Professional hair dyes for home use. The best professional premium hair dyes. Professional blonding, or What dye is better to dye your hair

In 2016, fashion offers dozens of different hair color trends for women. After examining thematic blogs, videos on Youtube and articles in specialized magazines, you can highlight several main trends:

  • Naturalness and naturalness. As close as possible to natural shades of light brown, chestnut and black;
  • Refined pastel. Shades of silver, rose gold and platinum with a purple undertone;
  • Bright pastels. Shades of peach ice cream, lavender, turquoise and marshmallows;
  • Technique dyeing "Colored glare";
  • Technique dyeing "Splashlights";
  • the effect sunburned hair;
  • All options and ombre, from the most natural to the brightest and outrageous, with sharp color transitions and color blocking.

Depending on the type of appearance and personal preferences, you can always choose the most suitable option. But it's easy to decide on the choice of color, but how not to make a mistake with the purchase of hair dye? The market offers dozens of products with different compositions and effects, but which of them is capable of giving long-lasting color without damaging the hair structure? What's the best?

A detailed overview of various hair dyes - from classic to youth- will allow you to understand the situation and make the right choice, and a special rating of hair dyes in each of the sections will provide comprehensive information.

Before heading to your favorite store for a purchase, you should read our tips on how to choose.

  1. Reading reviews cannot be underestimated. Often it is on review sites that you can read truthful information about a particular paint. Additionally, a photo with the result is attached, on which you can see how safe the paint is for the hair structure.
  2. On the Web, you can find the official websites of cosmetic companies engaged in the production of paint, as well as their Russian representative offices, where you can find out comprehensive information.
  3. When choosing paint in a store, you should carefully examine the box: it should not be dented or opened. The information must be clearly printed, the expiration date is indicated. Next, you need to study the composition. If paints are listed as or containing natural ingredients, they should be printed at the top of the ingredient list.
  4. In stores, there are always shades with strands dyed with the corresponding shades of hair. The strand of the selected shade can be attach to the face and look in the mirror how the hair will look like after dyeing.
  5. If your hair shade is not on the list of recommended hair colors, then not worth the risk and purchase this particular set: often the dye composition simply will not take the hair and it will remain the same shade as it was.

Rating of professional hair dyes

You can get a spectacular coloring if you get professional tools. They are developed in collaboration with renowned hairdressers and stylists who advise and work to create an effective yet non-corrosive hair color change solution. The rating of professional hair dyes will help you choose the right one.

  1. Professional EVO- professional paint for permanent dyeing. According to a poll by Hair's How magazine, it is the best professional hair dye. It paints over gray hair by 100%, does not spoil the hair structure, but on the contrary, takes care of it, restores natural softness and shine to the hair thanks to the organic extract of pharmacy chamomile.
  2. C: ehko Color Explosion- budget professional paint, with which you can try new shades without risking the hair structure.
  3. Profy Touch- domestic with a soft, gentle effect on the hair. Color fastness is ensured - more than 8 weeks without re-toning.
  4. Life Color Plus Professional- low-ammonia paint, which is ideal for home use. Made in Italy using high quality natural and synthetic ingredients. 110 shades from blue-black to pearl-ash for the choice of fashionistas.
  5. ... The famous professional hair dye is one of the most suitable for coloring and high-quality lightening. Does not spoil hair, maintains its structure, gives softness and silkiness.

Where is the best paint choice?

Hair dyes are sold almost everywhere: even in grocery stores you can find separate stands with products from the mass market price segment. A wider assortment can be found in cosmetic supermarkets, hypermarkets, and specialty stores. Where is the best place to buy paint?

  1. Cosmetic supermarket. These stores offer a wide range of brands in the budget and medium price segment. The mass market includes paints such as:. A very inexpensive paint with a standard set of shades, where there are both natural and rich, bright ones. Differs in durability, paints over gray hair, but, unfortunately, dries hair. Color Mask by Schwarzkopf. The palette is dominated by cold shades - already a big plus. The hair dye itself is presented in the form of a foamy air mousse squeezed out of a bottle with a spray bottle. Easy application provides excellent results. ... A budgetary, but high-quality version of ammonia-free home staining. Provides lightening up to three tones, dyeing gray hair, color fastness up to 8 weeks. Products from L’oreal, Professional, Revlon will belong to the middle price segment. In cosmetic supermarkets, consultants will always help the buyer choose the right product, but they will not be able to answer more specific dyeing questions, for example, whether the dye will fit well on the hair before.
  2. Professional competence - the advantage of consultants from specialized stores and employees of hairdressing salons. It is there that it will be possible to pick up a dye product for both the middle price segment (, Igora) and luxury class (for example, Olaplex dyeing products). Therefore, it is preferable to buy paint, if opportunities and finances allow, in a specialized store.

Rating of permanent hair dyes: top 5 products

Persistence is the most important feature of modern paint. It makes no sense to change the shades of the strands if the pigments are washed out after several stains.
The most commonly purchased products for such staining are the products listed below. Which hair dye is best?

Well-groomed hair always adorns the female and male half of humanity. But external beauty is not always combined with the native hair color; early gray hair does not dye anyone either. Then you can no longer help with a haircut or spectacular styling - there will be no zest that beautiful and shiny hair that matches the color of the eyes and skin of the face gives the appearance.

Therefore, people strive to give their hair the desired color and shade with the help of dyeing. Now there are many opportunities for this, since the cosmetic market offers an abundance of professional and household paints:

  • bleaching or blonding;
  • permanent (ammonia);
  • semi-permanent tonic (without ammonia);
  • tint;
  • natural or vegetable.

How to choose a dye so that it does not spoil your hair

Paint can make a woman more attractive. But for the sake of beauty, we make a sacrifice, since frequent dyeing ends in damage to the hair. You have to take action and deal with dryness, brittleness, split ends, and just with increased loss.

To prevent this from happening, we will figure out together in paints and dyes, their effect on the hair structure, as well as how to choose the desired color and dye your hair yourself.

When choosing a paint, you need to take into account the structure of the hair. They can be tight and straight, thin and curly. The colors and shades of natural hair are as varied as there is melanin, a pigment in the cortex of the hair.

How are coloring agents classified?

Each type of coloring agent penetrates the layers of the hair in a different way. For example, temporary dye is located only on the surface of the hair and does not penetrate into the cuticle.

After shampooing, the dye is washed off. With semi-permanent staining, the composition already penetrates the cuticle, and with permanent staining, it reaches the cortical layer and lasts for a long time.
Let's take a closer look at the types of paints.

When staining:

  • permanent and at the 3rd level of durability, the composition of the dye reaches deep layers, painting over gray hair by 100%. Lasts until hair regrowth;
  • semi-permanent and at the 2nd level of durability, the paint reaches the cuticle of the hair, painting over the gray hair by 70%. Lasts up to 28 head washes;
  • direct and at the 1st level of firmness, the cuticle and gray hair are painted over by 30%. Washes off after 6-8 head washes;
  • temporary and without a level of durability, the paint only envelops the hair, without penetrating into its structure, painting over the gray hair by 30%. Lasts up to 1-3 head washes;
  • in light tones (with discoloration), the dye reaches deep layers, but cannot cope with gray hair. Lasts until hair regrowth. Yellowness may appear.

For permanent staining: the dye changes the structure of the hair by 2-3 tones. When hair regrowth, there is no need to dye the strands along the entire length, but only the roots once every 1-1.5 months.

With semi-permanent staining: emphasize the color of natural hair, especially effective when using the dye for the first time. For semi-permanent, they offer a large palette of colors of paints without ammonia and with a low concentration of peroxide.

For direct staining (toning): you do not need to mix anything, since the paint is in tubes, it does not contain ammonia and peroxide, and does not lighten the hair.

Paints with a low concentration of peroxide and a limited color palette are used for temporary coloring.

If you apply discoloration, then even a burning brunette can be turned into a blonde.

Important: to protect hair from the influence of ultraviolet radiation, sea water or chlorine from the water supply and frequent staining, you need to use special protective conditioners. They cover the hairs with a protective film, restore their ability to retain water, prevent damage, make them smooth and shiny.

Hair dyes according to classification


Available in powder or powder form:

1. Cutrin Scand Bleach (Cutrin). This powder with a special oil in the composition and with an oxidizing agent (for example, 3-6-9% Cremoxyd) can lighten hair of any type by 6-7 tones.

Warmth is needed to speed up the bleaching process. After staining, the head is washed using Cutrin Oyster Moisture Shampoo and treated with an Oyster Moisture Conditioner.

2. Cutrin Scandmavian Blond (Cutrin). The powder with the presence of active ingredients to protect the hair can lighten it by 6 or more tones.

Apply with 3-6-9% Cremoxyd oxidizing agent. A higher percentage (12%) of the oxidizing agent often causes allergies. Withstand the dye using heat for 15-20 minutes. The shampoo and conditioner are the same.

3. Means for bleaching "Platifiz" from "L'OREALE". Mixed with a liquid oxidizing agent 6-9%. You can lighten the hair up to 6-7 tones, for which the powder - 30 g is mixed with 60 ml of an oxidizing agent.

Wash off after 30-50 minutes, using a large amount of water, then using Le Platinise shampoo to even out the color, additional lightening by half a tone, remove oxidant residues and uniform color. The hair is then neutralized.

Dyes can destroy natural and artificial hair pigments, completely eliminate melanin, therefore, after 7-stage lightening, you need to intensively care for your hair.

It's important to know. The dye is applied only to oily (unwashed) hair in order to protect against hydrogen peroxide.

With primary staining the dye is applied, retreating 2-3 cm from the hair roots, because when the roots are exposed to heat from the scalp, they will be colored earlier than the ends. The roots are dyed last, as is the downy hair at the temples and on the neck. They begin to paint on the back of the head, then move on to the dark and frontal zone. After dyeing, the hair is loosened.

Permanent (ammonia)

The dye penetrates into the inner layers and replaces the natural one with artificial pigment, paints over the gray hair. When using persistent dyes (Londa, Wella, Schwarzkopf), the technology must be followed.

For example, permanent paints in the form of a cream are represented by the LISAP Creamcolor line (Italy) of various colors in tubes of 100 ml.

The line includes: violet red, violet, golden copper;
deep colors: red, gold and ash, intense silver and blue.

The LISAP Creamcolor line belongs to professional coloring products with a low ammonia content (1-1.5%) and many components for grooming: jojoba, karite, coconut oils. With conditioners, hair becomes shiny, soft and manageable when styled.

Microcrystalline pigment reaches deep layers and does not wash out for a long time, paints over gray hair. When coloring, there is no burning or tingling sensation, there is no skin irritation, the hair structure does not deteriorate.

Semi-permanent (no ammonia)

After dyeing, the natural pigment is not destroyed, and a colored film remains on the hairs, since there is no ammonia in the paint or a small percentage of it is present.

Gray hair is painted over only 50%. The color does not change dramatically and the color fastness is reduced. The presence of moisturizing ingredients has a gentle effect on the hair structure and gives it shine.

How to apply to hair

1. The hair is washed and dried, while the balm is not used.

2. The agent is applied from a plastic container and distributed with a wooden comb and a gloved hand along the entire length of the hair.

3. Withstand 10-35 minutes and additionally emulsify - slightly moistened with water and carefully comb the hair.

4. Wash off with water, then use a balm to consolidate the color result. You do not need shampoo when washing your hair.

Popular brands

Good reputation for semi-permanent dye cream with a pleasant aroma ESTEL Professional, SENSE DE LUXE line, including 56 tones.

For staining you will need: mix the dye (1 h) and 1.5% activator (2 h). The presence of avocado oil in the composition will help to evenly color the strands, with the help of a keratin complex, you can improve the structure of the hair, and with panthenol, moisturize the scalp. Hair will radiate a healthy shine.

Ammonia-free paint Matrix, COLOR Sync lines has a basic palette with 76 shades. 1.9% activator (1: 1) is mixed with paint. In addition to the shade, the product creates a glazing effect due to the glittering glaze that covers the hairs. Moisturizing ceramide dyes do not allow hair to dry out.

Intensive tinting dye from Schwarzkopf, IGORA VIBRANCE lines has 54 shades in the palette. Here the dye is mixed with a 1.9% activator (1: 2). Withstands 5 head washes and covers 70% of gray hair.

Semi-permanent dye Paul Mitchell, PM Shines lines has 32 shades in the palette. For soft toning, the dye is mixed with a 1.5% activator.

The paint envelops the hair and increases its thickness. This makes the hairs elastic, shiny and UV protected. Paints gray hair by 35%.

Tint paints

In tint products: shampoos, gels, balms, tonics and foams contain direct pigment.

It does not penetrate into the hair, so an oxidizing agent is not needed here. The dye is applied to the hair and kept for 15-30 minutes, then washed off.

In order for the dye to lay down evenly, do not overexpose it on very light hair, damaged and highlighted, immediately cover the ends of the hair.

You can get a cold steel, ash or golden shade for blondes with a tint shampoo L'Oreal Professionnel Serie Expert Silver Shampoo. Gray hair can only be shaded slightly.

A tinted shampoo with blue and violet cool color pigments can create a platinum color.

Thanks to the microproteins from the seeds of the oilseed moringa, the hair will be protected from negative external influences.

Estel Solo Ton balm is more suitable for brunettes. to obtain a shade: burgundy, chocolate, chestnut, cognac, cinnamon, as well as mahogany, red cherry, pomegranate. Moisturizes, nourishes, protects and regenerates hair with mango extract, which is part of the balm.

Natural hair dye

Natural (vegetable) dyes include henna or basma. They also rinse the hair with infusion of tea, chamomile, walnuts, ground coffee, etc.

Henna has the ability to envelop the hair due to large molecules. It is not necessary to keep it on the hair for a long time, since henna later will not let another dye into the hair.

What is the difference between professional and household paints

Household paints

When creating household paint, manufacturers try to make it universal without taking into account the structure of the hair and their color. Therefore, it contains hydrogen peroxide and ammonia in large quantities - 9-12%.

When mixing a dye (ammonia) and an oxidizing agent (hydrogen peroxide) and applying to the hair, we notice a violent reaction with the release of a large amount of heat (oxygen).

At the same time, destruction (oxidation) of the natural hair pigment begins and its replacement with an artificial pigment in the paint.

With the growth of the pigment, the hair scales no longer close, pores appear in the hair, through which the new pigment will be washed out of its structure. This forces you to constantly dye your hair, which negatively affects the cuticles and leads to fragility and fragility of the hair.

With the accumulation of toxins and hair toxicity with artificial pigments, natural hair darkens and takes on a dirty tint. Household paints contain mainly only chemical components, including salts of heavy metals: sodium sulfate, lead, iron, copper.

Metallic dyes are sometimes unpredictable and give the hair a green color. In developed countries, household dyes are used to dye wigs, wigs, etc. In Russia, dyeing of natural living hair is still practiced.

Professional paints

When creating all kinds of colors and shades, manufacturers take into account the structure of the hair and take care of maintaining the health of the scalp and cuticles.

Colorants can be stable with ammonia and mild ones without ammonia. The dye reaction is milder due to a small molecule that can work with a small amount of ammonia.

At the same time, light heat cannot swell the pigment. Then micropigments easily penetrate into the hair structure and stay there for a long time, since the hair scales can easily close. Therefore, professional paint is durable.

Moisture retention components are added to the composition of paints, as well as:

  • oils: coconut, jojoba and aloe vera;
  • extracts: honey, white tea, olive and papaya;
  • silk and rice proteins;
  • extract from wheat grains.

The prooxidants contain stabilizing substances that slow down the release of oxygen. Therefore, after dyeing, we get a uniform and uniform hair color. Hair color corresponds to the color indicated on the paint palette.

How to understand the paint palette

1. When choosing a paint, you do not need to look at the color indicated on the package. You should pay attention to the number of the paint, and then to its catchy name, for example, chocolate with bitterness or cappuccino with aroma. The color of the paint will correspond to the number, from which you can get more information than from the name.

2. In the generally accepted palette, the paint number consists of 3 digits. The depth of tone is indicated by the first number, there are ten of them (1-10). The main shade can be judged by the second digit, there are only eight rows (0-8), the additional shade - by the third digit. The primary shade is 50% richer than the secondary shade.

3. If the number consists of only 2 digits, then there is no additional shade, but the tone will be clear. First you need to choose the color type you need, for example, "light blond" - this is the number 8. It will always come first in any color gamut.

4. Then we choose a shade, for example, a golden row with a yellow-orange pigment - this is number 3. It will be after the first number and point - 8.3. The result is a golden blonde.

Let us examine, as an example, number 5.75. In the palette, under the number 5, we see a light brown tone. The next number 7 indicates a reddish brown pigment and a natural base from the Havana series. The third number - 5 - is an additional shade. It corresponds to the red-violet pigment from the mahogany series. The result is a chestnut color with a cool mahogany tint.

Dye for fine hair

Thin hair should be dyed in accordance with the technology with soft creamy oils, that is, not aggressive and without ammonia, silicones and fragrances. It is advisable that she thickens the thin hair, filling it with herself. These natural dyes include, for example, Essensity or paints from Wella or Schwarzkopf.

There is no ammonia in the Diacolor Riches paint, as well as in the Casting Cream Gloss Loreal, so the staining passes gently without traumatizing the hairs.

Particularly popular are persistent and gentle paint creams:

  • Garnier Nutrisse Creme (Garnier Nutris Cream) with the presence of nutrients and fruit additives;
  • Сolor Shine (Color Shine) with the presence of cranberry extract and aragon oil;
  • Palette Schwarzkopf with orange oil;
  • Wella Wax & Keratin Color Touch Sunlight
  • Wellaton is oxygen-based and reflective. The composition includes medicinal oils, B5 serum.

Dye for normal to thick (coarse) hair

For strong normal and coarse hair, permanent and semi-permanent professional dyes with a gentle formula that do not destroy the hair structure may be suitable.

The paint should not injure the bulbs and scalp. Therefore, they should contain vitamins, plant extracts, waxes and oils to improve blood circulation and hair nutrition, protect against ultraviolet radiation and retain moisture.

It is better to choose a dye saturated, changing the natural color by 3-6 shades and painting over gray hair.

For hair that is harder and thicker, the following professional products are suitable:

  • Goldwell Kerasilk Ultra Rich Care line with silk proteins. The product moisturizes, strengthens and restores the hair structure, has a particularly beneficial effect on dry and damaged hair;
  • premium-class German cosmetics GOLDWELL, whose paints have a wide range of styles and new technologies;
  • AWESOMECOLORS line with a wide palette of permanent and semi-permanent paints, including the unique product Silky-Shine Complex ™ with effective protection: three wheat proteins, vitamin C, herbal extracts and oils, beeswax and Kandepil wax. After dyeing, the hair is well combed, shiny, and becomes elastic.

How not to burn your hair when coloring

To prevent your hair from resembling tow after dyeing, use the following professional recommendations:

1. In order not to burn your scalp and hair, use high-quality professional paint from well-known brands. It contains protective components and no allergens.

2. Start painting from the top of your head and indent 2 cm from the roots of the hair, because here they are painted over faster, these places are covered with paint later.

3. Do not cover your hair with a plastic bag or plastic wrap. When using natural henna and basma, on the contrary, you need to cover your head with a film to create a greenhouse effect and deep penetration of the dye into the hair structure.

4. If you frequently change hair color, use tint dyes as they can strengthen and nourish the hair from the inside out. The product will last up to 6-8 head washes.

5. Follow the directions and do not keep the paint on for too long.

6. Trim split hairs in advance and color them with dyes containing herbal ingredients.

7. Use nourishing masks and balms.

8. Do not change hair color by more than 2-3 shades in one dyeing.

9. Blondes should not choose a dye lighter than their hair by more than 2 tones.

10. Do not apply color to hair that is varnished or matted. Wash your hair a day or two before dyeing.

Watch a video on how to choose the right hair dye:

Every woman dreams of being attractive and stylish. This not only applies to the style of clothing, but also the color of the hair. Usually, for the first time, women try to dye their hair on their own in their own home.

What hair dye to choose for home coloring

How to change your hair color and not harm? It is not at all difficult to paint at home. For the first staining, you should choose a suitable paint. It must be applied based on the recommendations prescribed in the instructions. Only by fulfilling all the requirements can you get the desired result.

Which hair dye is better? top 10

According to women's reviews, one can single out such paint manufacturers that can be used both professionally and at home. In the table, by number, the most common coloring agents are identified.

1. Loreal... This manufacturer has been holding high positions for many years. Professional paint with high trends in the field of color.

2. Garnier... Gentle paint with a wide range of colors.

3. Henna... Natural dye. Available in black and copper colors. It can also be colorless, which is used to treat fine and dry hair.

4. Tonic. It is used for toning. Has a short-term effect.

5. Estelle... Professional paint that can also be applied at home. From a Russian manufacturer.

6. Vella... Large selection from blonde to black.

7. Londa... Sturdy and easy to use.

8.Pallet... Long-lasting paint with rich shades.

9. Matrix... Very good professional paint.

10. INOA. Great colorant for salon use.

Products without ammonia

In terms of composition, paints are ammonia-based and oil-based. Do not think that ammonia-free paints are weak. This is a misconception. Many firms present good and safe dyes. They are especially in demand during the pregnancy of women, since it is very important for pregnant women to protect their body and the health of the unborn child from toxic odors.

How to choose an oxidizing agent so that there is a beautiful shade without yellowness

For women with a shade of blond, it is especially important that when painting it turns out a cold color, preferably without yellowness. So that there is no manifestation of redness, you should choose a lightening paint. Then the hair should be tinted. Then select the desired shade of paint and thus you can remove the yellow color. For clarification, it is preferable to use oxygen with a high level of oxide, about 9%. But it is not worthwhile to paint on your own, in order to obtain a positive result, it is better to do this in the salon.

Professional paint (how to use it correctly)

If your color does not suit you, but at home the paint was quickly washed off, then you definitely need to use the services of professionals. Experts will determine the tone you need. Many salons have online programs that, using a photo, will select the desired hair shade for free, based on the color of the eyes and skin. It is not recommended to use professional paints at home, because only experts know the basics of color.

Hair dyes - how to choose a color

Hair dye can be selected by color type. For brown-eyed women, the colors of milk chocolate and brown are suitable, as well as a light or dark chestnut shade. Cold and ashy shades of light brown, wheat color are suitable for women with their natural light brown hair. Black paint is recommended to be avoided, as it has the uniqueness of aging women. Women with green eyes will have copper and caramel colors to their faces, with minimal shades of red.

How to choose quality paint for a blonde

Blondes should be more careful when dyeing their hair, because any flaw becomes immediately visible on the hair. For fair hair, you need a dye with a high oxide content. You should also apply a powder for discoloration, and then paint. Thus, you will get a beautiful hair color without yellowness.
If you want to dye your hair brunette
A woman who wants to become a brunette, in order to obtain a chocolate shade, must make a wash, preferably not at home. After that, the master tints the hair, and then picks up the shade he likes.

Which paints gray hair better (reviews)

Unfortunately, over the years, many women suffer from gray hair. For gray hair, permanent dye is suitable. For home use, according to many women, palet and Estelle paints ideally eliminate gray hair.

Products for ombre and highlights for dark hair

New-fashioned and rather complex ombre and highlighting techniques require certain dyes, which will correctly manifest themselves at the stages of hair dyeing. These techniques are produced only in salon conditions. The ideal dye for these methods of hair dyeing is Matrix and INOA. They proved to be the best in use, and it is very easy for specialists to work with these paints.

The modern cosmetic industry has presented the representatives of the better half of humanity with the opportunity to both give the strands a shade and completely change the color of the hair. However, the widest range of goods not only encourages experiments with appearance, but sometimes confuses women. What product should you use to get the desired result while keeping your curls healthy? The rating of the best hair dyes popular on the market in 2018 is intended to help in the difficult choice.

What you need to know about dyes

Choosing the best paint, giving the curls the desired shade and not damaging their structure at the same time is a whole science that professional hairdressers own. If you want to achieve a good result at home, you need to take a closer look at the properties of a cosmetic product.


Bleaching agents are used to remove the natural pigment, melanin. They lighten curls by 6-8 levels. Attention! Frequent use causes irreparable damage to hair.

Permanent preparations can radically change color and cope with gray hair. The pigment stays on the hair for up to three months, then gradually begins to fade.

Demi-permanent (semi-permanent) dyes contain ammonia derivatives (ethanolamine) and stay on the strands for no more than a month. For activation, 1.5-3% oxide is sufficient.

Toning products cannot change the tone of the hair, their purpose is to add a light shade or enhance the color of natural curls. The composition does not contain ammonia or its substitutes. Such products are easily washed out and do not injure the strands.

Hydrogen oxide

If you are going to change the color of your hair, remember that the paint itself is unable to give the strands a lasting shade, because the dyeing process is a chemical reaction. In order to start it, it is necessary to use hydrogen peroxide, an oxidizing agent. The higher its value, the more durable the result is:

  • 1.5-2 percent: for long-lasting toning;
  • 3 percent: for bleached or natural hair, as well as painting over light gray hair;
  • 6 percent: coloring and lightening up to two tones;
  • 9 percent: coloring and lightening up to four tones;
  • 12 percent: coloring and lightening up to five tones.

Important! Remember that a high percentage of oxygen is harmful to hair. Never use an oxidizing agent from one manufacturer and a colorant from another.

Best hair dyes (household), top rated in 2018

Home remedies can be easily purchased at a cosmetic store, and their price will not harm the family budget. However, do not forget that such universal products contain 6-9% hydrogen oxide, which negatively affects the health of the curls - fragility, dryness and sectioning appear.

The Polish manufacturer of cosmetics has recently appeared on the Russian market, but its products have already been loved for their good quality and low cost. Permanent paint, designed to give curls a three-dimensional shade, which lasts up to 2.5 months, was no exception. The tool perfectly masks even one hundred percent gray hair.

The package contains a tube with a dye, a six percent oxidizer and a mask containing keratin, which restores the natural structure and increases the strength and elasticity of the curls. The average price is 215 rubles.


  • price;
  • UV filter;
  • lack of ammonia;
  • dense texture of the resulting mixture;
  • deep saturated color.


  • may cause allergies - be sure to carry out a test before the procedure;
  • many people do not like the smell of the product.

9. Recital Preference, L'oreal

The products of the French concern L'oreal have long been the benchmark for hair products. Therefore, using the Recital Preference paint, intended for dyeing at home, you will not get a “surprise” in the form of a discrepancy between the actual color and the declared on the package.

Women using this product claim that despite the ammonia in the composition, it does not harm hair. On the contrary, the strands look healthy and shiny (of course, provided that the instructions for preparing the mixture and application are followed). Durability of paint - up to two months! A huge plus: when washed off, the product does not leave a dirty reddish tint. The average price is 420 rubles.


  • saturated shades with a shimmer;
  • balm for 6 applications included;
  • 100% gray coverage.


  • ammonia;
  • liquid consistency;
  • price.

If you have never held a hairdressing brush in your hands and think that uniform dyeing is the prerogative of a professional master, then pay attention to a product from Schwarzkopf. It is as easy to use as a regular shampoo. Thanks to the gentle foam, the product is ideal for application, spreads quickly and does not flow.

Perfect Mousse does not contain ammonia - it is replaced by ethanolamine, which creates a film along the entire length of the strand. Therefore, with a new color, you will not get such negative consequences as fragility and porosity of curls. The mousse does an excellent job with the hated gray hair too. The average price is 325 rubles.


  • nice smell;
  • ease of application;
  • economical use.


  • cold shades sometimes give a reddishness;
  • durability - one month;
  • light nuances are a couple of shades darker than indicated on the package.

According to Garnier specialists, this new product is the first colorant based on base oils: camellia, passionflower and sunflower. When creating it, a patented technology was used: thanks to the influence of activating oils, coloring pigments penetrate deep into the hair structure, making the result more intense and lasting.

The product does not contain ammonia. Upon application, a pleasant surprise awaits you in the form of a delicate aroma of flowers with notes of jasmine, pear, apple and patchouli. The palette contains 25 tones, from light blond to deep black. The average price is 270 rubles.


  • soft impact;
  • composition;
  • firmness;
  • matching the color on the package and the result obtained.


  • the presence of mineral and vaseline oils;
  • possible allergic reactions.

A product with a very unusual consistency - an American manufacturer has replaced the usual cream with a gel that is more convenient to use, which is obtained by mixing the ingredients. It is very easy to apply such paint - it does not flow and is evenly distributed.

The composition is only admirable. Ethanolamine is used instead of ammonia, which helps to preserve hair. Among the components are vitamins, extracts of aloe vera, witch hazel, walnut and echinacea. In 2017, the French Consumer Institute named Herbatint the safest household hair color. The average price is 750 rubles.


  • nice smell;
  • comfortable consistency;
  • firmness;
  • lack of parabens and alcohol.


  • price;
  • poorly washed off the skin;
  • allergies are possible.

Best hair dyes (professional)

Professional products are characterized by durability, a colossal selection of shades and the possibility of using different oxides (from 1.5 to 12%). The composition includes stabilizing agents. They slow down the chemical reaction of interaction with oxygen, preserving the structure of the hair and promoting uniform color. In addition, the shades of the palette (of the same series) are allowed to be mixed. However, these products are expensive and are only sold in specialized stores.

A demipermanent product from a Russian company that has been successfully producing products for professional use for more than 15 years. In addition to 60 basic colors, the series contains ammonia-free correctors that help to enhance saturation or neutralize unwanted hues. Panthenol and olive oil, which are part of the composition, guard the health of the curls.

Despite the fact that pigments do not penetrate into the hair shaft, the color lasts up to two months, which is a record for a tinting paint. Good news for blondes: the richest palette of light colors will allow you to choose any shade - from honey to cold platinum without the slightest hint of yellowness. The average price is 310 rubles.


  • firmness;
  • nice smell;
  • the use of 1.5 percent oxygen;
  • profitability;
  • price.


  • not suitable for gray hair;
  • can cause dry scalp.

According to experts, this dye is the best remedy for gray hair, it contains a large amount of pigment. It is suitable for women who have already celebrated their 40th birthday. Royal Absolutes offers 100% overlapping silvery strands and a complementary treatment for mature curls with Biotin, Collagen, Silicon and Carnitine.

The Igora portfolio contains 20 perfectly mixed fashionable nuances. High Definition technology enhances pigment penetration and then fixes the color by sealing the hair surface. The average price is 620 rubles.


  • perfect fit to the stated tone;
  • long-term result (up to 3 months);
  • gentle coloring of even porous curls;
  • oil in the composition of oxygen.


  • ammonia.

A new product from L`Oreal in just 20 minutes will help you create a multifaceted bright color, while maintaining the effect of the natural heterogeneity of curls. The specialists of the French company have invented a new technology "Shine Protection": the reflective particles, which are part of the composition, contribute to the enhanced reflection of light, and hence the brilliant shine of the hair. The formula is enriched with nourishing grape seed oil.

The dye is used together with 7.5% oxide, due to which the product not only imparts color, but also lightens by 2-3 tones. The density of the mixture obtained does not allow the agent to flow, does not stain the skin and clothes. The palette contains 50 shades: beige, brown, red, copper, golden, ash, plum and natural. The average price is 850 rubles.


  • paints over 70% of gray hair;
  • has a gel texture;
  • does not harm curls;
  • does not wash off for a long time.


  • ammonia;
  • price.

The Italian professional dye, which contains the innovative component Ceraflux® - a complex of ceramides, fatty acids and proteins, provides a gentle effect without harming the hair. It maintains the natural balance of moisture, gives the curls density and elasticity. Neither the sun's rays nor aggressive hard water have a negative effect on the result of coloring - the hair retains its shade and sparkling shine for a long time.

The richness of the palette of 170 colors will satisfy the tastes of even the most demanding beauties. Fans of extravagant colors will pay tribute to 68 conceptual shades - from pink to bright blue, while blondes will delight in ash and pearl nuances that perfectly neutralize yellowness on previously bleached hair. The average price is 520 rubles.


  • the presence of mixed-tone proofreaders;
  • oxidizing emulsion with a pleasant aroma;
  • opaque uniform coating;
  • firmness.


  • liquid consistency.

When asked which dye is better and more gentle on the hair, many professional hairdressers answer unequivocally - this is a demipermanent product from the German company Goldwell. It has a pleasant, unobtrusive smell. There will be no problems with application. Goldwell specialists have developed a special applicator bottle with which it is easy to treat strands with the composition. But don't despair if you don't have this handy tool - just apply the mixture with your hands like a mask.

This delicate toner is based on an acidic base (pH 6.8) and smoothes the cuticle, which gives the hair a mirror-like shine and ease of combing. Price - 1,200 rubles.


  • amino acids and UV filter;
  • the use of two percent oxide;
  • firmness;
  • lack of ammonia;
  • palette of 70 shades.


  • does not paint over strong gray hair.

Basic rules for staining

Buying the best hair dye doesn't mean you get amazing results. In order not to be disappointed in the product about which you have read positive reviews, and to maintain the health of the hair, important recommendations must be followed when dyeing.

  1. Use a cleansing shampoo a week before your procedure to remove any styling residues and make your hair more sensitive to dyes.
  2. Remember to protect your scalp when you start coloring or lightening with a high oxide content. Use special products that are applied to the skin or added to the dye. Do not use fatty creams or oils for these purposes - they will weaken the chemical reaction.
  3. Permanent dyeing on dirty, dry hair, toning - on clean and slightly towel-dried.
  4. Light brown is the most insidious color. Never use neutral brown dye on light or gray hair. At best, you get a dirty gray tone, at worst, green hair. To avoid this, add red pigment to the composition, or even better - contact a hairdresser-colorist.
  5. Immediately after the procedure, apply a neutralizing agent with an acidic PH (from 3.5) to the curls. It closes the hair cuticle and prevents rapid loss of pigment. For these purposes, you can also rinse the strands with water and vinegar or lemon juice.

Follow these tips - and the next change in the image will not affect the health of the hair in any way. And the participants in today's rating of the best hair dyes will be great helpers in achieving the desired color. Perhaps you have your own coloring secrets? We will be glad if you share this information with us.

According to statistics, 70% of women use hair dye to change their natural color. Of these, 10% -15% try to hide gray hair with the help of paint, and 15% of women are in constant search of themselves and dye their hair with a constant frequency, becoming either a burning brunette or a bright blonde. At the same time, the fair sex is aware that frequent dyeing can negatively affect the quality of hair. They become brittle, lacking in shine and too dry. In order to avoid negative consequences, experts recommend resorting only to the use of professional hair dyes.

  1. Semi-resistant (gentle). They do not contain ammonia, as well as other aggressive components. The dye is perfect for weak and brittle hair, and women who take good care of their hair.
  2. Persistent. Paints containing ammonia provide the longest lasting staining result. Copes well with gray hair.
  3. Natural. Such dyes are recognized as the most harmless to hair, but they are not excluded from disadvantages. For example, using basma or henna, a woman will have to wait for it to be completely washed out of her hair, since no other paint will block it. In addition, natural paints offer too limited choices that not every woman will like. And another disadvantage is the complex staining process, which is difficult to carry out on your own without outside help.
  4. Professional. The oxidizing agent in these paints is added separately and, depending on its percentage, the shade may change. Many women fell in love with this group of coloring agents for their gentle care and long-lasting coloring. Therefore, professional paints are produced not only for hairdressers, but also for independent use at home.

How to choose a quality hair dye among the variety?

Among women, there is an opinion that the most gentle hair dye is the one that does not contain ammonia. It is harmless and absolutely does not cause any damage to the hair. But, this is just a myth. Undoubtedly, hair dye that does not contain ammonia is softer in relation to the hair, but this does not mean that it is completely harmless. Indeed, in addition to ammonia, its composition includes a number of other aggressive substances that are harmful to the hairline. Therefore, experts advise women who choose hair dye to focus their attention not on the absence of ammonia, but on natural ingredients (essential oils and herbal ingredients). Such components will protect the hair from the aggressive manifestation of chemistry and help in recovery.

In addition, professional hair dyes are characterized by the greatest durability. They are less susceptible to fading in the sun, the shade is washed off slowly and evenly, and not after 2-4 shampoos. Another indisputable advantage of professional hair dye is its extensive color palette, while one shade can be mixed with another, but on the condition that they belong to the same shade line. A woman needs to carefully choose a shade and read the instructions, because in hair dyes there are correctors (mixtons) that are not intended for direct dyeing, but are produced to be added to other colors. Professional hair dye must be diluted with an oxidizing agent.

The best professional premium hair dyes

  1. Selective Professional Evo (cost from 640 rubles)

The brand from Italy presents a quality hair dye with a creamy texture that restores the integrity of each hair, has a light smoothing effect, gives shine and does not injure the scalp when dyed. The tint palette contains 100 colors and several correctors. Hair dye effectively fights gray hair, does not dry it, does not burn, is easy to paint and does not leak. Sold in a 100 ml tube, and the exposure time on hair is up to half an hour.


  • a wide range of color palettes;
  • large tube of dye;
  • hair regeneration effect.


  • high price.

The reviews are positive, and customers note the gentle effect and persistent, rich shades.

  1. L'Oreal Professionnel Majiblond ultra (paint cost from 790 rubles)

At the end of 2018, the product of the French brand L'Oreal was recognized as the best product for fair-haired girls, as a unique paint capable of creating bright various shades of one hundred percent blond. It is recommended by the manufacturer to select an oxidizing agent of at least 9% for hair dye, and the dye absorption time is at least 50 minutes. But it may not be suitable for women with gray hair (more than 30%). The nominal volume is 50 ml.


  • brightening effect up to 4 tones;
  • pure coloring of a light tone without admixtures of reddishness;
  • contains natural caring ingredients.


  • overpriced pricing policy;
  • does not cover gray hair well.

Women leave only positive reviews, which show her as caring for her hair and giving shades of one hundred percent blonde without yellowness.

  1. Rainbow Research (paint cost from 990 rubles)

The American company produces only natural goods and has been producing products since 1976. The company manufactures products for health and beauty. The products are free of chemicals and pesticides. Hair dye is made from dried leaves of thornless lawsonia. After the henna is ready, it is vacuum-packed to prevent spoilage. Other natural extracts can be added to henna. For example, a manufacturer often adds chamomile flowers to their paints. After dyeing, the hair looks shiny for up to 15 - 30 days, and in addition, throughout this period, they feed on natural pigments, saturating the weakened hair structure.


  • 100% natural composition;
  • hair gets nourished and restored;
  • is used not only to change hair color, but also to regenerate it.

From the disadvantages of the customer, they distinguish complex accessibility. Research hair dye is hard to find commercially. Often it is ordered online or purchased in hairdressing salons.

  1. Wella (cost from 610 rubles)

The hair dye of the German brand Wella is recognized as the most economical in price among premium checkout products.


  • availability for sale;
  • a large selection of colors;
  • intense color that remains for a long period.

The most gentle hair dye belongs to the Color Touch line. In 2018, the creamy-looking paint won the title of "best" among analogues in terms of its characteristics. The ingredients are hypoallergenic and therefore suitable for every hair type.


  • ammonia-free;
  • well covers gray hair;
  • does not dry;
  • after dyeing, the hair gains additional volume due to the oxide that retains moisture;
  • contains wax and liquid keratin.


  • the paint has medium durability, between tint shampoo and long-lasting paint.

According to reviews, it follows that the paint gives shine, well-groomed appearance and softness.

Rating of the best hair dyes in the middle price category

  1. Schwarzkoupf (paint cost from 300 rubles)

The leading position in the rating in 2018 is occupied by the product of the German brand, recognized as the paint that has the most convenient method of application. Despite the worldwide fame, the company does not stand still in the field of technology, and every year it only improves the composition of the dye, making it as gentle for the hair as possible and easy to use. An example is hair dye in the form of Perfect Mousse. Application time is reduced to 5 minutes. At the same time, the air foam is evenly distributed without the use of a brush or other special devices. Coloring pigments envelop each hair with a simple brushing with a fine comb. The composition of the paint excludes the presence of ammonia and many other aggressive substances that are often included in its components.

Reviews have only positive characteristics. The paint is very resistant, has a pleasant smell, is easily and quickly applied, does not flow, while giving the hair additional shine and retaining its structure.

  1. Matrix (paint cost from 270 rubles)

In 2000, the Matrix brand entered the L'Oreal concern, but this affected it only on the positive side. The hair dye contains a unique complex of self-adjusting pigments that help to achieve exactly the shade that a woman dreams of. The Matrix brand is working on 4 lines:

  • Beauty (creamy-looking dye containing an additional hair care complex Cera-Oil);
  • Color Sync (series without ammonia with ceramides);
  • ColorGraphics 2 (gentle highlighting paint);
  • V-Light (the paint is available in the form of an adjustable powder, which provides lightening up to 7 tones).


  • hair after dyeing looks natural;
  • one hundred percent painting of gray hair;
  • the color lasts up to several weeks, looking just as bright and shiny;
  • the composition contains many natural oils and extracts that make hair smooth.

Of the shortcomings, some customers emit a pungent smell of paint.

  1. Londa Professional (paint cost from 290 rubles)

After the German brand entered the Procter & Gamble concern, its assortment has significantly improved, and it has reached a higher level. In 2018, Londacolor paint took the leading position as the most popular and demanded paint.


  • the composition includes lipids and microspheres that provide hair with smoothness, shine and silkiness;
  • the Single series qualitatively paints gray hair down to the last hair and is designed taking into account female age-related changes;
  • the Naturals line is produced for young girls and includes predominantly natural ingredients.

Londa Professional hair dye is selected not only according to the desired shade, but also according to the age category.

  1. Estel (cost from 180 rubles)

Hair dye is popular not only in Russia, but also in other countries. By 2018, more than 150 branches have been opened in the CIS and neighboring countries.


  • the paint saturates the hairline with pigments and protects them from ultraviolet radiation;
  • nourishes and strengthens;
  • lack of aggressive ingredients;
  • to obtain a suitable shade, it is possible to mix different colors;
  • saturated color after staining, which lasts for a long time;
  • not subject to spreading;
  • for gray hair, a special line Estel de Luxe Silver is produced, consisting of more than 50 shades.
  1. Syoss (cost from 280 rubles)

Syoss paint from the Russian manufacturer will help you achieve effective professional coloring without leaving your home.


  • persistence of the result;
  • saturated tones;
  • paint is available in the form of a cream;
  • effective staining of each curl;
  • the nourishing ingredients of the dye will help restore the integrity of the hair and give it a well-groomed look.

Paint produces 4 lines:

  • main series, consisting of basic shades;
  • Mixing Colors (12 trendy colors);
  • ProNature (herbal ingredients - aloe vera and ginkgo biloba extract);
  • Oleo Intense (contains an activator oil that protects the brightness of the shade for a long time).
  1. Garnier (cost from 350 rubles)

The French company was able to find the right balance between safety and performance in paint manufacturing. Specialists of the Garnier brand, creating a palette of hair dyes, tried to use herbal ingredients to the maximum. Garnier Color Naturals is non-damaging to hair and scalp, and its color is long-lasting, vibrant and radiant.


  • fights gray hair, even when it accounts for 70 to 90% of all hair;
  • herbal ingredients that give hair shine and softness (avocado, karite and olive oils);
  • uniform application;
  • durability up to 1.5 months;
  • pleasant and unobtrusive smell;
  • lack of overdrying of hair;
  • even coloring, excluding streaks, spots and bald spots.
  1. Kapous Professional (paint cost from 200 rubles)

The priority for the specialists developing the tint palette of this brand was to make creative and bright color solutions for young girls.


  • low ammonia content;
  • long-term staining result (up to 2 months);
  • juicy shades;
  • protection from ultraviolet rays;
  • natural, caring composition (ginseng, rice proteins);
  • complete shading of gray hair.
  1. Kaaral Silk Hydrolyzed Hair Color Cream (cost from 390 rubles)

The Italian brand includes rice and silk proteins in the ingredients to help maintain the natural integrity of the hair and bring silkiness. Micropigments envelop each hair, creating an even color for a long time.


  • rich selection of palette (80 shades and 7 correctors);
  • has a smoothing effect;
  • does not spread when applied.
  1. Lisap LK creamcolor (cost from 470 rubles)

The Italian brand produces products with a low ratio of ammonia and the addition of alcohol obtained from coconut oil.


  • good coverage of gray hair, regardless of their percentage on the head;
  • a large selection of shades (more than 100 pieces);
  • shine and extra softness of the hair;
  • additional hydration of the hair;
  • a 100 ml tube has a measuring scale (it is convenient if not the entire volume of paint is needed for use, but only part of it).
  1. Keen (cost from 305 rubles)

German dye not only dyes the hair, but also provides additional nutrition and moisture thanks to the milk proteins and keratin included in the composition.


  • wide range of colors (over 100);
  • colored hair is not susceptible to sun fading and washing off;
  • does not dry hair;
  • caring complex.
  1. Indola Zero Amm Color (cost from 220 rubles)

German products have the following advantages:

  • ammonia-free;
  • an oxidizing agent made on the basis of oil will protect against allergies;
  • additional nutrition and moisturizing for hair;
  • lack of a sharp or pronounced odor.


  • the dye line contains only 30 shades;
  • medium durability paint.