Match hair color to your face. How to choose the right hair color, depending on the type of appearance. Painting with chemical and natural dyes

Beautiful well-groomed hair emphasizes a unique feminine image.

It is good if the curls are naturally lush and there is no gray hair in them.

What should women with dull color or gray hair do?

Naturally, seek help from a stylist or hairdresser, who probably knows how to match the hair color to the face: so that a woman looks young, stylish and attractive.

In addition to problems with color, hair dyeing will help those representatives of the fair sex, whose hair density leaves much to be desired.

But, before you start coloring, you need to figure out which color will suit a particular type of face.

Hair color: should I change it?

Natural hair color does not just look natural, this gift of nature is ideally combined with eye color, facial features. In addition, undyed hair (if healthy) shines, flows in silk strands, gently falling over the shoulders. Such curls also indicate that everything is in order with the well-being of the woman herself. But that's not all: natural hair does not require as much protection as dyed hair. Recovery procedures, nutrition - these are the disadvantages that hair dyeing pulls along with it.

If your hair turns gray and dyeing is inevitable, you can never go wrong with choosing a dye color to match your natural hair color. If you just want to change your image or change your life, starting with a hairstyle, seek help from a specialist who will accurately name the colors and shades, tell you how to choose a hair color for your face.

Despite the fact that naturalness is always in fashion, but you feel uncomfortable in your color, you can safely change the color, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the choice, since the wrong tone can emphasize all the imperfections on the face, shade wrinkles and rashes.

How to match hair color to your face: general principles

When choosing a color for hair dye, an important factor is skin tone and its characteristics. Blond and black are the favorite decisions of fashionistas, they are far from being for everyone and very often they can visually add several years, and this is not at all what women are striving for, so do not chase after fashion, but adequately figure out according to your color type and hair color. In order to make it easier to navigate in the richest palette of colors, specify who you are a woman - winter, spring, summer or autumn. Based on this, you can safely make a choice in favor of one color or another.


Women of this type are characterized by cold contrast: skin tone can be either very light or very dark. The same applies to the color of the eyes, which can amaze with their stinginess (black, brown) and be deeply cold (gray, blue).

Representatives of this color type can safely choose black, even light-skinned "winters" will look gorgeous, colored in this way. Light brown, ash shades look good. If you want to look extravagant, you can dilute black curls with bright strands, but in any case, remember that choosing black, your skin should look perfect: it should not have age spots, rashes, freckles.

Taboo for "winter" - all variants of blond, warm golden tones.


A spring woman has light eyes (blue, green) and light skin, however, she is a warm color type, with natural hair from light blond to brown-haired. The ideal option for coloring is dark red, golden, light brown-haired. Natural hair color: be it brown or red, you can transform by making strands a tone or two lighter than natural, thereby adding volume.

As for the unwanted tones, these are blond, ashy, light red. Such options are cold colors, and they do not combine with a warm skin tone, making it nondescript.


Cold non-contrast color type with light eyes and cool skin tone. Most often, a summer woman is a brown-haired woman, but to make it brighter, you can experiment with light tones up to blonde. A light brown-haired man is able to make any "summer mouse" bright.

Do not experiment with dark tones - they will age and make the look heavy and ineffective. If a woman has brown eyes, you should not lighten your curls - this is not the best option in which your eyes will look scary.


Warm contrasting color type, which is characterized by light or dark eyes, dark hair (up to a brunette) and a brighter skin tone than in spring.

All dark options are perfect for coloring hair: black, chestnut, dark blond, rich red. Copper, gold, light tones should not be considered as an option - they will look unprofitable against the background of dark skin.

How to match hair color to your face: good options

Good color options for brown eyes

Women with dark eyes and dark skin will look good with strands painted in dark tones: from dark blond to black.

Fair-skinned young ladies with dark eyes can play with bright colors, choosing red, chocolate and copper tones.

Amber and golden colors will make light brown eyes more expressive.

Successful color options for green eyes

Green-eyed beauties are the brightest option imaginable. They can experiment with fiery hues, shine with gold and an entire reddish palette. If you are not ready for such experiments and want to look stylish, but restrained, chestnut is your option.

Muddy green, swampy eyes will be ideally combined with dark blond and brown hair.

Good options for blue eyes

Depending on the characteristics of the blue eye color, you can consider different options for shades for the hair. If they are of a cold gray or blue color, then the most suitable would be to dye your hair light blond or ashy. Blue with splashes of brown, will look harmonious in tandem with red strands, golden, caramel tones.

Bright, rich blue eye tones work well with brown, so you should pay attention to light brown hair dye options.

Successful color options for the shape of the face

Everyone knows that light colors create volume, while dark ones reduce it. It is very important to remember this rule when choosing a hair color.

If you cannot solve the question of how to choose a hair color for a round face, listen to the advice of experts who will say their unequivocal yes to dark tones: they will reduce the oval of the face, framing it with dark strands.

For skinny women with a long oval face, it is best to dye their strands in light colors, and if you also make a short (or medium-length) fluffy haircut, your face will become more rounded.

How to match hair color to your face: unsuccessful options

Young ladies with a round face should not look in the direction of light colors, and even more so a blonde. This option will further expand their oval. A short, voluminous haircut can further aggravate the situation.

Thin women should also be wary of: they are not advised by experts to dye in dark tones, and even more so, do not make the strands straight: if you are already a brunette, add volume to your hair.

Dark-eyed women with dark eyes should not take risks with warm tones: gold, caramel, copper.

Brown-eyed and fair-skinned ladies should be careful about ashy, graphite, pinkish tones.

Fair-skinned and light-eyed Nordic ladies should pass by counters with dark tones of paints, as they will visually make their delicate face much older.

A woman who wants to change her image and dye her hair in a new color must definitely seek help from a stylist who knows exactly how to match hair color to her face and not only preserve natural attractiveness, but also make it even more impressive.

In addition to color, be sure to pay attention to the hairstyle with which this or that hair tone will look most beneficial, since any detail can add effect or take it away.

Before heading to a paint store or hairdresser, stand in front of a mirror and look at yourself. When choosing a hair color, you need to take into account the features of your appearance - skin tone, eye color, natural hair color. For example, warm colors make the face appear more ruddy. Therefore, if you are already naturally blush, choose cool browns, ash or sandy blond, cool champagne tones. If you are prone to allergies or often blush, you should not dye your hair red shades (pomegranate, copper red, mahogany, and others).

When choosing your hair color, keep in mind the color of your eyes. If you have a warm skin tone and bright green or hazel eyes, warm hair tones (reddish, golden or reddish shades) will suit you. For people with gray and blue eyes and fair skin, cold ash or light golden tones are better suited.

To find the best hair color, try to understand what color color your appearance belongs to. Try to determine who you are by your natural skin tone, eye and hair color - Winter, Spring, Summer or Autumn?

It is quite difficult to understand this issue, especially when you consider that there are people with an intermediate and non-contrasting color type. In this case, many resort to the help of professionals. But it is imperative to determine your color type. The fact is that for each color type there is a spectrum of tones and hair colors that are suitable for it. It is very important to correctly determine not only the hair color that suits you (such as brown-haired fifth degree), but also the tone that suits you - cold or warm.

Spring woman
It unites people with a delicate complexion, more often a light beige tone. The skin is so light that it appears transparent. She in people of this type is very sensitive by nature. The blush has the color of a ripe peach. The eyes can be blue, yellow-brown and green. Natural hair color - light golden, golden brown, golden ash.

light hair color. Avoid mahogany colors with a pinkish tint. An unhealthy glow will appear on your face with this hair color. With yellowish skin, you should not dye your hair in deep golden tones.

Most of all, people of the spring type are suitable for warm light tones that are close to natural: from the light shade of ripe wheat to the dark color of buckwheat honey. In this case, the lightened strands of all shades of gold will also look beautiful, since lightening the hair is much more suitable for the delicate skin color.

Dark tones will contrast sharply with a light face and should be avoided. Bright shades of red, turning into red, are undesirable, because all the charm of a light beige skin tone is lost.

The dye used to color the hair should be marked "warm".

Summer Woman
Now about the type Leto. This is a low-contrast cold color type. They have light (blue or gray) eyes, natural hair color can be from light to brown, skin of a cool (bluish or pink) shade (Maria Sharapova). Light cool shades such as ash or platinum blonde or ash-blond color are very suitable for such women.

Summer (and Spring too) is completely unsuitable for dark tones. How do you determine which shade is right for you? If you have dark hair, but quickly fade in the sun, or you had blonde hair as a child, you can safely turn into a blonde. Nature has already determined which hair color suits you. You just need to choose the right shade correctly.

If you have green or blue eyes and pink skin that easily turns ruddy, this is perfect for you.

If you have beautiful brown eyes, be very careful with the lightening. You can transform into a colorless creature with a heavy look.

In women of the summer type, hair by nature very often has a completely inexpressive mouse color. This can be very easily fixed by turning into a light brown-haired woman. This color can give the hair depth and revitalize it, and, in addition, freshen up fair skin a little. But a woman - Letu should avoid very dark tones. The rich chestnut color will age you.

Autumn Woman
Next, let's talk about Autumn. This is a contrasting warm color type. The eyes of such people can be both light and dark (black, dark brown, light brown, green, blue), hair from brown to brunette. Skin color is brighter than Spring, skin tone is yellowish or golden (Jessica Alba, Aniston, Jennifer, Holly Bury).

Compared to Summer, Autumn is more suitable for a rich hair color. Blacks work very well, as well as browns, chocolate and warm chestnut tones. Hair of red color or dark blond of various copper and golden shades looks great. But such women should not become blondes. Their skin will become too unnatural and dark against the background of light hair. You can choose the color that suits you, among a large number of brown shades. If you have naturally brown or hazel hair and dark eyes, chestnut color with chocolate, auburn or mahogany strands is perfect for you. These strands will give your hair a natural look and enhance the color. Try not to use orange, copper and gold tones. These tones are too sunny for you, they are more suitable for Spring.

Winter woman

It is typical for people with a milky white or olive complexion without blush. The eyes can be gray-blue, light blue, gray-green and black-brown. The hair is very dark - from black-brown to bluish-black.

The natural hair color of this type is dark, so brown tones will make it look more vibrant. Blue and purple shades will be not particularly noticeable, which will give the face a more interesting look.

Warm tones of red do not always suit the winter type. Bleached strands, which look unnatural on a dark background, are especially not recommended. Gray hair in women of this type stands out sharply, so it should be painted over using either full hair coloring, or highlighting, coloring, etc.

All women are adventurous by nature. The desire to radically change the appearance is characteristic of each of us. But not every young lady knows how to choose the right hair color. Such ignorance often threatens us with disappointment. It's good if you manage to choose the right color for your hair dye. Luck is a good thing, but not permanent.

Color matching is not easy, but it can be mastered to perfection. Moreover, once having recognized your color type, you will forget about the agony of choice for the rest of your life. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to have information on how to choose a hair color.

Skin color features

Our hairstyle should match the skin and eyes. Only then can we talk about an ideal image. Otherwise, the inappropriate paint can negate all efforts.

Our skin tone depends on two dyes - hemoglobin (to a large extent) and carotene (to a lesser extent). If her tone is slightly bluish (in other words, cold), hemoglobin is to blame. In the case when a woman's skin has a yellowish (warm) tint, we can talk about the effect of carotene.

There are two more important pigments that determine the saturation of hair and skin color. These are melanin (a dark, black-brown pigment) and omelanin (yellow-red pigment).

Let's talk about color types

If you still don't know how to choose the right hair color, it doesn't matter. First you need to decide on your color type.

Of course, there are no less shades of color than women on the planet. But, nevertheless, stylists divide them into 4 categories, named by analogy with the seasons. However, in order to decide how to choose the right hair color, you will only need to know: you belong to the warm (autumn-spring) or cold (winter-summer) type.

Warm type girls

This applies unambiguously to you if:

Ladies who belong to the "autumn-spring" class should also choose shades appropriate for the period. For example, bronze or gold. And remember: hair color should be darker than skin. But it is better to refuse black and blue.

Cold type

  • From childhood, pinkish or white skin.
  • Blue or brown eyes.
  • Hair can be of any shade, but not red.

The summer-winter color type dictates its own laws. It is better for such young ladies to avoid red or gold shades. But ash and blond are great for them.

Determine your type

These are general rules for everyone, but often in life you have to observe various combinations: for example, blue eyes and red hair. What should be done in this case? How to choose a new hair color?

In any case, it is not worth experimenting in the hope of "maybe". Better to take a closer look at yourself. There are many methods for this. Quite exciting, by the way, so you won't get bored.

Our skin and hair color

We have already understood that these 2 colors should be in harmony with each other. Then we carefully look at the skin and determine the color of the curls:

Eyes are not only windows to the soul

Yes Yes exactly. They are also an indicator of what type of woman you are. It is the color of the eyes that will help you decide on the tone of the paint.

  • Green and brown eyes go well with auburn, golden, red curls.
  • But for gray and blue, cold shades are perfect: ashy blond, light golden.

Examining the wardrobe

Do you know how sophisticated women of fashion choose their hair color? They open the doors of wardrobes and look: what colors of clothes prevail in their wardrobe. This will be directly related to the shade of your curls.

What will the jewelry box tell about?

There is another way that gives an answer, how to choose a hair color. Get out the jewelry you wear most and watch:

  • The predominance of silver indicates that you are a cold-type lady.
  • If you have more gold, then warm colors will suit you.

There is also an easier solution: stock up on silver and gold foil. Bring 2 strips alternately to the face. Silver will work better with the cold type. With warm - gold.

Dark-haired women and their color type

Most often, this skin is found in southerners. Dark-haired women also need to know what type they are.

There is a good way to determine your skin tone. Take a closer look at the veins.

  • If they are blue, then your type is cold.
  • If the veins are greenish, you are of the warm type.

It so happens that it is impossible to make out the veins. Some young ladies get nervous because they don't know how to choose a hair color. The photo will help you with this. You need to take a picture outside on a bright day. Of course, there can be no question of any makeup. At home, in a graphic editor, you can check your shade - warm or cold.

How to choose a hair color for swarthy girls?

When you decide on your type, everything will become extremely simple.

Those who belong to the "autumn-spring" type should pay attention to the chocolate color. It will allow you to look youthful, even if you are well over 40. Lovers of black should know: it is better to give up the shade of the raven wing, and give preference to the charcoal pigment.

Dark-skinned young ladies with cold looks have fewer problems. A fairly wide range of colors suits them. If desired, they can even turn into a blonde. The main thing is to abandon the Nordic blond. But you can choose light brown with a blue or silver tint, light chestnut. Both light chocolate and black will look good. True, stylists argue that it is better not to resort to total coloring, but to choose highlighting. But that's up to you.

How to choose a red hair color?

From time immemorial, this color was considered one of the most extravagant. Actually, this is not surprising. After all, redheads are usually chosen by impudent natures, who do not like conventions and live by their own rules.

There are many shades of this color, which are very difficult for an uninitiated person to understand. But you are now armed with the appropriate knowledge. So how do you choose your hair color if you want to become redhead?

  • Light chestnut, honey, cinnamon shades are perfect for blondes.
  • Brunettes should choose mahogany or ripe plum.
  • Fair-haired people will look great with bright red or copper-red hair.

Do not lose sight of your color type:

  • For owners of fair skin, stylists are advised to give preference to honey or golden shades of red.
  • Dark-skinned and dark-skinned people can safely choose golden chestnut. But it is better to refuse from red with a shade of copper and bright colors.

I want to be a blonde!

Then why not become one? The main thing is not to forget about your color type. For warm skin tones, choose golden blond, for cold skin tones - ash. If your skin tone is neutral, you can rejoice: almost any tone from this palette will suit you.

However, it is worth remembering: blond is a rather expensive color. You need to take care of such hair more carefully: monitor the roots, tint to avoid a rusty shade of the hair, because the paint is quickly washed out.

Choosing black

We are all different. Someone constantly lightens their hair to get rid of the annoying dark color (and most of them). And someone, on the contrary, dreams of becoming a burning brunette all their lives. Black shades will look especially harmonious if you have olive or dark skin.

But remember, black is the hardest color. It is very difficult to get rid of it. It will be almost impossible to go back to natural without damaging your hair.

The practicality and beauty of chestnut

Chestnut is one of the most versatile colors. It adds brightness and depth to the hair of nondescript shades. In addition, the chestnut requires a minimum of maintenance. And paint, in a wide assortment on store shelves, is elementary to use. It is also recommended to choose brown shades for those who have damaged hair. This color reflects light well, therefore it prevents dry and brittle curls.

As you can see, color matching is a whole science. But, having mastered it once, you will easily navigate in the endless sea of ​​all tones and shades.

Nothing makes the image harmonious like the right hair color. The eyes become more expressive, the look is deep and purposeful, the skin of the face looks fresher than usual, and all fine wrinkles and skin imperfections are compensated by luxurious highlights and the play of shades of hair. How to choose a hair color so that others admire the vitality and beauty of the curls, and their owner is in harmony with her outer and inner “I”.

How to choose the right hair color? This is the most frequently asked question that sounds in beauty salons, in the personal offices of stylists or on sites specializing in creating a bright and fashionable image. There are several criteria and basic principles, based on which, you can achieve the desired result - to become irresistible.

Natural and artificial beauty

Our great-grandmothers also repeated simple truths: "A dress can be of the simplest cut from inexpensive material, but hair and shoes should be in perfect order, clean and well-groomed." Times are changing, but common truths do not lose their significance. As before, your curls are the natural framing of your face. Choosing a haircut is much faster and easier. And to achieve the perfect, close to natural hair color is not easy, but still worth a try. As a result, you can either become the owner of a chic "mane", which will become a real decoration, or achieve the impression of artificiality, which happens in cases when the chosen shade does not suit your color type.

Important advice from the editors!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos that you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos of famous brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components, due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses its elasticity and strength, the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use the products that contain these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial office conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by the funds from Mulsan Cosmetic. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

Cold color type: eye, skin and hair color

Do you have gray, black or blue eyes? Or maybe you have green eyes with a delicate gray tint? If so, then you can safely be attributed to people with a cold color type. Representatives of this color type are given the following external signs:

  • light, sometimes pinkish skin;
  • light brown or ash hair.

Such girls will look very harmonious if they dye their hair in light natural tones. It can be natural blond. If you are the owner of perfect skin, feel free to experiment with your hair by dyeing it black or red. Remember: such colors very sharply emphasize all the flaws in the skin, so only owners of perfect facial skin can decide on them. One more nuance - all dark tones significantly add age. Do not forget about this when you are in front of the counter with hair dye.

You should not consider the option of a golden color and all red shades, most often such a palette does not decorate, but acts with the opposite result.

People of warm color type

Hazel, golden or dark green eyes are sure signs of people with a warm color type. Their skin is from pale golden to peach velvety color, their hair is often dark blond, sometimes chestnut color is found. For girls with a warm color type, paints of the following shades are suitable:

  • gold color;
  • ginger;
  • cappuccino color.

It is better to exclude an ash-colored paint and all light-blond paints in general from the chosen options for dyeing hair.

Agree, dividing people into two groups according to the color of their eyes, skin and natural hair color is a very vague criterion. But what if nature mixed colors, and a girl with light brown hair (cold color type) has brown eyes (warm color type)? What should be done in this case? What hair color will suit the face?

System "Seasons"

Fashion and style are two concepts that rule beauty and set the tone for its owners. But in the pursuit of fashion, many forget that hair color cannot be made dependent on fashion trends and personal preferences. The only thing it depends on is the color type.
Stylists have long developed and tested another, extended, classification system, which is not only more accurate and correct, but also detailed, allowing you to deeply delve into the question of choosing the perfect shade for hair.

Historically, all the fair sex was conventionally classified into four groups, like a year for four seasons.

There are color types:

  • "Spring";
  • "Winter";
  • "Autumn";
  • "Summer".


Spring ... Warm season is a warm color type of appearance. Spring-type girls are gentle girls.

Image. More often directly childish, innocent, extremely gentle and airy-light. In short, a romantic nature.

Eyes. Exceptionally light shades: from sky blue through green to deep graphite.

Leather. The spring girl has a light skin type. It is both soft pink and ivory. Owners of such sensitive skin often get sunburn.

Hair color. Blond or a shade reminiscent of cappuccino.

The stylists have clearly defined that the color that the representatives of this group should adhere to is yellow. Yellow is a rich color, it is the basis for choosing among rich colors of colors and shades. Ideal paints:

  • honey;
  • golden;
  • nutty;
  • redhead with a golden tint;
  • amber.

If nature has rewarded you with copper-red hair, dye it chocolate or brown. Both shades are self-contained, they will make you even more attractive.

Do not use dark paints. You may end up with a pale and unnatural face. Cold shades for people with a warm spring color type should say "no".

Doesn't fit:

  • ashen;
  • ginger.

Does the collective image of a woman-spring appear badly? Let's try to visualize and imagine, or maybe see, bright representatives of the spring color type - singer Britney Spears, figure skater Tatyana Navka or actress Elena Korikova.


This color type, according to statistics, is the most common among the female sex in our latitudes. He gave the weaker sex cold tones and shades.

Eyes. With eyes, everything is simple: they can be green or gray-green, permeable blue and even light brown.

Leather. As in the previous case, the skin is pale, they are so light and transparent that blood vessels can be observed.

Natural hair color: ash, light brown, natural white.

If, according to the proposed criteria, you classified yourself as a girl with the "Summer" color type, opt for such paint colors as:

  • pearls or silver;
  • all existing light or light brown tones and shades (it is desirable that these paints have an ash tint);
  • brown-haired. This color, like a fairy from a fairy tale, works wonders, turning mouse hair color into a color with deep saturation and freshness.

You are a summer girl, which means that “cloudy” and dark colors are not for you. Set aside the chestnut or chocolate paint. This is not your option. Don't pay attention to red or red. Avoid them, they will only add age.

Do you have brown eyes? By no means strive to become blonde by lightening your hair. Does your skin have a yellow sheen? Golden paint is contraindicated.

Women with the “Summer” color type are interesting women, as they say, “kissed by the sun”. They are bright and charismatic personalities with leadership qualities and core within. A vivid confirmation of this is the unforgettable princess Diana, the legendary Marilyn Monroe, the stunning Natalia Vodianova.


Like Spring, Autumn is also a warm color type, but it is distinguished by bright and rich autumn colors.

Leather. Girls in this category have skin in warm golden hues, sometimes with freckles. The absence of blush on the cheeks, an even skin tone is the first criterion of this classification. If your skin is not susceptible to sunburn, has a tendency to burns upon contact with the sun's rays, with minimal contact with them, you observe redness and inflammation, you are a girl with the "Autumn" color type.

Hair. The red color and all its shades are characteristic. Most often, the autumn color type involves curly hair with rich and luxurious curls. The hair is elastic and shiny in structure, in most cases it is thick and strong.

Eyes. Everything is clear with the eyes: they are bright and always in contrast to the hair color. Colors fit this category:

  • deep greenery;
  • amber brown;
  • cognac brown;
  • amber olive.

A very important aspect for this color type is the absence in it of the fair sex with blue eyes, light brown or black hair.

For autumn girls, a hair color such as:

  • red and all its shades;
  • fiery copper;
  • chestnut;
  • brown: light to dark.

If the hair is of darker tones and deep red shades, it means that it will ideally look dyed in the color of hawthorn or mahogany.


Eyes. Black or closer to black, such as dark brown.

Leather. There is a complete contrast here. She can be both porcelain-pale and dark-skinned.

Hair color. Also extraordinary: from one extreme to another. Either a dark brown-haired woman, or a Scandinavian blonde.

Colors that match the "Winter" color type,- bright colors, for example:

  • pink;
  • black;
  • turquoise;
  • ripe raspberry color;
  • the color of a juicy ruby.

If you think your curls are ideal, you can safely dye them black with a blue overflow, or you can approach the issue in an extraordinary way and dye just a few strands in red or blue.

Eliminate hair colors such as green, orange, and lemon from your imagination. You should also be extremely careful with light shades.

Bright representatives of this color type are actress Nastya Zavorotnyuk, TV presenter Tina Kandelaki and Miss Universe Oksana Fedorova.

How to choose the right hair color? Choosing a complete repainting, highlighting or coloring, you solve only part of the problem of changing your image, the second half of the problem remains unsolved, because you choose the method, not the color itself. The sequence of actions recommended by hairdressers will help you not to make mistakes.

  • Determine the color type of your appearance.

Have you already found out what color type you have? If yes, this is half the battle, if not, then go ahead. By learning your natural predisposition to one of the four types, you reduce the risk of making the wrong paint choice.

  • Don't neglect the color scale.

If a color type is determined, be sure to stick to your color scale. If your complexion and paint pigment are incompatible, the least you can get is the unkempt look of your face. This is fixable, but you will have to repaint your hair again. The process is laborious and time-consuming, the result is not impressive - the type of hair is "lost", unnatural.

  • Be mindful of the contrast of face and hair color.

Decided to lighten or darken your hair? Remember, you cannot be zealous with tone, you should definitely monitor the level of contrast of the face. It can happen that the hair is light and the overall appearance of the face is dull. The main thing here is the personal factor.

  • Consider the disadvantages of dark paint.

This is the first signal when choosing. The dark color adds age. The effect is unpredictable: the face is young - the hair color is dark. Greater contrast creates a rough feeling.

  • Always consider eye and skin color when choosing a hair dye.

Choosing a haircut

Dyeing your hair is half the battle, it is equally important to choose the right haircut. Facial features also strongly influence the haircut. Simply dyed hair is not able to transform the appearance as much as a haircut. A haircut is also selected for the individual characteristics of a person, and we recommend that you take into account the following postulates.

  1. Any haircut is suitable for an oval face shape.
  2. If the face is round, create an asymmetry in the silhouette, it will significantly extend the shape of the face. An oblique bang or parting is anything you want, but without a hint of mirror symmetry.
  3. Is your face square? Choose a haircut with asymmetry and raise the forehead line. We'll have to give up thick bangs.
  4. The triangular shape of the face provides for a haircut without sharp cascades and bangs.

Every visit to the beauty salon is preceded by an hour flipping through the pages of fashion magazines in search of the perfect hair color and haircut? Enough. It's time to make up your mind to change. Be sure they will suit you.

So, the decision to change the hair color has already been made. And in order for the update to be effective, emphasizing the dignity and leveling imperfections, consider belonging to the color type - spring, summer, autumn or winter. After all, what will decorate the autumn beauty will have a detrimental effect on the appearance of the "summer" girl.

We determine the color type correctly:

  1. Perform makeup remover.
  2. Place a mirror near a daylight source.
  3. Put on a neutral-tone blouse.
  4. Try on a cool shawl and then a warm shade.

The right shade "erases" signs of fatigue and an earthy complexion, giving skin and eyes a healthy glow. Whereas the unsuitable tone for you makes the look dull, and the skin of the face - haggard.

Warm color types are:

  1. Spring - slightly golden sheer skin tone, whitened pink blush, blonde hair with a golden sheen, light blue or green eyes.
  2. Autumn - skin of a warm (golden) shade, hair is often red, brown eyes, less often green.

Spring is harmonious with golden shades of the palette: sandalwood to honey color, while autumn requires brighter colors based on the red scale - fiery copper, red, chestnut.

Attention! A warm color type does not accept black staining - this is too rough a contrast with the softness, tenderness of spring and autumn, the image as a result of such staining will lose its individuality.

Hair tone for cold color types

Cold color types:

  1. Summer - with any skin tone, there is always a cold, slightly bluish subcutaneous highlight, pink or even red blush, the hair has an ashy tint without yellowness, the eyes are nut-brown or gray.
  2. Winter - dark hair and eyes, light skin with a pinkish cold tint.

The advantages of the summer girl's appearance will be favorably emphasized by the following tones:

  • shades of wheat;
  • pearl gray;
  • lilac or even pink colors;
  • tone "black tulip";
  • rich color of ripe (not dark) cherries.

In winter, the following colors will help add charm:

  • black and white;
  • various shades of gray;
  • deep red (ruby or cherry);
  • coffee color.

Attention! Warm golden and red shades are contraindicated for cold color types.

Contrast level

In addition to color types, in the procedure for choosing a shade of hair, professionals also take into account the level of contrast - this is the correlation between the natural color of the eyebrows and the tone of the skin of the face. A natural and, therefore, an ideal combination gives:

  • color tone on tone;
  • two shades darker than the eyebrow color;
  • two shades lighter than the eyebrow color.

Matching hair color to match your eyes

After the necessary shades of hair have been studied according to the color types of appearance and contrast, it is necessary to figure out whether these tones are in harmony with the color of the eyes. The simplest rule is that cold is combined with cold and vice versa.

Recall that there are some stereotypes that you can easily fall into the trap: blue-eyed fair-haired girls are associated with angels, green-eyed red-haired beauties are associated with lecherous women, and dark gray-eyed girls have the title of heartbreakers.

What shade of hair to choose for brown eyes?

  • The golden shades of the cornea allow you to choose a reddish color.
  • The nutty tone will be complemented by caramel, red, golden shades and amber color.
  • Light brown eyes are absolutely not picky - any shade of hair will do.
  • Warm blond looks perfect with brown eyes, emphasizing their expressiveness.
  • Coloring with black, reddish honey and light caramel tones visually add volume to the hairstyle and effectively set off dark brown eyes.

Attention! Brown eyes and platinum blond are an unnatural combination that will make people laugh.

What color to paint blue-eyed hair?

  • All golden shades of blond, caramel and sunny red colors are ideal for a warm color type.
  • For representatives of the cold color type, ash-blond tones and wheat shades of hair will be beneficial.

Hair that is too dark will make light blue eyes look dull and even unnatural.

What color should green-eyed hair dye?

Owners of magical green eyes can dye their hair in copper-red and chestnut shades. It is not recommended to lighten hair to blonde - this threatens with the acquisition of pallor akin to painful.

A bold, green-eyed look can be achieved by using darker hair colors.

Are all colors suitable for gray eyes?

Gray eyes, like chameleons, adapt to almost any hair color, but it is better to take into account the color type of appearance. So for summer and winter, cold shades are recommended - ashy, pearl, black. However, the latter is best ignored unless your skin is darker. And for warm color types, you should choose a warm "frame" - chocolate, reddish-chestnut shades or golden blond.

To choose the tone of the hair, you must first find out what color type of appearance you belong to, and also take into account the contrast. But it should also be remembered that the hair color should be as close as possible to your natural color (in order to perform the dyeing procedure less often), it is beneficial to emphasize the advantages and correspond to the character of the owner of the hair.

How to choose the right hair color: video