Tales of real and imaginary friendship. "a tale of friendship" material on the topic. Benny and his friends

There is such an important person on earth - this is a good friend. Everyone needs a good friend. In our tale, the octopus found a friend quite by accident. Under what circumstances? Now we will find out everything ...

Fairy tale "New friend"

Once upon a time there was an octopus Oska. Oh, what a handsome man he was! All eight of its legs moved very gracefully. But for some reason they feared the octopus, although in fact he was kind. And very lonely. He wanted to have a friend. But the friend could not be found.

And then the octopus came up with this. To begin with, he decided to turn into a stingray.

And the fact is that the octopus has such an amazing property. He knows how to imitate other marine animals - jellyfish, flounders ... And stingrays too.

Here sits our octopus Oska and talks to himself. He just starts a conversation like an octopus, and continues like a stingray. Then vice versa. And he is not bored.

Meanwhile, a real stingray swam past the octopus. Hearing some conversation, he stopped. The stingray hid behind a snag, and began to watch the performance played by the octopus. After some time, the stingray swam out from behind the shelter, and headed towards the octopus.

- Oska, what does it all mean?

“I'm playing friend,” said the octopus. “I don’t have a friend, so I have to play him.

“Let me be your friend,” said the skat.

- Come on, - Oska was delighted.

Since then, Skat and Oska have become friends. And friendship is great!

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale

What was the name of the octopus in question?

What amazing property does an octopus have?

What game did the octopus play?

Who watched the octopus play?

Draw an octopus Oska and a stingray.

What proverbs fit a fairy tale?

Friendship is stronger than stone walls.
To hold on to each other is not to be afraid of anything.

The main meaning of the tale is that it is difficult for everyone without a friend. The octopus made a friend by chance - it also happens. And we will only be glad that another living creature in the world began to live better!

Ekaterina Denibekova
Friendship Tales

In our hard work, I really want to give children a lot at once: to bring them up kind and friendly, to teach them to explore the world, to form knowledge about nature and more.

I bring to your attention a card index of fairy tales about friendship.

"Funny dragon and".

Once upon a time there were funny dragons. They loved donuts very much. Therefore, every morning they woke up, washed and flew to their friend the kangaroo baker. He baked the best donuts in the world. And then one day they flew in and found the baker in sorrow.

“What happened?” The dragons asked.

"The magic flour is over. And without it your favorite donuts cannot be obtained!" - answered the kangaroo. “It doesn't matter, we will help you!” - said the funny dragons. And flew to the magic grain field. The dragon brothers worked together: they collected golden grain in large sacks. These sacks were delivered to the spit mill.

"I would be glad to help you," said the miller, but there is no wind! "

“Nothing, we will help you!” - said the dragons. And they began to flap their wings. A cheerful breeze spun the wings of the mill. The gold grains fell on the millstones, and flour was obtained. It was carefully collected by the dragon brothers and taken to the kangaroo baker. The donuts turned out to be great!

"Friendship with a little puppy m ".

On the way home from school, Petya and Dima saw an abandoned puppy. He sat in a ditch and whined pitifully, asking for help.

The boys immediately agreed to help the puppy. They took the puppy home. They just could not decide who the puppy will live with.

Petya said:

"Dima, let's decide this: let the puppy live with me for three days, with you for three days. And when he grows up, we will release him, and whoever he runs after will be the owner."

Petya built a kennel for a puppy. He put a bowl of milk near her. The puppy happily sipped the milk and barked gratefully. Three days later the puppy began to live with Dima. Dima did not have a kennel for the puppy, but he made a rug next to his bed. I put a bowl with a tasty bone next to the rug. Often the puppy woke up at night and whined, but Dima calmed him down, stroked his hand.

Soon the puppy grew up completely. One day the guys decided to find out who would become the owner of the puppy. They released the puppy, and they themselves fled to different sides. And the puppy first ran after Petya, and then rushed to catch up with Dima and barked loudly: "Woof, woof, woof" - as if he had said to them: "Why did you leave me alone!", "Why did you run away!"

Since then, Petya and Dima have never argued who is the owner of the puppy. They looked after him. And the Puppy took them to school every morning and waited for them after school.

"The giraffe and the elephant To".

Once upon a time there was a Giraffe and an Elephant. The giraffe was sitting and playing in the sandbox, and the Little Elephant also played in the sand, but on the sidelines. Once the baby elephant came up to the Giraffe and said: “Let's be friends.” And the Giraffe refused to be friends with the Baby Elephant. "You have a huge and ugly nose," said Giraffe. The elephant was offended by the Giraffe, burst into tears and went into his sandbox.

A little later, Giraffe's mother came up to them. Seeing the crying Baby Elephant, she asked her son: "What upset the Baby Elephant so much?" The giraffe told his mother that he refused to be friends with the Elephant because he considered him ugly. And then my mother told the Little Giraffe that friends are not chosen for their beauty. The main thing is that the friend is reliable, honest and kind, and the Elephant is very kind and honest. And if something goes wrong, you can always rely on him, and it is very important that a friend is with you in difficult times.

The giraffe thought and thought and asked for forgiveness from the Elephant for the offensive words. The baby elephant forgave him, and they became friends. Over time, their friendship became so strong that many animals began to set them up as an example for their children.

"The Tale of a Lonely Puppy e ".

There was once a little puppy. He was unhappy because he had no friends.

He was so tired of walking alone that he no longer hoped to meet a friend.

The puppy sees a poor little bunny sitting under a bush and shaking.

The puppy reassured him with tal to protect. So he had his first friend! They decided to go together to the garden for a carrot for a bunny. Suddenly, among the beds, they saw a monster - a big, terrible scarecrow. At first they were very frightened, but the puppy boldly approached the scarecrow and politely asked him to treat the bunny with a carrot.

The scarecrow was also lonely. And it gladly treated the bunny.

Suddenly, stupid, disgusting crows flew into the garden. They have long ceased to be afraid of the scarecrow, because it stood all the time and could not disperse the crows. The puppy rushed bravely at these voracious birds and drove them away. The scarecrow was very grateful to this brave, brave puppy.

Their friendship was pure and strong, and the puppy realized that only he is alone who does not help others and thinks only of himself.

"The tale of a little pig who did not know what winters are. a".

One day a piggy was wandering down the street. Suddenly he saw something white and asks the wolf: "What is this?" He answered him: "This is grass." He said so because he himself did not know. And the pig went on. A little fox-sister was walking towards him. He asked her. She replied that it was snow. And the piggyback asked her: "That's for sure." The fox says: "I was joking, this is a cloud." And he went on. Then he met his brother. He worked out on simulators at the stadium. He asks his brother about white and unusual. He answered him: “You are still small and stupid. It's snow. " “You helped me,” said the pig. -Thank you very much. You are not only my brother, but also my best friend. "

The tale of Alyonushka and her sister Sasha

Alena Ponomareva, pupil of GBDOU №43, Kolpino St. Petersburg
Supervisor: Efimova Alla Ivanovna, teacher of GBDOU №43, Kolpino St. Petersburg

Description: This material will be useful for preschool educators, parents of children for organizing home reading. The tale is intended for preschool children.
Target: drawing attention to the reading of works of art.
- to teach to understand the semantic side of the tale, to evaluate the actions of the heroes;
- develop imagination, auditory perception, speech;
- to foster a sense of responsiveness, friendliness.

In one small town
There were girls and boys.
They lived not grieving,

Their parents loved them very much.
And I will tell you my tale,
About two beautiful princesses
With common names
And with playful eyes.
In one small town, in a small apartment lived two girls: girlfriends - sisters. The sisters' names were Sasha and Alyonushka. Sasha was a little older than her sister, graduated from kindergarten and had already gone to school - to first grade and, as an older sister should, Alyonushka taught everything and helped her.
And Alyonushka was a little girl, a little capricious. She went to the kindergarten, which was located next to the house.
And we have a girl
Call her Alyonushka.
Chorus girl
Round head.
Whoa-woah all day -
That's all her words.

The girls were very friendly, spent a lot of time together, could play for hours with their favorite dolls, or watch their favorite cartoons. But the girls' favorite pastime was tea drinking: set a table in the kitchen, pour tea into a beautiful glass, get delicious sweets for tea, and even better grandma's pies or buns.

At home, Alenka loved to play school. She will put her favorite toys in a row, take a pointer, a crayon into the pens and begin to teach them. He dictates letters to them, explains how to put an object on an object, take a larger toy, and put a smaller toy on top of it.
On weekends, the girls always helped mommy with the housework, they loved mommy very much, felt sorry for her. The girls understood that the sooner mommy copes with her household chores, the faster they will go for a walk, or play together.

Alenka loved to be praised, she understood that no one would praise her for nothing, that praise must be earned. Sasha, she was an assiduous and diligent girl. Sasha taught Alenka to decorate the coloring very beautifully, everything is smooth, not to go beyond the lines. The girl tried to teach this to her friends in the kindergarten.
In the kindergarten, the teachers praised the girl Alenka. And Alenka wanted to be like her sister in everything, in the kindergarten she tried, according to her ability, to help the teachers, to help her friends and girlfriends.
Although she did not know how to read, she often asked for a book, sat down at the table or just with her friends and they leafed through the book for a long time, looked at the pictures. Sometimes she just showed pictures in books to her toys, which were dozing next to Alenka.

The girls loved to compose their children's stories. Alenka always tried to be paid attention to, she could walk around the teachers for hours, or deliberately ruffle her hair so that the teachers would call her to them once again.
Alenka woke up early in the morning and was very capricious, waking everyone around: neighbors, parents. I put on my cute shoes and stamped my feet very hard on the floor in the morning. From this noise, both cats and dogs woke up.
For whole days the girls were on their feet: either to play, then to help, only in quiet hours Alenka could sleep in kindergarten, and Sasha did not sleep at all. And on weekends, they generally did not close their eyes at home. It happens that girls lose weight in a day, go out into the street in the evening, sit on the fence near the house and admire the evening sky, the stars and just enjoy the silence.

And on cold winter evenings, they sit side by side in front of a warm fireplace and watch the flame, compose another fairy tale or fable.
Sit by the fireplace and write your own story.

Mom's tales: a tale about a real friend and why they say so "A friend is known in trouble"

Mom's Tales: A Tale of Friendship

Dear friends! In spring, traditionally, the site "Native Path" becomes the center of the Creative Internet Workshop of developing games "Through the game - to success!" And one of our traditional contests at the Game Workshop was a fairy tale contest.

In this series of articles "Mom's Tales" I would like to present to you the tales of the winners of this year's Mom's Fairy Tale Competition. Wise, kind, funny mother's tales.

Fairy Tale Competition Sponsor this year there was a portal of educational and developmental games for children from 2 to 9 years old, created by specialists - the portal "Mersibo". Therefore, all three winners received a subscription to the Mersibo games as a prize.

We composed fairy tales and illustrated them in the Mersibo picture constructor. The picture constructor contains images of all thematic categories (vegetables, trees, people, fairy-tale characters, furniture, animals, etc.), images of different backgrounds, words with different sounds, from which you can create any illustration you need in just a few seconds, or study guide.

It is with pleasure that I present to you a fairy tale that took first place in our fairy tale competition - the fairy tale of Alexandra Naumkina, a constant reader of the Native Path, participant of the Game Workshop and many of our courses. about who a real friend is. A fairy tale that we tell the kid about why a friend is known in trouble and how to distinguish a true friend from a false one. On a good journey to the country of mother's fairy tales together with Alexandra Naumkina and her fairy tale about bears.

Alexandra Naumkina. The Tale of Benny the Bear

Meet Benny and Maru

Once upon a time, there were bears in one very deep forest. They lived in families. We lived together.

But our story will not be about all bears in general, but about one very friendly bear family. Well, how friendly, they lived together, of course, but sometimes they quarreled, especially two little bear cubs: baby Maru and her older brother Benny.

Daddy-bear really did not like it when they screamed and cried, he immediately felt uncomfortable. He always tried to keep them busy with something interesting and funny. Their mother-bear was very strict with them and made sure that the rules of conduct in the family were respected. And the bear mom often forced Benny to play with Mara. And he so did not want to play with her, she is very small, stupid. Yes, and she must constantly give in. Otherwise she will complain to her mother. It is much more interesting to play with the neighbour's cubs. They are adults, big, their games are interesting.

And then one day the mother bear once again asked Benny to play with Mara while she went into the forest for food. Benny was very upset, because he was just about to go out into the clearing to play with the neighbour's cubs. There is nothing to do, Benny practically with tears in his eyes, put back his favorite ball, and dragged himself into the den to his sister Maru. He did not want to play at all, especially when the cheerful shouts of Benny's friends can be heard from the clearing.

Are you upset because you wanted to play with your friends?- Maru asked sympathetically, peering into the eyes of her beloved brother.
- Leave me alone! None of your business! Go play with your teddy bears. Don't bother me, ”Benny said.
- Don't be upset, let's play together, what do you want? Maybe we will build a hive out of twigs and play how we collect honey? Or will we bathe my teddy bears like our mother bathes us? Or let you drive me up.
- I will not play your stupid games. Stop bothering me. Go mind your own business, ”Benny replied rudely.
Maru got upset and went to another corner of the den, hugging her beloved bear.
“And my games are not stupid at all,” Mara replied with a sob and turned away, hiding her eyes full of tears.

Benny and his friends

- Hi Benny! - Toptyg bear cub said in a whisper, peering into the den. - Why aren't you coming out to play? We have all gathered for you, just waiting for you.
- I cant. Mom made me sit with Mara again, ”Benny replied.
- So what. Come out together, - Toptyg suggested.
- No. Mom does not let Mara go for a walk alone. She should be supervised by an adult bear.
- Then lock her in a den, she won't go anywhere. And as soon as we see that your mother is coming, you will quickly run home and pretend that you did not go anywhere.
“And if I don’t have time, and my mother sees me, I’ll get hit hard.”
“Don’t worry, we’ll go to play on the hillock, from there you can see the far path along which your mother walks. You will have time to run to the den, and even wash your paws.
- What about Maru? What if she tells mom everything?
- And you lie to her. Tell her that you want to please her and collect her favorite raspberries. She will not be able to refuse raspberries, so she will agree. Just punish her not to say anything to mom, otherwise you both will get hit.

And so Benny did. He was worried that Maru might do something while he was gone, so he told her to sit only in her corner and not go out anywhere until he returned. Happy Maru sat down with her beloved cubs and began to play.
- Will you be back soon? Mara asked the hurriedly gathering Benny. - You are so good. I love you very much.
- Yeah, - Benny answered, getting out of the den and apparently not listening to Mara at all, he rushed to catch up with Toptyga.
“What a good brother I have,” Maru said to the teddy bear, hugging him tenderly.

In the clearing

Meanwhile, Benny caught up with Toptyg in the clearing. All the neighbour's cubs have already gathered there. There was Potap, who constantly grumbled, and Teddy, who hardly greeted anyone, and Vinnie, who often swore in bad words. Benny loved and respected them all. After all, they were much older than him. And he especially loved Toptyga, he lived closest to the Benny family and often came to visit them.
- Benny, run to us soon. You will stand at the gate. Did you take your ball? Teddy asked.
- Oh sure. Here he is, ”Benny replied, and passed Trampler.

The cubs frolicked carelessly in the clearing, playing with the ball. Benny forgot about everything: his mom and his sister. He had so much fun with his friends. '' Now I'm going to score a super goal for you, Benny, '' Hooper shouted and kicked the ball with all his might. So much so that the ball flew over the trees that stood at the edge of the clearing.

“Well, this Toptyg ruined everything again,” Potap began to grumble. - Can't you see where you're hitting? You never have everything like normal bears.
- I'm normal, - Toptyg shouted offendedly. - It's all your fault. Instead of grumbling, he should have told me not to hit hard. Then everything would be fine. I didn't think the ball would be so light and fly that far.
- Well, you are both dunce! Why are you swearing? I got hungry, went home. And you stay here stupid cubs, - turned around and went towards his den Vinnie.
And Teddy, silently turned around and trudged off somewhere, as usual without saying goodbye.

Benny stood confused.

- What should I do? Mom is about to come. If I come home without a ball, then she will understand that I was leaving the house.... And I didn’t collect raspberries for Maru either. She can tell her mother everything then.
- Stop blowing snot. Let's go together. We will have time to do everything. Really, Potap? - asked Toptyg.
- No really. Let's go without me somehow. You have brewed this porridge, so you yourself and disentangle it. It wasn’t enough for me to get it from my parents later that I left the clearing with you, ”Potap replied.
- Well, okay. We can handle it without you. Let's go Benny. We have not a minute to waste.

What happened at the apiary?

Benny and Toptyg ran towards the forest, and Potap trudged home. Benny and Trampler found the ball pretty quickly.
“It remains to find at least a few raspberries,” Benny muttered a little sadly, looking around.
- Yes, we will definitely not find anything here. I know exactly where the raspberries are. Run after me, - Shouted Toptyg and rushed into the thicket of the forest. Benny had no choice but to run after Trampler. There was not much time left, my mother was about to come. Benny became more and more worried. Thoughts began to visit him: “But what about poor Maru?

What if she did something there while I was away? I hope she's okay. "

- Toptyg, do we have to run for a long time? Benny asked breathlessly.
- No, we're almost there! - answered Toptyg and ran out into the clearing, where there were many hives.

- So this is my father's apiary! Benny cried out in surprise. - I was not here as often as I would like. For some reason, dad doesn't really like taking me here, but I remember every bush here very well. Well, it's hot today, ”Benny groaned.

“I didn’t know it was your father’s apiary. Look, there is an excellent raspberry bush growing nearby. My dad and mom and I were passing here recently and I noticed this bush and specially remembered the road. Let's pick the berry as soon as possible.

Benny and Trampler began hastily to pick the berries. Only they didn't have any basket to fold. Benny and Hooper started looking for something that could be adapted for the basket. They ran around the apiary, looking for anything. And then Toptyg saw something resembling a box, only of a small size. The tramp took it and potres, listening to what was inside.
-I wonder what it is? - Toptyg said thoughtfully.
Benny saw Trample pick up the box of matches and explained:

- These are matches. Dad keeps matches and a torch here just in case. You see, there he is. This is in case the pack of wolves goes. Wolves are afraid of fire.
- I wonder how! I have never seen a fire. Let's light it up, we'll see, - Toptyg suggested.
- What you! Dad strictly forbids taking them. He says that matches are not toys for children, ”Benny replied in dismay. - Let's better look for what you can put the berries in.
“Okay,” Toptyg replied, but he didn’t put down the matches.

As soon as Benny turned away, Trampler quickly lit the matches and immediately got scared... The fire turned out to be hot and burned his paw, the Toptyg automatically threw away the match. A burning match fell directly on the hive, and it caught fire. Benny turned hastily and saw that the hive was already on fire.
- What have you done? Benny shouted in fright. - I told you that they should not be touched. What should I do now? What will happen now ?!
Trampler backed away, staring mesmerized at the blazing hive. The swarm of bees soared into the air. Trampler and Benny rushed into the thicket of the forest in the direction of the dens.
- Tramp, wait, stop! Benny shouted as they ran away from the apiary. - What should I do now? I will be punished at home for all this. How do I go home? Dad will be very upset about the apiary, these are his favorite bees!
“I don’t know, Benny. I'm not your assistant here. I'm going to go home now and pretend that nothing happened, - the frightened Toptyg answered.
- And what about me? After all, it was you who incited me to do all this. If not for you, none of this would have happened, ”Benny cried crying.
- Sorry, but I didn’t force you to do it. I offered you, and you agreed. So do it yourself now. These are your problems, not mine, - answered Toptyg and ran towards his den.

Benny was left alone. He cried bitterly and did not understand what to do next. But he clearly decided that he could not go home and dragged himself into the depths of the forest, howling a little from the understanding that he had done a stupid act, and from the betrayal of his best friend.

And at this time a woodpecker flew past the burning apiary, who constantly lived here and knew every corner of the forest. He saw a burning beehive in time and rather hurried to Benny's dad, the bear Mikhail Ivanovich, to tell about what had happened.

- Rather, rather, your apiary is on fire. We must stop the fire before it spreads to the trees, then we all can't get it. The heat is such, it will be difficult to stop it! The woodpecker said quickly.
“Got it,” Benny's dad answered without hesitation. - I ran to the apiary. I have a large supply of water there for this case. And you warn all the bears in our district so that all the bears sit next to their dens and do not let their children go, and let all the adult bears run to my aid.
- It will be done, - answered the woodpecker and flew towards the den. And Mikhail Ivanovich rushed with all his might towards the apiary.

Where is Benny?

The woodpecker managed to warn everyone. The she-bears gathered all the cubs and began to wait for news from their husbands, who fled to the apiary to help. Only one Benny was missing. Mom had already returned home and found Mara, who was quietly sitting in the corner and playing with her teddy bears. She told everything to her mother and said that she would not get out of the den, because Benny was about to come, because he had promised. And she believed him infinitely.

Mom was very worried about Benny. Where could he have disappeared?

She went to talk to the neighbour's cubs when they last saw Benny. Potap said that he left Toptyga and Benny together in the clearing when he left them.

- Tramp, where is Benny? - the bear mother asked very excitedly, as soon as she saw him calmly playing near her den.
- I do not know. I left him in the clearing. Mom called me and I went home. In my opinion, he was going to go to the forest for raspberries, - Toptyg answered calmly, without taking his eyes off his toy and not looking at the mother-bear. - Unfortunately, I can do nothing to help you.

The bear mother grabbed Mara, put her on her back and ran across the clearing into the forest, calling for Benny. She ran around everything, ran to the apiary itself, where daddy bears were putting out the fire in full. Benny's mom looked with regret that almost the entire apiary was burnt out, but with a slight relief that they practically managed to extinguish the fire. And then the mother bear had a terrible thought: “What if baby Benny was in the apiary at the very time when the hive caught fire? He could have burned down together with the apiary. Has it really burned out? "

Then the mother-bear was seized with horror. She ran to her husband and shared her fears, to which the bear dad hurried to reassure her that they had found nothing like a little bear when putting out a fire.

Having completely extinguished the fire, the bear dads went in search of Benny. And Mikhail Ivanovich, Benny and Mara's dad, sent the mother bear with the baby home.
- We will definitely find him, do not worry. You go home, otherwise it wasn’t enough for you to get lost here looking for Benny, ”said papa-bear, going in search.

Benny and the old man - woodsman

Our baby Benny had already wandered far into the forest, he no longer understood where he was going and why. He walked crying and thinking that he would probably never see his mom and dad and sister Mara. That she would never play with her beloved Maru, now she seemed to him not at all a capricious and spoiled bear cub, but the most dear bear cub in the world. Benny thought that he would never hug and kiss his beloved mom, and not fool around with dad, wallowing with him in their favorite meadow near the den.

And while he was pondering all this, he did not notice how he got to the extraordinary beauty of the clearing. When the teddy bear woke up and looked around, he was struck by the bright and beautiful flowers, it seemed that they were much more colorful than usual, as if the artist had painted them with unusually bright colors. After going a little further, he saw berries, but only they differed from the usual ones in their large size. Benny quickly ran to the bush with raspberries and began greedily devouring berries one after another. He did not even notice how he stopped crying and his mood rose. After a hearty meal, the bear lay down on the soft grass, which seemed to him softer than usual. And he felt so good that he even began to fall asleep.

As soon as Benny began to fall asleep, it seemed to him that someone had touched his paw. Benny reluctantly opened his eyes, but not seeing anyone, he began to fall asleep again. After a few seconds, he clearly understood that it was as if someone was bothering him. He opened his eyes and was about to growl: “Mom, why are you going to be me? I'm so tired, ”but even jumped in surprise. Before him stood someone who looked like a large mushroom. More precisely, he had a hat like a mushroom hat. He himself stood on two hind legs (these were, of course, legs, but Benny had never seen people before), and his hair grew only on his face (it was, of course, a beard).

- Who are you? Benny asked fearfully.
- I am an old forest man. I keep order in the forest. I know perfectly well what you did to your so-called friend today, who turned out to be not your friend at all, ”answered someone wearing a mushroom hat.
- Oh, just don’t tell your mom and dad. They will be upset that they have a bad son, ”Benny cried. - I am so ashamed of my act that I am even afraid to go home. Do my parents need such a bad son. I deceived everyone, and even burned my father's beloved apiary.

The old man listened silently to Benny. Gently sat down next to him and said:
“Don't cry, kid. I want to ask you something. Do you know this saying: "Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are"? , and also that "A friend is known in trouble."
Benny began to calm down and answered quietly:
- No, I haven't.
- Who is your friend? The old man asked.
“I don’t know anymore,” Benny said sadly. - Even this morning I would definitely answer Toptyg. But ... - Benny paused.
- Do not worry. Come, I'll show you something, - the old forest man ran with such speed into the depths of the clearing that Benny almost lost sight of him. Only his unusual hat was visible. Finally the old man's hat stopped, Benny ran up to him and saw a pond of mirror-clear purity.

Look, look, - said the old forest man, pointing to the pond.
- What is there? - Benny peered into the pond in surprise, seeing nothing but his own reflection. But finally, more and more clearly, he saw an incomprehensible silhouette, which turned into a very familiar figure of his sister Maru.
- It's Maru! Benny exclaimed. - And what is she doing?
- She makes your favorite cookies. She and her mom are very worried, but they are sure that you will be found, so they want to please you with your favorite cookies,- explained the old forest man.
- How? - Benny was surprised. - Aren't they angry with me, I deceived both of them. It's good that they don't know what I've done to the apiary. Oh, look, all my toys are laid out in places, how I like.
- Yes, it's all Maru. While she was waiting for you with raspberries, she arranged everything the way you like it, - answered the forestry. - They are not angry with you because they love you very much. Everyone can make mistakes in life, but the closest people are always your relatives. They will always understand and accept you.
- Why aren't they looking for me? Benny asked.
“The bear dads are looking for you. Your father forbade your mother to run through the forest so that she would not get lost with Maru. And then you will have to look for them, - explained the forestry.
- Oh, mom started crying, it's probably from anxiety. And Maru too, ”Benny saw. “Mommy, Maru, don't cry,” Benny rushed into the pond with tears in his eyes. But I didn't get to my mother, but only got wet all over.
Benny crawled ashore completely broken.

- Tell me now, please, who is your real friend? - asked the old forestry man.
Benny just shrugged.

“But look what your so-called friends are doing, who know perfectly well what happened to you,” said the old forest man and pointed to the pond.
Benny saw Tramples sleeping sweetly, sucking on his paw, Winnie and Potap swaying in the trees, laughing merrily, and Teddy eating a plate of honey, wincing with pleasure. Benny sat and stared silently at the pond.

- It turns out that my best friend for today is my sister? Benny whispered uncertainly.
- It's up to you, kid. But if this is so, then there is no stronger friendship. Take care of this friendship and henceforth be careful when choosing your friends, ”said the old forest man and turned as if he was about to leave.

- Stop - Benny shouted. - I want to go home. I no longer care how they punish me. I am ready to wait at least a year for them to forgive me, just to return to them. I'll tell you everything how it was. I will apologize. I love them so much that I cannot live without them, without mom and dad, without Maru.

- It's very good that you understood that. I hope this will be a lifelong lesson to you. And now I have to go, - said the old forest man and was about to leave, but Benny stopped him again.

- Thank you, old forest man. Tell me how to get home, you know all the trails here.
“You have to find your way home yourself. Your good deeds and love for your neighbor will help you in this, - said the old man and disappeared.
- How will they help me? What I should do? - was about to ask Benny, but did not have time.

Benny and the wolf cub

Benny sat down by the pond and stared into its mirrored surface. He could not understand how his good deeds would help him find his way home. And who is the neighbor and how to find him? For a long time, or for a short time, Benny sat until he heard a strange noise similar to someone crying.
These are not my problems, Benny thought. - Cry and calm down. I have to think about how I can get home.

But the crying did not subside, but became louder and louder. Benny felt uneasy. He decided to go see what had happened. He tried to be as less visible as possible. As soon as he crept up to the place of crying, he saw a little wolf cub. Benny looked around, but did not see a single adult wolf. Then he decided to approach, although he was very scared, because this is a wolf, albeit a small one.
- What are you crying here? Benny asked the wolf cub. - Where is your mother?
“I’m lost,” the cub replied, sobbing. - I lagged behind the pack, I gazed at this beautiful meadow and ran after the butterfly. She was so pretty. She flew away, and I was left here alone.
- In which direction did your flock go? Benny asked.
“I don’t know-oo-oo-oo,” the wolf roared again.
- Okay, that's it. Stop roaring and sit still. I'll climb a tree now and see if the flock hasn't gone far yet, ”Benny said firmly and climbed the nearest tallest tree. He climbed as high as possible and began to peer into the distance.
“I saw it,” Benny shouted happily. - There they are near the mountain. Oh, they're going to go into the gorge. If they leave now, then you will definitely not catch up with them. Run faster in that direction.

The wolf cub happily ran in the direction Benny showed. But the wolf cub was so small that it was still running very slowly. And while Benny climbed down from the tree, the wolf cub did not even run to the edge of the clearing.
- Stop, wolf cub. This will not work. You won't be able to do that. Sit on my back, we will try to catch up with them.

The wolf cub happily jumped onto Benny's back and grabbed him tightly so as not to fall. Together they rushed towards the mountain. Finally, the mountain was already quite close, when suddenly a she-wolf ran out onto the road. She began to growl and grin at the bear. But the wolf cub quickly got his bearings, jumped off the back of the bear, ran to the wolf, as it turned out to his mother, and quickly explained everything. Benny was about to run back into the thicket of the forest, but the she-wolf jumped right in front of him. Benny backed away in fright.

“Don't be afraid, I won't touch you,” the she-wolf said. - Thank you for not being afraid and helping my son. How can I thank you?

Benny told what happened to him. The wolf listened attentively and said:
- I know where you want to go. But I can't take you home. We will take you to the lake, and there is not far from the bear glade.

Benny agreed. The wolf went to the leader of the pack and told him something for a long time. Benny became nervous. Then the leader called the whole flock for a council, which ended very quickly. The leader informed all the wolves that it was necessary to help Benny, and they had to go the other way.

The flock set off. Benny tried to stick to the familiar she-wolf and her little son. They had walked a long enough distance when Benny saw that they were almost approaching the lake.

“Now, kid, you’ll continue on your own,” said the she-wolf. - We need to go the other way. Now you have to walk along the bank to that hill, and then turn into the forest. Your bear meadow will also be nearby. Good luck, brave bear cub!
- Thank you very much for your help! - Benny shouted after the she-wolf, who was catching up with her flock. But she didn’t answer and quickly disappeared from sight.

Benny and the butterfly

Benny trudged along the shore, pondering everything that had happened to him today. He looked a little sadly at his feet and wondered how best he could ask for forgiveness from his relatives. Benny did not even reach the middle of the way when he heard someone floundering in the water. Benny looked at the lake and saw a butterfly of extraordinary beauty and unusually large size.

- Probably she is from the clearing of an old forest man, everything was unusually large there, - Benny thought and rushed to help her.
“Calm down,” Benny shouted. - Take it easy. I'll get you out now. You just stop floundering. Save your strength.
- Oh, how are you on time. Just please be very careful. My wings are very fragile, ”the butterfly babbled in a thin voice.
- Good. Let's do it this way. I will give you a stick, you cling to it with your paws, and I will slowly pull you out. Just hold on tight so you don't slip.

The butterfly agreed, and Benny took a long stick and brought it to the butterfly. She grabbed onto her paws, and Benny gently pulled her out of the lake. After catching his breath, the butterfly thanked Benny:
- Thank you, kind bear cub! I was sitting on a flower next to the lake, but suddenly a very strong wind blew and carried me into the lake. It's so good that you passed by, otherwise I could have died. By the way, why are you alone walking near the lake? Where are your mom and dad?

Benny's eyes rolled back into tears. He told everything to the butterfly and began to show where he was going. But unexpectedly for himself, he realized that he had completely lost his bearings, he got lost again and Benny burst into tears.
- It's so good that you still passed by. You won't believe it, but I know where you want to go. I would be very happy to accompany you to the forest. But I can't fly. My wings are wet.
“Let’s sit on my back and tell me where to go,” Benny suggested.

The butterfly agreed with pleasure, and they set off. On the way, the butterfly's wings dried out, and she began to play with them, sometimes opening them, then closing them, sitting on Benny's back. Finally they reached the forest.

- Unfortunately, kind bear cub, I cannot continue my journey with you further. I have to fly to my clearing. I was glad to help you, goodbye! - said the butterfly and flew away.
Benny stared after her, fascinated. As soon as the butterfly was out of sight, Benny looked thoughtfully at the forest. How do you know where to go next? Benny moved uncertainly into the thicket of the forest. He walked, carefully looking around in the hope of recognizing familiar places. But everything was completely unfamiliar to him. Benny was already beginning to despair and upset when he suddenly heard the cries of birds. They were very close, the screams were not like singing, but more like cries for help. Benny rushed towards the sound.

Benny and the woodpecker

Having run out into a small clearing, Benny saw how a small fox was creeping up to a woodpecker chick, as it turned out, the one who told the bears about the fire. The little chick apparently fell out of the nest and the fox noticed it. The woodpecker could not give his chick to be eaten in any way. He bravely flew up to the chick, ruffled all over and screamed at the top of his throat, trying to frighten the fox. Just at that moment, Benny ran into the clearing and, without hesitation, rushed towards the fox, growling as loudly as he could in his years. The fox ran away, leaving the bird family and Benny in the clearing.
- Thank you, brave bear cub! - Calmed down a little, said the woodpecker.- My chick is just learning to fly. I was watching him from the side, when suddenly this fox appeared. Thank you again! Perhaps you are the same bear that got lost?
- Yes, but how do you know? Benny asked in surprise.
“I know a lot here,” the woodpecker replied. - You know what, my friend. Wait for me here while I walk my chick to the nest. And then I'll help you.
Benny stayed to await the return of the woodpecker. He again and again recalled the words of the old forest man that a friend is known in trouble. What a pity his friend left him when Benny got into trouble.
“But how many friends have you made while walking in the woods,” a voice familiar to Benny was suddenly heard.
- Old man-woodsman! Benny exclaimed. - What kind of friends are you talking about?
- Well, how is it? And the wolf cub? And the butterfly? A woodpecker with a chick? - after all, you helped them all. They thanked you and helped you too. And how merrily you ran in a race with the wolf cub! And how well you talked with the butterfly! What interesting tales you told each other! Did you see the chick when you saved him? He looked at you with such grateful eyes, you are a hero for him and an example to follow! Please listen goodbye. When you return, you will understand who your real friend is. And remember for the future. That friend is good, who does not teach bad. And if your friend wants to play bad games with you, run away from him. Remember?
“Yes,” Benny said a little sadly.
- And now I have to go. Try not to get lost in the forest anymore. Deal?
“Deal,” Benny said firmly.
“Benny,” the bear suddenly heard a very familiar voice, which he immediately recognized.
“Daddy,” Benny shouted and ran to him quickly. They both hugged.
-Daddy, daddy, forgive me. I am the worst son in the world. But I love you so much, please forgive me. I am ready to take any punishment, if only you would forgive me, - Benny, holding his dad tightly, burst into tears.
- What are you, son. The main thing is that you are found, that you are alive and well. And you are not bad at all, everyone can get lost. It's good that the woodpecker helped. It’s the second time he’s helping me out today, ”Dad replied.
- No, daddy! I am bad. You just don't know what I've done. It's my fault that your beloved apiary burned down. This is my fault. I also deceived Mom and Mara. I'm the worst son, ”Benny said.
Dad knelt down on Benny's knees, looked into his eyes and said the words that Benny probably remembered for the rest of his life:
- Benny, we love you so that you don't do it. I see that I have raised a worthy son. After all, a bad son cannot honestly admit his guilt. If you sincerely regret what you did and want to fix it, then you are on the right track. So we raised you correctly. Don't worry about the apiary. You and I will rebuild it together. We still have a whole summer ahead of us.
Calmed down, Benny was about to thank the old forest man and say goodbye, but only when he turned around did he see no one.
Then Benny and his dad headed home. On the way, Benny told him everything that had happened to him. And when they got home, they were greeted by a joyful mother and Mara. They kissed Benny and sat him down to drink tea with honey and Benny's favorite cookies. Of course, then Benny did not avoid a serious conversation, but it was a conversation on an equal footing. Benny was spoken to like an adult. He's already grown up. Only adults can understand and admit, and most importantly correct, their mistakes.

Issues for discussion:

  • And what do you think, Toptyg has improved or remained the same? Maybe he repented and asked Benny for forgiveness? If Toptyg next time advises to cheat on his sister and mother, what will Benny say to him?
  • Has Benny seen the wolf cub, butterfly and woodpecker chick he met in the forest? Let's come up with a story about their meeting.
  • How did Benny and Maru begin to communicate after this story?

Also surprisingly wise, funny, kind and interesting mother's tales of the readers of the site "Native Path" and the participants of our Internet Workshop of developing games "Through the game - to success!" You will find in the articles:

  • mom's tale about jealousy

On our beautiful planet there is a place where Russians, Kazakhs, Tatars have always lived amicably and cheerfully: children and their parents.

Boys and fathers went hunting, and girls and mothers grew fruits and vegetables, made delicious jams and baked pies. In this wonderful city there was a water dam, which provided the city with clean drinking water, watered all vegetable gardens and orchards. People had a lot of crops every year. They procured fruits and vegetables for future use. With the onset of a snowy winter, they sledged, played snowballs, made snowmen, and in the evening they went to visit each other, drank tea with jam and pies, told fairy tales, and laughed.

Year after year flew by and it seemed that nothing could change their happy life.

The Kazakh family, like the Russians, the Tatars, had their own cozy house. He stood on the outskirts, near the town itself. With the onset of spring, a Kazakh family painted the house pink, and the shutters and doors white with pink polka dots. The green grass was covered with yellow flowers, and goldfish appeared in the blue river that flowed in their apple orchard.

Throughout the spring, the Kazakh family worked in the garden like the others. By the fall they have grown a wonderful harvest of tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes. Apple trees, peaches, pears gave an extraordinary harvest. The branches of the trees were strewn with fruits. The trees were very tall, and the Kazakh family had to put up a large ladder to reach the tops of the trees.

One day, early in the morning, when the women were baking pies, children ran into the house, breathing heavily and interrupting each other:

Mother Mother! Trouble, trouble has come!

What's up, dear guys? - asked the mother.

The dam was blocked in the city, - they said excitedly.

A huge old oak fell and blocked all the water.

The river has flowed bypassing the city, we have no more water, we will perish. There will be a drought in the city, our crops, our trees, everything will die without water.

Our peaches, our peaches, our favorite peach pies, our jam! ”The children cried.

Hush, hush, don't cry! ”Said the mother.

She hugged her children, kissed them, sat them down at the table, cut off a peach pie and poured milk.

We will come up with something, we will definitely come up with it.

After breakfast the whole family joined hands and they ran to the place where the oak fell.

Both Russians and Tatars have already gathered there. Children and their parents tried to push the oak aside, but it was huge, enormous and nothing worked. Everyone worked hard.

What will be now, what will be like our gardens?

The little children began to cry. They were scared. The mother of the Russian family suddenly cried out:

If we cannot move the tree away, then let us dig small streams to each house, even a little, but we will have water for food and watering.

Everyone was delighted with this idea and ran after the shovels. Children together with their parents, older and younger, worked for three days and three nights. And, finally, thin streams began to water the orchards and vegetable gardens. But every day the sun was getting brighter and hotter. There was not enough water. Plants and trees began to dry out and crops began to crumble. Then all the people gathered again and began to decide what to do now.

- And if we all together move aside the oak that blocked the dam?

And then all the Russians, Tatars, Kazakhs rallied, grabbed the mighty oak with both hands and freed the dam. Clean, transparent water filled the dried up river and, as before, ran along its bed, watering all the gardens and vegetable gardens.

Cheers cheers! all the children shouted. We are saved!