Sizes of men's jackets - how to find out your size correctly. Jacket sizes - making the right choice

Winter is the time of snow games, merry holidays, and interesting sports entertainment. However, frost does not always allow you to spend a lot of time outside. To prevent the weather from adjusting your plans, carefully consider the choice of a winter jacket.

Traditional winter down jacket

The traditional version of a winter jacket is a down jacket. Both women and men choose them as warm outerwear. Down jackets differ in styles, lengths, filling and colors.

When choosing a down jacket, evaluate its appearance. A quality product will look attractive both from the outside and from the inside. Pay special attention to the study of the filler: at least 20% should be a feather. In this case, the "insides" should not break out through the gasket. In such clothes you will be uncomfortable, it will quickly lose its warm properties.

To check the quality of the down jacket, fold it several times, squeeze it hard and release it. If the filling is of high quality, the fluff will straighten out by about 60% of the initial volume. It is necessary to wait 20-30 minutes for full recovery. If during this time the down jacket is "crumpled" a little more, the filler is very good.

Due to improper care, a down jacket can quickly lose its warm properties and appearance. It is necessary to wash it with special balls. Then let the product dry well, then beat with a racket.

Down jackets have a minus - for the most part they get wet. However, some manufacturers treat the fabric with a special solution. When choosing, check with the seller at the moment. If there is no impregnation, but you like the down jacket, immediately get a water-repellent spray. This will allow the product to last longer.

Features of the choice of leather and fur jackets

Leather jackets look very impressive and provide good protection from the cold. When choosing a product, be sure to check the quality of the workmanship. Shake your jacket and listen: good leather will not make rustling sounds. If you heard something, refuse to purchase this item. Rustling means that the material is dry or poorly finished.

The best way to provide warmth is a leather jacket with a fur lining. Sheepskin or mink are considered the best materials for interior decoration. However, today there are many clever forgeries. If possible, try to check the product you like. Pull a hair out of the lining carefully. Outside the store, set it on fire. The artificial hair will start to melt and the natural hair will burn.

Leather jackets are comfortable and functional. With a liner, you can wear it in severe frosts, and without it - in the fall or in the first frost. Calf and sheep leather are recognized as the softest and most practical materials.

Also pay attention to water repellency. Untreated skin will quickly absorb liquid, treated skin will not.

You will feel beautiful, effective and warm in a fur jacket. However, the material must be natural. Best of all, mink and beaver will protect from medium frost, sheepskin and sable from very strong.

A fur product should be purchased in special stores where the product has a corresponding certificate. Often, instead of a beaver, they "slip" a rabbit or nutria, instead of a mink - a marmot. In order not to be the loser, choose a fur jacket only with an independent specialist. The purchase of a fake will be more expensive than its services.

However, there are general rules for choosing fur. When trying on, remember the material: the jacket should make almost no sounds. Otherwise, the product deforms quickly. Run your wet hand over the fur. There should be no more than 3-6 villi on the palm. If there are more of them, the jacket will lose its beautiful appearance very quickly.

Pay special attention to the seams. If not, the jacket is glued. Such a thing will not last long. But the presence of a large number of stitched elements indicates the "lumpiness" of the product, which makes it less warm.

Sports jacket for active winter

For lovers of an active lifestyle, jackets made of modern materials will be the best choice. One of these is the membrane. It has high moisture resistance, does not allow cold and wind to pass through. Membrane jackets are an excellent and warm alternative to bulky down jackets.

Modern sports winter jackets for women, men and children are practically weightless and seem thin and unreliable. Indeed, they are suitable only for those who plan to spend the winter in an active mode. You will feel all the advantages of modern technologies if you are going to often get out into nature, play with children, and quickly move around the city.

A winter jacket is a universal thing. It goes well with clothes of different styles. When choosing a jacket, you need to focus on several factors at once.

First, decide on the style of the product. When choosing it, you should take into account the down jacket, age.

It is desirable that the jacket is elongated. It is important that the lower part of the garment and the cuffs of the sleeves contain elastic tightening bands that will protect against wind blowing. The fabric of the jacket should be chosen just as carefully. Preference should be given to materials with moisture-proof impregnation. In snowy or rainy weather, such products are indispensable.

The choice of insulation

As for the choice of insulation, in this case, climatic conditions must be taken into account. In the presence of harsh winters, you can choose a down jacket. If the climatic conditions are less cold, you can buy a jacket with padding polyester or with any other modern insulation. Such fillers as isosoft, holofiber, thinsulate, waltherm, faybertek and others are especially popular. It is important that the outerwear is light enough.

The more dense the filling, the warmer the jacket. As a rule, manufacturers indicate information about the materials used on tags and labels.

In the video, see designer Victoria Andreyanova's advice on how to choose a coat and what to wear with it:

Down jacket selection

When choosing a down jacket, it should be borne in mind that the warmest down is eider. But jackets with such filling are very expensive. Swan's down is warm enough and at the same time affordable. Duck down has the lowest heat-saving properties. It also has the lowest cost.

Lining selection

The lining of winter jackets is usually made from natural fabrics. Silk and viscose are excellent for these purposes. If a manufacturer uses cheap synthetic material as a lining, this is a serious reason to doubt the quality of the product.

What you should pay attention to

When buying a jacket, you should pay attention to the seams and accessories. All stitches should be tight, waterproof and even. The fittings must be of high quality. In the presence of protruding threads, uneven lines on the product, it is better to refuse to buy it. Most likely, after the first wash, the seams will begin to diverge in some places.

Before buying a jacket, be sure to try it on. You should not buy a product that is too tight. Warm sweaters are usually worn under the outerwear. When trying on, you need to raise your arms up, do a few squats and bends to make sure that the thing does not hinder your movements. In this case, the jacket should ideally fit the person on the shoulders and should not slip off them.

A jacket is an integral part of a woman's wardrobe. This piece of clothing has long been an invariable attribute of the cold season. A variety of styles and styles, colors and original finishes, materials from which jackets are made today, allow you to change images even in bad weather.

The ability to buy clothes, including outerwear, in online stores, on the one hand, facilitates the procedure for purchasing goods, on the other hand, it can confuse an inexperienced buyer. The fact is that in a clothing store there are conditions to try on a thing for yourself, but on the Internet there is no such opportunity. Therefore, it is simply necessary to know exactly what the sizes of jackets are. Let's try to figure it out.

How to choose the size

In order to have an idea of ​​how to choose the right size for a jacket, you need to know your Russian size. If you don't know it exactly, you can fix it. It is enough to make one simple manipulation:

  • Stand straight in front of the mirror and measure your chest circumference. Make sure that the measuring tape runs under the armpits and under the shoulder blades, covering the bust area in the most prominent place.
  • The result should be divided by 2. The figure that came out in the end is your size.

Important! When measuring the volume of the breast, it is imperative to wear a bra.

Example: the girth of the chest is 94, which means that the half-girth will be equal to 47. We got a value that is between two sizes: 46 and 48. In this case, it is better to round the size up. If you have an even number, then it should be considered your size.

Subtleties of perception

Keep in mind that the actual women's sizes of jackets do not always correspond to the stated ones. Often the size is slightly smaller or larger than it should be. It will not be superfluous to look through customer reviews before buying. This will not only help you choose the right one, but also save you from other unwanted consequences.

When purchasing a jacket in online stores that sell clothes from foreign manufacturers, you need to know your European size. To calculate it, subtract six from your Russian size.

Example: 48 - 6 = 42. This will be your European size.

For the greater convenience of buyers, there is a special system that determines women's sizes of jackets and other clothing. It is represented in the form of letters. If you rely on this system, then your 44th will be size M, and 48th - L. More detailed data are presented in the table below:


Sizes of jackets from manufacturers in the USA or England are mainly measured in inches. In order to find out your correct size, you need to subtract 38 from your Russian.

Example: 48-38 = 10. English size 10.

Sometimes online stores, in addition to size, report other data, such as height and length. In this case, you can measure your favorite jacket with a measuring tape and start from the data obtained.

Features of the season

When choosing a winter model, you need to get as much data as possible. Measure not only your height and sleeve length, but also your waist and hips. Remember that the sizes of winter jackets may differ from the demi-season ones, as they require more space, because under them you need to wear more voluminous things.

How to take measurements correctly?

In order to correctly determine the height, it is necessary to measure the distance from the top of the head to the end of the heels. Since you cannot do this on your own, you can proceed as follows:

  1. Stand with your back against the wall, pressing your heels, shoulder blades and head firmly against it.
  2. Use a pencil to mark the highest point on the crown of your head.
  3. Measure from the floor to the pencil mark with a large ruler or tape.

To correctly measure the length of the sleeve, you need to know one nuance. You cannot measure a straight arm. The resulting length will be incorrect. Bend your arm, measure its length with a measuring tape from the shoulder to the wrist through the elbow joint.

Product quality

When making a purchase, you need to pay attention not only to the size of the jackets, but also to the quality. The jacket, especially when it comes to models designed to be worn in winter, should be made of durable fabric. It is desirable that it be waterproof and windproof. The lining of the jacket must also be of adequate quality.

If your choice fell on a down jacket, then pay attention to whether you can see traces of down on the product. If so, then you can be sure - all clothes will also be down.

The accessories of the jacket deserve special attention. Better if the buttons and zipper are made of metal. Since it is the hardware that is used most often, it should be the most wear-resistant.

In the climatic conditions of our country, it is especially important to choose the right winter clothes. We make high demands not only on functionality, but also on the appearance of those things that we acquire. In our article, we will focus on the variety of winter jackets that can be found in shopping centers or on the market, and how to choose the right men's winter jacket, taking into account the characteristics of the figure and weather conditions. All this in order.

How not to be mistaken

Correctly selected clothes will not only warm you in cold weather and protect you from wind and rain. A person who wears a thing ideally suited to his figure, status and lifestyle will feel free and confident, he will be able to solve all work and everyday problems without being distracted by extraneous factors.

We will tell you what to look for when choosing.


On the territory of our country, one can find both severe frosts down to -40, and mild winters, when the temperature does not drop below 0. The requirements for outerwear will be completely different. In the first case, special protection from cold and snow is required. It's good if the bottom of the product will almost cover your knees, and the hood will protect your head from the wind. At the same time, the material of the top of the jacket must have water-repellent properties, and the seams must be well glued. Of natural fillers, goose down or fur is excellent, and among synthetic ones we single out holofiber or synthetic fluff.

If it is not too cold in your region, then demi-season models are quite suitable. In this case, the upper material can be fabric, if there is no heavy precipitation. And if rain is a frequent occurrence in your area, then purchase products from a water-repellent canvas.

Consider jackets with transforming elements as the most versatile option: a detachable fur lining, a removable hood and other design solutions.

Life style

A business person needs expensive and elegant things to look presentable at important meetings. If your lifestyle is negotiations with business partners, presentations, meetings, then stylish leather jackets and men's cropped sheepskin coats are your option. Choose one size larger to wear a jacket or sweater underneath. Fitted and slightly elongated models with a slightly lowered shoulder seam look good. Pay great attention to the quality of the material of the product: choose only natural.

For active young people, freedom of movement will be key. In this case, the length of the jacket should be sufficient to protect from the cold, reach mid-thigh. The hood and cuffs on the sleeves are also a necessary attribute of things designed for long walks.

Men who spend a lot of time behind the wheel should choose shorter models so as not to impede the movement of their legs. If the weather is very frosty, you can take elongated things, but with two sliders, so that you can unfasten the bottom zipper to the desired length.

Special requirements apply to clothing for winter sports. Such things should not only retain heat well and not get wet, but also have the ability to wick moisture away from the body. Stayer brand products meet all modern standards and have a wide range of items for outdoor activities in winter. The company controls the entire technological cycle - from the manufacture of materials to the design of finished products, so that customers can be sure of the highest quality of goods. All production is located in Russia, which provides a more affordable price in comparison with the promoted Western brands. At the same time, Stayer products are in no way inferior to them in terms of functional characteristics and external data.

Features of the figure

It is very important to consider your complexion when choosing clothes. Modern beauty standards dictate their own conditions - an athletic elongated figure is in fashion. Despite the fact that not everyone can boast of ideal proportions, with the help of well-chosen things, you can visually correct some of the shortcomings.

Models with transverse seams, pulled together by an elastic band at the waist or at the bottom, are not suitable for chubby young people. Also, they should abandon shortened products and too variegated colors.

When choosing winter clothes, pay attention to the size. It is not necessary that the jacket, both down-padded and leather, tight-fitting - it should sit on the man a little loosely. When shopping for outerwear, expect to be able to wear a sweater or other warm item underneath.

Transverse creases on the case and moving floors will hint that you need to take a larger product. If it is not possible to try on the model you like, focus on your jacket: a jacket one size larger than it will fit well.

It is important that this wardrobe item allows you to move freely. In the store, having already put on the item, do a couple of simple exercises. Raise your arms to the sides and up, bend over. When moving, you should not feel any discomfort.

Sewing quality

Winter clothes cost a lot, we don't buy them for one season, so it is important that the jacket lasts as long as possible. When buying, pay special attention to the materials from which the goods are made, as well as to the quality of workmanship: whether the seams are even, whether the fittings are firmly sewn.

The top of the product should be made of durable water-repellent fabric that will provide protection from wind and precipitation. Acetate silk is used as standard for lining. It guarantees the safety of things that are worn under the jacket, prevents the formation of pellets on them. But in sports and insulated models, the lining can be fleece or bike. They keep warm better, but can adhere to undergarments.

A quality item can be distinguished by how smooth the lines are on it. Curved seams look sloppy, and from too large holes from the needle filler can be knocked out, especially if natural down is used.

Accessories play a special role. The weakest point in men's winter jackets is the zipper. Therefore, when buying, check how freely the slider runs and whether it jams the fabric. Tractor versions of fasteners are considered the most reliable. If the product has buttons or buttons, then make sure they are strong, fasten and unfasten them several times.

Crooked seams with skipped stitches or tangled loops, poorly sewn buttons made of cheap plastic and a sticky zipper give away a poor-quality product, give it up in the store. Do not pay attention to the well-known label. The patch doesn't say anything yet. Most likely they are trying to sell you a fake for a very serious price.

Stayer is committed to ensuring that the output is at its best. All materials are laboratory-developed, the seams are carefully executed and glued, which guarantees maximum heat retention. At the same time, a large assortment of manufactured goods will allow you to choose a model not only for sports, but also for everyday wear.

What men's jackets are

Today you can choose from a huge number of different options, both more classic and extravagant models. Let's consider their main varieties and help you make the right choice.

Down jacket

The most common outerwear among our population. Such things are easy to use and durable to wear. Modern down jackets are insulated not only with natural down, but also with synthetic materials. Both options have their strengths and weaknesses.

Down is light and keeps warm better, but does not tolerate wetting and will not suit people with allergies.

Jackets with holofiber or synthetic fluff can be cleaned in a regular washing machine, but in terms of weight and heat capacity, synthetic is much inferior. To prevent the filler from rolling, such products are sewn, often in some original way, so that the seams carry not only a functional load, but also complement the design.

Pea jacket

This model, reminiscent of a uniform, is made of dense woolen fabric impregnated with a special water-repellent solution. The color scheme of the product is restrained, mainly black or dark blue.

The pea coat visually slightly adjusts the silhouette so that the shoulders seem wider and the waist is slimmer, while the whole image becomes more brutal and masculine. The main condition for a successful landing is the correct size. A mistake, even a small one, will spoil the whole appearance in one direction or another. Also, this style will not suit overweight short men - it will make their figure more overweight.


The parka, popular among young people, has an elongated, fitted cut, its length reaches mid-thigh. Most often, the top of such a jacket is fabric, it has a large number of patch, secret and internal pockets. This style is very comfortable to wear. Expensive quality products can fit into office and casual style.


Such a jacket was originally in the wardrobe only among climbers and skiers, but today it is widespread among all lovers of spending time outdoors in winter. It is made of waterproof and windproof fabric. The anorak protects well from the cold thanks to additional elements: a stand-up collar, a hood with fur trim, elastic bands on the cuffs and hem.


The leather jacket has not gone out of fashion for many seasons. The reason for this is its durability, high heat-shielding properties and the representative appearance that it creates. When choosing a leather product, pay attention to the quality of the material. It must be soft and elastic and have a water-repellent treatment. A variety of models will allow you to choose a style according to your figure. But remember that it is better for short men to refuse to buy elongated products, because they visually shorten the silhouette.

Winter outerwear is created to protect its wearer from cold and wind. A wide range of models offered by modern manufacturers allows you to choose a product for every taste and budget.

To choose the right men's winter jacket, you need to follow the simple rules that we talked about in this article.

  • Focus on the weather in your area.
  • Choose an item in size with a small margin so that you can wear a sweater under your jacket in winter.
  • Consider the features of your figure.
  • Pay attention to the quality of the purchased product.
Wear only items that are safe, durable and well-fitting. They not only keep you healthy, but also emphasize your individual style.

Correctly selected size of outerwear is, first of all, beautiful and comfortable. It would seem so easy to pick it up - looked at the tag, checked the figure and that's it. But why are there so many people around in strangely sitting coats and fur coats? Either folds on the back, or buttons cracking on the chest, or just a generally unpresentable look. And all because there are a lot of nuances in the issue of outerwear sizes, which you will learn about in this article. Determine the size of the fur coat

First, make it a rule to take your time buying a fur coat. It doesn't matter if the fur coat is mink or mutton, try it on and be sure to walk around the store in it. Spin in front of the mirror, sit down, stand up, stretch your arms forward, touch your ear to your hand. And then some car owners choose a fur coat in such a way that then they cannot reach the steering wheel in it, not just to the ear, to the steering wheel.

You should be very comfortable in a fur coat, it should not hinder your movements. Is it comfortable? Now take it off, go home and come back with those who are able to adequately and, what is important, critically assess whether the fur coat really fits you well. Take a girlfriend, husband, mom, anyone whose taste you trust.

If everything is fine in a fur coat, but there are minor flaws, then it can be adjusted to the figure in the atelier.


Be sure to check with the purchase whether the warranty for the product will be lost if you use the services of the atelier.

If at first everything seemed to be fine in a fur coat, but then you put it on at home and realized that something was still wrong (it doesn't sit well or it is uncomfortable in it), then do not persuade yourself that you will get used to it. Return the fur coat to the store or exchange it. You are legally entitled to do this within 14 days of purchase.

Professional secret

If the fur coat sits too tightly, then the fur wears off noticeably faster.

Determining the size of the coat

The size of the coat must also be chosen wisely.

The key points here are the fit along the line of the shoulders and waist, the length of the sleeves, collars, and, of course, comfort. The shoulders should be in place and the hands should fit completely into the pockets.

If you are planning to wear a coat in the summer and are planning to wear it in the fall or winter, then measure it on bulky warm things or imagine that these things are on you, including a voluminous scarf, if there is one in the future. That is, autumn and winter coats should not fit tightly on the figure, because it is the presence of an air gap that keeps you warm.

If the coat is fitted, make sure the waist is in place. Otherwise, you will get ugly bubbles on your back. And do all the same manipulations that we discussed when we talked about a fur coat - measure it, walk around, sit down, stand up, touch your ear, stretch your arms forward.

Determine the size of the down jacket

Everything is much simpler here than with fur coats and coats. There are no strict rules. The main thing is that the shoulder width and chest girth fit perfectly. You can close your eyes to the waist.


When buying outerwear, know - the general rule when choosing the size of any outerwear - more is better than less.

How to understand that the size is chosen incorrectly

Outwardly, it is very simple to determine that the size is chosen incorrectly. If there are horizontal folds on the back of a coat or fur coat, then it is small. If vertical, then it is great. If on one side the fur coat is stretched, and on the other there are waves, if the sides of the hem go one over the other, like scissors, or, conversely, diverge, if the collar is protruding, the seams are displaced, and there is an unequal length in front and behind - all this also speaks of wrong matched size.

Which style suits you. Choose by shape type!

For the beauty of the fit of outerwear, not only the size, but also its style is responsible. If the size is chosen correctly, and the fur coat still sits somehow wrong, presses in the armholes, something is wrong with a collar or something else, then this is simply not your style. There are not so many people with a standard figure, so figuring out the styles is the primary task.

Body types and style

If you have a proportional top and bottom, then rejoice, almost anything will suit you. Models that emphasize the figure will look especially beautiful.

If the volume of your chest, waist and hips is practically equal, then the models of the 60s, such as "cocoon", are very suitable for you.

If you have narrow shoulders and voluminous hips, then your task is to balance the top and bottom. The best choice is the trapezoidal and flared models from the waist.

If you have wide shoulders and narrow hips, then, again, you need to balance the top and bottom. But in this case, models of a free cut to the middle of the thigh or shorter are perfect, as well as a coat with a lowered or one-piece sleeve.

That's all we wanted to tell you about sizes today. Choose the right outerwear, then you will always feel incredibly comfortable in it and, most importantly, look beautiful.