Baby at 14 weeks. The appearance of the expectant mother. Nutrition for the expectant mother

Pregnancy is a special period in a woman's life. It is important to enjoy every moment and not miss anything. The 14th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy and this is 4 obstetric months. It lasts from 14 to 26 weeks. Today we will discuss in detail what happens to the female body and the baby during this period of time.

The 2nd trimester starts from the 14th week, respectively, the 12th week from conception and 10th from the moment of the delay of menstruation. This is a golden period, because the woman's body has already adapted, and the fetus is growing and moving actively, it is very comfortable and free in its mother's tummy.

14 weeks pregnant

14 weeks pregnant: what happens to the baby

The baby is actively developing. Fruit size: its growth is from 13 to 17 cm, and its weight is about 50 grams. The size of the baby's head at 14 weeks of gestation is 28 mm. At this time, you should visit a doctor to do an ultrasound. The doctor will pay attention to different parameters and use them to draw up a clear picture of the development of your baby: the length of the humerus and femur, the circumference of the tummy and head, the biparietal size of the head.

The 14th week of pregnancy is considered the beginning of a new important period in your life and the life of your baby. The spine is actively developing, the muscular system and bones are being formed. The kid learns to move his legs and arms, already somersaults and rolls over. Mom does not feel this, because the baby in the stomach is quite spacious.

Women who will give birth for the first time should expect the movement of the baby, somewhere around 20 weeks. But a multiparous woman will be lucky much earlier, by about 16 weeks.

The fetus goes through 2 periods at 14 weeks: rest and wakefulness. The movements of the baby are involuntary, because the nervous system is still imperfect, but by 16-17 weeks they will already become much more coordinated.

The child already has expressive facial features, he frowns, learns to smile, moves his jaw. He is already developing the muscles that are responsible for facial expressions. By the end of the 14th week, the baby will already be able to do a lot, for example, suck the fist and thumb, play with the umbilical cord and even frown.

14 weeks pregnant baby development

The risk decreases significantly with the start of the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. After all, the fetus is already well fixed in the uterine cavity and is almost formed. It is from this moment that all systems begin to function almost the same as in adults. Already begins, for example, the secretion of bile.

The face of the child is also formed:

  • eyes get closer
  • ears move to a permanent place,
  • the neck becomes longer.

The baby hears sounds well, sometimes responds to touches on the tummy. If dad or mom touches the stomach and starts talking affectionately with the baby, then he will immediately react, move and a smile will appear on his face. But, with too loud sounds, his heartbeat will increase.

At 14 weeks the baby can already avoid touching. For example, during the examination, the doctor will put a tube to the stomach to listen to the baby's heartbeat, and he can move deep into the tummy.

At week 14, the arms of the crumbs become a little longer, and the legs are still short. Joints appear on the limbs, cartilage turns into bones. Already at 14 weeks, hair appears on the baby's head, and the fluff that was present on the baby's skin will gradually change into thick hairs.

The formation of internal organs is completed. Now they will grow and develop.

Let's talk in more detail about the features of the formation of internal organs:

The baby well feels the mood of the mother, her feelings and worries. If the mother does not quit smoking, then the child becomes ill, less oxygen is supplied to him, due to which the heartbeat increases significantly.

14 weeks pregnant what happens to mom

A woman begins to realize that she is able to give life to a person. She may be in a euphoric state., walk a lot in the fresh air, dream, study methods of raising children and read a lot of books. Expectant mothers go shopping and buy baby things with pleasure.

4 months is a very favorable period of life for every pregnant woman. She feels well, almost nothing bothers her, her tummy is slightly rounded.

Jeans don't zip up anymore. Try to wear loose clothing during this period., do not buy special clothes for pregnant women, just choose loose-fitting shirts and trousers. If this is a second pregnancy, then the stomach will be rounded faster.

The doctor will advise the woman to wear a pregnancy bandage - this is a wide belt that will support the tummy well and relieve stress from the spine, because this is very important, especially if a woman spends a lot of time on her feet.

At 14 weeks the child begins to actively develop muscles Therefore, a pregnant woman should consume much more protein. Starting from 4 months, mothers note that they want to eat more during this period. Try to hold back. This is especially true at night. If you really want to eat before bed, then eat vegetables or fruits.

Areolas of nipples darken and they gradually increase. The 2nd trimester of pregnancy is the most favorable period in the life of a pregnant woman. Sexual activity is greatly increased, because the breasts have become more sensitive and enlarged, and the tummy does not interfere. During this period, a woman needs to talk more about changes and feelings to her partner, and communicate with the baby together. A child after birth is immediately able to recognize his parents by voice.

Belly at 14 weeks pregnant

The belly is just starting to grow, so it's time take care of your skin. Use products to prevent stretch marks. For this, ordinary baby soap is suitable. Lubricate the lateral surface of the abdomen with it.

Feelings at 14 weeks pregnant

The belly rises higher and grows. It becomes rounder but can still be hidden under clothing. Do not wear tight dresses, skirts and trousers.

If you lie on your mother's back, you can feel the uterus. A woman always wants to hear and feel the first movement of the child, but at this time the movements are not yet heard . Perhaps something is already felt, but it is not clear whether it is her child who is pushing or how the stomach works. You can feel the characteristic gurgling, because this, perhaps, the baby declares itself.

Discharge at 14 weeks

pregnant woman gaining weight because the volume of blood increases. Mom rejoices at the first changes, but it is necessary to moderate her appetite, because excess weight will not benefit the woman in labor.

Not enough vitamin A, this can affect the condition of nails, hair and skin. The gums may begin to bleed, which means that there is not enough vitamin C. You should eat more vegetables and fruits.

Expectant mother may be disturbed by insomnia and headaches. It is forbidden to take medicines without the permission of your doctor. Drink chamomile and mint tea at night. Sleep in a cool and ventilated room.

Vaginal discharge remains homogeneous, light and moderate. A slight sour smell may become noticeable, this is considered normal.

If the nature of the discharge has changed, for example, it has become cheesy, white, mucous and with pain, then this may indicate the appearance of some kind of infection. . Candidiasis - considered a frequent companion of pregnant women. It occurs due to hormonal changes and a decrease in the immunity of the expectant mother. Candida fungi appear in the genital tract and actively multiply, affecting the mucous membrane of the genital organs, which causes copious white discharge with burning and itching.

Candidiasis is not dangerous for the development of the baby, but it sets the stage for the development of other infections, which include sexually transmitted diseases.

If at this time a woman has a stomach ache, spotting appears, then you should immediately consult a doctor. Bleeding could mean termination of pregnancy. A woman has pain that looks like contractions. This means that the uterus contracts and pushes the baby out. It is urgent to consult a doctor in order to avoid termination of pregnancy, act carefully and quickly, but without sudden movements.

If blood from the vagina appeared after sex or examination by a gynecologist, without pain in the abdomen, then this is probably cervical erosion. Be surveyed in addition at any suspicions and concerns.

Mom's weight at 14 weeks pregnant

In the first couple of months of pregnancy, a woman's weight remains normal, but there are times when a pregnant woman loses kilograms due to severe toxicosis.

Starting 2nd trimester the woman slowly begins to gain weight. From 14 to 26 weeks, you need to gain about 3 kilograms in weight. You can calculate the increase individually online, use the calculator for pregnant women.

You must forget the expressions of our grandmothers, "eat for two." Do not try to eat double portions, because the nutrition of a pregnant woman should be balanced and correct. During pregnancy, a woman should remain desirable and attractive, control your weight.

Nutrition of the expectant mother at 14 weeks of pregnancy

A pregnant woman needs calcium during this period.. In order not to suffer teeth and bones, you should eat right. If the body needs calcium, then the child will still take it from the mother's body, and this is wrong.

For the normal development and formation of the fetus, a woman needs to consume the following products:

The nutrition of the future mother should be balanced and complete. Do not eat foods that cause allergies.

At the 14th week of pregnancy, the size of the fetus reaches 80-115 mm in length, it weighs about 25 g.

Photo from ultrasound Ultrasound At 14 weeks
phase change
how much water uzi

There are changes in all systems and organs of the baby.

  1. Significantly improved coordination of movement. Smoothness appears in them, a child at the 14th week of pregnancy can already feel his face, the umbilical cord. His head turns, his eyebrows frown, when he touches his stomach, the baby immediately “floats away”.
  2. The lungs begin to work hard, they can make from 40 to 70 movements per minute.
  3. Facial features appear - eyebrows and bridge of the nose, as well as cheeks.
  4. At 13 or 14 weeks of pregnancy, a fluff called lanugo appears on the skin of the fetus, which serves as protection for the baby, collecting a waxy secretion secreted by its skin. He will accompany the baby until birth, and maybe 1-2 weeks after birth or up to 26-30 weeks of pregnancy.
  5. The work of the thyroid gland is carried out more intensively. The ovaries in girls descend into the pelvis. In boys, the prostate is almost formed.
  6. The intestine can already perform a digestive and excretory function. The kidneys are also working properly. The excreted urine remains in the amniotic fluid.
  7. The liver begins to produce bile, the spleen produces red blood cells. All internal organs continue to develop.

The baby becomes much more comfortable, he or she begins to understand the taste of amniotic fluid, he has his own preferences. The child tastes sweet and spits out salty or bitter amniotic fluid. Also find out and.

Photo for memory

Should I go for an ultrasound?

An ultrasound at the 14th week of pregnancy will help measure the size of the fetus, as well as save a photo of the baby at this time. There is no need for an ultrasound, but if the mother did not undergo the first mandatory screening study at 12 or 13 weeks, then this period is still acceptable for such testing.

Perhaps this is the most interesting of all mandatory ultrasounds. An attentive doctor will not only analyze the condition of the uterus, placenta and amniotic fluid, but will also show the mother every hand and foot of the baby, or even count each finger. They may even offer a video of the fetus as it was at 14 weeks pregnant. An experienced doctor can name the intended gender of the baby. It will be very interesting to watch how the baby “floats” at this time, sucks his finger or makes faces.

A photo of the fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy can show how the baby reacts to heat or cold, to bright light or the voice of the mother - its location, facial expressions, and movement will change. He hears perfectly and with sharp sounds his heartbeat quickens. When the doctor touches the mother's belly, the baby seems to be "hiding", trying to move away a little, and some babies may knock with a leg or pen in response.

A pregnant woman needs special treatment, both at home and at work. The period of the beginning of the second trimester requires compliance with a number of recommendations, as it also has its own characteristics.

RecommendationsWhat do we have to do?
StomachYou need to be very careful with the already manifesting tummy. Especially if the expectant mother drives a car - pressure shocks can harm the baby. You need to purchase special seat belts for pregnant women.
ToiletSince the number of urination begins to increase, and the volume decreases, the mother should not endure, because the genitourinary system is now very vulnerable.
WorkIt's time to report your "interesting situation" at work by attaching a certificate from the antenatal clinic. Thus, there is a chance to avoid dismissal, and it also becomes possible to reduce the workload. For those who work all the time on their feet, it is better to start wearing a support bandage.
FoodVery often at the 14th week of pregnancy there is a constant feeling of hunger in the stomach. This is not at all scary, you just need to divide the food you eat into more meals (there can be from 5 to 8). The growing muscle mass of the baby may require more proteins from the mother, which she must introduce into her diet.
HomeworkIts intensity depends on the mood and well-being. There is no need to limit yourself if cooking or cleaning is fun.
RelaxationAs much time as possible should be spent in the fresh air, not only for mom, but also for the baby. Oxygen carries with the blood all the useful and necessary substances for the growth and development of the child.
TreatmentIn the season of colds, public places should be strictly avoided. You can’t self-medicate, even if you used to be saved by homeopathy and medicinal plants, now they should be taken only after consulting a doctor. Berry fruit drinks from cranberries, cranberries, blueberries help well.
MoodIt's time to start communicating with your baby. He is already able to recognize the voice of his mother and listen to the voices around him. During this period, communication between the father and the baby will be useful, then after the birth he will very quickly become “his own” for the child. Sharing your feelings, thoughts, impressions with dad is a good antidepressant for mom, and the future father will be able to get used to his future “position” more easily.

What's going on with mom?

Ultrasound procedure

What happens in the mother's body at 14 weeks of pregnancy? First, I want to pay attention to weight gain, which worries so many pregnant women. Normally, at this time, chubby women who have a body mass index of more than 26 (body mass index is determined by a special table that can be easily found on the Internet) before becoming pregnant should add no more than 1 kg.

While thin people with an index of up to 20 should “get better” by at least 2.6 kg. Deviations from these indicators are not a cause for concern, but only indicate that you need to consult a leading doctor about this.

  1. Increasing in size, the uterus gradually rises higher, more and more raising the rest of the internal organs.
  2. A dark stripe appears from the navel down. And stretch marks can appear on the abdomen itself.
  3. Many women develop varicose veins, which require the use of special creams and foot baths.
  4. New moles or papillomas may appear, which are not particularly dangerous, but you need to report them to the gynecologist.
  5. The center of gravity of the pregnant woman changes, and hence her gait.
  6. The body's needs for certain elements change, and therefore, for certain products. However, the mother should be aware of the existing risks - it is better, satisfying the night hunger, to eat only fresh vegetables and fruits.

Feelings of a future mother

The first thing a woman can notice at this time is that clothes and underwear have become much tighter. It's time to update your wardrobe with special clothes for women in this position.

The abdomen already begins to appear at the 14th week of pregnancy and becomes sensitive. In order to comfortably “carry” his mother, without knowing it, she begins to bend her lumbar back, take her shoulders back, and change her gait.

An unpleasant sensation during urination, characterized by pain or burning, very often occurs precisely at this time, such sensations can speak of a developing infection, so you need to see a doctor as soon as possible.

Most often, the sensations at the 14th week of pregnancy are much more pleasant. This period is called the beginning of the “golden time”: the body has already adapted, the toxicosis has passed, at the same time, the stomach is not yet large enough to cause great inconvenience while sleeping or walking. The expectant mother can feel a great surge of energy and strength.

Normal and anxiety discharges

Allocations at the 15th week of pregnancy may accompany a woman. The main thing is to understand how dangerous they can be. Absolutely safe can be considered unchanged light, uniform and moderate, which may have a slightly sour smell. Fear should be caused by changes in smell, consistency or color of the discharge.

The most common disease, characterized by the presence of flaky or cheesy discharge of white color with an unpleasant odor, is candidiasis. The cause is most often hormonal changes along with weakened local immunity. Of course, this disease is unlikely to harm the fetus, but it can serve as a favorable environment for the development of more serious infections, such as human papillomavirus infection or sexually transmitted infections.

The appearance of spotting discharges that are not accompanied by pain and appeared after sexual intercourse or a medical examination indicates the presence of cervical erosion, which, most likely, has already been detected during the examination, but still requires additional consultation with the doctor.

Belly already showing

If spotting is accompanied by pain, then this is evidence of serious abnormalities and you need to urgently seek the help of doctors.

Causes of abdominal pain

There are several causes of different etiologies that cause pain at 14 weeks of pregnancy:

  • tension of the tissues that hold the uterus, as a result of its growth - are characterized by pulling and aching pains, which are easy to eliminate by leaning forward and being like that for a while;
  • lower back pain, radiating to the stomach - occurs due to an increase in the load on the spine due to an increase in the body weight of the pregnant woman and a shift in the center of gravity;
  • hypertonicity of the uterus, characterized by a sharp cramping or incessant aching pain. This is a very dangerous symptom, as it speaks of the existing danger of a miscarriage. In addition, oxygen starvation can lead to a lag in the development of the baby, because he does not receive all the nutrients he needs;
  • pulling pain, accompanied by brown or brown discharge, may be the result of a disease such as cervical erosion;
  • sharp pain in the lower back, along with copious blood discharge, indicates an incipient miscarriage, and therefore urgently requires the intervention of professionals.

Whatever the pain, at 14 weeks or no matter how many months of pregnancy there are, in no case should it be drowned out with the help of painkillers. Firstly, many of these drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, and secondly, you still need to understand the causes of the pain that has appeared.

14 weeks pregnant is the beginning of the second trimester. The figure of a pregnant woman is changing more and more. The baby's internal organs are improving.

Mom's Feelings

At the 14th obstetric week ( term calculation methods), toxicosis stops in most women. Even if weak echoes persist, it is quite easy to overcome the manifestations of toxicosis (like -).

Food fads often persist. You can even remember that a year ago in some eatery you tried a very tasty salad and want to eat the same one. But in your position, it’s better not to go to cafes and eateries. Prepare a similar dish yourself - perhaps your family will like it.

Some odors can still cause dislike. But drowsiness with the right regimen of the day is no longer a concern. You are calm, but not at all inhibited. It's just that control over emotions is gradually returning.

External changes

With the beginning of the second trimester, the tummy is rounded, rises higher and becomes more and more noticeable. Thin mothers, lying on the couch and putting their hands on their stomachs, can feel a solid tubercle under their palms. This is the mother.

Photos of tummies:

The center of gravity of your body shifts quite a bit. The back slightly deviates back, so it balances the increase in mass in the abdomen, the lumbar deflection increases. Because of this, the gait hardly noticeably changes. So far, it does not look like that “duck” step, waddling, which will manifest itself in the later stages.

The chest has already grown noticeably, sometimes by size. Yellowish translucent droplets may be released from the nipples. The breast is trained in the production of colostrum, which after childbirth will become the first food for the baby. It is not necessary to express - this causes an increased outflow of fluid and uterine contractions.

Weight gain in the fourteenth week should be about 400 grams.

Changes can also be unpleasant:

  • gums become bleeding, this is especially noticeable when brushing your teeth;
  • there are problems with the teeth (sensitivity, brittleness);
  • when combing, the hair falls out more than before, the strands are dry, the ends are split;
  • excess weight appears.

You do not need such changes, so consult your doctors. Specialists will adjust your diet, prescribe vitamins, give advice on choosing shampoo and toothpaste.


During the day, you can be in different states. Some of them are the norm. Tell your doctor about anything that worries you. He will check, explain this or that phenomenon, give recommendations.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

  1. The load on the back is constantly increasing, which can cause pain. Most often they are weak and go away if you just change the position of the body.
  2. The head can hurt quite badly, sometimes with intolerance to bright lights and strong sounds.
  3. White or clear, odorless vaginal discharge indicates good health. If the mucus is yellow, smells bad, or clumps (like cottage cheese), get checked for bacterial infections. Some (for example, thrush) can occur in the body by itself due to a weakened immune system.
  4. Bloody, brown discharge in rare cases indicates cervical erosion. Such discharge, combined with severe, cramping pain in the abdomen and lower back, indicates the risk of fetal death. If this happens against the background of uterine contractions, a miscarriage will occur. When the dead fetus remains in the uterine cavity, doctors diagnose "missed pregnancy", and childbirth will have to be induced artificially.
  5. Sometimes quite a lot of new moles or warts appear on the body of pregnant women. If they do not grow and do not interfere, this is not a problem. Warts on the genitals or at the anus can be uncomfortable. How to safely remove such neoplasms, the doctor will tell you.
  6. The gynecologist during examination may detect excessive shortening of the cervix. He may recommend installing a special ring that will prevent the cervix from opening ahead of time.
  7. It is important to avoid anemia (anemia), as this often leads to circulatory disorders, placental insufficiency and fetal development problems.

Doctor's observations

With timely registration, no scheduled examinations at the fourteenth week are required. The doctor will give directions for tests or prescribe an ultrasound only if absolutely necessary. During an ultrasound examination of pregnant women, the question is often of interest - a boy or a girl? At a period of 14 weeks of pregnancy, it is still very difficult to determine the sex of the child.

Ultrasound photo:

Due to the general sensitivity of the gastrointestinal tract, pregnant women are more susceptible to food poisoning. Nausea and vomiting resemble toxicosis, but with intoxication diarrhea, abdominal pain appear, and the temperature may rise. Smekta or activated charcoal will help remove toxins.

Colds in pregnant women cannot be treated with the usual medicines like aspirin, so even with a slight runny nose, sore throat and relatively low temperature, call a doctor and take a sick leave to lie down and fully recover.

What happens to the baby

The organs and systems of the fetus are actively growing and improving. If the mother eats properly, walks and rests as much as necessary, the baby feels good, he is active and does not experience discomfort.

  • The tiny face frowns, grimaces, lips can stretch into a smile.
  • The head circumference of the fetus is approximately 26-28 mm.
  • The baby swims freely in the amniotic fluid, moves its limbs. Touching the walls of the fetal bladder with the legs, it can push off.
  • The chest rises and falls from time to time, as if breathing.
  • The skin of the baby is covered with a special lubricant that does not allow the fetus to literally get wet through.
  • The child's blood has not yet fully acquired a complete biochemical composition, but the Rh factor has already been determined.
  • The muscles of the neck have become a little stronger, the head no longer sinks onto the chest.
  • The child distinguishes sounds from the outside, although muffled.
  • If a mother is worried, afraid of something, or especially happy, the hormones that are produced in her blood also enter the child's blood. The heart of the fetus begins to beat faster.
  • Sweat glands are formed.
  • The process of hematopoiesis starts in the spinal cord.
  • The ossification of the skeleton continues.
  • The light fluff on the head coarsens a little to later form into hair.
  • The ears take on their final shape.

It is interesting. Sometimes you can find the opinion that the facial expression of the fetus reflects his emotions, and the baby's somersaults are a deliberate action. In fact, all fetal movements are reflex, unconscious. Motor coordination will continue to develop for many weeks and months after the birth of a child..

Photo of the fetus:

  1. The main nutritional need now is enhanced protein nutrition. The diet should be more lean meat, oily fish and legumes.
  2. If there is a problem with constipation, do not forget about prunes and dried apricots.
  3. In case of sudden hunger or thirst, always carry a small "emergency supply" with you.
  4. Try not to eat canned foods, smoked meats, fatty foods.
  5. Everything you can, cook for a couple. In second place are baked dishes, in third - boiled. Avoid fried foods.
  6. Alcohol and nicotine are prohibited under any circumstances, even at the wedding of a beloved friend.
  7. No more wearing heels, high wedges and platform shoes.
  8. Every day, do gymnastics for pregnant women, if possible, go to yoga, special fitness or swimming pool.
  9. There is time and desire - go to courses for parents (together with the father of the child).
  10. On public transport, do not hesitate to say that you are pregnant and ask to give you a seat.
  11. If you are an “automum”, let the car have a small pillow under the lower back. You need to sit straight behind the wheel without moving your knees. Every time check how comfortable you are fastened. You can purchase special seat belts for pregnant women. Never direct the air flow in your direction and do not make drafts in the cabin.
  12. Read books about motherhood, newborn care, and parenting.
  13. Sexual life is not prohibited if there are no restrictions for health reasons, and your well-being allows or even requires it.

It is important. Do not take recommendations as a burden, a restriction on your freedom. Pregnancy should bring joy. You can always give yourself a little relief and eat a slice of smoked sausage, skip morning exercises and watch your favorite movie, even if it makes you worry and cry. The main thing is that the general background of your life is favorable and healthy..

Involvement of the child's father

Men relate to their upcoming fatherhood in different ways. Some are busy with work and are only casually interested in the health and condition of the expectant mother. Others get irritated by "pregnant" whims. There are very caring, attentive fathers, and this is the best option. It is worse when care turns into a commanding tone and all sorts of prohibitions.

Even if the pregnancy was planned and long-awaited, the baby's father may not be 100% prepared for everything that happens over the many months that follow. Harmony and mutual understanding in the family will certainly help future parents survive possible stresses and problems. If they noticeably worsen, deteriorate, a joint consultation with a psychologist will not hurt.

The 14th week of pregnancy in general is the beginning of the calmest period of pregnancy. The problems of the first trimester are left behind, the happiness of imminent motherhood is fully felt. telegram channel

This is the end of the most difficult time for the expectant mother. Many women at 14 weeks of pregnancy have a real flowering - they look good and feel great.

The load on the spine continues to increase, so the expectant mother feels a slight pain in the back.

The blood in the body circulates and its volume increases, which leads to weight gain. If the expectant mother is pregnant again, she can feel the cherished sensations in her stomach - already at the 14th week of pregnancy, the baby begins to move.


Above the pubic joint, the expectant mother has a slight roundness and you can feel how much the uterus has grown. The belly is already there at the 14th week of pregnancy, although it is small. In thin women, pregnancy may still be completely invisible.


The fetus at the 14th week of pregnancy continues to grow and develop with the help of the placenta - it completely provides the baby with oxygen and nutrients.

The baby takes on the features of a newborn. He has a nose bridge, cheeks are formed. A baby at 14 weeks pregnant looks very thin, but this is normal. Now there is no need to accumulate adipose tissue. Currently, everything is focused on the development of internal organs, and the baby will still have time to gain weight.

The skin of the child remains transparent. It is covered with grease and soft fluff. The crumbs have well-developed facial expressions, there are eyebrows and cilia.

So far, the baby does not see and does not hear, but only feels. When mom eats sweet food, the baby likes it, and he swallows amniotic fluid more intensively. The 14th week of pregnancy is the time of the baby's first unconscious smile.

Now the voice-forming apparatus is being formed: it will be completely ready for work after birth. Gradually, the bones of the child become stronger, the muscles improve. The baby is increasingly in control of his movements, he moves quickly, so the mother may experience weak sensations in the abdomen at the 14th week of pregnancy.

The intestines gradually twist into loops, the process of digestion begins. At the end of this week, the external genitalia will begin to develop, and it will be possible to determine the sex of the child on an ultrasound.

If the baby is irritated, then he will certainly clench his fingers into a fist, this is how his nervous system works. When the 14th week comes to an end, the crumbs' hands will reach the correct proportionality in relation to the body. The size of the fetus at 14 weeks of gestation is 12-13 cm.


At a period of 14 obstetric weeks, the woman's breasts have already increased, and the body is gradually preparing for the birth of the baby.

Now there may be changes in appearance, if this has not happened before: an increase in the nose and lips, loss of clarity of facial features. This is due to an increase in the level of growth hormone in the body of the expectant mother. Now her cheeks have a blush characteristic of pregnant women, sweating intensifies.

Feelings of nasal congestion at the 14th week of pregnancy are due to the action of progesterone.

In general, the week proceeds more favorably than the previous time of pregnancy. The expectant mother may sometimes experience pulling pains in the abdomen at the 14th week of pregnancy, which quickly pass. However, if they cause concern, you should consult a gynecologist as soon as possible.


Allocations at the 14th week of pregnancy are normally insignificant, have a sour smell. Their color is white, yellowish or transparent.


During this period, the baby is actively growing, respectively, the uterus and abdomen increase. The uterus at the 14th week of pregnancy begins to rise, approaching the navel. Its upper edge rises 10-13 cm above the level of the pubis. At a scheduled appointment with a gynecologist, the doctor can feel the uterus through the anterior abdominal wall.


If a woman notices spotting, you need to urgently go to the hospital. Bleeding at this time is a harbinger of miscarriage. There are also cramping pains, the uterus contracts, pushing the fetus out.


14 weeks of pregnancy is the second trimester. The term is not small, so you need to listen to your body. Elevated body temperature can indicate a variety of infectious and viral diseases. Most often these are diseases of the respiratory tract and organs of the genitourinary system. In any case, medical care is indispensable, only a doctor can prescribe a safe treatment.

With improper therapy, high fever at the 14th week of pregnancy can lead to placental insufficiency, and infections can lead to intrauterine infection of the fetus.

Now the dangerous period is over, but this is not a reason to relax. The expectant mother should remember that she is responsible for her baby. So she still has to follow some guidelines.

Nutrition at 14 weeks pregnant

At week 14, the bone apparatus is formed in the crumbs, which means that the expectant mother needs a large number of trace elements, in particular calcium. If the mother does not consume foods with its content, then the baby will still receive calcium, but already from the mother's teeth and bones. Accordingly, this will lead to health problems for women.

Therefore, the expectant mother needs to eat cottage cheese, dairy products, fish. The diet should include eggs and meat (veal, poultry). It is important to eat nuts and dried fruits. The menu requires fresh vegetables and fruits, which the expectant mother should eat in large quantities.

Alcohol and other harmful products

You still need to forget about coffee, sweets, flour products and alcohol at the 14th week of pregnancy. So, chocolate can be replaced with nuts or dried fruits, and coffee and spirits can be replaced with juice or cranberry juice.


Many expectant mothers experience bleeding gums at 14 weeks of gestation. It is due to the lack of ascorbic acid in the body.

If a woman has problems with her skin, hair or nails, then she needs vitamin A. At the end of this week, the expectant mother will finish taking folic acid and start drinking a vitamin complex, if the obstetrician-gynecologist considers it appropriate. Today, many experts are trying to stop taking vitamins for a longer period and advise eating more healthy foods.


Now many women are talking about improving their intimate life. In most cases, at this time it is not contraindicated.

An obstetrician-gynecologist will determine how possible sexual intercourse is for a future mother. If you are carrying twins or are in danger of miscarriage, your doctor will likely recommend that you stop having sex at 14 weeks pregnant.

The expectant mother, like no other, feels her baby. Therefore, it is easier for her to understand when to abstain. In any case, intimate life should be calm and not involve dangerous positions.

Physical activity

At 14 obstetric weeks, a woman should continue sports exercises. In the absence of contraindications, swimming and regular walking are useful for the expectant mother.

We should not forget about the special gymnastics recommended at this time. However, overwork should not be allowed. If you experience weakness during exercise, you should lie down and rest.

Medicines and medical procedures

It is still not recommended to use medicines for a future mother. If a woman is concerned about some problem, you need to get expert advice.

You can replace medicines with herbal decoctions, if such treatment is supported by a doctor.

Possible problems

At this time, a woman may have a headache. Some expectant mothers still feel sick at the 14th week of pregnancy, they continue to have toxicosis.

You need to be wary even if toxicosis suddenly disappeared at the 14th week of pregnancy, the chest stopped hurting, there are no sensations in the abdomen in those women who have already begun to feel movements.

Greenish or curdled discharge should be alerted at the 14th week of pregnancy. When bleeding, you need to urgently call an ambulance. A woman should not allow sudden weight gain, as it can provoke a miscarriage.

All these symptoms in combination may indicate that a frozen pregnancy has occurred at 14 weeks. If you suspect a pathology, you need to show the doctor and undergo an ultrasound.


Any illness should be accompanied by a consultation with a doctor. So, a cold at the 14th week of pregnancy is dangerous for the development of the baby, and only a specialist can prescribe the right treatment.


Severe pulling pains at the 14th week of pregnancy in the side or in the abdomen should be a reason to consult a gynecologist - these are symptoms of a threatened miscarriage. In the presence of bloody or brown discharge, accompanied by discomfort, you should also immediately consult a doctor.

Tests and screening at 14 weeks pregnant

At 14 weeks, the expectant mother should already be registered in the antenatal clinic. If this has not happened yet, you should visit a gynecologist as soon as possible. He will prescribe an examination and direct you to all the necessary tests.

If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, it is not necessary to take tests at the 14th week of pregnancy. The doctor will send the expectant mother to the laboratory only if she did not donate blood and urine last week.

The norm of hCG at this time is approximately 6140-10300 mU / ml. Observation in dynamics is obligatory. The level of prolactin during the period of gestation is in the range of 34-386 ng / ml. The norm of progesterone at this time is 30.2–40 ng / ml.


Ultrasound at 14 weeks of gestation is also not in the plan. However, an ultrasound examination may be prescribed according to individual indications.

Features of IVF pregnancy

At 14 weeks, the threat of abortion is not as acute as in the previous periods. The mother-to-be will now be observed less closely, but she is still advised to take precautions.

Otherwise, the course of IVF pregnancy at this time is the same as during normal gestation.

Multiple pregnancy

When carrying twins with the growth of the uterus, the expectant mother experiences a double burden. The rest of her pregnancy is normal.

Now babies develop and grow in the same way as children with normal gestation. The 14th week of pregnancy on an ultrasound may show the size of one fetus slightly different in size than the other. Usually mothers are frightened by this news and in vain. Even if one baby does not "catch up" with the other before childbirth, it will catch up after the birth.

Video of the fourteenth week of pregnancy

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The 14th week of pregnancy is one of the most important and favorable stages of the 9-month journey to the appearance of a baby in your life. At this time, your little secret, dear to your heart, is already beginning to be guessed. The expectant mother has a neat, but already noticeable belly. The mother's health is good, and the baby already requires communication with her, succumbing to the influence of a good mood.

What is happening with the baby?

The 14th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the so-called second trimester. This time is considered a turning point in pregnancy. From this point on, you can be less and less afraid for the occurrence of pathologies in the child. The development of the fetus continues, its length is already about 9 cm, and its weight is about 35 g. From the 14th week, the child can already frown and grimace, begins to suck his finger and distinguish the taste of what his mother eats. The child's kidneys begin to produce urine, and the child develops eyebrows and eyelashes.

At the same time, the child's voice apparatus is being formed, which will allow the mother to hear the first joyful cry of a new little man. At the end of the 14th week, the child's genitals begin to form, but they are still a cross between the genitals of girls and boys, so it is almost impossible to determine the sex. Under the protective lubricant that covers the child's body, a light fluff is formed, which is called laguno, and the child's skin becomes sensitive. Now, if the fetus touches the abdomen, it can push off. True, the fluctuations are very slight, although many expectant mothers begin to feel how their baby begins to move and even “be mischievous”.

The 14th week of pregnancy is the time when the fetus becomes outwardly similar to a person, or rather, to a very tiny little man.

The child shows the features of his parents. The child will be similar to the one whose gene will dominate. The bones of a small skeleton continue to grow in him, the first ribs appear, and the head stops falling on the chest, because the muscles of the neck have already developed. He begins to move his diaphragm in such a way that it resembles the first breaths. Thus, the child begins to prepare for his birth.

What changes occur in the expectant mother?

I'll start with the good news: on the 14th week, you can forget about toxicosis! But at this time, the appearance of headaches and back pain is possible. Why does the back start to hurt? It's no secret that many women love to walk in heels, and if this is permissible in the first weeks of pregnancy, then at 14 weeks it is no longer. Another cause of headaches may be the additional weight gradually gained by a pregnant woman, which shifts the center of gravity. Headaches can be similar to migraine attacks. To prevent them, you need only good rest and food, a calm environment. You can not take painkillers, so as not to harm the baby.

The 14th week is the moment when the pains in the mother's tummy begin. What is the cause? This stretches the ligaments that hold the uterus. Sometimes there are bouts of aching pain - a sign of uterine hypertonicity. It is very bad if abdominal pain appears simultaneously with lower back pain, bleeding discharge from the vagina. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor, as there is a possibility of miscarriage or death of the fetus. But you are not in danger!

Mom's sensations and the appearance of the abdomen at the 14th week

As mentioned above, week 14 is the end of the toxicosis that has tormented you for so long. At this calm time, the young mother's mood improves and her baby is no longer threatened. True, at this time certain difficulties may arise due to a lack of nutrients to the body. Therefore, proper nutrition and constant replenishment of the supply of nutrients and vitamins for your body is necessary. After all, there are already two of you, so care for yourself and the baby should double.

Now let's move on to mom's belly. Week 14 is the time when mom's belly is already quite rounded. The tummy, although small, is noticeable, so mom can begin to admire it. Perhaps the appearance of a dark strip leading from the navel down and dividing the mother's stomach into two parts. There is no reason for concern here - this is a temporary phenomenon, indicating that a lot of melanin has accumulated in the skin.

We all know that during pregnancy, the baby grows every day, therefore, the uterus grows with it. That is why the belly grows. The upper edge of the uterus rises above the pubis, so it can be felt, for which a woman just needs to put her palm on her stomach. If the pregnancy proceeds normally, then discharges continue to appear in the vagina, which were her companions before. As a rule, they are light in color and have a sour smell. If pus and discharge appear in them, they are accompanied by burning or slight itching, it's time to sound the alarm - this is an infection.

The main risks at 14 weeks pregnant

14 weeks is the time when a pregnant woman may develop diseases such as thrush and vulvitis. These diseases must be urgently treated so as not to infect the baby. It was previously noted that when pain and discharge with blood occur, there is a risk of premature termination of pregnancy. Blood can also appear without pain, for example, after sex - this is a sign of cervical erosion.

The appearance of bleeding at the fourteenth week is an alarming sign of a possible termination of pregnancy, the main symptom of which is cramping pains occurring in the uterus - pushing the fetus out by the uterus. In this case, immediate medical attention is needed. Even a slight discharge with blood is a reason to see a doctor, because it can prevent miscarriage and save your baby's life.

Any disease during pregnancy can harm the baby. Diseases accompanied by high fever can be very dangerous. A pregnant woman who has a cold needs strict bed rest and rest, it is also advisable to refuse medications, as they can adversely affect the baby. And no self-treatment! We always remember that we can harm the baby.

Nutrition and lifestyle

I think no one needs to explain how important proper nutrition is during these 9 months. Food should be healthy first and foremost. You should also avoid foods that cause allergic reactions. It is best to eat boiled, stewed dishes. It is advisable to give up fried and smoked. It is worth eating dietary meat, and refuse fatty meat. Fish will be very useful, as it contains a lot of phosphorus. It is never harmful to consume dairy products, as well as fruits and vegetables. In general, wholesome and healthy food is what you need for 9 months.

It has already been noted that the 14th week is the period of disappearance of toxicosis, drowsiness, and with them the mother’s bad mood. Therefore, making love is not only not harmful, but also useful, as it increases the overall emotional background. If there are no contraindications, then sex is not forbidden, but a man needs to be extremely gentle and sensual so as not to harm the expectant mother and baby. At this stage of pregnancy, it is useful to play sports: gymnastics, swimming pool and yoga will help you stay in good shape and will give positive emotions.

Week 14 is the next step in the 36 week ladder. Despite various difficulties in the form of toxicosis, pain, bad mood, your reward will be the birth of a small miracle, your baby, the fruit of your love with your husband. I am sure that your baby will be born healthy and strong, will become a good person, because his mother, as a wise woman, from the very moment he appeared in her tummy, read a huge pile of useful literature on how to do everything right. Each of you will have the best baby, the best because he is yours and only yours. Be sure to take a belly photo this week of pregnancy to remember the wonderful period of your life.