How to manage everything and live life to the fullest: practical advice. How to have time to live and work: advice for women

Perhaps one of the most painful questions for a young mother is where to find time for everything. Who would explain how to manage to do household chores when you have small children and by the evening everything falls out of hand and it seems that you are the worst mother in the world... Sound familiar? Then read on.

Before reading the article, take a sheet of paper from your notebook and write on it what you would like most in life, but haven’t gotten around to yet. Write it down and carefully place it in a secluded place in the kitchen, under a jar of rice. Because…

All day long you spin and spin: “Okay, now I’ll cook lunch, then I’ll make an appointment with the doctor, then I also wanted to read about the schools in the area, I’ll go take a shower, if I’m very lucky, i.e. If the children are still sleeping, I’ll collect the toys for the hundredth time - and that’s it! Oh, no, you still need to throw the laundry in the washing machine, pay for kindergarten and separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, pick out the plasticine from the cat's food bowl. And mom called twice already for something...” While she was pouring in the washing powder, my son screamed in the bedroom - he wants me to lie with him... I probably need to turn off the stove, otherwise everything will burn. When will this end?.. How to manage everything?

How to keep up with housework for mom

Select an answer:

  • A) Never and in no way.
  • B) We need to try to approach the problem in a different way.
  • C) Even if I don’t manage to get it under control until the end of my days, I will still try.

So, let's take it in order. Before you try to embrace the immensity, I suggest you seriously ask yourself:

Who inspired me that I have to do everything?

Perhaps you have some stereotypes or images circulated by the media about a superwoman? Or did your husband develop such expectations as a result of the same images circulated in the media? So, the husband of one of my friends, coming home from work, was often disappointed: he was greeted by his wife in a tracksuit, tired. She spent the whole day with an infant who was screaming from tummy pain and not sleeping at all. Although the apartment was tidied up, it was not as good as he was used to; there was dinner, but, as they say, without soul and imagination: “Meat in French? How boring! Well, why does he need all this?! He imagined it completely differently: he gets off the white horse, opens the door, and a beautiful wife in a cute dress and with curled curls falling on her shoulders comes out to meet him. Yes, and neatly dressed, loudly laughing children run out to him shouting: “Hurray! Dad has come! It is clear that there is no need to mention the cleanliness of the house and the set table.

No, don’t get me wrong: I don’t want to say at all that a husband has no right to expect something like that and that he shouldn’t pay any attention to his appearance. It is important to understand what and to whom you are trying to prove. Maybe you are a perfectionist in your own right, but as a child you were always held up as an example to everyone?

How am I paying for this?

Your self-esteem, mood and health suffer from this. You become irritable. What happens if the owner of the home becomes tired, dissatisfied with herself, and feels oppressed by circumstances? That's right - everyone will get it!

How to get everything done?

Realizing that having time to do everything is a utopia. But it’s quite possible to get a lot done. However, something will inevitably have to be sacrificed. And you decide what will be done and what should be abandoned. Agree that ending the day with the understanding that you managed to do the most important thing, although you didn’t get to watch “Fashionable Verdict,” is much more pleasant than falling asleep with the thought: “Eh, I didn’t have time to do anything again.”

We set priorities, cross out everything unnecessary and let's go! Just? Let’s say you need to feed a child, apply for a passport, make an appointment with a doctor, take a shower. You start to weigh it, and the answers don’t come so easily and unambiguously...

I do this. Write down all the things that need to be done. Firstly, so as not to forget them, and, secondly, to free your head (this will create a certain lightness, if not of being, then of thoughts for sure).

Think about what is really important to you, what you would really like. Imagine yourself as you would like to see yourself. For example, important goals may be your health, beauty (physical or spiritual), career, a well-groomed child, his comprehensive development, a good relationship with your husband, or a new husband if he doesn’t exist. Thinking about these questions is a serious matter, take your time. Have you written? Nothing else comes to mind? Put the piece of paper aside and come back to it the next day, or a couple more days, until the picture becomes clear. It's worth it. You can peek at the leaf under the jar of rice.

7 time management tips from personal experience

1 Decide what one thing you could do for each important item that you have identified. Write it down.

2 Keep a diary. For example, I simply print out a template for the week or month (fortunately, you can find different versions of calendars on the Internet and in the office package or make your own).

3 Write down one or two things for each day from this list. Few? Start with the minimum. The trick is that we often miss the most important things, of a strategic nature, behind the rapid kaleidoscope of everyday routine. It’s all, as a rule, urgent and sucks you in to the top of your head. By doing one important thing every day, but regularly, you will move much further towards your goals rather than waiting a long time for the right time to devote yourself entirely to it. It’s like exercise: 10 minutes each is better than 2 hours once a week. If over time you realize that you can easily cope with this volume, take weights.

4 Now return to the to-do list from the first point. Select regular ones (such as cleaning, cooking, etc.) Break them into parts, and scatter the parts by day of the week. For example, Monday: vacuum, Tuesday: wash the floors, etc. Or, if you prefer, like this: Monday: cleaning the kitchen, Tuesday: hallway, etc. From my own experience I can say for sure: the find is simple and magnificent. Eating the elephant piece by piece, you've probably heard this metaphor. A small piece is more likely to be chewed, digested and – importantly – enjoyed rather than giving you indigestion (read: aversion to cleaning).

5 When I started a comprehensive cleaning once a week, I almost never could manage, say, washing a chandelier or wiping dust on the top shelves of a bookcase. With the new approach, this can be planned and implemented without unnecessary stress. “Fracial” completion of tasks is also more natural when you have children, especially small ones, especially several. This makes it possible to quickly switch from one task to another, swap them, combine them - in short, it’s easier to navigate the situation.

6 Now we are left with irregular affairs. Attach them to different days of your calendar too.

7 And finally, all that remains is to hang this calendar-diary in a prominent place and start the morning by reading it. Don't forget to check it periodically throughout the day. Gradually, you will notice how unimportant tasks and so-called “time wasters” disappear by themselves (or at least shrink to an acceptable size).

Just try it. I am sure that if you manage to achieve at least 20% of the above, they will inspire you to do more! And you will no longer be tormented by thoughts of how to manage to do household chores - you will have small, clear goals and the pleasure of achieving them!

And lastly, especially for perfectionists. If during the day it was not possible to carry out what was planned, then... it’s okay! Don't reproach or scold yourself. On the contrary, look at the checkmarks or crossed out items (this is a matter of taste) and praise yourself for them. It also happens that you wake up and realize that, well, you have no desire to sort out the closet in your bedroom today. Instead, I’ll do tomorrow’s task, for example, wash the windows, and the next morning, lo and behold, inspiration for the closet will come.

This article is more for female readers than for readers, because we will talk about how to harmoniously organize your life in order to manage to work, and do household chores, and not forget about yourself. Despite the fact that views have changed somewhat, most often it is the woman who remains responsible for the cleanliness and comfort of the house, for a delicious dinner, and even more so for raising children.

A delicious dinner is a daily task, but when it comes to cleaning, many continue to adhere to the Saturday “general” routine. This is the same case when on Sunday you want to put on shoe covers, it’s so clean all around, but on Friday it’s already quite embarrassing to invite guests. As a result, comfort and cleanliness remain very short-term concepts, and Saturday cleaning not only practically deprives you of one day off, but is also terribly exhausting.

Cooking is also not the easiest task, and what takes the most effort and time is thinking about what to cook, because food should not only be tasty, but also properly balanced, and also, preferably, more or less economical.

Even if there is no child in the house, the housewife already has quite a hard time, because she also just wants to relax or do what she loves (let’s not forget that the woman probably works, and probably not half the day). Well, and with the advent of the baby, everything spins into an even steeper whirlpool.

I have been wandering the Internet for a long time in search of interesting materials on the topic: “How to clean up easily and quickly?”, “How to quickly prepare dinner?”, “Economy and simple recipes”... And in the end I came across the popular FlyLady system, which was developed American Marla Seelly. This system affects many aspects of housekeeping and its successful combination with work and leisure. The system promotes avoiding tedious cleaning once a week and teaches that you can do something every day in just a few minutes. As a result, you get many bonuses: firstly, you don’t spend half of Saturday wearing rubber gloves with a mop, and secondly, your house will be equally clean every day (the phrase: “Sorry, I’m a mess” can be excluded from the vocabulary) , thirdly, you will be surprised how much free time you will have for yourself and for your personal hobbies. But FlyLady touches not only on the topic of cleaning and cooking; it is a global system that covers issues of family vacations and issues of financial organization of the household.

There are thousands of articles about the FlyLady system on the Internet. There are even entire resources dedicated to the ability to effortlessly manage a seemingly gigantic amount of work. But, unfortunately, this is all theory. And only a few, having read all these tips, begin to put at least half of them into practice. In fact, the theory remains a theory. We know what is right, but for some reason everything remains the same.

I recently came across the Flyvzlet service, which offers practical training in the FlyLady system. A whole course has been developed that gradually teaches you how to put all the advice into practice, day by day slightly changing your life for the better. And we write a lot on Lifehacker about how this is exactly how you need to act - breaking a large task into several small pieces, without trying to amaze everyone with changes in yourself in one day.

What results do the creators of the course promise? Quite impressive: mastering the principles of time management, which will help not only with household chores, but also with work and self-care. A lighter attitude towards cleaning and other routines, as a result, you will be less exhausted and irritated, and family relationships will improve. Considering the popularity of the FlyLady system and the serious approach of the Flyvzlet service to training (you can read about this in the “Services” section), there is no reason not to trust that this result will be obtained. By the way, on the service I also saw many articles about the system, and reviews from those housewives who successfully use it, and again I was inspired to take it seriously, finally moving from pure theory to practical application.

Good afternoon, readers! And while some continue to take my blog by storm, changing the region of their location, not sparing their time, driving my site metrics into despondency with the same actions, I decided to write a post that is just relevant for many. So, from the title it is clear that we will talk about how to keep up with everything at work and at home, this will be a step-by-step instruction for those who want to be as productive as possible (the second part of A sort of superman of reality. Let's go.

If you want, you will find time; if you don’t want, you will find a reason.

Where are you - the 25th hour of the day?

You need to treat time with respect

Morning. Alarm clock, five more minutes, ten more and five more, until with a scream or a quiet cry to myself - fuck, again I don’t have time, the person jumps out of bed. Automatically he runs to the kitchen, puts on the kettle, pours an unknown mass called “instant coffee” into a cup, at the same time somehow brushes his teeth and washes his face, just to come to his senses faster. After running, the endless routine begins - to wake everyone up, quickly get ready, somehow iron clothes, apply makeup that has been familiar for years, and have time to drop off the child at school or kindergarten. As a rule, the latter is accompanied by curses at the child, saying that, because of you, there will be a reprimand again, grief, not the child. In the evening everything is in the same spirit, on weekends according to the schedule - cleaning, cooking, homework, preparing for the new week and that's it - sleep, otherwise tomorrow it will all happen again. My post is about children.

There are, of course, “blocks” who do this kind of routine every day and nothing. No, it's okay when you know that this is a temporary race with a clear plan and a path to your better future. But for the most part, people simply do the same thing monotonously and sadly every day, because they simply do not see a way out how to live differently. Well, they were not born in golden swaddling clothes, which means that eternal running and search for a better life is their destiny. Then once a year they will save up for the sea to compensate for all the health that they spent over the previous 11 months, only if this compensation is available. By the way, about how to easily wake up in the morning and enjoy life,

Is this race worth the goal - to go to the sea once a year, to improve frayed nerves, to cure allergies for children that were caused by crap from the store, since there is simply no time to prepare normal food - healthy and wholesome. And also from the environment, because everyone, even those who are destined to be a good milkmaid, rush to the city to become these notorious city dwellers. So what, the environment, so what, a mortgage for life on a two-bedroom Khrushchev-era building of 40 square meters with a walk-through room, so what, allergies, so what, only one question is spinning in my head, how to keep up with everything at work and at home, where there are step-by-step instructions for life, but we Achieved...

Achieved what? Heaps of diseases, tics in the eye, alienation of children, because parents are never there morally or physically, complexes, debts, and so on. It was worth it? Maybe the priorities were chosen incorrectly in the first place.

Oh, I’m sitting there smart, thinking. I just know that 90 percent of people recognize their lives, I can list them further, but what is the use of this - the essence is clear, the problem is clear, it needs to be solved. Of course, if I had more time, one more hour in the day, or even two, or better yet, one more day in the day, then I would have managed everything.

Hell, this is a big misconception, as is the fact that if you don’t work like hell, then, in general, you won’t be able to do anything in this life. I often like to say that someone works every day for 12 hours, and someone works with their brains, but what one can do, maybe the other can too. When you work for someone, you improve their life, and in rare cases, your own. I really liked this topic book "Christmas Shoes" read it, this is not for the sake of words, I vouch for what I advise. So, let's think together about how to find the answer to the question of how to keep up with everything at work and at home, where is there some kind of step-by-step instructions? And if you consider yourself a fool among smart people or, conversely, then talk about this topic.

Everything has its time

It's better to think more than to do empty things

I’ll say right away that next I’ll tell you my TOP tips that help me. Yes, nothing new, but judging by the number of questions that people from the outside and my acquaintances ask me about how I manage to do something, yes, and the children are always nearby and they don’t shake me, then the question is really relevant. I’ll say right away that I always think that I don’t have time to do anything. Hello there, we can leave. Well, don’t rush, for some people what I do is a lot, just as for me I have my own idols in this regard. Someone will say, I wasn’t surprised, but I didn’t come here to surprise you, it’s my own blog, I write what I think is necessary, what they ask about. Well, don't forget to read.

When you have something to strive for, when you know that you can do more, you have proven it to yourself more than once - this is very good. My problem is that sometimes I can’t find that optimal balance – I work really hard for several days, and then I slump for a couple of days and go into hibernation. As for me, everything that I want needs to be distributed more competently throughout the day, but it’s good that everything is imperfect, otherwise satiety with life would set in, and all sorts of bad thoughts would creep in. So, let's go, my points that I try to use and use in the question of how to keep up with everything at work and at home. You can’t call it step-by-step instructions, but still live advice, and not dry text copied and pasted from other sites.

Achievement lifehacks

One day the time will come to stop and think

Internet and its possibilities

You know, I thought that in our time such advice is no longer relevant - well, a fool understands that everyone uses the Internet. But who and how? If you sit on social networks and see who gave birth to Lyuska, who bought Klavka a fur coat from those in the photo, then that’s one thing. And something completely different is using the power of the Internet to develop yourself and save time.

  • I have been making all payments via the Internet for many years now - this saves you time and nerves in queues at banks, utility services, and the post office. I pay taxes, fines, as an experienced driver, payments, payment for hosting, traffic - everything via the Internet. I thought that everyone knew this, but I was amazed that many of my friends still stand in line the old fashioned way every month, and these are young people.
  • Purchases. Few people use it either - they don’t trust it or they just need to, so to speak, touch the thing, but you can’t do this in a picture on the Internet. I agree here 100% - I buy various little things online, I can buy toys, but! Before I go to buy a camera, washing machine, freezer, etc., I go to the store’s website, choose, look at the price, parameters, and all that remains for me is, so to speak, to get there and actually feel it, whether I buy .
  • The Internet is work and learning. Here, in general, the field is unplowed; now you can do everything online, from training with a trainer to Internet business. If you want, you will find hundreds of opportunities where you don’t need to have any connections, education, or any super appearance.
  • Self-development. Actually, I don’t watch TV at all! I study online, learn new things, listen to audiobooks, trainings on the road and while doing household chores. I embroider - I have a course, I go to clean - an educational program, I cook - I listen to my favorite books. I radically overestimated the possibility of books online, since they are cheaper there and there is no risk of buying a bad edition so that it gathers dust on the shelves at home. Now I only have the best books.

This is not all that the Internet provides these days. But the point is clear that if such opportunities exist, then it would be stupid not to use them. Moreover, the same first point in our step-by-step instructions will help you save a lot of time, and you will already know how to manage everything at work and at home. Yes, and the nervous system will be much healthier, it’s worth remembering about the queues alone, and if you have children in your arms. In addition, with the help of mail you can solve not only minor issues, but also quite serious ones. In addition, I have been using the advice of online lawyers to solve some problems for a long time, I studied through the Internet, they made me a new blog template, before it was different, as well as its niche, after which a layout designer worked. Everything is online, since people are hundreds of kilometers away from me.

Steal time from sleep

Of course, someone will say - so, eternal lack of sleep, where to go next? Again, no need to think skeptically. You can always find time for everything - sleep, work, and self-development. I think everyone knows that if you go to bed before 12, then an hour will pass in two. That is, you went to bed at 10 pm and instead of two hours, your body rested as if you had already slept for 4 hours by midnight. If you want to find the time to answer the question of how to keep up with everything at work and at home, then your step-by-step instructions should include this item - study everything about sleep.

You know that there is a phase of rapid and slow sleep. And remember those completely different feelings when you slept for literally 15 minutes and again as if after a day off and slept for several hours, but only woke up exhausted. It's important to know when to wake up. Yes, it’s not so easy to study the phases of sleep and choose the ideal time. But you should always try rather than complain about your failures.

I will say for myself that I can never go to bed before midnight, I have always been a person of the night, that is, my time is 3-4 o’clock in the morning when I go to bed. And no, I don’t sleep until two o’clock in the afternoon, because I already said that I have children, they don’t go to kindergarten, they need my attention, food and games. I also have responsibilities to my dogs and cats, which also need to eat and be walked.

But at night it’s easier for me - firstly, the children sleep and it’s easier to work and study, secondly, the night is a special time, and thirdly, I have much more productive thoughts. How then can we endure it? It’s just that I can lie down once during the day for literally half an hour, my children know this, as well as my husband. I usually say - now I’ll interrupt my sleep, otherwise my brain is tired))). That’s it, after that I have enough charge until 4–5 am when I get up in the morning. For example, today - at night I went to bed at 3 o'clock in the morning, got up at five, since I need to take my husband to work, then I went a few dozen kilometers on business, but was already at home by 9.30, by 12 I had already done a good cleaning, and now lunch - I’m writing a post. When I get tired, I just rest for half an hour and that’s it. After all, you still need to cook and do other things.

Did you know!
Many well-known companies practice staff rest; they even have special rooms with couches or armchairs. The employee rests for 20-30 minutes and is again at the peak of activity. Everyone chooses for themselves when it’s time for them to go and unload their brain.

High-quality technology and its capabilities

I don’t know if this advice will work for everyone, but it helps me a lot. I never spare money on quality gadgets and good household appliances. I change them not when they have become faulty due to the number of years of use, but because time does not stand still and new things help us to a large extent.

My example is banal - I had a vacuum cleaner, simple, old, but it worked. My husband said we need a new one, but still no, and this one is good. Until one day this “old man” simply turned on. The choice fell on a good washing unit, which made me realize how stupid I was. A washing vacuum cleaner and an electric broom have reduced my work and cleaning after weather conditions significantly. We still have a lot of animals, and this is the same cost, but my floor is always clean and fresh. The kids crumbled it, scattered it, quickly went over it with an electric broom and voila - clean.

I also replaced the machine, as I found very convenient modes for myself, including a 15-minute wash. Ideal when you are in a hurry, and a godsend in the summer. You were getting ready to go somewhere, and the child bang and fell right an hour before leaving. I threw the shorts on for 15 minutes, if you don’t want to change the look, everything dried in the air in the heat and there were no problems. The baby is dressed the way you wanted, you don’t yell at him and save your nerves. Explained corny, but understandable.

Also with gadgets, when you can’t open something on your phone or laptop, you’ll agree that it displays. My old laptop could open Word for up to 40 minutes, Word is a simple text editor, it’s an unaffordable luxury to waste time like that. It’s worth overpaying once for good equipment and everything has been tested by experience.

My friends have already replaced more than one tablet for themselves and their child, and mine from the Apple brand has been plowing 24/7 for five years now. It has never crashed even once, despite the fact that it is a gadget for work, cartoons for children, my audiobooks, and just books, and joint training, and study. The tablet plows simply 22 hours a day. Yes, once I had to pay four times more, but, as they say, buying up pays more.

I used to worry that maybe it was just extravagance Until I found advice in many books on psychology - that it is better to have an empty room and a good sofa than one filled with rubbish, and so on in everything. I think it was in Dominique Loro's book "The Art of Living Simply", which I love very much, but it’s not the only thing that says that there should always be quality of life.

Think about replacing what you can in your life, try, ask for your birthday, save up, but you yourself will understand that life will be completely different, you will get a lot of time. Now there are drying machines, cordless vacuum cleaners, electric brooms, steam generators that iron from all sides at once. By the way, I also want the latter for myself, but, damn it, my iron doesn’t seem to be anything. What I mean is that I’m not lecturing you here, saying that you’re so smart, you should grow and grow above yourself. I’m just sharing some experience that I’ve already had.

It’s hard for me to understand people that every day they look at someone’s photos, sitting here and there, thinking why someone hasn’t posted a photo for so long, who the child is from, where the new car comes from, and all that kind of stuff. This is existence on the sidelines of someone else's life. For what? Isn’t it interesting to have a hobby, spend time in nature, with your family, or learn a new skill?

Why do people spy on others, find out who, whom and when. The same goes for endless chatter on the phone. Oh, how many friends and relatives I have who spend the evening after work not with their family, but gossiping with others like them. At the same time, ask about what - I don’t have time. There is no time when I should read, when I should study, when I should cook something.

I’ll speak for myself: I generally don’t talk on the phone, except on important matters. It’s just that I never pick up the phone, for some I’m a pig, well, excuse me to listen to another thing - my husband is such a goat, the child got two again and all that, rather than doing something useful - it’s just an unequal battle. The first will always be the loser. The same goes for TV series and talk shows, my last TV series was a Brazilian one when I was a child. All.

There is no need to sit in online stores if you still never dare to order something or you simply don’t have the money and don’t plan to.

Important things should be done first

The same is not ideal, but I still try to do everything that is disgusting, necessary, and difficult first. Then you have the whole day free to do your favorite activities and at the same time you are in a great mood. Yes, you can say, what difference does it make when to do it, the main thing is to do it. But no, with such an opinion the quality of your life will always be low. If you spend the whole day doing what you want, but you know that work is still coming up and there is less and less time for it, then you automatically become nervous. Not only are you not resting or doing what you love to the fullest, but you also seem to be in a fog of thoughts. For example, a child asks to play with him, and you seem to be playing, but if you ask a day later, you won’t even remember what you did, because you were far away. This is very bad, because priceless minutes pass.

Quality of life is far from just a photo on social networks that you were at the seaside in the summer, it is a way of thinking in which you do not waste your time on unnecessary things, and wisely select the wheat from the chaff of your existence.

I wanted to write ten points, I realized that the article is very long, which means this will be the first part - the first 50% or my TOP 5 points in answer to the question of how to keep up with everything at work and at home. Step-by-step instructions or not, everyone decides. Traditionally, I will write the second part every other day.

No one can convince me that I can’t do something (my photo)

How is your morning going? Do you jump up half an hour after the 25th ringing of the alarm clock, turn on the kettle with your eyes closed and frantically wake up a child who needs to be in the garden in less than an hour? 5 minutes after collective washing, you simultaneously have breakfast, feed the baby and try to put on the first clothes you come across?

Obviously, you can't live like that. Therefore, the morning of a difficult day must begin...

On a hard day's evening

Remember your highchair by your bed, where your mother taught you to put everything you need in the morning? Take advantage of this pedagogical know-how. Prepare your baby's clothes in the evening, and he himself will pack a backpack with toys for kindergarten "for tomorrow. Get yourself such a "chair" too - so as not to look in the morning, like Bridget Jones, for intact tights and a blouse without a stain on the chest. Pack your bag in the evening, so that in the morning you can just take it and go. If you constantly lose your keys, organize a cute hook or shelf especially for them in a prominent place in the hallway. And if your husband’s signature morning phrase is not “I love you, my precious,” but “where the hell take my tie?”, then there is a strong feeling that the whole family needs their own “bedside chairs”.

Good morning

If everything is ready in the evening, then you no longer need to include a certain number of minutes in your schedule for the morning bustle and hassle. Divide the free time in half - for yourself and for cleaning. It might seem like a small thing, but if you spend about 10-15 minutes every morning, the house will always be clean. After all, you can wipe off dust with a cosmetic mask on your face. Now calmly wake up the heir - it’s time to wash up and go to kindergarten. Start an hourglass in the bathroom - while colored dust flows down in a thin stream, the child brushes her teeth, and you prepare breakfast. Before leaving the house, remember that you have to cook dinner in the evening. Transfer the necessary products from the freezer to the refrigerator - while you are away, they will have time to defrost on their own.

Hitrim: each time put things in order in different places, then gradually all areas of the apartment will receive your attention and shine. Dirty dishes in the sink can multiply. Therefore, it is better to rinse cups from your morning coffee and a bowl of baby porridge right away!

Good evening

Everything is prepared for the morning, now spend 15 minutes cleaning where necessary. Immediately place dirty clothes in the laundry basket (the highest economic aerobatics is to store light and colored clothes separately). If enough things have accumulated, you can start washing without waiting for the next day. And finally, the final “household” chord - wipe all surfaces in the kitchen, including the stove and sink, and splash a little disinfectant liquid into the toilet - everything will clean itself overnight. So, the house is clean, the children are sleeping, the well-fed spouse is peacefully watching TV - it’s time to give yourself a fragrant bubble bath.

Hitrim: If you “on the fly” go through the plumbing and the stove at least once every two days, they do not require any serious effort at all.


Children love the circus. And also a zoo, cinema, museums and feeding ducks in the park. And of course, it’s better to spend Saturday and Sunday with your child, and not with mops, rags and vacuum cleaners. Small steps throughout the week - and now on the weekend there is no such devastation that you need to spend a lot of time cleaning up. And if cleaning cannot be avoided, involve the child in it to the best of his ability - a 5-year-old person is quite capable of laying out toys, dusting and vacuuming his room. Is your husband shirking? Remember: big boys play serious games. Let him load the dishwasher (honey, I'm afraid of this thing!) and solve the complex problem of optimizing the purchase of the entire list of necessary products, so that there is only enough left for drinks labeled “for adults.” The result is that it will take you no more than two hours to do household chores, the rest of the time can be devoted entirely to the family.

Clothes and toys - cleaning

How much time do you spend on:

  • neatly arrange children's things in the closet that the child has already outgrown?
  • collect toys that have long been no longer relevant for the baby in a drawer?

It seems that in five minutes you are unlikely to be able to cope with these tasks. The solution is simple - you need to quickly get rid of the junk: less things - less problems. Sort through your children's clothing, wash everything that is out of season, and pack it in special boxes. Get rid of what has become small: if you don’t dare throw it away, distribute things to friends whose children are younger than yours, advertise on forums and communities like “I’ll give it away for free.” Ask your nearest church parish if they take clothing to distribute to those who need it. Try selling what is still marketable via the Internet. If your subconscious bombards you with arguments like “maybe we’ll give birth to another one” or “what if in five years my sister has a child?”, the things, of course, can be left, but in any case they must be removed from the shelves of the “current” nursery clothes.

Hitrim: Clothes packed in vacuum bags take up much less space!

As for toys, if right now you distribute among your friends everything that the child is already tired of, throw out what has long been broken, and hide half of the rest away, the nursery will become much freer! In a month or two, you will give your offspring “long-forgotten old things” and send those cars and baby dolls that are in circulation now to a well-deserved rest... There is nothing more gratifying for a mother than a child who dived for a couple of hours into a box of toys that he has long ago did not see! And what savings!

We need to get rid of the junk quickly. Fewer things mean fewer problems.

Hitrim: large baskets for toys are extremely inconvenient - in order to find some little thing at the bottom, the child will inevitably dump all the contents on the floor. Shallow (ideally with transparent walls) boxes are much more practical. Beautiful stickers on each of them will help the child figure out where to put the dolls, where the animals are, and where only the parts of the construction set or the railway. “Go and collect your toys” is too global and boring a task for a preschooler. Break it down into small, manageable components like: “Put all the soldiers in this box/park all the big cars under the bed.”

Once you've gotten rid of clutter in your nursery, the most important thing is not to accumulate it again. Every time, trying to bless the heir with a gift, ask yourself whether he really needs this thing. One simple rule saves you from excessive clutter: as much as it comes, so much goes out. Have you brought a new toy into the house? Put one of the old ones away!

Washing children's clothes

Some parents claim that in nature there are children who never get stains on their clothes, fall into puddles, or tear their pants on tree branches. They talk a lot about such children, but no one has ever seen them. If you regularly deal with stains from paints, markers, fruit and soup, congratulations - you are the mother of a normal, living child! Therefore, if your child brought a “gift” from kindergarten, pour stain remover on this place immediately, and not a week later during washing.

Hitrim: Don’t skimp on children’s art supplies! The strokes of Chinese felt-tip pens wash off from children's clothes worse than marks from branded water-soluble ones. Cheap plasticine causes more trouble in cleaning and leaves nasty greasy stains on clothes, floors and furniture. Gouache washes off very poorly, so before dispensing paints, it’s worth taking off the young artist’s branded T-shirt.


You have no problem with this item if you like ironing. And if not? Just stop doing it - most things hardly need an iron.

Can’t look at your five-year-old daughter in wrinkled jeans and suffer from insomnia on an unironed sheet? Try ironing every day for literally 15 minutes while you watch TV, then the process will seem less hopeless and exhausting.

Hitrim: Modern washing machines spin clothes so hard that they become too wrinkled. Use the "no crease" mode or set the spin power to a lower level. After this, the clothes need to be carefully straightened in the dryer so that you don’t have to iron them at all. If you dry things in the machine, take them out a little damp - it is better to iron shirts in this condition.

Remove the freshly ironed item before the children have time to jump on it, scatter it, or pour juice on it.


If you really don't get anything done, cleaning, washing and ironing can be put off, you can sleep in the morning, and in the evening you can’t wipe the surfaces in the kitchen. You may even go hungry if you live alone. Men can be kept for some time on ready-made dumplings, although this makes them wither, dry out and uncontrollably rush “to the left.” But if you have a child in the house, you need to feed him fresh food regularly, even if you work 58 hours a day. In nature, there are mothers who preach the principle “a glass of juice replaces a bowl of soup,” but we are not on the same path with them.

How can you squeeze cooking delicious, healthy food into your busy schedule?

  1. Make a sample menu for the week and send your husband to buy groceries on the weekend - this saves time and money: men buy strictly according to the list and will never covet “that vase at a discount.” You can even buy bread seven days in advance - put the loaves in the freezer and take them out as needed.
  2. Immediately cut meat, poultry, fish into portions and freeze separately - this is for soup, this is for goulash, this is for frying. If you plan to make cutlets, you can immediately make minced meat, shape it, and then freeze it.
  3. Cereal porridge cooks very quickly, and sometimes does not require cooking at all: just pour boiling water or milk over everything and let it sit for a while. Breakfast is ready in literally three minutes - and the children are full and time is saved.
  4. Ideal mothers prepare multi-colored food in the shape of animals for their children and artistically decorate mashed potatoes with carrots. Buy colorful pasta and don’t worry about not having time to make edible bunnies three times a day. There is a simple way out even if you still crave achievement and exclusive food for your baby: one weekend, together with your husband and child, make small dumplings (spinach or a little beet juice will color the dough). Multi-colored dumplings made with your own hands are a wonderful dinner.
  5. The longest part of cooking soup is making the broth. To save time, a large pot of good broth can be poured into several containers and frozen for future use, and then only season the soup at a time for a week.
  6. There is a practice of freezing ready-made dishes in separate containers - mashed potatoes with cutlets, soup, meatballs with buckwheat. Try it, maybe sometimes these blanks will help you out.

Hitrim: Only frozen foods are placed in the freezer in tightly closed containers. Defrosting such food is easy - just put the desired boxes in the refrigerator overnight (quick “thawing” in the microwave can change their taste).

Modern life moves at a fast pace. To be a successful, beautiful and sought-after woman, you need to do chores around the house, do everything at work and at the same time be a good housewife and mother to children.

The constant race leads to lack of time, nervousness, insomnia and stress. To avoid this, you need to learn one simple rule: you won’t be able to do everything. There are only 24 hours in a day and no more.

But there are a few simple tips that will help a woman cope with all her tasks faster and improve her performance.

How to manage to do everything around the house - this question torments many housewives, especially those who spend a significant part of their time at work, and when they come home, they don’t know where to start.

At home, a woman needs to wash the floors, do the laundry, cook dinner, do homework with the children, and wipe the dust; in general, there is a lot of work and it needs to be done. So what to do in such a situation?

  • Housework needs to be distributed among family members;
  • Do everything according to the list;
  • Delineate responsibilities;
  • Don't try to do everything at once.

If you divide responsibilities between your husband and children, you can save a lot of time. You don’t have to shoulder all the burdens of housework; you can ask your children and your beloved man to help, there’s nothing wrong with that.

The list of necessary things will coordinate actions. It will help you manage your time correctly and do housework with pleasure.

Haste and confusion do not lead to anything good, so you should not try to do all the things in the house in one day. Something requires immediate attention, but the housewife can do some chores tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.

So, how do you keep up with everything around the house? You need to understand that you won’t be able to do everything in one day, so it’s better to spread out the work over several days and solve problems as they arise.

Not enough time

The phrase: “I can’t get anything done around the house” is something psychologists often hear from women who look tired and exhausted. Ladies come to professionals for help as a last resort, but if this happens, it means that the woman is really unwell, and she does not have time to do anything at home.

For those working ladies who cannot contact a specialist, they simply do not have time for this, there are some useful tips:

  1. Maintain a daily routine;
  2. Write down on paper things that take too long to complete;
  3. Be more attentive to yourself, learn to relax and spend time with your children.

Not a single psychologist can tell you how to manage everything at work and at home, but a doctor will definitely help you manage your time and give a tired woman some useful advice. You can also read the article on our website.

In order to coordinate your actions, it is advisable to maintain the same daily routine. That is, wake up and go to bed at the same time. Eating not on the run, but eating well - this must be done in order to restore strength. Refusing lunch or dinner may be the cause of a lack of energy.

You need to make notes in your diary every day, writing down those events that took a lot of time and effort. If possible, you can list all the things that were done during the day.

For example, after work, a woman, like a good housewife, goes to the store and makes purchases, and then stands in traffic for another two hours. Two hours in a traffic jam is a waste of time; if you shop not during rush hour, but, for example, on Sunday or Saturday morning, you can save time.

Rest is an important part of recovery to keep your home in order and get everything done. If a woman doesn’t get enough sleep, she will never be a good housewife. The fact is that a person who has not had enough sleep is more susceptible to stress, he is constantly in nervous tension and is overly irritable.

This is why it is so important to get enough sleep, because in a good mood, after proper rest, a woman can do things twice as fast as usual.

If a woman does not know how to manage everything at home and at work, then the following simple tips can help her:

  1. Don't be shy about asking for help;
  2. Save your working time;
  3. Do not try to combine professional activities and household chores.

Many people are embarrassed to ask for help, thinking that their colleagues will recognize them as weak or stupid. There's really no shame in it, asking another person for help is normal.

Most people are willing to meet halfway and help solve the problem. In return, you can offer your help, so to speak, an equal exchange.

How to manage everything at work and at home - don’t bring a pile of problems and papers from the office to home. A working woman should save time, and at home it is better to relax, communicate with children and do housework. If you solve problems at work and at home, you won’t have enough time for either.

When a person is constantly distracted from his work, his performance decreases, he loses time and does not have time to accomplish anything. Therefore, you need not to waste time on empty talk during working hours, but to actively engage in business, trying to minimize unnecessary aspects that distract from the performance of professional duties.

Saving time on household chores

Nowadays, a large number of household chores “lie on the shoulders” of household appliances, the dishes are washed by a machine, the multicooker cooks. But if you still have enough time, you can:

  • Clearly distribute the main responsibilities among family members;
  • Ask your husband or mother for help;
  • Dedicate one day to cleaning.

There is a practice when the whole family gets together and cleans the apartment throughout the whole day. This way, no one gets offended, everyone works, and things get done faster. Result: we spent time together and cleaned up the apartment.

If the thought of having to do everything around the house makes a woman tremble in the knees, and she clearly cannot cope with the task, but at the same time she tries to be a good housewife, then you can turn to your mother, sister or beloved man for help.

For example, while no one is at home, a sister or mother kindly agrees to come and help prepare dinner, babysit the children or pick them up from school - this will save time.

You can talk to your spouse and ask him to do basic chores around the house, like taking out the trash, walking the dog, or going to the grocery store.

How to manage everything with children?

If a woman has children, a favorite job and a husband, then only one unresolved problem remains: how to be a good housewife and manage everything? – the question is almost rhetorical. But there is an answer to this too.

To be a good housewife you need to devote time to yourself and your children. Going to the cinema, a walk in the park, watching a movie in the cinema - these are the types of relaxation for a good mother.

Usually children are full of energy and vitality, they are ready for active recreation, but if the mother is tired and she wants to sit and relax, then you can go with the children to a cafe or cinema.

How to manage cleaning, cooking and laundry? If the machine can handle the latter, then cleaning will be more difficult. If children are small, then you don’t need to constantly run after them and pick up toys. It's better to do this once at the end of the day.

When the kids grow up, you need to teach them to have order; let the children themselves collect the toys and books that have been scattered.

So, let’s sum up the main conclusion: how to manage to do everything?

  • Develop a routine;
  • Clean together with your children and husband;
  • Rest and get enough sleep;
  • Don’t try to do everything at once, in one day;
  • If you need to ask for help;
  • Divide housework among family members;
  • Do not be distracted from business during working hours;
  • Don't drag home a pile of papers.

There are a lot of ways to save time; you need to coordinate your actions - this will help increase your productivity and be not only a good mother, wife, but also a housewife.