Musical birthday cards for woman. Musical cards Happy Birthday free online (to a friend, beloved, beloved, colleagues, animated)

Musical birthday greetings on the phone- beautiful and original song wishes on a mobile for the birthday person in the form of a musical audio postcard sent to a cell or city number. Imagine how nice it will be to receive your cheerful musical congratulations from the phone to the hero of the occasion who will hear a good perky song with music and words performed in his honor. There is also a large selection of beautiful soulful musical wishes, which will become warm, welcoming words to a pleasant gentle melody, from which the heart with joy and warmth from your song audio parting words. You can send a musical card to your favorite popular melody or familiar music and a song from a movie in the text of which the words of wishes of happiness and all the best to the birthday man, which will become a wonderful song congratulations on your phone for his birthday. It is especially pleasant and unexpected to receive such unusual musical congratulations directly to your smartphone or mobile phone, which will undoubtedly bring only an excellent and positive mood from your unexpected surprise call.

Congratulations with songs

Congratulations with songs on your phone is one of the funniest wishes, which will definitely be a good funny parting word filled with humor and positive. Musical congratulation with songs, this is a good addition to your wishes for the birthday person and also a wonderful surprise for him. The sending of song congratulations from the site is carried out immediately or by pre-specifying the time and date of its delivery, which will allow you to prepare in advance for the solemn event and not get into an awkward position by simply forgetting to congratulate corny. Congratulating your birthday with a song on your cell or landline phone, you are guaranteed to add even more joy and smiles to the holiday, and of course only good mood and cheerful mood from your original wishes with a song for the birthday person.

Musical audio card

A musical audio postcard on your phone is an unexpected call to the birthday man with a parting word in a funny and groovy song or with a touching parting word to a gentle melody. It's always nice to surprise a person with something on his holiday, I want to do something unusual and unexpected for him. With the advent of new technologies that have become an integral part of our life, now it has become much easier and easier to wish a happy birthday or a holiday. Congratulations with musical audio cards on the phone has now become a common thing. Good words to the wonderful notes of a beautiful melody will give the birthday boy only positive and joyful emotions from your unusual way of congratulating. From a huge selection of musical audio postcards on our website, from the famous old and modern pop songs as well as all of our favorite films, you will certainly choose the wish you need and easily send it both to the mobile and to the city phone number of the birthday person. Music playing in the phone with the words of wishes only all the best for the recipient, this is a great way to cheer up a person, make him feel your care and attention to him on his birthday. You can order and send a musical congratulation to your phone from your smartphone and, of course, your computer or laptop.

Musical birthday greetings only of the highest quality and resolution. It is always more pleasant to congratulate on your own behalf than to send other people's congratulations with prepared text and quickly flashing pictures. Now you yourself are a creator, artist and poet of your feelings. We provide you with more than 3000 templates for every taste. You just have to write your text, upload your photo or a photo of the recipient. Optionally, you can upload your favorite song or melody, as well as record your voice. This can be done in a few minutes. But if you are a creative person, it will not let you go so quickly))) And you will think, compose, cry, smile, admire, revealing new talents in yourself. Our service gives you the opportunity to send your finished postcard to your phone, Viber, WhatsApp, Telegram, E-mail, Social networks and even as a link via SMS.

Musical accompaniment will especially emphasize your mood that you want to present to those to whom you are addressing them. The whole solution lies in the fact that with the help of a musical melody, you set a vivid perception for the ear, setting the pace and rhythm of the feelings that you experience yourself or want to convey to your birthday boy.

Our musical birthday greetings, differ sharply from what you are offered in the Internet space. Usually these are the so-called playcasts, where authors display their crafts in the form of GIF postcards. The GIF format was created back in 1987, it is an invention of the last century, since the appearance of the first computers, it is a looped picture of several parts, which change each other at a fast frequency. After a while, the text of congratulations was applied to the gif image in special programs and a separate player with a loaded melody was added, after which the craftsmen called this art, playcast or a beautiful musical postcard.

Dear millions of Internet users, now you can independently, in a matter of minutes, design and send your personal and unique musical greetings that will never go unnoticed. On the contrary !, they will forever take their rightful place as separate pages in the Internet space, with a personal URL, emphasizing your individuality, and not the same static images sent to each other by others, not inspired by you.

Choosing from our huge collection musical congratulations to the woman, happy Birthday, March 8 or jubilee You must remember that women love with their ears, which means your musical gift will be impeccable and appreciated by the best half of humanity.

We have also provided musical congratulations to a man, which are often deprived of attention, sending which will surely cause laughter and a childish smile, in this seemingly strong half of humanity. Much will also depend on you what exactly you write on it, knowing well his habits and preference for humor.

Musical congratulations to the girl or girlfriend this is a separate big topic. But in a nutshell, we can only say the following ... Remember every girl loves and values ​​her individuality and you need to have your own exclusive approach to her, addressing her personally written poems or kind lines to her. To do this, you also need to know what style of music she prefers. It's not difficult, you just need to impress her. Write the text of the message and add her favorite song and your original, unique card is ready! And believe the real Romantics, she will certainly thank you when you meet, if not with a kiss, then with a sweet smile for sure.

Musical congratulations to Mom! With our eyes closed, we all recognize the voice of a man who gave the best part of his life raising and drinking the first songs for our tender children's ears. We are sure that you, like no one else, know Mom's musical preferences, most likely she loves songs with touching and soulful words, where she always sheds a tear. For our Mothers, there will always be the best gifts made by our own hands. Our service of good offices invites you to make an unforgettable touching gift for Mom again in the form of musical card... Fill the card with your tender words dedicated to Mom and add her favorite photo, of course, her favorite song. For her, we will always remain children, and she will certainly be pleased to receive again, if not a child's craft, but a real confession of endless devoted love, be it a son or daughter.

One thing we know for sure is that the revolutionary technology we have developed will allow us to reconsider the possibility of individually standing out from the general mass of gifts. We are sure that the postcards we offer will definitely not leave indifferent your relatives and friends with their main celebration.

Happy Birthday Musical Cards Happy Birthday Musical Cards

A good birthday card is good, but if it is also musical, then it's great!
Now you have such an opportunity not only to send a postcard to your friends and relatives with a happy birthday, but also to please them with an accompanying musical gift. In this category you will find a wide variety of musical birthday cards. Moreover, all this will be free for you, but pleasant for the addressee! Also, you can find not only musical cards, but also animated ones. If we add to this the fact that every postcard also includes an author's rhyme, then such a musical postcard can already be considered a small gift that will definitely add mood to the birthday boy.

A good birthday card is great, and if it's also musical, it's wonderful. It is this wonderful opportunity that we offer you. From our site you can send a musical card to a woman or a man, it does not matter, to the one who has a birthday today and to the one who you are especially not indifferent to. And we will help you with this.

How can you not congratulate your mother on this wonderful holiday on your mother's birthday? Indeed, it will be like a crime! Fortunately, you are not like that and you came to our website so as not to act viciously, that is, not to leave your mother without congratulations. Well, we, for our part, will offer a musical greeting card for your beloved mother. Now she will not only be able to watch, read, but also listen to a musical composition timed to this bright date - her mother's birthday!

In our life, there are no people more dear than mom and dad, at least by kinship! This means that we are never separated from them, neither in joy, nor in sorrow, not in reconciliation, nor in a quarrel. And since this is so serious, then do not forget about important dates of your parents. One of these dates is birthday. We already have a musical card about mom's birthday, and this article - congratulations, will be dedicated to our dads, fathers. This is where you can find and email your Daddy's musical birthday card.

He is so beloved, he is so cool, handsome, the best, that's why he is loved, that's why we love him. And if so, then any joy, any special moment in his life, is the same for us, his faithful companions. It is in this article that you can find a musical greeting for your loved one - a postcard with his birthday - birthday.

How good it is when there is a loved one nearby. And if you have such a person, then you will never forget about important dates for him. One of these dates is birthday. This means that you must not forget to congratulate him on this date, do not forget to remind him how important he is to you and how much we love him. To make it easier for you to do this, we have prepared musical cards for your beloved, which you can send to him as one of the congratulations.

We are ready to sing endless praises to our beloved. So, in order to alleviate your fate and not force your voice to strain, we suggest singing praise to your dear with the help of our website. It is here and here that you can find a musical card for your beloved!

Beloved ... How many things that are pleasant and important for our souls are hidden in this word, and even more so in the person whom we call that! All this indicates that we have a special relationship with our loved ones, which means their days and holidays, these are our joyful events as well. So, on the birthday of your beloved, we invite you to congratulate her with a musical postcard, which you can find here ...

If you are a true friend or girlfriend who values ​​friendship, then surely do not miss the birthday of your loved one - your girlfriend. Although what are we talking about ... Since you are already here, you probably came in for a reason, but in order to congratulate your girlfriend. I must say that you are not mistaken. It is here and here that you can find musical congratulations for your girlfriend on her birthday, which means to please her and cheer her up.

In our life, there are not so many like-minded people, but there are even fewer real friends. It’s so good if you have these very real friends, to whom it’s not that it’s not a sin, but you definitely need to dedicate congratulations on their day - on their birthday. This is what our site specializes in, and this is what we suggest you do using the service of our site. Here you can find a birthday musical greeting card to a friend.

Do you need to wish a man a happy birthday? My author's musical card Happy Birthday to a man will help you, which you can use completely free of charge! The card contains congratulations, humor, and useful gifts. Men should like it!

Musical card Happy Birthday to a man free

Quite recently I have prepared for you, dear readers of the site "Notes to the Family", a musical postcard. The postcard was made in gentle pink tones just for a woman.

But men on their birthday should not be deprived of attention! And they need special cards and greetings - for men! Therefore, immediately after creating the feminine greeting card, I set to work on the masculine one.

The postcard turned out, in my opinion, original, with a share of humor. I also inserted an interesting "gadget" into it (notice it when you move the cursor), which I have not yet used in my postcards. Write in the comments how you like it?

As always, card with gifts... This time I tried to pick up gifts that might be interesting and useful to men.

Do not forget to turn on the sound on your computer and watch the music card itself.

(click on the picture below)

Congratulate your dear men Happy Birthday, give them attention and positive emotions!

If someone doesn't know how to forward a music card and congratulate your friend with it, you will find the answers to all questions in

If you want order an individual postcard with your text, photos, or slideshows, please!

And I remind you that in addition to personal holidays - birthdays - there are many other holidays in the year. And to all of them I also did Free Musical Greeting Cards... There are original postcards and not only for the holidays, but ...

However, see everything for yourself in mine. Everything's there! I hope you will like it!

And do not forget to share your favorite postcards on social networks. There are buttons for this inside each postcard.

Musical cards are just one of the directions of my blog. On its pages you will also find a lot of other useful material for the whole family, from recipes to renovations, and in general a lot of interesting things. Come on in!

The author of the blog "" Ksenia Druzhkova presented her musical card Happy Birthday for a man to you

● Xenia's birthday

Hello my dear readers! Ksenia Druzhkova, the author of the blog "Notes to the Family", is in touch with you. February 6 is the day of remembrance of Saint Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, and ...