DIY New Year's newspapers on Whatman paper. How to arrange a New Year's wall newspaper

Winter holidays have always fascinated with their charm. When the whole world is preparing for the onset of a wonderful holiday - the New Year. Houses and trees are decorated, as well as various gifts and souvenirs are presented with the onset of a fabulous holiday. A do-it-yourself poster for the New 2017 Year of the Rooster and auxiliary templates will make a large postcard come true, with which you can cheer up everyone around you.

New Year posters can be used as decoration. Auxiliary tools will help to arrange them in an appropriate style, which, of course, cannot be done without. You can think of any topic.

  • watercolor paints;
  • printed templates;
  • felt-tip pens;
  • whatman.

Undoubtedly, in order to quickly make a poster for the new year 2017, you need to be able to draw beautifully. But for whom this turns out to be a problem, you can resort to using various blanks, which will be samples, because not everyone has artistic talent.

New year poster collage

New Year's posters can be designed in the style of a collage, but then this will require photographs of the employees who will be preparing this greeting. Then the present made is hung on the door of the one who is the congratulator. Such a gift should be in a conspicuous place, and please with its design.

You can make a poster for school, where you can depict a whole fairy tale, led by the Fiery Cockerel. To do this, each of the students must make their own voluminous and original symbol of the year out of paper, and then decorate it beautifully. Then these birds are glued to the poster. At the same time, under each predecessor of the year, it is necessary to write a beautiful wish.

Such a wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 do-it-yourself templates will delight every child. Moreover, everyone will see the final result. It is not uncommon for children to be connected to reproduce these masterpieces, because they are endowed with a lot of ideas, and everyone's imagination will help to realize not a poster for the New Year 2017 with their own hands, but a whole fairy tale.

To do this, you need to print out many characters from fairy tales on a printer. Only this must be done so that after that the child can decorate the hero and stick his work on whatman paper. But before gluing takes place, the guys, together with the selected characters, must independently come up with a fabulous performance.

Moreover, it is necessary to prepare so that each character has words (which will be signed in brackets) no more than a sentence. After that, the characters are glued one by one in connection with the fairy tale invented by the guys, and such a kind of fairytale theater is created.

You can do it at the top of the Whatman paper. Draw Christmas decorations on the spruce branches around the edges. In the middle below, make a path and, in a smaller size, plant all the fairy-tale characters with the appeal of wishes for the New Year.

A bright, interesting wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 with your own hands must necessarily contain Grandfather Frost, the Snow Maiden and the symbol of the year in its image. You can place them at the bottom in the right corner, and write a beautiful New Year's rhyme next to it.

Wall newspaper in the form of coloring

The New Year's wall newspaper can be made in the style of coloring. How to make such a masterpiece is not a secret. Undoubtedly, this option is best used in schools, where almost all children will be involved.

First you need to print a coloring poster from the Internet using a printer. Typically this product is eight sheets. To make it easier to work, then it is best to print each sheet separately.

After that, tell the guys that they should make a poster for the New Year 2017 with their own hands as accurately as possible. Anyone who can do this without mistakes will be awarded an individual prize. And, of course, all the children will try, so at the end of the creative process, you can have a tea party and praise everyone.

Poster decoration

The wall newspaper for the New Year is usually decorated with snowflakes and tinsel, you can also add other accessories, for example, sparkles, fir branches with traditional toys, which schoolchildren can also make on their own.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, preparation begins in educational and preschool institutions: decorating classes and areas for events, rehearsing matinees and festive performances. In addition, competitions for the best drawing or wall newspaper are organized. This is a chance for talented kids to show their abilities to a large audience. But what about those guys who want to take part, but do not have a good command of the drawing technique? There is an exit! You need to download a ready-made wall newspaper for the New Year 2018 (do it yourself), the templates of which will help you create a real masterpiece without fine art skills. But first, you need to find out how to properly compose a wall newspaper and what materials will be needed.

What to consider when creating a wall newspaper

  1. Remember that the content and theme of the wall newspaper should be unique, as the children remember well the themes of past issues.
  2. In addition to standard greetings, New Year images, the newspaper should be informative. Include some materials about school and extracurricular activities, helpful announcements, and a summary of the 2018 school year.
  3. Nobody canceled originality. Come up with something new and different. For example, the quest "Find a gift from Santa Claus" with clever, humorous tips.

What materials will be needed

There are no standard guidelines in this regard. It all depends on the technique that you will use in the design. It should be borne in mind that the design of a wall newspaper is not only drawings and photographs. You can use any elements of arts and crafts. For example, figurines in the style of origami, patchwork, quilling, applique, scrapbooking, etc. will look great. Eco-decor looks original - compositions of cones, spruce twigs, berries and leaves. It all depends on your imagination, so any materials can be suitable - from colored paper to leather and fur.

We advise you to first decide what types of decor you will use, then prepare all the necessary materials. Do not forget that most of them can be found at home, these are parts of old clothes, magazine clippings, foil, pieces of fabric, broken toys, cotton wool and much more.

How to properly arrange a wall newspaper

For a newspaper to be flawless, it is necessary to adhere to the main rule: correctly distribute the blocks with the content. To do this, make a plan for the future creation - decide which articles, drawings, photographs and design elements you exactly plan to place.

Take a simple pencil and ruler. Divide the Whatman paper into even cells, leaving more space in the center for the main New Year's composition. This will make it possible to evenly distribute the paper space. Don't forget to leave some space at the top for your main headline and congratulations. Conditionally sign all the blocks with a pencil so as not to forget the sequence of the content.

Wall newspaper example:

  1. Text. Alternatively, create a document with text in Photoshop, using handwritten fonts, and print on a printer, adjusting the width to fit the column of the wall newspaper. Then glue it onto whatman paper. You can also add a nice Christmas frame. Remember that your creation will be read by different people, so make the letters a little larger.
  2. Drawings. Pictures should reflect the topic of the articles and harmoniously fit into the overall composition. Mandatory characters for 2018 are the yellow earth Dog and the traditional Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Snowman.
  3. Collage. An entertaining element will be clippings from photographs of students, teachers and parents. Cut out the heads of people and glue them to the drawn figures in the form of human bodies. The collage can be arranged in the form of a round dance around the tree or playing snowballs, ice skating, sledding, skiing, etc.

    Advice! If your visual arts skills are lame, then we recommend downloading a coloring page of the desired topic, printing it on a printer and sketching the template using a carbon copy.

  4. Decor. Perhaps the most important detail in the design of the newspaper. Without a bright decoration, the product will look gloomy, boring and will not arouse much interest. To do this, you can use the most incredible arts and crafts techniques - from simple applique to paper curling or beading.

Additional ideas

It is very important to make your creation not only informative and colorful, but also interactive. Children will be happy to take part in the "Best New Year's Greetings" competition, if they place an envelope in one of the blocks of the newspaper, and put a table with felt-tip pens and pieces of paper next to it. Everyone can write a wish and put it in a pocket. The author of the most original congratulation will receive a prize.

Of course, our version of the wall newspaper, as well as ideas, may not please everyone, so your imagination and abilities will help create a real masterpiece that will remain in your memory for many years.

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The symbol of 2018 is the dog

New year characters

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Christmas tree and toys

In a few months, after the earth warms up under the scorching summer sun, and then it is covered with a warm layer of autumn leaves, the icy winter time will come - the time of snow, frost and New Year's holidays. It is about this unforgettable period that we will talk today.

In the modern world, there are a lot of opportunities to congratulate each other on this unforgettable holiday - New 2017. You can send SMS, video message, a beautiful souvenir on social networks, or just a congratulatory mail. Nevertheless, the use of traditional paper congratulations does not lose its relevance and popularity. Of particular interest on the part of children and adults is the do-it-yourself wall newspaper for the New Year 2017, which is considered the most famous example of mass congratulations. It is very easy to create such a congratulation yourself, and place it in the place where maximum attention will be paid to it. But how to make such a congratulation similar so that it is dynamic, informational and original in its presentation? Let's take a look at the main options.

Basic information

In its traditional version, the wall newspaper is created on A1 paper - Whatman paper. All inscriptions and drawings are made with our own hands using felt-tip pens, multi-colored markers and pencils.

As a result, in order to create a similar wall newspaper, it is necessary to prepare the following materials:

Wall newspaper decoration

At the very beginning, it is worth creating a layout of the future newspaper, for which, with the help of an ordinary simple pencil, mark the heading of the wall newspaper on the Whatman paper, and the estimated placements of the photograph, drawings and text. This will help you to clearly distribute the free space of the sheet, so as not to crawl out to the very edges or to make the correct orientation of all information. For example, in the center, you can write "Happy New 2017" in beautiful big letters. Place pictures of a Christmas tree with toys on the sides of the inscription. Next, draw a film strip, in the frames of which there will be photos of your friends or acquaintances. And at the bottom of all this, congratulations are placed in a circle, mixed with original drawings. In the middle, it is worth leaving a dedicated place in which each person who comes to the holiday can write something from himself.

It is worth recalling that there is more than enough time to create such a wall newspaper, so do not rush - come up with something original and try to implement this idea in reality.

Text information

A wall newspaper without textual information will be incomplete, so it is worth writing small congratulations or wishes on the New Year's theme. All such text can be divided into several types:

Anyone with beautiful, even handwriting can write the marked text with felt-tip pens or markers directly on the drawing paper. True, to do this, mark in advance the boundaries of the markup of the space for the text, so that it would be easier to design the test column. If your handwriting leaves much to be desired, you can type in the necessary text and glue it to the Whatman paper in a printed form using ordinary PVA. In this case, you can use some kind of beautiful font and make the letters larger so that they can be read without any problems for a person of any age.

Graphic information

The next point, which is central in the noted congratulatory creativity, is considered to be bright drawings, which make the wall newspaper itself interesting and informative. At the same time, you can draw a whole list of various images on whatman paper.

1. Symbol of 2017. For a true artist, to depict an animal representing the next year is a mere trifle. Otherwise, you can use the Fire Rooster templates, with the help of which the final drawing will turn out to be more believable.

2. Be sure to depict Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden, an elegant Christmas tree, snowflakes, a heap of gifts and New Year's toys on the New Year's wall newspaper.

3. Do not forget to use a photo collage, for which the heads of your real acquaintances are glued to the drawn figures of people. As practice shows, it is this option for using photographs that turns out to be the most memorable and heatedly discussed.

All kinds of additions

The final touch in creating a wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 is the use of various additional elements, for example, tinsel, sparkles, rain, garlands and even balls. All this will help the newspaper to acquire a complete look. By the way, you can revive an ordinary paper product with the help of live spruce branches, cones or branches of other trees. It is also worth leaving a small empty space on the finished wall newspaper, which should be in the center, where all guests who come can leave their wishes and congratulations in honor of the New Year and Christmas. To do this, next to the place where the newspaper itself will hang, you should put a bright glass with multi-colored markers and shiny pens. You can also hang bells on either side of the headline.

Show your creativity, come up with your own versions of an interesting and beautiful New Year's wall newspaper and let such a congratulation on New Year's Eve 2017 become a wonderful embodiment of your mood.

New Year's holidays are approaching and preparatory activities in preschool and educational institutions will begin very soon. As a rule, this is the decoration of classes and areas for matinees, rehearsals of performances and the creation of congratulatory wall newspapers. Of course, there should be editors in every class or group to produce them. Usually, these are talented children who not only know how to draw well, but also correctly present any information so that it is fun, interesting and attractive.

But, unfortunately, at the present time, among children there are not always those who want to engage in creative activities. Therefore, wall masterpieces are made in turn, or this mission falls to the lot of guilty students. Moreover, in kindergartens and elementary grades, it is mainly parents who are engaged in wall newspapers. For many dads and mothers, this is a good reason to remember childhood, to take a direct part in the school life of their child and, most importantly, to spend time interestingly, developing a message to creativity in their child.

What you need to consider when creating a New Year's wall newspaper

  • First, you need to remember that any wall newspaper must be original and unique. Children perfectly remember all the details of past issues, so repetitions will not be interesting for them.
  • Secondly, in addition to congratulations and thematic drawings, the newspaper should carry information regarding school and extracurricular activities, summing up the results of 2016 and facts from the life of individual students.
  • And thirdly, it is necessary to dilute the school theme by posting interesting facts about the symbol of the upcoming 2017 - the Red Fire Rooster. Based on the horoscope, you can draw up what awaits the children in the next school year, add information about each New Year's holiday and character.

What materials will be needed for a wall newspaper

By standard standards, the wall version of the newspaper is created on Whatman paper in A1 format. To make colorful drawings, use any available means for drawing: pencils, paints, felt-tip pens, wax crayons, and so on. To make the task easier, you can print ready-made templates for labels, frames, patterns and images. But more on that later…. So, in addition to "drawing" materials and paper, you will need:

  1. simple pencil;
  2. eraser, ruler, compasses;
  3. multi-colored paper;
  4. art brushes;
  5. scissors;
  6. stationery glue;
  7. shiny rain, tinsel, serpentine, sparkles, etc.
  8. photographs or printed scans of people to whom the wall newspaper is dedicated.

By the way, to create a New Year's composition, you can use scraps of fabric, ribbons, ribbons, small spruce twigs, bells, miniature Christmas tree decorations - such an original mix of patchwork styles and eco-decor. In fact, there are many options for decorating a wall newspaper, you just need to dream up a little.

How to properly arrange a wall newspaper

For those who have never had to engage in such creativity in their life, we suggest using our advice. The first thing to do is to make a list of content: texts, photos and drawings. Each of them needs to select a separate block and decide where it will be placed on the "Whatman". Therefore, we take a ruler, a simple pencil and markup. We sign the sections of the template (with a graphite pencil, then erase with an eraser), for example: a title, congratulations, text about the Year of the Rooster, a Christmas tree drawing, a collage of photographs, etc. This will make it possible to clearly distribute the space of the wall newspaper and make the correct orientation of the available information.

Wall newspaper example:

Important! Start creating a wall newspaper as early as possible so that you can slowly come up with something fun, original and informative, as well as pay attention to the quality of graphic content.


If you have a smooth and beautiful handwriting, then it will not be difficult for you to write the text directly on the Whatman paper. Remember to draw horizontal lines (then erase with an eraser) to keep the lines straight. For writing, you can use multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens.

If your handwriting is lame or you need to write a lot of information, then we suggest using an excellent option - to type the text on a computer along the width of a wall newspaper column, print it on a printer and glue it onto whatman paper with PVA glue. Here you can already use graphic tools: a beautiful font and a New Year's frame. Do not forget that people of different ages will read your masterpiece, so make the letters larger.

Advice! Stencils can be used for headings. Therefore, we have selected an excellent template gallery for you. Also below are various graphic templates for New Year's themes that will help people who are poorly proficient in drawing techniques.


Graphic elements are of particular importance in design, because only they are able to create a festive atmosphere, make a newspaper interesting, colorful and informative. What images must be present:

  1. Red Fire Rooster. This is a symbol of 2017, so the drawing of the bird will be the most relevant. You can paint the owner of the year yourself by adding sparkles to the comb, wings and tail. But if this process turns out to be difficult for you, then you can use our template, thanks to which, the cockerel will turn out to be more believable.
  2. The traditional decoration of the New Year's wall newspaper will be fairy-tale characters and festive attributes: Grandfather Frost, Snow Maiden, Snowman, Santa Claus on a reindeer sled, helpers of the old man forest animals, snowflakes, gifts, toys and, of course, the beautiful Christmas tree.
  3. As the practice of many years has shown, the most striking, discussed, funny and memorable feature of a wall masterpiece is a photo collage. It is desirable to arrange it as follows: cut out the heads of people in photographs and glue them to the drawn human figures.

Another drawing tip. A great way for amateurs to create a professional drawing is to use a children's coloring template. It can be printed on a printer and transferred to whatman paper using a carbon copy.

Additional materials and elements

And finally, the last and brightest touch in creating a New Year's wall newspaper is the use of a variety of sparkles, rain, serpentine, etc. Apply PVA glue to the areas of the picture that should shine and shimmer. Then sprinkle evenly with fine glitter. Just blow off or turn over the paper and shake it lightly.

Advice. The best shiny sprinkle will be a small crumb of a spoiled glass Christmas tree toy. Wrap a ball in thick paper and beat it well with a hammer on a hard surface. And do not forget about the precautions, it is still glass!

Also an important component of the New Year's wall newspaper is the opportunity to take part in its creation for everyone. Leave empty space for wishes. Let everyone write their New Year and Christmas greetings. An alternative option would be a special pocket or envelope with paper leaves in the form of snowflakes. You can write your congratulations on them. To do this, place a glass with multicolored shiny markers next to the wall newspaper.

Of course, our version of the wall newspaper may not suit everyone, so show your abilities and come up with your own masterpiece. We wish your congratulations to become the most wonderful personification of the festive mood not only of yours, but also of those around you. And this will help our New Year's gallery of templates ...

Wall newspaper for the New Year 2017 do it yourself - templates

The inscriptions "Happy New Year!"

These templates are perfect for wall newspapers with little content. A congratulatory lettering will serve as a heading, and highlighted sections will serve as a place to place your text. But we advise you to use only pictures for the central part, and place blocks with the rest of the content around.

Letter stencils

These templates come in handy for creating beautiful headlines. Of course, to cut letters on paper will take a bit of effort, but it's worth it. Thanks to this small gallery, your wall newspaper will be 100% original and colorful!

Helpful advice! In order to make a beautiful inscription, install Adobe Photoshop on your computer. There you will find a huge number of beautiful fonts. Write the title you want in the application, save it as an image and print it on the printer. It remains to take a clerical knife and cut out the letters.

New year character templates

Santa Claus, Snegurochka, Santa Claus, Snowman ... How can a New Year wall newspaper do without these beloved characters by all children ?! Download and print images of these cute fairy-tale characters and transfer to whatman paper using a carbon copy. Also, as an option, you can copy the image using a printer onto A4 paper, decorate, cut and glue.

Christmas tree

This tree is the brightest symbol of the New Year and Christmas, therefore a special place is allocated for it in any wall newspaper.

Winter holidays are a time of carefree relaxation, pleasant surprises and real miracles. So that your colleagues, family and friends have the appropriate mood, congratulate them with a holiday poster or wall newspaper. It can be used as or large for the whole team. Such a surprise will not leave anyone indifferent! It is not that difficult to create a “masterpiece”. Prepare whatman paper (A1 sheet), paints, brushes, felt-tip pens. To decorate the poster, use sequins, decorative stones, quilling paper, and whatever your fantasy tells you.

The key to a beautiful New Year's poster is imagination and a little work!

Of course, it is best to draw a wall newspaper with your own hands. But if you have no artistic talent, it doesn't matter. Print the blank posters on a printer and color them to your liking. The product can be designed as a collage. To do this, use the photos of those whom you plan to congratulate. Hang the finished wall newspaper on the wall or door. The main thing is that the poster is in a conspicuous place and can please everyone. You can involve colleagues or children in the creative process. Creation in a company is only more fun!

New Year Coloring Posters

An excellent option for those who want to make a congratulation in a short time. This is a good solution for children in kindergartens, schools and other educational institutions. Toddlers will be showing their creativity in one way or another with this poster. Most of the templates on the Internet have eight parts. The size of each corresponds to an A4 sheet.

New Year's wall newspaper

For convenience, you can print each segment separately using a conventional black and white printer. The main thing is to color the finished newspaper carefully and diligently. Decor in the form of sparkles, paper snowflakes and New Year's tinsel will also not be superfluous.

Posters for schools and kindergartens

On New Year's Eve, children and their parents are involved in decorating the class. The content and appearance of the poster should be thought out in advance. Pay special attention to the color scheme. It is better that these are winter tones: blue, blue, purple. For young children, you can create greeting posters with their favorite fairy tale characters or cartoon characters. It is worth using the image of a cockerel -.

Practice drawing cartoon characters and decorate the wall newspaper with them

Make the headline not too large, and arrange the compositions and congratulations evenly. Volumetric appliques will look spectacular. For example, you can make a Christmas tree out of crumpled paper. To do this, cut out several rectangles from paper, collect each of them on top with an elastic band and stick them on top of each other in the form of a pyramid. Fluff the lower part. Decorate the tree with special balls. They can be made of silvery cardboard with photos of your group or class members glued to.

Other options

Mostly thematic posters and newspapers draw or use an applique in their design. But if you want to do something special, you can use other techniques as well!

Patterned will provide the poster with volume and expressiveness.
  • Glue a Christmas tree tinsel on cardboard or thick paper, and make balls from round chocolates in golden wrappers. Secure them to the "branches" with tape. All children who love sweets will be able to taste the delicacies and will be delighted with such a “delicious” poster.
  • For older guys, you can build a capsule with predictions for the next year at the bottom of the wall newspaper. Hang them on long strings for easy cutting. Such a poster can be decorated with a garland that runs on batteries and flashes brightly with multi-colored lights.
  • The poster with a Christmas tree made of cut threads looks original. To make such a wall newspaper, prepare a sheet of thick paper for the base, woolen threads in different shades of green and brown, and glue. Attach a long brown thread to the paper first. She will be the trunk of the New Year tree. Then draw twigs with glue and cover them with short green threads. It will make a great fluffy spruce. It can be decorated with colored paper applique
  • You can build a wall newspaper in the form of a wall clock with a pendulum. The dial is drawn on a Whatman paper, and figures of animals - signs of the Chinese horoscope are glued around it. They are made in advance from colored cardboard. The cones and the pendulum are made separately and attached to the base.

The decoration of a poster or wall newspaper is very important. But wishes and congratulations should also be beautiful and cheerful in order to evoke a good festive mood in everyone. So try to find sincere words that will delight the readers of your newspaper!

Examples of New Year's posters