Crafts from plastic plates for the new year. New Year's crafts from disposable tableware (do it yourself). Disposable straw vase

Disposable tableware can do a good job not only during a holiday or at a picnic - if desired, it can be easily turned into a multifunctional material for children's creativity. Crafts made from disposable tableware are distinguished by their ease of manufacture, volume, clarity of shapes and variety. Making something out of disposable plates for kids is a doable task, regardless of the age and skill of each child. They will be happy to follow the instructions of an adult to get the desired result.

50 cool ideas for kids

Leo is more relevant than ever. By the way, his eyes are made of plastic spoons.

The cat with the chenille mustache is adorable.

A dog from the same series. Moreover, if it is not assumed that the finished composition will be stored, some eyes can be used repeatedly. Yes, and water-soluble paint, for example, gouache, is easily washed off, so it will be fun to play even with only one paper plate in stock.

And here are some more funny cats and dogs, already from two plates each.

The decorative panel "Funny whale in profile" will also require a little more drawing and cutting on paper.

But on a rhinoceros in a half-face, you can cut from one plate.

Playful monkey.

For bird lovers.

Two types of aquariums and a turtle.

A couple of insects. I like the fact that they have moving parts. The worm is hiding in an apple, and the wings of a ladybug will hide, for example, congratulations or the daily routine of the baby.

Great idea! A real chameleon The lower plate is painted in different colors (before that it may well serve as a palette), and the lizard itself is cut out in the upper plate. You rotate the top piece and the chameleon changes color. Magically!

Paper plates can be turned into Noah's Ark or UFO.

And here are the interesting bunnies. The first serves as a basket for sweets.

And the second is a whole educational game. You need to feed the bunny with cookies with the amount of chocolate chips that fell on the card. Bunny is happy!

Paper plates are great musical instruments. The rubber bands stretched over the "banjo" will really sound.

And for a real tambourine, it is better to equip the cymbal structure with bells.

Crafts from disposable plates can be made with children of different ages. What pleases me is that the material for manufacturing costs a penny, and sometimes it just lies at home idle. Making crafts from disposable plates is easy. Such little things will surely interest kids.

Paper plate products

What can be done from such material? For example, paper plates can be painted with felt-tip pens, paints, and crayons. If there is plasticine, then you can sculpt the images of animals. Using colored paper, you can create various animals, for example, a dog or a turtle. Some make carnival masks. For example, it could be a lion. To create a mask, you need to paint the plate itself yellow, inside you should draw the face of the beast. For more complex animals, it is recommended to use two plates.

Owl from plates

Considering crafts from disposable plates, one cannot but recall the owl. An older child can do such a thing. To create crafts from disposable plates, you need to stock up on: glue, two plates, paints, scissors, colored paper and brushes.

Making an owl at home

1. First paint two plates brown, then let dry.

2. From colored paper, cut out two large yellow circles, as well as two white circles with a smaller diameter and 2 small black circles.

3. Cut the owl's beak out of orange paper.

4. Use scissors to cut one plate in half. As a result, you will have wings.

5. Then glue the eyes and beak onto the plate.

6. After that, glue the wings to the back of the whole plate. That's it, you've got an owl.

Such toys can be used in a puppet theater. You can also make a photo frame out of a plate. To do this, it should be colored. Beautiful jellyfish will turn out if you stick ribbons to the plate.

Plate frog

What other crafts can you make from disposable plates? For example, a frog. To create you need:


Colored paper (black, white and red);

Two egg molds;

A glass of water;



1. Paint the plate, chicken egg trays with green paint.

2. Cut the tongue out of red paper, and the small circles (these will be the eyes) - from black, white.

3. On the unpainted side, glue the tongue, then fold the plate in half.

4. Then stick on the "eyes". That's all, the frog is ready.

Crafts from multi-colored disposable plates

Colored dishes are also on sale. Plates, as you understand, there is no need to paint. You can create crafts from them right away. For example, if you can cut fish out of colored plates. You can place them in an aquarium drawn on paper.

Bouquet for mom

If, in addition to the plates, you also have plastic cups, then you can make an interesting gift with your child.

To make a bouquet you will need:


Green and white plastic plate;

Yellow plastic cup.

Making crafts from disposable plates

1. Cut out the petals of the chamomile from the white paper and the stems from the green paper. The bottoms of the cups will become the cores of the flowers. They also need to be cut out.

2. Then glue all the details of the chamomile.

3. Place the resulting flower in a yellow cup. That's all, the bouquet is ready.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to make crafts from disposable plates, photos of interesting products are presented in our article. We hope that thanks to our recommendations, you can create fun things at home. Such activities will develop the imagination and creativity of the child. Good luck!

Master class on the topic: Craft from a disposable plate "Santa Claus"

The undoubted advantages of disposable plates are their volume, clarity of shape, the presence of sections; the fact that these plates are easy to cut or paint. All this makes them an irreplaceable material for children's creativity.
The master class is intended for children 4-6 years old, children of primary school age, as well as for teachers and parents.
Appointment of the master - class: decoration, gift making.
To involve parents in the educational process of children in the "Oktyabrsky" recreation center.
1. To acquaint parents with crafts that you can cook with your own hands for the New Year.
2. To acquaint you with the new technique of making crafts - designing from paper.
3. Encourage parents to actively interact with teachers in the life of children in the DT, as well as encourage parents and children to work together.
4. To form a culture of communication with children in parents.
1. To develop in children and parents an interest in the joint production of a New Year's souvenir;
2. Develop the ability to emotionally respond to artistic images;
3. To develop the creativity of children, fine motor skills of preschoolers
4. Develop sensory-tactile sensations.
1. Raise interest in the traditions of your people;
2. Foster a desire to do good deeds.
Disposable paper plate, white paper strip, red and pink colored paper;

Computer, video (cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer")

Master class progress

In a sheepskin coat with a red sash
And with a wonderful bag.
He's always on New Year's Eve
Goes on a hike.
To celebrate the holiday with us,
To make children happy.
Who is this, that's the question?
Well, of course ... (Santa Claus)

Dear Guys!
On the eve of the New Year holidays, each family tries to decorate their home as festive and beautiful as possible. All people are waiting for the arrival of the New Year. The house smells of pine needles. A Christmas tree decorated with toys and garlands makes us happy.
Today I offer you an interesting master class on making Santa Claus crafts from disposable paper plates with your own hands.
We will prepare such a wonderful Santa Claus with you. Of course, our Santa Claus wears a hat on his head. The cap is worn by Santa Claus. But our Santa Claus is magical, his hat looks a bit like a cap and he is from the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer". I suggest you get to know this Santa Claus.
Children watch an excerpt from the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer"

For work we need:

Disposable paper plate, strip of white paper, red and pink colored paper, plain pencil;
Details of Santa Claus: mustache, nose, eyes, cap edge, synthetic winterizer;
Glue stick, oilcloth, wet wipes, scissors.

Cut off the top of the plate, as shown in the photo.

Cut out a triangle from red paper.

Cut out a strip of the face from pink paper and round the lower part on one side (lower) in the corners. We glue it on a plate.

For children 4-5 years old, the teacher offers ready-made parts, for older children. You can offer to cut several parts according to the template. A white sheet with lined lines will serve as a beard that children both 4-5 years old and older can cut out.

We glue the red triangle onto the plate.

We glue the white edge to the red triangle.

We bend the cap a little to the side.

We glue the mustache on the edge of the pink strip. But we do not glue them completely. And only the middle, so that the mustache is voluminous and lush.

We glue the rest of the details: eyes, nose. We decorate the cap with a piece of padding polyester, which must be rolled into a ball.
Guys, scissors can hurt and be dangerous if you don't use them properly. Therefore, do not forget about the safety rules. We open the scissors carefully, do not twist with them. Do not bring it close to your face. Do not hold the scissors upside down. Do not leave the scissors open.

Cut out short strips from white paper lined with lines. We glue them along the contour of Santa Claus's face.

And with the help of a pencil, we twist each strip.

Here is such a Santa Claus that he brought us gifts, we did it.

We make adorable whale, juicy fruits, funny crabs, funny yellow goose from disposable plates! Disposable tableware can do a good job not only during a holiday or at a picnic - if desired, it can be easily turned into a multifunctional material for children's creativity.

Crafts made from disposable tableware differ in volume, clarity of shape and variety. Children are happy to transform familiar glasses, spoons, forks and plates into unusual images. Disposable plates are especially easy to transform into various products.

Making various crafts from disposable plates with your own hands is a completely doable task for children, regardless of the age and skill of each child. They will be happy to follow the instructions of an adult to get the desired result. It is especially interesting to make crafts from paper plates: with their own hands, a child can paint them, decorate them with various decorative elements and turn them into the most unusual characters with the help of clerical glue.

Crafts from disposable paper crafts for kids

The easiest way to work is to take one plate as a basis, paint it in the desired color and glue various elements to create the desired image (or do without them). Characteristic details are cut out of cardboard, colored paper, or molded from plasticine.

Bright assorted fruits.

Funny carrot bed.

Goat muzzle.

Sea crabs.

Santa Claus.

From a painted plate, large and small, you get a lovely pig.

A colored and cut paper plate can be a fun crown.

Crafts from parts of a disposable plate

You can use not a whole plate, but part of it - for example, cutting off the edge in a straight line or cutting out a piece of the desired shape. The curly pieces of the plate can also be used in the craft as its elements.

By cutting the plate into two with a wavy line, you can get two butterfly wings. We make her body from a cardboard toilet paper cylinder, antennae from the same chenille wire.

The platypus is a golden goose.

Dinosaur (parts of his body can be made mobile using clerical studs);

Frog traveler

Cutting out a relief edge from the plate and gluing it to cardboard pointed leaves, you can get an unusual flower, which, if desired, can be easily turned into a frame for a photograph. The edging for a photo can be made from fluffy pompons or plasticine balls.

And by cutting the whole plate in a spiral and leaving the oval center, we get a real cobra. We paint it in a suitable color, glue the eyes and a forked tongue. Ready!

By attaching half of the other to one plate, we will create a flower basket. The flowers themselves can be glued together from paper or molded from plasticine, salt dough or modeling mass.

Having fastened two plates with a stapler and leaving one edge open, we get the body of a killer whale. All that remains is to glue the fins, the tail and fix the fountain of splashes of blue chenille wire on the back.

Crafts from bent paper plates

Interesting volumetric figures are obtained from a plate bent in half:

Bird: a slit is made in the bent plate into which a folded sheet of paper (wings) is inserted. We cut out a triangular orange beak from cardboard, we use ready-made, factory-made, or home-made, paper or plasticine eyes.

The Frog Princess: The plate folded in half becomes the mouth, the eyes and nose are carved out of the egg carriage. We supplement the eyes with paper eyelashes, and the mouth with a large tongue.

My dear colleagues! Walking through the Internet, I often came across magic crafts from disposable tableware... So I decided on the eve of the upcoming New Year's holiday make christmas toy, fortunately, I found occasion: "New Years toys for the city tree ".

And now the work began to boil! For the manufacture of New Year's magic we need about 200 pieces disposable cups(in my case, two colors - blue and transparent, the ribbon (on which our new year miracle, a stapler and a box of staple staples.

And so, you can start. We fasten cups between each other with a stapler.

It turns out here is such a "donut" of fastened together cups... Then we continue to attach the second row.

By bonding cups among themselves, we form a hemisphere.

Inside view of the hemisphere.

We keep adding cups until you get a ball.

To the bottom attach the tape to one of the cups.

Well, our " New Year's miracle" ready.

Such balls can be used to decorate a group, hall, music hall and even city christmas tree where our christmas ball, delighting everyone with their beauty!

Thank you for attention!