How to win a Sagittarius man: recommendations from an astrologer. How to win a Sagittarius man

Hang in there, ladies, it won’t be easy if a Sagittarius man takes over your heart! How to understand that he is in love or at least has an interest in you? The question is not an idle one, because it is not easy to understand this gentleman. The thing is that the Sagittarius man is inventive and changeable in love. He tries to seem intriguing, to constantly hold the attention of the object of passion, but the ways of translating these “good wishes” from the outside look strange. Let's figure it all out to calm all the worries and understand this mysterious gentleman.

Character traits

Each person has a certain set of internal rules, which he actually perceives naturally and does not analyze. They are usually called character. They guide a person, that is, they determine her actions, and the Sagittarius Man is no exception here. How to understand that he is in love? It is necessary to find out based on the analysis of these particular qualities.

The character of people under the protection of the constellation Sagittarius is good-natured, respectful, but stubborn and sometimes obstinate. Men of this sign are very sensitive to their reputation and try not to fall into a humiliated, unequal position. In our analysis, this quality comes to the fore, because being in love makes a person overly susceptible to other people’s words and actions.

It should be noted that this man is patient, as a rule, calmly accepts the opinions of others, and tries not to get into unnecessary arguments. He puts his own hobbies first and is guided by his own views.

But everything changes when Cupid's arrow hits his heart. From the moment the awareness of this event reaches consciousness, the character of the Sagittarius man changes. He becomes a little withdrawn at first. This person needs to “suffer” his feelings.

What's going on in his head?

It should be understood that all people perceive vital changes that affect the foundations of their personality differently. Some panic, others rush towards new adventures, feelings, events. This is not our brave, imaginative Sagittarius man. How to understand that he is in love? It is impossible to even begin to understand it without briefly defining the processes determined by its nature.

This guy will hide and admire the girl from afar. She, of course, will not even understand that she has aroused his interest. You shouldn’t expect any activity from him at first. The Sagittarius man tries not to rush in love. This feeling must first “take root” in his own soul. He looks at it from one side and another, tries to throw it out of his heart, and when this does not work, he decides to wait a little longer.

His first thought: “Maybe it will pass.” There is no need to push this freedom-loving traveler. You will get the opposite effect. He always chooses what to do, what to do. The character of a Sagittarius man is complex, but predictable. He needs freedom of will, breadth of initiative, he does not accept restrictive frameworks. In the “paradise dungeon” he will die from lack of fresh air.

Continuation of the “ordeals”

Sooner or later, this stubborn person will understand that “it won’t work.” By this time, love will become an integral part of his personality. Then he will make attempts to capture the attention of the object of passion. By the way, for many women, such behavior of a “friend”, for whom there was nothing romantic previously, is striking. You know, according to his zodiac sign, this person attacks suddenly, in volume, just to be sure. The Sagittarius man doesn’t know any other way.

How to understand that he is in love? By the way, it’s too late to figure it out at this point. He won't leave you any time to think. He will surround you with attention, fascinate you with his indescribable antics, shower you with gifts with which he is generous, and make you constantly dream of a new meeting. This person is inventive, but is not always able to determine exactly what the lady of his heart likes. It is because of this small drawback that sometimes misunderstandings arise.

Sagittarius loves extreme travel, he is always on the move, if he is not running to the train or to the airport, then he is wandering around the Internet. He offers such entertainment to his beloved.

How to distinguish romantic feelings from friendly ones?

Here we come to a very important and unpleasant topic for a romantically inclined young lady. Sometimes a burning heart takes wishful thinking. Sagittarians love to communicate, they are gallant gentlemen, they always try to protect the weak. You should not take this behavior as a sign of falling in love. It is normal and natural for this man.

Sagittarius is a good, loyal and caring friend. He doesn't divide people by gender. His attitude is determined by the presence of mutual interests, nothing more. But when passion matures in the heart, his behavior changes a little. When wondering how a Sagittarius man in love behaves, analyze his actions from this particular perspective. Has the behavior remained the same or has there been a shift towards increased resourcefulness?

Sagittarius tries to capture the attention of his beloved. For this he will move mountains, or his neck, if he is unlucky. If there is no extravagance in his actions, give up hopes for romance, there are no grounds for them.

How to interest this gentleman?

We have already mentioned that Sagittarius cannot tolerate restrictions; it is impossible to force him to do something against his will. But this does not mean there is no chance to influence his feelings. Sagittarius likes beautiful, neat, smart and inquisitive young ladies. Their company stimulates this man’s activity and makes him strive for success. Believe me, without having such qualities, you shouldn’t even wonder how to recognize that a Sagittarius man is in love.

He won’t even notice a gray mouse, unable to form his own opinion. At best, he will treat such a girl patronizingly, like a lost sheep. Sagittarius needs a partner of equal potential. It is with such a girl that he fully reveals his masculine qualities. Moreover, we are not talking about competition, but about equal, open, sincere partnerships.

Let's take a quick look at the compatibility horoscope. Our gentleman, as a rule, is not interested in such things. There are a lot of things in the world that, in his opinion, are worth spending energy on, why should he bother his head with nonsense? You shouldn’t criticize him for being illiterate in matters of horoscopes, such is Sagittarius’ zodiac sign. The man with whom you are interested in compatibility already has a huge amount of knowledge in other areas, forgive him for his small “sin”.

The stars say that Sagittarius gets along well with representatives of their sign, Aries, Leo, Capricorn and Scorpio. They do not always find common ground with Pisces and Virgos, although outwardly these girls are very attractive to our gentleman. The Taurus lady is too stubborn for Sagittarius, but if desired, they can make an excellent union.

Signs of a Sagittarius man in love

Let's summarize. So far we have considered only the first two phases of falling in love. This is a critical time for relationships. During these periods, Sagittarius is characterized by mysterious and extravagant behavior, excessive emotionality, and initiative. For example, if you saw that he was hurt by some of your words, rest assured: he is in love. Usually Sagittarians do not pay attention to such trifles. It's a different matter with your beloved. He listens to her every phrase, keeps all conversations in his memory as the highest value. This is another indirect sign of the presence of a wound in his heart. Although it is not recommended to even fool yourself with such subtleties. Why? Now everything will become clear to you.

Confession: to believe it or not?

Sagittarians have an absolutely amazing quality: sincere openness. They idealize their beloved a little, although they try to look at her critically. In the first romantic phase, these men go through a rather short but painful period of examining the object of their desire “under a microscope.” They can pester the young lady with various questions, sometimes arranging a real exam. Then they will observe her behavior from the outside, replaying all her actions and words in her head many times. If the chosen one is ideal, in the man’s opinion, he will not delay further. He will communicate his intentions directly and firmly. The words will probably not be as romantic as we dreamed, but they will be as pure as gold. Don't miss this moment! Otherwise, the offended Sagittarius will go far away to seek other happiness.

How to understand that he is ready for a frank conversation?

It is clear that the young lady in love is impatient, she wants to quickly dot all the i’s. However, it is undesirable to push Sagittarius; he must mature on his own. It’s better to sit near the fireplace or candle and remember how his behavior has changed recently. This man is not particularly secretive, even when trying to hide his secrets. His feelings are revealed by his eyes, which are relentlessly focused on the object of passion. Not a single detail escapes his attention.

Ask him what you talked about a week ago, he conveys the full meaning of the conversation. This is a sure sign of imminent recognition, as well as the increasing frequency of gifts of a very different nature. Sagittarius pampers his beloved not only with bouquets and sweets. He tries to introduce her to his hobbies, he will definitely invite her on a hike, and even takes her to the store to buy specialized equipment. Don't refuse, otherwise he will consider his advances hopeless.

Should you be jealous?

Some more tips on how to build a relationship with a Sagittarius. After all, you must be able to preserve the sincerity of feelings; they are not given forever.

A Sagittarius man in marriage is distinguished by patience, unpretentiousness in everyday life and fidelity. At the same time, he retains the usual desire for diverse communication for such people. Among his friends and comrades there are many women, especially beautiful ones. Don’t even try to create scenes of jealousy and scandals!

At first, a surprised Sagittarius will only ridicule your quirks, then he will consider that he has thrown in his lot with a stupid woman who does not understand him at all. And this is already an alarming sign, foreshadowing trouble. Sagittarians are sure that the basis of intimacy is trust. Without him, they do not build or maintain any relationships!

Sagittarius is a very interesting zodiac sign. Representatives of the sign are protected by the element of fire. The horoscope says that men born under the sign of Sagittarius love to have fun, are unable to sit still and are the life of the party.

They are comfortable in noisy, cheerful groups where they certainly occupy a leading position. Sagittarians are inquisitive, they are interested in everything in the world. These men are restless. They have incredible charm and gain popularity among the fair sex.

How to please a Sagittarius man

Representatives of this sign are alien to a measured life. They get tired of her. Sagittarians are in constant search of bright impressions and crave new events. These are born travelers. If a man does not have the opportunity to travel all the time, Sagittarius will find a hobby that will fill his life with bright colors.

For Sagittarius men, the framework of morality is alien. They strive to marry them, to gain freedom. They are guided by their own rules, which may differ from the norms accepted by society. Often the behavior of Sagittarius is shocking, but this does not bother people born under this zodiac constellation at all.

This does not mean at all that Sagittarius is inherently shocking. They live the way they want. Despite this, Sagittarius knows when to stop. He will never cross the boundaries set by himself. Sagittarius men have a heightened sense of justice. In any situation, they are ready to protect the fair sex, even if their own safety is at stake.

How to make a Sagittarius man fall in love with you

When choosing a girl, Sagittarius first looks at her bright, unusual appearance. He likes well-groomed women who know their worth and know how to present themselves, but a Sagittarius will quickly get bored with a beautiful dummy.

Representatives of the stronger sex are interested in the strong-willed character of their chosen one. Their lover should have a good sense of humor and be sociable. A girl who has imagination, optimism and still looks at things in a slightly childish way will conquer a Sagittarius man faster than a beauty who puts herself above others.

Representatives of this zodiac constellation value the ability to communicate easily in the opposite sex. Sagittarians are not interested in arguers and bores. If the girl remains silent and Sagittarius cannot find common topics of conversation with her, then the lady will soon become boring to him.

When choosing a Sagittarius man as a life partner, a girl must understand that he will not sit at home all the time and be next to her. Without bright impressions, a guy’s life will turn into gloomy, gray everyday life. This will soon make Sagittarius feel very sad. A girl should share the interests of a Sagittarius man. If he always attends events alone, he will soon find someone with whom his interests coincide.

How to win the heart of a married Sagittarius man

If a Sagittarius is married to a bright, independent woman, then other girls have no chance. Making a Sagittarius fall in love with you is not easy. He loves to flirt, but the girl has no prospects other than frivolous relationships. Even if he is not nearby, Sagittarius will strive for family. You won't be able to keep the guy next to you.

At the most crucial moment, Sagittarius will remember his wife or girlfriend and return home. The man is very worried about the safety of his family, so there is practically no chance of conquering him. Don't try to discourage someone who is busy. If he is married and if he has a girlfriend, Sagittarius will be faithful.

How to keep a Sagittarius man

If a girl decides to be with a representative of this sign, then she must fight for her happiness. A man will like it if his beloved sometimes takes the initiative in the relationship into her own hands, but he should not insist too often on quiet, calm gatherings at home. Sagittarius will not survive such a life.

A woman who knows how to beautifully demonstrate her independence can truly tie a Sagittarius to her. If you sometimes make it clear to a representative of this sign that he is far from the only man on earth, then this will not leave him indifferent and will force him to pay more attention to his woman.

Sagittarius' pride will not allow someone to take away his beloved, but you should not go too far. A Sagittarius man may decide that his chosen one is too frivolous and not worth the effort.

Trying to change a man will fail. You should not try to limit his freedom and force him to abandon his usual actions. Sagittarius will quickly break off such relationships. Neither beauty nor intelligence can hold him back. Only a girl close to him in spirit will become the wife of a Sagittarius.

It is worth taking part in the hobbies of your chosen one. It is worth admiring the success of a Sagittarius man. This will make him happy. You should not criticize a man’s hobbies or prohibit them.

A man likes it if his girlfriend demonstrates her dependence on her partner. Sagittarius has the impression that he has everything in his hands. But you shouldn’t try to crush them under you. Sagittarius will not tolerate even the slightest pressure.

Aries woman

An Aries girl and a Sagittarius man are very similar in temperament. These are hot, passionate people. Their relationship is like a seething volcano. Sagittarius and Aries will never be bored. But you can get tired of such relationships very quickly.

Taurus woman

The Taurus woman has a calm and balanced character. A tandem with a restless Sagittarius may fall apart as soon as it is formed, but a girl is capable of conquering a man with her ability to cook, housekeeping and beauty. To maintain a relationship, a Taurus woman must be less stubborn and conservative.

Gemini woman

Sagittarius will like the easy nature of the Gemini woman. Together, representatives of these signs will find it easy and comfortable. However, they are both freedom-loving and do not at all strive to get married. If this union is created, it promises to be durable. In marriage, Sagittarius and Gemini will be happy.

Cancer woman

If a Cancer woman wants to win the heart of a Sagittarius man, she must learn to understand him. You should not be too protective of your partner. Relationships are possible if both make compromises.

Leo woman

A Leo woman will easily win the attention of a Sagittarius. He will love her beauty, charisma and love for life.

Virgo woman

Misunderstandings may arise between Virgo and Sagittarius. The rational, practical character of a girl is alien to a man. It will be difficult for them together. But Sagittarius may like Virgo's intelligence and nobility.

For a Libra woman

Sagittarius will like the emotionality of Libra. Representatives of these signs will quickly find a common language. Harmony will reign in the couple's family life.

Scorpio woman

Sagittarius will have a difficult alliance with Scorpio. Relationships between signs are possible, but in most cases they are not durable. A constant battle of characters will lead to partners getting tired and separating.

Sagittarius woman

The romance of a Sagittarius woman with a man of the same sign will be filled with intense passion. Emotions in a relationship run high, but the independence and freedom-loving nature of partners can lead to a bright romance ending quickly.

Capricorn woman

The Capricorn woman will bring stability to the life of a Sagittarius. The characters' personalities are very different, but these people positively influence each other. Union is possible.

For Aquarius woman

Aquarius and Sagittarius have a lot in common. A man will like the friendliness and optimism of a girl, but representatives of these signs are in no hurry to get married. Their relationship may last for years, but they will never start a family.

Pisces woman

A difficult alliance awaits Sagittarius with Pisces. It will not be easy for representatives of the signs to work together. To maintain relationships, partners will have to make compromises.

Sagittarius is a worthy representative of the stronger sex. A woman who claims to be his companion must fully correspond to his character traits. He will never waste time on a narcissistic, mercantile person who will only value his wealth.

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Nature has generously rewarded the Sagittarius man with success in all matters, but he himself rewards only the worthy. If a woman has charm, is easy-going, is an interesting conversationalist, strives for spiritual and professional development, and also has economic skills, she has a high chance of winning the heart of a real man.

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    General characteristics of the sign

    Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21) is a fire sign, which indicates its high energetic temperament. One gets the impression that this man never rests, because he does not get tired at all. He is able to achieve his goal by all available methods. But these methods are associated with honor and efficiency.

    Main qualities of Sagittarius:

    • energy;
    • truthfulness;
    • focus;
    • active position.

    What kind of women are attracted to Sagittarius?

    You can conquer a Sagittarius man with character traits similar to his. The guy loves to hang out among the fair sex and knows how to do it with inexplicable charisma.

    A man is able to charm a girl without taking any steps to do so. The weaker sex gives themselves to such guys without resistance, since their eyes always shine with desire, passion and composure.

    How to please a Sagittarius guy

    To please a Sagittarius man, you need to be:

    • Spectacular. It is desirable that the woman be beautiful, but this is not essential. The most important thing is that she is bright, stylish, well-groomed, and attracts the attention of other men.
    • Smart. A well-rounded girl with whom it is interesting to talk on any topic is capable of winning a man’s heart.
    • Energetic. A woman should have a similar temperament, love travel, and keep up with the accelerated pace of her companion.
    • Witty. You can attract the attention of a Sagittarius man with a sense of humor, the ability to easily communicate and amuse with your successful jokes.
    • Life-loving. Sagittarius is an optimist in life; he does not tolerate drama and despondency. A woman needs to take all issues relatively lightly and always voice good prospects.
    • Good. The man himself loves people and animals, and is always ready to help. He wants to see a good-natured, sympathetic girl as his companion.
    • Reliable. Sagittarius is constantly on the move; he is unable to control all circumstances. Therefore, he expects to see a woman next to him who will provide him with a reliable rear.
    • Mischievous. Sagittarius does not recognize high moral standards. A girl should support this childishness, which often arises in a guy’s behavior.
    • Economic. A man values ​​family comfort. If a girl knows how to cook well and keep the house clean, Sagittarius' joy will know no bounds.

    Falling in love with a Sagittarius man is not easy, but it is not difficult either. If a girl is naturally endowed with positive character traits, that’s already half the success. The guy will express the remaining demands straightforwardly, because he is always honest with his loved ones. He openly wants to change people for the better and always voices his good wishes.

    What is prohibited in a relationship with Sagittarius

    The most important quality that a Sagittarius guy's companion should have is to remain herself. This honest representative of the fire sign does not tolerate falsehood and knows how to recognize it.

    To get a guy, you need to avoid the following:

    • Lack of charm. A girl who looks like a “gray mouse” will never even deserve the glance of a Sagittarius guy. In terms of female beauty, he is a great esthete; his bright appearance inspires and motivates him.
    • Lack of education. A man will never waste time on a stupid girl who is unable to carry on a conversation. He does not respect such women and treats them with disdain.
    • Pessimism. An optimist by nature, the Sagittarius man will never communicate with a girl who is always complaining about life, sad and pessimistic. He was used to enjoying life, and not listening to sad memories.
    • High morality. Sagittarius is used to deviating from stereotypes regarding discipline. A woman who will be horrified by his antics will seem boring and annoying to him.
    • Lack of a sense of humor. A Sagittarius man will not be able to spend a single day with such a boring lady who cannot joke and does not take the jokes of others. He doesn’t like it, and he will definitely voice his attitude.
    • Mismanagement. Sagittarius loves a comfortable life and cleanliness. If a girl is messy and doesn't know how to cook, the guy won't be able to live with her. He is terribly annoyed by the mess in the house.
    • Control. Controlling Sagittarius is strictly prohibited. If a girl becomes obsessively interested in why the guy was late and where he was (especially in the early stages), the guy will immediately leave her.

    Every Sagittarius dreams of meeting his mirror image in the face of another person. Throughout their lives, these people remain children. They love to play mischief and do things that their parents forbid. A man tries to find a soul mate in the person of his companion. Their life will be devoid of problems, since lovers will solve them in game mode.

    How to behave when meeting

    A Sagittarius guy will pay attention to a bright, extravagant girl who walks with her head held high, stepping stately in high heels. A lover and connoisseur of female beauty will never miss such a lady who attracts the attention of men (public recognition is very important for him). If a girl easily gets involved with other people, is cheerful and witty, the guy will be defeated. He will do everything possible to attract attention or simply approach you with an offer to meet you.

    In further communication, it is worth demonstrating to him your awareness in all spheres of life and art. The girl should look cheerful and perky. If a guy offers to “be a little naughty” (run away from a banquet, play a prank on someone, come up with original entertainment), you should definitely agree. The Sagittarius man will appreciate the interest in his idea and feel that he is trusted. Under no circumstances should you touch upon the material topic. A wealthy Sagittarius guy will suspect something is wrong and think that benefits are expected from him.

    It is necessary to spend this day at ease, with ease and pleasure. A man welcomes any initiative from a girl, but not intrusiveness. Natural behavior and calmness will be appreciated. You can fool around a little, enjoy his jokes, take part in any games and pranks. You should avoid criticism of him, serious philosophical topics and moralizing conversations.

    A girl needs to understand that a Sagittarius guy is a fiery sexual sign. They regard intimate relationships as ordinary pleasure. There is no moral basis or responsibility for this. It is recommended to remember that a man is capable of leaving a woman forever after spending the night with her. He feels no remorse and does not attach any importance to sexual intercourse. But if he gets in touch later, it means he really liked the girl and is ready to continue the relationship with her.

    How to keep a Sagittarius man

    To keep a Sagittarius lover for many years, you need to let him go. This man needs constant freedom. Control on the part of a woman will be proportional to the fading of love for her. The guy is able to do several things at once:

    • help strangers;
    • resolve friends' problems;
    • perform work tasks;
    • build a career;
    • solve everyday problems;
    • establish useful connections;
    • exercise;
    • study;
    • take care of his wife and children.

    A woman needs to help Sagittarius keep up with all these positions. To do this, you need to periodically remind him, but at his request. There is no need to reproach or be offended if the guy did not have time to do something or did not pay due attention. This is the usual mode in which Sagittarius lives, and it will never be any other way. If you do not demand increased attention to yourself and do not rush a man home, he himself will strive to quickly get things done and return to his family.

    Sagittarius loves sex very much, so he will cheat. Even the sexiest partner will not be able to stop him from going to the left after a certain time. He will not leave a good family, he will not exchange harmonious relationships and a comfortable life for building a life “from scratch.” But these circumstances will not stop the fiery man. Jealous and impressionable women are not recommended to connect their lives with a representative of this sign. Life with Sagittarius will be happy, but specific.

    It will be very difficult for a woman to come to terms with the fact that a man needs to be shared with a huge number of people. These are friends, work colleagues, relatives, strangers and endless lovers.

    Compatibility by zodiac signs

    The Sagittarius man loves the fair sex of all signs of the zodiac. But you can find out exactly with whom a harmonious relationship will develop and who the guy will prefer, solely by his date of birth.

    Characteristics of Sagittarius compatibility with girls born under different constellations:

    Zodiac sign Description
    AriesThe Sagittarius man and Aries woman belong to the fire element. This indicates the similarity of their temperaments. During the period of falling in love, a girl is able to delight the sexy Sagittarius, who will be fascinated by her activity, courage, impulsiveness and brightness of her image. The girl will also like a daring and independent man who is able to stand up for himself and his companion. But the intensity of passions in such a couple is at the highest level. They constantly quarrel and make up, all this happens too emotionally. Over time, the couple gets tired of living in this mode, and everyone goes their own way. At the same time, they remain friends and communicate when they meet.
    TaurusThis couple has two options for developing their relationship. The first involves complete misunderstanding, when people seem to speak different languages. Failed partners will separate literally immediately. The second scenario is the opportunity to live a happy, long family life. The Taurus girl will attract Sagittarius with her beauty, practicality, calmness, ability to manage a household and cook well. A man values ​​these qualities very much and will gladly accept the conditions that a woman creates for him. She should discard conservative views and excessive presence of morality, not be jealous and not demand obedience from Sagittarius
    TwinsThis is a wonderful union of two independent freedom-loving people. Sagittarius is impressed by all the girl’s qualities: she is light, agile, intelligent, inquisitive. She always finds a compromise, does not limit the guy’s freedom, knows how to behave and looks great. Sagittarius offers her his protection, a reliable male shoulder, material security and protection in career growth. The lovers do not seek to register their relationship, but by mutual decision they come to the creation of an official marriage. Their family is distinguished by reliability and durability, since no circumstances can destroy this family idyll.
    CancerThe Sagittarius man is not able to understand the Cancer woman’s worldview. She is too melancholic, prefers to stay at home and arrange her life for a limited circle of close people. Freedom, noisy companies, emancipation, bold actions and risky enterprises are alien to her. She is inclined to criticize a man, endlessly engage in moralizing, and be jealous with or without reason. Sagittarius cannot withstand such pressure; he tries to get rid of excessive care and guardianship on the part of his companion. Such relationships cannot last long, since each partner feels unsatisfied and deceived in their hopes
    a lionLeo and Sagittarius are very similar to each other, since they belong to the same fire element. The royal Lioness will conquer the Sagittarius man from the very first minute of her appearance. The love of luxury, travel, noisy companies and the desire to belong to high society will make the pastime of lovers interesting and eventful. Sagittarius will try to make life a real fairy tale for his beloved. He will give expensive gifts, invite you to prestigious establishments, and create all the necessary conditions for pleasure. The couple has excellent sexual compatibility and favorable inclinations for creating a prosperous business
    VirgoA very complex union, where each partner has his own priorities in life. At the very beginning of a relationship, a girl will attract a guy with her education, intelligence, good manners and sophistication. But her desire to rely on logic and analysis in everything, to strive for ideal order, to control everything around her and condemn wrong actions will quickly tire Sagittarius. He will not tolerate reproaches, criticism of himself, or jealousy from his partner. To be together, a girl should take life easier, not pay attention to the guy’s behavior, and try to support his hobbies. If she can completely change her character, the couple will have a chance
    ScalesThe Sagittarius man and the Libra woman make a wonderful, harmonious couple. The girl has excellent taste, she is comprehensively developed, intelligent, loves high society, and understands art. She is easy-going, loves freedom, knows how to adapt to circumstances and the man she loves. Her husband is always on the highest pedestal regarding children, friends and relatives. This position appeals to Sagittarius, who loves admiration and worship. The guy will be happy to spend time with this wonderful girl who does not limit his freedom. Lovers will have a harmonious union, where everyone will feel satisfied and in demand.
    ScorpionIt will be difficult for a Scorpio woman to put up with the constant infidelity of a Sagittarius, since she is possessive and incredibly jealous. The guy's optionality and lack of punctuality will become unbearable for her; she is used to doing everything accurately and on time. A Sagittarius man will be bored by having long analytical conversations, delving into psychology. He is annoyed by criticism and reproaches addressed to him; restriction of freedom will lead to conflicts. He is not used to hiding his emotions; he prefers to speak the truth face to face. This is unacceptable in a relationship with the secretive Scorpio. People will openly suffer until they break up
    SagittariusA Sagittarius man will be very impressed by a representative of his sign. She completely replicates his character traits; people have common hobbies, aspirations, and outlooks on life. In the initial stages of a relationship, lovers will realize that they have found exactly the soul mate they have always dreamed of. But both partners are representatives of the fire element. They are independent and freedom-loving, do not tolerate control and criticism. In life together, such principles will become destructive, since they do not provide the opportunity to create anything in common. The partners will live together a fabulous period of love and part, remaining good friends
    CapricornA Sagittarius guy and a Capricorn girl, completely different in character, are capable of creating a completely harmonious union. A woman will captivate a man with her thriftiness, practicality, and efficiency. She clearly knows her responsibilities and tries to do her best for the family’s comfortable living. Sagittarius will attract a girl with his determination, desire to achieve material wealth and sociability. The Capricorn woman should control less and limit the freedom of Sagittarius, let go of attacks of jealousy and unhealthy anxiety. The guy will help you become lighter, more optimistic and teach you to enjoy life.
    AquariusSagittarius and Aquarius are a wonderful couple who are able to build a friendly relationship. The Aquarius girl is an interesting, intelligent, original person who will win the heart of Sagittarius from the very first minutes of acquaintance. She is very inventive, loves to travel, and has many friends of the opposite sex. All these qualities fully correspond to the needs of the Sagittarius guy, since he is impressed by this lifestyle. Lovers will give each other pleasure without losing freedom. Such living without formalizing the relationship can last for many years and never end in marriage
    FishThis is a very difficult union in which two people meet, as if speaking different languages. A dreamy, slightly secretive, vulnerable and intelligent Pisces girl will initially interest Sagittarius. She is sophisticated and well-mannered, has refined taste and is interested in art. A Sagittarius man is also attracted to a woman because he is masculine and sympathetic. Then the relationship turns into a series of misunderstandings. Frank, accustomed to telling the truth to his face, Sagittarius does not understand how he could offend his companion. And the impressionable girl suffers from the guy’s rudeness and ignorance; she is hurt and offended by his words. After much torment and misunderstanding, the couple breaks up.

As astrologers assure us, men born to mothers under the sign of Sagittarius, in most cases, are fidgety, unbridled merrymakers and even the ringleaders of the company. These men love the most noisy large companies, in which they most often strive to be absolute leaders. As a rule, Sagittarius men are essentially very inquisitive people who are ready to be interested in almost everything in the world. These are truly restless carminatives, however, Sagittarius can be extremely charming and, of course, attract the attention of many people who consider themselves to be of the opposite sex.

Actually, this is precisely why the questions of how to conquer and take a Sagittarius man for yourself may not be so easily resolved; competition in this matter may turn out to be excessive. However, if you have already managed to fall in love with this unique sparkling and extraordinary type, what can you do... You will have to try very hard! And then everything is possible! To begin with, try to determine what character traits will distinguish Sagittarius men from other representatives of the stronger sex; in fact, this is why we have prepared this publication.

What is the true nature of Sagittarius men?

Most Sagittarius men simply cannot stand a too monotonous sequence of events that is predictable down to the details. These men almost constantly strive for sudden changes in vivid impressions, which is probably why they actually love to travel a lot. Naturally, if such a guy, born under such a sign in the Zodiac, does not have a real opportunity to constantly travel to different countries, he will certainly try to find for himself such a passion or hobby that will allow him to fill his life every second with new emotions and more and more vivid events replacing each other. friend.

It must also be said that it is Sagittarius men who absolutely do not accept any generally accepted framework of morality or other restrictions on their freedom. These men set their own standards for behavior, and they often differ from generally known norms, so sometimes these men can even shock the people around them with their actions or statements. However, Sagittarius themselves care very little about all this. Moreover, note that these men do not at all crave shocking behavior. They simply don’t know any other way, and live as they themselves want, and imagine, they consider all this to be completely acceptable and even worthy behavior. However, most men belonging to this sign still know exactly what to do. And knowing the limits, they are unlikely to ever be able to decide to unreasonably cross in their own actions the boundaries that they have defined for themselves. Such men are too educated and noble for such extremes. And all that Sagittarius are really capable of doing is not giving a damn about some of the rules of decency that are established in this or that society. At the same time, rest assured, this man will not run around the streets without trousers, of course! And, let’s say, these men can very easily show up, without any embarrassment, without the jacket or tie required by the dress code, to some very respectable reception.

In fact, the vast majority of men of the Sagittarius sign have a painful and even heightened to some extent sense of justice. It is these men who always rush to protect women, simply weaker people, and often this happens to the detriment of their own safety, their peace of mind, well-being, and sometimes even their health. Moreover, as a rule, the Sagittarius man does all this not at all for the sake of subsequent good relations in his direction, out of self-interest or for popularity. As in the case of violating public morality, this man simply does not know how to do otherwise and does not understand how others can.

Of course, not all those who were born under the zodiac sign Sagittarius have only these qualities. Sometimes among them there are also weak-willed, completely indecisive, not very reliable people, by the way, on whom it is literally impossible to rely on anything. In reality, there are both Sagittarius men who have become egoists, and Sagittarius men who are outright misanthropes. However, fortunately for you and me, there are not so many of them. Although you must admit that it is unlikely that a man with such a character will be able to evoke any warm, deep feelings in women. Actually, therefore, we simply will not understand how a woman can conquer a man of this sign with a predominance of negative qualities in his character. Let's talk better just about how it would be possible to win the heart of the noble, very cheerful and incredibly charming Sagittarius.

So how can you attract the attention of a Sagittarius man?

It should be understood that in general, a man of the Sagittarius sign may differ little from all other men, at least in relation to how he will behave with the opposite sex. Indeed, just like all other men, first of all this type will pay attention to the most striking, extraordinary, and, of course, well-groomed women who know how to present themselves correctly, and in any, even the most difficult, situation. However, a girl who might be interested in a Sagittarius man must have, in addition to a spectacular appearance, a strong character and must have a wonderful sense of humor and free communication skills. In fact, an irrepressible dreamer, childishly naughty, and the most optimistic young lady will be more likely to win his heart than a cold and calculating arrogant, smart and beautiful girl. All Sagittarius men, without exception, simply adore those young ladies with whom it is as easy as possible to communicate. At the same time, they may avoid avid debaters and women who are prone to almost constant discussion of everyday problems or difficulties. Although at the same time, Sagittarians are unbearably bored with those ladies with whom, in their opinion, there is nothing at all to talk about, and even nothing to ask.

Before thinking about how to start building a serious relationship with a man of the Sagittarius sign, the young lady should decide on the details of this task, think about whether you are specifically ready for such a turbulent, and even full of surprises and difficulties, life with this man. After all, a guy with this type of character will definitely never just sit in one place, or lie around for days and hours on the same sofa, looking at TV. This man always needs company; a constant change of vivid impressions is important to him, which is probably why the Sagittarius man will always attend some events, constantly go somewhere or leave, etc. And imagine, you, dear young lady, will have to be with him. Otherwise, believe me, the “holy place” cannot remain empty for too long.

So, if you have analyzed all the pros and cons of such a man and agree to almost eternal motion, then go ahead and fight for your happiness! It is advisable with a Sagittarius man to take the initiative into your own hands more often - this means dragging the Sagittarius man on a hike, or to the theater, maybe for a walk, or to a club, in general, somewhere where you yourself will like it. However, remember the most important thing - when communicating with such a man, never insist on frequent and too long solitude somewhere in a quiet, homely place; he simply cannot stand it. A young man born under such an interesting zodiac sign definitely cannot stand a serene, quiet environment for too long.

However, this is not all. Let us note that in order to really hook a Sagittarius man and really please him, it is not enough to be as incredible a fidget as he is. It should be understood that this bird, who knows no sleep or rest, could truly become attached exclusively to a woman who knows how to flirt beautifully, and who is capable of demonstrating her own independence and love of freedom in a purely feminine way. If a young lady makes it clear to a Sagittarius man that this individual is not at all the only man in the world, he will certainly be greatly attracted by this and will not leave him indifferent. Sagittarius men are generally very proud; they will never allow someone to take a beautiful girl away from them, as they say, right from under their noses. Although, of course, you shouldn’t be a young lady; you should go too far and constantly wag your tail, as they say, left and right. You need to know when to stop and be able to make it clear in time to the Sagittarius hunter who has already pulled the bowstring that in any case you will be ready to follow your loved one through fire and ford. Otherwise, this man may decide that the young lady he is chasing so much is not worth such efforts, because she is frivolous and even superficial. And as a result, perhaps he will give his heart to someone else, and not to you.

So how can we prevent this from happening? Let's understand further.

How to finally win the heart of the man you like if he is a Sagittarius

In fact, most Sagittarius men are still ready for a long-term and very serious relationship with a woman, but only with a like-minded woman who really knows how to both understand and feel as deeply as possible. As a rule, all attempts to modify a man born in this sign fail. And rejection of his real habits (right and wrong), attempts to limit his freedom - this may be a guarantee that one day your Sagittarius man will simply disappear, perhaps without even saying goodbye. Even if you have the most unique, stunning appearance and beauty recognized throughout the world, this will not deter the Sagittarius, whom this beauty has begun to oppress. A Sagittarius man will take as his wife only the young lady who is as close to him in spirit as possible. And with all the long-legged or busty beauties who do not have internal character qualities that appeal to this man, he can only have temporary fun.

Actually, therefore, whether you like or dislike what your beloved Sagittarius is passionate about, you will have to accept this hobby or at least try to understand. For example, does your man like fishing? Try to learn how to dig for worms and select hooks. Well, at least try not to fuss or wince when your man takes them out of the ground. For example, is your gentleman madly in love with horses? At least we try to master horse riding skills, or, at worst, we just hang around next to this man while he prances in the saddle, and rejoice at his success. Believe me, if what he does in the saddle delights you, the Sagittarius man is guaranteed to please him. Perhaps your man cannot live even a week without constant long or short trips? Agree! Try to travel with him or let him go on another long or short journey without complaint. The main thing in communicating with Sagittarius is not to oppose his hobbies, not to criticize, and of course not even to object. Remember, the overly freedom-loving nature of the Sagittarius man will definitely not accept your pressure and will begin to actively resist and sooner or later break out.

As for the ladies' initiative in the further development of your relationship, then, as a rule, men belonging to this zodiac sign always need to feel that their young lady is always dependent on their partner, that they hold their young lady in their hands. Naturally, these men will not tolerate the slightest pressure from women, even if in principle they completely agree with some persistent lady’s proposal. For Sagittarius men, it is extremely important to have an internal feeling of comfort and a feeling of a certain warmth that appears during communication. Such a man cannot be bribed only with exquisite dishes at family lunches or dinners; you cannot bribe them with sterile cleanliness and order in the house. Mutual understanding between spouses and the sharing of his interests and visions of the world by his partner will be much more significant for a Sagittarius man. If there is such mutual understanding, this man will agree to eat literally anything and not even notice the mountains of dirty dishes piled up in the sink, for example, for the third day.

In general, in order to be able to retain the love of such a unique, extraordinary man, the young lady should remember only one thing - she absolutely cannot be too picky and too serious with this man. Constant showdowns, excessive jealousy, any peremptory and groundless demands, constant threats, or criticism usually drive Sagittarius men simply crazy. As you understand, the result of such behavior on the part of a woman with a man of this sign can be simply a deplorable situation. It is better for a woman to perceive such men as big, but rather friendly children, always trying to turn any prank, even, in your opinion, boorish, into a harmless joke. And believe me, then peace and harmony can be established in your relationship.

Don’t forget, by and large, a bachelor man of the Sagittarius sign needs a companion in life who can maintain the strength of his personal inner fire. This means that pessimistic or overly modest girls will be practically unable to meet this requirement. As a rule, next to such gloomy ladies, Sagittarius begins to constantly rush about, toil, and at the same time, sooner or later, men still break free, leaving such women. Men of this type need to constantly realize their own outstanding potential, otherwise Sagittarius may simply break down and even die as an individual. Sagittarius men usually have no time to talk about the certain frailty of everything that exists on earth or about some tragic aspects of this life. These men always rush forward, and the young lady who decided to be close to this man will simply have to learn to never lag behind such a fast pace. Otherwise, her chosen one may disappear. Therefore, dear ladies who want to be with a Sagittarius man, we always try to adhere to only a philosophical and maximally optimistic view of both the whole world and your life together. Kindle your favorite hot flame of passion when necessary, believe me, it’s fun!

In addition, both a strong friendship and a rather stormy romance with a Sagittarius man can be provided to a lady if she has common hobbies with this man. A strong spiritual connection based on mutual understanding will also keep such a couple together. However, at the same time, dear young ladies, you should never forget about full-fledged physical attraction to each other, without which you will also not get anywhere. Sagittarius men, as a rule, belong to that incredibly passionate type of man who is simply an ideal option for quickly seducing them. Such men are overly excited by those women who are completely independent in this life, who are capable of some unexpected, completely unceremonious and preferably cheerful actions or remarks. But this zodiac sign definitely does not like overly well-behaved ladies who are correct in all respects. Actually, that’s why don’t even try to captivate a Sagittarius man with the decency of your own behavior and wonderful, refined manners. Sagittarius is not at all a good boy who demands a well-mannered girl next to him. Although not some inveterate hooligan with the habits of a bandit. A Sagittarius man simply needs some kind of gushing life in a woman. He will always look for a girl who is as natural as possible, very frank and open, active in all respects, capable of wonderful playful flirting.

Maybe, The surest way to conquer a Sagittarius man can be considered a woman’s ability to be spontaneous, to be mobile, to be very inquisitive, incredibly witty and to be quite ambitious in all respects. However, you definitely shouldn’t make fun of this man in particular all the time, just as you definitely shouldn’t make fun of yourself or other people. In this case, the Sagittarius man may not at all like the attitude of his young lady towards the people around her, and he can quickly isolate himself from such a lady with an almost impenetrable wall. It will indeed be better for jokes to find something funny from the natural world around you (a tree, a dog, a cat, or a bird) and, as a result, share the funny thing you see with your Sagittarius man companion.

In addition, it is always extremely important for Sagittarius men that their woman understands and accepts all their friends and even girlfriends. After all, these men treat friendship with unusual reverence and even put friendship almost in the very first place in all existing human relationships. This means that if you want to win the heart of a Sagittarius man, in no case should you allow any negative remarks towards his loved ones or relatives. Rather, on the contrary, you will need to try to make friends with them, or at least cultivate a diligent attitude towards literally each of these friends or close people of your chosen one, and make every effort to do this. This is also important because a Sagittarius man is more likely to break up with his girlfriend than with those with whom he was initially connected by strong friendships.

And finally, the last important point. In order to finally bind a man of a given sign in the Zodiac to her, it will be vital for the young lady to give this man the opportunity to take care of her at least a little. Sagittarius men simply love to be stronger, to be patrons or even guardians for their beloved woman, and besides, they cannot stand it when their woman wants to play the role of a mother in relation to them. Therefore, such men can be completely free to ask for help on almost any issue. Remember, for a Sagittarius man there is no greater joy than gratitude seen in the eyes of his beloved girl! The girl whom the man rescued will immediately become even more dear to him and even perhaps the cutest and most charming of all. And if you also begin to convince your Sagittarius man that if he wants, he can make almost any of your dreams come true, you will thereby make him a truly happy person. A Sagittarius man in this state becomes extremely devoted and truly the most reliable companion in life.

As astrologers assure us, men born under the sign of Sagittarius, in most cases, are fidgety, unbridled fun-loving people and even the leaders of companies. These men love the most noisy large companies, in which they most often strive to be absolute leaders. As a rule, Sagittarius men are essentially very inquisitive people who are ready to be interested in almost everything in the world. These are truly restless carminatives, however, Sagittarius can be extremely charming and, of course, attract the attention of many people who consider themselves to be of the opposite sex.

Actually, this is precisely why the questions of how to conquer and take a Sagittarius man for yourself may not be so easily resolved; competition in this matter may turn out to be excessive. However, if you have already managed to fall in love with this unique sparkling and extraordinary type, what can you do... You will have to try very hard! And then everything is possible!

What men of this sign don’t like

Most Sagittarius men simply cannot stand a too monotonous sequence of events that is predictable down to the details. These men almost constantly strive for sudden changes in vivid impressions, which is probably why they actually love to travel a lot. Naturally, if such a guy, born under such a sign in the Zodiac, does not have a real opportunity to constantly travel to different countries, he will certainly try to find for himself such a passion or hobby that will allow him to fill his life every second with new emotions and more and more vivid events replacing each other. friend.

It must also be said that it is Sagittarius men who absolutely do not accept any generally accepted framework of morality or other restrictions on their freedom. These men set their own standards for behavior, and they often differ from generally known norms, so sometimes these men can even shock the people around them with their actions or statements. However, Sagittarius themselves care very little about all this. Moreover, note that these men do not at all crave shocking behavior. They simply don’t know any other way, and live as they themselves want, and imagine, they consider all this to be completely acceptable and even worthy behavior.

A man born under this sign does not like anything ostentatious, pompous and artificial. The woman of his dreams is independent, witty, inventive and versatile. She may go against social patterns by doing something unexpected or making an offhand remark.

He likes good conversationalists, and if a woman also knows how to listen to him and ask clarifying questions at the end of the conversation, then she has no price.

His woman is able to share his hobbies with him - skiing and kayaking, parties and travel, etc. He may want you to accompany him everywhere. But if you love home and comfort, then you will also fit into the life of a Sagittarius. After all, he needs a woman who knows how to preserve warmth while he is in distant countries or is passionate about his work.

How to conquer such a man to an Aries woman

In the relationship between Sagittarius and the Aries girl, passion reigns, emotions go off scale for both. Both the Aries girl and the Sagittarius man are hot, temperamental people, they first fight heatedly, then passionately make up. It will not be difficult for an Aries girl to make a Sagittarius fall in love with her; her activity, impulsiveness, audacity and courage will charm this man.

Their marriage is like a roller coaster: today they compliment each other, and tomorrow each sincerely hates the other. A constant high degree of relationship will lead to the fact that they may get tired of such a life and simply quietly, peacefully disperse.

Taurus woman

The practical, calm, balanced Taurus and the restless, restless Sagittarius are completely different. They can part only after meeting. However, if this does not happen, a fairly strong relationship is possible. The Taurus girl will conquer Sagittarius with her femininity, thriftiness and beauty. In addition, he will also like her ability to cook deliciously. Intimate relationships will suit both. To keep Sagittarius, Taurus should be less conservative and stubborn, not be afraid of change and always support her loved one.

This man does not tolerate rude reproaches, groundless jealousy, or hysterics. He appreciates a woman’s ability to communicate in a masculine manner: clearly, specifically, to the point.

Gemini woman

Both the Gemini girl and the Sagittarius man are freedom-loving, independent people. They don't want to get married at all. Sagittarius is impressed by Gemini's easy-going character, her curiosity, resourcefulness and wit. They are comfortable and pleasant together. No one limits the freedom of the other; as a result, they slowly become attached to each other and do not notice how they end up in marriage. Their union promises to be long-term and happy.

Gemini, seducing Sagittarius, challenges him. And every self-respecting hunter should accept this challenge.

How to conquer Sagittarius for a Gemini woman? The chosen one needs... to be listened to. Sagittarius can selflessly talk for hours about their ideals. At the same time, he will closely monitor the reaction of his interlocutor. Was she frankly bored? The hunter will find a more grateful listener.

The question of how to understand a Sagittarius man is difficult for Gemini. He can be firm, decisive, even tough. She is not completely sure of anything, including her own desires, plans and possibilities. One thing will help a couple maintain their relationship: mutual trust. Astrologers recommend that Gemini and Sagittarius resolve conflicts and problems exclusively at the negotiating table.

Cancer woman

To captivate a Sagittarius man, a Cancer woman needs to learn to understand him: reproach him less, don’t force him to sit at home, don’t be too passive. The Rakin tends to overprotect Sagittarius, becoming a kind of mother to him, there is no need to do this. Their pairing is possible, if they both agree to compromises, there will be some work on the relationship.

The melancholy nature of Cancer will irritate Sagittarius. She should learn to take life more simply and be less upset.

A Cancer woman is recommended to become a friend to Sagittarius. Subsequently, the relationship will develop on its own. Sagittarians value reliable women. And Cancers are just like that. Allow your chosen one to independently decide that life without you has no meaning.

Lioness woman

A bright, independent, demonstrative Lioness will easily be able to attract the attention of Sagittarius. She will conquer him with her royal beauty, love of life, and charisma. Sagittarius will be fascinated. Together they will attend social events, travel to different countries and enjoy life.

A generous Sagittarius man will begin to shower the Lioness with gifts, trying to turn her life into a fairy tale, since he will be completely convinced that she is his soul mate.

Virgo woman

The union of Sagittarius and Virgo is harmonious. But both will have to work hard for this. When asked how to seduce Sagittarius, Virgo will most likely look for an answer in specialized literature. After recommendations from psychologists and astrologers, they will definitely be tried in practice. Some will work, others won't.

At the first stage, Virgo will have to attract the attention of a male hunter. It’s not difficult for a naturally feminine woman to do this. Virgo can interest Sagittarius with an intellectual conversation. He will also appreciate her subtle sense of humor. If Virgo is really interested in the hunter, she will soon see all the signs of a Sagittarius man in love.

But it’s too early to celebrate victory. Emerging relationships are fragile; representatives of the zodiac signs face many challenges even in the candy-bouquet period. One of them is money. Sagittarius tends to show off. Virgo counts every ruble. Therefore, it is quite difficult for a couple to plan common expenses.

Life, travel, and relationships with relatives will also be tests for Virgo and Sagittarius. A woman will be able to keep her hunter if she does not rely on his insight and intuition, but initiates business negotiations on controversial issues.

For a Libra woman

The Libra girl will conquer Sagittarius with her emotionality, artistry and sociability. A Sagittarius man will be at ease with Libra; they will quickly find a common language. They both do not put pressure on each other, provide enough freedom to their partner, and both are friendly, peace-loving people. A harmonious family life is quite possible.

Scorpio woman

An uneasy alliance. Scorpio is annoyed by Sagittarius' lack of obligation and his lack of clear plans for life. Sagittarius does not like Scorpio's secrecy, psychological isolation and some conflict. The Scorpio girl will be able to win this man if she gives him more freedom, does not create scenes of jealousy, and does not harass him with nagging and reproaches.

Sagittarius woman

Women and men born under the fire sign are characterized by independence, directness, inquisitive nature and seriousness. They are so similar, but have different attitudes towards love. For him, every novel is an adventure, part of an exciting journey through life. She expects a logical continuation from the relationship - marriage.

The Sagittarius man is not an opponent of a family union. But the decision about marriage should be made solely by him. If a woman suppresses his hunting instinct, she risks being left with nothing. Also, in possible quarrels with your chosen one, you should not rush into words about breaking up the relationship. The Sagittarius man may not call his passion back.

Capricorn woman

The Capricorn girl will bring stability to the life of Sagittarius and make it more organized. Sagittarius will charge Capricorn with optimism and teach her to enjoy change. Although these are completely different people, their union is quite possible. Each will positively influence the other. The only thing is that Capricorn should not limit Sagittarius’ freedom too much, put pressure on him, or force him to be a homebody.

For Aquarius woman

There is a lot in common between them. An eccentric, inventive, independent Aquarius girl will immediately appeal to Sagittarius. He will be captivated by her friendliness, optimism, and desire for new experiences.

Together they will travel, learn new things, enjoy life. However, both of them are not at all attracted to getting married, this can lead to the fact that they will date for years without starting a family.

Pisces woman

A difficult alliance. The dreamy, secretive Pisces is not understandable to the sincere and open Sagittarius. It's not easy for them together. If the Pisces girl manages to change a little, become more cheerful, charming, easy-going, then a relationship is possible. However, you should be prepared for constant compromises. If they both are more tolerant of their significant other, then their life together will be quite successful.
