Crafts from sweet pepper. DIY crafts from fruits and vegetables

Marina Suzdaleva

The participants of "" have already spent the first week with their kids according to the fairy tale "Turnip". And the most creative mothers made crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands together with their children. Judging by the reviews, such a creative activity served not only as a good development of the imagination, but also had a positive effect on the appetite of the players!

vegetable car

Craft materials:

The idea to do it came up pretty quickly. My son loves technology! In addition, I wanted to come up with something that he would really be interested in doing. And also something voluminous, not flat, so that you can play with the craft a little, and not hang it on the wall. Everything else was my dad's idea.

At first they thought to collect for toothpicks, but then they decided - we have a man growing! The son, with great enthusiasm, scored all the carnations and glued the headlights. Then he gathered the driver: Chipollino.

As a machine, the craft did not last very long. But after the game, Yura cooked vegetable soup for a very long time and fed everyone with it.

Danilova Olga, son Yura, 2.5, St. Petersburg.

Vegetable Crafts: Butterfly and Racing Car

My name is Maria and I have two children Vasilisa 6.5 years old and Mark 11 months old.

My daughter designed and made the craft herself. Vasilisa decided to do butterfly. It consisted of the following vegetables:

  • carrot - body;
  • lettuce - wings;
  • basil - decoration.

The butterfly also had legs and a face.

The second piece is flower. Unfortunately, the photo has not survived. consisted of the following vegetables:

  • chopped cucumbers - stalk;
  • lettuce leaves and radish - flower petals;
  • tomato is the middle.

Mark helped dad with racing car. The wheels were a carrot on toothpicks, the hull was a cucumber, and a tomato sat in the driver's seat. As soon as everything was done, they came up with a fairy tale about new characters. A whirlwind of fantasy took her daughter far, far away. And in the end everything was quickly eaten!

Reproduction of a painting by Giuseppe Arcimboldo

I thought for a long time what would be so unusual and interesting to do with fruits and vegetables in order to surprise and please my daughter. I remembered Giuseppe Arcimboldo and his painting "Portrait of Emperor Rudolph II in the Image of Vertumn"! The ancient Italian god of natural abundance and Vertumn, was considered the god of transformations. And the Italian painter captured the image of the emperor from a variety of vegetables and fruits, for which he was awarded the title of count palatine.

The theme of vegetables and fruits fit perfectly into the scenario of a fabulous week, and we decided to make a reproduction of a picture of their real fruits. At the same time, we will touch a little beauty by harvesting the grandmother from the "Turnip".

We found aesthetically looking products in the refrigerator, viburnum, cones and chestnuts just lay on the balcony. My daughter was able to lay out part of her hair and beard.

Of course, we don’t pretend to be similar, we got our own colorful character, but, in my opinion, it’s also very cute :)

Svetlana Klichova and Lera, 2 years 4 months old, Moscow

I thought for a long time what to do. In one of the tales, Vanya especially liked the fox. So we decided to make it from boiled carrots and fasten it with toothpicks.

I cooked 3 carrots of different sizes, cleaned them, made a torso and a muzzle out of a large one. When they fastened the torso with the muzzle, Vanya kept trying to tear off his head. Then they also stuck the handles and legs of the chanterelle with the help of toothpicks. When Vanya realized what happened, he laughed! In general, she did not live long. Vanya began to take it apart and eat.

Geido Olga and son Vanya (1 year 3 months), from Novosibirsk.

The idea of ​​​​creating an edible car did not come by chance. My son is still introduced to all new things through his mouth, and he just raves about cars, especially tractors. So we tried to make an edible car: it’s tasty and you can play. Because My son doesn't have many skills yet, so we decided to focus on something not very complicated. To complete the machine, we needed:

  • Apple;
  • Toothpicks;
  • Cucumber;
  • Grape.

Instead of an apple, you can take a pear, then the silhouette will be even more interesting.

It is necessary to cut the apple in half and then cut lengthwise into slices. The axis will serve as toothpicks. But the wheels - cucumber and grapes. Everything is ready, you can start ...

I assembled the first typewriter myself, showing and telling my son what to do and why. The son collected the second typewriter on his own, but with the help of his grandmother. First, he stuck one toothpick into an apple slice, after which he began to string on it on one side, first a circle of cucumber, and then half a grape berry. Then he repeated this procedure on the other side. Having made the front wheels, we turned the car over and he stuck a second toothpick into the apple, marking the second axis. On which he first strung slices of cucumber, and after grapes.

The most difficult thing in the work was not to let my son eat all the details of the machine in the process. But the result exceeded all expectations. After finishing work, the son took his typewriter and purred, rolling it on the table.

Kosteva Oksana, son Sashenka 1 year 8 months old, Dolgoprudny.

Still life "Forest clearing"

To create a still life you need:

  1. Potatoes - a few pieces, depending on how many and what size the mushrooms will be;
  2. Greens to create grass. In our case: parsley and cabbage leaf;
  3. The lid of the box is preferably brown, as if the earth.

Process of creation:

  1. Together with the child, start tearing the cabbage leaf and tearing off the parsley leaves to create “greens” at the bottom of the lid from the box;
  2. While the child is passionate about this process, peel one part of the potato and shape it into a column (this is the stem of the mushroom), and cut the second part in half (this will be the mushroom cap) and cut out the container inside to keep the hat on the leg;
  3. Collecting still life.

Work is ready!

Gavrilova Faina and daughter Taisiya, 1 year old, Arkhangelsk.

Hedgehog made of pear and counting sticks

We created a hedgehog from a pear and needles - counting sticks, which we stuck into this very pear with a baby. I made hedgehog legs from apple slices.

Misha took an active part, but only when getting needles :)

Kudryashova Nadezhda and Misha (1.2 years old), St. Petersburg.

We made a hedgehog and a fox out of fresh potatoes, carrots, matches and beans. While peeling potatoes, I accidentally stumbled upon two very curved potatoes that looked like animals. She inserted the eyes from beans and fresh carrots herself, cut out holes for the ears of the chanterelle, Olesya, with my help, inserted ears from fresh carrots there. We inserted needles into the hedgehog, first from toothpicks, then from matches.

Do you want to play with your child easily and with pleasure?

The clearing was sprinkled with green grass (dill), the hedgehog brought apples (pieces of carrots) and pears. Then we painted our animals with brown gouache with cotton swabs.

Olga Antonenko from Yaroslavl and daughter Olesya 1 year 4 months.

We prepare the necessary materials:

  • Potato - 1 pc;
  • Carrots - 1 pc;
  • Plasticine black, white, red, green;
  • Spaghetti.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Mix red and green plasticine until brown;
  2. We attach brown plasticine to the potato and draw out the muzzle;
  3. We roll 2 balls from white plasticine and attach eyes;
  4. From black plasticine we make 3 balls: 1 larger and 2 smaller. From them we make a nose and pupils;
  5. Cut out 2 circles from carrots. We make longitudinal holes in the “head” of the mouse and insert the ears;
  6. We make a ponytail and antennae from spaghetti and our mouse is ready.

You can play!

Victoria Pechieva, mother of 2 kids: Anastasia (2 years 5 months) and Matvey (8 months). Krasnodar Territory, Belorechensk.

We needed:

  • Pear -1 pc;
  • Grapes - 10 pcs;
  • Toothpicks - 10 pieces.

We decided to make a hedgehog. To begin with, we examined the pear - touched, smelled and nibbled a little. They unscrewed her tail (stalk), and for strength I put dough under it so that the pear would not roll. Then, similarly investigated grapes. We already know toothpicks.

Manufacturing process: Put a pear on the dough. Then I gave my daughter toothpicks, took her hand in mine and we inserted the toothpicks into the pear. Of course, it was not without pulling out the toothpicks back. They touched everything, felt it, the prickly needles of the hedgehog ... Similarly, they planted grapes on toothpicks, bit them a little in the process, well, that's nothing ... And to top it off, they put a bunch of grapes on top. Here we have a hedgehog.

Alla Shuvalova, daughter Lenochka, 10 months old. We are from Samara.

For a creative contest of crafts from vegetables, they decided to make characters of the same fairy tale: a dog, a cat, a mouse.

For crafts you will need:

  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • potato;
  • toothpicks or matches;
  • plasticine;

Wash vegetables, dry. Body parts are fastened together with toothpicks. Eyes, ears, tails are plasticine, they need to be attached to a toothpick, because. plasticine does not stick to the peel.

Our dog is made of carrots, the cat is made of potatoes, the mouse is made of beets. They did it with the whole family, the daughter chose the colors of the plasticine and pinched off the pieces. As soon as they made all the characters, they immediately played a fairy tale! Previously, crafts from vegetables were not made, and without your competition, they probably would not have been done either.

Gulnara Gazizova, daughter Leysan (2.3 years), Chelyabinsk.

Craft idea: the horse is carrying the heroes of the fairy tale "Turnip" from the harvest in a cart and stopped to smell the flowers on the stump, where the hedgehog is still sitting.


  • vegetable marrow;
  • carrot;
  • potatoes;
  • cabbage leaves;
  • toothpicks;
  • eye stickers.

Creation process: cut out the insides of a zucchini, cut it into a muzzle and torso. The part that was not included in the composition became a stump. Indentations (hooves) were cut out from potatoes. Carrots were cut into 4 rectangles (these are legs), another carrot into circles (cart wheels). They cut out plates (ears), thin straws (flower stems). All the components of the horse were put on toothpicks (my daughter stuck them in, I stringed them).

Cabbage leaves were placed around the plate and my daughter stapled them together. And on the toothpicks she attached the wheels.

(3 votes : 5 out of 5 )

This article contains a complete collection of cute crafts with themes suitable for kindergarten and school. Autumn competitions at school are often arranged on the topic of crafts from vegetables (and not just from chestnuts and cones). It often happens that your child did not immediately tell you about the competition, often you will learn about the craft by Monday only on Sunday evening. And therefore, it is important to quickly evaluate the contents of your pantry and find an idea in the depths of the Internet that will suit your vegetable stock. That is why the author decided to combine all types of vegetables and fruits in one article that can take part in creating crafts for the garden and school. You do not need to shovel heaps of Internet pages. Here you will find all kids craft ideas- all in one article.

Here's what we'll be doing today:

  • Crafts from cucumber, pepper.
  • Crafts for the garden from onions, cabbage and potatoes.
  • Crafts and eggplant and zucchini.
  • Carved sculptures made of carrots and radishes.
  • Flat crafts-pictures of vegetables and fruits.
  • Animal crafts made from oranges, kiwis, bananas and lemons.
  • Crafts from watermelons, pineapples, and melons.
  • And in a separate article - children's pumpkin crafts.

Crafts from vegetables

We will start with vegetable children's crafts ... and then we will move on to sweet fruit sculptures. You will see that a chipmunk can be made from an ordinary onion. And cut out roses from radishes that will bloom themselves if you put them in a glass of water. What am I talking about ... now you will see everything for yourself.

Archery crafts for school and garden

From vegetables, as well as from fruits, you can make many interesting sculptures. Here are the onion chickens. We take out the young onion from the garden right along with the stem, and cut the stem-stem into feathers - we push them apart and put this “panicle” on the column-base of carrots.

And here is another red onion craft. Chipmunk with white stripes and fluffy tail from onion feathers. I will tell you in detail how to make it with your own hands ...

Take two red onions suitable size and shape (it is better to take fresh bulbs, straight from the garden - then they are even in color and elastic). And we immediately make white stripes on them - for this you need to cut the upper skin of the onion with a blade and then carefully remove it (like shavings) to get a white “bald patch” in this place.

We form a little body- we take a long wooden skewer, or a toothpick - we stick it into the onion-tummy in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future neck. And on the protruding end we stick an onion-head.

Making a tail- bend the green onion feathers in the shape of a tail, the lower part of the tail tie with thread or rubber band in a bundle .. And in a saucepan making sugar syrup(3 tablespoons of sugar + half a teaspoon of water) - when the sugar melts and cooks with this sticky sweet glue, coat the onion feathers (so that they stick together into a single tail) - dry it all. And then we pierce the lower and middle part of the tail-bun with toothpicks and stick it into the back of the onion-butt.

Paws- these are incisions on the onion-tummy. In order for the paws to detach and protrude from the tummy, you can put pieces of plasticine under them. Ears these are small slices-slices from another onion - we stick them into the slits-slits on the chipmunk's head. Eyes- these are olives (you can use raisins, or pieces of black eggplant skin). Antennae are also white cuts on the colored skin of the bulb.

With onion feathers, you can glue a rectangular box (from tea or cookies) and make a vegetable tape recorder or radio receiver out of such a blank! Vegetable buttons are pierced with toothpicks or glued to sugar syrup (see recipe in onion chipmunk).

Crafts from a pumpkin

Pulp carving

Crafts from pumpkin pulp. Even pumpkin pulp can be a source of beautiful crafts. The pumpkin is soft enough to carve whatever your heart desires. For example, these majestic pink flamingos.

Birds can also be carved from regular carrots. It is possible to make a simple sculpture from a single side of a pumpkin - for example, the muzzle of a donkey.

Pumpkins are very interesting products for creativity. He can talk about it for a long time and with photo examples.

Crafts from white and pink radish vegetables

From white radish you can also cut beautiful parrots. White radish - resembles a huge white carrot. It is perfectly cut with a knife into any shape. And the wings do not have to be made from radishes either. You can take hard stalks from BEIJING CABBAGE. A beautiful and simple vegetable craft for kindergarten and school. The jury will love it.

And here is a red radish craft ... Also a very cute family of pink birds in a nest of tops, pods or onion feathers.

And a gorgeous bouquet of vegetable roses. Here are photo instructions on how to do it. We cut the radish with a knife into shavings - in a checkerboard pattern (like cabbage leaves on a stalk). Then we put such an incised radish in water - and under the influence of water it swells and opens its petals. We string the buds on gift skewers - and so that the stalks-legs are green, we put each skewer inside the onion feather.

Flowers from vegetables. Crafts-bouquets for the garden and school

And below we see how flowers are created from vegetables and fruits. Oval flowers with a halo of narrow petals (also from radishes), orange buds with a berry in the middle (from tangerines). Bell pepper palms and a carrot stem, or a skewer stem and grapes strung on it.

And here is an idea on how to create lush tulips from sweet peppers. Or delicate white daisies from thin slices of white mini patisson pumpkins (with a yellow center from a slice of carrots). A great craft for children who are bored in the country.

And here is a way to make ASTRA from a stalk of Chinese cabbage. If you add rose flowers from red cabbage to such a Beijing aster, you get an elegant composition for an exhibition at a school or kindergarten.

Crafts from zucchini and other vegetables

Here is a zucchini zucchini penguin bird with a sweet red pepper bow and orange eyes. It is very easy and affordable to do it yourself even for children.

And here is another bird with a tomato head and a green crest and green pepper wings. The tummy is a white zucchini.

You can make the heads of men or animals from squash crops.

If the fruit has a pointed shape, then you can beat it like a muzzle of a puppy or mouse.

And from the halves of a zucchini, you can add a sculptural craft of a dragon. But this is a real challenge to our creativity. The most important thing here is the head - if you have a muzzle, then you can continue and make the body.

By the same principle, you can create similar composite sculptures from oranges.

Black eggplant. Pdressings from vegetables for the garden

The black color of eggplant tells us the creation of black and white animals living on our planet - and these are ZEBRAS, WHALES, PENGUINS, AND KOALAS. (I did not find Koalas among the photo crafts - but the idea is good).

Eggplant can act as an insert element for crafts from other vegetables (see photo below with a rooster and a monkey).

Crafts from cabbage and other vegetables

Cauliflower is an interesting material in its structure. Its bizarre forms themselves suggest the theme of vegetable sculptures. These are, of course, sheep, polar bear cubs, poodles and other furry animals.

Crafts from potatoes

Even an ordinary potato can be an interesting tool for children's creativity. These minions can be made from potatoes - they can be dressed in black eggplant overalls. The minions themselves can be painted with gouache in yellow paint. Glasses can be cut out of round carrots (cut the carrot into a circle and cut a round hole in the circle).

The very shape of the potato can give you the idea of ​​crafts - in the photo above we see that the potato in the shape of panties suggested the idea of ​​​​creating a girl in shorts. You can also look for interesting shapes in a bag of potatoes - for example, in the form of the head of Peppa Pig, you often come across.

Crafts from peppers and other vegetables

Sweet and hot peppers can be a source of inspiration. Their smooth, shiny shape guarantees the beauty of the final craft. like this motorbike can be assembled if you connect all the parts with toothpicks (plasticine can be placed inside as an additional fastener for toothpicks). Citrus wheels are also strung on toothpicks.

Roosters and overseas birds can be made from peppers of a bizarre curved shape. You can look for these in the store - or better in the market or in the country.

But crabs and crayfish... They are made from several pepper vegetables. And to be honest, Photoshop still worked here (they removed the extra, added the missing) - but the idea is still worth trying to implement it for real.

And here, in the photo below with dragon, all to be honest. No photoshop - only the skillful hands of the master and the look of the artist. Bean pods (whiskers and horns), corn cob stalks (ears and tail), apple (for muzzle), carrots (paws and back teeth), toothpicks (claws and fasteners).

It is important to be able to look at fruits and vegetables in this way. artist's eye, squint, blur your eyes and suddenly in this foggy haze see a future sculpture in a pile of vegetables.

Crafts from cucumbers

Sculptures for kindergarten are most often animals. Children love animals, and animals love children. That's how nature intended it. Therefore, we will make cute animals from cucumbers. Cucumbers are, of course, GREEN CROCODILES.

Although the inhabitants of the sea (dolphins and sharks) can also be carved from a green greenhouse cucumber. Make fins, gills-cuts, a white neck with a slit of a toothy mouth.

Paintings from vegetables

But what kind of planar collage crafts can be made from vegetables and fruits. For the ideological basis, you can take the famous paintings of famous artists. And try to repeat them in your vegetable art.

Alon Zaid - an elderly artist came up with the idea to recreate famous paintings from fruits and vegetables. Here you are, Mona Lisa, she is Gioconda, the great master Leonardo Da Vinci.

You can not repeat the masterpieces of pictorial art from the Hermitage ... but come up with your own picture of vegetables.

And also do not forget that in addition to vegetables, there are also fruits. And they have their own pictorial possibilities. Its bright colors and interesting cut patterns.

So since we got to the fruits, let's see what can be done for the competition in the garden and from these fruits.

Fruit crafts

And now, let's move on to fruit compositions and sculptures. I will show you the simplest DIY crafts made from apples, pears, bananas, pineapples, watermelon peels and melon fruits.

Crafts from pulpy fruits - apples, kiwi, pears, bananas

But cute childish crafts from kiwi. To create them, you need to choose unripe solid fruits. Slices of slices should be blotted with a paper towel so that the juice does not show through.

But crafts from an apple and a pear - if you use one whole fruit + a thin slice of the second fruit, you can get such interesting crafts (a mouse and an elephant). Where thin slices serve as details for the ears, and face. And from the stalk of an apple, a trunk for an elephant is obtained. Delicious and fun crafts that you can make with your kids and then eat.

But crafts from a juicy pear. To create such birds, we choose varieties that are harder.

And so that the cut place without the peel does not darken, it must be smeared with a brush dipped in lemon juice.

And if you are making a craft from a pear, without a peel, and even with finely chopped feathers (as in the photo of birds below), then it is better to protect such a craft so that it does not darken, and so that the “feathers” do not dry out and wrinkle. For protection, we use gelatin. Pour the gelatin powder with water. When it swells, heat it up so that it dissolves (but do not bring it to a boil!!!). And with this warm gelatin syrup we grease our entire craft. It will become shiny, and will look fresh for a long time, nothing will darken or fade. Only important- we make a gelatin solution for such a lubricant 2 times thicker than on jelly. That is, we read the instructions on the package and pour 2 times more powder into 2 times less water.

In exactly the same way, crafts are made from bright red apples. We treat white slices with lemon juice(so as not to turn black) and you can also grease with gelatin syrup (so as not to wilted and wrinkled).

From a green apple you can make something like this craft frog. It can be planted in a swamp, which is decorated with onion water lilies. Here in the photo on the right, I attached a master class on how to make a water lily from an onion - cut an onion into rays - and unfold each flake of such a ray into a beautiful white water lily. If desired, it can be made pink if smeared with beet juice.

Can do craft-crab from apple slices - paint it also in beetroot juice so that it is red, or smear with lemon juice so that it remains white (does not rust).

Can you make a green apple? hummingbird. Great little fruit craft for kids.

You can make pots with flowers from the tops of large apples - cut bald petals in it - you get an elegant composition with your own hands from vegetables.

Banana crafts for kids

Of course you need to make minions out of bananas. This is clear to everyone. Bananas are yellow, minions too. You can dress them in cucumber jumpsuits. A whole family can be made to an exhibition in a school or garden.

You can make an octopus out of a banana. Add citrus fish and red pepper crabs to it (see photo below in this article). And make a whole underwater kingdom of vegetables and fruits.

Or make a cute duck family out of banana tails.

And here is the idea of ​​dachshund puppies - with skin-ears and green tails. Eyes are cut out and pupils are inserted from black paper.

Crafts from citrus fruits with helper vegetables

Lemons can be beaten with their curly feature - POINTED NOSE. And make such cute little mice from a lemon (you just need to cut off their side so that the mouse lies on the tummy. Cut out round ears from the peel of the cut lemon tummy. Cut the lemon on the top of the mouse and insert the ear into the cut. Cut a thin tail from the skin scraps. And dear children's crafts for a competition in a garden or school are ready.By the way, FROM A PIECE OF PUMPKIN you can make MOUSE CHEESE and even cut round holes in it.

If you cut a lemon or orange peel along the contours we need - and then tear it off. We get a figured "bald patch" on an orange (as in the photo with crafts below). This citrus "bald spot" can serve as a white tummy for two chicken felts, penguin felts (on the right photo below).

From oranges you can make a cat (with cut stripes on the back and tail), and a bear cub with mandarin ears.

All parts are pricked on toothpicks and stuck into the pulp of an orange.

Citrus peel is perfectly cut into any flat shapes (like cardboard). Therefore, complex carved shapes of fish fins and tails can be cut from it. Beautiful crafts in an underwater style, add apple crabs, orange peel starfish to them.

Citrus fruits can participate in the craft as an addition to the vegetable sculpture (for example, in the form of a parrot wing made of tomatoes and onions). Or the whole sculpture can be made from sliced ​​oranges into rounded shapes (as in the photo with the lion below).

Crafts from pineapples and other fruits and vegetables

Here are interesting ideas for those who do not mind sacrificing a pineapple for the sake of children's creativity. A small melon can become the head of an owl - we make eyes from round radishes and olives, eyebrows apart from the peel of black eggplants, yellow paws from halves of a lemon.

From half a pineapple, you can fold a crocodile with eyes (radishes and olives), with paws (kiwi). Of course, such a crocodile needs a lot of pineapple sides. Not to get carried away with my salary - but if you don’t have financial problems, then choose this cutie - the pineapple crocodile will definitely not remain in a modest shadow at the school exhibition.

Or you can make a turtle from one half of a pineapple - and cut out the legs and head from the pulp of a pumpkin, from carrots, potatoes or other vegetables or fruits. A simple and beautiful children's craft made from vegetables is obtained.

And here is the pineapple hedgehog. To be honest, this is most likely the result of Photoshop, or the very painstaking work of the pineapple pulp carver - you need to cut the peel from the pineapple barrel, then shape the legs and head into the pulp. Then, with toothpicks, fasten the stalk comb to the hedgehog.

But the idea with a parrot bird is suitable if you find a pineapple with a long tail. We cut it off the pineapple by deepening the knife deeper into its flesh - so that the tail is cut off along with the yellow center. We stick a red pepper nose, olive eyes into the parrot's head and fasten it on a wooden skewer to its habitat.

Crafts from watermelon peels

You can make a lot of crafts from watermelon. We are all familiar with the masterpieces of watermelon peel carving. Here I will not offer complex sculptural tricks. We are simple parents - we are not that talented - we need simpler ideas. Here I have collected the most affordable watermelon peel crafts for the common man.

Here is a turtle easy to do with your own hands - Cut the watermelon so as to remove the side round part (this will be the shell) - remove the pulp so as not to interfere. On this oval part, we draw future patterns with a felt-tip pen, and then we cut all the contours with a knife - we get a carved shell pattern. It remains to cut out paws and a head from other pieces of the crust - attach all this with toothpicks to the bottom of the shell.

But the gaping mouths of sharks and frogs. We also draw future cuts on the watermelon. Cut off a segment of watermelon - get a mouth cut. From the inside, remove all the pulp with a spoon - we eat it. And then with an empty watermelon womb we are already doing what we need - either a frog or a shark . Shark teeth are very easy to make.- first, along the edge of the mouth, we make a shallow incision-groove (to the depth of the green layer). Then we cut off a thin green skin along this groove, and leave the thick white skin. From this remaining white part we form teeth - just cut out and discard triangular segments from it - and we get triangular remnants - teeth. We make a slot - we insert a fin into it - we make a chip-recess for the eyes and insert black olives.

And the frog does not need to make teeth - the eyes are made from halves of a green lime and two cherries on toothpicks.

And here is an example of how you can make a cartoon character from a watermelon. In the first case (minion), we put a large yellow pomelo fruit inside the green watermelon overalls.

But crafts for boys from oblong watermelons are watermelon ships and a submarine. We don’t sell such oval watermelons, but you can try to make similar crafts from a round one.

But melon crafts are more complicated - an owl with lettuce and a watermelon belly. Fish carved with scales and fins.

These are ideas for vegetable crafts for an exhibition in a garden or school. I hope you have found here a suitable craft for yourself and will be happy to make it with your children. What is done with your own hands heals the soul. It seems to me that every person does not interfere with breaking away from watching TV and a little to please his soul and his children.

To do something together, together, not to quarrel, and not to quarrel in the process - this is another day that you will remember with warmth years later. These are the moments you remember... and not the ones when the boss handed you a diploma ... All the vain things fade from memory over the years ... but the present takes root and remains a bright picture in old age. Let's collect such pictures - in our hearts.

Let's create such moments for our children - let them have something to remember about their childhood. After all, what do we remember about our childhood years? Only these are the days when dad and mom suddenly forgot about their adult affairs and spent time in stupid and useless, but such fun and necessary fun with the children.

Good luck with your vegetable creation.

Olga Klishevskaya,

Beautiful children's crafts from vegetables to the garden or school are quite simple to make. Their production does not require the purchase of expensive materials - the best decors here will be flowers and leaves, cones and acorns, grass and stones. You can also decorate crafts in a kindergarten from vegetables with shells, beads, threads, cotton wool, fabrics.

Groom and bride made of vegetables

Sheep from cabbage

How to make a craft from a cucumber with your own hands

Cucumber is a vegetable that is available to everyone in autumn. From it you can make a variety of autumn crafts. Let's talk about the most interesting of them.

cucumber cactus

You need to take a hard cucumber and decorate it with needles or spruce needles. Toothpicks will do too. True, it is better to pre-paint them with green watercolor.

cucumber cactus

If you arrange a vegetable with pieces of carrots resembling flowers in shape, you get a very cheerful composition.

Transforming a Cucumber into a Blooming Cactus

Cucumber crocodile

Various figures can be cut out of a cucumber - both simple and complex. The cartoon character Gena the crocodile made from him looks especially interesting. True, it is not so easy to make it - a little fidget will definitely need the help of parents to make cuts in certain places with a knife.

Cucumber crocodile

You can decorate a crocodile with elements cut from red or yellow peppers, tomatoes, beets.

"Cucumber" crocodile Gena

A simpler cucumber craft for kindergarten is a crawling crocodile. To do it, you have to wield less with a knife.

crawling crocodile

The eyes of a predator can be made of plasticine or drawn with a marker. The best material for the tongue is a strip of sweet red pepper.

Crafts from cucumber and zucchini

Zucchini and cucumber look great together in children's autumn crafts. They have a similar shape, due to which it is very easy to arrange them.

vegetable car

It will be easy for kids to make a car from these vegetables. To attach the wheels to the cucumber body, you need to use toothpicks or any pointed wooden sticks. Wheels can be made from pieces of carrots, cucumber rings, the top - from a squash half ring.

What will be the passenger of such an unusual transport, let the little entertainer decide for himself.

Zucchini machine

Pig from zucchini and cucumber

To make a pig out of vegetables for the exhibition, you need to take a small zucchini and a cucumber. The first will serve as the body of the animal. From the second you need to cut out the ears, patch and eyes. Attaching cucumber parts to zucchini is easiest with toothpicks.

Craft in the cabbage garden

When making crafts in a cabbage garden, the main thing is to find a head of suitable shape and size. If parents have very little time, and the child still cannot create a vegetable masterpiece on his own, you can turn cabbage into someone's head. To do this, you can wear a wide-brimmed hat or tie a bow on it.

cabbage head

Funny man with cabbage head

cabbage girl

A more difficult option is to make animals from cabbage parts. For example, you can make a beautiful dog

Instead of eyes and nose, she may have acorns, plasticine, brown cardboard. Connecting the body with the head and paws is easiest, armed with toothpicks.

Crafts in the garden from carrots

Carrots are stored for a long time, so crafts in the garden are also often made from it. It can be turned into fairy-tale characters, vehicles, flowers. In some cases, it is enough to simply attach auxiliary parts to the vegetable, in others, it is impossible to do without cutting out various elements on its surface.

carrot house

Carrot flowers

Funny carrot woman

What can be made from patisson - unusual crafts for kindergarten

Patisson is a frequent guest at autumn exhibitions in the garden and school. Simple, but at the same time bright and memorable things are made from it. So, each parent can build a clock from this plant.

Squash clock

You need to take a squash that is suitable in size and color and draw numbers on its surface so that you get a dial. Arrows can be taken from an old damaged watch. If there were none in the house - cut out of paper. You need to decorate vegetable watches with beads, chains, threads.

vegetable clock

Suitable here and cones, acorns. They are attached to the surface of the plant with toothpicks or glue.

If the child draws well, you can simply paint the pumpkin with watercolors. You can draw flowers, animals, a family on its surface - everything that a little artist wants.

Painted patisson

We bring to your attention other ways to turn the patisson into a children's autumn craft:


Flying saucer

Patisson UFO

The frog princess of squash

Squash and potato turtle

Autumn crafts from watermelon

Watermelon is a very juicy berry, which makes it difficult to work with. Usually, in the manufacture of crafts, they use the peel and quite a bit of pulp. Otherwise, the juice will flow out, the product will quickly lose its beautiful appearance.

The child will not be able to turn a watermelon into an animal, a flower arrangement or, for example, a decorative basket on his own, since the use of a sharp knife is necessary here.

The turtle looks great, the shell of which consists of a peel. You can fill it from the inside with any fruit.

watermelon turtle

Watermelon turtle shell

It is quite simple to make a watermelon stroller. Instead of wheels, you can use slices of orange or lemon.

Watermelon stroller

If you give the peel of the berry a shape resembling a shark's head, you get a formidable fish.

watermelon shark

The internal void of the shark can be filled with any fruit or pieces of pulp. But it is important to remember that such a craft will not last long.

Rules to follow when making autumn crafts for kindergarten

Autumn crafts in the kindergarten can be different. As a rule, they take very little time to make. But without the help of parents, kids can not do.

In order for the prepared composition to look good and not fall apart on the very first day of the exhibition, it is important to remember that:

  • the vegetables that will form it must be unripe;
  • from juicy fruits it is important to remove the pulp to the maximum;
  • it is impossible to process crafts with any chemical compounds for their long-term storage - children may experience an allergic reaction;
  • you need to collect material for the composition in advance, but to do crafts - on the eve of the exhibition.

And remember: you don't need to look for perfectly shaped vegetables. On the contrary, the most interesting and amusing compositions are always obtained from vegetables and fruits, at the sight of which a smile arises. You just need to understand what the product resembles, and then embellish it accordingly.

We want to note in advance that in most crafts it is required to fasten together some parts of the product carved from vegetables or fruits. It is best to use ordinary toothpicks for this. Well, in extreme cases - matches.

1. Beautiful children's crafts from apples with their own hands - little men

In order to prepare crafts in the form of such unpretentious guys, you will need the following components below:
  1. Big apples.
  2. Some apple seeds.
  3. Simple toothpicks.
  4. Knife.

The process of making this children's apple craft:

  • you need to take two apples, one of which will be larger than the other, and put on top of each other. Accordingly, a small apple will be on a large one. Fasten them quite easily with an ordinary toothpick. These two apples will serve as the body of our future man.
  • after that, four pieces must be cut off from the apple. Two pieces will serve as legs and need to be fixed at the bottom of the body. And accordingly, the other two pieces will be the hands of a person and they need to be fixed on the sides.
  • you need to take a small apple and cut into two equal parts. Each of the parts will serve as a little man's hat.
  • pumpkin seeds will be needed in order to make the eyes and, accordingly, the nose of a person. The mouth can be cut with a knife right on the apple. However, there is another way: you can cut off a separate piece and fix it with the same toothpicks.

2. Crafts from vegetables and fruits - a giraffe from carrots or potatoes

To make a giraffe from vegetables with your own hands, you will need two potatoes of different sizes. Accordingly, the one that will be larger will act as the body of a giraffe, and the one that will be smaller in size will act as the head. In order to make a neck, carrots are perfect, from which you will need to cut off the tip. The torso with the neck will need to be fastened with toothpicks. Of course, any giraffe has ears and they can be made using small leaves or even seeds. In order to make legs, you can take small twigs from any trees, and the tail itself can be made from grass, which you can also look for dried for beauty. The easiest way to make eyes for a giraffe is with grits. Most often, buckwheat is used. You can also make a giraffe from a carrot, such as shown in the photo above.

3. Simple children's crafts of animals from fruits - a mouse from a pear

What to make such an unusual mouse? From very simple ingredients like the pear itself, a couple of pumpkin seeds, a small piece of wire that has a plug and, of course, with a knife.

The process of making fruit crafts with your own hands:

First of all, we will make the ears of the mouse: First, using a knife, you need to make cuts on the pear in those places where the ears themselves will be. After that, you should slightly bend your ears, which you will get back.

The next step: we make the eyes of a mouse from a pear. Let's take pumpkin seeds, which we wrote about earlier, and you need to draw black pupils on them with a felt-tip pen or a marker, respectively (whichever you prefer). After that, you need to make incisions where the eyes will end up and insert pumpkin seeds. There is nothing complicated in this fruit craft.

The last step in this fruit craft is the tail of the mouse. In order for the mouse to have a tail, you will need the wire that was mentioned at the very beginning. We stick it on the other side of the eyes with the plug outward.

4. How to make children's crafts from pears - funny little men

If you suddenly feel sad in the fall, you can make such unpretentious little men. To prepare the second of them, you don’t even need any additional ingredients. It will be enough just to take a knife and cut out their eyes and a smile. If you want your little man to have legs and arms, then you can simply take ordinary toothpicks and insert them in place of the arms and legs, respectively.

For cooking the first little man, in addition, you may need another pear, lettuce and grapes and a banana. In order to make the eyes, you will need two circles, which we will cut off from a banana. On the circles themselves, we make pupils with a marker or a black felt-tip pen and, accordingly, attach them with toothpicks. The role of the nose of the little man's nose is performed by grapes, and the role of the hat is a circle cut from the second pear. A leaf of lettuce is just for beauty, and a smile can simply be cut out with a knife. By the way, if you want, you can also fix raspberries or blackberries with a toothpick at the tip of the pear.

5. Crafts from vegetables with their own hands - rat Larisa from radish

An interesting enough rat will turn out for anyone who has a radish in the garden. You can’t distinguish it at all from the one that the well-known old woman Shapoklyak had. How to make yourself such a girlfriend? And it's very simple.

To make such a children's craft, You will need :
  • one large white radish
  • a few lettuce leaves or, if none, cabbage
  • one radish
  • some olives to be stuffed with paprika
  • knife from the kitchen
  • five toothpicks.


  • the first step is to properly wash and dry your large radish accordingly. After that, you need to remove all the leaves from it. You can leave only those that are in place of the tail of the future Lariska rat. You also need to remove all the roots, leaving them exclusively in place of the future antennae.
  • after that, the front part of the radish should be cut off, and at the end, with the help of one of the toothpicks, the very large radish should be fixed. Immediately it is worth sticking a couple more toothpicks so that they later act like hair on a rat's beard.
  • in order to make the ears, you will need to make two fairly large notches on the left and right, respectively. They will need to stick the same lettuce or cabbage leaves. There really is no difference. Maybe just the lettuce leaves are a little brighter.
  • at the very end we will make eyes for the rat Lariska. We cut the olives into small circles and stick each one into the radish with a toothpick (as you can see, we would not have been able to do almost anything without toothpicks). But what is a rat without eyebrows? They can be made using the leftover piece of radish.

6. How to make an apple and orange teapot and cup

With the help of apples and an orange, you can make a real tea pair or, if you want, a whole tea set. Here it will already be a matter of dexterity and accuracy, since the only tool that you will use is a knife. With it, it will be possible to make the base of the cups by removing the pulp from apples or, as in this example, use an orange for a cup.

7. Children's crafts from vegetables - eggplant penguin

Making such a penguin is quite simple and you only need an eggplant and, accordingly, a knife. In order to make the eyes of a penguin, it will be possible to take beads and pins, with which they can then simply be fixed.

First, you just need to cut the eggplant into two even parts. Each of their parts will become a separate penguin. After that, you need to take the beads and fix them in place of the eyes. However, what is a penguin without wings? They can be easily made with a knife. It is enough just to cut them in shape with a knife.

You can also try to make a slightly different penguin, for which, in addition to eggplant, other vegetables will be required. You will need to take a couple more carrots and one pepper. The carrot will be used for the penguin's legs and nose, and the pepper for the wings. That's all, then we will consider children's DIY fruit crafts, but for now, about eggplants.

8. How to make duck from cabbage and eggplant?

If you take a curved eggplant and one head of cabbage, which is called Beijing, then you can easily make a duck. There is already a beak and, accordingly, her chest will be made of green sweet pepper.

9. Children's crafts from vegetables and flowers - a beautiful vase

Also, with the help of eggplant, you can make a beautiful vase designed for flowers. Using a knife, you will need to remove all the eggplant pulp, and a beautiful pattern can be cut with a knife. By the way, the pattern can be absolutely anything and as varied as your imagination allows.

10. Shark from zucchini - vegetable crafts for kindergarten

A shark can be made from a simple zucchini and sleight of hand.

It will be enough just to take a knife to cut out the fins and, accordingly, the tail. By the way, if you don’t have a zucchini, then a large cucumber can easily replace it.

11. Zucchini shoes - vegetable crafts for children

Beautiful shoes can be made from all the same zucchini.

This craft is most to the taste of girls. It is not surprising, because they are maddeningly similar to the beautiful shoes that Cinderella dropped at the ball. Of course, shoes can also be made from cucumbers, but here you have to look for the right cucumber, since it must be really large.

12. Crafts from zucchini - pig

In order to make such an interesting piglet, you will need the zucchini itself, a small cucumber, and a couple of rowan berries.

The process of preparing crafts from vegetables:
  1. You need to clean the skin from the zucchini.
  2. Cut cucumber into slices and take five of them
  3. One circle, cut into two equal parts, can be used as ears.
  4. The other two mugs will serve as the nose of the piglet.
  5. Rowan berries should be fixed in place of the eyes.
Everything. Piglet is ready.

13. Cucumber Train

With the help of cucumbers, you can also make a train. For this you will need four cucumbers. Two of them will serve as wagons. One will need to be fixed on the car of the first for beauty. And the remaining two cucumbers need to be cut into circles. They will act as train wheels in this craft, which will need to be fastened with toothpicks and pieces of cheese.

14. Crafts racing cars from natural material - cucumbers

With the help of all the same cucumbers, you can make cars for racing.

Additionally, you will need radishes, carrots and the most ordinary toothpicks. The radish in this craft will act as a helmet for the racer, and the carrots, cut into circles, will replace the wheels of the car. To attach the wheels, you will need a toothpick that is already familiar to everyone, which will connect the wheels, both to each other and to the body of the racing car.

15. Craft flowers from vegetables with your own hands - you need corn and carrots

Without exception, all girls will like flowers that can be made for the holiday for mom with toothpicks and carrots.

With a knife, you need to cut out the desired shape of the flower and then string it on the toothpick itself. Carrots can also be safely replaced with corn. Then the core can be made brighter from beets or corn kernels. If you make about ten flowers, you will get a rather beautiful bouquet.

16. Cabbage and carrot ice cream for kindergarten and school

To prepare this craft, you will need:
  1. Cauliflower
  2. Carrot
The amount of carrots and cauliflower depends entirely on how many servings of ice cream you want to make. Carrots will need to be washed and put in cups. She will perform the role of a waffle cup. On top in the form of ice cream, you will need to fix the cauliflower. Looks very appetizing and very similar to real ice cream.

17. Craft sheep, from natural material - cabbage

You can also make a pretty cute sheep from cauliflower, for the preparation of which you will also need currants and, accordingly, ordinary matches or toothpicks, with which you will actually need to fix your eyes. The figure of the lamb and its legs will need to be cut out with a knife.

18. Man and vegetable cheburashka for kindergarten and school

It is quite simple to make a hand-made craft of a person from vegetables with your own hands. For the body, a medium-sized carrot is perfect. Ideally, of course, it will be if during the harvest you can notice carrots that have a forked end. In this case, even the legs do not have to be additionally attached, since they will already be ready. For a human head, you can take a small potato or even an onion.

In order for a person to be like a real person, of course, he will need eyes. From it can be made either from black peas or from any grains at all. For the mouth, no additional vegetables are needed, since a smile can be cut out with a simple knife. It is only advisable for an adult to do this, since not all children will be able to cut it out neatly, and in the end I want to get the ideal figure, of course. What is a man without hair on his head? They can be made using threads that can be woven into absolutely any hairstyle, or even using straw or even grass. If you didn’t get a carrot with a forked end, then the legs can be made from carrots. Just in order to secure them, we will need toothpicks or matches, depending on your preference. For such a person, a child can come up with a name, and girls can even prepare clothes.

19. DIY fruit crafts - pear hedgehog

Craft Ingredients:
  1. Large pear
  2. Almond spikes or the simplest toothpicks
  3. Cherry in sugar
  4. Some raisins.
How to make a beautiful hedgehog with a pear?

- at your choice, the pear can be peeled or directly with the skin. However, you must understand that if you decide to leave the pear without the skin, you will need to sprinkle it with a little lemon juice, otherwise the “naked” pear will darken quite quickly.
- then you need to cut the pear into two parts exactly in half and reflect the very end of it.
- after that, you need to stick almond spikes into the pear (if they are not there, then the most ordinary toothpicks). It is they who will serve as needles on the body of the hedgehog.
- Of course, the hedgehog will need to make both the eyes and the nose. For the nose, we just took a cherry in sugar, and the eyes can be made very simply by fixing a raisin in their place.

20. Cucumber crocodile - beautiful children's crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands

In order to make a crocodile, it is best to take a sufficiently curved cucumber, which will act as a torso. On the cucumber you need to make small cuts. After that, another cucumber must be cut into two equal parts, one of which will act just like a head. In order for the crocodile to turn out with beautiful teeth that will be as similar as possible to real ones, you need to arrange it quite carefully, complete it by cutting them on both sides of the incision of the figure in the form of triangles. Crocodile legs are best made from the other half of the cucumber. They are also best attached with matches or toothpicks. For the eye, as well as for all other figures, you can use any berries that you like. You can even make pupils with peas or even a piece of carrot. Only at first it will be necessary to get rid of sulfur.

21. Vegetable Dog - Banana Dachshund

Banana fakes have also become very popular recently.

This banana craft is quite simple to make and even a small child can do it. For the body of the dog you will need a large banana. By the way, for a fake it is better to take a couple of bananas, since at least one more will be needed to make a muzzle for a future dog. Using a knife, you can cut the dog's ears out of the banana peel, the main thing is to remove all the pulp first. The head with the body is simply fastened with simple matches, but the main thing: do not forget to attach eyes. For this, you can use, for example, raisins.

Beautiful children's crafts made from fruits and vegetables from natural materials, in fact, make it possible to cook a huge number of a wide variety of items and animals, and most importantly - this is your imagination. It is she who will allow you to decorate the dinner table with such beauty that you can then eat!

Many people love golden autumn because this is the time when the bins are already full. There is a lot of conservation in the pantry, and vegetables and fruits are harvested underground for the winter. And from all these natural resources, you can not only cook delicious, vitamin dishes, but also make interesting crafts with your own hands with your children. Next, we will dwell on how to make original products from ordinary zucchini.

In autumn there will be no such heat as in summer, and children will not be able to spend a long time outside. Yes, and the days become noticeably short, it gets dark earlier, but you don’t feel like sleeping yet. Therefore, on such evenings, to keep the child busy, make crafts with him from vegetables from the garden.

Look what a funny crocodile Gena turned out from cucumbers. And a cartoon green plane made of zucchini, beets and carrots.

And here is what a mustachioed cat was made from an oblong zucchini, again - carrots, corn hairs and leaves.

Crafts from zucchini for kindergarten

If in the kindergarten the teacher asked the kid to do crafts, then you can make such a Santa Claus on an all-terrain vehicle. To fasten the parts of the all-terrain vehicle, use toothpicks, plasticine. You can make inscriptions, decorate works with paints, gel pens.

Look at these different children's works. What a bright parrot came out of a white zucchini, orange, green pepper. And one of the preschoolers came up with the idea of ​​​​making an acorn with a hat from a green vegetable.

In the fall, for DIY crafts, you can find a lot of material in the forest for free (cones, acorns, branches, leaves). Then use them to create still lifes along with zucchini.

How to make crafts from zucchini?

Before starting work, discuss in detail with your child how the product should look like. Better yet, draw it so that later there are no disappointments. Then prepare your material. Choose vegetables in the right shape and do not forget about auxiliary tools. Let's, for example, make small shoes, as in the image below.

Tools, materials:

  • A spoon
  • flowers for jewelry
  • Two roughly identical zucchini


  1. Try to carefully and equally cut strips in the form of a fastener on both shoes.
  2. Peel off excess zucchini skins. Using a knife or a spoon, gradually, slowly, remove the pulp from the zucchini.
  3. You can also use a carving tool for these purposes. It is easier to choose the pulp with special blades than with a regular spoon.
  4. When the shoes take the correct shape, decorate them with flowers. Simply glue them to the sock. Or with carving knives, create a pattern on the front of the shoes if you are familiar with this art.

Autumn crafts from zucchini

What interesting works do not come up with home craftsmen. Autumn is mushroom season. You can make a whole forest of mushrooms from long white zucchini. Cut out hats for white legs from carrots, the same: zucchini, radish, potatoes. And from large zucchini make a ship, as in the picture.

DIY zucchini crafts for school

  • To get a good mark on your work, you just need to devote an hour of free time to do your homework.
  • To do this, pick up a knife, cut out five fins, as in the photo of a shark. And try to first clean the white zucchini, and then, cut out such a formidable fish.
  • Then use toothpicks to attach the fins to the body of the shark.
  • Make eyes out of allspice, sharp teeth out of toothpicks.

A very beautiful basket will come out of a round overgrown zucchini, and if you also fill it with vegetables, you get an original still life.

You can make such a machine with a sailboat with your own hands in a few hours. For the product you will need:

  • vegetable marrow
  • a few grapes
  • wheels and parts from an old broken car
  • plastic figurines and your skill, diligence

Craft from a zucchini - a ship

Boys are more fond of making cars, ships and other transport equipment.

To make a zucchini ship, you will need:

  • Large zucchini of the same thickness along the entire length
  • Toothpicks, colored paper
  • Scotch tape, scissors, knife, plasticine


  1. Cut off exactly part of the zucchini on one side;
  2. Clean out the pulp of the vegetable;
  3. Decorate the sides of the ship with windows;
  4. Make a sailboat;
  5. Place a steering wheel made of toothpicks and vegetables in front;
  6. The captain can be used ready-made or made, for example, from a carrot.

A small boat from a zucchini - craft

Small boats can be made from medium-sized vegetables. Take a look at the work of the masters below:

To make the ship look original, it was decorated with toothpicks and matches.

Zucchini whale - craft

Making a whale will not take you much time. The only thing you need is to find a zucchini approximately the same shape as in the picture. Make fins, tail from colored cardboard, simply cut eyes and mouth on the vegetable itself or make it from plasticine.

Look at this whale with a parsley fountain, it looks very cute. The tail and fins are made from the skin of green peas.

Crafts from a zucchini on the theme of autumn

It is advisable when you make crafts from zucchini, look after the children, because you will have to use a knife to work in any way. Also explain to the child that the product with berries and vegetables will not be stored for a long time. Next you will see the work is not autumn motifs. Cute, looks like a small hedgehog from a yellow-fruited zucchini with berries, apples on thorns-toothpicks.

A beautiful composition turned out from a yellow, round zucchini in the form of a carriage for Cinderella with autumn foliage and artificial stones.

Zucchini hedgehog - craft

A small, cute hedgehog from a white pear-shaped zucchini is easy to make. It is enough to apply a little imagination and use everything that is at hand for work. In the first image, a cute hedgehog is made from a young zucchini, toothpicks, grapes. The nose is attached to the zucchini with a toothpick, molded from black plasticine.

This hedgehog came out big, kind, funny. He even thorns-seeds are not sharp.

Other zucchini crafts - pictures

Sometimes nature itself creates fairy-tale characters. Check out this swan princess from the high-yielding Tsukesha squash. To make it, it was enough for the master to paint the beak with red paint, glue the eyes, cut wings from cabbage leaves and a crown from carrots.

From an ordinary zucchini, you can even make an all-terrain vehicle with a cabin (from a piece of zucchini).

Zucchini car - craft

In order to calm the fidget at least a little, invite the boy to start making cars from the early ripe rounded zucchini Ronde. Believe me, the rascal will not leave you for at least two hours until the car is ready.

Zucchini penguins - craft

Prepare a tool and material for crafting a penguin:

  • One zucchini
  • Carrot
  • Allspice
  • Knife, toothpicks


  1. Cut the zucchini into two pieces.
  2. Gently peel off the skin of the zucchini in the form of a small face and tummy figure, as in the image above.
  3. From an orange carrot, cut out a hat, legs, nose, a butterfly on the neck and a bow for a penguin girl.
  4. On the sides, make incisions-wings.
  5. Attach all other parts to the zucchini with toothpicks.

Turtle from zucchini - craft

Materials, tools:

  • Three zucchini, different shapes. Two are long, one is rounded.
  • Toothpicks, knife.
  • Plasticine.


  1. Cut a round vegetable in half;
  2. Divide one long zucchini into six parts (tortoise head, four legs and tail);
  3. Cut another long zucchini into rings;
  4. Then be patient and use toothpicks to connect all the details;
  5. The tortoise shell is best secured with two toothpicks;
  6. Plasticine eyes are also attached to the muzzle with the same auxiliary material.

Zucchini pig - craft

To make a chubby white pig, you only need to cut out the ears and piglet from the cucumber. Then fasten them with toothpicks to the body of an oval white zucchini. Make eyes from black plasticine, tail from wire.

Craft vase from zucchini

A vase of green zucchini will look really festive. Such crafts can be presented for a birthday to mom, grandmother. If you decorate the finished vase with paints, the effect will be amazing.

By applying your talent for carving beautiful patterns on vegetables and creating ikebana, your product will be highly appreciated by relatives.

Minion from zucchini - craft

Almost all children know the cartoon character Minion. But not everyone knows how to make it from zucchini on their own. It turns out it's simple. you need to take a yellow oval vegetable and paint it with ordinary paints, as in the photo below. Make legs out of zucchini. Attach them to the body with toothpicks.

Craft "Engine from a zucchini"

For a steam locomotive with one trailer, you will need:

  • one large cucumber
  • three dark green zucchini
  • carrot
  • plasticine, toothpicks


  1. Start with a trailer. Cut off the top of an oval vegetable, scoop out the flesh.
  2. Cut off half of another zucchini to make the driver's cab.
  3. Cover the roof with plasticine.
  4. Fasten all parts of the engine with sharp toothpicks.
  5. Then make wheels from cucumber, carrot.
  6. From plasticine, mold the front grille of a small composition and the horn to the roof.
  7. Make a pipe out of a carrot.

Zucchini house - craft

Any house should have windows, doors, a roof. See how fabulous the houses of round hybrid zucchini look in combination with Christmas tree branches, flowers, cones, mountain ash.

After the examples given, you yourself will be able to create your own crafts from zucchini, not like everyone else.

Video: Easy zucchini crafts