Original scripts of the anniversary. Anniversary of the teacher, educator

Prepared by:
head of the MDOU - d / s s. Pavlovka
Marksovsky district of the Saratov region
Anokhina E.A.

Head (guide)- Good afternoon dear friends! Today we gathered in this hall to congratulate our beloved on the anniversary ... ( name of the birthday girl)!

How wonderful it is to be born in April!

You are so lucky! You managed to be born

Not in the cold autumn, not in the blizzard winter,

And sunny, warm, wonderful times!

Spring is marching on the beloved planet,

And today both birds and children are happy,

And the leaves of the trees, and the spring herbs,

Fields and forests, streams and oak groves.

Ruddy sun and gentle wind

They whisper to you that you are not more beautiful in the world!

We wish you a happy year

Good friends and great weather!

May love and good luck warm your heart!

Let your soul not cry in this world!

We wish you luck and joy in life!

We sincerely congratulate you on this day!

- And of course, such a holiday cannot do without surprises and gifts! And therefore, today we invite you to the opening of the "Spring Opening Day" dedicated to…. ( surname name of the birthday girl), to a famous contemporary, an outstanding teacher, a wonderful person. Today's exposition can be given the general name "... (( name of the birthday girl)- our love".

Song "Alteration on the motive of the song" We drink to the bottom "

Ex.- Today at our opening day we have collected pictures of the best masters of painting. They all work in different styles, genres, use different art materials and painting techniques. But all these works of art have one thing in common - they all reveal the image of one beautiful woman - our sweet, charming ... ( name of the birthday girl). And today she is here among us. We are glad to welcome her! (Applause)

- And although there are many paintings on display at the opening day, they all do not resemble one another, because each artist saw in her something unusual, because the image ... ( name of the birthday girl) multifaceted, each facet is unique and shimmers with a multitude of joyful, sincere, kind, sun rays.

I see that today a lot of true connoisseurs of art have gathered here, and I am excitedly leading you to the first picture. And next to her I see the author. This is a famous artist (name and surname of the congratulatory) pseudonym Watercolor by Guashevna Kistochkina.

Ex.- Dear Akvarel Guashevna, we all know that you work in the direction of post-impressionism and gravitate towards the synthesis of forms, the symbolism of the pictorial language, you have existential manners and a taste for plein air. I know that you have exhibited several paintings at the exhibition, but this particular landscape “Spring ... ( name of the birthday girl)". Tell us more about it. (congratulation)

Ex.- What a wonderful picture, it immortalized the image of a beautiful ... ( name of the birthday girl) for centuries! And we move on to the next picture. And now, friends, we need to get into a romantic mood. Now we are waiting for a meeting with a prominent representative of the romantic movement in art, an artist Designed by Adamovich Kraskin popularly known as ... (name of the birthday girl's husband). At all times, love has inspired poets, musicians and artists. His maternal grandfather, the great artist Shishkin, also painted pictures about the love of bears for a pine forest, and Uncle Aivazovsky - about the love of sailors for the sea. And he called his picture "Ah, la moore, la moore!" and dedicated her to unrequited love for ... ( name of the birthday girl)... But, unfortunately, we will not meet with him today, because he retired in a creative impulse and writes a new series of paintings about ... ( name of the birthday girl).

Ex.- Oh, how romantic, subtle, sublime everything is! High, high relationship! And we continue our excursion. And I invite you to the contemporary art hall. Before us is the painting "Walkers to ... ( name of the birthday girl)". The picture exudes such joy and freshness of colors, tk. it was written only 55 years ago. But, despite this short period, she brought the author wild success and celebrity. Friends, I am glad to present you a world talent - Balalaikina Zinaida Modernovna. (congratulatory surname and congratulations)

The central hall of our vernissage is decorated with the painting “... ( name of the birthday girl) in spill ". The artist managed to accurately convey a thoughtful look ... ( name of the birthday girl) when drawing up reports, reports, information, plans, theses and any other nonsense. Her slender stance bent under the excessively hard pedagogical work, we see how thinly, artistically calluses are written on her hands and feet. From her tender lips, as if a prolonged moan is heard: “Save me! I love my job". The author of this masterpiece is an adherent of the well-established traditions of classicism - ( name and surname of the congratulatory) with a group of his students ( congratulation).

Ex.- And we continue our excursion. And I see among the fans of art an outstanding critic of our era ( name surname congratulatory).

I am a big fan of your literary talent! How do you find today's opening day? ( congratulation).

Ex.- I am pleased to invite you to a lively, bright, cheerful hall of folk art, where crowds of fans gather for the painting “Folk festivities ... ( name of the birthday girl)". This painting was recently exhibited in Paris, where it was a huge success. All Beaumond was only talking about the breadth and scope of folk festivals ... ( name of the birthday girl). Believe it or not, the Versailles balls are no match for these festivities. Everyone noted the juiciness, ruddy, vigor, brightness of the images in the picture. Look at the depth and adequacy of the reflection of the interests of the people in the eyes ... ( name of the birthday girl). It is immediately striking that it is she who is the creator, bearer, keeper of folk traditions! A whole group of artists worked on this painting under the direction of Shtrikhovkina Antonina Molbertovna. (name, surname congratulatory) (congratulations)

Ex. - Such an event could not be ignored by the press. There are many journalists and reporters among the guests who will widely cover this event in the media. Curious to know how they feel? But I see the editor-in-chief of the magazine "Kalyaki-malyaki" ( surname, first name of the congratulating teacher of the younger group) (congratulation)

Ex.- And now I am taking you to the hall where the paintings of Italian painters are collected. Yes-ah ... Looking at these pictures, we feel a burning, ardent

the temperament of the model ... ( name of the birthday girl). The painters masterfully managed to convey her life and creative position. And it is no coincidence, I think, that a whole series of paintings is titled “Raging Races ... ( name of the birthday girl) ". Talented Italian artists work near the village of Pavlovka in places under the wonderful name of the "Pchelka" group, ... ( names of groups of preschool educational institutions) (congratulations to the junior staff from the preschool educational institution)

Ex.- And we are moving on to the next picture "April illusions ... ( name of the birthday girl) ". This picture evokes in everyone their own associations. The perception of the picture changes depending on the time of day, your mood, and your mental health. On this canvas, the author tried to bring the imperial, earthly together with other worlds, with the depths of the soul and spirit, with the eternal. A big role here is played by shades and halftones, halftones and shades! This work is a novelty and a presentiment of changes, the flight of the soul ... ( name of the birthday girl) and its symbolic aesthetics! The painting was recently restored in the sisters' workshop ... ( the surname of the birthday girl's relatives). This canvas was painted in the last century by an unknown author. ( congratulation)

Ex.- And now I will try to snatch the author of the next picture from journalists and reporters. This is a portrait painter Mazilkin's palette, nee -… (Last name, first name of the congratulatory woman). You painted a picture from which wide open, inquisitive, trusting eyes look at us … (Name of the birthday girl). We are fascinated by her joyful, kind, sincere smile. You managed to depict this with the help of lines, planes, shapes and colors, you penetrated beyond the human side and reached the infinite and eternal. It can be seen that in your work you relied on the unconscious expression of the spirit ... (name of the birthday girl), in particular, the memories of her infancy. You looked everywhere for prototypes, but you could only find them in ... ( name of the birthday girl). Could you take a moment of your precious time for us and tell us about your painting? ( congratulation)

Ex.- And before we continue our tour of the exhibition halls, I will gladly introduce you to the main producers, thanks to whom we have the opportunity to fully enjoy the wonderful image ... ( name of the birthday girl). This is the count's family ( surname of congratulators).


Ex.- Now let's fully enjoy the next masterpiece on display at our opening day! This is the work of avant-garde artists. Translated from French, avant-garde means "Vanguard". And the brightest representative of this trend in art is, of course, the well-known Tatiana Absurdovna Naturschikova. (group mate). Her canvas is called "... ( name of the birthday girl) Is an extreme lover. " This picture is associated with the dynamics of scientific and technological progress in preschool educational institutions, which has drastically changed the rhythm of modern pedagogy. Do you feel an elitist trend and an almost physically palpable tension? This picture is a total alienation ... ( name of the birthday girl) from reality!

(Congratulations from the team of the kindergarten where the birthday girl works)

Ex.- No sooner had we reached the last hall of our opening day, when we learned the good news: all the paintings were purchased for substantial sums. And therefore our inspirer ... ( name of the birthday girl), of course he receives a fee in the form of valuable gifts. Dear artists, I think you would be happy to hand over to your muse.

(giving gifts)

Title: Scenario of the teacher's anniversary celebration "Spring Opening Day"

Position: manager
Place of work: Kindergarten with. Pavlovka
Location: Saratov region Marksovsky district, Revolution street 11 A

Leading. Work is in full swing in our garden,

And so, in the midst of hectic days

And our birthday girl is Tatyana Yurievna! Let's greet our hero of the day.

Leading. You have an anniversary today

And now, as young as before.

Chorus - the same

Song of colleagues to the tune "Korobeyniki"

1. Eh, the box is full, anniversaries every year.

Friend after friend, our musical people are born.

2. We are all friendly girls here,

We dance and sing together.

And today with pleasure "Name" we will sing the glory.

4. "Name" ours is so worried, filled with like poppies.

Well, we all try so hard to sing our song louder

5. "Name" our "Middle name", honor for your work,

How many children have prepared for school -

You can't even count everyone

6. All checks, but excitement, and worries are full of mouth.

Children require attention, so it is always from year to year.

7. Everyone knows, without a doubt, "Name" survived everything.

Song of colleagues to the tune "It's great that we are all gathered here today"

The bend of the guitar is yellow.

You will embrace tenderly.

The string is an echo fragment.

Will pierce the tight heights

The dome of the sky will swing.

Big and starry-snowy.

It's great that we are all here

gathered today!

Foliage over kindergarten

Spinning through the air.

Why are you sad, Friend?

Come on, smile.

And someone close.

Will quietly tell you:

It's great that we are all here

gathered today! (2 times)

Preschoolers today

come to our kindergarten.

And like mothers, we take care of them.

With their dreams and songs

we will fill every day.

It's great that we are all here

gathered today! (2 times)

Anniversary scenario for a kindergarten worker 55 years old

Jubilee script for a kindergarten worker 55 years old Day of a kindergarten worker 05/14/2007 20:18 (the jubilee script begins by the granddaughter of the hero of the day)

Why in our kitchen

Close in the morning?

All of something, fry, soar

Adults and children.

Here, quickly peel the potatoes.

Milk here vile.

Because it's birthday

My dear grandmother!

The table is set, relatives are sitting

Together at a big table

For the beloved, for the granny

We will dance and sing "


(They sing a song to the tune "A smile will make everyone warmer ...)

My grandmother's birthday

With the first ray of light today I woke up

I ran to my grandmother as soon as possible,

That she would smile at me very first.

Birthday is your holiday

Have fun and sing songs

Let the caring hands rest

For you, we are the whole crowd

We baked a big cake.

All children and grandchildren congratulate you.

You live dear for many years

You and I are not afraid even of ice and cold

We send you fiery greetings.

We really, really need your wise advice.

May your days last

In happiness, joy, love,

And health too often does not fail,

We will come to visit again,

Let's start a song again

Let the sadness go around your house.

And for the beloved grandmother

We baked a loaf.

You are bolder granny

Blow out these candles

(The jubilee is presented with a loaf, she blows out the candles.)

First toast to our birthday girl!

(A colleague)

Today in this glorious hall

Family and friends are sitting

We all got dressed up today

And they did not prepare in vain,

Today is not a holiday here

Our Valentina has a chorus of guests,

So let the song come right now

How the anthem sounds on your glorious anniversary!


(Song to the tune "I'll get up before dawn today")

We got up before dawn today

Everyone went to buy flowers together

We all waited for the appointed hour,

To sing a song for you

Anniversary we have a beautiful woman

We are all in love with her together,

Our kindest friend and boss:

We are justly and honestly equal for her.

I ask my friends to raise a glass

For Valentina, Valya ours!

So that she is always happy

We will overturn this cup!

Believe, al don't believe.

Stands in a dense garden

Cheerful, kind home,

Not a house a palace with children,

With snow on the porch

How many children? In bulk ..!

Like grains in a cucumber

Merry and not so much.

Pugnacious and in snot,

Whom they will drag in their hands,

Who is being taken in a sleigh

Who piss in pantyhose

And who and the pot

These lyalkam live,

Let's just say good.

After all, they are fed and sung here,

Then they put him to bed

And they will tell a fairy tale

And carried away to bed

Well, straight life is raspberry,

What else to say

Such is the picture.

Let's continue to interpret

And who rules that kingdom?

You ask me, Queen Valentine,

Hello friends!

(They ask the hero of the day to rise, put a crown on her)

A toast to our glorious queen.

And now for men.

Find your queen.

A man is blindfolded, and all women are put on paper crowns, if you have not guessed right, a fine in the form of an amateur performance number is necessary.

Our glorious queen

You all know friends

She will be born today

I was lucky not in vain

Life is running after her in a leap,

Valya rushes ahead

So that old age with shortness of breath

Do not catch up with her on the way.

Dear Valentina Ivanovna!

Dear queen, your subjects have prepared musical gifts for you and not so much.

(Adults disguised as children come out).

Aunt Valya congratulates

Our favorite kindergarten.

My dear sends greetings,

Junior, nursery squad.

We promise to listen to Valya,

Always go to the pot,

When everyone ate the porridge,

We'll take away the cups.

Be healthy, aunt Valya,

Many, many more days

We promise we will come

On your hundredth anniversary!

(They sing to the tune "Let them run, clumsy").


Let him laugh today

The sun is a red speck

The nightingales sing in chorus

We wish you health

Promise with love

Do not forget your instructions.

It's not just a birthday here

Our Vali Anniversary,

Give us sweets and cookies

And pour a little.

Dear Valentina, now dear spouse wants to congratulate you.


How much beauty is there in the world:

The sun, the sky is blue

And spring flowers

They cannot compare with you.

For many years we walked side by side

It was all sadness and joy

Now the grandchildren have grown up,

Old age is already knocking at us.

We will not let her into the house

Let him walk a little longer

When again przzet later,

Let them not find us at home.

You are my good

It's always easy for me with you

I give you flowers

And a surprise with a lot of love.

Dear Currency, now your beloved daughter will congratulate you!

Mommy beloved

There are no relatives of you,

What can I wish you

On this anniversary,

And what are the best words to choose

To tell you

How I love you.

Tied with a strong thread

We are with you forever

You are a mommy for me

The main person,

Affectionate most

It's light for me with you

And from a good heart

Quiet and warm

In sorrow and in joy

You were near

I want you forever

Mom lived.

(Noise outside the door, guitar sound, gypsies appear)


(They sing to the tune "Long Dear ...")

Bark, bark, bark, bark, la, la, etc.

Here came our gypsy camp

By order for your anniversary

So come on mistress don't be shy

Pour vodka into the glasses quickly

To make it fun

We will all drink together,

And under the cucumber we will pour some more

Let's dance Russian

Then the gypsy!

Well, and then romances will be drunk

Let me congratulate you madam

Wish you good health

We decided to glorify you now,

Tell about a beautiful lady

Yes you are a beauty

And we all like it

How do you live right, dear,

And your pies are famous in the district,

You are for guests

You bake them with joy.

Get up in the circle, Valyusha,

We will pick up a gypsy outfit,

And then we'll open our souls

Together we will dance and sing.

Let the whole house hum

And he walks

Pour a glass for us,

Let everyone know

We sing for you

After all, you have an anniversary today!

Bark, bark, bark, bark, la, la, etc.

Dear guests, dear birthday girl, an ensemble of Russian chanson under the sonorous name "Zashibalo" has come to your party! 3-4 people come out with impromptu musical instruments (for example, an empty bottle and fork, spoons, two pot lids, etc.)


Before you is the Russian street song ensemble "Zashibalo"!

You may ask why "Zashibalo"?

Because we go to festive events and make money, well, we just make money ...

(points to the drink)

And so before you is the star of our ensemble, incomparable Lucy!

Please welcome!


But she just doesn't work, she needs to gild the handle and name the person for whom she needs to sing or congratulate.

I will now approach each of those present, and you must give some money and name, and give it to the actress Lucy. So, let's begin.

(The entertainer goes to the guests, then returns to Lucy, bends over, to her ear as if saying something in her ear)

Who? Name? Fee?

(He nods that everything is in order, sings to the tune “Lyuba, Lyubonka).

Once upon a time, a girl walked around the city

Sweet girl of heavenly beauty,

I danced so hard at the disco

That all the fans gave her flowers

Oh, Valyushenka,

I kiss you darling

People admire you today

We got to you

For birthday

And since we are here

No one will fall asleep from boredom


Applause, friends! Well, who wants to continue the concert? Please continue to order (again goes to the guests, etc.)

Name? Again? Fee? Who ordered? Husband! Good.

Once Valechka and Vityusha got married,

Valya was a bride of wondrous beauty

Her features have not changed a bit now

Today Vitya gives her flowers again

Oh, Vityushenka, take care of Valyushenka

Give love, diamonds and flowers

And if Currency is happy,

Then you will be next to her, you are happy.


A storm of applause! Bravo Lucy! Will we continue?

(goes to the guests again, accepts the order, returns to Lucy)

The entertainer repeats the action.

Who? Grandchildren? Free of charge.

Once upon a time Valenka was a girl with bare feet,

I drove all the strange boys around the yard,

Now she suddenly became a strict grandmother,

But still loves laughter and kids

Valya, Valenka!

Throw socks and boots,

Let them go to retirement

Well, and we give you sandals,

Dance lightly, you are here today.


(continues to work)

Who? Friends are retirees? Discount for seniors ..

Once upon a time Valenka

Studied at the institute,

She was a student of genuine fasota

Now I have become a beautiful woman

And on her birthday they give her flowers again

Oh, Valyunechka,

What a smart girl you are

What a rich table set for us

I sing to you, my throat is already dry

Drink some wine, and then the pickle!


Bravo! Bravo! All to the table.


Dear guests, dear hero of the day, a guest from neighboring countries has come to you with congratulations.

Meet the inimitable Verka Serduchka!


And I only from the cold

I will wipe the tears from my eyes

I came to congratulate you

And amuse

Happy birthday girlfriend

The holiday goes in a circle

Here he rushed to you

And stayed for a long time

Okay, now everyone is fine

After all, everyone drank and ate, I know

It will be good for me it will be good!

Oh, I feel like I'm going on a spree here

Oh, I’m going on a spree!

We'll sing and drink until the morning

And then all together Chita-Drita dance

Congratulations and I wish you many long years,

And Valyukha suits you, such a lipstick color

Songs are pouring, wine is pouring

And knock, knock, knock glasses to the beat

Happy birthday Valentine For you we walk like that!

Well, friends,

The anniversary is over,

And outside the window, the moon is already rising,

The wax of hot holiday candles is melted,

So our life goes on quietly

But we will not regret the past,

We will look with hope in the coming day,

No wonder the wise have one piece of advice,

The difficult road can be mastered only by walking.

Once again, happy anniversary, see you again.

End of the jubilee script

Anniversary of the teacher, educator
The hall is decorated with fresh flowers. In the center is the armchair for the hero of the day. There is a red carpet leading to the chair. Next to the chair is a vase of flowers, on the other side there is a coffee table in order to put flowers and gifts on it. All employees are in the hall.

A waltz from the movie "My affectionate and gentle animal" sounds. To this music, the hero of the day is brought into the hall along the path, you can dance a waltz with the hero of the day, then bring him to an armchair and invite him to sit down.

You can't get away from the anniversary in life -
They will overtake everyone like a bird.
But the main thing is to carry through life
Warmth of the soul and a particle of joy.
We are gathered in this room
Tatyana ... about your anniversary.
Today he overtook you.

1. The road to the anniversary is not easy,
Sometimes it's harder
Sometimes it's easier, but in general -
This is the path of discovery and victory.

2. And it happened. So he burst out with light
Gave flowers and greetings,
And all the questions were the answer.
And on the way forward brought the covenant.

3. Happiness to you! Warmth, kindness, good luck,
Joy, health, beauty,
So that the fire in the hot eyes does not extinguish,
And the best dreams came true.

4. We all wish you great happiness,
Many, many bright days.
We wish you to smile often
Do not be upset over trifles,
Do not be nervous and do not get sick,
And, in general, to live and not grow old.

5. May the sun always shine on you,
And a century will last up to a hundred years,
May never be at your doors
Trouble and grief do not knock.

Happy anniversary to you!

The floor is given to the leader. The order on awarding the hero of the day is read out. A certificate of honor with a bouquet of flowers is presented.

Tatyana ..., our pupils have come to our hall for your anniversary. Let's welcome them.

Music sounds, children enter, in their hands are gifts made by their own hands. Children come up to the hero of the day.

1st child.
Because our house is a kindergarten
Was more beautiful from year to year,
2nd child.
We want to say "thank you"
Tatiana ... ours!
3rd child.
Thank you for giving paint to educators,
And they paint everything in the garden.
4th child.
Thank you for screwing in the bulbs yourself,
When Uncle Lesha is not an electrician.
5th child.
Thanks also for shutting off the water,
When the pipe starts to flow.
Thanks for doing
You can't count this until evening.

All employees and children sing the song of the crocodile Gena "Let them run awkwardly ...". Children are giving gifts. The hero of the day treats them with sweets and thanks them.

A man like a star is born
In the midst of a vague, unsettling millennium.
In infinity begins
And ends in infinity.
Created by generations
Century after century the Earth is incorruptible.
A man, like a star, is born,
To make the universe brighter.
(D. Golubev).
And it became brighter in the Universe, because ... (date) 19__ was born to dad (name, patronymic) and mother (name, patronymic) in the village (city) girl Tanya. (Show a photo of the newborn.)
And what was the secret of this girl's name? “Tatiana” in translation from Greek means “organizer”, “founder”. And she began to grow ... by leaps and bounds. And the hours added up to days, days to years. Already 7 years have passed ... What happened at the age of seven, ...?

I entered the first grade of school no.

How did you study?
(The hero of the day answers.)

What happened to you when you were 9 years old?

If the hero of the day does not know what to say, then the soundtrack of the song is turned on with the words:
A scarlet tie blossomed on my chest.
Youth is raging like spring years.

And soon we will join the Komsomol. What can you tell us about your Komsomol past, Tatyana ...?

The story of the hero of the day, the presenter shows a photo. The presenter asks questions to the hero of the day until she tells her biography before starting work.

And on the ___ month of the ___ day of ___ year, Tatyana entered ... to work in kindergarten No. ... She began her career from a position ...

Employees come out and sing a song: "Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka ...", based on the song performed by L. Gurchenko in the movie "Carnival Night". To lose - dance movements - arms straight, hands to the sides, put the left foot on the toe in turn, put the right one. The same in the other direction.
Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
With her, the case was like this:
Was a great nanny
And a simple girl.
She worked as an accountant,
And now now now
In a wonderful kindergarten
The manager is now with us.
Tra-la-la, la.
Oh, how we hasten to congratulate
Hurry up the worker.
Our dear Tanya has an anniversary today.
Tanya's birthday
And a holiday for the soul.
Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
Congratulate let me.

Funny yellow leaves
They are spinning in the yard.
Dawn blazes with gold
In the September season.
And the song of autumn is pouring
Aroma through apples.
And beckons, beckons with tenderness
Fragrant grapes.

Ah, Tanya, Tanya, Tanechka,
We wish you on your holiday
Be also kind, affectionate,
Beautiful, young.
We also wish, Tanechka,
Happy long years.
From all kindergarten colleagues
Our ardent greetings.
Lyrics of the song by A. Chistyakova.

Beautiful, sincere, desirable,
With a hot sparkle in my eyes.
Tatiana can arrange everything -
Both the house and the scope of the holiday.
Tatiana...! The news of your anniversary has reached the left bank of the Nile. A surprise for you. Receive guests from the banks of the distant Nile.

A melody from Egypt sounds. 2 concubines come in, followed by Pharaoh. Clothes are made of sheets wrapped around the body. One end of the sheet is attached to the shoulder. On the head of the pharaoh is a crown entwined with a snake. Concubines have brooms instead of fans. They sweep the way for the Pharaoh, then they will fan the Pharaoh with the same brooms instead of palm leaves.

The waters of the Nile quickly carried my boat to the shores of the Quiet Don after hearing about this event.
(Pharaoh turns to the hero of the day, opens his roll of paper and begins to read.)
O indefatigable Tatiana! Live forever! I see wisdom on your brow, in your words and deeds, oh priestess of the hearth! Your speech flows smoothly, like the water of the Nile. Your gaze calls and beckons, oh oasis flower! Accept unworthy gifts and wishes, may our words not offend your ears. You are like the sun, which scatters rays of light for everyone, giving strength and life. You, who appeared in the world, gave life to your children and raised them to be worthy and respected people. You open your eyes to the world for your children and show them the path of goodness in life. Praise be to you, O most worthy of the worthy. You don't notice the men (locksmiths, plumbers, electricians, carpenters) working with you and seducing you. You have a strict, only business-like order in your working man's harem, oh, the unselling of the unselling ones. May the Nile crocodile swallow your seducers, and your wives eat their entrails. Keep up the good work. Don't look to the left, for the sky sees everything. And to the left of your office is a basement with pipes and a room with a carpenter. Oh heartfelt and humane in giving out washing, sweeping, rowing, dusting and floor sweeping! Let your footprint turn green forever, and your voice delight our sinful souls with a cry: "Get the detergents and dishes for the meal!" May your granddaughter and future grandchildren please you! May you live forever, like trees in your green economy! And from the dried ones, let your subjects make sculptural compositions and dedicate them to you. Live forever! Accept this celebration medal.

Medal instructions:
1. The medal is given the best place in the apartment and a special carpet is purchased, where the medal is hung, so that all neighbors can observe the medal.
2. The person awarded with this medal is prohibited from: getting sick, gaining weight, losing weight, getting angry; it is strictly forbidden to grow old, to use a medal for making teeth.
3. The recipient mows the medal, as a rule, at home, on days of family celebrations, on the days of receiving a salary and winning the lottery.
Egypt. The left bank of the Nile Pharaoh Ramses XIII

Pharaoh puts on the hero of the day a large round medal, then retires to music. His concubines sweep the path in front of him.

May your dreams come true
And all misfortunes will perish!
We wish you a lot of kindness
We wish you a lot of happiness!
And we give you flowers from all
And a warm sympathy.

The hero of the day is presented with a gift and flowers. The song sounds to the tune "I am standing at a half-station".

Friends and relatives are sitting
Sparkling wine flows,
And there is a long way behind.
Welcome words sound
Where are you cherished years?
What has been passed cannot be returned. (2 times)
As a sign of our attention
Please accept your wishes.
Live for the joy of all for many years.
Let the years be like a blizzard.
All are spreading gray
And youths warm the light! (2 times)
You indispensable happiness,
Success unchanged
We wish you great success many times.
Good health to you,
Hopes and personal happiness,
May youth not leave you! (2 times)
Let adversity be forgotten
And all wishes will come true.
And let there never be grief.
Love if you love
Live the way you want
And always be cheerful! (2 times)
Everyone (chanting):
Happy anniversary to you!

At the end, you can bring the hero of the day into a circle and sing him a song to the tune "Let them run awkwardly ...".

We didn't come in vain
It is clear to everyone -
And sat down at this table.
Anniversary congratulations
And leave as a keepsake
This song that we will sing
Let the years not age you
In life, be in sight.
Sorry, birthday
Only once a year!

Anniversary, our friend,
Come out to our circle
And pour us some more wine.
After all, we are not often here
Coming together
On your solemn anniversary!

We congratulate you
And, of course, we wish
Stay the same:
Modest, kind and sweet,
Patient, beautiful.
We cannot count all your merits.
Let your life go by
And without sorrows and without troubles!
May health be strong
For fifty years! ...

Anniversary of the kindergarten teacher Irina Vasilievna Gleb.

the hall is festively decorated

Ved. Whose birthday is it today?

Who is brighter than everyone today?

Who celebrates a personal anniversary twice in May?

I propose to play and guess this name.

Charming, smart, she is among us now.

Her wisdom and talent knows no barriers.

There is no category higher than hers!

But do not rush to give an answer!

There are 6 letters in the word, mind you.

Think seven times - and only then answer!

And first, I will ask our manager to open, for example, the third letter.

the letters are held in their hands by the back side of the educators, the letter appears O with exclamation mark

Ved. Can anyone name the word right away? No? Then the next letter will be opened by those whom our birthday girl loves selflessly. Please welcome!

Irina Vasilievna's pupils enter and sing a song about educators

Ved. Guys, come here and open any letter, please.

another letter opens

Ved. Everyone, I think, is pleased to try to open a letter in order to guess the word. But now I will give this right to the one who reads poetry to the birthday girl!

one of the guests gives the birthday girl happy birthday poems - all the numbers are prepared in advance, the next letter opens

Ved. So far, no one has named the word, then we will try to guess and sing her favorite song for the birthday girl!

the melody sounds, the guests guess the song and sing it for the birthday girl, and the letter is opened by the one who first named the song

Ved. There are two letters left to open. Who will be able to explain what this formula means for the birthday girl?

a heart is drawn on a sheet of Whatman paper, and inside it is written: C squared + I + A = love

What does that mean?

a story about the family of Irina Vasilievna, where her husband Sergei, son Sergei, daughter-in-law Irina and grandson Anton

Ved. There is only one letter left. It will open if one of you gives our birthday girl an incendiary dance.

one of the employees dances an oriental dance, all letters open

Ved. So who is the birthday girl today?


And what does the letter have to do with it O with an exclamation mark? Can I put it somewhere? Who will read the birthday girl's name now?


Let's read it all together!

Ved. There she is! Our Irina Vasilievna! A woman with an exclamation mark!

the melody of the song "Oh, what a woman" sounds

And although Victoria is considered the winner, I would call our Irina the winner! After all, she was born on May 9, and the date of birth in the passport is May 18. That is, she was born not just in a shirt, but the winner of the highest category! And, one of the few, she celebrates her birthday twice a year!

All: Happy Anniversary !!!

word for congratulations to the manager, presentation of flowers and gifts, the word for the birthday girl

Script for the anniversary of the teacher Postanogova Tamara Alekseevna.

(Two presenters enter)

1-led You got the hard work

It requires a lot of attention

After all, everyone understands himself

Children, which means education.

While the working day dragged on,

You replaced the mother for the children

And so today everyone wants

Thank you for everything!

2-led In kindergarten kids

All such rascals!

Once - rushes from Tim's hill.

Two - Dima is also flying after him.

There are no more friendly guys in the world!

1-led Good afternoon, dear guests. Today the occasion

to gather all together served - the anniversary of our

dear Tamara Alekseevna.

Tamara Alekseevna!

We wish you success, light, happiness and warmth,

What a lot of laughter the children would give you!

Your "Murashata", welcome!

(Children come out to the music "Beautiful Far Away")

1. Today we came to congratulate Tamara Alekseevna,

Notice how we have grown!

We go to our garden with pleasure.

The teacher is very glad to see us.

2. How many eyes and hands do you need,

To keep track of around

For their tomboys -

Gold candies.

3. Although he swears at us at times,

That we are fond of playing loud

But we understand that this is not in vain,

We try to keep silence.

4. He laughs, he cries,

And the other rides on a stick ...

Not everyone here with this case

Cope quickly, skillfully.

5. The teacher will have time for everything:

He will punish, regret

Kisses and feeds

Before going to bed, he will remember a fairy tale.

6. We draw, sculpt and play in the house,

Then we sleep, we go outside!

And the teacher looks dear,

That we have to go home already.

7. But we get bored at home sometimes,

And in the morning we all run merrily here.

We wish the teacher happiness now!

We know that Tamara Alekseevna loves us very much!

2ved. Dasha Safronova and Alisa Plotnikova will sing a song for you, Tamara Alekseevna "Adults and Children".

(Fanfare sounds, lights go out.)

Music. Slide show.

1ved. (fanfare, manager and methodologist come out)

We give the word for congratulations to the administration of the kindergarten, head. Galina Nikolaevna and deputy. head Valentina Ivanovna.


2ved. My teacher in the world is the best

Happy birthday to you!

I sincerely wish you good health.

These words Tamara Alekseevna are dedicated to you by one of your

graduates of d / s number 10 Irina Goluzina, she also came

congratulate you with the song "My Family"

1ved. You are like a fairy tale for children.

You are kindness and wisdom: two in one.

With the warmth of the soul of a childish heart,

You give yourself up to work day after day.

2ved. On your wonderful anniversary, we wish you happiness

You are a bright person, God bless you!

May the Angel protect from adversity,

From sorrow, offense and from anxiety!

We invite you to congratulate the head of the Department of Education of the Dobryansky Municipal District, Natalia Mikhailovna Semerikova.

1ved The Singing Stars ensemble sings for you

Song "Five Minutes".

2ved. There are educators from God -

And you are one of them!

Accept your anniversary

From us a laudatory verse!

To such a lovely lady

We want to wish

As much happiness as possible

Dream about joyful!

1ved. Always joke, laugh

To love children and life,

So that your grandchildren love you,

And the children carried it in their arms.

Let flowers and smiles

Will decorate the path of life!

We wish that the cherished

Come true someday.

(Congratulations from parents)

Our dear educator,

Happy Birthday!

We will obey you

Here, we swear on the jam!

So that you don't worry

So that you are not angry for a day

We give you a picture

Where were you just born!

Our teacher in the world is the best

Happy birthday to you!

May success always be in life in everything,

We sincerely wish you good health!

2ved. Song about the teacher.

Can't find a word like that

To fully wish

You are in good health and never lose heart.

We wish you happiness and good

Do not know you grief and sorrow.

So that there are more bright days.

And the gloomy ones did not visit!

(Dance "Barbariki")