Means for cleaning fur. How to clean fur products at home

Greetings, dear readers! When the winter cold is over, it's time to brush up on tips on how to clean natural fur at home from yellowness and dirt. Of course, you can dry-clean your favorite fur coat or hat. But, if you have the time and desire, then you can do this business yourself.

There are many ways to restore color, softness and shine to fur products. You just need to figure out which one suits you best. Having chosen the most optimal one, you should roll up your sleeves and start cleaning the fur.

Sometimes it is necessary to clean fur things even if a clothes moth has wound up in them. This insect gives a lot of trouble and excitement. To prevent and combat this "gluttony" were more effective, it is worth using proven and effective methods. More details about them are described in the article "".

How to clean natural fur at home

If the skin has lost its softness

Method 1. Sometimes from improper drying of a fur product, the softness of the seamy side of the fur, which is called the flesh, is lost. To correct this deficiency, it is blotted with a solution prepared from 1 liter of water, 50 g of salt and 1 tbsp. tablespoons of vinegar essence. The moistened skin must be gently pulled in different directions.

This treatment is duplicated after 2-3 hours. After the last intake, the thing must be dried, kneaded and greased with a liquid fat cream. To do this, dissolve 100 g of soap in a small volume of heated water, add 100 g of fish oil, as well as 15-20 drops of ammonia. Everything is mixed and another 1 liter of water is poured into the mixture.

The fur product is folded in half so that there is a greased inside out. Keep the thing like this for 3-4 hours, dry it at room conditions and finally knead it and stretch it again.

Method 2. For another method, take 1 yolk and grind it with 1 tbsp. spoon of petroleum jelly. Add 0.5 teaspoon of glycerin and 0.5 l of warm water. This emulsion is used to wipe the inside of the fur. The thing is dried in room conditions and kneaded.

How to remove grease stains from fur

Method 1. This kind of contamination is removed with a clean cloth soaked in gasoline. If the stain is still fresh and the hair pile is long, then wipe in the direction of the pile. If the stain is old and the hair is short, then the movement should be against the pile.

To enhance the effect of gasoline, you can add a little washing powder to it. But in the end, wipe the fur with clean gasoline.

Method 2. There is another anti-fat method, how to clean natural fur yourself. Prepare a degreaser from ammonia (1 teaspoon) and common salt (3 teaspoons). These substances are dissolved in 0.5 l of water. This liquid is used to wipe the stained area.

How to clean fur with bran

At home, this method is also acceptable and often used. Rye or wheat bran must be heated to such a temperature as long as the hand suffers. During heating, the bran is stirred periodically. Then the hot bran is taken and gently rubbed into the fur by hand.

If the product is large, for example, a fur coat, then section by section should be cleaned. Repeat this processing if necessary. The bran is first removed with a brush, and then the thing is carefully knocked out.

The bran can be replaced with fine sawdust. But you need to be sure that the sawdust taken is from hardwood. Coniferous sawdust may contain tar!

How to clean fur with flour or semolina

These products are also suitable for restoring the cleanliness and shine of a fur coat, hat or collar. The fur is sprinkled with flour (or semolina) and gently rubbed. If the pile is very dirty, then gasoline can be added to the flour. This mixture is rubbed against the lint, and then rubbed against hair growth. After the procedure, the gasoline flour is shaken off, and the product is knocked out. This technique sometimes needs to be repeated up to three times.

How to restore shine to fur

Walnut kernels are ground into powder and tied in double gauze. With such a bag, they wipe the fur along the pile. Shine returns due to the fact that the nut oil remains on the villi.

After the fur items have regained their softness, shine and beauty, they can be put away for storage. All expensive fur coats require compliance with certain rules. For example, do you know how to store a mink coat in the summer? If in doubt, here's to help you.

How to clean faux fur

Cleaning with flour and gasoline

Fat is also removed using a mixture of potato flour and gasoline, taken in a 1: 1 ratio. Before using such a tool, it is worth trying it out on a small area of ​​fake fur, so as not to inadvertently spoil the synthetic material.

The soaked flour is rubbed into the fur, paused so that the gasoline evaporates, and the residue is scrubbed off with a brush. For old stains, the treatment will have to be repeated several times. But such an effort is worth the work.

How to clean fur with soap

At home, this remedy is also prepared using gasoline. To do this, bring 500 ml of water to a boil and add shavings of half a piece of baby soap at very low heat. In this case, it is necessary to constantly stir the contents.

It is important to ensure that the amount of water does not decrease as a result of evaporation. If this happens, then the water must be added to the original volume.

The soap solution is cooled and gasoline and water are poured into it, 1 glass each. This gasoline soap can be stored for some time. But just before cleaning, add the same amount of water to it.

There is an exception to this technique. In particular, gasoline should not be used to clean the artificial karakul. In this case, the above recipe is prepared without it.

The product is rubbed into the artificial fur in the direction of the pile with a brush. The dirtiest places are treated more carefully. In conclusion, the product is wiped with a damp cloth, dried at room temperature and combed with a rare comb.


Do not clean faux fur with acetone and vinegar essence.

You can also use another soap solution to restore freshness. Dissolve a tablespoon of washing powder in 1 liter of hot water, cool and wipe the pile with a cloth napkin. Wash off the soap solution with clean water (also with a napkin or sponge). Laundry soap is a very versatile remedy; it is used both for and for protecting the garden from pests.

Finally, watch an informative video on how to clean your hats. Now, really, nothing is impossible - you can get rid of any trouble on a hat or hat!

I hope that the search for an answer to the question of how to clean fur will be solved positively for you and your winter fluffy things will retain their beauty and attractiveness for a long time.

Good luck in your household chores! Nadezhda Goryunova

Darina Kataeva

White fur is a sign of luxury, beauty and wealth! Clothes with fur are immediately transformed, becoming more spectacular and attractive. However, the owners of such things can be both envious and sympathetic at the same time, because caring for these clothes is extremely difficult! It is not so easy to clean fur at home, so you should know the rules for caring for a white fur coat made of natural or before buying.

Natural fur: rules for cleaning at home

It is a good idea to find out if the fur needs washing before cleaning. To do this, you need a hairdryer. Blow on the villi and notice if the fur flies easily and freely in different directions? If after this procedure it shines and looks like new, then this indicates its purity and impeccability. If the fur does not fly apart and has a yellowish tint, then it needs cleaning.

Use only the cold air of a hair dryer to check for dirtiness in the fur so as not to ruin your clothes.

Methods for cleaning white fur:

With 3% hydrogen peroxide.

Buy hydrogen peroxide from your drugstore or store, which is the best cleanser for white fur. Dilute the peroxide with water 1: 1, and then pour the resulting mixture into a special container with a spray bottle. Now sprinkle all the fur with this composition, wait until it dries completely. After that, comb it through and shake well. This is a simple yet effective way to clean white fur quickly. Be extremely careful, especially in cases where white fur is only part of your fur coat. Be careful not to get peroxide on other areas, as this could damage the product.

Using shampoo.

You can buy this product at a pet store. Its feature is good cleaning from both dirt and yellow tint. First, dilute the shampoo in warm water, then soak a cloth in the mixture, and then work the fur in the direction of the nap growth. Then gently wipe the fur coat with a paper towel, wait until it dries and shake the product well.

Dry your fur naturally away from a fireplace, stove or heater.

With alcohol.

Eliminates dust and dirt with a solution based on soda and alcohol, which are mixed in a 1: 3 ratio. When the composition is ready, soak a sponge in it, and then apply the composition to the villi with it. Move only in the direction of fur growth.

Using flour, starch or semolina.

Products that are used for this method are in every housewife's house. In order for flour, semolina or starch to give a good result, preheat them in a clean and dried frying pan to 70 degrees. Then sprinkle flour on the fur product, gently rub it, and then shake the fur coat to get rid of the semolina.

Using sawdust.

These hardwood sawdust are available at the pet store. In this case, the best option would be needles. Sawdust must be filled with a small amount of gasoline. After that, wait until it is well absorbed. Then gently spread the sawdust all over the garment to absorb into the fibers. Then shake the fur to get rid of any remaining sawdust.

You can use different methods of cleaning fur. Try it on a small area first, and then boldly apply the mixture to the entire product. Thanks to this care, your fur coat will always be beautiful, clean and attractive!

Artificial white fur: rules for cleaning at home

As well as natural, it is vulnerable to dirt, dust and yellowness. It is important to take care of him constantly and carefully so that your clothes look beautiful and expensive. To do this, usually use soap as needed. Both solid and liquid soaps are suitable. Dissolve it in water, lather the composition, then moisten a sponge in it and apply the product to the dirty areas. It is easy to remove soap from the surface of the fur coat with a damp cloth. Be sure to dry the fur and comb it with a brush.

Never use acetone or vinegar for cleaning fur, as this will ruin the product!

Can white fur be machine washed?

Any product, where it is, is not allowed to be washed! It immediately loses its beautiful color, the villi break and become more rigid. If you forget about the consequences and wash it, then it may even change in size due to the shrinkage of the fur.

Faux white fur can be washed if indicated on the garment itself. When doing this, only use a delicate wash. It is desirable that the pile was cotton, not synthetic.

For drying, do not use a radiator, oven or fireplace, just smooth the fur coat and wait until it dries naturally. After that, be sure to comb the pile so that the fur lies flat on the surface of the clothing.

Rules for storing clothes with natural fur

A fur coat will be attractive if you take good care of it. Remember to pack it in summer. But first, dry it, comb it, clean it from dirt and yellowness if necessary.

The shelf where the fur coat will be stored must be clean. It is important that it is not exposed to direct sunlight.
The absence of heating devices in it is mandatory!
The fur will be preserved if it “breathes”. Therefore, you should not tamp things tightly near the product with fur.
The cabinet should not be humid.
Use a paper bag or regular polyethylene to store clothes with fur.
To avoid loss of shape, insert thick fabric into the sleeves.
Be aware of the dangers of moths, so use a scent! Do not use mothballs, as the garment will absorb the unpleasant odor. Geranium leaves or dried peels of orange and lemon are better suited.

With the help of the rules for caring for white fur and the features of cleaning, you will make your fur coat, hat or boots beautiful and attractive. Even with constant wear, they will look like new! You should not allow heavy contamination, it is better to immediately eliminate dirt or yellowness, which have just appeared on the product. At the same time, you do not have to resort to expensive dry cleaning services. Such funds are in the house of every housewife, the main thing is to know the rules and conditions for their use.

January 26, 2014 11:20 am

Agree, a fur product, like the woman who wears it, is very delicate. And no matter how tenderly and carefully you treat it, it is simply impossible to avoid some contamination. Try to solve this problem yourself! Cleaning fur at home is a painstaking task that requires accuracy and patience. But on the other hand, it is a rewarding business. Why? Firstly, chemical treatment shortens the "life" of your favorite fur thing, and time-tested folk methods preserve its original appearance as much as possible. Secondly, you can save your money and time. So are you ready?

In this article:

We use sawdust and bran

How to clean fur with bran and small wood sawdust, they knew in the old days. Such cleaning is loved by fur vests and sheepskin coats.

  • Spread a layer of this natural sorbent on the surface and press the contents thoroughly between the fibers. You can use a soft cloth brush, but it's best to gently rub the fur between your palms.
  • Use hot sawdust or bran for best results. And so that they do not burn, heat them in a water bath.
  • After processing, gently shake the product. Repeat this procedure again if necessary.

It turns out that you can even clean your fur at home with dry hot sand! This type of cleaning is preferred by mole, beaver and otter coats.

  • Place the product on a flat surface.
  • Sprinkle with sand and wipe with the palm of your hand, evenly distributing the grains of sand all over the pile.
  • Shake off dirty sand and refill with clean sand.
  • Repeat the process until your palm stops getting dirty.

Best friends for a white fur coat and hat

Now let's look at several ways to clean white fur and remove yellowness from it.

Method number 1. Peeling with potato starch

  • Sprinkle starch on the front surface - the more the better.
  • Rub gently until all dirt is absorbed.
  • Shake out the dirty starch well. It is advisable to repeat this procedure until the starch stops changing color.
  • After cleaning, comb the fur with a slicker brush.
  • For a deeper cleaning of dirt, heat the starch in a water bath to 70-80 ° C.
  • Talc and semolina are also used with the same success.

How to clean natural fur on the sleeves and hem of a sheepskin coat, moreover, if it is a white sheepskin or tsigeyka? The same starch comes to the rescue!

Distribute it carefully between the villi. From a spray bottle moisten the edge with a solution of washing powder, rub the resulting gruel all over the coat. After it is dry, shake out the grains and brush with a massage brush.

Method number 2. Bleaching with hydrogen peroxide solution

Are you alarmed by the ingredients? Hydrogen peroxide will not ruin fur unless you overdo it in proportions. The more yellow, the more hydrogen peroxide.

Put one teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide in a glass of water, add a few drops of ammonia. Apply the solution to the pile with a spray bottle, leave the product to dry in the sun.

Get rid of greasy stains and greasy areas

Method number 1. Salt and ammonia rush to the rescue

A solution of ammonia with ordinary table salt can perfectly solve the problem of how to clean fur stained with grease.

Prepare a solution: add a teaspoon of ammonia and 3 teaspoons of salt to 0.5 liters of water. Treat the stained surface with the prepared solution. Then wipe thoroughly with a swab, washed in clean water and wrung out thoroughly. Blot wet areas with a clean linen towel and pat dry.

Method number 2. The enemy of greasy stains is gasoline

The more you value your fur product, the higher the octane number of gasoline should be.

Dampen a clean foam sponge with gasoline. Treat the stain, observing the following rules: wipe short-haired fur with an old stain against the pile, and wipe long-haired fur in the direction of the hair, respectively.

We bring the gloss

How to clean the fur so that it shines like new again?

  • With a cloth moistened with vinegar or glycerin, go over the pile.
  • Without letting it dry, wipe it with rubbing alcohol and brush immediately with a massage brush.

Five "no's" for cleaning fur

  1. Never dry it with a hair dryer, iron, or hanging it on a battery.
  2. Do not wash, do not let the flesh get wet!
  3. Do not use sawdust from coniferous trees for cleaning - they contain resin.
  4. Do not comb the karakul after cleaning, just shake it!
  5. When cleaning faux fur, do not use vinegar or acetone, which can “eat” the color.

We hope that thanks to our simple advice, your favorite fur coat will delight you with its gorgeous look for more than one season!

Fur clothes look luxurious and in order to maintain their appearance, you need to properly care for them, store and clean them in a timely manner. How to clean fur at home and return it to its original appearance without going to dry cleaning? This can be done in a few simple ways using available tools.

Read in this article:

Dry cleaning

  1. Cleaning natural fur at home is carried out using heated wheat or rye bran. They must be heated in a frying pan, sprinkled on the product and rub lightly into the pile. After a while, shake off the bran and brush or vacuum the fur.
  2. Hot sanding gives a good result. Clean dry sand must be heated and poured onto the fur. The sand is rubbed into the pile with the palm of your hand and the dirty is shaken off. The procedure should be repeated until the sand remains clean.
  3. You can also use small sawdust of necessarily hardwood (birch, aspen, linden, etc.), since resin can get on the pile from conifers. Sawdust must first be soaked in gasoline, kerosene or turpentine. They need to be scattered over the fur product and left for about an hour, then shake off and brush the pile with a brush.
  4. To cleanse the fur, you can take starch (potato or corn), semolina, chalk or talcum powder (powder for children). Any of these means is poured onto the fur product, rubbed into the pile (the process is similar to washing clothes) and swept away with a brush with natural bristles. The procedure is carried out until complete cleansing. This method is ideal for light colored fur.

Wet cleaning

For processing fur products, you can use ready-made products:

  • Shampoo for animals (preferably for long-haired cats);
  • Shampoo;
  • Laundry detergent for wool or silk.

Any of the above means must be whipped into foam, which should be applied with a sponge or simply by hand on the pile. After a while, remove the remaining foam from the fur with a brush or damp cloth.

  1. To clean the fur, you need to prepare a solution of water, vinegar and alcohol, taken in the same amount. You can use vodka instead of water and alcohol. The composition is applied to the fur and immediately washed off with a clean cloth.
  2. Dilute 1 tsp in 500 ml of water. ammonia and 1.5 tbsp. salt. Process the product with the resulting solution and wipe the pile with a damp cloth.
  3. How to clean fur from stubborn dirt? For this, 1 part of medical alcohol and 1 part of ammonia are mixed. The resulting composition is used to treat the stain, and then wipe it with a damp cloth.
  4. Old recipe: 1 tbsp. mix vodka with 1 tsp. glycerin and apply to the fur. After a while, remove the composition with a damp sponge, and then wipe it with a dry cloth.
  5. For processing fur, you need 1 tbsp. dilute water with 1 tsp. ammonia and 2-3 drops of alcohol. Pour the resulting solution into a spray gun and spray the fur product. Blot the lint with a clean cloth and dry in a well-ventilated area.


  • fur products must not be dried next to heating appliances;
  • fur with a long pile is cleaned according to hair growth, with a short one - “against the fur;
  • for a long pile, you can take a comb with rare teeth, on which gauze or cotton wool dipped in one of the products is strung;
  • dust can be knocked out by first wrapping the product with a damp cloth or simply vacuuming;
  • stains from wine, juice, coffee, tea or sauce on light fur are recommended to be cleaned only in a dry cleaner.

The return of shine

You can return the shine to the fur at home using lemon juice (replaced with a weak solution of acetic or citric acid) or glycerin. Apply the substance to the fur and wipe with a clean absorbent cloth.

It is also possible for 1 liter. of boiling water, take 100 g of animal fat (fish oil, ghee or butter, ghee), 10 g of laundry soap (liquid soap can be used) and 12 drops of ammonia. Cool the resulting mixture to 35 degrees Celsius and wipe the pile.

Cleaning light fur

To get rid of yellowness, light fur is treated with hydrogen peroxide (1 tsp in a glass of water) and dried for 24 hours in direct sunlight. Longer exposure to the sun can be counterproductive.

Cleaning fur at home is possible with the following solution: in 500 ml. dilute 1 tsp of water at room temperature. ammonia and 1 tsp. detergent composition (shampoo, detergent for wool or silk, dishwashing detergent). Apply the prepared solution, lightly rubbing it into the fur, then wipe it with a damp sponge and dry cloth. Dry the product in an upright position in a ventilated area.

Also, white fur can be cleaned with a gruel of 1 part baking soda and 3 parts alcohol. It is applied along the hair growth and left to dry completely, after which it is brushed off with a natural bristle brush or vacuumed.

Faux fur cleaning

Natural fur requires careful handling and careful handling. It is much easier with faux fur - if it is heavily soiled, you can simply wash it in the washing machine in the delicate or hand wash mode, as well as for wool. Dry the product in a flattened state on a flat horizontal surface. To avoid the formation of icicles, the pile must be combed.

Small dirt can be cleaned with a gruel of detergent or dishwashing detergent with starch (talcum powder). Apply gruel to the stain and leave to dry completely. Then brush it off.

The greasy stain is removed with a swab dipped in gasoline or kerosene. Acetone cannot be used - it will dissolve the pile.

A good result is obtained by using a cleaner for carpets and upholstery. Follow the instructions for this product. After processing, the composition is removed with a damp cloth.

Fur damage

Unfortunately, not everything can be removed from the fur by brushing. If you leave a product with contamination for summer storage, then there is a high probability that you will later find a bald spot on the spot - the dirt attracts moths. Therefore, just in case, when storing for storage, put some kind of moth repellent: lavender, citrus peels, etc.

The fur product may turn yellow - if stored improperly, dried near heating devices or worn for a long time, yellow spots located in a chaotic manner appear on white fur. You can try bleaching them in dry cleaning or repainting the fur product. The same should be done when stains appear from suede products - bags or gloves.

Light spots from perfume that have appeared on dark fur also cannot be removed on their own. In this case, you will need to consult a specialist.

The deformation of the product caused by improper drying is corrected in the only way - a complete redrawing or replacement of individual parts.

It is quite difficult and costly to eliminate the above defects. Therefore, you need to store a fur product in a clean form, placed in a special case, in a dark, dry and cool place. Many fur salons provide this service to their clients.

Winter is coming, which means it's time to prepare your fur clothes for the new season. Some girls clean their furs right after the end of winter, and only then send them to the closet. Some leave this business until the start of the season. In any case, in order for the fur to be well preserved and to serve for a long time, it must be properly looked after.

Before you start cleaning, you need to find out if your coat needs it. This can be done with a hair dryer. Just direct a stream of cold air at the fur and see:

  • if the villi easily and freely fly apart, forming a dimple, which disappears when the air supply stops, then the fur is clean;
  • if the fur is sticky, dull and does not swell when blown with a hair dryer, it means that a lot of dust and dirt has accumulated on it and it just needs to be cleaned.

A very long time ago, for cleaning fur products, they used sawdust or powdered small bran. This method is still relevant today for home cleaning of fur. In addition, it is completely safe and environmentally friendly. In order to clean the fur product in this way, it must be spread on a flat surface, and then evenly scatter the bran or sawdust and grind them well with a brush. After that, the sawdust or bran is shaken off with a brush. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

How to clean light-colored fur

To remove a greasy stain from a fur garment, prepare such a solution from ammonia and salt: dissolve one and a half tablespoons of salt and a teaspoon of ammonia in half a liter. Soak a sponge in the resulting solution and carefully remove the stain from the fur coat with it.

If the fur is artificial, then it is easiest to clean it. To do this, you need to prepare gruel from washing powder and water. By the way, faux fur tolerates a simple wash well. But before you wash such a fur coat, you need to rip off the lining.

How to make the fur not yellow and shine?

Often, a fur product does not need to be cleaned. However, it loses its luster and the fur turns yellow. To restore shine to a fur product, you need to comb it metal comb with frequent teeth. If there is no such comb, then you can use another method. Prepare a solution from table vinegar and medical alcohol. Apply the resulting solution with a sponge to the fur garment.

To return the shine to the fur coat, it must be carefully knocked out. After that, you need to walk on the surface of the fur with a brush for clothes dipped in gasoline (refined). To prevent the white fur from turning yellow, it must be wiped immediately after purchase with a hydrogen peroxide solution. To prepare such a solution, add a tablespoon hydrogen peroxide in a liter of water. The yellowed fur is cleaned with the same solution, only more concentrated. In order not to damage the flesh, wipe the fur only on top.

In order for the fur coat to have a beautiful and lasting shine, it is necessary to wipe the fur sponge or a cloth napkin dipped in vinegar essence. The essence is very caustic, so you only need to work with rubber gloves. You can also return the shine to a fur product walnuts. To do this, take walnut kernels and chop them, then wrap them in cheesecloth and rub them over the fur over the pile. Peanut butter will be absorbed into the fur and the fur will become shiny. The fur coat will look new for a long time. After that, the fur needs to be brushed with a bristle brush.

How to properly care for fur products

Not only dirty fur, but also improper care can ruin the look of your fur coat or other fur product. For example, dry leather base. To restore it, take egg yolk, glycerol or Vaseline oil. Mix the yolk with one tablespoon of petroleum jelly or glycerin and add half a liter of warm water there. With the resulting mixture, wipe the base of the fur from the back side, then dry the product well.

If the fur on the fur coat has become coarse, then this can also be easily corrected. Take two tablespoons of vinegar and dissolve them in a liter of water. Then moisten the flesh in the resulting solution and gently knead it, stretch the fur in different directions. The procedure must be repeated several times every two to three hours. Then dry the fur coat and lubricate it with this emulsion: take 100 g of castor oil, add 15 drops of ammonia to them and dilute everything with a liter of warm water. Fold the fur coat with the flesh to the flesh, and keep it that way until it dries (for three to four hours). After that, hang up the fur coat and dry it well.