How to keep up with everything around the house. How can a working woman manage everything at home?

Hello, friends! Ekaterina Kalmykova is with you. The situation when you don’t have time to do anything is known to most women. Few people can boast that they manage to work, feed their children, and please their husband.

Modern girls are concerned about moving up the career ladder and forget about family values. Meanwhile, with age, it is the family that will become a reliable support, and work will fade into the background.

How can you keep up with everything around the house if you work and are chasing high social status? How to find this balance between home life and work life? You will find answers to these and other questions below.

You say, “Oh, it’s all planning again, it’s getting nowhere!” It really does, I’ll tell you. Thanks to planning, you can clearly structure your work and not worry about lack of time.

The first rule of time management: have a plan.

To make it more pleasant to organize your day, you can buy a beautiful diary. Isn’t it so important for us girls to write in a special notebook?

Things to do for the day should be divided into urgent and important, and into secondary and distant ones. Things that can be put off - put them off, don’t overload your time with them.

The second rule: things that take less than 15 minutes should be done right away.

By collecting quick tasks, you clog up your free time and leave no chance to complete them. How can you keep up with everything at work and at home in this situation? Just don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Wash dishes immediately without piling up. Make calls to clients immediately, and not when you have nothing to do. Then the phrase “I don’t get anything done at work” will not apply to you.

Don't be alarmed, no one is telling you to give them up completely. Just set aside a special time to look at your Instagram feed and others. No more than 15 minutes twice a day outside of working hours. If you want to get distracted by your VKontakte feed while writing a report, just remember that the report will not disappear and will have to be completed after work. But you can look through the feed on the way home or during a break, if you really want to.

Is there a child in the house? Surely, disorder and chaos reign, and the ability to find the right thing is practically non-existent? Do you recognize yourself? Then the next planning rule is for you.

The fourth rule: try to maintain order in everything - in your notebook, in your diary, in your clothes, in your dishes, in your emotions.

A woman who manages to do everything is, first of all, mentally and physically collected. She does not allow herself to be excessively lazy and tries to take responsibility for her actions.

Fifth rule: having new interests.

Get yourself an interesting hobby that you don’t mind spending at least an hour a day on. This could be anything: learning a new language, going to the gym or taking a driving course. A new business is a powerful incentive to put things in order in life and at work.

Work and family - let's live together: how to remove chaos at work

How to manage everything at work?

This is a difficult question, especially if you hold a responsible position. Nowadays, many work-at-home jobs have appeared, but this has not solved the problem of academic performance in the frantic pace of life.

Many working mothers ask: I don’t have time at work, what should I do? At the same time, it seems to them that they are geniuses, and failures are associated with other people. When working at home, it is especially important to maintain discipline. often have a lot of work to do, but are constantly distracted by something at home. Then, like at work, a strict boss will obligingly give you a kick for the slightest deviation from business.

How can a working at home mom manage everything?

First of all, you need to make a list of small tasks for the day and start doing them. The same advice applies to office workers. Do small, quick things first, like making calls at work, discussing a project with colleagues, sorting work emails and responding to important ones.

Having completed quick tasks, you can proceed to more global ones. Big things need to be done in several stages, which should be reflected in your diary. This will eliminate the idea that a project that should be ready on November 1st can be started on October 30th.

Don't be afraid of large tasks, because once you break them down into several small subtasks, it will be easier for you to perceive them.

Many people are told the phrase “work less, accomplish more.” Of course, when a person works, he has practically no time left for himself, his loved one, his family. If the job disappeared, he would build his own business, and finish the garage, etc. No, I would not have built it and would not have completed it.

Because a person who does not know how to build his time together with work will not build it without it.

How can you manage everything after work?

The answer to this question is simple - finish your work on time! According to statistics, people who leave half of their tasks for the second part of the day are twice as likely to be late at work than those who try to get everything done in the first part of the day. Want to leave work early? Don't be lazy during the work process and you will have more time for your family.

How can you keep up with everything at work and at home if work and home are the same place?

If you are the mother of a schoolchild or kindergartener, the best opportunity for productive work is provided while the child is in kindergarten or school. Take advantage of this time, do not be distracted by unimportant matters, communicate with friends, etc.

Decide clearly how much you will work and how much you will do housework. Identify what exactly distracts you from work and try to get rid of it. If you live with your family, ask them to take on some of the responsibilities, at least for a few days a week. And remember, nothing slows down the workflow more than a mess.

Keep things and thoughts in order, then you won’t have to waste precious time looking for things and remembering necessary events.

How to manage to live and work?

The secret is to learn how to properly manage your time; you need to remove everything from your life that prevents you from moving up. Remember that those around you are not to blame for your lack of success.

Learn to manage your time so that you have enough for friends, work and family. There are 24 hours in a day, so at least three hours of them can be devoted to family or a favorite activity (person).

How to become a master of your time

To finally become a pro in the matter of time management, pay attention to the author’s course by Evgeniy Popov "Master of Time".

From the course you will learn how to properly organize your life so that work and family become friends forever. Everything about time management, its monetization, as well as a lot of other interesting information is contained in the course and is waiting for you to study it.

After spending very little time, you will learn to build your schedule in such a way that every day will bring you profit and a sea of ​​positive emotions.

Maybe you like to sit at the computer and dream that your hobby will bring you income? "Master of Time" will tell you how even the most useless activity can bring you dividends. The planning approaches that are described will open your eyes to many things.

Having carefully studied the information and applied it in practice, you will forget what a lack of time is. They won’t talk about this at school or college. You won't find such information on the Internet. All the secrets, all the tricks of time management are outlined in this course and are looking forward to you using them.

Friends, our conversation today has come to an end. Dear readers, share your rules and secrets, how do you manage everything? I will look forward to your answers.

See you again!

Ekaterina Kalmykova was with you,

Men, as a rule, show their organizational skills at work; at home they are in the wings. Women have many areas of life where they need to use all their capabilities: study or work, home, children. Therefore, authors and psychologists send recommendations on the topic “How to manage everything around the house” mainly to women.

How to get everything done at home after work

Organization is needed at work and at home. And if a woman has to juggle everything, then she can be guided by general principles and advice from psychologists on how to manage everything:

  • To prevent your morning from starting with panic, spend a few minutes the night before dealing with tomorrow’s affairs. For convenience, divide them into work and personal, home. When you have planned your day, you can immediately see when to do what. Maybe do some things around the house before work, and combine others (a classic example is buying what you need during your lunch break or on the way home).
  • The problem of many women is being late for work. Then the whole day can go topsy-turvy. If you have such a habit, first force yourself to get ready an hour before going out. Later, this will become a new useful habit, and over time, a character trait.
  • If your work day is planned out, then stick to the plan. And so as not to forget anything, check with him every one and a half to two hours.
  • The main thing is not to be distracted from your goals for the day. Reward yourself with a pleasant break for each item completed. At the end of the day, you will be surprised how much you got done.

With this approach, you can not only successfully cope with your work, but also develop yourself, cultivate consistency and perseverance. These character traits will help you get organized with household chores, because here it is important to start small, and then it will go on by inertia.

The goal of every housewife is comfort in the home. A woman is judged by it. Act without fanaticism: comfort and cleanliness are created for household members, and not vice versa. And secondly, don’t put yourself in a stressful state because you didn’t manage to do everything perfectly. Set your priorities correctly and keep in mind that the most important thing is a favorable atmosphere for everyone in the house, and not making it shine. Who enjoys being in the company of an irritated and falling-down housewife?!

Look for compromises - how to combine work, home, your interests and at the same time how to manage everything.

  • Accept the fact that cleaning your home is a never-ending process. No one can do it immediately and forever. Therefore, it is better to do little by little every day, in zones: room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, etc. This will take a few minutes or half an hour a day, but the overall appearance of the home will improve, because everything is cleaned regularly everywhere.
  • The same rule will help you avoid panic and depression from thankless work - plan your day to get everything done.
  • To avoid overworking yourself, alternate between work and breaks. Don't fight overwork, get some rest. Do something pleasant for yourself for a few minutes: drink a cup of tea or coffee, chat on the phone. The recommended rhythm is as follows: after working for 55 minutes, take a 5-minute break, after one and a half to two hours you can take a 15-minute break.
  • The mess appears almost immediately after cleaning, so follow the “Do it right away” principle. Put things in their place - so small work will not accumulate. It would be good to teach children this too.
  • Upholstered furniture must be clean and free of stains.
  • Vacuum the carpet regularly and clean it periodically with special products.
  • Lampshades and chandeliers should not be dusty or cloudy.
  • The kitchen hood and stove require regular cleaning.
  • It is better to wipe the sink every day with a special washcloth, one minute - and it shines.
  • Clean mirrors with glass cleaner.

When these things are in order, the whole apartment creates a feeling of shine.

How to manage everything with a baby

The birth, care and upbringing of children are critical moments for every family, especially for a woman-mother. It’s good if there are helpers in the house during such an important period. But more often you have to adapt to living in new conditions and manage everything.

With the birth of a child, the family gets used to a new way of life. But most of all, the life of a young mother changes. If life in the house is smooth, then it is enough to pay attention only to some features of this period:

  • Caring for a baby takes a lot of energy. To restore them, take advantage of any convenient moment for rest or extra sleep. Do not refuse the help of your husband or relatives.
  • Do not bring the order in the apartment to the point of needing general cleaning, but maintain it daily: immediately put everything in its place, wipe the dust and floor as needed. Do what takes more time one by one, planning one day at a time. And so as not to forget, leave sticker reminders in a visible place.
  • There will be little time left for cooking. It's better to plan simple meals that don't require effort. Stock up on various semi-finished products in the refrigerator. Use any possible kitchen aids: a slow cooker, a blender, a pressure cooker, a bottle warmer.
  • In the era of automatic machines, washing things is not a problem. But ironing, if necessary, can be canceled, the laundry should be dried well straightened, and then neatly folded.
  • When the child grows up, use useful devices - a playpen, a developmental mat, walkers, etc.

Women find it difficult to juggle multiple responsibilities in all areas of their lives and still remain attractive. But if you really want to, you can learn to organize your life so that you can do everything.

The age of domestic ladies is over. However, the image of the office queen has faded greatly in recent years. Today it is fashionable to combine different facets of female talent. What is more here - desire or necessity - is a purely individual question. However, most women prefer to combine work and housekeeping. But how successful it is depends on your ability to organize and plan everything.

Laundry, cleaning, cooking, children... What do you need to know to successfully run a home without interrupting your career growth? To begin with, create a calendar of household chores, in which it is very convenient to note everything that will be discussed below.


First of all, clearly separate one type of cleaning from another and set a cleaning schedule. So, GENERAL CLEANING, depending on the temperament of the owner and the level of dirtiness of the house, is usually carried out once every 1-2 months. It is expected that during this operation, cabinets will be pulled back, curtains will be washed, doors, windows and even the floor under the carpet will be washed. So mark on your calendar the dates when it would be most convenient for your family to generalize.

Accordingly, WEEKLY CLEANING starts once a week. However, if the density of living in your apartment is high enough, you may even have to vacuum and wash floors, wipe dust and flowers, and clean the toilet and sinks even a couple of times a week. Then certainly no random visit will take you by surprise. And this can also be planned in your calendar in advance, taking into account the weekends and work schedule of each family member. And if you not only have an apartment, but also, say, land in the Moscow region with a cozy country house and a picturesque garden, there will be plenty of work.

However, any housewife knows: the house is always full of small worries, and DAILY CLEANING is as necessary an element in the life of every family as, say, three healthy meals a day for a child. Wash the dishes, make the bed, sort out the mess on the table and nightstands, take out the trash, carefully put things in their places, sweep the hallway or throw out the excess from the mailbox - all this will have to be done daily. And it’s better to estimate in advance approximately how much time you will need for this. Of course, no one will stand behind you with a stopwatch. And yet, try not to go beyond the planned time frame. Unless, of course, you plan to die from overwork right in the middle of the kitchen?


In this matter, more than in any other, it is important to foresee everything in advance in order to avoid force majeure. Dirty clothes or dusty carpets can be survived in the end. But whether your family members will be able to forgive the forced hunger is a big question. Therefore, mark a specific day on your calendar when you plan to replenish your bins. Non-perishable products are traditionally purchased once a month, so sacrificing half a day to the refrigerator is probably still possible. Well, in order to clearly know which supplies need to be regularly replenished, make a list of what must be in your home, dividing all goods into food and non-food groups. For some, these sets will include, respectively, 30 and 10 items, for others they will be limited to a ratio of 15 to 5.

Next, take the time to make a list of what needs to be replenished weekly and, again, decide on what day of the week it would be more convenient to do this. If you write everything down in detail, someone at home will always be able to insure you. This kind of work can be easily completed by, say, your husband and child, while you calmly work your magic over the stove.

By the way, about witchcraft. I'll have to arm myself with a pen again and make another list. This time, simply list all the meals you plan to cook during the week. And don’t exhaust yourself with culinary delights when you crawl home from work tired. Leave the Napoleons and pies for the weekend. And on weekdays, stock up on a set of dishes that can be prepared quite easily and quickly. (Especially if your kitchen has all sorts of improvised devices and mechanisms.) If only the list of dishes was large enough and varied. And you can choose what is best to cook from it tomorrow, and what products you will need for this, quickly enough. Somewhere between a bedtime story and reading your favorite novel.


But, nevertheless, the main thing in successful housekeeping is the organization of the process and the distribution of responsibilities between all (I emphasize, ALL!) family members. No, well, if your husband is the president of the country, or, at worst, some kind of diamond king, maybe he should be freed from taking out the trash or running around the shops. But in this case, I think there are enough servants in your house who will do all the housework not only for your spouse, but also for you. Then reading this article for you is just one of the quirks of the rich.

Otherwise, negotiate the terms. If there are children in the house, they must be involved in helping. Yes, at first, perhaps, their efforts will be more of a hindrance, but if you don’t get nervous and constantly turn to your children on household issues, everything will gradually improve. The matter of skill is afraid.

And it’s better to agree with your significant other on the distribution of responsibilities “on the shore,” that is, in advance. With a man, by the way, it is better to describe all events in as much detail as possible. The stronger sex respects specifics. And a solid portion of household chores will allow a man to experience a sense of responsibility for the family, even in conditions of notorious equality. Make another list of assigned responsibilities and break it down by urgency, importance, and based on your family's needs. And if such a survey has already taken place, never replace a man with yourself, do not do for him what was originally his responsibility. Even if it’s just about screwing in a light bulb or taking out the trash. Otherwise, he will never appreciate your work and, most importantly, if something happens (and you, after all, are not a tin lumberjack), he will not even be able to replace you with housework.

Little nothings of life

There are a few more directions that you need to keep in mind all the time so as not to stray from the master’s rhythm.

1. For example, washing. In modern conditions, in principle, it does not deserve a separate chapter, since washing units simplify the process, literally down to laying out the laundry and hanging it up. And here you only need to decide whether to accept this minimum or, in general, give preference to dry cleaning. However, it is necessary to include time in your weekly schedule for small laundry.

2. Every day in the evening, make a plan of what you will wear tomorrow, prepare and what you are going to remind your loved ones about.

3. If possible, take inventory of your home. You yourself know how many unnecessary or boring things accumulate in just a couple of months! All those cracked frames, expired medications, long-read magazines, used batteries and outdated clothing models... Free yourself from this “dead” weight, and you will literally breathe a sigh of relief.

4. Determine where the pain points are in your home. Usually these are: toilet, stove and refrigerator. Try to once again ask how things are going with them, even outside the drawn-up schedule. A centimeter layer of fat on the stove and the stench from the refrigerator speaks louder than any words about the abilities of the housewife.

5. Let you have a special hiding place in your house where you can put things that are good, but not suitable for you personally. Then your guests will certainly not be left without a surprise. And you won’t have to rack your brains over a gift for a friend who unexpectedly invited you to visit today.

6. And remember, this is your reliable and cozy fortress. You can adjust the proposed plan as you wish. Or throw it away altogether and make up your own, completely new version. The main thing is that in the end your home becomes a place where people not only do household chores, but also know how to enjoy each other.

Perhaps one of the most painful questions for a young mother is where to find time for everything. Who would explain how to manage to do household chores when you have small children and by the evening everything falls out of hand and it seems that you are the worst mother in the world... Sound familiar? Then read on.

Before reading the article, take a sheet of paper from your notebook and write on it what you would like most in life, but haven’t gotten around to yet. Write it down and carefully place it in a secluded place in the kitchen, under a jar of rice. Because…

All day long you spin and spin: “Okay, now I’ll cook lunch, then I’ll make an appointment with the doctor, then I also wanted to read about the schools in the area, I’ll go take a shower, if I’m very lucky, i.e. If the children are still sleeping, I’ll collect the toys for the hundredth time - and that’s it! Oh, no, you still need to throw the laundry in the washing machine, pay for kindergarten and separate the wheat from the chaff, that is, pick out the plasticine from the cat's food bowl. And mom called twice already for something...” While she was pouring in the washing powder, my son screamed in the bedroom - he wants me to lie with him... I probably need to turn off the stove, otherwise everything will burn. When will this end?.. How to manage everything?

How to keep up with housework for mom

Select an answer:

  • A) Never and in no way.
  • B) We need to try to approach the problem in a different way.
  • C) Even if I don’t manage to get it under control until the end of my days, I will still try.

So, let's take it in order. Before you try to embrace the immensity, I suggest you seriously ask yourself:

Who inspired me that I have to do everything?

Perhaps you have some stereotypes or images circulated by the media about a superwoman? Or did your husband develop such expectations as a result of the same images circulated in the media? So, the husband of one of my friends, coming home from work, was often disappointed: he was greeted by his wife in a tracksuit, tired. She spent the whole day with an infant who was screaming from tummy pain and not sleeping at all. Although the apartment was tidied up, it was not as good as he was used to; there was dinner, but, as they say, without soul and imagination: “Meat in French? How boring! Well, why does he need all this?! He imagined it completely differently: he gets off the white horse, opens the door, and a beautiful wife in a cute dress and with curled curls falling on her shoulders comes out to meet him. Yes, and neatly dressed, loudly laughing children run out to him shouting: “Hurray! Dad has come! It is clear that there is no need to mention the cleanliness of the house and the set table.

No, don’t get me wrong: I don’t want to say at all that a husband has no right to expect something like that and that he shouldn’t pay any attention to his appearance. It is important to understand what and to whom you are trying to prove. Maybe you are a perfectionist in your own right, but as a child you were always held up as an example to everyone?

How am I paying for this?

Your self-esteem, mood and health suffer from this. You become irritable. What happens if the owner of the home becomes tired, dissatisfied with herself, and feels oppressed by circumstances? That's right - everyone will get it!

How to get everything done?

Realizing that having time to do everything is a utopia. But it’s quite possible to get a lot done. However, something will inevitably have to be sacrificed. And you decide what will be done and what should be abandoned. Agree that ending the day with the understanding that you managed to do the most important thing, although you didn’t get to watch “Fashionable Verdict,” is much more pleasant than falling asleep with the thought: “Eh, I didn’t have time to do anything again.”

We set priorities, cross out everything unnecessary and let's go! Just? Let’s say you need to feed a child, apply for a passport, make an appointment with a doctor, take a shower. You start to weigh it, and the answers don’t come so easily and unambiguously...

I do this. Write down all the things that need to be done. Firstly, so as not to forget them, and, secondly, to free your head (this will create a certain lightness, if not of being, then of thoughts for sure).

Think about what is really important to you, what you would really like. Imagine yourself as you would like to see yourself. For example, important goals may be your health, beauty (physical or spiritual), career, a well-groomed child, his comprehensive development, a good relationship with your husband, or a new husband if he doesn’t exist. Thinking about these questions is a serious matter, take your time. Have you written? Nothing else comes to mind? Put the piece of paper aside and come back to it the next day, or a couple more days, until the picture becomes clear. It's worth it. You can peek at the leaf under the jar of rice.

7 time management tips from personal experience

1 Decide what one thing you could do for each important item that you have identified. Write it down.

2 Keep a diary. For example, I simply print out a template for the week or month (fortunately, you can find different versions of calendars on the Internet and in the office package or make your own).

3 Write down one or two things for each day from this list. Few? Start with the minimum. The trick is that we often miss the most important things, of a strategic nature, behind the rapid kaleidoscope of everyday routine. It’s all, as a rule, urgent and sucks you in to the top of your head. By doing one important thing every day, but regularly, you will move much further towards your goals rather than waiting a long time for the right time to devote yourself entirely to it. It’s like exercise: 10 minutes each is better than 2 hours once a week. If over time you realize that you can easily cope with this volume, take weights.

4 Now return to the to-do list from the first point. Select regular ones (such as cleaning, cooking, etc.) Break them into parts, and scatter the parts by day of the week. For example, Monday: vacuum, Tuesday: wash the floors, etc. Or, if you prefer, like this: Monday: cleaning the kitchen, Tuesday: hallway, etc. From my own experience I can say for sure: the find is simple and magnificent. Eating the elephant piece by piece, you've probably heard this metaphor. A small piece is more likely to be chewed, digested and – importantly – enjoyed rather than giving you indigestion (read: aversion to cleaning).

5 When I started a comprehensive cleaning once a week, I almost never could manage, say, washing a chandelier or wiping dust on the top shelves of a bookcase. With the new approach, this can be planned and implemented without unnecessary stress. “Fracial” completion of tasks is also more natural when you have children, especially small ones, especially several. This makes it possible to quickly switch from one task to another, swap them, combine them - in short, it’s easier to navigate the situation.

6 Now we are left with irregular affairs. Attach them to different days of your calendar too.

7 And finally, all that remains is to hang this calendar-diary in a prominent place and start the morning by reading it. Don't forget to check it periodically throughout the day. Gradually, you will notice how unimportant tasks and so-called “time wasters” disappear by themselves (or at least shrink to an acceptable size).

Just try it. I am sure that if you manage to achieve at least 20% of the above, they will inspire you to do more! And you will no longer be tormented by thoughts of how to manage to do household chores - you will have small, clear goals and the pleasure of achieving them!

And lastly, especially for perfectionists. If during the day it was not possible to carry out what was planned, then... it’s okay! Don't reproach or scold yourself. On the contrary, look at the checkmarks or crossed out items (this is a matter of taste) and praise yourself for them. It also happens that you wake up and realize that, well, you have no desire to sort out the closet in your bedroom today. Instead, I’ll do tomorrow’s task, for example, wash the windows, and the next morning, lo and behold, inspiration for the closet will come.


It is extremely difficult to keep up with everything around the house. Especially if you have to work from morning to night at your main job. Nevertheless, in order to “not become overgrown with dirt,” a modern woman must regularly clean up her home.

In addition, there is also a husband and a dog (or some other friendly, but very sloppy animal), who often do not have even a hint of cleanliness and conscientiousness in their character.

As a result, a woman, in order not to get bogged down in constant affairs and not fall victim to running around the apartment, needs to become a professional housewife (this is in addition to her main profession). Like this? Well, let's find out...

Learn to manage your time

In our interesting world, such a concept as time management for housewives has long appeared. Yes, yes, housewives have finally been put on a par with managers and presidents of companies whose work is always “above the roof.” And if managers are taught how to spend their time as efficiently as possible, then women are taught how to properly use their “free” time.

And all because many women, unfortunately, do not even have time to take care of themselves in their free time. They forget about female beauty, seductiveness and other romance. Household responsibilities literally “eat up” your entire personal life and positive outlook on life. With all the ensuing consequences...

But let's forget about the past and look to the future.

So, in order to keep up with everything around the house, you need to plan all your activities!

No, this does not mean that you urgently need to buy organizers, notebooks with leather covers and expensive ink pens. A small checkered notebook and a simple pencil will be enough. At least until you decide on the effectiveness of this method specifically for you.

Do everything gradually and consistently

Yes, we suggest you act like men who are unable to multitask. But this recommendation should not be taken as praise. It’s just that it’s actually easier to manage household chores. After all, it’s better to completely clean one kitchen than to wipe the dust in every room...

Just be prepared for the fact that first you will clean the apartment not in one day, but within a couple of weeks. More precisely, during this period you will have to clean out all the deposits of dirt in the house, so that in the future 20-30 minutes a day will be enough to clean one room. And don’t be afraid to leave work unfinished – you can very well come back to it tomorrow!

Time management rules for housewives:
1. Divide your home into several zones, which can be put in order in those same 20-30 minutes.
2. Choose a “corner” of cleanliness and order a, with which you will begin every working day. A kitchen sink or something like that would work great. The main thing is that it does not take much time and at the same time allows you to feel proud of the fruits of your labors.
3. Every evening make a homework plan for tomorrow. It's not difficult, because you only need to plan 30 minutes.
4. Take out the trash every day. No, not the one that goes under the sink in . Your task is to find two dozen unnecessary things in the house and throw them away without regret. Moreover, it is important to immediately take them out to a trash can on the street, so that there is no temptation to return some rubbish to its original place.
5. Avoid chaos in problem areas. We are talking about collectors of junk, like a desktop or a bedside table in the hallway.
6. Plan your own vacation. Rigidly reserve time for yourself when you can relax, take a bath, sleep or make yourself a moisturizing mask. AND Don’t you dare give yourself less than 30 minutes. After all, you are a woman!