Simple and light masks for hair restoration. Recipes and rules for applying the best homemade hair masks: Natural revival of curls

Long hair is not a dream at all, but what every girl can have. But for this, they need to care for them in a certain way. First of all, you will need to do special masks for curl growth at home. Read in this article about which ingredients are best suited for this and how to use them. Here you will find the most popular recipes, as well as several new, characterized by simplicity and do not require large spending.

In this case, to accelerate growth, it is enough to use 2-3 most affordable ingredients - mustard, onions, yolk or burdow oil. The composition should be not very thick and not too liquid, so as not to grow out on the surface. Take note the recipes of the following masks:

  1. Mustard. Dilute the powder with water to the taper and carry it into the problem areas, covering the head with a terry towel and won 20 minutes. After this time, wash this folk remedy from the hair is not very hot water. Reviews of a similar mask can be found here:
  2. Long with honey. Grind onion on the grater (2 pcs.) And enter the honey (1 tbsp. L.), Mixing the mass to the resulting Cashitz. Massage movements distribute it on the head, leaving for 40 minutes. Then wash everything simple, running water.
  3. Yellow with pepper. Connect the yolks of chicken eggs (2 pcs.) With red pepper in powder form (1 tsp.). Apply a brushes on your head ready for your fingers and leave for 35 minutes to flush. If strong burning appears earlier, immediately remove the tool.
  4. Reperya. In order to prepare an effective and natural composition to enhance the growth of curls, warm the bubble with this oil, holding in containers with hot water. Then pour it (2 tbsp. L.) In the palm and massaging movements, distribute from the roots to the tips of the strands. After that, put on a hat and towel. When it goes 60 minutes, wash it all.

Apply the proposed super agents from the simple category you need 1-2 times a week. They should be applied to clean, some wet curls. At the same time, it is necessary to think about strengthening and moisturize strands. Make it will help.

The mustard mask became very popular, she promises to 15 cm hair growth a year, see what one of the girls came out of this video, here there are photos before and after it is applied:

Inexpensive and effective folk remedies

They include all components available - dairy products, yeast, garlic, various oils. This is how it all needs to be used to prepare the following masks:

  1. Bread on kefir.. Add to it (60 ml) Henu (1 tsp) and a pair of slices of bread from rye flour without peel, wait 10 minutes. Then lubricate the skin of the head and hair, put on the soul cap from polyethylene and cover them with a towel for half an hour.
  2. With castor oil. Heated composition in a small amount of distribution from the roots and along the entire length of the curls, remaining warm about half an hour.
  3. With garlic. Prepare a homogeneous mixture using one of his head shredded on a grater, liquid flower honey (1 tbsp. L.) And fresh meal juice (1ч. L). Wash your head with ordinary shampoo, blot your hair with a towel and apply a pre-made tool on them. Leave the mask for 30 minutes.
  4. Yeast and medical. The yeast in the form of a powder (1 h. L.) Connect with the same amount of honey and dilute the temperature of the temperature of 40 ° C (2 art. L.). Distribute the hair around the hair, cover your head with a food film and cover with a towel from above, wait 30 minutes.

The optimal frequency of the use of masks proposed above is 1-2 times a week. For prophylaxis, it is enough to make them once a month.

Good recipes for quick results

Here, ideal options will be various alcoholic beverages, spices, vitamins and salt, which increase blood flow to follicles and restore metabolic processes in the tissues.

At home you can prepare the following inexpensive masks:

  1. Pepper. Place in the glass container vodka (0.5 glasses) and crushed red pepper pod (1 pc.). Insist the mixture in a dark cool place for 2 weeks. Before applying, dilute the tincture: a fraction to it (1 tsp. L.) Olive oil (1 tbsp. L.). Next, distribute the means on the head, without applying for the entire length, and wash in 15-20 minutes.
  2. Honey + cognac. First take 3 tbsp. l, second 1 tbsp. l. And add me juice of the meal (1 tbsp.). Using a pipette, apply the composition on the scalp and with your fingers distribute over problem places, avoiding getting into the eyes. After that, warm the hair with a towel and hold the mask of 60 minutes.
  3. Cognac. Insist the mixture of alcoholic beverage (1 cup), salts (1 tbsp. L.) And honey (1st art) for two weeks. Apply the finished composition on the head, wrap your hair with a film and a towel, after an hour, wash it all.
  4. Vitaminic. In 100 ml of the alcohol tincture of pepper and burial oil, combine with vitamin E ampoule (10 ml). With a cotton disk, moistened in the medium, lubricate the scalp. Stay warm for 20 minutes, after which wash your head.

If you are the owner of dry hair, use our.

An excellent leaving for curls is. After reading this article, you will learn to make effective funds based on moisturizing, strengthening hair and a number of other goals.

Do not write off with accounts and. It describes in detail how it needs to be used to not harm yourself, but to help.

Universal hair growth masks and not only

They are called so because they can not only speed up the growth of strands, but also make curls with elastic, elastic, strong and shiny. For this purpose, the following masks are preparing:

  1. Beer. Sliced \u200b\u200bbanana slices scroll to the formation of casher with a light beer (100 ml), honey (1 tsp. L.) And olive oil (1 tbsp.). Massage movements apply the resulting mass on the skin of the head and uniformly distribute. Hold the agent of half an hour, pre-insulated head.
  2. Domexide. In a slightly heated oil of reurenik (2 art. L.) Add vitamins A and E solutions (2 liters), fresh lemon juice (1 h. L.) And Dimekside (1 tsp.). Apply a product on your hair and keep it 60 minutes.
  3. Ginger. The crushed fresh root of this plant (1 art. L.) Mix with jojoba oil or sesame (1 tbsp.). Carefully stick the remedy with the pillows of the fingers in the roots of the hair and half an hour we will cover your head towel.
  4. Garlic. Connect aloe juice, honey, fresh lemon juice (1 h. L.) With the flesh of one slice of garlic. Wash the shampoo strand and, while they are still wet, apply a means to the scalp and over the entire surface of the hair. Carefully wrap and hold it for 30 minutes.

Before you apply this or that means on strands, test it on the elbow, the skin should not be blushing.

Results of the use of various hair growth masks for 2 months

Natural home compositions

Such funds will be relevant for those who have skin skin very sensitive and sharply reacts to any substances with an aggressive action by the type of pepper, salt, essential oils. Cooking them more than a good sense. That's what exactly is the speech:

  1. Blend of herbal. Combine the dried chamomile, sage, aloe and celandine (1 h.). The resulting powder pour boiling water (2 glasses) and insist 45 minutes. Then cover the leaky decoction into the skin of the head, wash it in advance, and after 20 minutes we rinse the hair. Do not leave the house until they dry.
  2. Pink clay. Dissolve its powder (20 g) in a single egg yolk, add olive oil (1 tbsp. L.) And vitamin E in liquid form (1 tsp.). Lubricate the mixture strands along the entire length, especially thoroughly processing the roots, and wait until the composition starts to harden. Then, wash it with warm water and use a moisturizing balm.
  3. Colorless hen.. Divide it (25 g) in warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Lubricate the resulting mixture strands from the roots to the tips and to withstand it here 60 minutes. Such a means is contraindicated to girls with discolored curls, they can purchase a greenish tint. The most useful is considered. All details can be found in another article on the site.
  4. Yeast on herbal brave. Mix chamomile and nettle (1 tbsp.), Fill them with warm water (40 ml), boil and strain. To the resulting liquid (2 art. L.) Add yolk chicken egg (1 pc.) And dry yeast (1 tbsp. L.), Leave the means warm to the start of fermentation. An hour later, pour the reurenish oil in the mixture (1 art. L.), Lubricate it strands, starting from the roots, and hold the agent 40 minutes.

Attention! Means based on oils and vitamins It is recommended to wash the shampoo because, as the reviews show, the hair from them becomes fat.

Another good recipe is available here:

To ensure hair rapid growth and make them beautiful, even the most efficient masks will not be enough. In addition to this, it is also necessary to eat right and 1-2 times a year to supply special vitamins by type Perfectila.

Using natural ingredients that are probably in your refrigerator, you will not only make the most useful hair care product, but also save a significant amount of money (compared to salon treatments and industrial means).

Basic principles of using homemade hair masks

Each girl and women have their own masked demands for hair mask - someone wants to make her hair more lush, someone struggles with secting tips, many just choose a mask in their hair type. Regardless of what your goal is, follow the basic principles of using masks:

  • Apply a mask immediately after cooking. You should not leave it in the refrigerator for a few days, stretching "pleasure" for another one time. Do not be lazy if you want to get the maximum effect of using the mask;
  • If you are allergic, when using various herbs and unusual ingredients, take place and make sure that the mask will not cause allergies;
  • Apply the mask when you have free time, without a rush - optimally in the evening. It is usually necessary to keep it for 20-30 minutes, to enhance the effect, put on the hair with a hat for a shower or cover with a plastic bag, and over the top wrap with a towel;
  • Flush the mask is better warm (not hot) water, after the procedure does not need to wash your head, otherwise the whole effect will disappear;
  • Do not make hair masks more often than 3 times a week and less often than 1 time per month. The frequency depends on the type of hair and from the "aggressiveness" mask. 1-2 times a week, as a rule, is quite enough;
  • Usually masks are applied from the middle of the length of the hair to the tips (if it does not absorb fatty hair mask or hair growth mask, the impact of which is directed to the scalp);
  • It is advisable to use different masks for maximum care effect. So you will increase the number of diverse useful substances obtained from masks, thereby making your hair beautiful and healthy.

We offer you the simplest and most effective hair masks.

Masks for Growth and Little Hair

Honey mask with ginger : 1 tbsp. Honey, 1 tbsp. Hammer ginger, 1 tbsp. Tying oil. Honey slightly warm on a water bath and mix with ginger and butter, rub in the roots of the hair. The mixture in warm form will not be too sticky. Such a mask improves hair growth and gives them a healthy shine.

Bread and beer mask : 200 g of rye bread (approximately Quadder of loaf) Soak in half a glass of beer for 2 hours. The resulting composition is applied for 30 minutes, rinse the hair with water in which the apple vinegar (0.5 glasses of vinegar per 1 liter of water) is divorced.

Hair mask from colorless henna : Pour 100 g of Henna 300 ml of boiling water. Cool up to the body temperature and apply for 30 minutes on the hair from the roots and the scalp, the mask must be insulated - cover with a towel. Such a mask improves blood supply and restores damaged bulbs.

Honey mask with yolk and rapid oil : 1 tbsp. Honey, 3 tbsp. Oils, 1 yolk. Heat the oil and mix all components. Apply on the roots of the hair, keep approximately 1 hour. In addition to rapid growth, it will give silence hair.

Masks from hair loss

Loose hair mask : Grated onions on a shallow robe onion will prevent hair loss and stimulate their growth. Apply a bulky mass with a thick layer for the entire length and roots of the hair and leave for about an hour. For oily hair onion mask, it is better to do with the addition of alcohol, and if you want to get rid of dandruff - add a little castor oil to grated onions. Minus such a mask is the remaining smell of Luke. With him will help you to handle the hair wash with dry mustard or home rinse: It is necessary to mix 150 g of vinegar, grated ginger root, 4-5 drops of essential oil (for example, ylang ylang or bergamot). 2-3 tbsp. The mixture obtained on 2 liters of warm water - and your hair will acquire a pleasant fragrance.

Garlic mask with honey, lemon and meal juice : 1 tsp. Lemon juice, honey and honeycomb juice, 1 finely naked garlic slice. Apply on wet hair and scalp, keep a mixture of 30-40 minutes.

Multicomponent hair loss mask : 2 yolks, 1 tsp. Castor Oil, 2 ppm Tain oil, 1 tsp. Cognac, 2 tbsp. Honey, a little fresh yeast. Heat the resulting mixture on a steam bath, mix and apply on your hair and scalp. The mask is better to insulate, cover the head with polyethylene and a warm towel; Hold on hair 2 hours.

Math and Master Mask : 3 tbsp. l. Leaves on 1 liter of hot water - pour and insist 30-40 minutes, after which it is strain and apply on the roots of the washed hair.

Mask from Musthers : 1 tbsp. Mustard in powder, 2 tbsp. Strong black tea, 1 yolk. Apply a mask for 30 minutes. The mask burning, on this and the effect is based - it activates the blood circulation of the scalp.

In addition, you can do hair masks with essential oils : Petigreine, Bay, Rosemary, Air, Verbena, Ylang-Ylang, Cedar, Tea Tree, Pine, Pink Tree, Mint, Coriander, Cypress, Ladan interfere with hair loss and stimulate their growth. For example, you can make such a mask with a colorless hno (per 100 g of henna need 300 ml of boiling water). The resulting mixture will slightly cool down and add a few drops of the selected essential oil. The mask insulation (with a hat for a shower and a towel) and keep on the hair of 30 minutes.

Masks for split hair

Mask for sequent hair with mayonnaise : 1 yolk, 1 tbsp. mayonnaise (ideally natural home), 1 tsp. Honey, 2 chopped cloves of garlic. The mask is applied from about the middle of the length of the hair to the tips.

Mask for split hair tips from cocoa : 3 tbsp. Tain oil, 2 yolks, 1 tsp. cocoa. Oil warm on a steam bath and mix with yolks and cocoa. The mask is applied to the hair for 1 hour, it is desirable to inspire with polyethylene and a towel. After the procedure, rinse the hair with water with apple vinegar (0.5 glasses of vinegar per 1 liter of water).

Egg mask : 1-2 yolks, 1 tbsp. Tire oil, lemon juice of lemon. Ingredients mix and warm on a water bath. Apply for sectors, keep 30-40 minutes, flush with warm water.

Thin Hair Masks

Mask for fine dry hair with castor and rapid oils : 1 tsp. Castor oil, 1 tsp-енененый лела, 2 ppm Lemon juice. It is well stirred and put on your hair and the skin of the head, rubbing massage movements. Hold on hair 1-2 hours, to enhance the effect to cover the hair with a polyethylene film and a towel.

Summer mask for thin hair of any type : 75 g of fresh burdock roots, 200 g of sunflower oil. Mix the components and insist the day, then boil, often stirring, on low heat for 3 hours. The resulting mask must be applied to the scalp for 1-2 hours. This complex, but the effective mask will noticeably improve the state of your hair - will make them more voluminous, shiny, will accelerate the growth and protect the hair from dandruff.

Masks for fatty hair

Kefir mask : 1 cup of kefira or prostrucks are applied to the hair in front of their washing. Equal milk products reduce skin fat production. The mask hold on the hair of 30 minutes, after which the head was washed, as usual.

Egg mask : 1 yolk, 1 tsp Alcohol, 1 tsp. water. Rub mask into the scalp after washing shampoo, keep 10 minutes.

Mask of clay : Blue clay to dilute with water to the consistency of liquid sour cream and apply hair and scalp.

Egg whites : 2 squirrel beat and apply hair. Wait to dry the mask and then wash off with warm water.

Honey mask: 2 tbsp. l. Honey, 2 egg yolks. Apply an egg-honey mixture on the roots of the hair, massaging the skin of the head. Ideally, it is worth leaving this mask on the hair for the night.

Bread mask: 100 - 200 g of black bread pour 0.5 glasses of boiling water and cover with a lid. In about an hour, you can apply the resulting cleaner on the roots of the hair and the scalp. Heat the mask with polyethylene and towel. Keep a 30-minute mask, wash off warm water.

Skin mask with chamomile : 2 tbsp. l. Dry chamomile flowers, 50 ml of boiling water, 1 egg squirrel. Brew chamomile boiling water and let it stand 3-4 hours, after which the infusion is strain. Beat the protein and mix with the infusion of chamomile. Rub the resulting mixture into the hair and scalp. Leave to complete drying, after washing your head with warm water.

Yeast mask : 1 tbsp. l. yeast, 1 tsp. Water, 1 egg squirrel. Dilute the yeast with warm water before the formation of Cashitz and mix with whipped squirrel. I wash the mixture into the hair and the skin of the head, after drying the mask wash it with warm water.

Mustard Mask : 2 tbsp. l. Mustard dissolve in a glass of hot water, then add more 1 liter of hot water. Rinse your head with the resulting solution, paying particular attention to the roots of the hair and the skin of the head, after which we rinse the hair with warm water.

Masks for normal hair

Bread-herbal mask : 1 tbsp. l. dry chamomile, linden, nettle; Several pieces of rye bread, liquid (oily) vitamins A, B1, B12, 200 ml of water.

The mixture of herbs is pouring boiling water, to insist for about an hour, strain and add vitamins and bread to the resulting infusion. When the bread softens, stir the resulting mass and apply on the hair. The mask is better to warm up and keep an hour and a half, after which it was washed off with warm water.

Mask from radish : 100 grams are rare rubbed on the grater, squeeze the juice and grate it into the roots of the hair. Mask keep on her hair under a towel 1 hour, after which we wash off with water.

Green Luke Mask : 3 tbsp. Crumpled Luke Feather (loss in a spoonful in Cashitz) to apply for 1 hour on the hair, covering them with plastic film and a towel. Flush with warm water.

Mask with onion husk to strengthen hair : 1 tbsp. Honey and onion husk, 2 tbsp. Tire oil, 3 tbsp. boiling water. Onion husks pour boiling water, insisted within an hour, after which the infusion is strain. Add honey and top oil. Apply the mixture on the hair half an hour, after which it is thoroughly rinsed with warm water.

Masks for dry and brittle hair

In chicken eggs contain lecithin and amino acids, feeding hair and protect them from damage, so egg masks are ideal for dry hair.

Egg mask : 2 yolks, 2 tbsp. Tire oil, 3 tbsp. Art tincture (sold in a pharmacy). Hold 30 minutes, while it is desirable to cover the hair, then rinse with water. After such a procedure, the hair will be fat, so it is better to do it before bedtime, and in the morning to wash your head. Mask make 1-2 times a week.

Egg mask with glycerin : 1 egg, 1 tsp. Glycerin, 1 tsp. vinegar (better apple), 2 tbsp. l. Castor oil. Mix and rub in the roots and over the entire length of the hair. Hold 30-40 minutes under a polyethylene and a warm towel, then wash off warm water and rinse the hair with egg yolk. This mask makes a course, within a month, 1-2 times a week.

Aloe Money Mask and Juice : Take on the tablespoon of each component, mix everything thoroughly and apply on clean hair. Hold no more than 10 minutes. And wash off with water.

Oil mask : 1 tsp. Castor and rapid oils, lemon juice. The mixture to rub into the scalp daily, turning the head with a towel; hold 2 hours. The mask will help reduce the brittleness and give hair a healthy shine.

Natural homemade masks will certainly help your hair become even more healthy and beautiful!

Hair mask - means for intensive care. It contains a huge amount of nutrients, so it does not require daily use, such as many shampoos. Masks may differ in composition, consistency, performance, cost, etc. Also all of them have different focus:

  • moisturizing dry and brittle hair;
  • restoration of damaged curls;
  • getting rid of the sequential ends;
  • fighting falling;
  • saving the saturated color of painted hair, etc.

An important advantage of masks is the possibility of professional care at home. We picked up the best funds in various categories. All of them have the recommendations of specialists or buyers.

Best masks for hair restoration and growth

For full-fledged damaged hair care requires the use of special means. Their composition should include special caring components that can increase growth and improve the structure. For example, some oils filling the top layer of curls make them visually more beautiful and attached shine. Contemporary manufacturers have several truly effective tools to restore damaged hair. All of them are presented in our ranking.

4 Dr. Konopka's Nutter Mask

A large number of oils at an affordable price
Country: Estonia
Average price: 374 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Save very overwhelmed hair and returning her delicate organic oils in a nutritious mask from Dr. Konopka's. The tool makes strands tightly, but does not take away. Locks are easily combed and stacked, but not fasten. Given the fairly budget price, it becomes a find for owner of thin damaged hair. The tool goes to a plastic tube, which does not slide in wet hand, it opens comfortably. It is better not to apply it on the roots, it is enough to retreat 10 cm. Lovers of all organic will delight the absence of parabens and silicones in the composition. A pleasant bonus is time saving, because the air conditioner is not needed after this mask.

Buyers noted that the composition is very nutritious, which means that the owners of normal and oily hair will not fit. It is best to act in winter and on curb after multiple staining. Otherwise, the effect of silent strands will appear. It is not immediately washed away, it is important to rinse curls thoroughly. But on the ratio of quality, price and strength of action, it has little equal.

3 L "Oreal Professionnel ABSOLUT REPAIR LIPIDIUM

The most convenient application, instant result
Country: France
The average price: 1400 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The mask of the famous cosmetic brand L "Oreal Professionnel has already been loved by many girls. It is designed to maximize the restoration of even the most damaged hair. Enriched with a unique complex" Lipidium ", the mask is noticeably strengthened and heals every curl.

Big plus tools - convenient use. It is enough to apply a mask on wet hair and leave it for 3-5 minutes, and then wash off with water. Such an easy way to use will especially like it, who has every minute in the account. ABSOLUT REPAIR LIPIDIUM provides easy combing, struggling with secting ends, reduces the brittleness and prevents falling out. It also has a beneficial effect on the scalp. Volume 200 ml, texture dense.

2 Macadamia Deep Repair Masque

The deepest recovery
Country: USA
The average price: 3000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the leaders among recovery tools is the Mask Deep Repair Masque Macadamia. It has a unique formula that penetrates into each curl. Created specifically for weakened, brittle and dry hair. The result does not cause yourself for a long time - he is visible after several applications. Deep recovery and reconstruction make curls healthy, well-groomed and shiny.

Girls talking about noticeable moisturizing and nutrition, which contributes to the useful oils. Packaging 100 ml is enough for a long time. The consistency of the mask is average with pearl notes. A pleasant apple fragrance will become an additional bonus when used. For a better result, you should apply the hair on the hair for 7 minutes and wash off with water.

1 Natura Siberica SAUNA & SPA

The best composition
Country Russia
The average price: 700 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The mask of the popular domestic manufacturer Natura Siberica SAUNA & SPA is the best in the category "Recovery". The main difference of the means is a beneficial natural composition. It completely lacks sulfates, parabens and other harmful substances. The active ingredients here are: wheat germ oil, which is responsible for the restoration of the hair structure, ginseng extract, which improves the condition of the skin of the head, the seed oil, giving an incredible shine and radiance, a median who has a moisturizing effect.

SAUNA & SPA is produced in a jar with a turning lid with a volume of 370 ml, which is enough for about half a year. According to the consistency, the mask is optimal - it is not too fat, so the curls do not take away and does not leave the unpleasant effect on his hands. It is applied on wet hair, it takes flush after 15 minutes. Ideal for use at home.

Best hair masks against split tips

The sequesters are a very common problem among girls. It arises due to frequent negative impact with a hair dryer and other devices. High temperature destroys the structure of the hair, making them dry and brittle. The first signs of damage are sequencing tips, which strongly spoil the appearance hairstyles. To combat this problem, special funds are issued from popular manufacturers.

4 Avec Moi Cap-Mask

Convenient use, good composition
Country: South Korea
Average price: 120 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Avec Moi Mask Mask Cap is a unique way to return a healthy look by the split conchs. The means is very nutritious, aimed at restoring and sealing hairs. It prevents breakdast, returns a dense, strengthens curls. The composition added extracts and uterine milk, giving shine and softness. And sesame seeds protect the hairstyle from the harmful effects of the environment. The mask works very simply: in the cap, the hair alternately heated and cooled, the flakes open and seal the means. On the hair there is a weak floral smell, the effect rests up to 3 days.

Reviews warn that the tool is very nutritious, suits the most damaged tips. Mask effectively seals the hair, but the effect of cosmetic, not therapeutic. The manufacturer says that the tool does not require flushing, but after use there remains an oily film. It absorbs within a few hours, which can be an unpleasant surprise. Tie it on short hair is uncomfortable, saclishes the bag. This mask is recommended for ambulance to curls before an important event, and for regular use there are more efficient means.

3 The Saem Silk Hair Argan Intense Care Pack

Best consistency
Country: South Korea
The average price: 650 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Mask for home use based on argan oil The Saem Silk Hair Argan Intense Care Pack is actively fighting with sequencing tips, warns the aging of the hair and strengthens their structure as a whole. Its important property is protection against negative environmental impact. It is aimed at giving well-groomed hair, as well as their recovery. The consistency resembles a surplus souffle or yogurt, very pleasant to the touch. A remedy in the form of a can with a volume of 200 ml and has a very slow consumption due to simple rapid application.

Reviews warn that natural ingredients are small. For efficiency, silicones are responding, sealing curl flakes. However, the manufacturer did not forget about oils and proteins that cope with the task of hair restoration. The effect is preserved until the next wash, the tool does not accumulate. With the treatment of the mask, it does not cope very much, but for speed and effectiveness it has little equal.


The most popular
Country: Italy
The average price: 780 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The famous Cosmetic Brand Cosmetic Brand is a super-moisturizing Mask Purify Hydra Deep Nourish Mask. Created specifically for damaged, weakened hair. It has a unique formula based on beeteric milk, which struggles with dryness and hair fragility. When used once a week, after a while you will notice a stunning result. Locks will look smooth, will become incredibly soft to the touch. The sequesters are quickly and efficiently searched.

The mask is similar to the ROYAL JELLY CREAM tool from this manufacturer, which we also added to the rating. It is considered an easier analogue suitable for less damaged hair. Users in reviews are talking about a strong smell, the opinions of it dispersed. He remains for a long time in strands, even a few days later almonds. The tool gives lightness and weightlessness, which also causes contradictory reviews. However, everyone writes about perfect tips and incredible shine. There is no trace from dryness.


Does not require washing, convenient use
Country: Spain
The average price: 760 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Revlon Uniq One \u200b\u200bFlower is an example of the optimal price and quality ratio. The tool is made in the form of a spray that must be applied to wet hair and do not need to flush. The important advantage of the mask is the presence of thermal protection.

After applying, you can safely use any devices, without fear for damage to the hair. Revlon Uniq One \u200b\u200bFlower solves several important problems at once: makes it easier to comb, fights the sequencing tips, attaches shine and volume, does not wash off the paint, protects against high temperatures, simplifies the laying.

Best Professional Hair Masks

Many girls prefer precisely professional leaving. They are characterized by a good rapid result. Another advantage is the effect for a long time on her hair. Professional masks are more expensive than usual, but they have an improved composition. Below are the most effective means.

4 kerastase force architect

Professional care for damaged hair
Country: France
Average price: 2500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Professional Mask Kerastase "Force Architecture" is designed specifically for hair lonely. It is designed to maximize damage protection, as well as strengthening weak curls. After using this mask, hair looks more well-groomed and healthy. It attaches an incredible shine and eliminates dryness.

Deep moisturizing effect also provides smoothness and silkiness. It has a high degree of protection against external irritating factors. Available in 200 ml jars, which are grabbed on average for 3 months.

3 Lush Jasmin and Henna

Restores lifeless curls
Country: United Kingdom
Average price: 1290 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Lush Jasmin and Henna is a unique natural remedy that pacifies naughty brittle hair. Henna does not affect the color, but carefully cares and restores curls. The manufacturer added a few softening oils for thickness and hair health. Unlike many narrow-conditioned funds, this mask is suitable and painted, both gray and brisk, and normal strands. It cares for the main length, and behind the tips. Already after the first application, the curls are noticeably softer. The only undesirable effect that appears on thin hair is weighing and light sharing.

Buyers warn about the large expenditure means, calling him expensive. However, it is noted that it is enough to apply the mask once a week, as the result holds up to 7 days. Her prases the owner of brittle hair, speaking of the salon effect. At the strand, the smell of jasmine remains, which causes conflicting feelings from buyers. This mask is appreciated for the giving the well-kept species and shine curls. It is recommended to use before important events when you want to look and smell perfectly.

2 Kaaral Royal Jelly Cream Reconstructive

Economical consumption affordable price
Country: Italy
The average price: 850 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The reconstructive mask from Kaaral Royal Jelly Cream is the most budget representative in this group, but the effectiveness exceeds the luxury competitors. It is great for damaged, painted curls that have lost her loss and glitter. The mask restores hair, makes it easier to comb, makes them more well-groomed and shining. This has a positive effect on the growth of strands. The manufacturer recommends using the tool once a week, so the volume of 500 ml is enough for many months. The only thing was not provided - the shape of the bank. She slides in wet hands, does not want to open.

Users in reviews call this means of a budget magic wand. The mask is easily distributed, does not flow. The hair immediately absorb the drug, the effect is noticeable after the first application. Even the owner of damaged strands assure that it disappears the need for stacking. The fingers themselves slide on brilliant curls. The tool showed itself on painted hair. I am glad that the effect is preserved throughout the week. Kaaral Royal Jelly Cream is recommended for prevention so that the hair rested from silicones. The only thing users say - the tool is flushed for a long time. Healthy hair will not work.

1 Matrix BioLage Hydrasource

Best Moisturizing
Country: USA
The average price: 1000 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Matrix Professional Cosmetic Brand Mask is designed for deep hair moistening. An important distinctive feature of Hydrasource is its composition. It does not contain harmful chemical elements, but it works at the expense of such useful active components as Aloe Vera, Rosemary, etc.

The reviews say that Matrix BioLage Hydrasource gives dazzling gloss hair and makes them smooth and silky. The tool has only positive customer comments, because Gives noticeable after several applications result. At the same time, it is suitable even painted hair, protecting their color.

Best masks for painted hair

Painted hair always require special care. They need more restoration and proper protection. So that the hairstyle looked beautiful, and the curls are well maintained, experts advise to acquire masks specifically for painted hair. Now there are a whole set. We chose the best funds based on customer reviews.


Careful care is suitable for frequent use
Country Russia
The average price: 146 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Planeta Organica Argan Oil is a rare combination of a very affordable price with high efficiency. The means is pretty thick texture, so you need to put pressure on the tube. Immediately noticeable, but not very natural smell. Despite the name, there are inorganic components in the composition, at the expense of which an instant effect appears. Users talk about restoring painted hair and color preservation. The strands become more shiny and thick, it is easier to comb. The hair is "eaten" means, so it ends quickly.

Buyers in responses say that when washing the mask, the curls become trapped and smooth. The effect of moisturizing without weighting appears. However, the results only external, to cure the hair can not. This is compensated by incredible brilliance and ease of combing. However, a very thin hair is not suitable, they will start faster. Some note the increased electrion of the curl after using the mask in the winter.

3 Natura Siberica Outpiece

Excellent composition
Country Russia
The average price: 500 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A deeply restoring mask from Natura Siberica from the famous "sea buckthic" series is suitable for painted hair. It is easy to use even at home. The unique composition does not only feed, moisturizes and strengthens, but also keeps the original color after painting. A dense consistency provides easy application, the mask literally melts on her hair. After several applications, you can see a stunning result. The hair becomes smooth, not confused and look very well.

Buyers note that even after drying, the phenomenon remains moistened and trap. Disappears dryness and fragility, shine appears. The curls are cleaned easier, although there are masks that cope with this task better. Means required a lot, the flow rate is not economical. It is not recommended to wash off the composition completely, otherwise the effect will disappear. The mask fits many times painted and strongly damaged hair. For normal and healthy curls, it is too nutritious.

2 Estel Otium Blossom

Best color protection
Country Russia
The average price: 610 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.8

ESTEL represents a unique formula specifically for painted hair. Otium blossom mask task Save the original color after painting and make it even more saturated. Estel mask has a focus on strengthening structure, healing and improving damaged hair action. Cocoa oil together with other active ingredients penetrates into and provides maximum recovery. Locks look smooth and shiny. It struggles with falling and fragility.

Buyers noted that the tool is easily flushed, the effect appears after the first application. Combing curls are easier, the result is saved for several days. Strands are easier to fit, they become more obedient. However, the hair is getting used to the medium, it is recommended to alternate it with other masks. It ends the faster of competitors, and it is expensive. The tool is very nutritious, which can be both a plus and minus.


Prolongs the effect of staining, facilitates combing
Country Russia
The average price: 485 rubles.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Estel Curex Color Save is decent to be known as the best for painted hair due to a strong carecable effect, while the color is not washed away. The tool protects the curls, the result is saved during the week. The composition has ingredients to extend the durability of staining, sealing the cuticle, strands regeneration. The mask is recommended by the owners of any chapels in winter and damaged curls during the rest of the year. The tool is suitable for regular use, does not waste and leaves no film.

Reviews mark the instant effect. Hair becomes soft and elastic. Buyers say that over time, strands are raised less. It is pleasant to make a large volume in 500 ml and economical consumption. However, there are parabens and silicones that repels the fans of the organicists. The mask is enough to apply from the middle of the length, otherwise the hair is blocked faster. In the means, many positive effects, but the shine it does not attach. There are more efficient masks for this.

How to choose a hair mask

There are cases when the girl buys hair care products from one line of a particular manufacturer. But this does not mean that they will be equally useful for her. For example, shampoo can have a positive effect, but the mask is too weighting or the opposite to dry the hair. When choosing the appropriate means, it is necessary to be guided by the following rules:

  1. To begin with, determine your hair type. Each tool is designed for a specific case, therefore, the result depends on the proper selection of the mask.
  2. Various oils (jojoba, argans, etc.) are perfectly powered and suitable for frequent use.
  3. Thin and weakened hair needed tools whose composition is enriched with keratin.
  4. Specialists recommend purchasing masks that solve a specific problem (for example, for growth or moisturizing). Avoid universal funds, because They are less effective.
  5. Smoothness directly affects the presence of plant extracts.
  6. Pay attention to the composition - it must at least half consist of natural components.
  7. Buy goods only proven manufacturers. This will help avoid the use of low-quality funds.

Do not try to solve the secret of female attractiveness. No representative of the beautiful half will not be able to clothe this formula in a logical conclusion. Only intuitively, looking at herself in the mirror, knows that she will do today, once again, conquering peace - Hollywood curls, asymmetric kare or air twigs.

And so that the curls remain healthy and shiny after all modifications, hair care is crucial. At home, using folk recipes, you can solve any aesthetic and cosmetology tasks. This is part of the whole daily care program for its appearance. Existing hair types Data nature, under the action of chemical staining, twigs and styllers, not always to change for the better. Using the secrets of herbs, oils, clays, spices are easily embodied by unique beauty recipes.

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Created by their own hands, the magical composition of the hair mask is designed for continuous use. Depending on the destination and status of the curls, the frequency of its use is also adjusted. Natural recipes for maintaining natural beauty, nutrition and moisture in preventive purposes 1-2 times a week, to solve more complex tasks, a course of 10-15 sessions will be required.

To create beauty recipes, you need a basic set of tools:

  • Ceramic or glass blade, where natural components will be mixed with a plastic spoon.
  • Tassel, sponge, wooden crest for distribution of the composition on the skin of the head or along the entire length of the curls, depending on the purpose of the healing mask.
  • Polyethylene cap for the soul is dressed after complete mass applying. It enhances the effect of components due to the warming effect.
  • A warm terry towel dresses top, it can be frightened with a hairdryer. There will be no damage to curls through such protection, only faster will reveal their useful properties of the mask ingredients.
  • For grinding components of various structures, a coffee grinder, a kitchen machine, a whisk, will be needed. Homemade masks must have the most homogeneous consistency, so as not to injure the scalp and the cuticle of each unit, enveloping and penetrating the hair, saturating and eating.

Use of applying homemade hair masks

A variety of homemade masks amazes with its recipe and ease of preparation. Effective and accessible to each wishing to emphasize or create an independently new luxurious appearance. Even if the curls are deprived of strength and gloss after staining and twigs, depleted after summer holidays, fall out to frightening quantities, you can do without expensive treatment in the clinics of aesthetic medicine. Cooking a mask at home and highlighting the procedure for a maximum hour, you can return the natural beauty and strength of the hair.

  • The desire to possess the scattering of long curls is feasible and without overhead of tricks or span. There are many proven recipes for hair growth. Their action is aimed at activating the blood circulation of the scalp and stimulating the hair follicle.
  • The masks from the fallout saves the compositions that are applied on the scalp and the root part. Natural components awaken sleeping bulbs, fill each unit with vitamins and minerals to grow and strengthen healthy and strong curls. With a strong falling, it is necessary to carry out intense course of household masks before stabilizing the state.
  • Thin hair, devoid of delicates, slopes to conflict, do not hold the form of laying. For them, masks need to replenish the content of keratin, proteins, for the recovery of the inner root shell.
  • Do not hurry to cut the sequencing tips and dry, lifeless curls. Nutrient, moisturizing compositions will create a protective layer that prevents loss of moisture and vitamins, vital for organic acid curls.
  • Even natural, unpainted hair need caring procedures. Addictive to shampoos and balsamas leads to irritation of the scalp, the appearance of dandruff. Maxi-scrubs Removing the burned cells along with the remains of chemical components, restore the natural potential, allowing curls to speed up their growth, get rid of excessive fatty, accelerating the regeneration of the epidermis.
  • Luxurious braid thick and obedient hair dreams for each, especially the owner of curly hair. Create in order, hard curcored curls, often devoid of shine and elasticity possible by applying effective masks. Natural components will emphasize the beauty of gorgeous hair, stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands that are responsible for the glossy shine.

Below are the recipes of the best hair masks, allowing you to feel all the magic of the wealth of nature.

The advantages of homemade masks to care for the lap in front of the salon procedures is accessibility and effectiveness. That is why more and more women prefer folk remedies to achieve this or other effect.

Hair masks at home -recepses

To have a beautiful and healthy hair, you must constantly care and provide protection against pollution and damage. Natural mixtures are able to get rid of dandruff, eliminate the brittleness and dryness, control the operation of the sebaceous glands and excessive fatty, stop the fallout, increase the luggage, and also give shine and the volume of hairstyle. Many use certain recipes for staining, there is a mask for lightening hair at home.

Masks prepared on the basis of chicken eggs, dairy products and bakery yeast are most popular. The benefits of these livelihood products can be found from the table.

Egg mask for hair at home

They have a restoring and protective effect, they apply in preventive purposes. Regular procedures will help the chapelur get a healthy and luxurious look. The preparation of such masks does not require special efforts and time costs, and the result will not make himself wait. There are recommendations for the use of egg mixtures:

  • You can achieve the greatest result using a home product. It is known that small eggs are more saturated with vitamin and minerals, since they are carrying young chicken.
  • Water procedures after applying the mask need to be carried out warm, not hot water. Otherwise, the eggs are folded, and wash off the mask becomes unusually difficult.
  • If there is a problem of dandruff or dry hair, it is recommended to use only yolks. With excessive biminess, use egg proteins.

In accordance with the type of hair and an exciting problem, you can pick up a suitable recipe for cooking a homemade mask based on chicken egg.

  1. Intense alcohol-containing mixture of oily hair
    For the preparation of the mixture, you can use alcohol solution, it is prepared in equal proportions, a calendula tincture or a strong alcoholic beverage. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to use brandy for light strands, the component can paint them. Mix the pre-whipped egg protein with 30 ml of alcohol. The foam mixture is applied to the skin and the curls are only 15 minutes under the heat cap.
  2. Moisturizing dry curls
    Beat the chicken yolk mixer before the formation of foam. Introduce 30 ml of the base oil (REPEY, Castor or Almond) and a teaspoon of vinegar, preferably apple. If the hair is too dry, you can add a little glycerin, and as a thickener it is recommended to use cosmetic white clay. The mixture is applied for 30 minutes.
  3. Regenerating mask for damaged strands
    In equal amounts you need to mix aloe juice, castor oil, honey and tincture calendula, add chicken yolk. The prepared mixture is distributed over the lap and leave under the heat cap for an hour. After the specified time has expired, take water procedures. This is an excellent vitamin hair mask at home, it restores strands even after a chemical curling.

Kefir Hair Mask at home

Used at home for fastening the hair structure. After the procedure, the hairs are enveloped, and a peculiar barrier is created that protects strands from damage and contamination. Prepare such a mixture is easy, depending on the desired result, included in the composition of other components. Many do not like the smell of sour milk after the procedure. To avoid this enough to add a little ether and a couple of lemon juice drops.

  1. Kefir mixture for fatty strands
    Degreased kefir mix with egg squirrel. Kefir will need 10-20 ml, depending on the length and density of the curls, the protein must be preheated to the formation of thick foam. The prepared mixture is applied to the skin, the rest is distributed along the length of strands. Hold the mask under the cap over 30- 60 minutes.
  2. Kefir help dry strands
    Intensive nutrition occurs due to the active elements in the composition of the milk drink. Extra power is vegetable oils. Preparation of the mixture: To 3 parts of kefir add 1 part of the oil, mix thoroughly. Introduce egg yolk. Standard mask exposure time - 30 minutes.
  3. Kefir against dandruff
    In order to prepare a mask, it will take 200 ml of kefir, to open a slice of rye bread without peeling and leave for a while so that crumbs are softening. When the bread softeps add 30 ml of friction oil. I rub the hair into the skin of the scalp. If there is a problem of dry hair tips, the composition is distributed and along the length of strands.
  4. Kefir mask for hair tips at home
    Black bread slice cove your kefir and leave to swelling, then beat the wedge. To the resulting mixture add 30 ml of brandy and a fourth bulbous juice. Processed maternity lads are placed under the heat cap and leave for 40 minutes.

Yeast Hair Mask at Home

Bakery yeast is a real vitamin hair cocktail. That is why the range of application of yeast masks is so wide. With a dry hair type, you can achieve soft and recovery. Fat strands will find freshness. Exhausted curls will become stronger and healthier. Yeast masks for painted hair at home are popular due to the rapid action.

Secrets of making masks with yeast:

  • The yeast included in the mixture should be active. For this, before preparation, they must always be awakened with warm water.
  • In order to strengthen the effect, you should add some sugar into water and dissolve it, and after entering yeast.
  • For additional nutrition, it is recommended to drain the yeast with warm milk.

Recipes for cooking hair masks at home:

  • Yeast mask with fatty hair type

Heat 100 ml of milk and dilute 15 grams of sugar, after entering 30 grams of dry yeast and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then add 15 grams of mustard powder. The mixture is applied to the chapel, the time of action is half an hour.

  • Yeast mask with dry hair type and luxury

Mix almond and castor oil 1: 2 and warm up a bit in a water bath, add 15 grams of sugar. Then enter 30 grams of yeast and leave for awakening. Such a mixture will restore damaged curls and give them shine. The exposure time is no more than half an hour.

  • Yeast mask when losing hair

Dilute with warm water 30 grams of yeast, add a pinch of sugar and leave for a few minutes. Then add a fourth fourth juice and 10 drops of vitamin A. The mixture is applied to the skin of the scalp, the rest is distributed over the length of the hair. The mixture time is from half an hour to 40 minutes.

With competent use, home therapy is quite effective.

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