Moral patriotic education by means of physical culture. "patriotic education through sports games and entertainment". Physical exercises as a means of sports and patriotic education

sports games and entertainment.


Patriotic feelings are only born at preschool age, and although they are still elementary in their manifestations, they are extremely important for the further formation of the personality of a Russian citizen. Modern preschool pedagogy considers the game to be one of the effective means of forming the beginnings of patriotism. Its special significance lies in the fact that it contributes to the education of a certain attitude to everything around children, to the phenomena of social life. Since the surrounding reality is reflected in a children's game in a peculiar way (and our reality is the patriotic deeds of the Russian people, equality, friendship and brotherhood), it, like no other type of activity, can be saturated with social content. In it, the child sincerely, directly expresses his thoughts and feelings-sympathy for the heroes of the war and everyday work, friendly attitude towards people.In the game, the child joins the great events of our time.The idea of ​​children about the Motherland, the features of life, work, art of different peoples of our country, about the Russian Army is not only specified, fixed in the game , but also enriched, creatively processed and subsequently become the basis of their behavior and beliefs.
The feeling of love for the Motherland, as one of the highest moral feelings, has been formed over many years. In a baby, it begins with affection, love for the mother, family members, his home, kindergarten teacher. Gradually, the feeling of love for loved ones, for the native home, as it were, pushes its boundaries, and the child is able to love the city, the village where he lives, to show friendly feelings towards other people - he begins to love his homeland.
The teacher should support the interest of children in games that contribute to the education of love for the Motherland. The game is valuable because in it the qualities necessary for Russian soldiers begin to form in it: courage, dexterity, perseverance.
At preschool age, the future citizens of our country come to understand that defending the Motherland is an honorable work that needs to be learned. Only strong, hardy, hardened people who are not afraid of difficulties can stand guard over the world, protect the Motherland. It is necessary to prepare for service in the ranks of the Russian Army from childhood.

Patriotic feelings are brought up in preschoolers through their participation, especially those that reflect the events of the Great Patriotic War.
By telling about various events in the life of Soviet soldiers, showing appropriate illustrations, the teacher creates a certain emotional mood in children, as if forcing them to experience in advance what they will later display in their game.
Children should form an idea of ​​our soldiers as defenders of the Soviet people not only in the war years, but also in peacetime: soldiers show courage in the fight against natural disasters (fire, flood). The bright emotional story of the teacher will help the children develop a meaningful game, in which, on the one hand, the feeling of gratitude and respect for the Soviet soldiers will deepen, and on the other hand, the child himself will begin to “learn a feat” under the peaceful sky of the Motherland.

Sports holiday on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Direction: physical

Main educational area: physical culture (swimming)

Age: senior group (5-6 years old)

Target: patriotic education of children through a sports festival dedicated to the Defender of the Fatherland Day

Wellness tasks: improvement of the mechanism of thermoregulation, versatile psychophysical development of all body systems, formation of correct posture, strengthening of the arch of the foot.

Educational tasks: education of a sense of patriotism, moral (kindness, a sense of mutual assistance, sympathy, justice) and moral-volitional qualities (courage, responsibility, determination, self-control), diligence, cultural and hygienic skills.

Development tasks: development of physical qualities (dexterity, strength, endurance); thought processes (imagination, logical thinking).

Educational tasks: the formation of swimming skills and abilities (provide children with the opportunity to show their parents their achievements in swimming), enrichment of motor experience, consolidation of knowledge about safe behavior on the water.

Methods and techniques: gaming, practical; competitive methods; techniques: instructions, reminders, encouraging evaluation.

Inventory:large spoon, 2 rubber balls, 2 soft balls, 2 float boards, balloons, 2 sticks, stones, sinking toys.

Lesson progress

- Hello, dear guests! Please accept our congratulations on the upcoming holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day!
Today is a special day for boys and men. Every citizen knows Defender of the Fatherland Day. And a real defender of the Motherland must be strong, dexterous and skillful! These are our wonderful guys!
(under the march, children descend into the pool and line up in 2 lines)
To the music of "Antoshka" Antoshka appears with a spoon in his hand
Antoshka has come to visit you! Here's my big spoon!
I like to have fun, especially to eat,
Lie on the grass and watch a cartoon!
What kind of holiday do you have here, music, excitement?
Where is the cookie, where is the cake, where is the treat?
- Actually, here we are not going to drink tea with jam, but to show our courage!
To be dexterous and flexible, we start everything with a warm-up.
Let's get up as soon as possible, we'll take care of you now.
Fun workout (hydro aerobics to music)
- Wow, he's mashed his sides! This work is not easy! I'll hang around here for a bit. I value my own health!
- You're a future soldier! How do you keep the machine?
In order to have an enviable health, you need to train more!
(building in 2 columns)
Relay "Race of boats"
(slide with the board in your hands to the end of the pool.
Back - run and pass the board to the next one)
- Here it is, yes! And I don't know how, I'd rather sit.
Antoshka, that you will sit and lie down. Try to do an interesting task.
(Antoshka jumps with the ball between his legs. It doesn’t work)
- My hands are aching, my legs are aching, my health worries!
- Muscles need to be strengthened and your body tempered. See how our guys do it.
Relay "Don't lose the ball"
(jumping with the ball between the legs,
back - sliding on the back with the ball near the stomach)
- Antoshka, do you like to play? Let's play a game with the kids.
Game "Hunter and ducks"
(you can avoid hitting the ball by making a "float")
- Well, Antoshechka, you must have run too much, you're tired. Relax, take care of your precious health, make friends with your favorite laziness.
- No no no. I feel great. I want to play more, jump. I suggest playing with balloons.
Game "Get the ball"
(jump and get the balls attached to the stick)
- And our guys are very fond of the game "Divers". Shall we play?
Game "Divers"
(children turn away, count to 5, 7,10), then they collect stones, sinking toys from the bottom. Repeat 3 times.
Surprise moment - at the end, the children dive and pull a bag of fruit out of the water)
I am grateful to you guys for science, for the game.
Being hardy and dexterous does not interfere with anyone!
This is a treat for you from me. Load up on vitamins!
Free swimming with balls (to the music)
- Attention, get up! Antoshka and I say goodbye to you and wish ...
Antoshka and Host (together):
So that the guys have good health.
After all, the boy is a future soldier!
(children get out of the water)


1. The system of patriotic education in the preschool educational institution. Aleksandrova E.Yu., Gordeeva E.P. 2007

2. The program of education and training in kindergarten. Vasilyeva M.A., Gerbova V.V., 2007

Irina Kolotay
Mass sports events as an effective form of patriotic education of preschoolers

Mass sports events as an effective form of patriotic education of preschoolers

One of the most efficient problem solving tools patriotic education the younger generation, in my opinion, is the physical upbringing, physical education and sports. In federal law "About physical culture and sports In Russian federation" It is noted that due to its specificity sport and physical culture have a huge educational potential, are the most powerful mechanism in formation such ideological foundations of the individual as citizenship and patriotism.

Formation of patriotic feelings of preschool children age is carried out in the process of using various forms and methods of working with them: in physical education classes, in the process of outdoor games, relay races, sports entertainment and competition. largest sports have an educational effect holidays and entertainment. Such Events, How:

"Happy Starts",

"Health Week",

"Come on boys",

"We will serve in the Army!",

"I serve the Fatherland!",


"Mother father me - sport family» .

Sports holidays with the involvement of parents is an active form joint activities that help strengthen intra-family relationships through physical leisure. Such activities shape the need for physical culture in the whole family, develop in children activity, the desire to achieve success, endurance and perseverance, honesty in relationships with peers, and the creation of an emotional positive mood. In the moral patriotic education the example of adults is of great importance. Traditionally held in our kindergarten sports holidays and competitions with parents.

One of forms of formation of patriotic feelings is a design activity. The TRP project implemented in kindergarten provides for the preparation and motivation of children aged 6-7 to pass the first stage of the TRP standards. The TRP complex should become fundamental in a single system patriotic education the rising generation.

Summing up, I would like to say that the moral patriotic education occupied and will continue to occupy a central place in educational system. And thanks to the diversity forms and methods of work, teachers have a unique opportunity to influence the formation of future citizens, patriots of Russia.

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The essence of patriotism lies in the totality of many moral feelings, a set of certain behavioral traits. Today, a large number of social and political institutions are connected to the educational impact on young people. These include the family and the state, various educational institutions, as well as religious and political organizations.

The task of sports and patriotic education is formation in young people of such physical, spiritual qualities that will allow them to be morally strong, ready to defend the Fatherland, fulfill their constitutional duty. For this you need:

  1. Coordination, improvement of pedagogical activity at all levels, development of plans, recommendations based on the best practices of well-known teachers.
  2. The development of patriotic feelings among schoolchildren and students, which occurs in the process of familiarization with historical traditions, military, sports victories of the country.
  3. Formation during physical training of a strong-willed healthy generation with developed intellectual qualities that allow serving the society both in peacetime and difficult wartime.

The relevance of sports and patriotic education

The fate of schoolchildren and student youth has been worrying Russian society for a long time because of the following negative phenomena:

  • a noticeable decline in education, the lack of desire among the younger generation to raise their cultural level;
  • general moral degradation, including youth, criminalization of consciousness, lowering the threshold of acceptable behavior;
  • the “progress” of drug addiction, alcoholism, the loss of control and management over this process by society, the logical consequence is the irreversible destruction of the gene pool;
  • an ever-growing gap between generations on ideological and moral issues.

The result is the marginalization of a large part of the youth, it ceases to correspond to the trends in the development of society, its role as a leading group, a strategic reserve is lost.

The history of the peoples of Russia speaks of the need to fight for the future. Current investments in the educational process, the struggle for the health of the younger generation are the key to the stability of the society of the future. Ignorants, parasites, drug addicts will destroy everything that has been rebuilt over the lives of many generations.

Strategy of pedagogical activity. Tasks of social, political institutions

In the light of the problems that have formed to date, it becomes clear that the restoration of the education system related to physical culture and sports for the state and society is one of the most important problems. The upbringing system is a defining force that is able to resist the destructive tendencies that are pressing. To solve the most acute problems in Russia, a healthy and properly educated generation is needed.

It is not possible to restore the system of education that we all now remember with nostalgia. For this, a simple willpower is not enough. The old project was created for different requirements, had explicit and hidden goals different from modern ones, and was a derivative of the ideological system that was destroyed.

The modern state program of patriotic education of young citizens does not have a conceptual base. The family, the media, state, political bodies do not have clear developments, each “sings” about his own. Those teams that are engaged in methodological research, organizing events on patriotic themes, have not developed a concept, therefore, there is no system.

Activities for sports and patriotic education are multifaceted, it is coordinated by state and public structures. In any state, patriots should make up the socially active majority of the population with clear value orientations and positive life plans.

The Coordinating Council dealing with sports and patriotic education is faced with the task of developing a concept for raising children and youth. To regulate relations between educators and educatees, a law is needed that will regulate the conduct of educational activities, license non-governmental organizations, entrepreneurs providing services to the population in the field of physical education and sports.

The role of historical memory in the education of patriotic feelings

Today's schoolchildren and even students studying in the humanities faculties often do not correlate dry facts with the historical dates noted in textbooks. Sports and patriotic education is ineffective in some regions, in others it is completely absent. Rare centers of patriotic education operate in this direction, the staff of which is formed by a few enthusiasts from among history buffs, former military men.

The main vectors of the work of pedagogical teams should be to familiarize children with military and labor traditions, familiarize them with the Russian, Soviet army, interpret the essence of the concepts of heroism and selflessness. Schoolchildren and students need to be brought up with pride in the previous generations of defenders and heroes, the desire to imitate them.

The development of norms of behavior in children is directly related to labor, physical training, which should lead young people to perform state, military service.

“You can’t educate a courageous person if you don’t put him in such conditions when he could show courage - it doesn’t matter what: in restraint, in a direct open word, in some deprivation, in tolerance, in courage,” A.S. . Makarenko. True patriotism is born on the basis of knowledge and feelings of an individual who has his own will, a strong psyche. Proper physical development will help the formation of high morality.

Physical exercises as a means of sports and patriotic education

The functions of the child's body, the correct mental and mental development of adolescents are formed with the help of any of the groups of physical exercises:

  • games;
  • gymnastics;
  • tourism activities;
  • any of the sports.

Each of the activities is associated with various physical exercises, which, along with the healing forces of nature, many hygienic factors, help to achieve the main

The enthusiasm of the younger generation for sports, as opposed to beer and smoking, is the main concern of parents and teachers. Achievements in large arenas grow out of school sports, where in a physical education lesson the teacher will give the basics of movement technique, explain in practice the concepts of speed, acceleration, talk about postures, body positions, subject each of the children to an age-appropriate, gender physical load.

For non-professional athletes, their desire to exercise, external comfortable conditions are important: a certain temperature, air humidity, sanitary conditions of the room. The teacher must necessarily take into account the state of those who came to the classes: how tired they are, whether they are afraid of the training environment, some of the shells. Loads are dosed, they should not be harmful to health.

Block header

It is important, especially for the younger ones, that the classes take place in a playful way, they have a competitive spirit, so that the teacher, in addition to instructions and commands, uses explanations, conversations, and demonstrates the correct execution of the exercises himself.

In the general system of education, the sports and patriotic direction is becoming one of the most important. Therefore, information policy and methodological support are so significant. The structures responsible for the education of young people should pay attention to personnel policy, the development of a regulatory framework related to the orbit of physical culture and sports.

Olga Ivanova
Patriotic education of preschool children through physical culture in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard

« Patriotism, as we know, this

nothing more than love for the motherland.

Without it, no country can exist

can't, she'll just dissolve like

a piece of sugar in tea.

V. Putin (slide 2)

Patriotic education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard implies the education of a physically healthy person. In solving this problem, an important role is played by « Physical Culture» (slide 3).

To achieve positive results in the formation patriotic personality through the motor sphere, necessary:

Provide a comprehensive physical preparedness of each child;

To help acquire a stock of solid skills and motor skills necessary for a person throughout his life;

Create conditions for the manifestation of positive emotions and interest in physical education(slide 4).

Sports - patriotic education aimed at developing moral and volitional qualities, strength training, dexterity, endurance, stamina, courage and discipline in the process of training physical culture and sports, the formation of experience in serving the fatherland and readiness to defend the motherland (slide 5).

Formation patriotic feelings of preschool children age is carried out in the process of using various forms and methods of working with them: in the classroom physical education, in the pool, in the process of outdoor games, relay races, sports events and leisure activities (slide 6). largest educational effect is rendered by sports holidays and entertainments. This form of work allows you to consolidate and generalize the knowledge and skills of children within a particular topic. (slides 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12).

Shaping children's feelings patriotism, possibly through the organization of specially designed physical education story activities and outdoor games, you can use games in "military", story lessons from the series "Scouts". Such games deepen sympathy for the soldiers and cause a desire to imitate them, to be strong in spirit, hardy, courageous, stubborn, always ready to help a comrade, that is, they form the qualities that future defenders of the Motherland need.

From external moments (colorfulness of military uniforms, dynamics of military rituals) children gradually come to understand patriotism warriors - their willingness to defend their homeland. To ensure a system of work in this area, it is necessary to use the following elements of a developing environments: filmstrips, short films; selection of special manuals, books with works on military subjects; reproductions, paintings, albums on the development of the history of the Motherland; meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participation with parents in "Immortal Regiment". (slide 13)

An integral part of the moral patriotic education of preschoolers are folk games. Folk games, counting rhymes form preschoolers first feelings of patriotism: pride in one's Motherland, love for one's native land, respect for traditions. Folk games strengthen the bond between generations, bring up love for the native land, form an interest in studying the games of other nationalities (slide 14)

Purposeful work on patriotic education by means of physical culture and sports, will ensure the formation patriotic feelings among pupils. The most important condition for the effectiveness of work on education of patriotism in preschoolers is the parents' understanding of the need patriotic education and their assistance to teachers in this work. Undoubtedly, the base patriotic education is a moral, aesthetic, labor, mental raising a little man. In the process of such a versatile education the foundation is being born on which a more complex education will grow - a feeling of love for one's Fatherland.

The report was prepared based on materials benefits: Meshcheryakova S. V., Logvinova O. Yu., Soroka A. G., Potapova G. Ya. Patriotism in the physical education of preschoolers // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 3 "

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Tatyana Lelekova
Spiritual and patriotic education in physical education classes

Spiritual and patriotic education in physical education classes

In recent years, the problem of moral and patriotic education preschool children is of particular importance. This is due to the renewal of the content of education and education preschool childhood and the need for earlier orientation and creative self-development of the personality of a preschooler. Moral upbringing is one of the urgent and most complex problems that must be solved today by everyone who is related to children. What we lay in the soul of a child now will manifest itself later, will become his life and ours.

One of the effective means of solving the problems of moral and patriotic education the younger generation are physical education and sports. Physical culture and sports are one of the most effective means of disease prevention, health promotion and maintaining high human performance. Therefore regular classes in physical training allow not only to master the motor skills necessary for professional activities, to develop physical qualities, but also to temper character, prepare oneself for the defense of the Motherland.

To be sure that our children will do well in the future, we must be able to respect ourselves and others and teach this to children. Necessary from early childhood instill patriotism in children, humanism in relation to all living things, moral qualities. In other words, you need bring up future citizen of their country. I believe that physical culture can contribute to the solution of this problem, since the formation of physical qualities, motor skills and abilities is closely related to upbringing moral volitional personality traits. A physically developed person, strong, strong, healthy, should be kind, tolerant, should be able to come to the aid of those who need it, and direct their skills and strength only to good deeds.

In our preschool educational institution, a system of work has been developed in this area of ​​development of preschoolers. The formation of patriotic feelings of preschool children is carried out in the process of using various forms and methods of working with them: on physical education classes, in the process of outdoor games, relay races, workouts on simulators, sports tournaments and leisure activities.

In order to achieve positive results in the formation of personality through the motor sphere of the child, the following tasks:

1. To promote the manifestation of reasonable courage, determination, self-confidence through the selection of physical exercises that correspond to the age and individual characteristics of children.

2. Create conditions for performing physical exercises aimed at overcoming physical difficulties. Develop patience and endurance in children.

3. Create conditions for the manifestation of positive emotions.

Work with children physical culture- health-improving orientation is carried out systematically and consistently, according to the annual and long-term work plan for the academic year.

The tasks assigned to the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution for spiritual education- moral qualities of the personality of preschoolers by means of physical culture, according to their orientation can be divided into several groups:

1. A sense of the Motherland begins in a child with an attitude to the family, to the immediate environment - kindergarten. Spiritual unity of children and parents, children and educators contributes to the annual sporting events "Happy Starts", "Defender of the Fatherland Day", annual participation in mini-football competitions among kindergartens of the city.

In the process of organizing sports leisure - "Happy Starts" between groups, not only the physical, but also the moral and volitional qualities of the child's personality are improved, as well as friendly relations with peers, team spirit, a sense of collectivism.

2. Familiarization of preschoolers with the culture, traditions of peoples.

An integral part of the moral and patriotic education preschoolers are folk games. They reflect the way of life of people, their work, way of life, national foundations, ideas of honor, courage, courage, the desire to possess strength, dexterity, endurance, to show ingenuity, endurance, resourcefulness. The joy of movement is combined with spiritual enrichment of children. The peculiarity of folk games is that they, having a moral basis, teach the baby to find harmony with the outside world. The kids develop a stable, interested, respectful attitude towards the culture of their native country, an emotionally positive basis is created for the development of patriotic feelings. In terms of content, folk games are concise, expressive and accessible to the child. They cause active work of thought, contribute to the expansion of horizons, clarify ideas about the world around. At the end of the game, the actions of those children who have shown courage, dexterity, endurance and mutual assistance should be positively assessed.

Folk games in combination with others educational means are the basis for the formation of a harmoniously developed, active personality, combining spiritual wealth and physical perfection. Before the game, we talk about the culture and life of a particular people (Russian folk games "Swan geese", "At the bear in the forest" etc.)

Acquaintance with the games of different peoples is carried out in the process classes physical education and walking. The plan was developed by months for all age groups of the preschool educational institution and is implemented throughout the school year. Children enjoy playing different games peoples: "Streams and Lakes", "Icicles, Wind and Frost", "Deer and Wolves", "Mitten", "Tiger on the Hunt" and etc.

Not a single mass event in a preschool educational institution is complete without outdoor games. This solves problems not only physical culture-health cycle, but also the task of forming tolerance, a sense of respect and interest in the national traditions of the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation.

3. Separate direction spiritual and moral education the younger generation in our preschool educational institution is a military-patriotic upbringing. Work in this area can be represented as the integration of various types of children's activities. The central, pivotal moment is the holiday dedicated to the Day of Military Glory and having the greatest impact on upbringing patriotic feelings of children.

Similar classes, leisure activities should be held with the obligatory participation of parents. When adults demonstrate their ability to run, jump, compete in front of children, it is instructive for everyone, and especially for children, as this creates a certain emotional mood, gives great joy from mutual communication, develops a sense of pride in the success of their parents, which is an important factor. in the formation of patriotic feelings. At present, in honor of the Great Victory Day, preparations are underway for a military-patriotic game "Zarnitsa" in which our children and parents will take an active part

Thus, in working with children in physical education, a model of a graduate is formed - a healthy, physically developed person with an active civic position, possessing social value, moral qualities and needs for a healthy lifestyle with developed creative potential and the ability to self-development.

Physical Instructor education

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