Realistic methods of planning the desired gender of the child. How to determine the sex of a child, folk signs. Basic methods for predicting gender

There are many superstitions in the world associated with pregnancy. For some, you can try to determine the sex of the unborn baby. Some women argue that in their case, the signs turned out to be more accurate than an ultrasound scan, others treat all kinds of beliefs with irony. offers entertainment for both categories of expectant mothers: a funny list of 14 ways to determine the sex of a child without resorting to the help of doctors.

1. Food preferences
If a woman prefers sweets during pregnancy, then there will be a girl. Mothers of boys, bearing them, prefer salty and spicy.

2. Toxicosis
Girls are often called the culprits of toxicosis. Boys don't scoff at moms like that.

3. Belly
The sex of the unborn child is also predicted by the position of the abdomen: if it is located low, there will be a boy; if a pregnant woman has a high belly, it is a girl.

4. Chinese calendar
This method of prediction is about 700 years old. According to Chinese beliefs, the sex of a child is related to the date of conception. If she is known for sure, you can check the calendar and find out who will be born. They also resort to the calendar at the stage of pregnancy planning, choosing the date of the intended conception depending on whether the family wants a boy or a girl.

5. Heart rate
During the examination, you need to ask your doctor what is the heart rate of the fetus. From 140 and above - a girl, below 140 - a boy.

6. Skin condition
They say girls steal beauty from their mothers, hence the sudden appearance of acne, blackheads and oily sheen. As in the case of toxicosis, boys are much more merciful.

7. Ring test
To carry out the test, you need to remove the wedding ring, hang it on a string and lift it over the stomach. If the ring dangles back and forth, there will be a girl. The movement of the ring in a circle promises a boy.

8. Grace
A beautiful and measured pregnancy is a sign that a girl will be born. Boys make moms awkward and sluggish.

9. Hands
If, when asked to show her hands, a woman stretches her limbs with her palms down, then she will have a boy. If the palms are facing up, there is a girl in the stomach.

10. Dreams
If a pregnant woman dreams that she will have a boy, then a girl should be expected. And vice versa.

11. Chest
When the left is larger than the right, there will be a boy. If the right seems larger than the left, there will be a girl.

12. Test with a child
If someone's child is interested in the belly of a pregnant woman, you can tell fortunes on it. If a boy approaches the belly, the birth of a girl is expected. The girl will show interest in the belly if there is a boy in it.

13. Garlic test
The woman should eat some garlic and wait a couple of hours. If a pregnant woman smells like garlic, she will have a boy. The lack of smell suggests that a girl will soon appear in the family.

14. Test with keys
Having dropped the keys to the floor, the woman must pick them up without looking. If she pulled on the rounded side of the key, there will be a boy, and if she took up the long part, a girl will be born.

This also includes the widespread myth that if a man loves a couple more, a boy appears, and if a woman loves a girl. Let's figure out physiology.

Each cell of the human body has 23 pairs of chromosomes. 22 of them are very similar. And only the couple responsible for gender is different from the rest. In women, the two sex chromosomes are the same (each looks like the letter X, which is where the name comes from). And in men, one of the sex chromosomes "lost" one tail and is not at all similar to the other, resembling the letter Y.

In order for a new little man, a boy or a girl, to be born, two cells must meet: a male - a sperm cell and a female - an egg cell. When they merge, a fertilized egg is formed - a zygote. Each of these cells contains half the genetic makeup. Moreover, all eggs contain an X chromosome (women simply do not have others), and sperm are of two types: with an X chromosome and with a Y chromosome. If the egg is fertilized by the X-sperm, a girl will be born, if Y is a boy.

Thus, the main responsibility for shaping the sex of the child rests with the man, not the woman. However, everyone can remember a family where only boys or only girls are born from generation to generation. Why does this happen? Apparently, there is some kind of genetic predisposition to the birth of children of the same sex. Or perhaps it's all about the characteristics of the sperm that affect the activity of sperm of group X or Y.

Myth number 2. Boys are obtained in the very middle of the menstrual cycle, and at other times - girls

Every month in a woman's body, under the influence of pituitary hormones, a tiny vesicle ripens in the ovary - a follicle that bursts in the middle of the menstrual cycle, releasing an egg. This process is called ovulation. Coming out of the ovary, the egg is "captured" by the fallopian tube and, thanks to its contractions, moves towards the uterus. The egg cell retains its ability to fertilize for an average of 24 hours. During sexual intercourse, sperm enters the woman's vagina, which contains 300-500 million sperm. And only some of them penetrate through the vagina, the cervical canal and its cavity into the fallopian tube. They cover this path in 2–2.5 hours, and retain their fertilizing ability in the fallopian tube from 2 to 7 days, according to various sources. Sperm carrying the male Y chromosome are lighter and more mobile than those carrying the female X chromosome. However, their viability is lower and they die faster.

Therefore, the myth is partly true. On the day of ovulation, male spermatozoa are the first to reach the egg, but if intercourse was 2-7 days before ovulation, then the probability of conception by surviving female spermatozoa is higher.

To use this method, you need to accurately determine the date of ovulation. The easiest home method is to use special test strips to assess the level of luteinizing hormone, the amount of which increases sharply before ovulation. The test makes it possible to fix this rise, which will be evidence of the onset of ovulation in the next 48 hours after obtaining such a result.

There are also devices on sale for determining ovulation by saliva. They are reusable, but they also cost more. When dried on glass, saliva crystallizes before the release of the egg from the follicle, and under a microscope you can see bizarre patterns - "fern symptom". This pattern appears due to the dramatically increased amount of the hormone estrogen.

The method of measuring basal temperature is to build a temperature curve. To do this, every morning, without getting out of bed, measure the temperature in the rectum and mark it in a table or draw a graph. On the eve of ovulation, the temperature in some women may drop by 0.2-0.5 ° C, and at the time of ovulation it rises to 37.1-37.3 ° C and stays at this level for several days.

In addition, the day of ovulation can be tracked by ultrasound, which, of course, is more often used in the treatment of infertility, and not for the purpose of planning the sex of the child.

Myth No. 3. If future parents follow a protein diet (meat, fish, smoked meats), boys are more often born, while following a carbohydrate diet (fruits, vegetables, sweets), girls are born.

It is also believed that carriers of the X chromosome survive better in an environment rich in calcium and magnesium, and Y - in sodium and potassium. This theory is very controversial and even dangerous for future offspring.

Any organism tends to maintain homeostasis - the constancy of the internal environment, including chemicals. To achieve a serious shift in this indicator, a person will have to deliberately cause a deficiency of any substances, because the body will get rid of the excess itself. A serious deficiency will lead to dysfunction, in particular, sexual. Therefore, a strict mono-diet is likely to impair the ability to conceive (fertility), but not to the appearance of a baby of a certain gender. It is also necessary to remember that the deficiency of certain substances can affect the health of the unborn child. For example, if you follow a "boy" diet, you may develop a deficiency of folic acid, which is found in fresh herbs, cabbage, beets, carrots, potatoes with skin, bran, seeds and nuts. With a lack of this substance, the likelihood of having children with such disorders as defects of the central nervous system and spine increases significantly.

If you adhere to a "girlish" diet, then there may be a deficiency of B vitamins, and in regions far from the sea - also iodine. Without iodine, the thyroid gland cannot function normally, and in women with a reduced function of this organ, ovulation occurs very rarely, in addition, a lack of iodine can subsequently adversely affect the mental development of the child.

Myth number 4. Conception of a child of a certain gender depends on the time of year and day.

According to the omen, with autumn conception, boys are more often born, and if in the spring - girls. The method is based again on the assumption that male sperm need more comfortable conditions, and with a spring vitamin deficiency, girls have more chances. How effective it is in floor planning is unknown, because there are no scientific papers on this topic.

The Czech physician E. Jonas suggested that along with the menstrual cycle there is a second, individual cycle of the greatest predisposition to conception, set from birth for the entire reproductive period of a woman's life. This cycle is focused on the phase of the moon that preceded the birth of this woman. Each return of the corresponding moon phase means for a particular woman a period of greatest predisposition to conception. Girls, according to Jonas, are "obtained" on days when the Moon occupies "female" zodiac signs (Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces), and boys - in other ("male") periods. Perhaps this version makes sense, since the existence of biorhythms has long been confirmed by scientists. However, as in many other theories, it is embarrassing to completely ignore male influence, although it is known that the sex is determined by the sperm.

Myth No. 5. If a man often visits the bathhouse, then the likelihood of the appearance of a girl is greater.

This method of sex planning, like diet, can be classified as dangerous for future offspring. Indeed, when overheating, the ability of sperm to fertilize decreases, some of them die, and some change their anatomy. There is no evidence that only sperm with the Y chromosome die, but it is a fact that going to the sauna reduces the ability to conceive. Those who like to steam twice a week have a statistically higher risk of developing male infertility compared to those who do it once a week. Any diseases with an increase in body temperature also lead to a deterioration in the quality of sperm, and this condition can be observed up to 3 months - this is how much maturation of each sperm in the testicles lasts.

Myth No. 6. A child will inherit the gender of the parent whose blood is "younger".

According to this technique, every 3 years for a woman and every 4 years for a man, the blood is completely renewed. The calculation is simple: the age of future parents is divided, respectively, by 3 for women and 4 for men. Whose remainder is greater, that blood is "fresher and stronger", that floor will turn out. And an amendment: if the mother is a carrier of a negative Rh factor, then the result will be exactly the opposite. Also, blood is renewed during blood donation, childbirth, abortion, operations. According to various data, the accuracy of this technique ranges from 60 to 80%. But is it really so? Indeed, even the very concept of "blood renewal" is very controversial. Blood consists of a liquid part (plasma) and corpuscles. Plasma delivers and picks up various substances from organs and tissues that run back and forth, so there is no need to talk about its constancy. It is completely renewed in a few days. Blood cells also have a short lifespan: for example, erythrocytes live 120 days, leukocytes - from several hours to several months, platelets - 10-12 days. What is renewed in the blood once every 3-4 years and how it affects the germ cells remains a mystery. One thing is for sure - this planning technique is completely harmless.

Myth No. 7. The gender of the child can be planned according to Chinese / Japanese tables.

There are tables with which you can calculate the sex of the unborn child by the age of his parents. According to the ancient Chinese method, only the woman's age and the month of conception are taken into account. The Chinese have forgotten about the sex chromosome donor father.

The inhabitants of the Land of the Rising Sun have their own method of planning the sex of the child. Here the month of birth of a man and a woman is correlated, as well as the month of conception. It turns out that the same couple in a given month of the year can have a child of only one sex. There are a lot of examples-refutations. Many families have children of different sexes, whose birthdays are nearby or even coincide on the calendar.

In Europe, two age theories have also been applied. The first is based on the fact that if you have an even number of years, then when you conceive in an even month (February, April, etc.), you will get a girl, and in an odd month, a boy. And, accordingly, if you are an odd number of years, then at conception in an odd month you will get a girl, and in an even month - a boy. The best refutation of all tabular planning methods is the fact that there are heterosexual twins, whose conception took place on the same dates.

And yet, the sex of the baby can be planned!

Nevertheless, modern medicine allows you to choose the sex of the unborn child. This can be done using the IVF program, when conception occurs in a test tube, outside the woman's body.

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is a special test of the chromosome set of the embryo, carried out before the embryo is transferred into the uterine cavity. In addition to sex determination, this type of study allows to identify about 150 hereditary diseases, which significantly reduces the likelihood of a sick child being born and increases the efficiency of the IVF procedure. Currently, in Russia, PGD is used for sex determination only in cases where a couple is a carrier of severe hereditary sex-linked diseases (hemophilia, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, Shereshevsky-Turner cider). The effectiveness of PGD for gender selection is 100%.

The Erickson method is used abroad - this is a method of sperm sorting, which allows separating the faster spermatozoa, from which boys are obtained, from the slower ones, from which girls are obtained. For this, sperm is applied to a layer of sticky liquid in a laboratory tube. Y-sperm move faster and reach the bottom of the tube earlier. To conceive a boy, the lower fraction is taken, and the girl is the upper one. This method is cheaper than high-tech methods, it is safe, but does not give a guaranteed result. Moreover, it is not used in our country.

Agree that a child of any gender is a wonderful gift! And is it really so important what color the ribbon will be on this gift of fate?

Often parents, waiting for the replenishment of the family, wonder who will be born - a boy or a girl? Thanks to ultrasound diagnostic devices, it becomes known even before childbirth. But in this case, nothing can be done: what God gave, that will be born. Therefore, many young families are interested in how to plan the sex of the child and whether it is possible at all. Let's consider the options.

How to schedule your baby's gender by ovulation

How often parents complain that they wanted a boy, but a lovely little girl was born, or vice versa. Modern parents, who are accustomed to counting and thinking everything over, have a logical question: "Is it possible to plan the sex of the child?" Accordingly, it is also important what actions need to be taken so that the parents' dream come true and a child of the desired gender appears in the family.

The sex of the child is a biological and physiological question. A boy or a girl is born - this decision is made by nature, operating with one chromosome - Y. When an egg is fertilized by a sperm with an X chromosome, the girl's body is formed, and if she is attacked by the carrier of the Y chromosome, an heir will appear.

Since the Y chromosomes have a male code, the responsibility, according to scientists, for determining the sex of the unborn child rests with the dad. But is everything so clear? What can be done to give birth to a baby of the desired gender?

Let's turn to scientific knowledge. Doctors say that the sex of a child can be calculated by ovulation.

Ovulation is the moment when the egg is released from the ovary. This happens in the middle of the female cycle, approximately on the 14th day (the period between the 12-16th day of the cycle).

Sperm with the Y chromosome are very mobile, light and small, but not as tenacious as those with the X chromosome. Therefore, in order to:

  • a boy was born, intimacy should occur a day before ovulation;
  • a girl has appeared, conceive 2-3 days before the start of the egg cell movement.

If you decide to conceive a boy, then such physical indicators of the mother will help to determine the best moment as:

  1. Basal temperature (before ovulation, the body temperature rises by 0.2-0.5 degrees).
  2. Secretion color and consistency: secretions become stringy and transparent.

Sperm viability is calculated in hours. They live no more than 2 days, and then die. Since they are more hardy with the female code, it is easier to conceive a girl a couple of days before ovulation. When the egg appears, all of the boy's cells will die. Only the sperm with the X chromosome remain, which easily fertilize the mother's cell.

How to Schedule Your Baby's Gender for Blood Renewal

For a long time, there has been a popular method for planning the birth of a child of the desired sex, based on calculating the cycle of blood renewal in women and men. In the former, the blood changes every three years, and in the stronger sex, this process occurs every four years. To find out who will be born:

  1. Divide the mother's age by three, and the father's age by 4, respectively.
  2. Compare the numbers obtained: whoever has a larger balance, that will be the gender of the child.

But keep in mind that if the mother has a negative Rh factor, then in this case a boy will be born.

The method is very dubious in terms of gender prediction, because this calculation does not take into account, for example, blood transfusions or large blood loss during operations, spontaneous miscarriages, etc.

How to Schedule Your Baby's Gender: Special Diet

If you are planning to plan the sex of your child, then heed the advice of nutritionists. They argue that by changing the nutrition system and its quality, moms and dads will affect the gender of the baby. In any case, adherence to the proposed diet will allow you to give birth to a healthy heir or heiress.

In order for a boy to appear in the family, expectant mothers must introduce into their diet:

  1. Foods high in protein: meat, fish, mushrooms, lentils.
  2. Some flour products and foods with a high starch content: bread, semolina, potatoes.
  3. Fruits and dried fruits with a high carbohydrate content: bananas, peaches, dried apricots, prunes, dates.
  4. Foods with a high salt content, smoked meats.

You will have to avoid:

  • dairy products;
  • seafood;
  • legumes;
  • cocoa and chocolate.

The girl will appear if the mom's menu includes:

  • Fresh fish and lean meat, eggs.
  • Yeast-free baked goods.
  • Sweets, coffee and tea.

Couples who want a girl will have to be careful with vegetables. Minimize their use.

Many nations have their own correct ways and methods of programming the gender of an infant. Therefore, if you do not know how to calculate the sex of a child, then use one of the already tested practices:

1. The method of abstinence.

It is believed that the longer the sexual abstinence, the stronger the sperm with the Y chromosome. Therefore, those who crave the appearance of an heir will have to give up love joys for 1.5-2 months.

2. Calculation by lunar phases.

It is believed that if the lunar phase of conception coincides with the lunar phase of the birth of the mother of the unborn baby, then a girl will be born. To make such calculations, you need:

  • know the time of birth of the mother;
  • choose a lunar phase that would coincide with ovulation.

3. Determination of gender according to the family tree.

This method is attributed to the British, apparently because it is customary for them to study their family tree. Based on observations of the change of generations and the prevalence of children - representatives of one gender, a conclusion is made about the sex of the next born in the family.

4. Chinese table.

If a woman is 20 years old, then with a 100% guarantee, a boy can become pregnant from April to September.

Whatever methods and methods are used, it is important that the child is desirable, that the parents are psychologically and socially ready for his appearance.

Who does not want to rely on fate in determining the sex of the heir, he can test the proposed methods.

At all times, people have sought to look into the future, predict future events and influence them. For centuries, the question of procreation has not been ignored. Until now, parents-to-be tend to plan the sex of the child at the stage of conception.

All the methods that moms and dads use today to give birth to a child of the "right" sex can be divided into two groups. The methods related to the first of them do not try to explain the effect by scientific knowledge about the process of conception. In the second, predictors use proven facts about this complex process as arguments.

So, an honorable place among the folk methods of planning the sex of the future baby is diet.

According to this theory, as the intake of calcium in a woman's body increases, the likelihood of conceiving a girl increases. If limited - a boy.

A funny method is attributed to a certain Elena Shavrina, "a doctor of alternative medicine." In her opinion, the sex of a child is determined by a combination of two factors: the age of the mother and the month of conception.

The conception of a girl in even-numbered years of the mother's life should be expected in February, April, June, August and October. Odd - January, March, May, July, September, November. If the parents want a boy, then they should act exactly the opposite.

But in order to use this method, you must first somehow agree with your ovulation - it should happen in the middle of the month. In general, there are a lot of options for calculating the sex of a child related to the age of the mother and the date of conception - on the Internet you can find whole tables that resemble Bradis' logarithmic reference books.

In general, one can draw the following conclusion from them: a young eighteen-year-old mother has more chances to give birth to a son. At the beginning of the third decade, women give birth almost entirely to girls, then the likelihood of having a son or daughter is gradually leveled out. Mature mothers again have an increased chance of having a son.

There are both male and female months of conception: from November to January there are more chances of getting pregnant as a boy, from May to July - as a girl.

At first glance, it looks scientific enough "The theory of blood renewal". It is believed that the blood composition is completely renewed every four years for men and every three years for women.

To determine the sex of the child, you have to calculate the age of the parents at the date of conception with an accuracy of the day. Then you need to find the "freshest blood": divide the father's age by four, and the mother's - by three. The gender of the child will be the same as that of the parent who has a smaller remainder in the private.

There are also variations in the interpretation of the results: for example, if the mother's Rh factor is negative, then the sex of the child will coincide with the sex of the parent who has a larger remainder of the quotient, and some authors wittily suggest that the coincidence of the fractional part of the quotient in these calculations will lead to birth twins.

If you are to increase the likelihood of conception boy decide to combine all the folk methods, you will have to follow instructions like this:

"To give birth to a boy, you need to conceive a child in an even year of the mother's life in an odd month, on a clear, not rainy night, and in no case on a full moon. The bedroom should be fresh and cool, you need to lie with your head to the north, well, in any case, it is better to put some kind of "male" toy under the pillow: a pistol or a toy car.

Sons are more often born in families where the husband loves his wife more than she loves him. It is desirable that, after minutes of love, the parents-to-be stay awake as long as possible.

And, of course, the diet: for at least three weeks a woman should eat protein foods (with the exception of crabs, shrimp and caviar), fruits, potatoes, mushrooms. Eliminate dairy products from the menu and do not limit yourself to salt. "

Conception girls, accordingly, it requires the exact opposite approach: the parity of the month of conception and the year of the mother's life must coincide, the weather must be rainy, and it would be good if ovulation falls on the full moon. With sex, it is better not to delay until late - early evening is fine, and under the pillow (do not forget to lie with your head to the south) leave a pink ribbon. A more emotional woman, brightly and openly showing her feelings for her husband and not hesitating to take the initiative in bed, has more chances to become a mother of her daughter. Well, she should also lean on cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt, carrots, herbs and cucumbers, but limit salt and spices. It is important for the girl's future dad not to overcool before the evening of love - the warmth will somewhat reduce the activity of sperm and, accordingly, increase the chance of having an heiress.

Adherents scientific methods of floor planning they take a proven fact as the basis of their reasoning: the sex of the baby is determined at the time of fertilization and depends on which sperm was in the egg - the carrier of the female or male type. If X and Y chromosomes meet - wait for a boy, if X and X - for a girl.

In the 60s, medical researchers Frantisek Benedo, Martin Young and Hesel Chesterman-Phillips suggested that when sperm enter the body of the expectant mother a couple of days before ovulation, the girl will be born with a probability of 85%, and if conception occurs at the time of ovulation or just after, most likely, a boy will be born.

They argued that sperm with the Y chromosome are more active, but less tenacious than those with the X chromosome. Once in the genital tract of the expectant mother before ovulation, they simply do not wait until the egg is ready. And if the egg, on the contrary, is ready for immediate fertilization, then the sperm with the X chromosome do not have so many chances to outrun their rivals. Far-reaching predictive conclusions can be drawn from these assumptions; For example, a frequent and active intimate life promotes the birth of boys: the fast and active Y-sperm are more likely to be in the right place at the right time.

The opposite option plays into the hands of potential mothers of girls: if anyone will patiently wait for ovulation for several days, it will be X-sperm. By the way, some researchers argue that even the technique of intercourse matters: the deeper and more intense the penetration, the greater the chances of conceiving a boy.

It is worth saying that all methods based on calculating the time of ovulation can be effective only in 80% of cases. And women with an irregular cycle should not rely on them at all, in which it is difficult to determine the pattern and the exact day of ovulation. It should be borne in mind that in healthy women with a fairly regular menstrual cycle, the date of ovulation may shift.

How to schedule a baby's gender? In general, is it possible to choose the sex of the child before conception? They say that nature does not completely control this process and there is a way out.

Despite the fact that more boys are born, the number of the female half of the population exceeds the male, and all because men often do not live to be 50 years old. This phenomenon has received the name in science "the defensive reaction of the ethnos."

How is the floor formed?
Where does the baby's gender come from? This happens by chance: the male cell can have both X or Y chromosomes, while the female carries only the first type of chromosome. A girl gets in if the egg is the XX chromosome compound, and if the Y chromosome gets into the egg, then a boy is born.

Analysis of these data suggests that the father is responsible for the sex of the child. But scientists don't think so. Some women are programmed by nature to give birth to a certain gender. In other words, only one egg can fertilize them. But there is no need to be upset that only a girl or a boy is born, which means that fate has decided so.

Fighting destiny
Doctors are trying to give some guarantees when planning the sex of the child. There are several of the most well-known methods of conceiving the desired child.

Method number 1 - ovulation
If you conceive a child 2-24 hours before ovulation, then a girl will be born. This is due to the fact that Y-sperm do not live long, reaching the ovum the fastest. X-sperm can live in the female body for several days while waiting for the fertilization of the egg. But, as artificial conception shows, the number of boys and girls at the time of ovulation is the same.

But this does not mean that this method should be ignored. The main thing is to know your day of ovulation. It can be calculated by measuring the body temperature in the colon. With a stable menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on the 15th day.


Every second couple makes their attempts to get pregnant on the wrong days of the female cycle. Therefore, I will briefly talk about the principle of your menstrual cycle and the ovulation process.

Ovulation is a process that occurs once per menstrual cycle, when, due to a change in hormone levels, an egg is released from the ovary. This usually happens 12-16 days before the start of your next period.
Eggs Produced in the ovaries. During the first phase of each menstrual cycle, one of the eggs matures to be released from the ovary.

Closer to ovulation, an increased amount of the hormone estrogen is produced in your body, which promotes the growth of the endometrium in the uterus and allows you to create a favorable environment for sperm.
High levels of estrogen provoke a sharp increase in another hormone - LH (luteinizing hormone). The so-called LH surge promotes the release of the egg from the ovary, and ovulation occurs.
Typically, ovulation occurs 24-36 hours after the LH surge, so LH is an excellent indicator for determining peak fertility.

Fertile days - the few days before and after ovulation, when the chances of getting pregnant are greatly increased.

Your fertile days begin 5-6 days before ovulation, but this is not the optimal time for conception. The most favorable date for conceiving a child is the last day before ovulation (during fertile days). This is due to the fact that the life of the egg is 24 hours, and the sperm remain active for up to five days. Therefore, you might be surprised to learn that a couple can conceive a child by having sex a few days before ovulation.

The two most fertile (likely to conceive) days of your cycle are the day of ovulation and the day before.

How to determine the period of ovulation by the color of the discharge?
With the help of uterine mucus, which women are used to calling simply “secretions,” you can tell when you are ovulating. Just before ovulation and before your fertile days begin, the secretion changes color. It becomes almost transparent, stringy and less dense. This is due to the enrichment of secretion with proteins, salts and glucose, which provide an ideal environment for sperm. The actual ovulation begins in the middle of your fertile days, during the so-called "mucus climax", when there is so much mucus that pads are indispensable.

Calculating fertile days using temperature
The body temperature of many women rises by 0.2-0.6 degrees before their fertile days (before ovulation). This is due to the effects of the hormone progesterone. They measure the temperature in the anal passage, and call it basal. Basal temperature should be measured in the morning without getting out of bed. This will help you pinpoint your fertile days. Basal temperature should be measured for several months in a row, not forgetting to record accurate results. It is best to create a special table for this.

Important: Infectious diseases, alcohol and lack of sleep can significantly affect the time of ovulation.

Fertilization of the egg can occur within 24 hours after ovulation. If fertilization does not occur, the overgrown endometrium begins to exfoliate from the walls of the uterus, and your period begins. From this moment, a new cycle is counted.

To calculate the length of your menstrual cycle, you need to count the number of days from the first day of your period to the day before the start of your next period. Cycle times vary from woman to woman, but typically range from 23 to 35 days.

How to get pregnant with a boy? - have sex as close as possible to the day of ovulation, preferably directly on the day of ovulation or 12 hours before its onset.

How to get pregnant with a girl? - to plan intimacy 2-3 days before ovulation. By the time the "ready", ripe egg comes out to meet, all "boy" spermatozoa will have time to die (the life of Y-chromosomes is short) and only "girlish" ones will remain.

Method number 2 - abstinence
Some experts agree that the sexual activity of partners affects the sex of the unborn child. With prolonged abstinence, it is more likely that a girl will be born, and with an intense lifestyle, a boy. During abstinence, the male body produces antibodies that block the Y chromosome. To give birth to a girl, you need to abstain for about 1-1.5 months, even affection or thoughts of sex are not allowed.

Method number 3 - food
Some evidence suggests that salty and potassium-rich foods may help you conceive a boy. But food, which contains magnesium and calcium, contributes to the birth of girls. Success is guaranteed by 70% if you switch to nutrition 2-2.5 months before conception.

Diet for conceiving a boy:

1. Meat of all sorts, any fish, smoked meats.
2. Bread, rice, semolina.
3. Mushrooms, potatoes, peas, lentils.
4. Bananas, cherries, oranges, apricots, peaches.
5. Dried apricots, dates, prunes.
6. Salty food.

Dairy products, milk, mineral water with calcium, crabs, shrimps, caviar are not welcome. Products made from dough mixed with milk and eggs should be minimized, like beans, beans, walnuts, dill, cocoa, almonds, milk chocolate.

Diet for conceiving a girl:

1. Tea, coffee, cocoa, chocolate, mineral water with calcium.
2. Fresh fish, meat of all sorts, eggs, fish.
3. Baked goods without yeast and salt.

In limited quantities, you need to consume asparagus, eggplants, cucumbers, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots.

Method number 4 - blood renewal
Cyclic renewal of blood can be another method of conceiving a child of the desired sex. Younger blood will be stronger. It is the owner of the younger blood who will decide the sex of the unborn child. Blood renewal in the fairer sex occurs once every three years, and for men - once every 4 years. This takes into account the weight of blood loss (miscarriage, transfusion, donation, surgery, abortion). To calculate, the date of the last blood loss is taken, and we add 3-4 years to the time close to conception.

Plan your baby's gender in Polish
In Poland, a method for planning sex before conception was developed, in which the exact day was supposedly calculated when sex should be had in order to conceive a boy, and a separate day for conceiving a girl. According to her, to get a boy, sexual intercourse must take place strictly 11-12 days before the new menstruation. How to get pregnant with a girl? - have sex 13-14 days before the onset of menstruation.

So - one single day can change everything!

The Chinese way of planning a baby's gender
This method is very interesting. It turns out that the ancient Chinese sages are convinced that the sex of the unborn baby is entirely dependent on the woman. Planning the sex of a child in Chinese is based, firstly, on the age of the expectant mother at the time of conception, and secondly, for the month which at this age favors the conception of a boy or girl. How to get pregnant with a boy? - yes, very simple. For example, a potential mother at the age of 23 is most likely able to conceive a boy in the fall and winter months, and a girl in the spring. For a 22-year-old mother, the situation is just the opposite.

Planning the sex of your unborn baby according to the Chinese calendar is one of the easiest ways to use. The age at which you intend to become a mother is located horizontally, and the month for conceiving a child of the desired sex is located vertically. At the intersection of these two lines is the gender of the child.

This planning method was invented in ancient China, but curiously, it is still very relevant today (especially given the Chinese restrictions "one family - one child"). To this day, the patterns of this table of conception have not been deciphered, and perhaps they are completely absent, therefore, to trust it or not is a private matter for everyone. However, in most cases, the table determines the sex of the child with very high accuracy. In addition, the Chinese calendar of conception is very easy to check. For example, compare the date of your own conception by comparing the data of your relatives or friends.

Plan your baby's gender in Japanese
According to the antiquity of theories of conception, only the Japanese can compete with the Chinese. The land of the rising sun has its own, no less original method of how to get pregnant with a boy or how to get pregnant with a girl. In this case, it is necessary to correlate the months of birth of both parents with the month of the intended conception. For example, if the baby's mom and dad were born in November, then they will be able to conceive a girl in July, and a boy in November.

The Japanese method of conception consists of a table and a graph. To calculate the appropriate time, it is necessary to determine the figure from the table, which is at the intersection of the months of birth of a woman and a man. You need to find this figure in the chart, it will also tell you the right time for conception. It is necessary to find the figure in the top line horizontally and track the changes in the vertical scale corresponding to this figure. According to some reports, the reliability of the data of the Japanese calendar method is almost 80% coincidence. According to others, it does not give more than 55% of the determination accuracy.

Conception in British
British experts, conducting a number of studies on the effects on the sex of the unborn child, have revealed an interesting pattern. It turned out that a man can count on the birth of a son much more confidently if there are many men in his family tree.

After analyzing the family tree in more than 900 families (over 500,000 people), whose ancestors have lived since 1600, experts have come to a certain conclusion: the more male ancestors there are more representatives of the stronger sex, the higher the probability of having a boy in his family.

Scientifically, this is explained by the fact that in the sperm of these men there are much more Y-chromosomes responsible for the birth of a boy, the body produces them in greater quantities. The only pity is that the scientists failed to find out the reasons for this pattern. However, as well as to find, some slight dependence of the sex of the unborn child in women in accordance with their family tree, neither in relation to the number of men, nor in relation to the number of women in the family.

How to get pregnant with a boy or girl using the lunar phase method?
The chances of planning the sex of the child are also offered by the method of the lunar phases. According to this method, there is an individual cycle that most predisposes to conceiving a child with a specific sex characteristic. It is allegedly given from the very birth of the expectant mother and accompanies her entire reproductive age.

According to this theory, the probability of conception, in principle, is very high precisely during that period of time when the moon is in the same phase as at the birth of the woman herself. Of course, this phase should coincide with ovulation. To determine the phases of the moon, you need to know the hour of birth. Further calculations are based on the fact that every 2.5 days the Moon overcomes the path between the male and female zodiac signs. When the time of the greatest predisposition to conception coincides with the period when the Moon passes the female zodiac sign, you can conceive a girl. When there is a coincidence with the period, the finding of the Moon in a masculine sign - a boy.