Do-it-yourself snowman for the new year from scrap materials. Do-it-yourself snowman from scrap materials. Craft ideas for the New Year

Time comes, New Year's snowmen appear in our homes and yards. They are not always made of snow, but they are cute and funny. What and how to make a snowman - about this is our selection.

Coconut snowman from the can

You will need:

  • a jar with a screw cap;
  • buttons;
  • glue;
  • coconut flakes (can be bought in bags at the store);
  • the paper is bright, orange, or red;
  • ribbon.

Grease the jar with glue, sprinkle with coconut flakes. We glue the buttons, a carrot nose cut out of paper. Ribbon - for decorating a snowman. If the cap is with holes, you get a New Year's lamp. We put some cereals, peas inside and set a small candle.

Christmas pendant from cans

You will need:

  • cans-tins of different sizes;
  • paint for painting;
  • thin rope or twine;
  • red fabric or felt.

First, cover the cans on top with white paint, paint the faces as they dry. Decorate with fabric or felt ribbons.

In such jars, it is easy to punch a hole with a nail using a hammer. We stretch the rope / twine into the holes, fasten it with knots inside.

Snowman with hairstyle

The simplest thing to do. We paint the bank, as described above, as the hair we use New Year's sweets in the form of Santa's staff. If we failed to buy them, we come up with an ordinary hairstyle - from twigs, threads, etc.

From glass jars

We paint small glass jars with white paint - preferably, spray can, then there will be no drips and brush marks. We draw a face. We put on a hat, sewn from a piece of bright fabric.

Even without the caps, the snowman banks are adorable.

Another option for New Year's crafts. The decor is green and red, Christmas.

We use bottles of cosmetics and detergents that are suitable in shape.

By the same principle, we turn ordinary glass bottles into snowmen.

Inverted glasses will serve as candlesticks for the holiday.

New Year's florarium from plastic bottles

You will need:

  • plastic bottle 2 l;
  • starch - about 200 g;
  • decorative ribbon;
  • Christmas figurine - snowman, Santa Claus, etc.

Cut off the bottom and top with a neck from the bottle. Set aside the middle of the bottle.

Pour starch into the lower part of the craft, install the toy. We connect the top of the bottle with the bottom, mask the connection with a lace ribbon. We tie a beautiful bow on the neck.

Snowmen from flower pots

You will need:

  • pots of different sizes, plastic or ceramic;
  • dye;
  • glue;
  • decor - ribbons, pine / spruce branches, flowers.

We turn the tray of the pot into a hat by gluing a pompom.

Here is a hat from a smaller pot. The eyes are purchased glued, but you can also draw.

Stylish snowmen - in hats and even with headphones. Hats can be made from an old sweater, and headphones can be made from pom-poms.

The most beautiful "Bigfoot".

Wooden but snowmen

You will need:

  • boards, slats, bars - to choose from;
  • dye;
  • children's or homemade hats / scarves;
  • decor.

The pieces of wood planks have turned into cute little people.

We make a shield from boards, draw the figure of a snowman, cut out and decorate.

If you have a jigsaw, we will make wooden decorations - a hat, a scarf, a heart, a bird, etc.

Several tree cuts, and you have these wonderful winter creatures.

Snowmen from the pipe

You will need:

  • a piece of plastic pipe;
  • white paint;
  • paint for painting - at least red and black;
  • Terry socks or knee-highs.

For scarves and hats, you can take not only terry socks / socks, but also small towels.

Mini snowmen made of balls

For painting, we will use sports balls - for table tennis and large tennis, for golf, etc.

Felt - for the Christmas tree

The beauty of making Christmas tree snowmen from felt is that they are sewn by hand, and if you do not have a sewing machine, this will not be an obstacle. All you need is:

  • felt white;
  • colored felt for decoration;
  • synthetic winterizer - a scanty amount (can be replaced with cotton wool);
  • needle, thread, scissors;
  • beads, ribbons.
  • fabric glue - it is more convenient not to sew on small decorations, but to glue them.

Snowman popsicle

We sew a pillow from a soft fabric, leaving a hole for the stick (you can buy wooden spatulas at the pharmacy, with which you look at the throat). Sew on beads-eyes, a nose from a piece of fabric. We put on a cap, tie a bow.

Another type of "ice cream". We will make waffles from burlap bags.

Christmas snowballs

We pull the sleeve of soft fabric in several places, getting "koloboks".

And this handsome man is made of a rolled up terry towel.

MORE snowmen that are easy to make.

From the bags.

From clothespins.

From toilet paper tubes.

Snowmen chocolates. We just wrap it with white paper and paint. Hats are made of children's socks.

From the bump.

How to make a top hat for a snowman?

And today I want to show you many ideas for homemade snowmen. All of them can be made with your own hands from scrap materials. You might even be surprised at the possibilities hidden in ordinary socks and plastic cups.

The main thing is to do all the crafts with the children, so you will create community in the family and unforgettable memories. Of course, not all crafts will be easy, there are those that will require accuracy and perseverance. But, on the other hand, what will be the result!

O! Now let's do something very interesting! Specifically, let's make a cute snowman out of a sock. This is a very simple craft, even a preschooler can handle it. Such a handsome man looks very neat and dignified. All in all, let's find a pair of white, blue or light blue socks with whole toes and heels. And we will stock up on 15 minutes of time.

Before I give you a detailed master class, please find beads or pins for the eyes and nose, buttons, ribbons or other decor. I want the craft to turn out smart.

And we will make such a handsome man.

Let's take:

  • 1 sock,
  • thermo gun or glue,
  • scissors,
  • pins,
  • buttons,
  • thread.

The first step is to cut the sock in half.

We take the part that has two open ends. And we tie a thread on one side. This should be done from the seamy side.

Now we hide the knot inside, turning the sock outward, and pour the rice inside.

You can use any large cereal - peas, buckwheat, lentils, etc.

Now we need to make sure that the cereal does not fall out of the workpiece. Therefore, we tie the top of the sock tightly.

It remains only to designate the place where the head will be. To do this, we pull it together with threads.

The workpiece already looks like a craft. It remains for us to decorate it and put on a hat.

The cap can be fixed with hot glue. To do this, the second part of the sock must be tucked up and put on the craft.

There is another very functional sock snowman idea. Here it performs both a decorative and a useful function.

Let's take:

  • sock,
  • hot glue,
  • bottle,
  • cotton wool or synthetic winterizer,
  • thread, felt for a hat.

It is better to take a glass bottle rather than plastic. This will make it more stable and will not fall under the weight of pencils or flowers.

So, the first step is to measure the height of the bottle and put it on the toe. All unnecessary must be cut off from it.

Then put a drop of hot glue from a thermo gun on the bottom of the bottle and put a sock on the bottle. This fixed the fabric and glass.

Now you need to make the craft soft and voluminous. To do this, put cotton wool or synthetic winterizer in the space between the toe and the walls of the bottle.

We form the head with threads.

We tighten the edge of the sock at the neck. We also do this with threads. Then we designate the nose, eyes and mouth. For this purpose, the child can take markers.

Cut out a ring and a strip from felt, which is equal to the diameter of the inner part of the ring.

We glue the hat in place.

This craft can act like a pencil holder or a vase. Everything is up to your taste.

Another similar master class for creating the popular snowman Olaf. The first scheme I described is taken as a basis.

Whole compositions can be created from such crafts.

Beads, ribbons, braid, sequins and even cones are used for decoration.

And if you wish, you can perk up and move away from templates.

Such a charm will definitely deserve its place of honor under the tree.

How to make a craft from plastic cups, step by step instructions

Another popular idea for creating a snowman is from plastic cups. The craft turns out to be voluminous and resistant to rain, snow and wind. Therefore, it is often made to decorate the yard, street or as decoration for school.

Again, everything is pretty simple and clear. However, we take a lot of time, because a lot of cups need to be processed.

Let's take:

  • cups,
  • stapler,
  • cardboard,
  • Scotch.

So, more than 200 cups will be needed. Stock up in advance. The circumference is up to you. The more you lay out the first circle, the wider the ball will be.

So, we lay out a circle from the cups. Then, with a stapler, we fasten each piece with the neighboring ones.

We make the subsequent rows in the same way, but reducing the number of glasses. Do not forget to connect the rows with a stapler.

You need to make 2 balls. One is larger, the other is smaller.

We connect them together so that the smaller workpiece is higher - this is the head.

Now we make a nose out of cardboard. To do this, we turn it into a cone shape and glue it with tape. If this is a craft for the street, then you need to glue all the cardboard completely.

We put our nose in the glass and decorate the snowman with scarves, vests or hats.

But after all, less voluminous toys can be made from cups. One has only to turn them upside down and decorate beautifully.

How do you like the idea? I think that all this is very simple, however, it strongly inspires the creation of such crafts.

Do-it-yourself snowman for the new year made of thread and glue

Children will also love the idea with threads and PVA glue. Let's take ordinary balloons as a basis. The technique of execution is quite simple, we have already made crafts on the basis of it earlier.

Let's take:

  • threads,
  • PVA glue,
  • ball,
  • paper.

We need to inflate the balloon to the size that we need. Then we take out the threads and PVA glue. It is better to take it in big banks. There are now two options for working: You can wrap a ball with threads, simultaneously coating each row with glue. Or you can poke a hole in a tube of glue with knitting needles and thread a thread through it. So it will immediately be saturated with the composition and easily stick to the ball.

Then we leave the ball to dry completely. After 6-12 hours, we burst the rubber sheath and carefully tear it off the threads. The result is a ball shape! We need at least two such balls.

Now we are making carrots. To do this, we twist the cardboard into a cone, wrap it with cling film. And according to the described scheme, we wrap it with orange threads with glue. We dry it, take out the cone and peel off the polyethylene from the threads. There remains a queue of decor.

From such crafts, you can combine whole compositions.

Original volumetric paper snowman and other ideas

Now let's take paper and think about what can be made out of it. And there are a great many ideas at once!

We will make several options. And first of all I want to show you such a voluminous craft. The whole process of its creation is shown in detail in the photo.

Master class number 1

You will need two A4 sheets for drawing a snowman and a picture of trees. This is applied to different leaves to achieve a volumetric effect.

Then we take two blue sheets of cardboard. One will act as the background, and the other as the front frame.

And also we fold six A4 sheets wide (short side) with an accordion. They will be the frame to which all sheets are glued.

And now, from complex to simple. A couple more master classes in the photo, which children can easily repeat.

Master class number 2

Master class number 3

Now the idea is more complex, but no less attractive.

Master class number 4

Such a voluminous snowman can be made using this scheme. A fold is made along the dotted lines. And the part is cut along straight lines. Edges with "padding" are for gluing.

And here is the assembly diagram itself.

I think that all the kids will be pleased with the snowman on the window! There are many stencils and cutouts.

You can create entire compositions.

As here, I will attach a template below. It is most convenient to glue such paper figures on toothpaste or paste. They are then easily washed off with water.

Many different pendants and garlands can be made from paper, cardboard and felt.

It is convenient to connect them together with threads, wire or double-sided tape.

That's not all! Now we will find a use for paper towels and toilet paper rolls.

We draw eyes, carrots and mouths on them. We glue on hats and scarves and enjoy such a quick and cute craft.

If desired, the sleeves can be pasted over with corrugated paper, colored sheets or cloth.

You can also make appliqués. To do this, take the drawings that I gave below and color them. Or we fill the voids with plasticine and colored sugar. For small children, you can take different cereals.

These are such cute ideas!

Wool crafts master classes

Our house is full of cotton wool. She somehow ceased to be used for its intended purpose with the advent of cotton pads. But it goes well for New Year's crafts!

So, let's make a snowman out of cotton wool, and below there are ideas for creating it from cotton pads.

Let's take:

  • cotton wool,
  • kebab skewer,
  • PVA glue,
  • decor.

First of all, we form two balls of different sizes from cotton wool. We just roll the fiber in our hands.

Now we need these balls not to disintegrate. To do this, coat them with PVA glue. And to keep them together, you can use barbecue skewers, wire, pencil. We stick it between the balls, stringing. The excess part of the stick must be cut off.

What can be made from cotton pads?

Well, of course, the same snowman! This is the first thing that comes to mind. After all, the shape of the discs allows you not to be fooled with cutting even circles!

Make such pendants for the tree. They perfectly replace Christmas tree decorations.

Combined with paper, you can create a whole appliqué.

Did you like cotton wool as a material? Then send to embody a similar idea!

Felt, paper and any decor are perfectly glued to the discs. To prevent the edges from fluffing, they can be sewn up with a decorative seam.

I think the kids will find something to do!

Crafts from fabric and felt with patterns

And now, a whole section for needlewomen! We'll take a look at what you can do with felt and fabric. Of course, it will take more time and perseverance here than in the previous sections. However, the difficulty level will also be higher.

Master class №1. We sew a snow tower. I give a pattern.

Master class number 2... We will sew soft toys. To do this, choose a fluffy, soft cloth. White, gray, or blue velvet is great.

Let's take:

  • velvet,
  • threads,
  • needles,
  • pin.

We take this pattern and transfer it first to a sheet of paper and then to the wrong side of the fabric.

To prevent the pieces from slipping off the fabric, pin them to both sides of the velvet with pins. Trace the patterns and cut out several parts at once.

Now we sew all the blanks from the seamy side, leaving one edge unconnected.

Through it we turn out each workpiece and stuff it with cotton wool or other filler. Sew the edges and attach all the details.

Now let's turn our attention to felt. We will need different shades of it. We will, of course, choose white as the main color.

Pattern number 1. These beauties are made quickly. Use the pattern below. Fill in with a little filler to add volume to the craft.

From fabric and felt, you can make both voluminous and flat crafts.

Such flat suspensions are very easy to make. The main thing is to sew the edges with a decorative seam.

Another cute idea that is easy to bring to life. Take two floral designs of different sizes as a basis. And for the stick, you can use a toothpick.

Master class number 3... Snowmen made of felt.

More simple ideas for hanging on a Christmas tree. You can also make New Year's garlands from them.

Composition of different shades of felt can be flat. When parts are glued to each other with hot glue.

More suspension ideas.

Pattern number 2. Bell.

Pattern number 3. Snowmen with wings.

Taking this pattern as a basis, you can make other crafts, for example this one.

Master class №4. Walking snowball.

Master class number 5... Flat craft.

Master class number 6. Hangers for the Christmas tree.

Taking this master class as a basis, you can make other forms of a snowman.

Pattern number 4. Photo frame.

Pattern No. 5... Snowball in a hat.

Master class number 6. Snowball in a scarf.

Pattern number 7... Cheerful snowman.

Pattern number 8. Snowball in mittens.

Let's take a little rest and see what beautiful decorations for the Christmas tree can be made in just 15-20 minutes.

Pattern No. 9. The smile of a snowman.

Pattern number 10... Snowman Snowball.

Pattern number 11. Snowman in mittens.

Pattern number 11... A simple idea for kids.

Pattern No. 12. Craft in a sleeveless jacket and a tie.

Now let's sew the well-known snowman Olaf.

Master class number 7

And for this we need fabric, filler, scissors and a needle.

We take felt or dense white and soft fabric.

  1. We transfer all the patterns to the fabric, folding it with the front sides inward.
  2. Cut out the details and sew them together, leaving one edge free. We turn them out to the front side.
  3. We fill the blanks with filler.
  4. Sew the edges and connect all the details.
  5. Marking the eyes, mouth and eyebrows.

A detailed diagram is shown in this manual.

This is the first pattern sheet for Olaf and his bride.

The second sheet of the pattern.

Master class number 8. Gift bag.

Let's take:

  • fabric or felt in three colors,
  • buttons,
  • scissors.

We will use this pattern.

We transfer it to the fabric. And we cut out two parts. Trying on buttons and details of the nose and mittens.

Sew or glue small pieces to one side of the white fabric.

We connect both sides, folding them with the front sides inward and sew. We turn out the bag. If desired, insert an elastic band or lace up.

What kind of beauties were not sewn by our craftswomen. Let's see another small selection.

And even the hero of today's article was depicted on aprons!

For those who like to knit more, I have prepared a separate section.

Crochet knitted snowman (amigurumi) with a pattern

The amigurimi technique is very loved by needlewomen. There, the simplest crochet elements are taken: a column with a crochet and without it. This is done to create wholeness.

Do you like this toy? Below is a knitting pattern!

For those who cross-stitch, you can take this pattern as a basis.

These snowmen are also made in a simple knitting technique.

Let's give one more detailed diagram for these snowmen.

Flat crafts are made in single crochet posts. Each row increased by 1-2-3 loops from the center.

Knit with pleasure!

Ideas for crafts from pompons in the kindergarten

In the kindergarten, you can make such a craft from pompons. The child will very quickly understand the whole point. You need to take the threads with terry or yarn.

And here is the step-by-step master class itself. We need two pom-poms of different sizes. We connect them. To do this, you can use two options: 1. Tie them together with the ends, 2. shown below, when the pom-poms are placed on a twig, wire or skewer.

We make pompons according to this picture. We take two cardboard rings. We wrap them tightly with yarn. Then we cut the edges. We put the thread between the rings and tighten the ends.

The idea of ​​connecting pom-poms to a skewer.

Try to repeat the whole master class and make such a handsome man.

Well, if there is no time at all, then at least such a sweetheart!

I think that sock and pom-pom crafts are the simplest and easiest to make. And they can be taken as a basis when creating compositions for kindergarten and school.

DIY snowmen from scrap materials

We often have a lot of creative materials at hand. For example, you can use napkins for crafts.

Or ordinary plastic bottles and cans.

Even a simple board can be turned into a thematic detail.

Of course, make a plasticine snowman.

But the whole composition will turn out from pasta. It is better to fasten the parts with hot glue.

Wooden suspension!

The idea with CD-disks. We have a lot lying around on the balcony, we need to put it into action.

A toy made of cardboard and threads. Use twine for a more stylish design.

You can use button snowman elements to decorate postcards.

Make a similar craft out of polystyrene and Christmas tree balls.

Someone even painted the stones. For this craft, only flat sea pebbles cut with water are suitable.

That's it, my dears! Today there are a lot of ideas, I think you will find something suitable for yourself. Good luck in your work!

If you know how to make a snowman, then you can make it with your children, and they will take creative work to the garden or school. This attribute of winter and New Year is created from various materials, from unnecessary things.

To make such a funny character, you can use socks that are out of fashion, or that have become too small for your child. To work you will need:
  • light sock;
  • colored sock;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • round elastic bands;
  • white yarn;
  • buttons;
  • needle with thread.
The size of the socks depends on how large you want the snowman toy to be. Small or large can be used. Take a sock and fill the bottom 3 cm with rice.

White groats do not show through the fabric. Such a filler will help the structure to be stable. If you do not have rice, and the sock is tight, you can pour other light cereals into it, for example, millet.

Put a synthetic winterizer on top of the cereal, thus filling the toe to the heel. On the right and left, make small balls by dragging the sock with pieces of padding polyester with an elastic band - you get blanks for pens. Just above this place, in the middle, also tie the sock with an elastic band. This is the throat of a sock snowman. Now you need to make his head. To do this, fill a part of the sock with a synthetic winterizer above the neck, round it, tie it on top with an elastic band.
Shows how to make a snowman with your own hands in the photo above. Looking at it, you will understand that at this stage you need to replace the elastic bands with white yarn.

Next, we make a funny character's hat. A colorful sock will work for her. Put it on the head of this helper of Santa Claus and tie it on the back of the head with a thin elastic band. The length of the cap can be any, cut off the excess, tie yarn instead of an elastic band. Shape the cap tip any way you like by notching the edge of the cap, or leave it as it is.

Now let's start creating the face. The blue buttons will serve as the eyes, and the brown buttons will serve as the nose. Sew three black buttons on his belly with crafts, from scraps of socks, make a scarf with fluffy ends and hang it around the snowman's neck.

The next craft is no less interesting - the idea will tell you what application can be found for the used plastic cups. If you have a lot of them, then you get a big snowman. It can be placed in the office, on the street, next to any institution. It will decorate the building and attract the attention of passers-by.

DIY snowman from plastic cups

For this craft, in addition to empty containers, you will need a styler. Useful for decoration:
  • carrot;
  • colored paper;
  • cardboard;
  • the cloth.
Start by making the top ball. To do this, fasten the cups together with a stippler, applying them exactly to each other, with the bottom to one side. Soon they themselves will take the desired circle shape. You will make the second half of the snowman in the same way. The top ball should be smaller than the bottom.

Both of these figures are circles, you do not need to finish to the end, the bottom must remain free so that the snowman made of plastic cups is stable.

Connect his head to his body with a stipener, tie this place with a scarf made of corrugated paper. From it, or from ordinary colored paper, you will make buttons, the eyes of the figure. For the nose, you can put a carrot in a glass by cutting a circle of small diameter in it, as shown in the photo, or make it out of cardboard.
How to make a cylinder headdress is also seen in the figure. Cut a rectangle and a circle out of the cardboard. The length of the larger side of the rectangle must be equal to the diameter of the circle. You will also need a bezel for the cylinder, in the picture it is indicated at number 3. Cut out blanks from colored or white cardboard, painting them in the desired color. You can cut the same blanks on fabric, cut and stick them on cardboard. Now all the details need to be glued together, as shown in the figure, and you can put the cylinder on the head of a DIY Christmas snowman.

There are many ideas for such creativity. As a result of the implementation of the next one, the craft will turn out to be delicate and airy. In this technique, you can make a new lamp shade.

In addition to the materials listed, you will need:

  • 5 balloons of different sizes, for the body - large, for the head - less, for the pens - even smaller;
  • white threads;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • 2 black buttons for the eyes;
  • a little orange polymer clay for the nose;
  • large needle.
The fun process begins with inflating balloons. You can involve the whole family in this. Now you need to wrap each ball with threads. To prevent the balls from bursting, this is done carefully, without too pulling the threads.
Now generously grease the ball windings with PVA glue. It should cover all sections of the thread well. Hang the balls up from the ropes that tie them at the top, and let them dry well. To do this, it is better to leave the blanks overnight, then your morning will start very fun, since now you need to burst all the balls with a needle. Then take them out through the holes between the threads.

Now place the largest piece on the floor or on some kind of support. Attach a slightly smaller ball to this large ball, and on top - the head of a snowman made of threads. Glue its handles in the same way and let the blanks dry.

The final touches remain. A beautiful nose is obtained from polymer clay or cardboard. For the latter, it is cut out in the shape of a triangle, then put one side on the other and glue the junction. Sew the button eyes into place, make a hat, as in the previous case, and the snowman from threads is ready.

To make a polymer clay nose strong, mold it in the shape of a carrot, and then put it in boiling water for 8-10 minutes. Then the workpiece will become solid and at first glance it will be difficult to distinguish it from a real carrot.

Knitted snowman

You can decorate a sweater, oven mitt, decorative pillow with such a figurine. How such knitted snowmen are created, the schemes clearly demonstrate. This shows that you need threads of eight colors.

Color under number:
  1. - White;
  2. - yellow;
  3. - purple;
  4. - Red;
  5. - blue;
  6. - sea waves;
  7. - blue;
  8. - green.
If you do not have yarn of a certain shade, you can replace it with another one. So, a hat, scarf, character's legs can be of a different color.

Such a knitted snowman is made using the technique of the front surface. That is, on the front side you will knit with front loops, and on the back - with purls.

To change the color to another, twist the thread of the desired shade with the one with which you finished knitting the last loop. Then the junction of different yarns will be invisible and neat.

A knitted snowman with knitting needles is created from the first loop of the bottom row. In the diagram, this is the lower right corner. As you can see in the figure, 10 loops are knitted from right to left until the number 20, and then 7 more loops with blue thread. Next, the foot of the snowman begins. Twist the yellow and blue thread, knit 6 knit stitches with yellow. Knit with knit but blue yarn to the end of the row.
Turn the work inside out, knit 39 stitches in blue yarn, then 8 in yellow and the remaining 16 in blue. In the same way, focusing on the knitting pattern for a snowman, create the entire canvas. It consists of 92 rows, and 60 loops are involved horizontally. In the diagram, 1 cell is one loop.

When you need to finish knitting a piece of a certain color, cut and tie the end of the thread so that it does not bloom. The threads, when alternating colors, should be on the seamy side.

To make the drawing look good, after completing the work, place the knitted snowman on the front side, on it - wet gauze or cloth and iron it with an iron. If your knitted garment uses an elastic pattern, you do not need to iron it, otherwise it will stretch.

Kindergarten snowman made of plastic yogurt bottle

If your beloved child was asked to make such a New Year's attribute, use the materials at hand for this. Even a small child can make a toy using empty Rastishka containers.

It is easy to make a snowman from a bottle; for him, in addition to her, you will need:
  • green corrugated paper;
  • glue stick;
  • scissors;
  • soldering iron;
  • a piece of red plasticine or cardboard of the same color.
Remove the label from the bottle. Roll a rectangular sheet of paper to make a narrow strip, start wrapping it around the neck of the bottle, not forgetting to draw the neck. This will close the hole and make a DIY snowman hat at the same time.

Now poke a hole in the bottle with a soldering iron. If you are creating a craft with your child, take on this part of the work. And let the baby roll a piece of plasticine in the form of a snowman's nose between his palms for now. Attach it to the resulting hole, you can use for the nose and a rolled piece of colored paper, cardboard.

Use glue to hold the paper better. Use it to attach sparkles or circles in the middle of the snowman's body, these are improvised buttons on his clothes. Use colored paper to make the eyes of a new toy. After the glue dries, the New Year's crafts for kindergarten and school are ready.

Video tutorials on how to make a snowman out of fabric with your own hands and other photos:

Necessary materials:

  • socks (one of them must be white);

  • scissors;

  • thread, thin elastic band or rope;

  • cereal;

  • buttons of different colors and sizes;

  • black beads for eyes;

  • orange felt-tip pen;

  • pieces of fabric of different colors and textures, ribbons, buttons and other decorative ornaments.


First you need to make a base for a snowman from a white long sock. Take a sock and cut it in half at the heel. We turn the upper half of the sock to the wrong side and tighten the place of the incision with an elastic band or thread, after which we turn the sock back to the front side.

As a result, we got a kind of bag, which must be filled with cereals to the very top. Any cereal can act as a filler, but rice or semolina is best suited for these purposes - they will not stand out through the sock. If desired, an aromatic mixture can be added inside the New Year's crafts. We also tie the top of the sock tightly with thread, twine or thin elastic band.

We visually determine the middle of the resulting workpiece, measure about 1 cm upwards from it and re-tie this place. The base for the snowman from the head and torso is ready.

The next step is to style the snowman's face. Sew black beads in place of the eyes. We make the nose from a bead or half of a toothpick painted orange.

The remaining half of the white sock can be used to make a hat. Cut off the heel area and turn the sock inside out. Gently tuck the sock along the cutting line and put the snowman on the head. If desired, a hat for a winter character can be made from a colored sock.

Now all that remains is to decorate the finished snowman. To do this, we make a scarf from scraps of multi-colored fabric, sew on buttons. You can decorate the Christmas decoration using any available materials: figures cut from fabric or shiny paper (hearts, stars, flowers, etc.), sequins, beads or sequins.

A snowman made can be put on a shelf or decorated with a New Year tree. Alternatively, such a snowman can be presented as a souvenir for the New or to relatives.

Snowman made of plastic cups

Necessary materials:

  • disposable plastic cups 3 packs of 100 pcs .;

  • glue;

  • stapler;

  • bright scarf;

  • a cap;

  • orange paper;

  • dark fabric to create eyes and buttons.


To create a snowman, you need to make two large balls from disposable white cups. First, we start making the torso. To do this, put 25 plastic cups in a circle and fasten them together with a stapler.

We spread the second layer between the glasses of the first row, while moving them slightly inside the ball. Following this technology, we get a hemisphere, which will give the structure stability. The second row requires the same number of disposable cups, and one less for all subsequent layers. The resulting blank should be left open, as another ball will be installed on it.

The head for a snowman is made according to the same principle as the body, only the ball should be smaller. You will need 18 plastic cups to create the first row.

When the small ball is ready, we install it on the large one, fastening them together with a stapler.

It remains only to decorate the snowman. Eyes and buttons can be made from pieces of dark fabric by simply placing them inside glasses. Cut out the nose imitating a carrot from orange paper, and the mouth from red paper. We tie a bright scarf or tinsel around the snowman's neck. Inside the structure, you can put a Christmas tree garland or a floor disco ball to create a bright backlight.

Snowman made of pom poms

Necessary materials:

  • white woolen or synthetic threads;

  • cardboard;

  • compass;

  • scissors;

  • glue;

  • felt orange and black.


First, we make rings from cardboard, which will be required to create pom-poms. To make the body of the snowman, we cut out two circles of the same size (the diameter of the outer circle is 6 cm, the diameter of the inner circle is 3 cm). To make a blank for the second pompom, cut out two more circles of smaller sizes (the diameter of the outer circle is 4 cm, the diameter of the inner circle is 2 cm).

White woolen threads, folded 4-8 times, cut into 2 m lengths. We connect two cardboard rings of the same size together. Then we begin to tightly wrap the ring with woolen threads.

The ring should be wrapped with threads until the hole is closed. For convenience, you can use a crochet hook to pull the threads through the hole. The thicker the layer of winding on the ring, the more magnificent the pompom will be.

Next, cut the threads with scissors or a clerical knife along the outer edge of the ring. Then we slightly move the rings away from each other and tie the threads tightly. We remove the rings and fluff the pompom, then trim the shape with scissors. Follow the same procedure to create a smaller pom-pom.

When the main parts for the snowman are ready, we connect them together by simply tying the threads from the pompons.

We make a headdress for a snowman from black felt fabric. First, cut out a circle with a diameter of 6 cm and cut off ¼ part from the center. We grease the cutting lines with glue and connect the edges.

We make a nose for a snowman from orange felt. Cut out ¼ part of a circle with a diameter of 4 cm, fold it into a cone and glue the edges.

Cut out the eyes and buttons in the form of small circles from black felt. A snowman scarf can be made from felt fabric in any bright color. To do this, cut out a strip 20 cm long and 1.5 cm wide. At the ends of the strip we make a fringe.

To give the snowman from the pom-poms stability, we glue it to the base, cut out of thick cardboard.

Light bulb snowman

Necessary materials:

  • burnt out light bulb;

  • White paint;

  • brush;

  • scissors;

  • orange paper;

  • felt-tip pens;

  • glue;

  • shreds of bright fabric.


An unnecessary burned-out light bulb of a standard shape is painted with white or light blue paint. Apply a second coat of paint if necessary. If desired, the surface of the light bulb can be additionally coated with a layer of glitter. When the light bulb dries up, proceed to the design of the New Year's toy. Cut out a small strip from a piece of brightly colored fabric that will serve as a scarf for the snowman. Cut the ends of the strip into noodles. Glue the finished scarf to the light bulb in the place where the wide part ends and the narrow one begins. Using a dark marker or felt-tip pen, draw the snowman's hands and face. Cut out the nose in the form of a carrot from orange or red paper. A DIY snowman made of a light bulb will be a wonderful decoration for a Christmas tree.

Snowman made of thread

Necessary materials:

  • thick white threads;

  • PVA glue;

  • 5 balloons;

  • needle;

  • petrolatum;

  • decorative materials (half from a kinder surprise, scraps of fabric, beads, colored paper, buttons, etc.).


We inflate balloons - three balloons of different sizes for the body and two balloons of the same size for the hands of the snowman. We apply a layer of Vaseline to the balls so that in the future it will be easier to remove them from the blanks. We pierce the package with glue through the bottom part - this will allow you to evenly coat the threads with glue. We wind the threads lubricated in glue around the balls in a chaotic manner so that there are gaps that will give the product delicacy and lightness.

We leave the blanks to dry for a day, the glue should harden well. After that, we pierce the balloons with a needle and remove them through the holes of the workpiece.

Now you need to connect the resulting balls from threads to each other. We slightly squeeze the largest ball on one side and glue a smaller workpiece to this place. We do a similar procedure with a small ball. Glue the blanks for the handles on the sides of the middle ball.

A snowman made of threads is ready, it remains only to decorate the New Year's craft, giving it a finished look. From any available materials, we make a snowman a scarf (made of bright fabric or Christmas tree tinsel), a carrot nose (made of colored paper or fabric), a hat (made of fabric or half of a kinder surprise), eyes and nose (made of colored paper or fabric).

A snowman made of threads will be an excellent decoration for a festive interior; you can put it on a windowsill, on a shelf, or place it next to a Christmas tree.

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The New Year 2019 of the Yellow Earth Pig is approaching, and each of us is preparing for this wonderful holiday. Someone plans to celebrate the holiday at home, with their family, and someone, on the contrary, in a noisy company of friends, on the street. In both cases, I would like to beautifully decorate the meeting place for the New Year. Usually, the New Year's decoration of the home consists of a Christmas tree, all kinds of garlands and beautiful festive compositions of Christmas tree branches and tinsel. On the street, traditionally, a snowman is made of snow and decorated with various funny accessories. But what if you want to have such a funny snowman in your apartment, or it so happens that there is little or no snow on the street? For such cases, we offer some great ideas on how to make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with your own hands from scrap materials.

Snowman made of plastic cups

In order to make such a rather unusual snowman, you don't have to work long, because creating such a miracle is as easy as shelling pears!

For manufacturing you will need:

  • plastic cups - 300 pcs.;
  • PVA glue or stapler;
  • plasticine.


  1. 30 glasses should be laid out in a circle and fastened together with a stapler or glue. The first row is ready. According to the same principle, we make the second and all subsequent rows. For each next row, fewer and fewer glasses will be required, since they are tapered. Thus, the first lump should be obtained.
  2. The next ball should be more round and smaller. We take 22 plastic cups and form the second lump like the first. After that, we turn it over and lay out the missing rows. If desired, you can make a third lump, however, in this case, it may be too unstable.
  3. Connect both lumps and make sure everything turns out right and smooth.
  4. Let's start decorating. Make eyes from black plasticine, and nose from orange. Wear a hat or cap. You can also use a scarf, ribbons, fabric and other elements for decoration.
  5. You can put a Christmas garland under the snowman, in which case it will also glow. The main thing: show your imagination! This decoration can be installed in the house or outdoors.

Workshop on making a snowman from plastic cups

Snowman made of thread

One of the simplest options for how to make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with your own hands is using ordinary threads. It looks original and is done surprisingly quickly and easily.

  • A skein of white thread
  • PVA glue,
  • Balloons - 5 pcs.,
  • Cotton wool,
  • Needle.


  1. First of all, you need to inflate the balloons, they will be the body. 3 - different sizes and 2 - the same (for hands).
  2. With a needle and thread, pierce a jar of PVA glue. The thread should be impregnated with glue. We remove the needle, and we wrap the inflated balls with a thread, previously coated with a small amount of vegetable oil (so that the thread does not stick to the ball). Try to wrap the balls as carefully as possible so that there are no gaps at all. Once all balls are wrapped, place them in a warm place to dry completely (at least 24 hours).
  3. After that, pierce each ball with a needle and remove its remnants by the tail.
  4. We sew all parts with white threads. For maximum effect, you can coat the stitching with glue. We leave it to dry completely.
  5. Eyes can be made of buttons or beads, nose and mouth can be made of colored paper. Put on your hat and scarf. Our snowman is ready for the New Year!

Master class on making a snowman from threads

Snowman made of beer caps

A snowman made of beer caps for its manufacture does not require much creative skills. Even a child can easily build such a New Year's craft with his own hands. And since a snowman from ancient times is considered good helpers in fulfilling cherished desires, such a craft will not only serve as an element of decor for you, but will also attract good luck and luck to your home.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Bottle caps;
  • Acrylic paints - white, black, orange, red;
  • Brushes;
  • Ribbon;
  • Hot glue;
  • Buttons;
  • Scissors;
  • Shine (at your discretion).


  1. Take three caps from the bottle and paint them white, then glue them together with hot glue.
  2. On the back of the future snowman, glue a red tape by making a loop at the top.
  3. Using a thin brush, paint the eyes, nose, mouth and buttons on the snowman.
  4. We tie a thin ribbon that will serve as a scarf between the first and second covers. To make it more beautiful, you should glue a button or other decorative element that you like.

Our cheerful snowman is ready for the New Year!

New Year's craft "Chocolate - snowman"

New Year's holidays in every family, of course, are not complete without sweets. But, given the fact that the New Year is a time of magic and the fulfillment of all cherished desires, you should certainly transform an ordinary chocolate bar into a rather cute snowman, thereby intriguing your children with beautiful handmade packaging.

You will need:

  • white or blue paper;
  • Scissors,
  • Black felt-tip pen,
  • PVA glue,
  • Orange corrugated paper;
  • Scarf and hat (can be made from socks or corrugated paper);
  • Spruce twig with beads or other decorative elements.


  1. We take a blank sheet of paper and wrap a bar of chocolate in it, and so that it does not unfold, we glue it with PVA glue.
  2. On the finished snow-white tile, draw the snowman's eyes with a black felt-tip pen, and form the nose from a small rectangular piece of orange corrugated paper, tightly wrapping it in a cone and gluing it with glue.
  3. We draw a smile with a black or red felt-tip pen, and create a blush on the cheeks with the help of a red pencil, with which we shade on a small piece of white paper, and then lightly rub the cheeks with it.
  4. We make a hat and a scarf from the sock: cut it in half and sew one part, where the heel remains, using a needle and thread. From the top of the cap, pulling it off with a thread, create a bubo. To make the hat seem mischievous, it sits slightly obliquely, we tighten one side of it with a thread.
  5. Cut the scarf in a semicircle from the second half of the remaining sock and tie it around the snowman's neck. So that the ends of the scarf do not stick out in different directions, we fix them to the tile itself with double-sided tape. We decorate the scarf with spruce branches and beads or something to your taste. Ready!

Master - class on making chocolate - snowman

Snowman made of candy

Creatively enough, you can make a snowman for the New Year 2019 with the help of sweets, it will perfectly fit on your festive table or near the Christmas tree.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • Rafaello sweets;
  • Foam balls (one small, and the second a little larger) - 2 pcs;
  • White paper;
  • Hot glue;
  • Toothpicks - 3 - 4 pcs.;
  • Scissors;
  • Foil;
  • Chenille wire (fluffy, flexible);
  • Silver cardboard;
  • Rain.


  1. We take two foam balls and glue them with white paper.
  2. We connect the finished pasted balls together, put them on top of each other (a small ball on a large one), put on toothpicks, and secure with hot glue.
  3. We make mittens: cut out mittens from foil and insert a small candy into them and glue it inside with hot glue.
  4. With the help of chenille wire we wrap both mittens around the edges, making them fluffy and twist it at the base of the mitten.
  5. We glue the resulting snowman with sweets: glue the bottom ball in three rows, at a short distance, and on the top - three sweets.
  6. We wrap the entire snowman with rain, securing it with hot glue. We put a cap made of silver cardboard on our head and put it on glue as well.
  7. On the face we glue the eyes taken from an old soft toy, the nose - from gold foil, the mouth - from red rain or other material.
  8. We glue the mittens, and then the legs, made with silver cardboard in an oval shape. Well, that's it!

Cotton wool snowman

Such a craft will certainly interest the guests of your home, and for sure none of them will immediately guess what this beautiful snowman is made of.

We need:

  • Deodorant bottle,
  • PVA glue,
  • Cotton wool,
  • Buttons,
  • Beads,
  • Ribbon,
  • Crepe paper.


  1. Carefully cover the bottle with cotton wool using PVA glue and put it in a warm place to dry. Attach the scarf (ribbon) with glue.
  2. Sew a few small buttons on the body. Make eyes out of beads, and a mouth, eyebrows and a nose out of crepe paper. It will turn out to be very fluffy and soft.

Master class on making a snowman from cotton wool

Snowman made of balls

This is probably the simplest New Year's craft that even a schoolboy can do with his own hands.

For manufacturing you will need:

  • multi-colored markers or felt-tip pens.
  • ball for modeling - 1 pc.,
  • white balloons - 2 pcs.


  1. We inflate white balloons of different sizes and tie them together using threads or tails.
  2. Inflate the balloon for modeling and fix it in the form of a scarf where the white balloons are connected. Draw the eyes with a black marker, the nose with orange and the mouth with red.

Workshop on making a snowman from balls

Sock snowman

To make such a snowman for the New Year will take very little time and effort.


  • White socks
  • Two buttons
  • Scissors,
  • Elastic.


  1. Cut the elastic from the sock.
  2. On the wrong side, secure it with an elastic band and turn it out.
  3. Now fill the sock with rice and cotton wool.
  4. Shape the snowman using an elastic band: secure it in the middle.
  5. Make eyes out of buttons, put on a hat and a scarf. It will be a great souvenir or Christmas tree decoration.

Workshop on making a snowman from a sock

Snowman made of fabric

You can make not only a unique snowman out of fabric with your own hands, but also an excellent soft toy for your child.

We need:

  • White cloth,
  • Threads,
  • Needle,
  • Buttons,
  • Sintepon,
  • Ribbon,
  • Beads,
  • Cardboard.


  1. Sew a small bag out of a white fabric, then fill it with padding polyester.
  2. Using a string, tie it tightly in two places to form the head and torso. Sew on a ribbon, at the ends of which fasten the beads.
  3. Make a nose out of red cardboard and eyes out of buttons. You can tie a tartan scarf around your neck.

Workshop on making a snowman from fabric

Light bulb snowman

Did you know that you can make an original Christmas tree decoration from an old light bulb? It's very easy and simple!