Tax benefits in the Perm region. Travel in urban and suburban transport. Recipients of the Perm Territory may apply for

Pension provision of citizens in Russia It is carried out according to federal laws and individual regulations of the regional authorities. Material content is paid in several directions, depending on the employment experience, accumulated points and the correction coefficient. The last parameter is subject to annual indexation in accordance with the inflation rate.

Pensions in Permare drawn up in the regional or district FIU (Pension Fund of Russia). In 2016, the city has one branch of the Foundation in the Perm Territory and 11 district departments.

For pensioners of the city and the region, payment is provided for three main areas:

  • . Such a manual is paid to citizens to achieve old age in 60 and 55 years For men and women, respectively. To get it, you must submit an appropriate application (see and download here :). When accrued, the pension takes into account the work experience of the applicant and accumulated points. If a citizen has no period of working activity - it will be issued a state social benefit.
  • . It is paid for civil servants, military and other persons equivalent to them. If such a citizen has an employment experience, he becomes the right to design a second pension.
  • It is paid to persons having disorders of systems of normal functioning and livelihoods that were established by medical examination. If such a citizen worked at least one working day, for which insurance premiums were expelled - it is necessary for a labor pension in old age when the conventional age is reached. In this case, the disabled person cannot use two social benefits at the same time. It will be given the opportunity to make a choice between an insurance or disability pension.
  • . It is paid to citizens if they are insured with a prerequisite, obliging to list a certain percentage of funds from the salary of the applicant for a special personal account.

Social benefits perm pensioners

Labor veterans in the Russian Federation call people who have fulfilled their professional duties for many years. Such a title was approved on the basis of a special law in 1995. What benefits do they rely in the Perm region?

All the advantages for these people are listed in two lists of federated levels and at the subject of the subject of the Federation (in the region, region, autonomy, etc.).

Benefits at the subject of the subject of the Federation in 2018-2019

  • The employee, faith and the truth worked for many years at the Perm enterprise, proposes social support in the form of financial benefits for recovery, according to Article 2 of the Law of the Perm Territory No. 146 dated December 20, 2012. The amount in this region is indexed annually. To obtain this compensation, it is necessary that the monthly income of the pensioner was no more than two subsistence minimums;
  • when a person reaches the retirement age, according to the law, it is exempt from tax payments for one land plot (land under the house, utility farm, gardening, animal husbandry) and the country area (which is not more than 600 square meters. m). This right is only administered by the administrations of the Perm Territory;
  • reducing the transport tax on passenger cars (with engines up to 100 liters.), Motorcycles, boats (with engines up to 50 liters.), Motor boats (with engines up to 50 l.), Motor scooters, self-propelled vehicles ( Including on a pneumatic and caterpillar). The amount of tax is only 50% of the one that must be paid, and is offered to those pensioners who have reached the well-deserved rest according to age. The right to reduced taxation is applied to only one unit of transport during documentary confirmation of the benefits and the availability of the application;
  • labor veterans living in this region believes the attachment and right to use those the same clinics in which they were treated during the work period. State therapeutic, municipal medical and preventive institutions are obliged to provide them with free medical assistance in circulation;
  • this category of citizens (labor veterans) is given a discount for payment of the apartment, content, repair work in the room;
  • a person can apply for support for paying utilities in the form of monetary compensation, or to pay for an apartment to family members who confirmed their incapacity, but living together with the veteran of labor and being materially dependent (the only source of means for existence), or dependents;
  • if half of the expenditures of labor veterans living in this region are more expected to pay for housing and housing and utilities than monetary support, approved in the region, then monetary compensation is appointed, according to Article 2 of the Law of the Perm Region No. 1830-388;
  • this category of citizens (veterans of labor) is relying the right to obtain a social document that is paid to the fare on municipal transport, a commuter vehicle. From this list is excluded a taxi. There is an opportunity to purchase tickets for suburban electric trains and water transport twice as cheaper in comparison with the real cost. The procedure for purchasing travel and the price is established in the regulatory act of the government of the constituent entity of the Federation;
  • veterans that have a long insurance experience are offered assistance in prosthetics of teeth under the DMS program. At the same time, the amount of insurance will be a thousand eight hundred rubles, and contributions will be fifty rubles per month. Contributions can be indexed based on the increase in monthly payments.

Benefits at the federal level

  1. Discounts when accrualing and paying land, transport, property taxes.
  2. If health veterans makes it possible to carry out work, then they can submit to the management of the organization in which they work, an application for leave, and will have to be provided on the basis of Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If a person is a participant in the Great Patriotic War, then vacation is supposed to thirty-five days; If he is a disabled, then rest lasts sixty days; Pensioners by age is supposed to break in the work of 14 calendar days.
  3. According to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2011, veterans can be assisted in housing gasification
  4. For those people who found themselves in a difficult financial situation, address assistance (financial resources, products, essentials, clothing, hygiene) are possible.
  5. They are relying every three years to undergo dispensarization. Benefits are offered for age group from sixty to ninety-nine years. In this category, people with disabilities are disabled, residents of a blockade Leningrad, people with disabilities due to injury obtained in the workplace. These groups of people can be treated every year.
  6. Labor veterans who are disabled is offered to obtain vouchers to a sanatorium free of charge, and if they are simply included in the age category from the sixty years, the flu vaccination is assumed every year.
  7. Their pensions, social payments are not subject to taxation.
  8. At the legislative level (clause 9, 10 Article 217 of the Tax Code), the region's veterans are charged with the organization's sanatorium-resort vouchers by the organization, from which the employee quit, leaving a retirement by age or due to the preparation of disability. Such organizations are required to produce social support (compensation) of this category of citizens to four thousand rubles per year.
  9. Free travel to veterans of the region relies on urban public transport (with the exception of a taxi) on a special social travel. The passage of suburban trafficiers and water transport is paid in the amount of half the price of the ticket.
  10. Veterans are covered only half the cost of community services, and half the price of fuel with delivery is paid by residents without central heating.

What benefits are laid for pensioners in 2018 in Russia - the latest news

Elderly people who have achieved old age, the state provides postal support. To live decent retirement is not easy.

According to the law, address assistance is provided to individual citizens, pleasant bonuses in residents of some regions of Russia. Rumors around this issue a huge amount.

Everyone wants to know which benefits are laid for pensioners in 2018 in Russia - the latest news discloses a list of covered services in detail.

Knowing our own rights, it will be possible to save a decent amount if we arrange the appropriate documents in the social protection service.

Who is the right to pay benefits in 2018

In each region of Russia, various benefits of pensioners in 2018 are envisaged.

The list of a number of reasons depends. The main factor forming the list is the state of the regional budget.

Cash subsidies, compensation, benefits are provided with individual groups of persons retirement age.

The magnitude of the payments, the ability to use certain services on reduced tariffs or free of charge from the category assigned to the face:

  • pensioner by age;
  • disabled person 1, 2, 3 groups;
  • military pensioner;
  • labor veteran or BBIrs.

When prescribing preferential payments, it should be borne in mind that since 2018, women who have reached 58, and men of 63 years old, are recognized by pensioners in Russia.

However, there are deviations: the retirement age is influenced by the generation of the activity, the region of residence.

List of benefits made by pensioners in 2018

In decisions, federal laws are registered, which benefits are put on pensioners in 2018.

To enjoy individual relaxation, it is enough to present a pension certificate, for others you will need a lot of documents confirming the right to receive appropriate payments, discounts or compensation.

In 2018, federal benefits that have previously existed for retirees will remain enshrined for pensioners:

  1. transport;
  2. financial;
  3. land;
  4. holidays;
  5. communal.

The onset of the new year is waiting for different reasons. Kids rejoice in the holiday, adults - the entry into force of a number of important laws.

There were long-awaited tax benefits for pensioners in 2018.

From January 1, residents of all regions that have achieved retirement age will cease to pay the tax for the country area, if the area does not exceed 6 acres.

Housing and utilities

The pensioner uses established benefits when paying utilities services, if a number of conditions are performed:

  • The LCQ has to pay more than 22% of the income received monthly. Along with the pensioner should not live by persons who have not reached the retirement age.
  • The discount of 50% is allowed to participants in the Second World War, labor veterans, war, Leningrad blocks.
  • Half of the value is charged with the participants of the elimination of the Chernobyl, the former servicemen who have been disabled.
  • The tenants of housing, which fell into the "Disabled" category 50% of utilities services.

Separately, it is worth noting that persons awarded the Hero of Socialist Labor, the housing is fully paid, and the utilities are exactly half (50%).

It is not required to pay accruals for overhaul from persons who have noticed 80 years. In the interval from 70 to 80 years, 50% of this accrual is paid.

The services on which the benefits are subject to heating, gas, water and power supply, water disposal are applied.

Discounts for the use of television antenna are installed in the regions or companies providing the service.

When accrued any benefits, you must first submit documents and prove that there is no arrears for housing and utilities services.

When debt appears during the use of the preferential tariff, it can be removed.

Travel Benefits

The costs of urban, suburban transport are partially paid by persons purchasing a ticket.

However, there are benefits for the passions of pensioners in 2018. To get them, you will have to make a preferential ticket.

Cost reimbursement is carried out on the basis of adopted laws and regulations.

It is planned that the travel benefits to Moscow pensioners in 2018 will be changed. With the alleged abolition of free drives in the train should increase compensation paid monthly.

Within the Moscow Ring Road, in the presence of Moscow regulations, travel in electric trains for pensioners will remain free.

In the regions there are established rules for the fare of beneficiaries. Monetary compensation, preferential tickets, operate on public transport, excluding long-distance transportation, taxi.

In a number of exceptions, the inhabitants of the North, which are provided with a preferential passage from the region to the rest item.

The service can be used once for the year. Seasonal benefits are established in many regions.

Often, free travel to the spring-summer (country) period by electricians and suburban buses on the presentation of a pension certificate is permitted.

In St. Petersburg, discounts on the passage of municipal city transport from May to October in 2018 will be 90%, in the Leningrad region - 85%.

In some regions of Russia, retirees are issued a transport card, according to which there is a strictly defined number of free trips. For the rest of the moving will have to pay.

Transport benefits

Regional nature is beneficial to retirees for transport tax for 2018.

However, the subject independently decides what the size of sending for residents of individual regions will be.

Examples for some cities:

City (region) The magnitude of the benefits provided Notes
Moscow and Moscow region100% discounts for disabled people, war participants in the presence of a car possessing MD to 200 l. from.
St. Petersburg100% If a car over 1991, MD up to 150 liters. from.
Leningrad region20%

Engine power up to 100 liters. from.

Altai, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Amur, Belgorod, Astrakhan, Yaroslavl, Sverdlovsk region100%
Perm region, Udmurt Republic, Bryanskaya, Novgorod, Oryol region50%

Wishing to learn the transport benefits to the Pensioners of the Krasnodar Territory in 2018 or other regions not specified in the table, it is better to go to local organs to clarify the numbers.

Benefits for sanatorium-resort treatment

Pensioners related to the category of disabled people can take advantage of the right to free rest and treatment in health care.

To purchase a ticket to a sanatorium, it will be necessary to provide in the social service, distributing vouchers, a number of documents:

  1. commission's conclusion on the need for sanatorium treatment and absence of contraindications to find in a specific health care;
  2. an extract from the local polyclinic confirming the right to rehabilitation treatment;
  3. statement.

After receiving a ticket to the hands, it is necessary 2 weeks before departure to rest ,.

The doctor sends to or gives a medical card or a health care conclusion for the proper appointment of treatment.

Privacy benefits

Pensioners of all regions of Russia have benefits to property.

It belongs to its number:

  • country house;
  • apartment or room;
  • garage;
  • outbuildings.

Not falls into the section of property for preferential taxation of luxury real estate.

Its value exceeds 300 million rubles. It is impossible to use an object in the possession of a pensioner for business activities, if you want to have a preferential status.

If there is a pensioner of several real estate objects relating to one category, you will have to pay for all objects except one.

To make it easier to figure out, it is proposed to consider an example.

Having 2 cottages, house and 3 apartments, the pensioner receives benefits for 1 house, 1 cottage, 1 apartment. The remaining taxes are paid according to the established tariffs.

Benefits for working pensioners

Active life position, good health, the accumulated experience does not allow many people who have reached the mature age to go to a well-deserved rest.

They continue to work, but can use the benefits of feasible retirees in 2018.

Communicable privileges include:

  1. Getting a citizen of additional unpaid leave for its requirement. However, the law provides for limiting the duration of the period of absence in the workplace:
  • ordinary pensioner -14 days;
  • veteran of the Second World War or Participant of Military Action - 35 days;
  • disabled - 60 days.

The service is provided once a year. Vacation can be taken immediately or divided into several parts, having coordinated with the tenant.

  1. Raising the qualifying level due to the organization if necessary. On preferential terms, it goes to courses. It is possible to obtain another specialty in the direction of the enterprise.

As pensioners to issue benefits in 2018

Benefits for pensioners exist, but they rarely use them. The reason lies in its own ignorance about the execution of documents.

So far, confirmation is not received, about the reductions in paying taxes, not worth the free purchase of drugs.

In order to make benefits to military pensioners in 2018 or who went to a well-deserved holiday on the occurrence of age, it will have to gather a package of relevant documents in advance, attributed to the right organization.

Registration of benefits is advisable to do from the beginning of the year. Do not delay the application. Since May, it is starting to prepare written notices of the need to pay. The final application for submission is considered to be November 1.

List of documents

In one organization, the privileges mentioned above will not work.

We will have to be patient, although the procedure for execution of documents is pretty quickly.

To gain transport benefits to the pensioners of the Moscow region in 2018 and other regions of Russia, you will have to collect a package of documents for the tax inspection:

  1. passport;
  2. statement;
  3. certificate indicating the place of registration;
  4. technical passport for vehicle;
  5. pensioner's ID;
  6. certificate of assigning the INN.

Additionally, in the presence of a veteran certificate, a disabled person. If the documents submits the principal, the power of attorney certified in the notary.

To arrange other benefits, to obtain address assistance to the pensioner must be applied to the social protection authorities.

Video: What surcharges are waiting for pensioners in 2018

Elderly people are considered an unprotected category of the population. For their protection and support at the federal and local levels, certain privileges are envisaged. In our small review, we propose to dwell on which pensioners benefits are in 2019 in the Perm Territory.

Of course, each case of their establishment and payment is individual. But knowledge of the general positions significantly simplifies the procedure for the implementation of its right. It will take into account economic growth, the development of enterprises, the filling of local budgets, as well as the position of the central government in relation to the socially unprotected segments of the population.

What can count pensioners perm

Conditionally all the benefits laid by older people can be divided into two categories:

  1. Benefits from the federal government.
  2. Benefits from the municipal control authority.

They are aimed at maximum coverage of poor in order to help them cope with inflationary processes, loneliness, opportunities to receive minimal, set at the state levels of social support.

Regarding federal privileges worth identifying such:

  • the possibility of obtaining assistance to perform housing gasification;
  • obtaining targeted financial or natural (for example, food, hygienic accessories, clothing and other necessary property) assistance;
  • annual free flu vaccination, as well as receiving sanatorium vouchers;
  • removal of taxation with social payments, pensions, other pension benefits and assistance;
  • obtaining support in the form of vouchers in the sanatorium from the organization or enterprise, from where a citizen retired;
  • reduced by 50% of the cost of payment of utilities;
  • the right to additional vacation for citizens who continue to work after the exit to a well-deserved rest without any restrictions and infringement.

At the same time, certain preferences are established by local authorities. Benefits for pensioners in Perm complement state support. In particular, such privileges should be attributed:

  • the right to receive additional financial assistance to rehabilitation from the enterprises of the Perm region;
  • exemption from land tax (but not more than one plot) for older people who retired by age;
  • free service in municipal clinics;
  • additional discounts when paying utility services (depends on the conditions for the residence of the old man and finding on his dependency of other persons);
  • reduced passing costs through the acquisition of a special social document;
  • preferential prosthetics of teeth for veterans having a lot of work experience in the region.

Reduced transport tax

The federal government decided to issue local authorities to establish transport taxes in a particular region.

At the same time, transport tax benefits in 2019 for pensioners in the Perm Territory will be calculated on the basis of the municipal legislation applicable here.

It should be understood that the pensioners of the region can pay the state for such vehicles:

  • machines are passenger (when the engine power does not exceed 100 hp);
  • motorcycles, motorboats, immediately boats (here the engine should not be more powerful than 50 hp);
  • self-propelled vehicles, motor scooters.

It is important here to understand that such a privilege is available only to the elderly people who have gone to deserved rest by age. It applies only to one unit of the same type of vehicle. If the owner of such a vehicle decides to change the place of residence and will leave the region, it will lose additional benefits installed here.

Land tax

It should be borne in mind that the fee in the treasury for the use of the Earth is also given to the deposit of the local level authorities. It is they who establish the corresponding rates, and also regulate the privileges. Regarding the benefits in 2019 on land tax veterans of labor in the Perm Territory, it is worth allocating a few moments.

The laws of the region determined that the Russian state tribute to the retirement age for one land plot, as well as the country area, whose total area should not exceed 600 square meters. meters. Regulate such preferences district administrations of the region.

It is important to understand that these privileges are established in different ways in various municipalities.

Therefore, the specific norms acting on a particular territory should be clarified through local administrations.

What additional help can count on Perm old men

In addition to these types of various assistance for pensioners of the region, separate cash payments and compensation are provided.

They are installed in excess of the fact that determined by the legislative acts of the federal level and are valid only within the limits of this territorial unit of Russia. Among other things, it is worth highlighting:

  • monthly indexed social assistance in the amount of 300 rubles;
  • compensatory payments covering repairs and payment of the rental of municipal or public housing by the elderly citizen;
  • , as well as monetary compensation for the purchase of liquid (solid) fuel in the amount of 417 rubles (if there are dependents, then each of them is additionally due to 170 rubles);
  • a decrease in 50% of the cost of railway and water suburban transport within the region;
  • discount of 50% for the purchase of medicines in social pharmacies;
  • compensated by local budgets of vouchers to the health facilities of the region.

Independent tax privileges should also be denoted:

  • full release from payments to the state treasury Dani on property (applied regarding one object in accordance with the procedure established by law);
  • UNECENTIONERS do not pay income tax;
  • all the claims submitted by pensioners in courts do not require paying state duties;
  • preferences for taxation of vehicles.

Regarding the possible increase in pension payments, then the elderly citizens of the retirement age in this municipality provides for regional coefficients for a prescribed pension. Their size depends on a specific area and amount to 1.15, or 1.2 to the basic level of payments assigned to you.

If a citizen who receives such an increased retirement will move to another area, he will lose the right to apply this coefficient.


Support for old people and poor citizens of the region is at a very high level and is carried out in accordance with federal and local legislation.

It covers almost all areas of the citizen's activities. Allows not only to receive an increased pension, but also compensate for the costs of various household needs, travel, as well as maintain and correct the level of their health. He is a well-deserved award for those who live here.