble shades, moderate perforation patterns or tints are welcome.

Since ladies believe that a man should be wealthy, this quality must be present in shoes. Of course, you should not go with a price tag, but choose a model of the appropriate appearance. Here you look at the shoes, and you realize that it is expensive. But it is important to combine them with the same clothes so that the image as a whole turns out to be noble, attractive, stylish.

Shoes with square or long pointed toes are strictly not allowed in your wardrobe. Moderate narrowing and pointedness is enough. Also, remember, shoes should shine from cleanliness, not from cheap patent leather. Shoes in the "expensive-rich" style, shining for 3 kilometers and with bright cheap fittings are taboo.

Sneakers and sneakers are not for sports

It is a mistake to think that women do not like sporty style. No, they don't like tracksuits on dates and in the office, but stylized clothes are quite good-natured. If these are cool things of a sporty style that emphasize an athletic figure, then the ladies will be very much in favor.

At the same time, depending on the occasion, the green light is given to both sneakers and sneakers. Only they should look like trendy fashion shoes, not the workout pairs you wear in the gym.

Too shocking, bright, "gouge out the eyes" of the model. Such sneakers and sneakers are allowed only for teenagers, and on older men, women want to see something more restrained, laconic, masculine.

Boots for the city

When choosing warm shoes, do not stare at what is customary to wear in a special climate. In our latitudes, women love ordinary urban leather shoes. Chelsea are held in high esteem, which always look status and attractive for the weaker sex. Models with a rounded elongated toe with buckles, lacing, zippers with a small heel - this is a universal option.

For lovers of a sporty style, boots of a rougher cut are allowed. The same hikers, adapted for the urban jungle, look very appropriate with jeans and non-classic trousers. Or Timberland style boots will add a couple of points to their wearer's appeal.

Most women agree that army boots have no place in the city. Therefore, remove all models with a hint of the army, hunting, any subcultures if you want to please some urban fashionista.

In addition, women do not like ugg boots on men (which they themselves wear with pleasure), moonbuts, felt boots. Such shoes seem unmanly, therefore they do not cause admiration and delight.

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No matter how surprising it may be for many women, men not only pay attention to the contents of women's wardrobe, but also formed their own special preferences regarding it. And it concerns not only clothes, but, as it turned out, most men do not care what kind of shoes their companion chooses. It's just that most of them tactfully keep silent.

Not so long ago, sociological polls were conducted among men in different countries on the topic of women's shoes. The results surprised many: it turns out that not everything that women find stylish and attractive is to the taste of their halves. And therefore, the craze for women with a certain type of footwear literally annoys them.

Most of all complaints and complaints were received by wedge and platform shoes loved by millions of girls. The male verdict - "This is not sexy" - leaves them no chance of rehab. Undoubtedly, men like it when a girl wears shoes with heels, but wedges, in their opinion, look terrible and only spoil the whole image, moreover, it makes the gait somewhat heavy.

The next antisexual footwear for men was the so-called ugg boots (winter warm ankle boots), which resemble ordinary felt boots for men. Another important disadvantage of this comfortable shoe is that it is not only unable to add a few centimeters in height to the ladies, but also does not slim the ladies' legs at all. The same fate befell rubber boots. Despite the variety of designs, they will never win the sympathy of men.

Ballerinas, unfortunately for many lovers of convenience and comfort, also fall into this list. Men do not like them and that's it. They don't mistake slippers for shoes at all.

They also do not share their love for sneakers and rubber crocs. And in some ways they are right, because a woman was created to be feminine and graceful, and massive shoes do not contribute to this in any way. Perhaps the secret of dislike for such shoes also lies in the fact that with shoes without heels, women most often wear simple trousers, long skirts, and, even worse, tracksuits, while neat pumps suggest wearing feminine skirts, which are so the taste of all males. In addition, a high heel is able to give its owner extra grace.

The women's magazine "Charm Lady" advises: Of course, you definitely need to listen to the opinion of men, because we try to look good and attractive just for them. Therefore, we recommend that you often please your loved ones and delight them by wearing beautiful stiletto heels.

What kind of women's shoes do men like

There are many secrets of charm among the fair sex. We can say with confidence that, as there are tastes for men and women, there are so many preferences. First of all, a woman is perceived visually, different details will play a role in the image.

A girl in the most fashionable and stylish clothes, but with a sloppy hairdo will not arouse sympathy. Improperly selected or uncomfortable shoes can ruin a woman's mood, and this will certainly affect the perception of her through the eyes of a man. You can talk about the harmony of the image for a long time, consider a specific question: what kind of shoes do men like?

What kind of women's shoes do men like

As practice shows, it makes no sense to unambiguously perceive a man's remarks about women's shoes. You can hear enthusiasm about heels today, and tomorrow you will be judged for coming in heels.

Ballerinas were charmingly perceived yesterday with a cute dress in color, and tomorrow these same shoes can cause sharp criticism. It is difficult to say unequivocally what kind of shoes men like. The first thing to remember when choosing shoes is that they must match the clothes, the occasion and the place where the girl dresses.

And yet there are certain favorites in women's shoes that are perceived positively by most men. First of all, these are graceful stilettos; every woman must have them. The most advantageous combination of such shoes is with tight-fitting breeches or with a skirt slightly above the knee.

No matter how great elegant stilettos or bright lacquered shoes look, they are not suitable for a banquet in nature, shoes should always be appropriate, appropriate to the occasion and place. For walking in the park, you should also not wear elegant shoes that would look great at a corporate event.


Another type of shoe that, judging by the polls, is very popular among men - are shoes with straps that fit the ankle. By the way, the detail is not only spectacular, but also functional: it is very comfortable in such shoes, and this guarantees an ease of gait and a good mood.

Ankle strap pumps

Ballet flats, as a versatile and most comfortable shoe, look perfect with jeans and elongated skirts. This combination of clothes and shoes gives a very attractive feminine look. For everyday life, ballet flats are indispensable, but for a special occasion, shoes with heels are still preferable.

Not all shoes retain a woman's charm!

Flat shoes

A flat sole can noticeably reduce the charm of a woman wearing even the most luxurious dress. When women are thinking about party clothes or date outfits, you need to know the correct answer to the question: what kind of shoes do men like.

Flat shoes

Military boots

In the cold winter season, high-quality and beautiful boots should protect women's legs from bad weather, dampness and dirt. No matter how comfortable and practical military-style boots are, not all men like this style.

Military boots

Flat boots

You need to try very hard to make flat boots complement a beautiful and attractive look. In this case, clothes should be selected with great care.

Women's flat boots

And high-toed boots with slender legs or winter shoes with heels will add charm to a woman and will surely cause admiring glances from men.

High heel boots

In general, women with a natural sense of taste and measure subconsciously feel how they need to dress in order to please a particular man. And here you can advise a lot, but the best solution would be that version of shoes in which a woman feels not only convenience, comfort, but also her own beauty.

And then all the advice on this matter will be swept aside, and the woman will hear admiring compliments in her address that everything is beautiful in her, from her hair to her shoes ...

You can talk a lot about what men prefer to see on the legs of women. There are, of course, canons here: shoes should be elegant, graceful, comfortable, appropriate to the environment.

And yet, the main thing when choosing shoes for a particular outfit is the understanding of the truth: the outfit as a whole, including the shoes, should correspond to the woman's appearance, decorate her, and not just reflect fashion trends.

Does a man like female helplessness?

Men don't like it when a woman is stronger than him. But what men cannot stand at all is the moments when a woman pretends to be helpless and unhappy.

Feminine helplessness is the most controversial feature of our essence. She inspires someone to feats, someone, on the contrary, makes them turn away from the girl. Is the inability to make decisions really a trump card in the sleeve, and how does perceived and real helplessness affect a couple's relationship?

Let's start with the fact that men are different, and women's helplessness is also different. From extreme points to completely sane helplessness. Actually, the reaction to each of them will be appropriate. There is situational helplessness - for example, a girl cannot screw in a light bulb or lift a weight. In principle, she will not tackle the problem, because she does not want to do this, does not know how or wants to appear in the eyes of her beloved as a little girl requiring attention and care. And there is chronic helplessness - not the ability to think, make decisions, be responsible for them. Such ladies completely and completely build their lives around a man, completely depend on him, consult and ask for help at every step. And what is remarkable, for any "product" there is a "merchant".

What determines the attitude of men to such manifestations of the character of girls? From what kind of girl he wants to see next to him in life, how he sees his relationship. If he is looking for a self-sufficient, wise partner who is able to answer for himself, and somewhere to help him, then total helplessness will anger and annoy him. If he needs a blonde girl with huge eyelashes, a helpless face and an unwillingness to think in order to assert herself at her expense, then her inability to cope with situations will only play into his hands. Men like to feel needed and important that only he will be able to solve all her problems. But such an inconsistency will be pleasant for the time being.

Helplessness as a purely feminine way to manipulate men

There is real helplessness (well, she cannot alone raise a new refrigerator to the 15th floor), but there is pretense. And the man will be happy that he can recognize them. And often, out of laziness or their own stupidity, women begin to play the role of a "little child", helpless to the core. She cannot choose the dish herself in the restaurant, every ten minutes she calls him for advice on the choice of wallpaper in their bedroom, is not able to buy herself a new dress without his approval. Perhaps, at the stage of falling in love and seduction, the image of a fool can pay dividends, but, say, in family life, such helplessness will come out sideways to the union. She may not be able to perform difficult or hard work, work in which she is incompetent, but in her direct female duties, she must still be self-sufficient. A man will simply get tired of asserting himself and seem like a superhero, ready to come to the rescue in any difficult situation, if you simply cannot rely on a girl. Having reached the age at which you begin to learn to take responsibility (usually it is 10-12 years old), the girl should continue to be independent and further, in adulthood. Why should he build a relationship with her, have children, acquire common goals and plans, if she is not able to take care of herself, let alone someone else's life?

But do not forget that the inability to cope with a certain situation and asking for help in something even strengthen relationships, forcing men to look at us with different eyes. Women who pull huge bags from shops, can nail and hammer, can rearrange furniture and dig up a vegetable garden without male help, as a rule, are left alone in the end. This is just a case of situational helplessness. Most men are helpless in the kitchen, women in the garage. But if she is a craftswoman on all fronts, a man has no choice but to leave her alone with her completely organized life. First, he has nowhere to wedge himself in with his help. He was not asked about her, and it is unlikely that she will be welcome. And, secondly, he loses the desire to do something for her, if she can handle herself completely. Conclusion: female helplessness has a place to be, but only real and in those situations where you simply cannot do without the help of a loved one. In this case, a man will respond willingly and enthusiastically to a sincere and genuine request for help.

Now a couple of words about indignant ladies with formulations from the series “to take care of and take care of a woman is the direct responsibility of men, until you learn to give birth yourself, you must help us at every step” and other outright female stupidity. If a man does not want to take care of a woman, love her and take care of her (without "should", but of his own free will), then this is simply not his woman. Well, he doesn't like her. And taking care of every person you meet, who foaming at the mouth, requires help and care, just because nature has laid down the functions of procreation in her, is simply not his problem.

What kind of women's shoes do men like?

Many women believe that men do not care what kind of shoes and accessories a woman wears. However, the fact that men may and may not like women's shoes already proves the opposite.

Conducting a huge number of polls has proven that the representatives of the stronger sex really pay attention to the shoes that a woman wears. In one of his “revelations” about femininity, Mikhail Grushko (blogger, writer….) Wrote an important point: how femininity is manifested - “The ability to choose shoes for yourself. In no case should you save on shoes "

Moreover, this component of the wardrobe can affect the first impression of you, so you need to know what kind of shoes men prefer. The answer to this question can be given by professional stylists and famous designers.

High boots first appeared in American music videos of the 80s of the last century and made a splash in the fashion world. They look great when paired with a fitted dress or jeans. The undoubted advantage of this shoe is the visual lengthening and slenderness of the legs. However, for the first date, these shoes will not work, as you can give the impression of a windy girl, thereby risking being abandoned after the date. Treads are good when you want to stand out from the crowd and be remembered by those around you for your look and appearance. Remember, but not a man!

Ballet flats with a pointed nose, which are familiar to many ladies, are also not suitable for romantic dates with men. Ballet flats with rounded toes are more suitable - they will create a fabulous look and give the foot a neat feminine look.

Another option is shoes decorated with unusual prints, rhinestones - they will help create a unique female image.

The representatives of the stronger sex are perplexed by high Roman sandals. It seems to them that the girls are pulling their legs with some kind of net - this is uncomfortable and prevents them from walking. Women like them because they give their legs an unusual look, but they are not as comfortable as they seem at first glance.

At the same time, men like low sandals (to the ankle). These shoes have a more aesthetic appearance and are suitable for hot weather. This is somewhere closer to the tastes of modern men.

Clogs cause a relatively positive impression in most men due to their cute appearance. They come in a wide variety of colors and shapes. Clogs have a very controversial design, which limits a woman's choice of accessories. But with the right design of clogs and jewelry, you can leave a positive impression of yourself and expect to continue dating a man.

The most popular shoes that men like are:

  1. high-heeled shoes,
  2. low sandals,
  3. neat ballet flats with a rounded nose.

But the sexiest option for a man would be a bare foot under a long dress))))

Why do men like female butt?

There are many beautiful girls walking the streets with attractive facial features, beautiful eyes, a slender figure, but for some reason men, first of all, pay attention to the butt. If a woman's bottom has good parameters, then a man is simply delighted with this! But why men like the female priest and what exactly to associate it with, not everyone fully understands.

What kind of priests do men like?

The female forms differ significantly from the male ones. The most prominent and attractive parts of the female body are breasts and butt. A man likes that both one and the second part of the body have at least average volume parameters. If we consider the question why men like to touch a woman's ass, then it can be answered as follows:

  • it turns on the stronger sex;
  • this action is very exciting during sex;
  • men have always loved and continue to love the protruding parts of the female body, because such is their nature.
  • The question of what kind of priests men like cannot be answered unequivocally, but it is difficult to believe that a woman who looks flat without a uniform figure can be attractive. A woman should have at least medium-sized breasts and ass and elastic forms, and not hanging pieces, and then many men will like her.

    why do men like female ass

    But this does not mean that too thin girls do not like anyone at all. Such young ladies also find their connoisseurs who do not mind holding on to their ass. This female part of the body brings men aesthetic pleasure and just drives them crazy. And if the girl is also in short shorts or tight leggings, then it will be extremely difficult for a man to restrain himself. The female ass is the object of desire of any man, because nature has so ordered, because sexuality and natural craving for the opposite sex has not yet been canceled.

    What clothes do men like?

    We've already figured out what kind of clothes men don't like. If you consider yourself a real bitch, then you simply must know what kind of clothes men like. The site for bitches will tell you about this today.

    After all, clothes are what women took into service. for conquering men at all times and eras. And, it should be noted, they did it very skillfully and ingeniously.

    The first rule to follow is cleanliness and tidiness.

    No fashion brand or stylish accessory can make a positive impression if it has been worn for a good month and has never been washed or ironed.

    Well, this, of course, is an extreme case, and it hardly needs to be reminded of a real bitch: representatives of this category of women always impeccably neat and well-groomed... From this point, you can, without stopping, go directly to the next the rules of stylish clothes.

    Femininity and sexuality

    There is one point that is especially important when choosing clothes. Men really do not like the defiant style, namely femininity of things.

    If we turn to the experience of previous eras, then you can easily notice that the ladies enjoyed success with gentlemen not when they decorated their dresses with revealing necklines, but when they left food for the male imagination, emphasizing the waistline and covering bare shoulders, arms and the back of the head with lace details.

    Few passionate letters have been written to gorgeous women who hid their beauty under exhilarating veils, lace sleeves and collars! The main thing in clothes is to give slight hint to those treasures that are hidden by a maxi skirt or designer blouse.

    Men just love feminine things!

    If men like clothes when it emphasizes the dignity of a lady's figure, then accessories intended to create no one emphasis: a brooch helps to make the chest more attractive, earrings emphasize the elegance of the ears, beads, a chain or a necklace attract the eye to the neck.

    When choosing jewelry, you should remember that this is only an image element, not his main moment... Too large earrings will in no way fit into the strict style of a woman who knows her own worth. They are good, perhaps, only for gypsy dancers and participants in Brazilian carnivals.

    The function of complementing the image can only be skillfully selected details that shouldn't be too bright.

    Jewelry appeals to men

    Classic: black and red

    The combination of these colors symbolize passion, and often causes it. However, this does not apply to all clothing.

    The presence of the mentioned flowers helps men to please. in details: red and black handbag, shoes or boots, hair clip. Awesome look stylish a black coat with a red collar and the same trim on the pockets, a black jacket with burgundy details, a black blouse with red embroidery, and other options in which black predominates, diluted with splashes of various shades of red.

    But it should be noted that you shouldn't get carried away with it, it is better to have one piece of outerwear of similar tones in your wardrobe. But underwear the combination of these colors is truly sexy.

    Black and red style is popular with men because of its sexuality.

    Elegance in dress is very important. Men also like clothes when they make a woman. luxurious... Therefore, a real bitch has silk, velvet and mohair things in her wardrobe.

    But they give special elegance to women fur... Mink, sable, arctic fox - symbolize the belonging of their owner to the highest caste. But this is not what makes a woman more attractive: it is very pleasant to touch the fur. And a woman in a fur vest or fur coat looks especially sophisticated and sexy.

    Men really like the fur coat! And the woman in her - especially

    Shoes are an important element of the image

    It's not just clothes that make women beautiful. Men like the relief of a woman's legs, which looks especially sexy in shoes high heels... The site reminds: a real bitch wears only very feminine shoes high heels or stiletto heels.

    The heel gives the lady's gait real elegance, makes it visually more tall and fragile. Japanese geisha once wore sandals on a very high platform to give their gait a special touching: it just drove men crazy.

    Shoes that men like. And to us!

    Monotony or variegation?

    Experience has shown that plain men like clothes more than colorful ones. Often, the variegation of the dress gives the female silhouette a certain vagueness of the contour. Men don't like this.

    Men like plain clothes more!

    For women - women's clothing

    In fact, there should be a lot of bitches in the wardrobe. dresses, skirts and sundresses... A "rustic style" of clothing is quite acceptable. Men like, oddly enough, when girls wear sundresses and summer long skirts made of airy, translucent fabrics that give a woman a special charm.

    A dress worn in combination with beautiful high-heeled shoes - classic style a real bitch, a symbol of femininity and sexuality. A striking example of this is the clothes of the legendary Marilyn Monroe.

    Men love sexy outfits

    What clothes do men like? From and to

    A real bitch treats her image with great scrupulousness without losing sight of a single detail. From the top of your head to your heels such a woman has everything perfectly matched, tidied up and cleaned. This rule applies mainly to clothing. Men like, however, if the fair sex is not only well dressed and well-dressed, but also combed, painted, perfumed, in general, packed at the highest level.

    That is, you must fully comply with the following points:

    • Stylish hairstyle appropriate to the occasion or situation;
    • Skillful makeup;
    • A beautiful dress that emphasizes the dignity of the figure, feminine and gives the image some mystery;
    • Graceful shoes or heeled sandals;
    • Unobtrusive, light scent of good perfume, emanating from the clothes, wrists and neck of a mysterious beauty.
    • 3 comments to What clothes do men like?

      Of course, everything is written correctly, but there are exceptions in many points. Let's say shoes, of course they like it, but when it comes to the health of a beloved girl, sometimes they themselves can forbid often wearing this. Or, in general, stylish flat-soled boots catch the eye no worse, and sometimes even better than banal knee-high boots with huge heels in which you scatter along the road

      It is the same with dresses, skirts and sundresses. Many guys prefer a girl in pretty shorts and a sexy T-shirt rather than a toe-length skirt, which every second wears this summer. It is corny and boring, but just the same shorts, tops diversify the image.

      In general, exceptions can be found in each paragraph.

      Why do men like female breasts that fit in the palm of their hand?

      I have already heard from men that they like breasts that fit in their palms. But after all, their eyes cling to large breasts, this is also noticeable.

      Without fear of a backing track on the part of women, my answer is: If a woman's breast does not fit into a man's hand, then this is an udder!)))

      Because this is the most optimal size, at which the breast is neither small nor large, and, as a rule, still retains its shape. Yes, we cling to the larger sizes. But that's why we cling to them because they are big and cling to us themselves.))))

      And sometimes it seems to me that men are cunning. That is, to ladies with small breasts, they say that they like it when a woman's breasts fit in the palm of their hand. And to ladies with a magnificent bust, they probably say something different, no less pleasant!

      How nice it is, however, to caress the Breast that fits in the palm of your hand Well, the one that cannot be grasped by your eyes, Well, it will not disappear at all in the household. For size, as well as for taste, There are no comrades and this is fair And it doesn't matter what kind of bust you have, The main thing is that you look beautiful. Women, and honor and praise to you! I’ll voice one thought now, can I? The main thing is that it is real, And not a silicone one all the same!

      Big breasts are visually beautiful. Besides, more often than not, large breasts are beautiful when they are in a "case". In bed, such breasts roll under the arms and until you find them, it feels like you were deceived.

      If we talk about size, then, in my opinion, 3-4 breast size is optimal. More is not desirable, less is also. But it is not the size of the breast that is much more important, but its shape. If the form is beautiful, then in moments of intimacy it simply drives you crazy and turns a man into an energizer)). And if the chest hangs lifelessly, then the size does not play a special role)) Again, you often just close your eyes to the shortcomings of your beloved girlfriend / beloved wife - you love them not only and not so much for the body. As they turn a blind eye to our flaws. And if purely sex without continuing the relationship, then the beauty of the body is critically important.

      Well, probably, a breast that fits in the palm of their hand is associated with youth and health. But it's not a fact that all men like this, there are many who are crazy about large sizes. Yes, I think this is one of the stereotypes stuck in society.

      We cling to the big chest with our eyes, right. There is even a desire to catch on not only with a glance. But this is the first thought. And already the second one cools down and the understanding comes that, most likely, this particular woman will have shapeless hanging down to the navel. Do we need it? As someone wrote above, we cling with our eyes to a large breast precisely because it is large, striking. But we like beautiful breasts. Although large breasts, if they keep their shape, can be beautiful. The main thing is proportions and form, not size.

      What's the difference - big or small. The main thing is to attract attention and look at her and not come off. By the way, on a note, it has been proven that the more often a man looks at a natural female breast, the more chances he has to avoid myocardial infarction. All the best to you and combine business with pleasure. Vivat to female persians!

      I have pretty simple and trivial explanations for what type of breast men like. Big breasts can cling much more - "the effect of a baby" (a man reaches for such a breast, vaguely remembering that his mother, like the mother of his children, should have "good" breasts) or "the effect of a better female." It is different in different cases. Each man sees his ideal in his own way, someone is important for large breasts (since it attracts the eyes of others or that, subconsciously, his future children will not need breast milk). Someone likes high and small breasts (this may also be due to the instincts of self-defense and mobility of this type of women).

      To tell you the truth, as a Man, I generally like Women’s Breasts. and it makes no difference to me what size it is. the main thing is that the Woman deserves My Love. and I deserved Her Love. and this is my Law.

      Personally, I like everything neat, just small breasts, or rather the one that fits in my palm - it seems to me neater. And the owner of such a breast - it seems to me fragile and defenseless - I always want to come up and help her. But my wife should have big breasts, because “ big breasts", There is a big one)))

      I have 4 sizes with 42 clothes, only a third of the chest fits in my husband's palm, but the strap of the dress should slide a little and we immediately find ourselves in bed. I have never met men who would not like my breasts, mostly they cannot come off. And at the expense of the pain in the head from the bra - delirium. And so that the chest does not sag, you need to use skin creams, not to lose weight sharply and do baths for the chest every day for 30 seconds with cold water, no one has canceled the exercise either. Men like big breasts, as it is a symbol of femininity, the main thing is that the figure is beautiful and everything is combined. Like women, they like tall and broad shoulders - this is a sign of masculinity, a protector. As my friends told me, men who say they love small breasts simply do not have a chance to be with a girl with large breasts. And on my own example, I was convinced of this. Sorry if you offended anyone.

      Well, you must - so much noise due to some modified sweat glands (yes, yes, dear representatives of the stronger sex, that part of the female body that worries you so much is nothing more than a modification of the sweat glands)! Everything should be in moderation. "Plank - two nipples" (sorry for being rude) does not look very nice, just like a large saggy chest. But both can be visually corrected. The main thing, dear women, is to be in harmony with yourself, regardless of whether your breast fits in the palm of a beloved and loving man, or not!

      I read it, laughed at some of the reasoning and understood))) When assessing the size of a woman's breasts, men are aware that they also have something to evaluate? By the way, a story from life: a friend really wanted to lose weight, lost weight, her second size suddenly became the first. But the worst thing was that her chest turned into two rag ears of a spaniel. Her husband immediately announced that if she did not gain weight, he would have to force feed her.

      She is thin, breasts are 4 sizes, but fits in the palm of her husband. You just need to find a husband with palms under his chest.

    Someone, of course, dresses exclusively for themselves and their own satisfaction, but most still do it for the sake of men - to win the attention of men. By the way, not necessarily only your own. Just to please others. Fashion portal will tell you what kind of women's shoes men hate, which women's shoes cause irritation.

    Platform shoes

    About 60% of men hate platform shoes. It seems to us that men mean by this exactly rough platform shoes. An elegant platform or wedge heel, or high-heeled shoes and a platform in front - on the contrary, very attracts men.

    Ugg boots

    Almost 70% of men hate ugg boots. Yes, yes, such comfortable and so beloved ugg boots. Indeed, these comfortable boots are not very feminine and rude. And after all, they are so popular among women, literally every second wears ugg boots.

    Rubber Crocs

    Most of the men who took part in the survey answered that they did not like rubber Crocs. They remind me of Cinderella's slippers.

    What other women's shoes are disgusting to men?

    • Slates;
    • Ballet shoes;
    • Shoes with a strap on the instep;
    • Shoes with low heels-glasses;
    • Moccasins;
    • Sneakers.

    Men also hate spikes on their shoes. Especially when these shoes look rough. Subconsciously, thorns are perceived as a threat.

    Well, and accordingly, the rest of the men are very fond of. What is left then? Remained more or less classic shoes - men have nothing to do with them.

    They say that men are absolutely not versed in fashion. Perhaps.

    But any man knows exactly what he likes and what does not, in a woman's wardrobe. And to be honest, I don't care about fashion - in this sense, men are much less dependent on its whims than you and me.

    So, which shoe will attract more male attention to a woman?

    Classic pumps

    Timeless classics are by no means boring, as lovers of a more extravagant style might seem. Pumps will make any female leg graceful, and their owner will be presented with a flying gait.

    The advantages of boats are their versatility. They look equally good with a lace cocktail dress and jeans.

    This is a safe option for office footwear - meeting all the rules of the strictest dress code, the boats will still remind both you and those around you of your unique feminine essence. By the way, pumps do not have to be high-heeled.

    Dizzy hairpin

    A woman in stiletto heels is doomed to be the center of male attention. Most men admit: hairpins "wind up" them with half a turn. True, stiletto heel shoes are not always appropriate: in everyday life you don’t run a lot on stiletto heels, and in the office such shoes set you up for an unnecessary inoperative mood.

    But if you have to go out somewhere, feel free to put on shoes or stiletto sandals and shine!

    Open sandals

    Admiring your graceful fingers and delicate ankles - not a single normal man will refuse such a pleasure. Summer is the time not only for mini-skirts and bare hangers, but also for the opportunity to showcase your well-groomed legs.

    Important: the legs must be exactly well-groomed! Shabby nail polish and cracked heels are prohibited!

    Open sandals are great with just about any outfit. Look great when paired with linen shirt dresses, sundresses, denim shorts and skirts.

    Thin straps

    Thin straps that grip your ankle or foot make men's hearts beat faster. Experts in the field of sexual behavior say that such shoes evoke vague images from our primitive past in the genetic memory of any man, when he, an alpha male, a fearless hunter and macho, found himself a pair of females he liked. Then he carried her to his cave, having previously tied her up so that she would not run away before realizing how lucky she was.

    This is just a version, but who knows what is going on in the heads of these men ... But the fact remains: most men unconditionally like women's shoes with an abundance of thin straps.

    Knee-high boots

    With summer shoes, everything is more or less clear. And what about the autumn or winter?

    Here the undisputed favorites are high (ideally - up to the knee) boots or boots. Ankle boots and short boots, which are so fond of women of fashion, alas, do not "catch" men in any way. High tops visually lengthen any leg, but boots that barely reach the middle of the calf, on the contrary, visually cut the leg into pieces.

    Want to have more success? Wear boots or high heels. This combination will definitely not leave indifferent any man.

    Men do not pay too much attention to what you are wearing, and basically divide our looks into two main criteria: "like" and "dislike". However, they can tell you exactly what kind of feminine things they find seductive. Today we will talk about which women's shoes seem the most sexy to the stronger sex.

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    Ankle straps

    Shoes or sandals - it doesn't matter. It is desirable to wear an elegant thin heel and with thin straps, but options are possible. The reason for this choice is that the legs in such shoes look charmingly fragile and touching. And what normal man is able to resist these qualities? @revoirofficial

    Classic pumps

    Firstly, pumps are the ideal footwear for almost all occasions. They are able to make even the most uncomplicated image more elegant, the figure slimmer, and the gait more graceful. Already for this they are worth loving! Another plus of this model of shoes is that they are a real bait for men's looks. For the stronger sex, a girl in boats looks feminine and seductive - it's hard not to pay attention to this.

    Also read:


    A girl in tight black boots seems to every man a fatal beauty - it's not for nothing that this is one of the most common sexual fetishes among men. It should be added to this that boots visually make women's legs longer - and this is another good reason to buy them.

    Also read:


    Are you surprised? Many men find girls in sneakers to be very sexy! Especially when combined with skinny jeans or skirts. And also men believe that it is easier to find a common language with girls in sneakers, and it is very pleasant to deal with.
    @lisahahnbueck In fashion, of course, we focus not on men's preferences, but on our individual taste - and that's great! However, there is no reason why we sometimes do not please our loved one with sexual images. Perhaps after that he will stop resenting that you have more than thirty pairs of shoes in your arsenal.