Forms of educational activity in the 1st junior group. GCD on cognition in the first junior group “Shape, color, size. Educational activities in regime moments

Synopsis of the integrated joint educational activities of the teacher with children in the first junior group "Walk to the clearing"

Author: Kirilchenko Natalya Vladimirovna, teacher of the MKDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 32 in the village of Razdolnoye, Nadezhdinsky district" Description of the work: I bring to your attention a summary of the integrated joint educational activities of a teacher with children in the first junior group, which can be used as an activity. This material will be useful for teachers working with children of primary preschool age.

Synopsis of the integrated joint educational activities of a teacher with children in the first junior group. "Walk in the clearing."

Types of children's activities: playful, communicative, cognitive-research, productive, perception of fiction.
Target: To develop creative activity, develop communication skills, enrich children with impressions.
Tasks: To consolidate the ability to roll plasticine sticks with direct hand movements, gently apply to the finished product, distinguish and name the yellow color. Continue to learn how to perform simple crafts from compressed paper. To consolidate the ability to fill a finished silhouette with a pattern, rhythmically applying a drawing, to introduce a new way of drawing (monotype). Enrich and activate vocabulary, develop memory. To form the ability to perform rhythmic movements to music, distinguishing the nature of the music.
Continuity of educational areas:
"Knowledge"- To acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena. Help to notice the beauty of nature at different times of the year. Cultivate respect for plants and animals.
"Communication"- Encourage the desire of children to take the initiative in order to gain new knowledge; improve speech, encourage the desire to engage in dialogue, promote the development of curiosity.
"Reading Fiction"- to help to feel the beauty and expressiveness of the language of works, to instill sensitivity to the poetic word.
"Artistic Creativity"- to form skills when performing drawings using the "monotype" technique; to fix modeling techniques with plasticine; continue to develop aesthetic perception, figurative representation, imagination.
"Music"- Enrich the musical impressions of children, form movement skills to music.
Preliminary work: Observations in nature (for the sun, grass, clouds); conversation about the seasons; didactic games: “When does this happen?”, “Pick up a picture”; reading poems, stories about nature, looking at illustrations, paintings of different seasons; familiarity with compressed paper.
Children enter the group, greet the guests. Game with singing "Hello."
- Hello, palms - clap-clap-clap,
- Hello, legs - top-top-top,
- Hello, cheeks - plop-plop-plop,
- Chubby cheeks - plop plop plop,
- Hello, sponges,
- Hello, teeth,
- Hello, my nose is bim-bim-bim,
- Hello, kids, hello everyone!
(Anxious music plays).
Educator: Guys, listen, something happened. (Goes to the door, brings in a butterfly). Educator: Look who came to us?
Children: Butterfly.
The teacher brings the butterfly to his ear.
Educator: Guys, the butterfly says that in her clearing, where she likes to fly, there was a disaster. There are no flowers, all butterflies, bees have flown away and something wrong has happened to the sun. She asks us to help her. Can we help?
Children: Yes, we will help.
Educator: With you, we will go to the clearing in a train. - How is the locomotive buzzing? (Tu-tu-tu).
Children: Tu-tu-tu. Walking children with bent arms to the music behind the teacher.
Educator:- On the way, the locomotive, choo-choo-choo, brought all the guys to the clearing. Look, the sun meets us in the meadow.
(Draw the children's attention to the easel)

Educator: Only it seems to me that our sun is missing something. What do you think?
Children: There are no rays.
Educator: The sun forgot to stretch its rays to us. Let's make rays for our sun. Here are a few rays, and now you make your rays. (There is plasticine on the table).
Educator: What color of plasticine will we take for the rays?
Children: For the rays, we will take yellow plasticine.
Educator: Right. We take yellow plasticine, divide the lump into several pieces and roll out the sticks. (Show techniques for rolling small sticks from plasticine with direct movements). Having rolled out the plasticine, the children put their rays to the sun in the clearing. The rays of the sun are directed in all directions. Let it shine for all people! What a beautiful, bright sun we got. The sun warms both us and the grass. Guys, we don't have flowers in the meadow. Let's plant flowers!
Children crumple square blanks from compressed paper, flowers are obtained. Glue these flowers to the clearing. Cheerful music sounds.

Educator: What a beautiful meadow we have! You like? Look, butterflies have come to sit and rest on a flower. Pay attention to butterflies. But, only one butterfly is beautiful, with a pattern on its wings, and something happened to the rest. Do you think they want to be beautiful? Let's help other butterflies to be just as beautiful?
Children: Let's help.
Show the children how to draw a pattern.
Educator: And in order to get exactly the same pattern on the second wing as on the first, it is not necessary to draw it with a brush. You can simply fold the wings, press them with your palm, and the pattern itself will appear on the second wing.
Children choose a butterfly and get to work; The teacher provides individual assistance. Ready butterflies are applied to the meadow.
Educator: Do you like the clearing we got? Let's walk in the meadow.
Dance "Walk".

I approve

Head Zakirova F.D.

for 2013 - 2014 academic year

Educator: Byzova I.A.

2013-2014 academic year

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Romashka" of the city of Buinsk, Republic of Tatarstan.

Adopted at the Pedagogical Council of November 2013.

I approve

Head Zakirova F.D.

Work program of the 1st junior group

for 2014 - 2015 academic year


Idiyatullina L.M.

Safiullina A.R.

2014 -2015 academic year

Explanatory note

This work program was developed on the basis of an exemplary basis for the general educational program of preschool education "FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL." preschool education programs for children of middle preschool age.

The work program determines the content and organization of the educational process for children of middle preschool age and is aimed at the formation of a general culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure social success, the preservation and strengthening of children's health.

Based on the goal, the following tasks are formed:

    1. Health promotion, introduction to a healthy lifestyle, development of motor and hygienic culture of children.

      Development of the humanistic orientation of the attitude of children to the world, education of a culture of communication, emotional responsiveness and goodwill towards people.

      Development of aesthetic feelings of children, creative abilities, emotional and value orientations, familiarization of pupils with art and fiction.

      The development of cognitive activity, cognitive interests, intellectual abilities of children, independence and initiative, the desire for vigorous activity and creativity.

The implementation of the goal is carried out in the process of various types of activities:

      1. Educational activities carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading).

        Educational activities carried out during regime moments;

        Independent activity of children.

        Interaction with families of children on the implementation of the work program.

Thus, the solution of program tasks is carried out in the joint activities of adults and children and the independent activities of children, not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education.

Age features of children

In the third year of life, children become more independent. Substantive activities, business cooperation between a child and an adult continue to develop; perception, speech, initial forms of voluntary behavior, games, visual-effective thinking are improved, at the end of the year the foundations of visual-figurative thinking appear.

The development of objective activity is associated with the assimilation of cultural modes of action with various objects. Correlative and instrumental actions are being improved.

The ability to perform instrumental actions develops arbitrariness, transforming natural forms of activity into cultural ones based on the model proposed by adults, which acts as not only an object for imitation, but also a model that regulates the child's own activity.

In the course of joint objective activities with adults, the understanding of speech continues to develop. The word is separated from the situation and acquires an independent meaning. Children continue to master the names of the surrounding objects, learn to fulfill the verbal requests of adults, orienting themselves within the immediate environment.

The number of words understood increases significantly. The regulation of behavior is improved as a result of behavior as a result of adults turning to the child, who begins to understand not only the instruction, but also the story of adults.

Active speech of children develops intensively. By the age of three, they master the basic grammatical structures, try to build complex and complex sentences, and use almost all parts of speech in a conversation with an adult. The active dictionary reaches approximately 1500-2500 words.

By the end of the third year of life, speech becomes a means of communication between the child and peers. At this age, new activities are formed in children: playing, drawing, designing.

The game is procedural in nature, the main thing in it is the actions that are performed with game objects that are close to reality. In the middle of the third year of life, actions with substitute objects are widely used.

The appearance of actual visual activity is due to the fact that the child is already able to formulate the intention to depict an object. Typical is the image of a person in the form of a "head-leg" - a circle and lines extending from it.

In the third year of life, visual and auditory orientations are improved, which allows children to accurately perform a number of tasks: to make a choice from two to three objects in shape, size and color; distinguish melodies; sing.

Improved auditory perception, especially phonemic hearing. By the age of three, children perceive all the sounds of their native language, but pronounce them with great distortion.

The main form of thinking is visual-effective. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the problem situations that arise in the life of a child are resolved through real action with objects.

By the end of the third year of life, the beginnings of visual-figurative thinking appear in children. The child, at the entrance of object-play activity, sets a goal for himself, outlines a plan of action, etc.

Children of this age are characterized by unawareness of motives, impulsiveness and dependence of feelings and desires on the situation. Children easily give birth to the emotional state of their peers. However, during this period, non-arbitrariness of manifestation begins to take shape. It is due to the development of instrumental actions and speech. Children have a sense of pride and shame, elements of self-awareness associated with the identification of name and gender begin to form. Early age ends with a crisis of three years. The child is aware of himself as a separate person, different from the adult. An image of I is formed in him. A crisis is often accompanied by a number of negative manifestations: negativism, stubbornness, impaired communication with an adult, etc. A crisis can last from several months to two years.

List of the main types of organized educational activities

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one's horizons

1 time per week

"Safety", "Socialization", "Communication", "Music", "Labor", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity".


2 times per week

"Labor", "Reading fiction", "Artistic creativity".

Reading fiction


"Communication", "Music", "Artistic creativity".

Artistic creativity


1 time per week

1 time per week

"Communication", "Music", "Artistic creativity" (development of children's creativity, introduction to musical art), "Knowledge" (formation of a holistic picture of the world), "Labor".

2 times per week

"Physical culture", "Communication", "Artistic creativity", "Cognition".

Daily routine in the 1st junior group

Reception, conversations with parents about health and emotional

child's condition, games, morning exercises 7.00 - 8.20

Preparation for breakfast, breakfast 8.00 – 8.50

Games, hygiene procedures 8.50 – 9.00

Educational activities 9.00 – 9.10

1st subgroup 9.20 – 9.30

2nd subgroup 9.20 – 9.30

Preparing for breakfast, second breakfast 9.45 – 10.15

Preparation for the walk, walk 10.15 – 11.00

Return from a walk, games 11.00 - 11.20

Preparation for dinner, lunch 11.20 – 12.00

Preparation for sleep, daytime sleep 12.00 - 15.00

Gradual rise, health and hygiene

procedures, afternoon snack 14.45 – 15.30

Educational activities

1st subgroup 15.30 – 15.40

2nd subgroup 15.50 – 16.00

Independent activity 16.00 – 16.20

Preparation for dinner, dinner 16.20 - 17.00

Individual games with children, independent activities 17.00 – 18.00

Gradual departure of children home 18.00 – 19.00

Direction "Physical development"

Educational area "Health"

preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

education of cultural hygiene skills;

formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.

Preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children

During the year, under the guidance of medical personnel, taking into account the health of children and local conditions, carry out a set of hardening procedures using natural factors: air, sun, water. Encourage children to wear lightweight clothing indoors. Ensure the duration of their stay in the air in accordance with the regime of the day.

When carrying out tempering activities, carry out a differentiated approach to children, taking into account their state of health.

Special hardening procedures should be carried out by decision of the administration and medical staff of the preschool institution, taking into account the wishes of the parents.

Education of cultural and hygienic skills

Continue to teach children under the supervision of an adult, and then wash their own hands as they get dirty and before eating, dry their face and hands with a personal towel.

To form the ability with the help of an adult to put oneself in order. To form the skill of using individual items (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).

When eating, teach children how to hold a spoon correctly.

Teach children how to dress and undress. With a little help from an adult, learn to take off clothes, shoes (undo buttons in front, Velcro fasteners); neatly fold the removed clothes in a certain order; wear clothes and shoes correctly.

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

To form ideas about the significance of each organ for normal human life: eyes - look, ears - hear, nose - sniff, tongue - taste (determine), pens - grab, hold, touch; legs - stand, jump, run, walk; head-think, remember; torso - bend and turn in different directions.

Development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination);

Accumulation and enrichment of motor experience of children (mastery of basic movements);

Formation of pupils' need for motor activity and physical improvement.

Development of physical qualities, Accumulation and enrichment of motor experience

To form the ability to walk and run without bumping into each other, with coordinated, free movements of the arms and legs. To teach to act together, adhering to a certain direction of movement based on visual landmarks, to change the direction and nature of movement while walking and running in accordance with the instructions of the teacher.

To form the ability to maintain a stable body position, correct posture

Strengthening the skills of crawling, climbing, acting with the ball in a variety of ways (take, hold, carry, put, throw, roll).

Development of the ability to jump on two legs in place, moving forward, in length from a place, pushing off with two legs.

An approximate list of basic movements, outdoor games and exercises

Basic movements

Walking. Walking in subgroups and the whole group, in pairs, in a circle, holding hands, with a change in pace, with a transition to running and vice versa, with a change, in all directions (after 2 years 6 months), bypassing objects, with an added step forward, to the sides. Walking along a straight path (width 20 cm, length 2-3 m) with stepping over objects (height 10-15 cm); on the board, gymnastic bench, log (width 20-25 cm). Spinning at a slow pace (with an object in hand).

Run . Running in subgroups and the whole group in the forward direction, one after another, in a column one at a time, at a slow pace for 30-40 seconds (continuously), with a change in pace. Running between two cords, lines (the distance between them is 25-30 cm).

crawling, climbing . Crawling on all fours in a straight line (distance 3-4 m); on a board lying on the floor; on an inclined board, raised at one end to a height of 20-30 cm; on the gymnastic bench.

Crawl under the collar, a rope (height 40-30 cm), climbing over a log. Climbing up and down the ladder-ladder, gymnastic wall (height 1.5 m) in a way convenient for the child.

skating, throwing , throwing. Rolling the ball with two hands and one hand to the teacher, to each other, under the arc, standing and sitting (distance 50-100 cm); throwing the ball forward with two hands from below, from the chest, from behind the head, through a cord stretched at the level of the child's chest, from a distance of 1-1.5 m, through a net stretched at the level of the child's height.

ball throwing , stuffed bags, cones at a distance of the right and left hand; to a horizontal target - with two hands, with the right (left) hand from a distance of 1 m.

Catching a ball thrown by a teacher from a distance of 50-100 cm.

jump And. Jumping on two legs in place, slightly moving forward; jumping on two legs through a cord (line); through two parallel lines (10-30 cm). Jumping up with a touch of an object located 10-15 cm above the child's raised hand.

General developmental exercises

Exercises for the hands, development and strengthening of the muscles of the shoulder girdle . Raise your arms forward, up, to the sides; cross them in front of the chest and spread them apart. Take your hands back, behind your back; bend and unbend them. Clap your hands in front of you, above your head, swing back and forth, up and down.

Exercises to develop and strengthen the muscles of the back and the flexibility of the spine. Turn right - left, passing objects to the person standing next to him (sitting). Lean forward and to the side. Alternately bend and unbend your legs, sitting on the floor. Raise and lower your legs while lying on your back. On your knees, sit on your heels and rise.

Exercises to develop and strengthen the abdominal muscles and legs. Walk on the spot. Bend the left (right) leg at the knee (with support) from the starting position while standing. Squat, holding on to a support; stretch up on your toes. Put your foot forward on the heel. Move your toes (sitting).

Outdoor games.

To develop in children the desire to play with the teacher in outdoor games with simple content, simple movements. Encourage them to play together in small groups. To promote the development of children's ability to play games, during which the basic movements (walking, running, throwing, rolling) are improved.

To teach the expressiveness of movements, the ability to convey the simplest actions of some characters (jump like bunnies; peck grains and drink water like chickens, etc.).

Outdoor games

With walking and running . “Catch up with the ball!”, “Along the path”, “Across the stream”, “Who is quieter?”, “Step over the stick”, “Catch up with me!”, “Sparrows and car”, “Sun and rain”, “Birds fly” , "Bring the item."

crawling . “Crawl to the rattle”, “Into the gate”, “Do not step on the line!”, “Be careful!”, “Monkeys”.

Throwing and catching the ball . “The ball in a circle”, “Roll the ball”, “Catch the ball”, “Hit the gate”, “Aim more accurately!”.

bouncing . “My cheerful ringing ball”, “A little white hare is sitting”, “Birds in nests”, “Across the stream”. Orientation in space. “Where does it ring?”, “Find the flag.” With a variety of movements and singing. "Train", "Hare", "Flag".

Direction "Social and personal development"

Educational area "Socialization"

development of children's play activities;

familiarization with elementary generally accepted norms and rules of relationships with peers and adults (including moral ones);

the formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community”.

Development of gaming activities

Role-playing games

To form the ability to show interest in the game actions of peers. Help to play side by side without interfering with each other. Develop the ability to play with peers.

To form the ability to perform several actions with one object and transfer familiar actions from one object to another; perform several game actions with the help of an adult, united by a plot outline. Promote the desire of children to independently select toys and attributes for the game, use substitute items.

Lead children to understand the role in the game. To form the initial skills of role-playing behavior; learn to associate plot actions with a role.

Outdoor games

To develop in children the desire to play with the teacher in outdoor games with simple content. Encourage small groups to play together. Support games that improve movement (walking, running, throwing, rolling).

Theatrical games

To arouse interest in a theatrical game through the first experience of communicating with the character (Katya's doll shows a concert, expanding contacts with adults (grandmother invites to the village yard).

Encourage children to respond to action games with sounds (living and non-living nature, imitate the movements of animals and birds to the music, to the sounding word (in works of small folklore forms).

To promote the manifestation of independence, activity in the game with characters-toys.

To create conditions for the systematic perception of theatrical performances of the pedagogical theater (adults).

Didactic games

To enrich the sensory experience of children in games with didactic material. Learn to assemble a pyramid (turret) from 5-8 rings of different sizes; navigate in the ratio of planar figures of the "Geometric Mosaic" (cool, triangle, square, rectangle); make up a whole of four parts (cut pictures, folding cubes); compare, correlate, group, establish the identity and difference of homogeneous objects according to one of the sensory features (color, shape, size).

Organization of didactic games for the development of attention and memory ("What's gone?", etc.); auditory differentiation (“What does it sound like?” Etc.); tactile sensations, temperature differences (“Wonderful bag”, “Warm-cold”, “Light-heavy”, etc.); fine motor skills of the hand (toys with buttons, hooks, zippers, lacing, etc.).

Introduction to elementary generally accepted norms

and relationships with peers and adults

(including moral)

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers: draw the attention of children to a child who has shown concern for a friend, expressed sympathy for him. To form in each child the confidence that adults love him, like all other children.

To cultivate a negative attitude towards rudeness, greed; develop the ability to play without quarreling, help each other and enjoy success together, beautiful toys, etc.

Continue to form the ability to greet and say goodbye (at the reminder of an adult); Express your own requests calmly, using the words “thank you” and “please”.

Cultivate an attentive attitude and love for parents and loved ones.

Formation of gender, family, citizenship, patriotic feelings, a sense of belonging to the world community

Image I . Begin to form elementary ideas about the growth and development of the child, the change in his social status (growing up) in connection with the beginning of attending kindergarten. Strengthen the ability to say your name.

Family . Develop the ability to name family members.

Kindergarten . Develop ideas about the positive aspects of the kindergarten, its commonality with home (warmth, comfort, love, etc.) and differences from the home environment (more friends, toys, independence, etc.).

To develop the ability to navigate in the room of the group, on the site.

Home country. Remind children the name of the city (village in which they live.

Educational area "Labor"

development of labor activity;

education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results;

the formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person.

Development of labor activity

Teach children how to dress and undress; to form the ability to fold removed clothes in a certain order. Teach neatness. Involve children in performing simple labor activities.

Education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results

To teach to maintain order in the game room, at the end of the games to arrange the game material in its place.

To develop the ability, together with an adult and under his control, to put bread bins (without bread) and napkins before eating.

Formation of primary ideas about the work of adults, its role in society and the life of every person

Raise interest in the work of adults. To expand the circle of children's observation of the work of adults. Draw their attention to what and how an adult does, why he performs certain actions. Maintain a desire to help adults.

Indoors and on the site, draw the attention of children to how an adult takes care of plants (watering) and animals (feeding).

Learn to recognize and name some labor actions (the teacher's assistant washes the dishes, brings food, changes towels, etc.

Educational area "Safety »

formation of ideas about situations dangerous for a person and the natural world and ways of behavior in them;

familiarization with the rules of safe behavior for a person and the environment;

transferring knowledge to children about the rules of road safety as a pedestrian and a passenger in a vehicle;

the formation of a cautious and prudent attitude to situations potentially dangerous for humans and the natural world around.

Formation of one's own life

To acquaint with the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten: play with children without disturbing them and without causing pain; leave kindergarten only with parents; do not talk or take items and treats from strangers, etc.

Explaining to children that inedible objects should not be taken into the mouth, no objects should be put into the ear or nose - this is dangerous!

Teach children the rules of safe movement indoors: be careful when descending and climbing stairs; hold on to the railing.

Road safety

To give children elementary ideas about the rules of the road: cars drive on the road (carriageway); traffic lights regulate the movement of vehicles and pedestrians; you need to stand at a red light of a traffic light, move at a green one; You can only cross the street with an adult, holding tightly by the hand.

Tell the children that different cars drive along the road. The driver is driving the car. In buses, people go to work, to the store, to kindergarten.

Safe outdoor recreation

To form elementary ideas about the correct ways of interacting with plants and animals: to consider plants without harming them; observe animals without disturbing or harming them; feed animals only with the permission of adults.

Explain to children that it is impossible to tear any plants and eat them.

Direction "Cognitive and speech development"

Educational area "Cognition"

sensory development;

development of cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities;

formation of elementary mathematical representations; formation of a holistic picture of the world, expanding the horizons of children "

sensory development

Continue work to enrich the direct sensory experience of children in various activities. Help them examine objects, highlighting their color, size, shape.

Encourage them to include hand movements on the subject in the process of getting to know it: circle parts of the object with their hands, stroke them, etc.

Exercise in establishing similarities and differences between objects that have the same name (same shoulder blades; big red ball - small blue ball).

To form the ability to name the properties of objects.

Develop productive (constructive) activities.

In the process of playing with desktop and floor building materials, continue to acquaint children with the details (cube, brick, trihedral prism, plate, cylinder, with options for arranging building forms on a plane.

To develop the ability of children to build elementary buildings according to the model, to support the desire to build something on their own.

Contribute to the understanding of spatial relationships.

Offer to use additional plot toys that are commensurate with the scale of buildings (small cars for small garages, etc.).

At the end of the game, teach them to put the toys back in their place.

To acquaint children with the simplest plastic designers.

To offer, together with an adult, to design turrets, houses, cars.

Encourage children to build on their own. In the summer, promote building games using natural materials (sand, water, acorns, pebbles, etc.).

Formation of elementary mathematical representations

Quantity. Involve children in the formation of groups of homogeneous objects. To form the ability to distinguish between the number of objects: many - one (one - many).

Value . Draw the attention of children to objects of contrasting sizes and their designation in speech (big house - small house, big nesting doll - small nesting doll, big balls - small balls, etc.)

Form. To form the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them (cube, brick, ball).

Orientation in space. Continue to accumulate experience in children in the practical development of the surrounding space (the premises of the group and the site of the kindergarten).

Learn to find a bedroom, playroom, washroom and other rooms.

Expand the experience of orientation in parts of your own body (head, face, arms, legs, back). Learn to follow the teacher in a certain direction.

Formation of a holistic picture of the world, broadening one's horizons

Subject and social environment

Continue to acquaint children with the names of objects in the immediate environment: toys,

dishes, clothes, shoes, furniture.

To form ideas about the simplest connections between objects of the immediate environment.

To teach children to name the color, size of objects, the material from which they are made (paper, wood, fabric, clay); compare familiar objects different hats, mittens, shoes, etc., select objects by identity, find the same one, pick up a pair, group them according to the method of use (drink from a cup, etc.).

Familiarize yourself with the vehicles of the immediate environment.

Acquaintance with nature

To acquaint children with accessible natural phenomena.

To teach to recognize in nature, in pictures, in toys of domestic animals a cat, dog, cow, chicken, etc.) and their cubs and name them; recognize some wild animals in pictures (bear, hare, fox, etc.): name them.

Watch the birds and insects on the site (butterfly and ladybug, fish in the aquarium. Teach children to feed the birds.

Learn to distinguish vegetables (tomato, cucumber, carrot) fruits (apple, pear, etc.) in appearance.

Help children notice the beauty of nature at different times of the year.

Cultivate respect for plants and animals. Learn the basics of interaction with nature (examine plants and animals without harming them; dress according to the weather).

Seasonal observations

Autumn. To form elementary ideas about autumn changes in nature: it got colder, the leaves turned yellow on the trees and the leaves fall; that many vegetables and fruits ripen in autumn.

Winter. To form ideas about winter natural phenomena: it became cold, it is snowing, ice, slippery, you can fall. Involve in winter fun (sledding and sledding, playing snowballs, making a snowman, etc.).

Spring. To form ideas about spring changes in nature: it is warmer, snow is melting; puddles, grass, insects appeared; buds swollen.

Summer. Observe natural changes with children: bright sun, hot weather, butterflies fly.

Educational area "Communication"

development of free communication with adults and children;

development of all components of children's oral speech (lexical side, grammatical structure of speech, pronunciation side of speech; connected speech - dialogic and monologue forms) in various forms and types of children's activities;

practical mastery of the norms of speech by pupils.

Development of free communication with adults and children

To promote the development of speech as a means of communication. Give children a variety of assignments that will give them the opportunity to communicate with peers and adults (“Look into the locker room and tell me who came”, “Find out from Aunt Olya and tell me.”, “Warn Mitya. What did you say to Mitya? And what did he answered you?").

To offer pictures, books, toys for independent examination as visual material for children to communicate with each other and the teacher. Tell the children about these items, as well as about interesting events (for example, about the habits and tricks of pets). Show the states of people and animals in pictures: happy, sad, etc.

To ensure that by the end of the third year of life, speech becomes a full-fledged means of communication between children.

Development of all components of oral speech, practical mastery of speech norms

Vocabulary formation

Based on the expansion of the orientation of children in the immediate environment, develop understanding of speech and activate vocabulary.

To develop the ability of children, according to the verbal instructions of the teacher, to find objects by name, color, size (“Bring Masha a vase for jam”, “Take a red pencil”, “Sing a song to a little bear”); name their location (“Fungus on the top shelf, high”, “Stand side by side”); imitate the actions of people and the movements of animals (“Show me how to water from a watering can”, “Walk like a bear cub”).

Enrich children's vocabulary:

nouns denoting the names of toys, personal hygiene items (towel, toothbrush, comb, handkerchief, clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, bedding (blanket, pillow, sheet, pajamas), vehicles (car, bus, vegetables, fruits, domestic animals and their cubs;

verbs denoting labor actions (wash, iron, heal, water, actions that are opposite in meaning (open - close, take off - put on, take - put down), actions that characterize the relationship of people (help, regret, give, hug, their emotional state ( cry, laugh, rejoice, be offended);

adjectives denoting the color, size, taste, temperature of objects (red, blue, sweet, sour, large, small,

adverbs (close, far, high, fast, dark, quiet, cold, hot, slippery).

Encourage the use of learned words in independent speech. By the end of the year, preschoolers should have a vocabulary of at least 1000-1200 words.

Sound culture of speech

Exercise children in the distinct pronunciation of isolated vowels and consonants (except for whistling, hissing and sonorants, in the correct reproduction of onomatopoeia, words and simple phrases (from 2-4 words)

To promote the development of articulatory and vocal apparatus, veche breathing, auditory attention.

To form the ability to use (by imitation) the height and power of the voice (“Pussy, scat!”, “Who came?”, “Who is knocking?”).

The grammatical structure of speech

Improve the grammatical structure of speech.

Learn to coordinate nouns and pronouns with verbs, use verbs in the future and past tense, change them by person, use prepositions in speech (in, on, at, for, under).

Exercise in the use of some interrogative words (who, what, where) and simple phrases consisting of 2-4 words (“Kisonka-murysenka,

where did you go? "").

Connected speech

Help children answer the simplest questions (“what?”, “Who?”, “What is he doing?”) And more complex questions (“What are you wearing?”, “What’s lucky?”, “To whom?”, “What?”, "Where?", "When?", "Where?").

Encourage attempts by children older than 2 years 6 months, on their own initiative or at the request of the teacher, to talk about what is shown in the picture, about a new toy (new thing, about an event from personal experience.

During dramatization games, teach children to repeat simple phrases. Help children older than 2 years 6 months to dramatize passages from well-known fairy tales.

To form the ability to listen to short stories without visual accompaniment.

Educational area "Reading fiction"

formation of a holistic picture of the world, including primary value


development of literary speech;

familiarization with verbal art, including the development of artistic

perception and aesthetic taste.

Formation of interest and need for reading

Encourage them to name familiar objects, show them at the request of the teacher, teach them to ask questions: “Who (what) is this? ", "What is he doing? ".

Continue to involve children in looking at pictures in books.

Continue to teach children to listen to folk songs, fairy tales, author's works. Accompany reading with a display of toys, pictures, table theater characters and other visual aids, as well as to form the ability to listen to a work of art without visual accompaniment.

Accompany the reading of small poetic works with game actions.

Provide children with the opportunity to finish words, phrases when the teacher reads familiar poems.

Sample Reading List for Children

Russian folklore

Repetition of songs, nursery rhymes, fairy tales read and told to children of the second year of life.

Songs, rhymes, incantations. “Our ducks in the morning. »; “The cat went to Torzhok. »; "Hare Yegorka. »;

“Our Masha is small. »; "Chicky, chicky, chicky. ”, “Oh doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo! A raven sits on an oak";

“Because of the forest, because of the mountains. »; “A fox with a box ran through the woods. »;

"Cucumber, cucumber. »; "Sunshine, bucket. ".

Fairy tales. "Kids and the Wolf", arr. K. Ushinsky; "Teremok", arr. M. Bulatova; "Masha and the Bear",

Folklore of the peoples of the world

"Three Merry Brothers", trans. with him. L. Yakhnina; “Boo-boo, I am horned”, lit., arr. Y. Grigoriev; "Kotausi and Mausi"; English, arr., K. Chukovsky; “Oh, you are a hare-shooter. »; per. with mold. I. Tokmakova; “Doggy, do not bark. ", trans. with mold. I. Tokmakova; "Conversations", Chuvash., Per. L. Yakhnina; "Snegirek", trans. with him. V. Viktorova; "Shoemaker", Polish., Arr. B, Zakhodera.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry . A. Barto. "Bear", "Truck", "Elephant", "Horse" (from the series "Toys") "Whoever screams"; V. Berestov. "Sick doll", "Kitten"; G. Lagzdyn, "Cockerel"; C Marshak "The Tale of the Silly Mouse"; E. Moshkovskaya. "Order" (abbreviated); N. Pikuleva. "Fox tail", "The cat inflated the balloon. "; N. Sakonskaya. "Where is my finger?" Pushkin "The wind is walking on the sea. "(From "The Tale of Tsar Saltan"); M. Lermontov. "Sleep, baby." (from the poem "Cossack lullaby"); A. Barto, P. Barto. "Girl- revushka "; A. Vvedensky. "Mouse"; A. Pleshcheev, in Rural Song "; G. Sapgir. "Cat"; K. Chukovsky. "Fedotka", "Confusion".

Prose . L. Tolstoy. “The cat was sleeping on the roof. "," Petya and Misha had a horse. »; L. Tolstoy. "Three Bears"; V. Suteev. "Who said" meow ""; V. Bianchi. "The Fox and the Mouse"; G. Ball. "Yeltyachok"; N. Pavlova. "Strawberry".

Works of poets and writers from different countries

S. Kaputikyan. “Everyone is sleeping”, “Masha is having lunch” trans. with arm. T. Spendiarova. P. Voronko. "News", trans. from Ukrainian S. Marshak. D. Bisset. “Ha-ha-ha! ", trans. from English. N. Shereshevskaya; Ch. Yancharsky. "In the Toy Store", "Friends"! from the book "The Adventures of Mishka Ushastik", trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko.

Direction "Artistic - aesthetic development" Educational area "Artistic creativity"

development of productive activities of children (drawing, modeling, applique, art work);

development of children's creativity;

introduction to the fine arts "

Development of productive activity


To develop the perception of children, to enrich their sensory experience by highlighting the shape of objects, circling them along the contour alternately with one or the other hand.

Lead children to the image of familiar objects, giving them freedom of choice.

Draw the attention of children to the fact that a pencil (brush, felt-tip pen) leaves a mark on paper if you draw the sharpened end of the pencil (felt-tip pen, brush pile) over it. Encourage the desire to follow the movement of a pencil on paper.

Develop an aesthetic perception of surrounding objects. To teach children to distinguish the colors of pencils, felt-tip pens, to name them correctly; draw different lines (long, short, vertical, horizontal, oblique, cross them, likening objects: ribbons, scarves, paths, streams, icicles, a fence, etc. Lead children to drawing rounded objects.

Form the correct posture when drawing (sit freely, do not lean low over a sheet of paper, the free hand holds the sheet of paper on which the baby draws).

To form the ability to take care of the materials, use them correctly: at the end of the drawing, put them in place, after washing the brush well in water.

To teach to hold a pencil and a brush freely: a pencil - three fingers above the sharpened end, a brush - just above the iron tip; pick up paint on a brush, dipping it with all the pile into a jar, remove excess paint, touching the edge of the jar with a pile.


Arouse children's interest in modeling. Introduce plastic materials: clay, plasticine, plastic mass (preferring clay). Learn how to use materials carefully.

Develop the ability to break off lumps of clay from a large piece; sculpt sticks and sausages, rolling a lump between the palms with direct movements; connect the ends of the stick, pressing them tightly against each other (ring, lamb, wheel, etc.).

To form the ability to roll out a lump of clay with circular movements of the palms to depict objects of a round shape (a ball, an apple, a berry, etc., to flatten a lump between the palms (cakes, cookies, gingerbreads); make a depression with your fingers in the middle of a flattened lump (bowl, saucer). Learn to connect two molded forms into one object: a stick and a ball (a rattle or a fungus, two balls (roly-poly), etc.

Teach children to put clay and molded objects on a plank or a special pre-prepared oilcloth.

Development of children's creativity

Arouse interest in children in actions with pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes, paints, clay. To form an idea that they draw with pencils, felt-tip pens and paints, and sculpt from clay.

To draw the attention of children to the various lines and configurations depicted by us on paper. Encourage them to think about what they have drawn, lead to the simplest associations: what it looks like.

To evoke a sense of joy from the strokes and lines that the children drew themselves.

Encourage to complement the image with characteristic details; consciously repeat previously obtained strokes, lines, spots, shapes.

Introduction to the fine arts

Consider with children illustrations for works of children's literature. Develop the ability to answer questions on the content of the pictures.

To acquaint with folk toys: Dymkovo, Bogorodskaya, matryoshka, vanka-vstanka and others corresponding to the age of children.

Draw the attention of children to the nature of toys (funny, funny, etc., their shape, color.

Aesthetic developmental environment. To develop children's interest in the environment: draw their attention to what a clean, bright room they play and study in, how many bright, beautiful toys are in it, how neatly the beds on which they sleep are made.

On a walk, draw the attention of children to beautiful plants, site equipment, convenient for games and recreation.


The development of children's interest in music, the desire to listen to music and sing along, perform the simplest dance movements,

To develop the ability to carefully listen to calm and cheerful songs, musical plays of a different nature, to understand and emotionally respond to the content (about what, about whom it is sung).

Learn to distinguish sounds in height (high and low sound of a bell, piano, metallophone)


The development of children's activity when singing along and singing, the desire to listen carefully to the song. Develop the ability to sing along phrases in a song (together with the teacher). Gradually accustom the child to solo singing.

Develop emotionality and figurative perception of music through movements. Continue to form the ability to perceive and reproduce the movements shown by adults (clap, stamp your foot, half-squat, turn your hands, etc.).

To form the ability to start movement with the beginning of music and finish with its end; convey images (the bird flies, the bunny jumps, the clumsy bear walks).

Improve the ability to walk and run (on tiptoes, quietly; raising legs high and low; straight gallop), perform dance movements in a circle, loose, change movements with a change in the nature of the music or the content of the song.

Approximate musical repertoire

Hearing "Horse", music. E. Tilicheeva, ate. N. Frenkel; "Our rattle", music. I. Arseeva, ate. I. Chernitskaya; "Bunny", Russian. nar. melody, arr. An. Alexandrov, ate. T. Babajan; "Cow", music. M. Rauchverger, ate. O. Vysotskaya; "Cat", music. An. Alexandrov, ate. N. Frenkel; "Elephant", "Chickens and Roosters" (from "Carnival of the Animals" by C. Saint-Saens), "Winter", "Winter Morning", music. P. Tchaikovsky; "Spring", "Autumn", music. S. Maykapara. "Flowers", music. V. Karaseva, ate. N. Frenkel; “That's how we do it”, “March and run”, music. E. Tilicheeva, ate. N. Frenkel; "Go-pack", Ukrainian nar. melody, arr. M. Rauchverger; "Catchers", music. N. Alexandrova, ate. T. Babajan; "From under the oak", Russian. nar. dance tune; "Kitty" (for the game "Cat and Kittens"), music. V. Vitlin, ate. N. Naydenova; "Mikita", Belarusian, folk. melody, arr. S. Polonsky; "Dance with a handkerchief", music. E. Tilicheeva, ate. I. Grantovskaya; "Polyanka", Russian. nar. melody, arr. G. Frida; "Birds" (introduction), music. G. Frida; "Stukolka", Ukrainian nar. melody; "Morning", music. G. Grinevich, ate. S. Prokofieva; "Yurochka", Belarusian, folk. dance melody, arr. An. malelexandrova; "Dance with Dolls", "Dance with Handkerchiefs", German. nar. dance melodies, ate. A. Anufrieva; "Ay-yes", music. V. Verkhovin-tsa; "Where are you, bunny?", Russian. nar. melody, arr. E. Tilicheeva.

Singing "Bayu" (lullaby), music. M. Rauchverger; "White Geese", music. M. Kraseva, ate. M. Klokova; “That's how we can”, “Horse”, music. E. Tilicheeva, ate. N. Frenkel; "Where are you, bunny?", arr. E. Tilicheeva; "Rain", Russian. nar. melody, arr. V. Fere; "Herringbone", music. E, Tilicheeva, ate. M. Bulatova; "Winter", music. V. Karaseva, ate. N. Frenkel; “A horned goat is walking”, arr. A. Grechaninova; "Lullaby", music. M. Kraseva; "Cat", music. An. Alexandrov, ate. N. Frenkel; "Kitty", music. V. Vitlin, ate. N. Naydenova; "Ladushki", Russian. nar. melody; "Bird", music. M. Rauchverger, ate. A. Barto; "Dog", music. M. Rauchverger, ate. N. Komissarova; "Chickens", music. A, Filippenko, ate. T. Volgina; "Bell", music. I. Arseeva, ate. I. Chernitskaya; “Who loves us dearly?”, music. and ate. I. Arseeva; "Horse", music. I. Arseeva, ate. V. Tatarinova; "Qua-quack", music. I. Arseeva, ate. N. Checherina.

Musical-rhythmic movements "Rain", music. and ate. E. Makshantseva; "Katlyatki", Ukrainian nar. melody, eat E. Makshantseva; "Tambourine", Russian. nar. melody, eat E. Makshantseva; "Sparrows", "Rattle, dance", "Bell", "Let's take a walk", music. I. Arseeva, ate. I. Chernitskaya; “That's how we do it”, “March and run”, music. E. Tilicheeva, ate. N. Frenkel; "Gopachok", Ukrainian nar. melody, arr. M. Rauchverger; "Catchers", music. N. Alexandrova, ate. T. Babajan; "From under the oak", Russian. nar. dance tune; "Kitty" (for the game "Cat and Kittens"), music. V. Vitlin, ate. N. Naydenova; "Mikita", Belarusian, folk. melody, arr. S. Polonsky; "Dance with a handkerchief", music. E. Tilicheeva, ate. I. Grantovskaya; "Polyanka", Russian. nar. melody, arr. G. Frida; "Birds" (introduction), music. G. Frida; "Stukolka", Ukrainian nar. melody; "Morning", music. G. Grinevich, ate. S. Prokofieva; "Yurochka", Belarusian, folk. dance melody, arr. An. Alexandrova; "Dance with Dolls", "Dance with Handkerchiefs", German. dance and nar. melodies, ate. A. Anufrieva; "Ay-yes", music. V. Verkhovinets; "Where are you, bunny?", Russian. nar. melody, arr. E. Tilicheeva.

Planned intermediate results of the development of the Program

Intermediate results of the development of the Program are formulated in accordance with the Federal State Requirements (FGT) through the disclosure of the dynamics of the formation of the integrative qualities of pupils in each age period of mastering the Program in all areas of development of children.By the age of three, with the successful development of the Program, the next level of development of the child's integrative qualities is reached.Integrative quality "Physically developed, mastered the basic cultural and hygienic skills" Anthropometric parameters (height, weight) are normal. Possesses age-appropriate basic movements.Shows a desire to play outdoor games with simple content, simple movements.On his own or with a little help from an adult, he performs age-appropriate hygiene procedures, possesses self-care skills that are age-appropriate.He has primary ideas about himself as a person, knows the names of the main parts of the body, their functions.Integrative quality "Inquisitive, active" Takes part in games (mobile, theatrical, role-playing), shows interest in the game activities of peers.Shows interest in the surrounding world of nature, participates in seasonal observations. Takes an active part in productive activities (drawing, modeling, designing).He listens with interest to fairy tales, stories of the teacher; looking at pictures and illustrations.Shows activity when singing and singing, performing the simplest dance movements.Integrative Quality "Emotionally Responsive" Shows positive emotions in the process of independent motor activity.Shows emotional responsiveness to literary and artistic works accessible to the age (rhymes, songs, fairy tales, poems).Emotionally and with interest follows the development of action in dramatization games and puppet shows created by adults and older children.Shows emotional responsiveness to works of fine art, to the beauty of surrounding objects (toys) and natural objects (plants, animals).

Shows emotional responsiveness to musical works accessible to age, distinguishes between cheerful and sad melodies.Integrative quality "Having mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers" Knows how to play next to peers without disturbing them. Shows interest in playing together in small groups.Can, at the request of an adult or on his own initiative, talk about what is shown in the picture, about a toy, about an event from personal experience.Speech becomes a full-fledged means of communication with other children.Integrative quality "Able to manage his behavior and plan his actions on the basis of primary value ideas, observing elementary generally accepted norms and rules of behavior" Independently or after a reminder from an adult, he observes the elementary rules of behavior while eating, washing.He has primary ideas about the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten, at home, on the street (do not run, do not shout, do the requests of an adult) and observes them.Follows the rules of elementary courtesy. On his own or when prompted, he says “thank you”, “hello”, “goodbye”, “good night” (in the family, in the group).Shows a negative attitude towards rudeness, greed.Integrative quality "Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks (problems), adequate to age" Shows a desire to independently select toys and attributes for the game, use substitute items.He builds elementary buildings according to the model, shows a desire: to build on his own.Oriented in the premises of the group and the site of the kindergarten.Integrative quality "having primary ideas about oneself, family, society, state, world and nature" He has primary ideas about himself: he knows his name, his gender, the names of his family members.

Integrative quality "Having mastered the universal prerequisites for learning activities" Able to verbally instruct an adult to find objects by name, color, size.Answers the simplest questions ("who?", "what?", "what is he doing?"...).Performs the simplest tasks of an adult.Shows interest in books and illustrations.

Integrative quality "Having mastered the necessary skills and abilities"
The child has formed the skills necessary for the implementation of various types of children's activities.

Educational area "Health" Able to independently dress and undress in a certain sequence.Demonstrates neatness skills (notices disorder in clothes, eliminates it with a little help from adults).With a little help from an adult, he uses individual items (handkerchief, napkin, towel, comb, pot).Able to eat independently.

Educational area "Physical culture" Able to walk and run without bumping into other children. Can jump on two legs in place, moving forward, etc. Can take, hold, carry, put, throw, roll the ball. He knows how to crawl, crawl under a stretched rope, climb over a log lying on the floor.

Educational area "Socialization"
Can play nearby, not interfere with other children, imitate the actions of a peer.Emotionally responds to the game offered by an adult, imitates his actions, accepts the game task.Independently performs game actions with objects, carries out the transfer of actions from object to object.Uses a replacement for a missing item in the game.Communicates in dialogue with the educator.In independent play, he accompanies his actions with speech. Follows the actions of the heroes of the puppet theater.

Educational area "Labor" Performs the simplest labor actions (with the help of teachers). Observes the labor processes of the educator in a corner of nature.

Educational area "Safety"
Follows elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten. Follows the elementary rules of interaction with plants and animals.Has a basic understanding of the rules of the road.

Educational area "Cognition"

Productive (constructive) activity. Distinguishes the main forms of parts of building material.With the help of an adult, he builds a variety of buildings using mostforms.Revolves the game around its own building.Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Can form a group of homogeneous objects.Distinguishes between one and many objects.

Distinguishes between large and small objects, names their size. Recognizes a sphere and a cube. Formation of a holistic picture of the world. Distinguishes and names objects of the immediate environment.Names family members and caregivers.Recognizes and names some domestic and wild animals, their cubs.Distinguishes some vegetables, fruits (1-2 species).Distinguishes some trees of the nearest environment (1-2 species).Has elementary ideas about natural seasonal phenomena.

Educational area "Reading fiction"
Listens to accessible poems, fairy tales, stories. When re-reading, he pronounces words, small phrases.Examines illustrations in familiar books with the help of a teacher.

Educational area "Artistic creativity"
Knows that you can draw with pencils, felt-tip pens, paints and a brush. Distinguishes red, blue, green, yellow, white, black colors.Able to roll out a lump of clay with straight and circular movements of the hands; break off small lumps from a large lump of clay, flatten them with palms; connect the ends of the rolled stick, pressing them tightly against each other.Sculpts simple objects; carefully uses clay.

Educational area "Music"

Recognizes familiar melodies and distinguishes the pitch of sounds (high - low). Together with the teacher, he sings musical phrases in the song.Moves according to the nature of the music, starts moving with the first sounds of the music.Knows how to perform movements: stomp your foot, clap your hands, turn your handshands

Names musical instruments: rattles, tambourine

Plan of work with parents in the first junior group

Organization of work with parents


1. Consultations "Adaptation of the child to kindergarten"

2. Folders of the shift "Clothes for kindergarten"

3. Parent meeting "Features of the adaptation period of the children of the group, the tasks of raising and educating children of the 3rd year of life"


1. Consultations "Games for the sensory development of young children"

2. Individual work "Healthy sleep"


1. Folder-slider "Finger games for kids"

2. Consultation "Features of the formation of cultural and hygienic skills"


1. Consultation "Learning colors is easy and fun"

2. Parent meeting "Features of the development of a child of 2 years"

3. New Year's party


1. Consultation "Grow up healthy, baby!"



1. Folder-slider "Playing with snow and learning its properties"

2. Parent meeting "Preserving and strengthening the health of younger preschoolers"

3. Master class "Finger gymnastics"


1. Questioning "Is it possible to punish a child"

2. Folder-slider "The era" I myself ""

3. Individual conversations at the request of parents


1. Consultation "What toys to buy for a child of 2-3 years old?"

2. Literary living room "Books for babies" folder-slider

3. Individual conversations "Choosing the right shoes for the baby"


1. Final parent meeting "What our children have learned in a year"

2. Master class Outdoor game "Bunny"

3. Folder-slider "Speech development of young children"

Expert assessment of the neuropsychic development of children I junior "B" group "Tumblers" for the 1st half of the 2013-2014 academic year.

Surname, name of the child


active speech

sensory development

Playing and actions with objects

Constructive skills

Visual Skills

Self-care skills

motor skills

Total score

Development zone

Akbasheva Azaliya

Floor. unfold

Boldyrev Artem





Incomplete unfold


Valiullova Aida










Incomplete unfold


Valieva Inzilya










Incomplete unfold


Gorelova Karina










Incomplete unfold


Garaev Askar










Nepo. unfold


Gerasimova Xenia










Incomplete unfold


Gadieva Zilya










Incomplete unfold


Gismatullin Amir










Incomplete unfold


Galimullina Samira










Incomplete unfold


Ziyatdinov Salavat












Ziyatdinova Ramina










Floor. unfold


Zalyalov Ilgiz










Incomplete unfold


Malysheva Victoria












Prokuratov Karim










Pos. development


Sabirzyanov Radel










Floor. unfold


Sirazov Timur










Incomplete unfold


Khasanova Asiya










Floor. unfold


Khasanov Arslan










Floor. unfold


Khasanova Dilyara










Incomplete unfold


Galiullova Adelina










Nepo. unfold


Gaifullova Elvira










Incomplete unfold


Cheburashkina Anna










Incomplete unfold

Average score

Total -

Full development zone - 4 children Educators: Ershova N.A.

Zone of incomplete development -17 children of Gaifullin G.G.

Zone of non-development - 2 children




Introduce children to the names of objects in the immediate environment: a toy bear; learn to describe a toy (name parts, size, signs), find its image in pictures, compare large and small toys; develop speech, interest in movements to music; enrich children's vocabulary.


Favorite toys

To acquaint children with objects of the immediate environment - toys; learn to answer questions, describe toys and actions with them, perform simple instructions, compare and distinguish between plastic, rubber, fabric toys by touch; develop speech, tactile sensations; enrich vocabulary on the topic.


Friendly family.

Introduce children to the concept of "family", develop communication skills, general motor skills, coordination of movements; to teach to listen carefully to a work of art, to perform movements corresponding to the text, to cultivate interest in a staging game.


Autumn is golden.

To expand children's understanding of the surrounding nature, about the upcoming autumn holiday; develop artistic perception, attention; to form the ability to work in a team, to cultivate the desire to create materials and decorations for the holiday




Cockerel with family.

To acquaint children with poultry, with the appearance of a rooster, its habits; continue to reinforce the concept of "family"; cultivate interest in fairy tales.



Who helps us? (Oh babysitter).

To form an idea of ​​the work of adults and to cultivate a respectful attitude towards it; learn to name the actions depicted in the plot pictures, answer questions, name babysitter assistant items and their purpose, enrich vocabulary; develop general motor skills, attention.



tea utensils

Expand ideas about utensils, introduce the names of tea utensils and their purpose; expand vocabulary, learn to follow instructions, develop speech



toy cars

To learn to distinguish in appearance and name trucks and cars, a bus, as well as their main parts: cabin, steering wheel, wheels, body, windows; learn to describe different toy cars, develop speech, attention, general motor skills.



Horse with foal.

Introduce horse and foal; learn to compare a horse with a foal, name the parts of a toy horse, pronounce onomatopoeia, develop attention, speech, general motor skills, tactile sensations.



Introduce group indoor plants, how to care for them; learn to carefully consider one plant, distinguish its parts (leaves, flowers) and name them.


toy hare

Clarify the idea of ​​​​children about the appearance of a hare; develop memory, thinking; cultivate respect for toys.


Doll clothes.

Help children remember the name of clothing items, colors, cultivate a careful attitude to clothing; develop attention, speech, fine and general motor skills.



Clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwinter, its signs; learn to mark weather conditions, distinguish between seasonal clothes (winter), help memorize the sequence of dressing for a walk; develop attention, speech, general motor skills


Winter fun

Clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe winter games, learn to consider the plot picture, answer questions on the image, reproduce specific actions with movements, accompanying them with speech; develop auditory perception, the skills of correlating a visual image with an auditory one; activate the dictionary on the topic "Winter".



Learn to distinguish shoes by appearance. Anwser the questions; develop attention, speech, general motor skills, auditory, visual perception, activate the dictionary on the topic "Shoes"; develop a desire to help those in need.


New Year's Eve is coming soon.

To clarify and enrich the idea of ​​the upcoming event - the New Year holiday; to teach to consider objects (Christmas tree, Christmas decorations) and answer questions during examination; develop attention, speech, fine and general motor skills, perception, creativity; activate the dictionary on the topic "New Year's holiday"


forest dwellers

Introduce forest animals: give an idea about the wolf; learn to carefully examine the picture, answer questions about its content; develop speech.


Winter clothes and shoes

To teach to classify clothes and shoes, to distinguish between these items according to the season, to develop attention, memory, speech; enrich vocabulary; develop a desire to help those in need.


Toys and utensils.

Clarify the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat the dishes are for; learn to classify dishes; develop attention, memory, imagination, speech



To teach children to distinguish and name pieces of furniture, talk about their purpose, develop attention. Speech


Such different things

Learn to distinguish and name the quality of objects:hard, soft, heavy. easy; properties:sinking, floating; learn to pronounce the sound "y" clearly and correctly; exercise in distinguishing between loud and quiet sounds; develop attention interest in experimental activities.



Learn to distinguish in appearance and name trucks and cars, buses, trams, as well as their main parts: cabin, steering wheel, body, wheels, windows.



Give an idea about birds, learn to watch birds, compare them, develop attention, speech, memory; cultivate love for living beings and the desire to help them.


Pets and their babies

Introduce children to pets and their cubs, teach them to name and compare them by size; develop curiosity, memory, attention, speech; enrich vocabulary; develop a love for animals.



"My family"

teach children to name family members;
know that everyone in the family cares and loves each other; understand the role of adults and children in the family; cause the child to be happy and proud that he has a family.


gold fish

To give an idea of ​​the fish as a living being, that it needs care and careful handling, to develop interest in wildlife.


Who works in the garden

Teaches you to distinguish between objects in the garden, introduce you to work activities in the garden, expand the vocabulary of children, develop gaming skills; continue to introduce the names of objects in the immediate environment (plants in the garden), to promote the development of speech as a means of communication.


Wooden Toys

Learn to identify the name of toys and the material from which they are made, develop auditory perception, expand vocabulary; promote the development of speech as a means of communication.



Learn to distinguish and name the signs of the seasons, develop general motor skills, auditory attention; Expand words knowledge; select objects for their intended purpose, name a color, promote the development of speech as a means of communication.



Exercise in naming objects and their qualities, correlating tools with a profession; to activate in the speech of children the names of tools and professions (cook, doctor, driver), develop auditory perception; group objects according to the method of use, select objects according to identity, promote the development of speech as a means of communication.


Mom's helpers

Develop general motor skills, auditory attention; Expand words knowledge; to teach to group objects according to the method of use, to name the color, size of objects, to promote the development of speech as a means of communication



Develop vocabulary, horizons, learn to group words into simple sentences, name the color, size of objects, promote the development of speech as a means of communication.



To identify and systematize children's knowledge of poultry, expand vocabulary, auditory attention, horizons; promote the development of speech as a means of communication.


Favorite toys

Develop general motor skills, auditory attention, identify children's preferences in play activities, learn to compose simple sentences from phrases; to teach to compare familiar objects by identity, to group according to the method of use, to promote the development of speech as a means of communication


Favorite items.

Develop general motor skills, auditory attention; Expand words knowledge; to teach to name the color, size of objects, the material from which they are made, to promote the development of speech as a means of communication.


What is in our area?

Develop general motor skills of hands, auditory attention; Expand words knowledge; learn to observe birds and insects on the site. To cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, to promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

Tamara Prokopchuk
GCD on cognition in the first junior group "Shape, color, size"

GCD for cognition in the 1st junior group. Subject: « Form, color, magnitude»

Goals. Improve the perception of children, the ability to actively use

touch, sight, hearing.

Consolidate concepts: shape - ball; yellow color, blue; size - large,

small. Continue to teach children to examine objects, highlighting them color,

value, form; sort items by size form, bloom; see similarities

and differences; act with subject: take, hold, carry, put, roll,

catch; repeat after the teacher and answer the questions.

Dictionary: ball - big, small, yellow color, blue, shape - round,

actions - take, hold, roll, catch, put.

Material. Cockerel toy, basket. Boxes, tracks flowers - yellow,

blue; balls big and small, yellow, blue according to the number of children.

Lesson progress

I part. Greetings. Development of communicative qualities.

Educator. Look who came to us? This is Peter the cockerel. He speaks:

"Hello guys!" Say hello to the cockerel Petya! (Children greet).

Cockerel Petya wants to play with you.

A game: "Bubble".

II part. The development of visual and tactile-motor perception and


Didactic game "Roll a big ball of yellow (blue) colors on yellow

(blue) track!"

Educator. Guys, look, the cockerel Petya brought you balls, there are still

tracks. They are yellow and blue colors. You can roll balls along these paths.

Only a yellow ball can be rolled along the yellow track. And along the blue path

roll only the blue ball.

Look what a basket! How many balls are there! What is in the basket?

(big balls) Take one ball at a time from the basket.

Consider a ball, it is round, it can be rolled on the hand. Let's hide the ball

(the ball lies in the palm of your hand, it must be covered with the other hand). Ball we can't

hide it is large, the palm does not cover it. Let's roll the balls

paths to our cockerel Petya, in turn.

III part. Development of visual perception.

A game "Put the little balls on bloom»

Educator. See which boxes (yellow and blue colors!

How many balls are there (yellow and blue! What is it in the boxes? (small

balls) Take one ball from any box in turn. Consider

ball, it's round, you can roll it on your hand. Let's hide the ball (the ball lies on

palms, cover it with the other hand). The ball hid in our palms, it

small and therefore the ball is not visible. Put the balls back into the boxes

Children are offered a box with balls (6 balls: 3 - yellow colors, 3 –

blue, boxes of two colors(yellow, blue).

Put this (yellow, blue) ball to your house (in a box of yellow (blue)

colors). The child must sort the balls into boxes according to flowers.

Educator. Guys, the cockerel tells you "Thank you" And "Goodbye!"

Say goodbye to the cockerel Petya (Please. Goodbye).

Summary of the lesson.

Educator. Who came to visit us? (Petushok Petya)

What did the cockerel Petya bring you? (balls, tracks)

What size were the balls? (The balls were small and large)

Balls, what were colors? (The balls were yellow and blue colors)

How did you know the balloon was big? (We take a big ball with both hands,

palms did not hide the ball)

How did you know it was a small ball? (We take a small ball one

hand, the ball can be hidden in the hand).

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