Pregnancy remedies for women ring. Application during pregnancy and hepatitis B. If you did not use hormonal contraception in the previous cycle

The self-sufficiency and success of a modern woman allows her to plan her lifestyle the way she wants.

Gone are the days when women were little aware of methods of contraception. One of the innovations in contraception can be successfully called the Novaring contraceptive ring - a hormonal method that prevents unwanted pregnancy.

The cost of one ring ranges from 975 to 1730 rubles. A three-ring package is more expensive.

Instructions for using the Novaring ring

The protective properties of the vaginal ring are based on the activities of etonogestrel, a progestogen derivative, and ethinyl estradiol. The latter is a widely used estrogen in contraceptives. The main effect of the ring is based on the inhibition of ovulation.

How to use the Novaring contraceptive ring?

  • The ring is inserted into the vagina in comfortable for this pose.
  • From the moment of insertion, the ring must remain inside the vagina three weeks.
  • After three weeks, the ring must be removed and menstruation will begin.
  • After a week break, it is introduced new ring Novaring.

Novaring is introduced between the first and fifth day of the menstrual cycle.

If menstruation has not ended on the fifth day, the ring must still be inserted into the vagina for 5th day of the cycle.

A condom is required for the first seven days of finding the ring.

After childbirth or abortion, the ring can be used as a contraceptive for fourth week.

Contraindications to the use of the vaginal ring

Contraindications to the use of a ring are the following diseases of a woman:

  • venous thrombosis
  • predisposition to blood clots
  • diabetes
  • vaginal bleeding of unknown cause
  • malignant tumors
  • pancreatitis
  • an allergic reaction to the components of the drug
  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • ulcerative colitis
  • smoking over the age 35 years
  • chronic constipation

If the ring falls out, the contraceptive property of the ring persists for several hours, and an unwanted pregnancy cannot occur.

It is necessary to insert the ring into the vagina as soon as possible.

Reviews of women who used the Novaring ring

More and more women are choosing the vaginal ring as a method of contraception.

The used Novaring ring, reviews of which are different, causes some controversy among women. Basically, they relate to the high price of the contraceptive. As the reviews show, the ring has its advantages:

  • your period becomes regular and predictable
  • decreases pain during menstruation
  • reduces the intensity of bleeding during menstruation
  • reduces the risk of developing anemia

Anastasia, 25 years old: used a spiral for a long time.

Julia, 30 years old: I thought about this method of contraception for a long time. There was no doubt about the reliability of the method. I decided to use the ring a year ago and still have never regretted it. The ring never falls out and is very effective.

Anna, 32 years old: Unlike other hormonal methods, the ring is a modern remedy for unwanted pregnancy. Once a month you put in a ring and no problem. You immediately forget about the ring, so it does not cause any inconvenience. Although the vaginal ring is large, it cannot be felt inside.

Side effects

The popular Novaring contraceptive ring as a hormonal drug can cause some side effects when used. Possible manifestation:

  • vaginal infections (cystitis, genital tract infection, cervicitis)
  • headaches
  • stomach pain
  • nausea
  • acne
  • decreased libido
  • depression
  • muscle cramps
  • hypertension

When using a vaginal ring, violations circulation, venous thrombosis, symptoms of which include acute uncharacteristic pain in the extremities and swelling.

Today, the vaginal ring is one of the most effective and efficient methods of contraception. The Novaring contraceptive ring is a hormonal method that works throughout the entire menstrual cycle. It is enough just to purchase a hormonal contraceptive and start using it on the fifth day of your period. A convenient way will allow you to feel free and in control of your life for a long time. You should not waste time taking pills. It is better to purchase a safe Novaring ring.

Vaginal ring NovaRing is a modern method of contraception, which has a very high reliability and relative ease of use. The NovaRing hormonal ring is gaining more and more popularity and is receiving good reviews from gynecologists.

The contraceptive ring is inserted into the vagina and stays there for 3 weeks. Once in the vagina, the NuvaRing ring releases small doses of hormones that suppress the work of the ovaries, prevent ovulation and make pregnancy impossible.

According to the manufacturer, the effectiveness of the NuvaRing vaginal ring in preventing pregnancy is about 99%, however, according to independent studies, it is within 92%. The NuvaRing contraceptive ring has a higher reliability than birth control pills, and about the same effectiveness as.

Composition and form of release

The NovaRing hormonal ring is available in the form of flexible transparent rings in packs of 1 and 3 pieces.

Each NovaRing ring contains the hormones etonogestrel (11.7 mg) and ethinylestradiol (2.7 mg).

Benefits of the NovaRing vaginal ring

What are the advantages of NovaRing? The contraceptive ring has the following benefits:

  • Unlike birth control pills, which need to be taken every day, the NovaRing hormone ring needs to be inserted into the vagina only once a month (to be more precise, once every 4 weeks).
  • Against the background of constant use of NovaRing, menstruation becomes less painful and less abundant.
  • Some research data suggests that the use of NuvaRing reduces the risk of occurrence of ovaries.
  • The NuvaRing ring adjusts to the individual characteristics of the female body, therefore it is not felt by either the woman herself or her sexual partner.
  • Unlike the hormonal contraceptive injection, the NuvaRing ring does not lead to symptoms and to.

Disadvantages of the NovaRing contraceptive ring

The main disadvantages of the NuvaRing ring are its price (higher compared to birth control pills) and the risk of the ring falling out if it is incorrectly inserted. The skill of inserting the ring correctly comes with experience.

In addition, the NuvaRing ring does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases (, etc.), therefore it is recommended only for women who have a permanent partner in which she is confident.

Important information

Do not forget that the NuvaRing ring is a hormonal method of contraception, which means that its use is associated with some risks. Do not start using NuvaRing on your own or on recommendations from friends. Before using the drug, consult your gynecologist and make sure that you have no contraindications to this method of contraception.

Contraindications to the use of NovaRing ring

Stop using the NovaRing hormonal contraceptive ring if:

  • You are pregnant or may be pregnant.
  • You are breastfeeding.
  • You are over 35 years old and you smoke.
  • You have had vein thrombosis or have a tendency to form blood clots.
  • You have high blood pressure.
  • You often get headaches.
  • You have diabetes.
  • You have had breast cancer or other malignant diseases.
  • You often have vaginal bleeding and the cause is not clear to you.

In some situations, the use of NuvaRing is permissible after consultation with your doctor:

  • With varicose veins.
  • With an increased level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • With a body weight of more than 90 kg.
  • With epilepsy.
  • For diseases of the gallbladder (cholecystitis, stones in the gallbladder).
  • For problems with the thyroid gland.

This list is far from complete. If you are not sure whether the use of NuvaRing is permissible for your disease or condition, consult your doctor.

Rules for using the NuvaRing ring

The NovaRing hormonal ring should be inserted into the vagina for 3 weeks and removed on the same day of the week. The new ring must be inserted exactly 7 days later. During the week off, your period may start.

For example, if you entered a ring on Monday at 8 pm, then you need to remove it exactly 3 weeks later on Monday at 8 pm and enter a new ring the next Monday at about 8 pm.

Wash your hands thoroughly before inserting the ring. Get into a comfortable position: standing with one foot on the toilet, squatting, or lying down. Remove the ring from the package, squeeze it between your index finger and thumb, and insert it deeply into the vagina. The ring will automatically take the desired position around the cervix. If the ring is inserted correctly, you will not feel it.

To remove the NuvaRing ring, wash your hands thoroughly, take a comfortable position, and pick up the ring with one or two fingers. The used ring can be thrown in the trash can (but not in the toilet).

Does the contraceptive effect last during the break?

During the weekly break, the contraceptive effect of the NuvaRing ring remains, and you do not need to use other methods of contraception. This is only true if, after the end of the break, you enter a new ring.

If you did not use hormonal contraception in the previous cycle

Insert the NuvaRing contraceptive ring on the first day of your period. In this case, the contraceptive effect will come immediately. If for some reason you inserted the ring on days 2-5 of your period, then you should use it within the next 7 days.

How to switch to NuvaRing from birth control pills?

If the package of your contraceptive pills contained 21 tablets, then enter the NuvaRing ring on the 7th day of the weekly break (that is, on the day when you started taking the next package of pills).

If your OK contained 28 tablets per pack, enter the NuvaRing ring the day after taking the last 28 tablets.

How to use NuvaRing after childbirth?

The NovaRing hormonal ring should be inserted into the vagina no earlier than a month after childbirth. If the ring is inserted in the first 4 weeks after childbirth, the risk of its loss is very high.

If you have already had unprotected sex before the ring was inserted, then first you should make sure that you are not pregnant, or wait until the first menstruation begins.

If there is no menses yet, then you can start using the ring any day (after making sure that you are not pregnant). After inserting the ring, use additional contraception (condoms) for another 7 days.

Can NovaRing be used while breastfeeding?

How to use the NuvaRing ring after an abortion?

If the termination of pregnancy occurred at a period of less than 12 weeks, then you can enter the NuvaRing ring on the day of the abortion. In this case, the contraceptive effect occurs immediately, and you do not need to use additional contraception. If you did not have time to insert the ring on the day of the abortion, then wait for the next menstruation and insert the ring on the first day of your period. Use condoms before your period.

If the termination of pregnancy occurred for a period of more than 12 weeks, then use the instructions from the section "How to use NuvaRing after childbirth".

What if I forgot to remove the NuvaRing ring after 3 weeks?

If you forgot to remove the NuvaRing ring in time, then try to remember how long ago you installed it:

  • If the ring was inserted 4 weeks ago or less, remove the ring as soon as possible and take a 7-day break. Enter a new ring on the 7th day after deleting the previous one. You do not need to use additional methods of contraception, as in this case, the contraceptive effect of the NuvaRing ring remains.
  • If the ring was inserted more than 4 weeks ago, the contraceptive effect may be reduced. In this case, you need to remember whether you have had unprotected sex. If you have had unprotected sex, then stop using rings until you are sure that you are not pregnant (do or pass). If you have not had unprotected sexual intercourse, and you are sure that you are not pregnant, then insert a new ring immediately after removing the previous one and use additional methods of contraception for another 7 days.

What if I forgot to put on a new NuvaRing after a week's break?

Try to remember if you had unprotected sex after removing the previous ring. If so, do not insert a new ring until you have ruled out pregnancy.

If, after removing the previous ring, you have not had unprotected sex, then insert a new ring as soon as possible and use additional methods of contraception (condoms) for another 7 days.

What to do if the NuvaRing ring falls out?

If the NuvaRing ring is incorrectly installed, it can fall out of the vagina. In this case, the contraceptive effect may be reduced, and there is a risk of pregnancy.

If the ring fell out less than 3 hours ago, then rinse it with cool water and insert it back into the vagina. In this case, the contraceptive effect is not impaired and the risk of pregnancy does not increase.

If the ring fell out more than 3 hours ago, then the contraceptive effect decreases.

  • If this is the first or second week after the insertion of the ring, then after rinsing the ring with cool water, insert it back into the vagina and use additional methods of contraception (condoms) for another 7 days.
  • If it is the third week after inserting the ring, discard it and insert the new ring immediately. In this case, you may not have bleeding, or you may have spotting spotting. This is fine. If for some reason you did not insert a new ring immediately, then wait for the onset of bleeding (menstruation) and insert a new ring in the first 7 days after removing the previous one.

How to postpone unwanted menstruation with the NuvaRing ring?

When using the NuvaRing contraceptive ring, you have the opportunity to postpone the next menstruation, if for some reason they are undesirable (vacation, etc.)

To do this, install a new NuvaRing ring on the same day as you removed the previous one, without making a 7-day break. Remove this ring after 3 weeks and then take a 7-day break to return to your normal use of the ring.

In this case, you may have spotting spotting. This is fine.

Bloody (brown) discharge when using the NuvaRing ring

Against the background of the use of the contraceptive NovaRing, the appearance of spotting spotting in the middle of the cycle is possible. This is normal and does not require discontinuation of the drug. See your doctor if spotting occurs almost every day or every day throughout the month.

The appearance of bloody discharge in the middle of the cycle may also indicate that the ring has fallen out, and the contraceptive effect is reduced. In this regard, when spotting discharge appears, it is necessary to make sure that the ring is in place. To do this, wash your hands thoroughly and, having taken a comfortable position, insert one finger into the vagina, trying to find the ring.

Can tampons and NuvaRing be used at the same time?

Yes, there are no contraindications for this. In this case, of course, it should be observed.

On rare occasions, the ring may fall out when the tampon is removed, so when using tampons, you should regularly check that the ring is in place.

In what cases can the contraceptive effect of the NuvaRing ring decrease?

Taking some medications can lead to a decrease in the contraceptive effect of NuvaRing. For example, when taking antibiotics, a woman is advised to use additional contraceptives (condoms) throughout the course of treatment and for another 7 days after the end of antibiotic treatment.

Before taking any medication, consult your doctor to find out if it reduces the contraceptive effect of NuvaRing.

What if your period didn't come during a week break?

In some women, against the background of constant use of the NuvaRing ring, menstruation may stop altogether.

If during the week break, your period did not come, then try to remember if the ring fell out for more than 3 hours last month. If it fell out, then the contraceptive effect of the ring could be reduced, which means that you need to do it.

If you used the ring according to the instructions, then the chances of pregnancy are quite low. In this case, you can insert a new ring on the 7th day after removing the previous one. If your period does not start in the second cycle, see your doctor.

What to do if pregnancy occurs while using the NuvaRing ring?

Despite the high effectiveness of the NuvaRing contraceptive ring, in rare cases, pregnancy occurs against the background of its use. If you suspect you may be pregnant, remove the ring from your vagina immediately and see your doctor.

If the pregnancy is confirmed, and you want to keep it, then there are no obstacles for this. The use of the ring does not increase the risk of fetal malformations, which means that you have a high chance of having a healthy baby.

How to get pregnant after using the NuvaRing ring?

If you are planning a pregnancy, remove the ring after the third week of use and do not replace it with a new one. Pregnancy can occur in the next cycle after the end of the use of NuvaRing.


Pharmaceutical companies offer a variety of remedies to prevent unwanted conception. Some contraceptives have a short-term effect, while others have a long-term contraceptive effect. The second option is in great demand due to its ease of use. The contraceptive ring helps you forget about a possible pregnancy for a long time. This contraceptive is inserted into the vagina.

What is the name of the contraceptive ring

The vaginal contraceptive ring is produced in a single copy under the trade name "Novaring". It is a flexible structure impregnated with hormones. The silicone product is placed in the vaginal cavity for 21 days, after which it is removed. The diameter of the ring is 54 mm and the width is 4 mm.

Composition and mechanism of action

The contraceptive is made of hypoallergenic material. Once placed in the vagina, it releases estrogens and progestogens, which have a contraceptive effect. The required effect is achieved by inhibiting the maturation process and release of the egg. The active ingredients include etonogestrel in a volume of 11.7 mg and 2.7 mg of ethinylestradiol. The secondary action is performed by magnesium stearate and copolymer.

As a result of the use of a contraceptive, the cycle is regulated and the intensity of the symptoms of the premenstrual period decreases. The likelihood of developing iron deficiency anemia and cystic formations is excluded.

Attention! When switching to a ring from mini-pills, injections or implants, it is recommended to additionally use barrier contraception.

Pros and cons of the contraceptive gynecological ring

The main feature of the silicone contraceptive ring is its ease of use. A woman can forget about the need for protection for a whole cycle. The pluses also include:

  • improving the quality of the skin;
  • high degree of protection;
  • regular and painless menstruation;
  • lack of discomfort during intimacy.

Despite the many advantages of the contraceptive, it also has negative aspects. The main one is the lack of protection against genital infections. Therefore, the vaginal ring is more suitable for women who have a permanent sexual partner. The disadvantages include the possibility of side effects and addiction of the body to the drug.

Spiral or ring: which is better

Many women cannot choose between an intrauterine device and a vaginal ring. The decision is made on an individual basis, together with the attending physician. The spiral is placed for a longer period - up to 5 years. The intrauterine contraceptive ring must be changed every 4 weeks. But the risk of developing side effects with it is much lower. The cost of the spiral is higher. But, given the duration of its action, it is more beneficial.

Birth control ring or pills

Oral contraception is taken daily for 21 days. Unlike vaginal contraceptives, they negatively affect internal organs. The ring has a targeted effect, bypassing the liver, kidneys and digestive organs. The tablets are less convenient due to the need for regular intake. Skipping a pill leads to a decrease in the contraceptive effect.

Instructions for using the contraceptive ring for women

It is highly discouraged to prescribe a contraceptive on your own. The ring is prescribed by a doctor after receiving the results of a comprehensive examination of the body. A woman can insert a contraceptive into the vagina without medical assistance. Initially, you should familiarize yourself with the operating rules contained in the instructions.

If a woman switches to a vaginal product after oral contraceptives, the insertion process is carried out on the last day of the 7-day break. You can use a contraceptive after an abortion immediately after surgical curettage.

For antibacterial treatment with ampicillins or tetracyclines, it is necessary to use a condom during treatment for 1 week after the antibiotic has been discontinued. This is due to a decrease in the effectiveness of contraceptives containing ethinyl estradiol. The use of suppositories with antifungal action slightly increases the likelihood of product damage.

A warning! The use of hormonal agents causes a change in the action of other medications. As a result, their concentration in the blood and peripheral tissues increases or decreases.

How to insert the contraceptive ring

To ensure the proper level of contraception, the vaginal ring is inserted from day 1 to day 5 of the menstrual cycle. The product must be removed from the packaging with pre-washed hands. The most optimal position for insertion is sitting on the edge of the chair with your hips wide apart. The ring should fit snugly against the cervix. To do this, you should insert it deep into the vagina. Thanks to the flexible material, it takes the required position on its own.

What to do if your birth control ring falls out

If the contraceptive is installed correctly, the chances of it falling out are minimal. But due to inexperience, a woman may incorrectly attach a contraceptive. As a result of its loss, the contraceptive effect does not decrease if the woman managed to insert the ring back no later than 3 hours later. Before that, you must thoroughly rinse the product with running water.

Important! If the contraceptive has not been removed for more than a month, then there is a possibility of pregnancy. In this case, you need to remove the product and take a pregnancy test.

Removal of the uterine contraceptive ring

After 21 days of wearing, the contraceptive must be pulled out of the uterine cavity. It is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. After that, with the help of the index finger, hook and pull out the product. The next step is to dispose of it.

Contraindications and side effects

Vaginal and oral contraception have contraindications. The ring is no exception. It cannot be used in the following cases:

  • a tendency to migraine;
  • period of feeding the child;
  • thrombosis of arteries and veins;
  • allergy to components;
  • diabetes;
  • spotting from the vagina of unknown origin;
  • liver pathology;
  • tumor processes.

Side effects of contraceptive use are rare. Most often, they affect the vaginal mucosa and manifest as a local reaction. The most common side effects include:

  • inflammatory processes of the urinary tract;
  • changes in the nature of vaginal discharge;
  • nervousness and an increased sense of anxiety;
  • an increase in the volume of the mammary glands;
  • weight gain or loss;
  • stool disturbance and nausea;
  • dizziness and mild headaches.

Wearing the product increases the likelihood of thrombosis. In the event of the first signs of an illness, the use of a contraceptive should be stopped immediately. Among the additional consequences, doctors distinguish acyclic bleeding, frequent migraine attacks and chloasma. If the rules for staging are violated, the risk of rupture of the vaginal ring increases.

Advice! In case of side effects, you should immediately contact your gynecologist.

Pregnancy and lactation

While carrying a child, the use of a contraceptive ring is not advisable. If conception occurred while wearing a contraceptive, then it should be removed immediately. During the lactation period, the use of a vaginal ring is prohibited.


The shelf life of the ring-shaped contraceptive is 3 years. The sealed container should be stored between 2 ° C and 8 ° C. It is advisable to place the product out of the reach of children.

Contraceptive ring price

The cost of the contraceptive ring is determined by the place of purchase and the number of pieces in the package. 3 pieces can be bought for 2800-3600 rubles. If you buy a contraceptive one by one, then its price will be 1000 rubles.

Opinion of doctors

Pregnancy protection vaginal rings are available over the counter in pharmacies. But this does not mean that you can use them without the permission of your doctor. Pre-tests are taken to determine the level of hormones in the body. It is equally important to exclude the possibility of contraindications. Only after carrying out preparatory manipulations is it allowed to enter the contraceptive ring.

According to statistics, a small number of patients with contraceptive use develop a headache and weight gain. After discontinuation of the drug, health returns to normal without outside interference. Often there are local reactions in the form of a burning sensation of the mucous membrane and changes in secretions. But in most cases, the drug is tolerated without complications for health and well-being.


The contraceptive ring is in demand due to its ease of use and high level of effectiveness. Compared to pills and coils, it is less likely to provoke side effects.

The vaginal ring is made of a soft artificial material and has a diameter of 54 mm; it is inserted according to the principle of a tampon. In the vagina, the vaginal ring regularly releases hormones that prevent ovulation from occurring. Like birth control pills, it contains gestagens, which thicken the lining of the uterus and prevent the egg from fertilizing and attaching. After 21 days, the vaginal ring must be removed - in the next 7-day break, there will be monthly bleeding. As with the birth control pill, this bleeding is not real menstruation, it is called withdrawal bleeding. After 7 days, you can already insert the next vaginal ring. If a woman forgot to remove the vaginal ring after 21 days, then for the next 7 days it will continue to release hormones and provide protection against unwanted pregnancy.

Without losing its contraceptive effect, the vaginal ring can be removed from the vagina for a short time, for example if it gets in the way during sex. However, it must not be removed for more than 3 hours or several times in 24 hours.

Vaginal ring: benefits

  • The vaginal ring is easy to insert and usually cannot be felt inside. Only during sex do some women take it away.
  • If a woman uses a vaginal ring as a method of contraception, then she no longer needs to remember about contraception every day. The ring is in the vagina for a long time and does not need to be used every day like birth control pills. Also, there can be no mistakes in reception with him, and wearing a ring in the vagina for more than 21 days will not reduce its contraceptive effect.
  • You can use three vaginal rings in a row, and thereby completely eliminate menstrual bleeding for this period.
  • As with birth control pills, monthly bleeding with the vaginal ring is less severe and usually painless.
  • The reliability of the vaginal ring is comparable to that of birth control pills.
  • Unlike birth control pills, the vaginal ring provides protection for those women who suffer from vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems.

Vaginal ring: disadvantages

  • Some women find it difficult to insert and remove the vaginal ring at certain times.
  • The vaginal ring may slip out of the vagina, however, this rarely happens. If this does happen, you need to rinse it with warm water and put it back in again.
  • For some women, the vaginal ring may irritate the vagina or cause a discharge.
  • The vaginal ring does not exclude side effects, such as interactions with antibiotics and other medications. Therefore, in case of problems that arise, it is imperative to consult with your doctor.

Vaginal ring: reliability

The level of reliability corresponds to the contraceptive pill. The vaginal ring has a Pearl index of 0.25-1.18 (the number of women who become pregnant despite this method of contraception). This means that less than 1% of women become pregnant using a vaginal ring.

Other methods of contraception

Along with the vaginal ring, there are other hormonal contraceptives, whose effectiveness is comparable to the contraceptive pill. For example, a hormonal coil. In our section "Contraception" you can find information on various methods of contraception, their advantages and disadvantages.

Prevention of unwanted conception is of great importance among the methods of planning pregnancy. For this purpose, various contraceptives are used: condoms, pills, spirals. But there are also quite exotic pharmacological forms, for example, a vaginal contraceptive ring called NovaRing (or Nova Ring). Many women hear about this for the first time, so it is necessary to pay attention to the consideration of the features, method of application, indications and limitations of the specified means.


The pharmacological form is a flexible ring made of latex, which contains two active components: estrogen and gestagen. Therefore, Novaring refers to combined hormonal contraceptives with a predominantly local mechanism of action. The gestagen is etonogestrel, and the group of estrogens is ethinyl estradiol - synthetic analogs of the natural hormones of the female body. The ring is 5.4 cm in diameter and only 4 mm thick. These sizes are suitable for most women, which is ensured by the flexibility of the shape and its adjustment to the individual characteristics of the genitals.

The effects of the contraceptive ring are due to the action of the active substances that make up it.

Etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol bind to the corresponding receptors, thereby blocking the local effects of natural hormones - estrogen and progesterone. This is mainly manifested in the suppression of ovulation and inhibition of the secretory transformation of the endometrium.

As soon as the ring is inserted into the vagina, its shell takes on the temperature of the human body, becoming permeable to the substances inside. Medicinal components are contained in low doses; they act mainly on the uterus and ovaries, without affecting other systems and organs. Based on the mechanism of action of etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol, conception of a child becomes impossible. The egg does not mature and remains in the follicle, and the thin mucous membrane of the uterus does not allow the embryo to be implanted.

Distribution in the body

Substances in the ring are actively released from it and absorbed through the vaginal mucosa. They enter the bloodstream, where they reach their maximum concentration after about three days (ethinyl estradiol) and a week (etonogestrel) from the start of use. Bioavailability is high, comparable to the use of pill contraceptives. Once in the blood plasma, the active substances bind to proteins (mainly albumin) and in this form are transferred to the target organs. Metabolism occurs in the liver, the half-life of drugs ranges from 29 to 36 hours, and excretion from the body is carried out by the kidneys (with urine) and intestines (with bile).


The NuvaRing ring is used as a planned contraception. But it also has medicinal properties, which makes it possible to use this pharmacological form for some gynecological diseases. We are talking about menstrual dysfunction, when the cycle is irregular and periods are painful.

Using the ring to prevent unwanted conception, you can be sure of its reliability and high performance. The probability of pregnancy during the year of using the contraceptive does not exceed 0.9. This is a high rate, comparable to taking hormonal pills. But, in addition to this, the NuvaRing ring has other advantages:

  • Ease of use (replacement is carried out once a month).
  • Provides mainly local effects on the genitals.
  • There is no likelihood of weight gain.
  • The menstrual cycle is normalized.
  • Reduces the risk of cancer of the uterus and ovaries.
  • The ring does not affect the sensations of sexual intercourse.
  • Rapid renewal of fertility (4 weeks after extraction).

A wide list of positive qualities should increase the adherence of patients to this method of contraception. But, in comparison with other contraceptives, it also has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, the use of a ring is rather unusual for a woman. Secondly, it does not protect against genital infections (unlike a condom). And thirdly, there are many contraindications and restrictions for the use of NuvaRing.

As a contraceptive, the ring has many benefits. But there are also certain disadvantages that limit its use.


Before using the ring, a woman should consult a gynecologist. The doctor will conduct an examination, based on the results of which he will say whether she can use such a contraceptive. The specialist must explain how and when it is best to introduce it and what can be expected in the long term.

Acting according to the instructions, a woman may well put on a NuvaRing ring herself. To do this, she must first choose a suitable posture: lying on her back, squatting or standing with a raised leg. Squeezing the contraceptive with two fingers, she introduces it. The position of the ring in the vagina should be comfortable, and the contraceptive effect does not depend on its accuracy.

The time to start using the ring is important. The optimal timing of administration is determined by several factors:

  • No other contraceptives were used - on the first day of the menstrual cycle.
  • After taking combined estrogen-gestagenic drugs (tablets or plaster) - on the last day of the interval between their appointment.
  • The transition from monocomponent progestational agents - at any time of the cycle.
  • With early abortion - immediately after termination of pregnancy.
  • In the postpartum period or with an abortion in the second trimester - after 1 month.

The ring is in the vagina for 3-4 weeks. Application over this period reduces the contraceptive effect. In case of spontaneous loss of NuvaRing, it is necessary to insert it back as soon as possible. If the ring has been in the external environment for more than 3 hours, then its effect is also reduced. In the intervals between the installation of the contraceptive, as well as in the first 7 days of its use, an additional means in the form of a condom should be used (this is not necessary after childbirth or abortion).

Side effects

The NuvaRing contraceptive ring has a number of side effects. They occur with varying frequency and not in all women. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism. During the use of the ring, the following undesirable phenomena may be observed:

  • Gynecological: inflammation (cervicitis), vaginal discharge, itching, burning and dryness in the vagina, scanty bleeding (including contact and acyclic), discomfort during intercourse, ectropion, cervical polyps; swelling and soreness of the mammary glands, mastopathy.
  • Urological: cystitis, dysuric disorders (frequent urge).
  • Digestive: nausea, decreased appetite, abdominal pain, flatulence, constipation.
  • Neuropsychic: migraine headaches, visual disturbances, dizziness, weakness and fatigue, irritability, decreased sex drive, depression.
  • Skin allergic: itching, pinpoint rash, urticaria, acne.
  • Vascular: sensation of heat, thrombotic conditions.

In addition to the effects due to the content of active ingredients, the ring may simply fall out of the vagina, break or cause discomfort due to the shape itself. But in order to minimize the risk of any side effects, it should be used only after consulting a doctor and an appropriate examination. Compliance with all the recommendations and requirements of the instructions will minimize undesirable effects.

The use of NuvaRing ring can be associated with various unpleasant symptoms. But their likelihood can be reduced by strict adherence to all conditions of use.

Limitations and contraindications

Like any medication, the ring with etonogestrel and ethinyl estradiol has certain limitations that make the use of NuvaRing impossible or highly undesirable. All such conditions must be taken into account by the doctor at the examination stage.

The contraceptive in question has a number of contraindications. At the NuvaRing contraceptive ring, the instructions indicate that it cannot be used in the following cases:

  • Thrombotic conditions, including predisposition to them.
  • Associated migraine (combined with neurological disorders).
  • Diabetes complicated by angiopathy.
  • Severe hepatic pathology (including oncology).
  • Hormone-sensitive tumors of the gynecological sphere.
  • Metrorrhagia with an unexplained cause.
  • Pregnancy (confirmed and probable).
  • Individual hypersensitivity to the components of the ring.

Caution is necessary to treat conditions such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, heart defects, systemic connective tissue diseases, inflammatory bowel disease, sickle cell anemia. Some restrictions relate to difficulties with the introduction of a contraceptive into the vagina, which can be observed with prolapse of the uterus, constipation, rectal diverticula, hernial protrusions of the bladder wall.

special instructions

If, while using NuvaRing, a pregnancy develops, the ring will have to be removed immediately. Studies confirming the safety of combined topical contraceptives for the fetus are not enough to unequivocally speak of the absence of undesirable consequences. You should also avoid using this method while breastfeeding your baby. The effectiveness of the ring in adolescent girls is unknown.

In women who used a combination of estrogens and progestins as contraceptives, there were cases of increased blood pressure, but a direct relationship between these events has not yet been established. With the correct administration of antihypertensive drugs, this effect is leveled. There are indications of the effect of the active ingredients in the ring on carbohydrate tolerance. But this does not require any changes in antihyperglycemic therapy.

The components of NovaRing can have a certain effect on the results of some laboratory tests: liver function tests, thyroid and adrenal hormones, indicators of renal function, lipid spectrum, coagulogram. But all changes are within the reference values. The use of tampons does not in any way affect the effectiveness of the ring.

If, against the background of using the agent in question, a woman has any symptoms described as side effects or others that are alarming, you should immediately consult a doctor. Mild reactions do not require removing the ring, but in some cases, you should still stop using it and switch to other contraceptives.

Every woman should remember about contraindications and other restrictions that can become an obstacle to the use of NuvaRing.


Estrogen-progestational contraceptives, including NuvaRing, can interact with other medications. An acceleration of metabolism, and hence a decrease in the contraceptive effect, can be observed with the parallel administration of inducers of microsomal oxidation in the liver. Such drugs include barbiturates, rifampicin, carbamazepine, ritonavir, St. John's wort preparations. The action of the ring is inhibited by taking antibiotics from the ampicillin and tetracycline groups. Therefore, the patient must inform the doctor about all medications taken.

The NuvaRing ring is a highly effective hormonal contraceptive. Due to its shape, it has a predominantly local effect on the genitals. There are other positive qualities that contribute to the widespread use of the ring. But it can be used only in strict accordance with medical recommendations and instructions. This allows you to minimize the risk of adverse events and achieve a stable result.