Punching land manually. How is piercing done. Editor-in-Chief of the portal: Ekaterina Danilova

Many love their body to decorate their body, the desire to stand out and attract attention often leads people to specialized salons. Someone is limited to a tattoo, and someone prefers piercing navel.

Today, they will not surprise anyone punctures of the belly, it does not seem to be something causing something for a long time, and at present the punctured navel can be seen not only among girls, but also in guys. But in most cases, this type of piercing attracts a female floor who wants to emphasize the beauty of his tummy.

Therefore, where to pierce the naughty, they do not think for a long time. It is curious that the holes on the body first appeared in African tribes, and it was not at all for aesthetics. On the contrary, such decorations were considered ugliness, and resorted to them to "insure" themselves from slavery. Today, piercing in the abdomen is fashionable, original and sexy.

Girls prefer the umbilical puncture not only for fun in the aesthetics plan. Thus, they are looking for a way of self-expression and attracting the attention of the opposite sex. But is it worth calculating the naughty just because I really want it?

Let's be frankly: a flat tummy is needed for such decoration. And if it is not distinguished by a tightness, then once again put it at the bottom not worth it. It is better to first work on the figure, pump the press and only after reaching the desired result, you can wear an earrings in the navel. When is the piercing look profitable?

  • Dancers who are engaged in dancing on pylon and oriental dances;
  • On the beach in girls with tanned skin and in separate swimsuits;
  • Under the topics (short T-shirts) and jeans with a low waist;
  • With a beautiful set of underwear.

On the question, is it possible to wear a piercing if your figure is far from ideal, you can definitely answer: it depends on your personal attitude to your physique.

If you or your second half considers a sexy tagging, then the reasons are not to wear a ring in the navel, no. The main thing is that you feel comfortable.

Who is contraindicated to pierce the navel

Do not forget that any puncture on the body is in any case a small operation and surgical intervention. Therefore, if the health condition does not allow you, then the effects of piercing in the navel can be the most negative.

We also note that this procedure is carried out not certified doctors, but people, often possessing very superficial knowledge of medicine. And it is important not only to find a good wizard, but make sure you have no contraindications. In what cases is forbidden to make piercing?

  • Blood blood clotting;
  • Diabetes;
  • Ulcer and chronic gastritis;
  • HIV diseases;
  • Allergy to lidocaine;
  • Pancreatitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Infectious diseases;
  • Venereal diseases;
  • Psoriasis and eczema.

If you have contraindications, then risk and still go to the procedure of puncture navel can be dangerous for your life. It is fraught with the fact that with complications and inflammation will not make a long time to wait.

The effects of piercing in the presence of any of the above diseases will give you a lot of trouble.

What are the decorations for piercing navel

As an earrings, decorations of several species are used, which differ in shape. And if men usually do not think and choose the option according to the principle "the easier - the better", then women can think over the decoration for a long time. Judge for yourself:

  1. Ring. Round-shaped earrings, without frills. Sometimes complemented by "Visulka".
  2. Barbell. Threaded rod at the edges, to which two balls are screwed.
  3. Circular. Earring in the form of a strong curved crescent with cheeks at the edges.
  4. Spiral. Another earring in the form of a piece from the springs with decorations on the edges.
  5. Banana. Earrings with rods and balls, screwed and with one, and on both sides.

Today, the most common piercing is with a banana earring, in second place in popularity - bar. The ring is more male navel piercing, and a spiral and a circular prefer less frequently - they enjoy very moderate demand.

What material decorations are made from

An earring for the navel is chosen not only in appearance, but also by the material from which it is made. After all, each view has its pros and cons, starting with a high price and ending with an allergic reaction to the metal. What materials are married materials?

  1. Medical steel. Alloy of steel, chromium and nickel, also called surgical steel. Advantages: Earrings do not rust and have an impeccable smooth surface.
  2. Titanium. Do not rust, is considered antibacterial and anti-inflammatory metal.
  3. Gold. Expensive metal capable of protecting the skin from infections. For piercing can be used both yellow and white gold. Quality, of course, depends on the sample.
  4. Silver. More affordable metal, as well as for those who prefer white decorations.
  5. Medical plastic. Or bioplastic. The cheapest version that serves as a replacement in cases, if an allergic reaction appeared on any kind of metal earrings.

If after some time after the puncture, the holy of piercing began to appear (the healing is not occurred, the skin section inflamed, the wounds are long delayed), then it is better to change the appearance of the decoration as quickly as possible. Otherwise, suppurations can begin with all the consequences.

Piercing: Will it hurt to calculate the navel

Anyone who decided on piercing, concerns the question of the procedure: is it difficult to calcinate the navel? First of all, it depends on the degree of painful vice. For some puncture, it can be quite tangible, other similar interference can almost not notice. And if there was anesthesia, the pain is not felt at all.

But it should be borne in mind that the procedure for the puncture of the navel fast, unpleasant sensations in the abdomen will begin a little later - a worried place for some time will "depart", so you need to be morally ready for such consequences in advance.

Also, not the last value is the choice of a piercer, and the best option will be pumped by the navel in the cabin at the professional master.

Remember that such a procedure is not the case when you can make a navel piercing at home!

The graduate specialist has experience, sterile tools and high-quality anesthesia, so the session will pass quickly and without unnecessary nerves. It is unlikely that any girlfriend knows exactly how to pierce the navel at home, and in its inexperience will make it crooked and very painful. Or worse - will bring you an infection under your skin.

How to pierce the navel

In addition to the standard method of puncture, there are two more. This is a lower piercing when the seat is pierced under the navel, but there is a thicker leather and such a method choose a few. And multiple puncture, when several holes are made around the navel (from below, on top and side).

The safest and most simple way is a standard puncture over the navel. The procedure is carried out in sterile conditions to eliminate the injection in infection.

  1. The first thing piercer does is put on gloves and disinfect your decoration.
  2. Then, with the help of a marker, marks the skin point where puncture will be made.
  3. Next, the skin area is processed by an antiseptic and local anesthesia is carried out.
  4. A special clamp the master captures the skin so that the points are in the center.
  5. After that, a quick movement is made puncture with a sterile needle.
  6. Then the rod is inserted (or another type of selected earrings) and fixed.
  7. The punctured place is processed by an antiseptic - and the procedure is complete.

If double puncture is done, the anesthesia is used necessarily, with a standard method, anesthesia may not be used - the pain is minimal.

The punch pistol is not carried out, only the surgical needle is sharpened by a laser. After the session, the master explains the client how to care for the piercing navel, what to do and what to process. Either gives an instruction that will need to follow in the future.

Is it possible to leave piercing in a navel of pregnancy

This question is worried about many girls, because they are future mothers, and as pregnant women act with a punctured navel, not everyone knows. Some do not want to risk - during pregnancy, the rod is removed, after which the hole, as a rule, oversight.

Nevertheless, the piercing on the rounded tummy can be left, you only need to change the familiar earrings on something simpler, so that the puncture is not closed.

For example, on a large ring, such a replacement is often used for pregnant women. But what to do in the last time when the stomach becomes too big and the hole in the navel will begin to increase? In this case, the ring is removed, and a silk thread or a regular fishing line is placed in its place.

And after the baby is born, and the physique will return to normal, you can take out a temporary replacement and re-decorate the tummy earring.

If the piercing session passed in compliance with all precautionary measures, then healing will be easily and painlessly. The main thing is to correctly process the navel piercing.

On average, it completely heals in six months, it all depends on the skin type and compliance with personal hygiene rules. If you carefully care for the wound, then the full recovery will come much faster. What should be the care of the piercing navel after the puncture?

  1. Touch the navel only after washing your hands, better with antibacterial soap.
  2. While healing the piercing navel, change bedding every few days.
  3. Every day you need to rinse the place of the puncture, ideally - to treat chlorhexidine.
  4. You can disinfect the wreck only with cotton disks or napkins.
  5. In the first month after puncture, exclude sports and exercise.
  6. It is also very undesirable to attend the pool, the sauna and go to the beach.
  7. First wearing clothes of free cut and not sleep with pets.
  8. In no case do not chop earrings and do not remove the crust from the wound before healing!

How to understand that the navel healed? There should be no crust and redness at the point of puncture, the piercing is no longer inside and does not cause any discomfort.

If after a while I began to be interested in how to remove piercing from the navel to put on another earring, then this can be done on your own.

Wash your hands, treat an antiseptic of the navel and a new decoration, carefully remove the faded product, put on the other and secure it.

Which means piercing in the navel

This type of piercing has a very interesting story. For example, representatives of the ancient tribes pierced any place on the body, but not only navel. They believed that if you make a hole in the stomach, then the soul will leave the body. However, later the situation has changed in the opposite direction.

In the ancient Egyptians, piercing in the navel meant belonging to the highest deities, and only the highest class was eligible to pierce the belly. If it was done by commoner, they were brutally straightened.

Today, piercing in the navel produces in its owner of a person liberated and indicates that the person is self-sufficient and ambitious, ready for self-expression and experiments.

How do piercing, do not piercing naughty

And what to do girls who really want piercing, but without holes in their body? And it is not necessary that it was a spiral or bar, at least just beautiful pebbles. In this case, piercing without a puncture, which is called "deceiving" or "fake". How does this decoration stay?

All to the banal is simple: it is fixed on the body using a special glue or clamp on the principle of clips. Visually, such a piercing is practically not distinguished from the real puncture, moreover, it has a lot of advantages. No holes on the skin, no painful sensations and rehabilitation period.

Fake at any time can be easily removed or replaced with another decoration. Such a deception allows you to avoid a real puncture, which in the consequence there is probability to sore.

What is the cost of puncture navel

Each person who decided on a similar procedure, of course, is interested in the question: how much does it cost to pierce the navel? It depends on much: the professionalism of the master and its reputation, the prestige of the cabin and the type of service provided. For example, a puncture with a bioplast earring will cost much cheaper than piercing with gold jewelry.

If we are talking about prices in Moscow, then the cost of the standard puncture method no earrings on average from 800 to 300 rubles, with earring - from 1200 to 5000. Piercing at the bottom of the navel without decoration - from 1500 to 5000, with decoration - from 2000 to 7000. Well, the multiple method will cost within 3000-10000 - depending on the complexity of the procedure and the selected option (with the product or without).

In any salon in Moscow, the client is invited to see the catalog with a photo of Piercing Piercing, so that everyone can pick up a sample like.

Video piercing navel

How made piercing navel, step-by-step puncture instruction in the navel.

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Not everyone is solved to piercing at home. But if you do not have a desire to go to the salon, the procedure can be performed on your own. To do this, you will need a special needle, cotton disks, an antiseptic and the decoration you are going to insert into the puncture. In this article, we explain in detail and step by step what to do with them.

Choose needle and decoration

The decoration must be made of high-quality material - for example, surgical steel. Cheap plastic can stylishly look at the shop window, but the puncture will be much worse with her.

For piercing, only a special needle should be used, but not an ordinary sewing - it is too thin in order to the hole then managed to insert the decoration.

Before making a puncture, celebrate two points on the skin with a marker: where the needle will enter, and where it comes from. So the needle will be asked a direct trajectory, and the puncture will not have to redo.

Hygiene is above all

For beginners it is important to remember: the main thing in piercing is hygiene. The needle should be sterilized, decoration and skin around the place of the puncture wipe with alcohol, putting on medical gloves on the hands. In the pharmacy you can buy such antiseptics like chlorhexidine or Miramistin, but you can do and ordinary alcohol. The painkillers are better not to use for two reasons: firstly, sometimes an allergic reaction occurs on them, secondly, the puncture lasts only a few seconds. Before the procedure can not drink alcohol.

Catch quickly and confident

It is easiest to calculate your own lip, nose or eyebrow. Such types of piercing, as a language, navel and intimate zones, better entrust professionals.

So that the pains lasted as little as possible, it is necessary to put it on the needle quickly and confidently, without stretching the process of its penetration under the skin. You can not stimulate the needle in moles, wounds or covered with a rash skin.

Decoration Insert neatly, without jerks, and securely fix with a clasp. To understand how it is better to insert the decoration, you need to watch training videos.

Corolor Purpose Care

While the puncture heals, it is impossible to change the decoration, rub or unpack the place of piercing, visit the pool, sauna and solarium. If procuant is tongue or lip, you will have to refrain from smoking and go to liquid meal for several days. Do not forget every day to wipe the place of the puncture and the decoration of the antiseptic until the wound will not heal completely.

For the procedure, you must prepare the following details:

  • dropper. The main thing is to choose the diameter of the rod. For the ear piercing or eyebrows, a rod is suitable with a smaller diameter, but for piercing lips or language, choose a larger diameter. To be confident in the correctness of the choice, check whether to go to the rod catheter.
  • stand / earrings. It is selected depending on which part of the body it is intended.
  • sterile Wat must be purchased at the pharmacy. It will take a small packaging.
  • antiseptic. Outdoor washing is performed by chlorhexin or miomethine (purchased in pharmacies). If there are no such substances, you can use hydrogen peroxide or ethyl alcohol. When performing piercing into the language, the preparation should be purchased for stomatidine rinsing. An excellent antiseptic for the oral cavity is also a pharmacy solution of calendula. For rinsing, about fifteen drops add to one stogram glass. You can make a solution of soda with iodine. A teaspoon of soda dissolves in water and 5 yodel droplets are added there.

Direct procedure:

Pre-wash your hands thoroughly with soap, wipe them with an antiseptic. All actions need to be performed with pure disinflected hands. Rod (earrings) should be disinfected in antiseptic solution. To do this, it is enough in the cap to pour an antiseptic and omit the barbell or the earrings into it. Be sure to wipe the antiseptic catheter and the place where the puncture will be. If the procedure is performed for the first time, then take care that there is a sign of a knowledgeable consultant that can lead the entire process and make tips in a difficult moment.

Important!It should be thought out in which room the whole procedure will be held. You can choose a bathroom, where you probably have a comfortable and large mirror, and on the shelf at the sink you can decompose everything you need. But for this, careful disinfection is carried out. The procedure can be done in the rooms, but cleansing carpets from bloody droplets is quite difficult.

So, the room is selected, the place is defined, everything you need at hand. We put on gloves that are also purchased at the pharmacy and for work. The needle is introduced exactly at right angles. For a simple piercing option, this is enough, but for a complex you need to bring the bus to the selected place and make the markup so that all the punctures are strictly over the same line.

It is important to know: the slow introduction of the needle pain does not reduce. Therefore, everything must be done quickly.

The needle is pulled out and the earrings in the catheter tube is inserted. It would be nice to perform a special needle to perform piercing. We put a cheek. The process is completed.

Is it possible to make piercing?

In other words: what problems may arise?

  • The biggest trouble is the suppuration at the site of the puncture. Blood is the most pleasant environment for all sorts of microbes and bacteria. Be sure to carefully handle the place of puncture by an antiseptic, such as peroxide.
  • Do not rush to replace the decoration made from the steel of a special surgical composition - be patient.
  • Language piercing can turn into a worsening of diction, especially in the first days.
  • If a pregnancy is planned, the navel piercing is cleaned, because the puncture can stretch.
  • Incorrectly selected decoration diameter is fraught with topics. that the healing process will be long.
  • Piercing on nipples in girls can injure milk ducts.
  • incorrectly made piercing on the eyebrows may even cause the paralysis of the facial nerves and muscles.
  • If there are many punctures on the ear sinks, hearing problems may arise.

How to make piercing yourself

  • hold disinfection of decoration;
  • select a piercing seat. Be sure to inspect it carefully - you should not pass the capillaries at the selected place.


  • The ear can enlighten the lamp to see the capillaries.
  • When piercing the nose, it is necessary to make a strong breath before forming the middle of the nostrils of the sumps.
  • The eyebrow before the bunch is delayed to the eye.
  • When piercing navel, the skin should also be delayed.
  • The language is pierced with additional precautions. First, it is impossible to touch the bridle, and secondly bleeding the language is hard, so you can not get into the capillaries.
  • for the point of puncture, it would be nice to find a medical marker. Ask the pharmacy along with antiseptics.
  • work only in gloves!
  • the skin is captured by forceps so that the place of puncture is exactly over the holes.
  • a very fast needle is performed by puncture, i.e. The needle should through the tongs and pierce the skin.
  • after the puncture, the nippers are cleaned, put the bar in the needle and pull out. Everything is done quickly, pain should not be felt.
  • decoration is fixed. If everything is done correctly, then blood should not be.

What to do if piercing fits

Piercing is a conscious body injury that can be infected.

Performing piercing at home, young people often do not fully carry out antibacterial and antimicrobial disinfection, or they are not correct. It is necessary: \u200b\u200bseveral times a day disinfect hydrogen peroxide.

At the site of the wound, a wet environment may form, which contribute to the growth of microbes colony. It is necessary: \u200b\u200bto disinfect and ensure the inaccessibility of moisture.

Metal decoration may be not very good quality. It is necessary: \u200b\u200breplace the decoration.

Dense clasps can also cause inflammation. It is necessary: \u200b\u200bweaken the fastener or replace the decoration with another lock.

The selection of Sukrovitsy is another reason for inflammation. It is necessary: \u200b\u200bto process levomycale or tetracycline ointment.

Important! Do not pull and in case of duration of the process of suppuration go to the doctor!

During the first day, do not touch the skin around the place of the puncture.

Thoroughly wash your arms and disinfect during the examination.

Examine how the piercing must be heard correctly.

easy tumor and pain in the puncture site in the first day is normal.

Skin itch without pus is a common phenomenon.

Rinse in the future (after a week) Piercing space with a solution of sea salt twice a day. It should be carefully removed, because they interfere with healing. It is believed to be solved by the same salt.

Do not take baths at least a week after the piercing procedure.

Very often there is a need to lay various communications under the carriageway or railway web. The technology that allows this is called "puncture under the road" and most often represents drilling in a horizontal direction. This method has obvious advantages over other types of communication. Unlike the puncture, the road does not violate the integrity of the road surface and does not damage the green plantings. In addition, it is not necessary to perform a large amount of destrural work. This method is known as communications.

What you need for an independent puncture device under the road

Make a puncture under the road with your own hands - quite fulfilling the task. At the same time, its length should not exceed ten meters. Before proceeding with work, prepare everything you need. You will need:

  • bulgarian;
  • large heavy hammer or sledgehammer;
  • durable steel rods whose length in the aggregate exceeds the width of the road by 10-20 cm;
  • pump, hose and funnel;
  • large water capacity per 100-200 liters;
  • segments of the steel pipeline, the total length of which exceeds the width of the carriageway by 15-20 cm;
  • apparatus for welding work.

Procedure for operation

First you need to dig a small pit on both sides of the road. Their depth must be greater than the depth of the pipe. From one pitting will be promoting the pipe deep into the soil. The second pit will be receiving.

Using steel rods, check the pipeline trajectory. With the help of a grinder, sharpen one end of the pin and begin to bring it into the soil in the course of the next pipeline. To the rod not bent from shocks, its length should not exceed 1.5-2 meters. Having driven one segment, make another pin to its end and score it again. Continue the work until the edge of the first segment appears in the receiving pit.

Now you can proceed to the main job. On the axial rod, put on the first segment of the pipeline, the front edge of which is treated with a grinder, giving it the shape of a pointed crown. This will provide lighter entry into the ground. On the other side of the pipe, wear a steel glass and begin to strike with a sledgehammer.

Then immerse the pump in a barrel with water, and push the hose into the pipe to the end. The water pressure performs the function of lubricant and facilitates the movement of steel, and also contributes to the flushing of the waste soil from the pipe.

All subsequent work consist in alternating two actions - leaching and pushing the pipeline with the help of hammer. Continue until the first segment of the pipe will appear in the cacification on the opposite side of the road.

As you can see, to arrange a puncture under the road with your own hands is not so difficult. As a result, a hollow tube should be obtained with the very guide twist inside. This pin can now be easily removed, as the water washed away the entire soil out in the process. Select the resulting pipeline as a case for the second hermetic pipe of smaller diameter.

If the length of the planned communication exceeds 10 meters, then the more rational option will appeal to those skilled in the art.

Horizontally directional drilling method

This puncture method under the road is to create a pilot horizontal well or through hole of a given diameter in which a case or pipe for communications is stretched. Gnb is never held in dry ground. In the process of drilling, a constant supply of water is performed in order to make the soil with more plastic and militant, and also prevent the walls of the generated well. After the hole is created, the pipeline is tightened into it. For this, on the one hand, a special tip or a cap is put on it, which is firmly fixed. On the other hand, the bobbin is fixed. With the help of special on the opposite side of the road, the pipe is retracting into the puncture. After completing the work, a small part of the pipeline on which the pulling cap was fixed is clipped. Based on this, it is necessary to calculate its length with a margin. A communication tube broach is also accompanied by water supply for better sliding along the well.

Benefits of the method

The method saves time and working resources, since when it is used, it does not have the need to dismantle asphalt or concrete coating of the road. This method does not have a destructive impact on the natural landscape. It is possible to apply the GNB method in a variety of conditions under highways, under water bodies, under park plates, railways and other objects. It is advantageous to use this kind of trenchless drilling and in an economic sense.

Controlled puncture

The plot on which is planned to pursue a soil under the road, is previously investigated. After that, a project is created, in accordance with which the intended trajectory is carried out safe drilling of the horizontal well with bypassing all possible obstacles. Equipped with a special shovel with a cutting nozzle. It is built into the location system probe, which allows you to accurately monitor the movement of the borax, direction and depth of the future pipeline. The position of the probe monitors a specialist with a locator, moving along the surface of the road and watching the testimony of the locator monitor. A man who controls the car for drilling also receives all the necessary information for the accuracy of manipulation. To prevent sweating of the well, its walls can be treated with a special mixture of clay and polymeric substances. Such a lubricant is called concrete.

Service cost

What is the cost of a puncture under the road? The price level depends on several factors. The controlled puncture using location equipment will cost more than unmanaged. If you need to pave a short pipeline, a conventional drilling rig, which is not equipped with a beera trajectory tracking system will cope with this work. The device of the extended well, on the contrary, requires constant control and adjustment using the location device. Russian companies offer puncture creation services under roads at prices from 1000 rubles for a temporon meter, which is usually cheaper than the open ways to lay communications under the roadway.

Whatever the type of communications is required to create, whether it is pipes for water or gas, cases for electric or optical fiber cables, puncture under the road - the optimal way to do it quickly and reliably.