Make spiral chemistry. How to make chemistry for short hair at home yourself. And now for the positive aspects

The impetus for the decision to change your image can be anything - spring, new love or an upcoming holiday. In addition, the range of services in beauty salons is now so rich that you can change your image almost every day. For example, transform your straight hair into a shock of thick and trendy curls using a perm.

In our country, a wave of craze for "chemistry" came in the eighties. However, there are still many women who, with the help of chemistry and the skill of a hairdresser, want to acquire lush curls for a long time. The spiral curling will add volume to the hair and make the look more impressive.

How does spiral perm work?

Spiral wave belongs to the category of vertical perm. In order to get beautiful curls, hairdressers use spiral curlers, boomerang needles, papillots. Choose an accessory based on the required size of the curls. After all, spiral chemistry allows you to get both large curls and small African curls. The splendor of the curls can also be varied as desired.

Someone manages to create curls at home, but it is better to turn to a professional after all, because this is a very tedious, albeit simple procedure, requiring both rich experience and a professional set of tools. In salons, a large number of bobbins are used, on which thin strands of hair are wound - up to a centimeter thick. This procedure should be performed on long hair, although it sometimes looks impressive on short hair.

There are many types of spiral "chemistry" - broken curl, zigzag, local ... It is quite easy to choose the one suitable for your type of face with such a variety.

Features of spiral curling

Many girls choose spiral chemistry because it allows you to create a chic curled mane, in which all strands are separated, even on short and thin hair. Luxurious volume is achieved by curls that curl along the entire length of the hair. At the same time, such a gorgeous hairstyle is preserved for a long time.

How to properly care for curls after spiral curling?

To avoid the danger of loosening the curls, you will have to wait with shampooing after the salon - at least 48 hours. This time will be enough for the hair to finally take its shape and keep it for several months.

To care for your hair, you will have to attend to the purchase of moisturizers. Treat your hair with an emollient conditioner and a moisturizing shampoo. Still, such a perm greatly dries the hair, so you have to take care of its protection and do not use products that dry it out, for example, alcohol, for hair care.

Drying the head should also be gentle, it is best to let the hair dry on its own. If this is not feasible, and the curls urgently need to be dried with a hairdryer, then stylists recommend drying your hair with a hairdryer with a special diffuser nozzle at a low temperature.

You can only comb curled hair with a comb with sparse teeth.

In order not to damage the curls, it is necessary to go to bed only with absolutely dry hair.

Before heading to a beauty salon for a new hairstyle, you should definitely think about all the pros and cons. Perm should not be done during illness, menstruation, pregnancy, or while breastfeeding. Also, some antibiotics and hormonal drugs can become an obstacle to chic, thick, wavy and fashionable hairstyles.

As you know, girls with straight hair dream of beautiful curls. But the constant use of curlers is extremely tedious. To facilitate daily styling, modern beauties use a spiral perm. In our article, we want to talk about the features of this process, as well as the advantages and disadvantages.

What is Spiral Chemistry?

Spiral perm of hair appeared in the vastness of our country in the eighties of the last century, when echoes of Western fashion began to make their way to us. At that time, lush curls and bouffants were very popular. It was possible to achieve such splendor of the hair only with the help of spiral chemistry. The cost of curling in those days was quite high. Therefore, this type of chemistry was made only by private masters. The fashion for bouffants has gradually passed, but curls always remain relevant.

Spiral perm is one of the varieties of vertical chemistry. It is carried out using spiral curlers or boomerangs, depending on what kind of curls you want to get. Curls can be large or small.

The cost of the procedure

It is recommended to do a spiral perm in the salon with a good master. The cost of the procedure is 1200-15000 rubles. The price depends on the length of the hair, the type of composition and the care cosmetics. If you do a perm at home, then its cost will be much lower, since you do not have to pay for the work of the master himself. The cost of curling kits ranges from 400-1500 rubles.

If you have never done chemistry, then it is very difficult to do it yourself for the first time, since there is a high probability of ruining your hair. It is better to do the first perm in the salon with a good master in order to see how the whole process goes. For a home procedure, you will need the help of a friend, since it is not easy to cope with the occipital strands on your own.


Immediately before the spiral perm procedure, you need to visit a qualified master in the salon, who will give you a consultation and tell you if you should do it. The fact is that there are contraindications for chemistry:

  1. Severely split and brittle hair.
  2. Disease of the scalp.
  3. Recent staining of curls.
  4. Breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  5. Individual intolerance.

Benefits of the procedure

Spiral perm (photo is shown in the article) has a number of advantages. It allows you to transform thin long hair into a luxurious mane. With spiral chemistry, curls are permanently distributed into individual strands. While with horizontal curling, after two months, the curls remain only at the ends.

Spiral chemistry looks equally good on hair of any length. It has an amazing effect on both short and long hair. So, for example, the usual horizontal chemistry is effective only on short hairstyles. But the spiral curls can be adapted to all haircuts.

After the roots grow back, you do not need to cut the hair, since the curls remain at the ends. And the curling must be repeated only at the roots. This is very convenient, since there is no need to re-apply the chemical composition to all strands.

Curling features

Performing a spiral perm differs from other types of chemistry by the winding technique: the hair on the head is divided into square zones, after which the curls are wound on spiral bobbins, which are placed perpendicular to the head.

There are two ways to wind the strands:

Varieties of curlers

The choice of a curler for a spiral perm depends on the size of curls you want to get:

  1. Spiral or tapered.
  2. Boomerangs.
  3. Classic bobbins.

Experts say that the best effect can be obtained when using bobbins designed for spiral chemistry. They are longer than classic curlers. Modern curlers are equipped with spiral grooves, in which it is very convenient to lay strands.

Preparations for the procedure

The technology for performing a spiral chemical wave involves the use of special products. When choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to pH. The higher this indicator, the more lasting the effect you will get. But at the same time, the effect on the hair will be more aggressive.

All funds can be divided into the following types:

  1. An acidic permanent has the strongest and most long-lasting effect. However, it is currently not used because the chemicals cause serious damage to the curls.
  2. An alkaline permanent is a classic perm. True, the substance has a strong ammoniacal odor.
  3. An acid-balanced permanent is the most gentle method and is suitable even for weakened hair. Due to the delicate effect of the substance, the curls do not last long.

Gel preparations have a thick consistency, therefore they are very convenient to use. They are easy to apply and at the same time do not spread at all. Foamy substances are used only to create large curls. They are the most harmless.

Curling products are sold in the form of kits, which already have everything you need for the procedure. However, you can purchase the product and fixer separately. Professionals still recommend using kits, since substances from one manufacturer interact better with each other.

Hair length

The spiral perm technology allows you to use it for hairstyles of any thickness and length. But there are recommendations for different curls. So, for example, curls of any shape and diameter look good on long hair. The longer the hairstyle, the more drug will be needed to process it.

Spiral perm on medium hair also looks very good and allows you to create curls of any diameter. But on short hair, small and medium curlers are used, since large ones are too noticeable.

Perms visually shorten the hairstyle significantly. Depending on the type of curl, the hairstyle may become 2-5 centimeters shorter. Not only does curly hair look different, but it also fits differently than straight hair. If you are planning a haircut before curling, then this point should be taken into account.

Curling procedure

For a spiral hair perm (photo can be seen in the article), you will need the following tools:

  1. Retainer.
  2. Chemical preparation.
  3. Ceramic container.
  4. Comb with sparse teeth.
  5. A brush or sponge for applying the substance.
  6. Bathing daddy.
  7. Bobbins.
  8. Spray bottle.

It is very important to remember that metal objects cannot be used for the procedure. They react with chemicals that can cause hair dye.

The sequence of actions during the procedure:

  1. Preparation of the drug.
  2. Checking the skin for chemical tolerance.
  3. Hair must be washed with shampoo before the procedure. But do not wash the skin thoroughly. In the future, fatty residues will protect the head from the effects of chemicals. Do not use shampoos with oils and silicones, as well as alcohol-containing substances.
  4. The hair does not dry out, but is left damp and combed.
  5. Before working with hair, you must close your shoulders and neck.
  6. On the skin of the face and neck, you can apply petroleum jelly or any cream to protect against the drug.
  7. The hair must be lifted and secured in such a way that it is convenient to divide it into thin strands.
  8. They begin to wind the curls from the back of the head, moving upward. It is necessary to take strands that fit comfortably on the bobbin, since the solution must completely saturate the curls.
  9. Each strand is covered with a composition, and then wound on curlers. The composition is applied to damp hair, therefore, as it dries, it is necessary to moisturize it.
  10. After all the curls are wound on the bobbins, they are impregnated with the rest of the chemical once again.
  11. From above, the hair is wrapped in cellophane or a special hat is put on.
  12. After a certain time specified in the instructions, the head is washed without removing the curlers.
  13. Apply the fixative, abundantly soaking the strands.
  14. Withstand the solution for a certain time, after which the bobbins are removed.
  15. The head is thoroughly washed without the use of shampoo. Balms cannot be used either.
  16. Clean hair can be lightly blotted with a towel, after which the curls should dry on their own.

During the first days after the procedure, the strands should not be pinned, braided or physically affected. This can lead to deformation of the curls.

Duration of effect

The duration of the curling effect can be observed from 3 to 8 months. Much depends on:

  1. Varieties of composition.
  2. The duration of the effect of the drug on the hair.
  3. From the structure of the hair: on thick and hard curls, the curling lasts much less than on thin strands.

Curl care

No matter how gentle the perm is, aggressive ingredients are used during the procedure, therefore, in the future, the curls require careful care:

  1. Do not use hair dryers for drying, as this leads to even greater dryness of the curls.
  2. It is necessary to regularly apply cosmetics for brittle and dry hair.
  3. It is not recommended to dry your curls with a towel or go to bed with a wet head.
  4. In the first two to three weeks, you should not dye your hair. To give a certain shade, only tonics are allowed.

Very often, each subsequent perm gives less and less effect. This is because the keratin in the curls is converted to beta-keratin, which is completely immune to drugs. To get an excellent effect, you must wait until the curls grow back.

There is a prejudice that hair after chemistry does not need styling. But this is absolutely not the case. Without proper care, curls can turn into a tangled cloud. In order for your hair to look beautiful, you need mousses and wet products. You can create beautiful curls with a hair dryer with a diffuser.

The Truth About Perms

Curling allows you to get beautiful curls that have a natural look for a long time. After the procedure, a decrease in the fat content of the hair is observed due to the influence of chemicals.

But at the same time, the drugs have an effect on the hair. In addition, you cannot return to straight hairstyles for a while. Therefore, before the procedure, you should think carefully how much you want to get curls.

Perming has its pros and cons. Women are alarmed by the prospect of ruining their hair. However, modern drugs are not as aggressive as they used to be. Yes, and a large number of caring products allows you to cope with dryness.

545 03/08/2019 5 minutes

Not everyone can have curly hair by nature. But today you can create them in a variety of ways. If you need a short-term effect, then you should use curlers, a curling iron, an iron. And in order for your hairstyle to please you for a long time, you will have to turn to such a procedure as a perm. It has several versions, as a result of which you can learn a completely different effect on medium hair.

Types and cost

Perm can differ in the type of chemical used and the method of curling the hair. But every year this procedure is being improved, thanks to which it is possible to obtain safer drugs and original bobbins.


By choosing this method of curling, you can give your hair a luxurious look and thickness. The root version is used by those girls who have weakened or regrown hair after the previous curling. It is also worth choosing this type of chemistry to create a hairstyle with a root volume of hair.

The master will curl only the root part of the curls. The cost of the procedure is 3000-6000 rubles.


This method of creating curls is considered the oldest. By using vertical bobbins, subtle curls can be created. This type of chemistry should be used by girls with thin hair, as on thick mono to get the effect of a lamb. The cost of the procedure is 4050 rubles.


For its implementation, special bobbins in the form of spirals are used. The technology is used to wind the hair. First, the strands are twisted into a tourniquet, and then wound around the bobbin in a spiral. The hairstyle looks very impressive and stylish. The cost of the procedure is 4000-5500 rubles.


This perm involves the use of a special lipid-protein complex. Japanese perm is a great option for girls with damaged hair. The effect is distinguished by its durability, because the existing complex gives the hair a natural shine and elasticity.

The scalp is protected from contact with chemical reagents, so you can use the Japanese perm for any type of hair. Its cost in the salon is 6000-8000 rubles.

But what is light chemistry for medium hair, it will help to understand the video from this


With the help of this type of chemistry, it is possible to get elastic and small curls, but at the same time to avoid unnecessary fluffiness. The resulting effect will look luxurious and well-groomed. For this, the master uses gel, foam with the effect of wet hair in his work. The duration of socks perm will be 3 months. The cost of the procedure is 1800 rubles.


This procedure is to the safest. With its help, you can perform a root volume. The term of wearing chemistry will be 8 weeks. Carving is performed only in salons by highly qualified specialists. The cost of the procedure will be 2500-3000 rubles.


Today, large curls are in great demand among women. The stiffness of the curl is easily controlled by tracking the time the chemical is exposed to the hair. To do this, it is necessary to shorten the exposure time.

To make your hair elastic, you need to use special hair care products. They should smooth out the damage.

Haircuts for medium hair with chemistry

For medium-length hair, after chemistry, you can create a bob haircut by combining it with bangs. With this hairstyle, it became possible to get a feminine look. The bangs can be oblique, as it will blend perfectly with a face that has an elongated shape. Straight bangs will also look great. For curly hair of medium length, you can try an extra bob.

Stylists actively use a bob haircut with elongated strands on one side. On its basis, you can get a fashionable and beautiful hairstyle. Medium curly hair will look great with layered haircuts. They will be able to favorably highlight the natural shape of curls, and also perfectly lend themselves to styling. As for the bangs, it may or may not be. It all depends on the shape of the face, as well as the image of its owner.

On video chemistry for medium hair:

Hairstyles for medium hair with chemistry

There are many options for hairstyles that will complement the look. To demonstrate to others all your advantages and eliminate the flaw, you need to make a hairstyle in which the upper part of the hair will have volume, and large curls along the entire length. For decorating the styling, an artificial color is suitable.

The previous option should be used by ladies who are going to a party or date. To complete the everyday option, it is worth washing your hair, taking foam and giving the curls the correct shape and volume. This hairstyle is more retro style.

To create a brighter look, it is worth making a hairstyle based on a bob haircut. In combination with curly hair, styling can be an excellent addition to a business or festive outfit.

But voluminous braids are great for walking in the park. For every day, you can use a high ponytail or bun hairstyle. Since the hair is curly, the hairstyle will look voluminous and more impressive. If a girl does not want to hide her beautiful curls under a bun or a tail, but at the same time requires a comfortable one, it is worth using a hoop.

Do not decorate your hair too brightly. Sometimes it is necessary to add one accessory to turn the usual styling into a festive one.

On video haircuts for medium hair with chemistry:

To decorate stylish curls, you can use a bezel, a hairpin, and they can be made in any unusual shape. Since the curls are not particularly obedient, like straight hair, they can be stabbed with invisibility, and decorated with hairpins from above.

How it looks and how it is done can be seen in the video in this article.

For those who want to see how wedding hairstyles look like curls for long hair, you should follow the link and see the content of this

It will also be interesting to know which and which one to choose better, the information from the article will help to understand.

It will also be interesting to know what a wedding hairstyle Hollywood curls looks like. To do this, you should follow the link and see the photo.

Should I do it on bleached hair

Experts do not recommend perming on bleached strands. This will cause severe damage to the hair. As a result, they will fall out strongly, the tips will be overdried, and the hair itself will look like a “washcloth”. If the girl nevertheless decided on such a procedure, then she must take careful care of the curls in order to restore their structure and eliminate the damage received during chemistry.

Perming is the perfect way to create stylish and cute curls. Thanks to various types of bobbins and chemicals, you can get a variety of curls in shape and at the same time cause them minimal harm. It should be understood that using a gentle curling method, the resulting effect will delight you no more than 2 months.

Permed hair is an ideal way to radically change your appearance and give your hair unimaginable volume.

Preparing for the procedure

To make your hair curl safe, prepare your strands for the upcoming procedure. The preparation consists of six important steps.

Stage 1. Assessment of the hair structure (elasticity, strength, type, density). It is carried out in order to choose the type of curling.

  • For thick hair, you will need the strongest fixing agent, since it is very difficult to curl them;
  • Thin rare strands curl easily - you need to choose a weaker preparation for them;
  • Hair with low elasticity can stretch too far and fail to return to its original appearance. Chemistry is contraindicated for them;
  • Too dry hair should also not be twisted - it will tear and break.

Stage 2. Analysis of the scalp. For wounds, injuries and diseases associated with the scalp, it is better to forget about perming.

Stage 3. Test for sensitivity. To carry it out, soak a cotton sponge with a curling compound and lubricate the area behind the ear with it. Wait 10 minutes. If there is no redness, rashes, irritation, go to the curling. If you have problems, quickly rub your skin with hydrogen peroxide. "Chemistry" is contraindicated for you.

Step 4. Checking the hair for the retainer. This is necessary in order to determine the dose and concentration of the drug. Take a small strand, moisten it with the preparation and leave it on for 5 minutes. Check hair for break. If it remains strong, the strands can be curled. If it looks like tow and breaks easily, make the solution weaker.

Stage 5. Shampooing. The shampoo will loosen the flakes and improve the result.

Stage 6. Hair cutting. It can be done before or after curling to freshen ends and shape.

Important! Before the procedure, do not forget to remove gold jewelry and glasses, and protect your skin from chemicals.

Types of "chemistry" of hair

Modern perm can be divided into types by the chemical agent applied to the strands.


This gentle perm is considered universal as it is suitable for everyone. The curl is strong and elastic, the result lasts from 3 to 6 months and directly depends on the structure of the hair.


A special fixative based on thioglycolic acid penetrates into the hair, but does not spoil its structure, as it is considered gentle. As a result, we get a rather hard curl - it lasts for one month. For thin and soft strands, this method is not suitable - they will lose their shape and stretch at the roots. The same applies to girls with sensitive skin types and dry hair.


With an alkaline type of curling, the retainer penetrates and reveals the scales. The result is more permanent - it will last on the hair for about 90 days. It gives bouncy curls, looks natural, and acts much softer than the previous version. But on heavy, hard strands, the result will not be lasting - after about a month, the curling will lose its shape. The cost is cheaper than acid perm.

Amino acid

The fixative contains amino acids and proteins that heal and nourish the hair. Amino acid "chemistry" does not harm the health of the strands. Curls look natural, but, alas, short-lived. This "chemistry" is not suitable for tight and long strands - under such a heavy weight, curls will quickly develop.


You will not find aggressive components in the composition. They are replaced by another agent similar to the hair molecule. Biowave gives a beautiful natural shine and a very long-lasting result.


This is an ideal way to make your hair splendid by fixing the volume for several weeks, or even months at once (it all depends on the fixative). Also, root chemistry is suitable for those whose hair has previously been permed, but managed to grow back.


This preparation contains silk proteins. They take care of the hair and improve its structure. Even damaged hair becomes healthier. The curl comes out very soft and lasts up to six months. The price is much more expensive than other options.


It is in great demand among modern women of fashion. Allows you to get an elastic and large curl. This type of curling requires extra large curlers - this is Olivia Garden. They are attached to each other with sharp teeth. Curlers of this type do not leave creases and give lush curls.

Small or African

Recommended for women with thin and thin hair. It is often performed on medium length hair. But we advise especially courageous ladies to take a chance - African chemistry for short hair will definitely help you with this. The silhouette will be spherical, and the volume will be incredible! The only drawback is that it will be very difficult to take care of your hair, and it is almost impossible to make a new style. For "chemistry" in the Afro-style, either papillots or small spirals are needed. This process will take about 5 hours, you can only do it in the salon.


It is also called lipid protein (LC2). Compared to the previous one, the Japanese one lasts longer and provides more benefits. It is completely safe due to its neutral ph and normalizes the moisture content of too dry hair. With the help of such a curling, you can get elastic and voluminous curls that will last from 2 to 6 months.


Perm for medium, short (no more than 20 cm) and sparse strands. Makes hair fuller, curl - soft and natural. Visually raises hair at the roots, and also refreshes the image. Carving works only with the surface of the hair, without harming it, as in the classic type. If your hair is thick, use large bobbins - large curls will help create a great look.


Spiral or vertical "chemistry" is the best option for long and thick braids that cannot be wound horizontally. In this case, the bobbins are placed vertically (from the root to the ends), and the strand is twisted in a spiral. A few words about curlers! For the procedure, you need long, tapered bobbins with holes through which the strands are pulled. Ideally, they should be made of plastic or wood. This shape allows you to curl the curl evenly.

On vertical curls, the effect of wet hair looks great. It is also convenient in that the growing roots can be easily twisted. The composition can be anything - it depends on how long you want to go with your new hairstyle. In addition, the health of the strands depends on the drug. After the procedure, they will be either weak and dull, or shiny and lively.

Electric curling

It can only be used on healthy hair and only in proven salons. First, the strands are moistened, then twisted on bobbins and connected to the apparatus (exposure time and temperature are regulated). The result of the procedure will be beautiful light curls.

Who is not allowed to do "chemistry"?

Perm is prohibited in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Very dry, fine and damaged hair;
  • Propensity to allergies (first you need to do an allergic test);
  • Pre-staining with basma or henna;
  • Acute illness;
  • Taking medications.

Hair care after "chemistry"

After a perm, hair needs care. To do this, follow a few simple rules.

  • Rule 1. To wash your hair, you need a special shampoo for curled hair.
  • Rule 2. Moisturize your hair using special masks. They should contain panthenol, collagen, silk proteins or keratins.
  • Rule 3. As home remedies, you can safely use an infusion of rye bread crusts (pour 1 liter of boiling water over 300 grams of bread and leave in a thermos for 5 hours), nettle or hops. A variety of oils (almond, peach, burdock) can also come in handy. They need to be slightly warmed up.
  • Rule 4. Take fish oil.
  • Rule 5. Cut the ends regularly and lubricate them with a special cream.
  • Rule 6. Comb with a wide-toothed comb - it does not injure the strands.
  • Rule 7. For several days after curling, do not wash your hair and subject the strands to heat treatment.
  • Rule 8. Protect your hair from hot sunlight.
  • Rule 9. Do not twist the washed hair, but gently blot it.
  • Rule 10. Do not sleep with a wet head.