Crafts animals from corrugated cardboard. Corrugated cardboard crafts. Christmas decorations. What are the basic elements

Corrugated cardboard quilling. Master class with step by step photos

Master class: corrugated cardboard craft "A hearty gift for dad and mom"

Author: Fateeva Oksana Yuryevna, methodologist for arts and crafts and fine arts, MBOU DOD TsRTDiYu, Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov Region.
The master class is designed to work in a children's creative association for children 7-10 years old and older, for teachers, parents.
Purpose: This work is a handmade gift.

The purpose of the master class: master the technique of corrugated cardboard quilling.

The cat consists of a body-heart, paws-stand, muzzle, ears and tail.
At the first stage it is necessary to cut 10 strips 1 cm wide from red cardboard in length. These are blanks for a heart-shaped torso.

The heart consists of two parts - dense oval discs. For each disk, it is necessary to glue 5 strips of tape with PVA glue.

And then, stepping back from the edge of 10 tubercles, twist into tight oval discs.

We press the discs, giving the shape of a drop. We glue the heart.
Second phase: prepare paws-stands, muzzle, ears and tail. We cut 12 strips 5 mm wide from white cardboard in length.

We divide the first strip into two equal parts and twist a tight disk from each half.

We squeeze and give the shape of triangles - these are the ears.

One whole strip is a tight disk. This is a cheek. The cat has two.

Give the cheeks the shape of a droplet

Requires 6 strips per foot stand. The basis - two tight disks from two strips. We give them the shape of a droplet and glue them like a heart. For "fingers" we divide the strip into 4 equal parts. From each part we twist a tight disk.

Divide one strip in half. From the half we twist the disk - a beard for the muzzle. Cut the remaining half in half again and twist two more “fingers”.

corrugated quilling

corrugated quilling This is corrugated cardboard quilling. It is specially prepared in strips of various thicknesses to model certain parts of the figures. It looks beautiful, bends easily, holds its shape well. It is much easier and easier to twist strips from colored corrugated cardboard than from paper. Crafts and toys made using the corrugated quilling technique , they turn out bright, large, voluminous and unusual, much less time is spent on their manufacture. Children really like working with corrugated cardboard: the finished craft turns out pretty quickly.

Corrugated strips

Colored corrugated cardboard in strips for quilling is strips of two-layer colored microcorrugated cardboard in bulk: one layer is flat, the second layer is straight corrugated. It is used to create and decorate postcards, crafts, corrugated toys, boxes, panels, large works in the quilling technique (corrugated quilling).

In addition to ready-made strips, you can use corrugated cardboard in sheets and packaging cardboard, having previously cut it into strips of the desired width (one layer of paper must be removed from the packaging cardboard).

Master Class

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Due to its flexibility and at the same time strength, corrugated cardboard is a very convenient material for crafts. Corrugated board holds its shape perfectly, for which it is valued by paper rolling masters. It is about the technique of making crafts from corrugated cardboard that will be discussed today.

She makes crafts from corrugated cardboard herself and teaches this to children Zhukova Elena. Just think - colored stripes can be twisted in such a way that any character from a fairy tale, or an animal, or a wonderful flower can turn out. Enjoy yourself.

Corrugated Cardboard Crafts: Aristocratic Dog

Elena will tell us how to make such an aristocratic dog out of corrugated cardboard:

To make it, we need :

Corrugated cardboard:
Orange stripes 43 pcs. + 1 strip for gluing joints
Yellow stripes - 4 pcs.
Plum (a hat will be made of them) stripes - 7 pcs.
For its manufacture we need:
thermal gun
good mood

Shall we start?

It is necessary to glue two long strips, each of 6 (7) strips.
1. Count 18 ribs, bend on the 19th and twist two ovals

2. These are the resulting blanks for the torso. The strips were soft this time, so they don’t fit snugly in the middle, but don’t worry, it all sticks together further.

3. Now we give the desired shape to our blanks. First, for the back, we put forward, we put forward as high as possible, but at the same time we make the back (top) itself flat, we need to glue the neck on it.

4. The second, abdomen, we put forward quite a bit, literally 3-4 rows of strips. The bottom part should be as wide as possible - to glue the paws.

5. We coat both blanks with hot glue. I smear the bottom or bottom of the resulting boats completely, thickly, squeezing them together so that they do not diverge and there are no cracks. And then up the sides - rays - strips of glue.

6. Apply glue to the very edge of one of the blanks and connect the back to the abdomen

7. Glue the joint (place of connection) with a strip

Torso ready

1. We glue two long strips of 3 strips each. Roll up two round pills.

2. We give shape. The back of the head is formed by a hemisphere.

3. For the muzzle, we put forward a cone, bend this cone, form a slightly upturned muzzle

4. Lubricate inside with glue. In the spout on the muzzle, I pour more glue

5. Apply glue to the edge of one of the blanks ...

6. Glue the back of the head and muzzle, glue the joint with a strip

We prepare two strips of two strips each. We twist two identical tablets, glue them together. Set aside the resulting neck.

Glue two strips of 2 yellow and 2 orange stripes, report 18, add and twist two ovals

Slightly squeeze on one side and squeeze out a little in the wide part (shape the ears), coat with glue inside

1. We twist 8 identical tablets, from one strip each. Glue two tablets together. Total - we get 4 legs

2. We twist 4 tablets, each of the two strips is the pads of the paws. (at this stage, I realized that the orange stripes were not enough for me, and I glued the pads from yellow and orange, folded together). Squeeze the paw pads a little - make them a little oval

3. Glue the paws to the pads

In the photo above we see - you need to lubricate the inner sides of the paws to the middle (I have a little less, I tried it on - that's just how it turns out). Now glue the body. Glue the neck in place

and glue the head

Glue the ears in place

1. To make a crown, you need to twist a tablet of three strips, squeeze out with a deep sphere, smear inside

2. For the fields of the hat, we take 4 strips, cut them in width, from the resulting 8 narrow strips we glue one strip and twist the disk. With this disc, we push the middle a little. We coat the recess with hot glue, and PVA - the fields of the hat. Let the PVA glue dry (let's go have some tea, this time is just enough :)

Get strong and durable. Therefore, they are often used in the manufacture of toys for children. You can take into work the usual packaging material that was left after acquiring some kind of large equipment - a TV, a gas stove, a refrigerator, etc. It is convenient to make large cars and dollhouses from such recycled materials.

But bright colored sheets of corrugated cardboard are also on sale. From them you can make a variety of toys or decor items. Let's look at several options for making corrugated cardboard crafts. In the article we will describe in detail how to make them, what is needed for this.

Beads for mom on March 8

From colored cardboard, you can twist beads of different colors and sizes. Even cylinders are formed from simple strips, and if you cut a strip of cardboard with a sharp edge, the skein will turn out to be spiral, as in the photo in the article.

In the manufacture of beads, the strips are fastened with PVA glue. For twisting the hanks, a base is used - a wooden skewer or a metal knitting needle. After complete drying of the corrugated cardboard craft, an even hole remains inside, into which a nylon thread or fishing line is inserted. You can attach a chain that has a clasp. To make the beads shine beautifully, they can be covered with a layer of acrylic varnish.

greeting card

When using corrugated cardboard in the creation of postcards, the product turns out to be voluminous and embossed. Take, for example, such a wonderful owl. On a sheet of cardboard folded in half, a bright strip of printed paper is first glued. The drawing can be anything - circles, hearts, balls, etc. An owl's body and two small wings are cut out of corrugated cardboard.

The rest of the details are even, cut out of durable glossy paper. Large white circles are the eyes of a bird, paws, beak and pupils of the eyes are cut out of black paper. Using the same print, cut out a heart. Such a simple craft made of corrugated cardboard looks very stylish and impressive.

wall panel

From a large piece of corrugated cardboard, you can cut such an autumn tree with a sharp cutter. Additionally, you can use multi-colored buttons or leaves cut out of colored paper or felt. Do-it-yourself corrugated cardboard crafts are cut out carefully, because you only need to remove a thin part of a three-layer cardboard. The wavy inner detail should not be touched by the edge of the blade, as the picture will turn out to be sloppy.

Before cutting, the contours of the drawing are applied with a thin simple pencil. Then, a sharp cutter is drawn along the drawn lines, it is advisable to choose an inclined blade. You can use a utility knife. Then it remains only to decorate the craft with buttons. Choose items of different colors and sizes.

Craft "Fish"

For such crafts for children, corrugated cardboard is taken the most common, you can use the old box from the packaging. First, the shape of the fish is drawn with a simple pencil with a tail and fins. Then the same scales are cut out. The head is separated from the body of the fish by long, curved strips of cardboard. Glue the scales, starting from the tail. The circles are overlapped. Three strips of a thin piece of cardboard are glued on the tail.

The eye is made voluminous due to the layering. Cut out three circles of different sizes and stick them in descending order. First the largest circle, then the medium size, at the end - the smallest. When the craft is done, you can make it bright by painting it with gouache paints. Cover the product several times, as corrugated cardboard absorbs water well. After complete drying, the craft is additionally opened with acrylic varnish. After that, it will look shiny, and the colors will become more saturated.

Gift for dad on February 23

Before you make a corrugated cardboard tank craft, you need to remove an even layer. We only need a wavy piece of cardboard to work with. First, four wide strips are cut. They roll into cylinders. These will be the wheels of the tank. They are fastened together with PVA glue, additionally restrained by tank tracks. They are made from thin strips that are wrapped around the wheels several times.

The bottom part of the craft is ready! Now we proceed to the tank turret. A wide strip is cut out of cardboard, and the tower is twisted. The sides are sealed with even plates cut to the size of the sides. From a thin strip you need to roll the hatch. It remains only to make a hole in the front of the tower and insert a long thin cannon. At the end of it, a thickening is made. After manufacturing, the tank can be painted with bright colors and opened with acrylic varnish.

funny monkeys

The monkeys are made from thinly sliced ​​strips using the quilling technique. How to make such crafts from corrugated cardboard step by step, read further in the article. The head and body of the animal are twisted from brown stripes. As a basis for winding, you can take a wooden skewer, in which a slot is cut with a knife. The edge of the paper is inserted into it and rotational movements around the stick begin. When the required thickness of the part is reached, the edge is cut off and attached to the last turn with PVA glue.

When the biggest parts are done, work begins on the smaller parts. For the muzzle, a thin yellow strip is used, from which a circle is twisted. The ears are made up of two colors. The paws are represented only by long strips folded in half. Nose, eyes, mouth are made of colored paper with appliqué. The hair is collected from yellow yarn and glued on top of the head with PVA glue.

Cardboard turkey

To complete the work, you will need colored corrugated cardboard. The head and body of the turkey are twisted from stripes of red and brown. A luxurious tail is assembled from rounded wide stripes of white, red and brown. They are glued on the back of the body at one point. The stripes themselves diverge to the sides like the rays of the sun.

A strip of orange paper twisted into an oval is attached to the front of the head. Eyes can be cut out of colored paper, or you can take purchased ones, as in the photo above. At the end, paws and a hat are created.

The article gives several options for corrugated cardboard crafts made with and for children. Try to create your own masterpiece. Good luck!

Details and techniques for working with corrugated cardboard
Twist a strip of corrugated cardboard tightly, glue the end of the strip.

Roll the strip of corrugated cardboard like a disk, but back off from the beginning 1 cm or a little more.

Roll a strip of corrugated cardboard like a disc, then unravel it a little and pin it on two opposite sides. Glue the end.

Zebra is a disk twisted from 2-4 multi-colored corrugated cardboard strips. glue the strips in the form of steps, then twist the part. Cut the ends of the strips with a ladder, as shown in the figure, and then glue them to the part.

Twist the disk and form a dome. shifting the layers so that a hemisphere is obtained. Then, from the inside, grease the entire surface of the part with PVA glue, which, after drying, will fix the resulting shape. Or cross-cross the "dome" with a glue gun so that all layers of the part are captured.

Twist the disk of the desired diameter, form a cone out of it. Fix the shape with PVA glue or a glue gun, like a dome.

Corrugated cardboard crafts for children - examples of work
1. Body. Twist 2 discs of strips 2.5 m long each. form disks into domes. Fix this shape with glue from the inside.
2. Legs. twist a disk from a strip 50 cm long, glued together from 2 strips of a contrasting color, 25 cm each. Make the disk slightly convex and fix this shape with PVA glue from the inside. Do the same for the front legs.
3. Ears. From a thin strip 0.5 cm wide and 50 cm long, twist the disk and form an ear. Do the same for the other ear.
4. Assembly. Glue all the details with a glue gun. Make eyes. Decorate the ears and cheeks with colored paper figures made using a figured hole punch.

1. Head is done in the same way as a piglet.
2. Eyes are made in the same way as the head, only each hemisphere is twisted from a strip 50 cm long, and the lower part is white or yellowish. make pupils out of black paper.
3. torso- twist the disk from a strip 3 m long. form a cone about 8 cm high. fix the form from the inside.
4. Paws- Glue 2 strips 50 cm long in a contrasting color with the smooth side. form the fingers in the form of loops and fix the shape from the inside.
5. Assembly- Glue all the details with a glue gun. Decorate the frog with buttons.

For sunflower cut a petal out of a 1.7x3.5 rectangle of yellow corrugated cardboard. Make 17 of these petals. For the center of the flower, twist 2 strips of yellow and brown 0.5x50 cm each. Form a low dome and fix it.
sunflower assembly: Cut out a circle with a diameter of 4 cm from cardboard. Glue a stick along the radius to it and petals around the circumference. then stick on them with a shift the second layer of the petal center stick on the center of the petal.
Cut out leaves from green corrugated cardboard and glue them to the stem.

Flower- the petals are made like this - twist the disk from a strip of about 5x25 cm. lightly pin it in one place. glue the end. Make 5 petals. For the middle, twist a disk of 2 strips of contrasting colors, 0.5x12 cm each - make 2 such parts.
flower assembly- glue the petals together, glue the stick-stalk between 2 petals, glue the core in the middle - on both sides. for leaves, take a green strip 0.5x25 cm and form a leaf with glue, glue it to the stem.