The first complementary foods for babies when breastfeeding are Komarovsky. The child is ready to try new food whenever. The main signs of a child's readiness

Before delving into the schemes and tables that Dr. Komarovsky offers to young parents, you need to understand what complementary foods are. Many mothers do not quite understand the meaning of this word, especially since pediatricians usually call it any additional feeding. For example, if a woman has too little milk and is offered milk formulas for her baby, then this is not complementary foods, but supplementary foods. Milk mixture, by the way, in this case, can be safely replaced with pet milk.

If you are trying to add "adult food" to the baby's diet, which will complement milk, then this is already complementary foods. According to Komarovsky, this must necessarily happen on time. In addition, it is important to choose the right nutrition for the baby to wean better.

The introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky should begin at the age of six months, despite the fact that many adults (and even pediatricians) recommend accustoming to ordinary food as early as possible. But if you wish your baby health, then you should forget about outdated nutrition schemes and keep up with the times.

Why did complementary foods start earlier only 20-30 years ago? Dr. Komarovsky gives a clear and simple explanation for this. The fact is that when in Soviet times a woman ran out of milk, the baby was added animal milk or various mixtures. For hygienic purposes, they were boiled, which led to the evaporation of all the necessary vitamins and minerals. This made the baby unhealthy, he developed hypovitaminosis and lack of weight. Even those breastfeeding mothers who had enough milk did not eat well enough to provide their baby with everything they needed. That is why we tried to start complementary foods even at two or three months.

Komarovsky complementary feeding should be started with the use of a small amount of products, because caution will not hurt here. Do not forget to supplement with the food that is considered more familiar to the baby (infant formula or breast milk). You should carefully monitor the reaction of the small organism: whether a rash appears, whether the baby is sleeping well, and so on. If there are no negative manifestations, you can gradually increase the dosage. If you have problems, it is better to consult a doctor, and postpone complementary foods.

Do not forget that it is better not to start adding new products immediately after the child's illness or after vaccinations. You should not force the baby and force food to feed.

Complementary feeding according to Komarovsky for months

Complementary feeding according to Komarovsky for months must be carried out exactly as shown in the diagram. It is also very important to monitor your baby's reactions.

6 months

The feeding scheme is as follows:

10-11 am: 150 ml of low-fat baby kefir with 30 g of low-fat cottage cheese.

22-23 pm: Store formulas or breast milk.

So that there are no problems with the introduction of kefir into the children's diet, you must first give 4 teaspoons and immediately supplement with a store-bought formula (breast milk). It is very important to observe how the child reacts to the product. With a normal reaction, it is necessary to gradually increase the dose every day, supplementing it with his usual food.

As soon as you reach 150 mg of kefir per day, you need to start introducing cottage cheese. It is also very important here to do it gradually so that the child gets used to it. If desired, you can add sugar to the mixture of cottage cheese + kefir. This rhythm lasts up to 7 months of a child's life.

7 months

6-7 am: Store formula or breast milk.

Days 14-15: Store formulas or breast milk.

18-19 pm: Store formulas or breast milk.

22-23 pm: Cereal porridge with milk (no more than 200 ml).

Before resting at night, it’s a good time to add the next product to your complementary foods. Milk-based cereals are a great option. Here, special attention should be paid to buckwheat, rice and oatmeal. To introduce new food, you must start again with a small amount (4 teaspoons). If there are no problems, increase the dose.

8 months

6-7 am: Store formula or breast milk.

10-11 am: The old scheme of low-fat baby kefir with cottage cheese.

14-15 days: Soup or vegetable puree (no more than 200 ml).

18-19 pm: Store formulas or breast milk.

22-23 pm: The old scheme with cereal porridge with milk.

Remember that you can start giving vegetables to your child only after he has at least one tooth. Mashed potatoes or vegetable soup are best left for the third feed, which takes place in the afternoon. To see how the child's body will react to vegetables, you first need to give the baby a little broth. Increase the amount every day. If the reaction is normal, you can switch to soups / purees.

3 weeks after the introduction of the vegetable soup, you can try the meat broth (it is better to choose chicken). If the child's reaction is positive, you can start adding ground meat or hard-boiled egg yolk. But remember that before 1 year it is better not to give more than half of the yolk.

For the second feeding, you can increase the amount of cottage cheese (up to 50 g).

9 months - 1 year

6-7 am: Store formula or breast milk.

10-11 am: The old scheme of low-fat baby kefir with cottage cheese.

14-15 days: The old scheme of puree or vegetable soup (with meat or yolk).

18-19 pm: Store formulas or breast milk.

22-23 pm: Cereal porridge with milk.

You can make vegetable soups or purees with any type of meat, but make sure it is lean. If you are making mashed potatoes, you need to pour milk over it and add pieces of grated meat. Starting from the 10th month of life, you can try to replace meat broth with fish broth. Vegetable oil can be added to food.

A little fruit (soft) can be added to cereals with milk. Try to feed your baby with breast milk at least once a day. You can continue to give formula milk for up to 2 years.

Complementary feeding table according to Komarovsky

The Komarovsky complementary feeding table helps to better understand how to properly add various "adult foods" to your child's food. But do not think that the doctor gives a full-fledged diagram with columns and rows, which contain special rules that are suitable for everyone. "Table" is an imprecise description. Komarovsky gives only advice, but each parent should himself pay attention to the reaction of his child and act in accordance with it. In addition, the above described feeding scheme is quite understandable.

The doctor recommends that the first product be low-fat kefir. Fermented milk is the best starting point for complementary foods because it has a very similar composition to what your baby is already used to. In addition, the bacteria that live in fermented milk products help the growing body fight infections faster and better. They also reduce the strain on the young liver and improve digestion.

In the first six months of a baby's life, his body needs a special balanced diet. Breast milk is ideal for the task, meeting all the needs of the baby for nutrients, vitamins and minerals. During this time, the digestive and enzyme systems ripen in the body of the crumbs, the formation of the necessary intestinal microflora. At 5-6 months, breast milk alone is no longer enough.Thanks to the timely introduction of complementary foods with hepatitis B and the scheme recommended by Evgeny Komarovsky, the child develops food preferences. It also supplies the body with fiber and additional minerals necessary for physical activity, proportional growth and mental development.

Timely correct complementary feeding allows the baby to actively develop and introduces him to new products

Basic principles of complementary feeding according to Komarovsky

To make the introduction of complementary foods safe for babies and less stressful for parents, a number of rules should be followed:

  • Any innovation in food must be gradual. At first, give just a couple of spoons / sips and supplement with milk or formula.
  • Assessment of the child's reaction to a new product, which includes observing behavior, sleep, stool, and skin rash. It is possible to increase the amount of the introduced product only if a negative reaction is not observed.
  • In the event of painful manifestations, the introduction of the product must be temporarily stopped and not switched to another food unfamiliar to the child until the consequences of the negative reaction disappear.
  • You cannot give the baby something new to try if he is sick or during the period of preventive vaccinations, three days before and after the procedure.
  • You should not force a child to eat if he refuses a new product. His body is best aware of what it lacks.
  • Until 6 months, you do not need to feed the baby with anything other than milk. The rule applies to breastfed babies. For artificial people, the time to start introducing complementary foods is 5-5.5 months, which is explained by the earlier completion of the formation of the enzyme system.
  • Spoons, bibs and other devices will come in handy, because complementary foods are a transition from completely liquid food to a denser and more heterogeneous one, with lumps and other inclusions.

The first complementary foods, according to Komarovsky, should be kefir and cottage cheese, since they resemble breast milk in composition, which allows the child's body to adapt much easier. In addition, these products contain beneficial bacteria that ensure the rapid assimilation of food and the colonization of intestinal microflora, and this will accelerate adaptation to other types of food in the future.

With mixed feeding, Dr. Komarovskiy complementary foods also recommend starting with fermented milk products, because the milk mixture together with breast milk additionally load the pancreas and the digestive system (we recommend reading :).

Six months of age

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In most cases, Komarovsky begins to introduce complementary foods at the age of six months (we recommend reading :). The order of five meals a day for a child in six months is shown in the table:

Time limits may vary depending on the characteristics of the infant's regimen, but it should be fed at least 5 times a day. One of the feedings is replaced by fermented milk products.

At 6 months, only one feeding is replaced with kefir, the rest are on mother's milk or formula

Entering kefir in the baby's menu is done in stages. Initially, only 3-4 teaspoons are given, and the rest is eaten by the child with breast milk. It is better to do this in the first half of the day, then monitor how the child's body reacts to a new food product. If for this day the state of the crumbs remained normal and after taking kefir there were no negative consequences, then the next day its portion can be doubled and further according to the scheme, each time feeding the child with milk or a mixture:
(we recommend reading :)

  • the first day - 10-15 ml;
  • second day - 20-30 ml;
  • third day - 40-60 ml;
  • fourth day - 80-120 ml.

When a single portion of kefir reaches 150-160 ml, cottage cheese should be added to it, also gradually. On the first day, only one teaspoon, on the second - 2, and then on a similar principle until the amount reaches 30 grams, and this is already the norm of cottage cheese for children at 6-8 months, after 8 it increases to 50 grams. Depending on the baby's taste preferences, a similar curd-kefir mixture can be made with the addition of a small amount of sugar. As a result, one of the feedings completely becomes a regular meal. Up to 7 months, you should adhere to this feeding rhythm.

When the body has adapted to the first stage, you can give the baby "gruel" from kefir and cottage cheese

Seven months of age

By 7 months, it's time to switch to another non-breastmilk feed. It is best to try replacing the last meal before bedtime (we recommend reading :). Below is a table of five meals a day for a seven month old baby:

Use for the first feeding should be cereals cooked in milk. Dr. Komarovsky considers buckwheat, oat and rice porridge to be the most suitable for complementary foods (we recommend reading :).

The method of introducing porridge is similar to the introduction of kefir: on the first day, the child eats 3-4 teaspoons, and the rest is eaten with breast milk or formula, on the second day the portion of porridge is doubled. As a result, feeding should become complete, without additional feeding with milk or formula.

For the correct preparation of milk porridge, a child will need:

  • milk - 100 ml;
  • rice, buckwheat or oat flour - 10 grams, that's about 1.5 teaspoons;
  • boiled water - 20-30 ml;
  • sugar - half a teaspoon, you can and a little more to taste.

Complementary foods based on milk porridge are also introduced gradually - this is important to exclude allergies to cow protein and various cereals

The process itself is quite simple:

  • dissolve the appropriate flour and sugar in boiled water at room temperature;
  • gradually pour the resulting mixture into boiling milk, while stirring it;
  • cook for 3 minutes - delicious porridge is ready.

Eight months of age

At eight months of age, it is time to replace the third feed. In addition, the amount of cottage cheese can already be increased to 50 grams. The table shows five meals a day at this age:

It is advisable to start introducing crumbs of vegetable dishes into the menu during the feeding period when he has at least one tooth. If by this age the child cannot boast of a single milk tooth, it is worth waiting a little with the introduction of vegetables, however, for this, the presence of teeth is not a prerequisite.

First of all, when feeding, you need to try to feed the crumbs with vegetable broth according to the familiar scheme: 20-30 grams for the first time and double the portion the second. In this way, you can easily find out the child's reaction to vegetables. If the body of the crumbs has taken the broth normally, it is allowed to give vegetable soups and mashed potatoes, gradually increasing their number to a full portion of one feeding.

Vegetable purees are great for feeding a baby, but they also require careful introduction into the diet.

After 2-3 weeks of feeding with vegetable dishes, you can try to introduce meat. It is worth starting with cooking soups in meat broth. Chicken meat is ideal for the first broths. After that, if there was no negative reaction, finely chopped meat should be added directly to the soup, and after a while 1/5 of the yolk of a boiled chicken egg. It is important to know that it is not recommended to give a child more than half of the yolk before 12 months.

Vegetable broth and puree recipes

On the Internet, it is easy to find many recipes with videos or just step-by-step instructions for feeding babies in accordance with the principles of introducing new Komarovsky products. Among them there is a vegetable broth. To prepare it, you need potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage. You need to take the amount of vegetables in the proportion of 50 grams of vegetables per 100 ml of water. Making a vegetable broth is not difficult:

  1. Chop all ingredients finely.
  2. Pour boiling water over them and leave under the lid. Continue simmering until all vegetables are completely boiled.
  3. Strain with cheesecloth. Bring to a boil again.
  4. Pour the finished broth into a bottle.

To pamper your crumbs with delicious vegetable puree, you need:

  • vegetables - 100 grams, of which potatoes - 20 grams;
  • milk - 25 grams;
  • vegetable oil - 3 grams.

The cooking sequence is as follows:

  1. Chop various vegetables finely. Add some boiling water to them and simmer.
  2. During the stewing process, each time the water boils away, add boiling water.
  3. Mash the stewed vegetables with a fork until smooth.
  4. Pour hot milk and salt into the prepared mixture. Stir and bring to a boil.
  5. Add a little vegetable oil to the resulting puree.

From nine months to a year

By the age of one year, the final transition to regular food occurs, but before 12 months it is preferable to leave at least one breastfeeding. After this period, according to Komarovsky, there is no special biological meaning to feed the baby with breast milk, but you can continue feeding with milk formula up to one and a half to two years. Below are five meals a day from 9 months to a year.

Complementary feeding according to Komarovsky in recent years has become a popular topic among future and successful young mothers. Many parents listen to the advice of this doctor, even experienced moms and dads with several children. Evgeny Komarovsky's charisma and his own view of pediatrics as a pediatric specialist instills confidence in parents in his recommendations.

The emergence of new products in the baby's diet is a fascinating stage in the life of young parents and a baby. But the introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky may differ from the recommendations of the pediatrician observing the child. It is up to the parents to decide which specialist to listen to.

How is complementary foods different from complementary foods?

Most new mothers do not see a significant difference between the definitions of "complementary foods" and "complementary foods", but in fact they are two completely different words.

The concept of "supplementary feeding" is applicable when the child does not have enough breast milk, and its lack is compensated for with artificial formula or expressed milk in advance, or milk from domestic animals (which is highly undesirable). In this case, they say that the baby is on mixed feeding.

Complementary feeding means that the baby receives foods in addition to his usual diet of breast milk or formula. The purpose of complementary foods is to adapt and accustom the baby's body to "adult" food.

When to enter?

The first year of a child's development is considered the most important in pediatrics, and nutrition at this stage is of great importance. It is important to give the first complementary food according to the Komarovsky introduction table no earlier than the child turns 6 months old. In this case, it does not matter at all what basic food the baby receives - mother's milk or an adapted formula.

Doctor Komarovsky believes that if the child's development is within the normal range up to 6 months, then he does not need any additional food products, except for breast milk and formula.

It is undesirable to introduce the first complementary foods later than this period. When new foods are introduced into the children's diet, the child receives the nutrients that are necessary for the growth and development of his body. Also, with the delayed introduction of the first solid food, skills such as chewing and fine motor skills do not begin to form.

Six-month-olds use chewing to prepare their gums for teething of their first teeth, and while playing with food, the child develops fine motor skills. In addition, monotonous nutrition in babies older than 6 months can lead to stunting.

Timely introduction of complementary foods according to the Komarovsky table strengthens the child's health, allows him to develop correctly in the psychoemotional and physical direction.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Early Complementary Feeding

Young mothers often hear from others that complementary feeding can be started earlier than modern pediatrics recommends. The older the baby is, the more often homegrown advice will sound regarding complementary feeding with yolk, porridge and other products.

Nowadays, if a nursing mother eats correctly and variedly, or the child receives a high-quality adapted formula as a substitute for breast milk, then there is no need to offer complementary foods until 6 months of age. There is no benefit from introducing complementary foods too early; rather, it will harm the baby.

For example, disorders of the digestive system and allergic reactions of the body may occur. This is why the issue of introducing complementary foods should be considered in detail by parents. To get comprehensive information, they can study the Komarovsky table of complementary foods.

Introduction rules

Dr. Komarovsky advises adhering to the following recommendations when introducing complementary foods:

  1. Any product should be offered carefully and gradually. To begin with, one teaspoon or a sip of new food is enough, and then the child is supplemented with his usual diet - milk or formula. If the skin and mucous membranes, the stool and sleep of the baby remain unchanged, the amount of complementary foods can be increased.
  2. If in doubt, for example, peeling spots appeared on the child's cheeks, or he woke up more often at night and slept worse, it is advisable to postpone the new product, leaving everything as it is.
  3. If painful manifestations, for example, an allergic reaction of the body, have become obvious, it is not recommended to introduce new food until the signs of trouble disappear.
  4. You can not introduce a new product during the period of illness, 3 days before the prophylactic vaccination and within 3 days after it.
  5. If the child does not like a certain product or he eats it reluctantly, you should not insist.

What products should you start with

Someone thinks that the first complementary food begins with vegetables, others are sure that these are fruits, but still others insist that for the first time the baby should be fed with porridge cooked in breast milk.

According to the rules for introducing complementary foods according to Komarovsky, it is better to start complementary foods with kefir. The specialist explains this by the fact that from birth the child's digestive system has managed to get used to dairy products, and kefir is their closest analogue.

In addition, kefir contains a lot of lactic acid bacteria, which strengthen the immune system and reduce the likelihood of developing intestinal infections. Kefir qualitatively reduces the load on the baby's still not strong liver and has a positive effect on the digestion processes in the body.

The scheme for introducing complementary foods according to Komarovsky recommends the introduction of a new product in the morning, gradually replacing it with the main feeding of the child. For the first time, the baby is offered quite a bit of kefir for testing - no more than 2 teaspoons. If there are no negative reactions from the body, on the following days the dose of kefir can be safely increased until the child begins to eat 150 ml for a whole feeding without supplementation.

5-7 days after that, a second new product is introduced into the child's diet - cottage cheese. Of course, it is introduced against the background of the relative health of the baby and the absence of side effects on the new food. It is enough for a six-month-old baby to consume 30 grams of cottage cheese every day, from 9 months this figure increases to 50 grams. If the baby categorically does not like cottage cheese in its natural form, Dr. Komarovsky advises adding a small amount of sugar to it.

After the child gets used to kefir and cottage cheese, that is, fermented milk products will replace one morning feeding (usually it takes 10 days), the doctor advises introducing milk-cereal porridge (rice, oatmeal or buckwheat) into the children's diet, replacing her evening feeding.

The Komarovsky complementary feeding scheme recommends the introduction of vegetables and fruits only by the 8th month of the baby's life. In this case, you need to start with vegetable broths and only after them can you offer the baby vegetable puree or soup. After 2 weeks, you can add egg yolk and meat to the diet, according to the Komarovsky feeding table for months.

Introduction scheme

The Komarovsky feeding table looks like this:

Kefir, ml 5-30 50-70 90-100 100 100 100 100
Curd, gr 5-20 20-30 40-50 50 50 50 50
Baked apple, gr 5 - 30 40-50 50 50 70 70
Vegetable puree, gr 5-70 90-100 120-150 150 180-200
Juice, ml 5-10 15-20 20-30 40-50 60-70
Dairy. porridge, gr 5-70 90-100 120-150 150 180-200
Yolk, pcs. 0,25 0,5 1 1 1
Meat puree, gr 5-30 40-50 60-70 70
Fish puree, gr 5-20 30 40
Grows up.

oil, ml

1 3 3 3 3 3

Do you want to cook or buy?

Preparing complementary foods on their own or purchasing ready-made meals in specialized departments, a young mother must decide on her own. This is not to say which is better, for sure. Both factory-made and homemade baby food have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Pros of factory products:

  • saving time for mom;
  • the ability to take with you on a trip or for a walk;
  • comfortable consistency of the product;
  • food fortification with additional vitamin and mineral complexes, prebiotics;
  • the multicomponent nature of products, which cannot always be achieved at home.

Cons of factory-made baby food:

  • large financial costs;
  • the shelf life of an open jar of ready-made food does not exceed 24 hours in a refrigerator, which is extremely unprofitable at the very beginning of the introduction of complementary foods;
  • an opened package of porridge can be stored for no more than 2 weeks;
  • the taste of vegetable purees is seriously inferior to homemade dishes.

Pros of DIY meals:

  • financial savings;
  • Tastes generally better than off-the-shelf foods
  • you can adjust the consistency and taste of the dish at your own discretion.

Cons of homemade meals:

  • a lot of time is spent on the purchase and daily preparation of dishes especially for the crumbs;
  • the inability to cook the product outside the home.

When introducing complementary foods and new foods into the baby's diet, you should always adhere to the rules recommended by the pediatrician and / or Dr. Komarovsky, who are observing the child, so as not to endanger the child's health.

Any experiments with complementary foods, according to Komarovsky, should be postponed until the baby is 6-7 months old. The older the baby, the less risk dishes with unusual products pose for him.

It should be remembered that the introduction of the first complementary foods according to the Komarovsky table does not mean that you need to give up breastfeeding. Of course, new foods are necessary for the development and growth of a baby who has already reached 6 months. But mother's milk is exactly the product that a baby under one year old needs most of all. Usually, by the age of 1 year, the child finally switches to the "basic" food, but one breastfeeding should be left for at least 12 months.

Useful video about the introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky

Partner news

The introduction of complementary foods is an important stage in the development of a baby. The baby grows up, and breast milk can no longer meet all the body's needs for vitamins and nutrients. The modern feeding scheme differs from the rules that our mothers and grandmothers used several decades ago. If earlier complementary foods were started at three months with a drop of fruit juice, now this approach is recognized as categorically wrong.

Current medical recommendations state that: with breastfeeding, the most appropriate age for introducing complementary foods is the beginning of the second half of life, that is, 6 months. In very rare cases, it is permissible to start complementary foods a month and a half earlier. A child's readiness for new food is determined not only by biological age, but also by a number of other signs. So, the child should be able to take food with his hands, demonstrate interest in food other than breast milk, and preferably sit on the lap of an adult or in his own chair.

The feeding scheme has its own nuances, because when breastfeeding, it is important for a mother not only to introduce her baby to new tastes and products, but also to preserve the ability to breastfeed the baby. Therefore, babies are given all new food only from a spoon. There are two most common feeding schemes: some experts advise starting complementary feeding with fruits, others recommend using vegetables or cereals as the first foods for the baby. It is the second scheme that the World Health Organization recommends to adhere to.

Complementary feeding for breastfeeding

Renowned children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky insists that complementary foods can be introduced only when the child reaches the age of six months. Introducing complementary foods earlier is pointless and even harmful for the baby.

The fact is that if the mother eats balanced and correct, then the baby receives enough nutrients from her milk. If a child is bottle-fed, then he should also get nutrients. When the baby is malnourished or simply does not have enough nutrients, then either it is worth directing efforts to ensure that the mother eats well, or - choose a suitable mixture for the baby and resort to supplementary feeding.

At the same time, it is also not necessary to introduce complementary foods later, because monotonous nutrition for babies over six months can affect its growth. Timely introduction of complementary foods will strengthen the health of the child, allow him to develop correctly both psychological and physical aspects.

It is necessary to choose products for the introduction of complementary foods correctly, and to introduce any novelty into the baby's diet gradually and with caution. Dr. Komarovsky advises starting with one sip or with one spoon, after which - give him breast milk or formula again. After assessing the reaction of the crumbs' body - whether sleep, stool, skin condition and behavior have changed, it is already possible to increase the dose.

If all is well, you can gradually increase the dose of food and accustom your baby to it. If something went wrong with a new product, you did not like the child's reaction to it, you should stop trying for a while. If the baby simply refuses food, he does not need to shove it.

When some allergic reactions suddenly appear, the introduction of complementary foods should also be postponed. Remember that you cannot start complementary feeding if the child is sick, and three days after vaccination three days after it.

Complementary feeding rules according to Komarovsky

Some are sure that it is worth introducing complementary foods with vegetables or fruits, some - that porridge cooked in breast milk would be ideal. However, Komarovsky is sure that kefir will be the most useful first product for a baby: the baby's body gets used to milk, and therefore should perceive fermented milk products well. Kefir contains bacteria that have a positive effect on the immune system and prevent the development of intestinal infections. Also, this drink reduces the load on the liver of the crumbs and improves its digestive processes.

Dr. Komarovsky says that he should introduce a new product in the morning, gradually and slowly replacing the main feeding habitual for the child - breastfeeding or formula. For the first time, one or two teaspoons of kefir will be enough for the baby. If the body reacts to them normally, then in the future it will be possible to increase the dose until the child begins to consume up to 150 ml of kefir per feeding without supplementing with breast milk or formula.

After about a week, if the baby does not have any reaction to kefir and his health is good, you can safely add cottage cheese to his diet. For a six-month-old baby, 30 grams of the second a day is enough, and for a child aged nine months - 50 grams. If the child does not like cottage cheese, then you can add a little sugar to it - the main thing is not to overdo it.

When the child gets used to both kefir and cottage cheese (Komarovsky says that it takes 10 days), and they will completely replace his morning feeding with breast milk or formula, you can start feeding with porridge. Rice, oatmeal or buckwheat porridge (semolina can be introduced only after eight months) in milk (cow or breast milk, you can also use a mixture) should replace the baby with evening feeding.

When to introduce complementary foods for breastfeeding? How to start breastfeeding complementary foods? Probably these questions are asked by almost all caring mothers. There are various schemes and recommendations regarding the introduction of complementary foods for children. In this article, we will look at different options for how to introduce complementary foods, and products that are useful complementary foods for babies.

Complementary food is any food that is denser than milk. Complementary feeding in the correct sense is nutrition that benefits the baby, is easily digested and consists of products of a different category than milk.

When to introduce complementary foods

Previously, it was believed that complementary foods can be introduced from 2-3 months. Modern doctors and experts say that up to 6 months, a child receives everything he needs from breast milk. The same applies to the adapted milk formula, it contains vitamins and minerals, which are quite enough for a small child. But in some cases, it is still necessary to introduce complementary foods early - from 4-5 months for babies on IV. This includes poor weight gain or allergic reactions to formula.

It is at 6 months that a child's need for various nutrients increases. And nature itself makes us understand that it is time to start a denser meal - the child's teeth begin to appear.

It is even dangerous to introduce some products for up to 6 months. For example, the introduction of milk porridge before 6 months of age can lead to an allergic reaction to cow protein and obesity from high amounts of carbohydrates.

Where to introduce complementary foods

There are two main schemes for introducing complementary foods. In the first scheme, complementary foods are introduced with vegetable puree (zucchini or cauliflower). The second option is complementary foods according to Komarovsky - the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods with kefir.

How to introduce complementary foods

Complementary feeding schemes

There is a traditional scheme of complementary foods and complementary foods according to Komarovsky. Komarovsky O. Ye. Is a well-known pediatrician, to whom an increasing number of mothers are listening.

Traditional scheme

Complementary feeding according to Komarovsky

For a baby at the age of 1 year, breast milk cannot be the main food, since it no longer has the same nutritional value for it as it used to. Every year the child needs a varied, balanced diet. Breastfeeding after a year can be done once a day before bedtime.

Thanks to his charisma and special outlook on the development of children and their health, Dr. Komarovsky has gained popularity among both new and experienced parents. His advice is heeded, brushing off the old school of pediatrics. Evgeny Olegovich pays special attention to the issue of adult food in the baby's diet.

Over the years of medical practice, he has many recommendations, so in today's article you will learn about when to introduce complementary foods, what dishes to offer to the child, and what should be the nutrition of children under one year old.

We also offer you several videos for your viewing that will help you to better know the features and nuances on which Komarovsky complementary foods are based when breastfeeding.

For the first six months of life, the baby does not need anything except mother's milk (or an adapted milk formula, if he is an artificial). But after 6 months, the child's activity increases sharply, the teeth begin to erupt, therefore, it is for this period that the introduction of complementary foods must be planned. Mommies have many questions and fears: what to do if the baby is allergic, how to preserve the mother's milk?

How to introduce complementary foods by months into the diet, where to start feeding: with porridge, vegetable puree or curd diluted with kefir? And, perhaps, the first food should be liquid and maximally fortified in the form of juices? And what to give after one-component dishes? The all-knowing doctor Evgeny Komarovsky will help you find the answer to these questions, who has his own view of the features of complementary feeding during breastfeeding.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on complementary feeding with hepatitis B at an early age

Modern medicine believes that introducing new food into the diet of a baby who is under 6 months old should not be. Previously, children at the age of 3-4 months were already introduced into the diet with porridge on cow's milk, given egg yolk and supplemented with water and juices. Nevertheless, Evgeny Olegovich, like other doctors, believes that up to six months of age, the child does not need to be supplemented or fed.

If the mother does not have enough breast milk, then an adapted milk formula can be added to the daily menu. That's all he needs. Also, do not forget, dear mothers, about your diet. It should be balanced and rich in vitamins and useful macro and micronutrients.

You may argue: "But what about baby food marked" from 3 months ", which are now filling the shelves of supermarkets ?!" Let's not forget that, first of all, this is a very profitable business. Therefore, such eloquent statements on packaging are beneficial to manufacturers who shamelessly use parental trust.

An international study has shown that more than 40% of interviewed parents introduce complementary foods at the age of 3 to 5 months.

The harm of early introduction of adult food for a baby

Contrary to all the efforts of grandmothers and doctors of the "old school", Dr. Komarovsky insists that there is nothing good in early feeding. It does not bring benefits, but it has negative consequences. These include not only intolerance to certain components - for example, cow protein or milk sugar - lactose, but also allergic rashes, which often turn into dermatitis. Also note that if a product causes discomfort for the mother or father, then introduce him to the little one as late as possible.

The doctor also advises not to forget that a four-month-old baby is not yet physically ready to absorb new food, and the liver of babies is a rather vulnerable organ. But it is he who is responsible for removing undigested food particles from the body.

Yevgeny Komarovsky is convinced that children's liver matures only by the age of one, so even the most harmless foods (such as vegetable puree or dairy-free porridge) can be given no earlier than the above age.

Introduction of complementary foods according to Komarovsky

If you like Evgeny Olegovich's scheme for introducing adult food into the infant's diet, we advise you to listen to his recommendations, which will help make the complementary feeding period easier and more enjoyable for both the child and his parents:

  • The introduction of new foods into the diet should be smooth and gradual. To begin with, the baby is given 2-3 tsp. treats. Then they increase its amount, but only if the baby is not worried about the tummy, there are no problems with the stool, and his body and face are not covered with a rash. If there are even the slightest signs, postpone the introduction of complementary foods for a week. Your baby has not yet "grown" to adult food.
  • You can not give the first complementary foods when breastfeeding during illness and a few days before vaccination. Also, do not treat your baby to mashed potatoes and cereals if his teeth have begun to erupt.
  • How to accustom a child to complementary foods? First, dilute the new dish with breast milk or an adapted formula.

Many mothers are often interested in what kind of food is preferable to give to babies - store food or cooked with their own hands in their own kitchen? Evgeny Olegovich believes that it is much better to buy ready-made products from baby food manufacturers who have won the trust of parents in order to save the mother's time and effort.

But at the same time, the doctor understands that for many parents the constant purchase of sealed jars and packages of dry cereals can be too expensive financially. Also, homemade meals can only be prepared at home, so if you are visiting with a baby who does not yet eat at a common table, the best option is to take a jar of the finished dish.

On the other hand, ready-made cans are not suitable during the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods. After all, any container with mashed potatoes, after opening, is suitable for use only within 24 hours. And when the baby eats half a spoon, most of the product will end up in the trash can.

It is believed that homemade purees are not as tasty as store-bought ones. But this is a myth, it all depends on the individual preferences of the child. Often sugar is added to vegetable purees from a jar, which makes children happy to eat a new treat. But you can cook just as well.

While whisking, add some of your milk. This will help the baby not only quickly adapt to an unusual delicacy, but also significantly improve the taste of the dish.

Where to start complementary foods

Most parents have a large number of questions: how to properly feed a baby with adult food, and what foods should be used to start complementary feeding when breastfeeding. Komarovsky will help you understand this issue and express his opinion.

Complementary feeding of a child at 6 months

Evgeny Olegovich advises to start feeding the baby with a fermented milk product. He believes that kefir is the closest analogue of breast milk. In addition, it is rich in beneficial lactic acid bacteria that normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby.

Of course, many modern doctors do not agree that it is with these products that complementary foods should be started, but since in this material we talk about the Komarovsky diet, we will omit the details.

On the first day of complementary feeding, before the second breastfeeding, no more than 20 ml should be given. kefir. The next time, if there are no negative reactions, we increase the volume of the product to 40 ml. Not all children immediately like kefir because of its specific sour taste. Therefore, it is allowed to sweeten it.

Every day we increase the volume of the sour milk drink we drink by 20 ml. When the crumb has grown to a portion of 150 ml., Evgeny Komarovsky recommends introducing cottage cheese into his diet - first 1 tsp. It should be added to the first complementary food according to Komarovsky in kefir and must be grated.

After a few days, the volume of cottage cheese increases to 30 g. This amount will be quite enough for the child at first. Replacing one daily breastfeeding with a healthy protein shake. It can be sweetened if desired.

Complementary feeding for a baby at 7 months

In addition to the standard portion of kefir with cottage cheese during the day, according to pediatrician Komarovsky, it is necessary to replace one evening feeding with milk-cereal porridge. Rice, oatmeal and buckwheat are best suited for these purposes.

For starters, give the toddler 3-4 tsp. porridge, and then breastfeed. Every day a portion of porridge doubles and gradually the volume of milk-cereal porridge reaches 200 ml.

Milk porridge for crumbs: recipe

Of course, if you buy dry cereals, then you just need to dilute the dry product with hot water. And if you cook on your own, then our recommendations will definitely not be superfluous.

You will need :

  • milk - 100 ml.;
  • cereal flour 1.5 tsp;
  • boiled water - 20 ml.;
  • sugar - 0.5 tsp.

Rinse the cereal, dry it and grind it in a coffee grinder. Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar and cereal flour. Pour in boiling milk and cook the porridge with constant stirring for 3-5 minutes.

Doctors advise against buying ready-made milk porridge. It is best to purchase dairy-free and dilute it with milk yourself. If you are cooking for a child at home, then you can use the proposed recipe.

Complementary feeding rules at 8 months

If you ask the pediatrician in the clinic where to start complementary feeding, most likely he will answer that it is from vegetable purees. But Dr. Komarovsky believes that vegetables, as well as fruits, can be added to the menu only after the crumbs have their first teeth. And he advises doing this just at the age of eight months.

There are no particular restrictions on fruit. You can start with an apple, banana, or pear. The main thing is that the fruit is local. It is better to wait with acquaintance with exotic overseas guests and well-known citruses.

Evgeny Olegovich advises to postpone the start of juicing with juices until 8.5 months. Start with 1 or 2 drops and be careful as some of them can lead to constipation.

You can often find information that Komarovsky complementary foods include vegetable broth. And many mothers are wondering exactly how to cook it. There is absolutely nothing complicated here. It can be given before the introduction of vegetables into the diet to understand how the baby reacts to an unfamiliar product.

Step by step preparation of the broth

  1. Cut the pre-washed and peeled vegetables into small pieces. For the broth, you need 50 g of vegetables (potatoes, onions, carrots or pumpkin and cabbage) per 100 ml. purified water.
  2. Place the colored mixture in a saucepan and cover with boiling water. Place over medium heat and simmer until the pieces are tender.
  3. Strain through cheesecloth folded in several layers. Boil again and pour into a bottle or cup.

If everything went well, then you can make mashed potatoes from one vegetable - potatoes or, if the complementary food came in the summer - zucchini or pumpkin. For a start, 20-30 g is enough. Then daily increase the serving volume until it is equal to 200 ml. At the same time, do not forget to give the child cottage cheese with kefir and cereal porridge cooked in milk.

Complementary feeding according to Komarovsky: a recipe for vegetable puree

After some vegetables have been introduced into the baby's diet, you can prepare a multicomponent dish. For the broth you will need:

  • a mixture of vegetables - 100 g (including potatoes - no more than 20-25 g, cabbage, carrots and onions);
  • an adapted mixture or whole milk - 25 g;
  • vegetable oil - no more than 5 g.


  1. Chop the processed vegetables finely. Add a little water to them to cover the bottom and set to simmer.
  2. Simmer until soft, adding a new batch of boiling liquid from time to time.
  3. Beat vegetables with a blender or grind through a fine sieve.
  4. Pour lightly salted hot milk into the puree and re-send to the fire. Boil the baby puree. Add vegetable oil to the finished dish. And if the baby is already familiar with the creamy one, then you can replace the sunflower with it.

After a week, you can prepare a healthy soup for your baby in vegetable broth. And a week later - on chicken. If the body reacts normally, then add grated meat to such a soup, and after 3-4 days, grated chicken yolk, but not more than half.

After familiarizing yourself with such a wide variety of healthy products, you can safely increase the amount of curd consumed up to 50 g.

The final stage of complementary feeding from 9 to 12 months: the main rules

  • Use a variety of vegetables to make your vegetable puree. Add grated meat to them, but not very fatty varieties. You can also add half the yolk and vegetable oil or butter to the puree.
  • At 10 months of age, Komarovsky recommends offering the child fish. Also, during this period, begin to prepare soups for him not only in meat, but also in fish broths.
  • At this age, the baby can be offered cereals with added fruit. If there is no allergy, alternate them with dried fruits. In this case, the amount of sugar can be safely reduced. The introduction of complementary foods in the form of highly allergenic foods (such as nuts and honey) is not recommended.

According to Dr. Komarovsky, after the baby is one year old, there is no biological point in breastfeeding him. Some pediatricians strongly disagree with this statement and advise to maintain lactation, to feed the matured child with mother's milk at least several times a day. Of course, at the same time, the mother must eat well and of high quality.

Table for the introduction of complementary foods by month according to Komarovsky

School of Dr. Komarovsky: about complementary foods (video)

We invite you to watch a video in which Komarovsky talks about the first complementary foods. The videos will help you understand the principles of introducing new food, which Evgeny Olegovich adheres to when working with his little patients.

So you got acquainted with the main recommendations of Evgeny Olegovich (known simply as Doctor Komarovsky among mothers), which relate to the issue of the first adult diet of the baby. As you can see, in the Komarovsky feeding table there are enough recommendations that other doctors are skeptical about.

Therefore, only you can decide whose advice to listen to - a popular favorite or a local pediatrician. But first of all, in matters relating to the introduction of complementary foods by months, you need to listen to your intuition and adapt to the individual characteristics of your baby.

By the way, do not stop breastfeeding the baby. Many mothers continue to feed the baby with their milk after the introduction of complementary foods. They find in this a lot of conveniences and advantages for the development of a small organism.