Topic: Methodological recommendations on "Organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment in a preschool institution" - abstract. What is a domain development environment? Subject-developing environment in preschool educational institutions

MDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 25" Ryabinushka ".

on "Organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment in a preschool institution"

(Second junior group 3 - 4 years old)

Completed by: Kh.I. Musanipova

Michurinsk 2010

Topic: "Organization of a subject-spatial developmental environment in a preschool institution"

1. Introduction.

2. Educational and subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution.

3. Requirements for the organization of a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution.

4. Principles of designing PRS. ...

5.Color solution and design of premises in the preschool educational institution.

6.Construction of PRS in accordance with the age characteristics of children

7.Group for 3-4 years old

8. Conclusion.

A child is not a small semblance of an adult, but a full-fledged person, unique in his individuality, a great imitator, an enthusiastic explorer, who joyfully and amazedly discovers the world around him, striving to use everything that is given to him for various types of active activity.

The teacher's mission is to give every kid the opportunity to live a full life here and now. So that every kid who has stepped over the threshold of his group and trustingly put his palm in the hand of the teacher opens up to the world like a magic chest, surprising and delighting adults with the magnificence of his talents.

Updating the content of the preschool level of education provides for its variability, which ensures the transition to a personality-oriented interaction of the teacher with children, the individualization of the pedagogical process. Pedagogical improvisation is widely introduced into everyday practice, which allows teachers to choose the forms, methods, methods of teaching themselves in each specific situation of interaction with the child. The active role of pedagogy in the search for ways to improve the environment as a condition for the formation of a personality is growing. Formation of personality is an important task of pedagogy, as it allows each child to form an idea of ​​the purpose of life. Having developed an image of the environment, the child begins to compare it with reality, to seek or transform in accordance with his ideas. In a preschool institution, the furnishings of all premises serve one purpose - the upbringing and development of the child. The creation of such a supportive environment is a great art, including the intelligent and beautiful organization of the space and its elements. This problem is interesting because the interior is created by an architect, designer and artist, while the aesthetics of the interior, beauty and order in the room are organized and supported by the teacher.

The task of pedagogical workers in preschool educational institutions is the ability to simulate a spatial-objective developmental environment that would allow a child to show creative abilities, to learn ways of figuratively re-creating the world and the language of arts, to realize cognitive-aesthetic and cultural-communicative needs for free choice. Modeling the subject environment creates conditions for interaction, cooperation, mutual learning of children.

That is why, an important task today is to comprehend the characteristics of the developing environment, which, through its content and properties, affects the all-round development of the child.

A properly organized developmental environment will allow every kid to find something to their liking, believe in their own strengths and abilities, learn to interact with teachers and peers, understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what lies at the heart of developmental learning. The free activity of children in development centers helps them to independently carry out a search, to be involved in the research process, and not to receive ready-made knowledge. It has long been proven that the success of schooling in the future depends not on the knowledge of the younger student, but on the ability to it is worthwhile to find and apply them.


Researchers prove that the environment is the surrounding social - everyday, social, material and spiritual conditions of the child's existence. It is, as it were, the material environment of the child's thought. L.S. Vygotsky noted that “a child, as a person, begins his development in the process of formation with material reality. In the process of development, he meets with ready-made, historically established conditions, which determine his being as a social being. " Thus, the development of a child depends on how it is raised. how the upbringing is organized, where, in what environment it grows.

Currently, the concept of "educational environment" has appeared. What is it? What is included in this concept?

The educational environment of the preschool institution - this is a set of mustaches catches that have a direct and indirect impact on the all-round development of the child in a preschool institution, the state of his physical and mental health, the success of his further education; as well as interaction of all participants in the educational process at the preschool educational institution

In the structure of the educational environment of the preschool educational institution, great importance is attached to the interaction of the participants in the pedagogical process. The peculiarity is as follows. The teacher, as a subject of the pedagogical process, ensures the development of the child, forming their knowledge, abilities, and skills. At the same time, the activity of children (as individual subjects) changes the quality of the teacher's activity, forcing him to search for new content, forms and methods of teaching that best meet the characteristics of children. As a result, there is not only the development of each child, but also the professional and personal growth of the teacher.

In each specific institution, the content of education is determined by the educational program, while this document should ensure the protection and strengthening of physical development, emotional well-being, intellectual and personal development of each child; development of his creative abilities and introduction to universal human values.

The peculiarities of the development of the preschooler make the surrounding objective world a means of education. As a component of the educational environment of a preschool educational institution, the subject environment includes everything that is available to its direct perception and use in practice.

The concept of a subject-developing environment is considered in pedagogy as a stimulating factor, guiding, developing a child's activity. It influences the development of the personality in a broad sense and the formation of her narrower qualities, such as independence, activity, observation, curiosity, etc.

The subject-developing environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity, which functionally simulates the content of his spiritual and physical development.

In preschool pedagogy, the term "developmental environment" means a complex of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of intellectual, special, creative abilities in the organized space of the crea tive field.

From the provisions of A.I. Leontiev, A.V. Zaporzhets, E.A. Fllerin, the main initial positions follow, confirming the educational role of the subject-spatial environment of the kindergarten, provided:

Purposeful and systematic relationship of children with the aesthetic qualities of the interior, where the role of the educator is the leading one, organizing the perception and activities of the child;

Active involvement of children in creating an aesthetically significant interior, to saturate it with the products of their artistic activities.

And finally, the developmental function. Why did Wednesday get this name?

Why is this particular side of its characteristics highlighted? In all likelihood, because this function is the main, leading. How is this to be understood?

Here it is necessary to start from the understanding of development itself as a result of education and training, as an indicator of a person's progress towards perfection, and from the value that Vygotsky laid down in development. This is the distance from the "zone of actual" to the "zone of proximal" development of the child. This means that the developmental environment of each type of activity in its content should correspond to the "zone of actual" development of the weakest (in this particular type of activity) and the "zone of proximal" development of the strongest (in the same type of activity) in the child's group. It can be visually represented as an inclined straight line.

In other words, the environment must be filled with:

For some it is also unattainable.

It is a difficult task, but without its solution we will not budge, if we ourselves do not comprehend the child's needs for success through the "feasible". And everyone has their own. Only then the environment can claim the high title of developing, when it contains material that is feasible for every child, when it provides the steps of the very progress that we are talking about, implying development.

This is the time to say about the place of the teacher in the developing environment. He is the author, he is the component. The author because, knowing the peculiarities of the development of each child, he creates, projects and creates the environment; component because it determines its place in it in relation to each child. Here is a strong child in intellectual development - he does not need an explanation, clarification of tasks, actions, results of activity, he needs to create an environment for an independent search for an answer to this question. It is enough for this child only to give a hint, to put a hint in the environment of activity, and he himself will solve this problem. And here is a child who needs partial support, and, finally, someone who needs help in different types of presentation: explanations, multiple explanations, joint performance of an action, demonstration, story, constant reminder, etc. All these types of use of the environment and the teacher himself as its component orient all the designated children towards success, towards the joy of achievement, and therefore towards moving forward, since it is success and the joy of achievement that create confidence in their abilities, make them repeatedly return to what they have achieved, that is, improve. ... It is they who are the impetus factors for development.



The purpose of creating a developing environment in a preschool institution is to provide a system of conditions necessary for the development of various types of children's activities, correcting deviations in the development of children and improving the structure of a child's personality.

The strategy and tactics of building the environment are determined by the characteristics of the personality-oriented model of education. Its main features are as follows: when communicating with children, an adult adheres to the position: "Not next to, not above, but together!" Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as a person.

This involves solving the following tasks:

Provide a sense of psychological security - the child's trust in the world.

The joys of existence (psychological health).
Formation of personality beginnings (the basis of personal culture)

The development of a child's personality is not "programmed", but
promoting personality development.

Knowledge, abilities, skills are considered not as a goal, as a means of full-fledged personality development.

Methods of communication - understanding, recognition, acceptance of the child's personality, are based on the ability of adults to take the child's position, take into account his point of view, not ignore his feelings and emotions.

Communication tactics are cooperation.

The adult's position is to proceed from the interests of the child and the prospects for his further development as a full-fledged member of society.

When creating a development environment, it is necessary to proceed from ergonomic requirements to the life of children who are in this environment: anthropometric, physiological and psychological characteristics.

R.B. Sterkina notes that the developing environment in a preschool educational institution, from the point of view of psychological and pedagogical requirements, should meet the concern for it. emotio natural well-being and create conditions for its development, it is imperative to be built taking into account the child's ability to communicate not only with children of the same age, but also in communities of different ages, not only with the teacher who leads him, but also with other adults (cook, watchman, parents, etc. ). A personality develops fully only when there is a whole range of communication with people of different ages, representatives of different professions, families.

An enriched environment (according to V.A. Petrovsky) presupposes the unity of social and objective means of ensuring the various activities of the child. The enrichment of the educational process of the developing subject environment is directly dependent on the content of upbringing, the age and level of development of children and their activities. All components of the subject-development environment are interconnected in content, scale, artistic solution. The object-spatial world includes a variety of objects, objects of social reality. The objective environment is necessary for children, first of all, because it performs an informative function in relation to them - each object carries certain information about the world around it, and becomes a means of transferring social experience.

The game subject-development environment includes: a large organizing playing field, play equipment, toys, paraphernalia of various kinds, mate rials necessary for children's activities during the day. All these tools are not in some abstract space, but in a group room.

Organizing the subject environment in the group room, in the offices of specialists, in the locker rooms, teachers should take into account everything that will contribute to the formation of the basic characteristics of the personality of each child: the patterns of mental development of preschoolers, their health indicators, psychophysiological and commutative characteristics, the level of general and speech development, and also emotionally needful sphere. Taking into account the abilities, interests, the pace of advancement of each child, creating conditions for his development, regardless of the level of initial readiness - this is what teachers should be guided by in their professional activities.

The development of the child takes place in the process of education and training - in active, meaningful activity, organized by the teacher in various forms of his communication with adults and peers. A special subject-developing environment is created around the child, in which he lives and learns. In this environment, the preschooler develops his physical functions, forms sensory skills, accumulates life experience, learns to organize and compare different objects and phenomena, and gain knowledge from his own experience.

A development environment built on the basis of personality-oriented interaction between children and adults should provide each child with equal starting opportunities, within the framework of which the systematic development of his personality is carried out. However, equal opportunities do not mean the same. The developing environment from the beginning of its creation should be variable, multifunctional, adaptable and accessible to every child.

The selection of materials, the peculiarities of its placement should be scientifically grounded in nature, take into account the psychological characteristics of the development of young children, as well as age patterns of changes in activities.

In the selection of material, its cognitive value is of great importance. The most expedient way of the intellectual development of children is to expand the experience of actions with toys, household items, simple tools, accompanied by speech, since the first genuine generalizations of objects according to their purpose, functions, etc. arise in children at first practically, in actions with them, and then are fixed in the word.

The subject environment must be designed in accordance with the program that is implemented in the educational institution. In this case, the teacher must take into account the characteristics of the group, know both the group as a whole and the individual characteristics of each child, their interests, abilities, desires. Requirements for a subject-developing environment. The environment should be:

Ensuring the full and timely development of the child;

Encouraging children to be active;

Contributing to the development of independence and creativity; , - ensuring the development of the child's subjective position.

And for this it must be rich, varied and constantly changing!

There are no certain strict requirements for the presence in the group of certain corners and centers, approved lists of equipment. The environment of the group reflects the individuality of the teacher and the children, it is unique and individual. And this is great! The creation of a modern developmental environment ensures the holistic development of the child as a subject of activities that are feasible for a preschooler.

In this case, you should remember the rule: games, toys, manuals should not to be in front of the eyes of children forever! Conditionally manuals, equipment, didactic games, material can be divided into three categories:

"TODAY". The material that children begin to get acquainted with in the classroom, in other forms of interaction with adults. (Symbols of the country, diversity of peoples, the world of animals and plants, etc.)

"YESTERDAY". The material is researched, already known, mastered from personal experience, used in everyday life to acquire new knowledge.

"TOMORROW". Content that is to be seen in the near future.

Thus, the developing environment should perform educational, developmental, upbringing, stimulating, organizational, and communicative functions. But the most important thing is that it should work to develop the child's independence and initiative.


The developmental environment is built with the aim of providing children with as many opportunities as possible for active, purposeful and varied activities.

Based on these concepts, when creating a subject-developing environment, teachers need to take into account the principles of building a developing environment in preschool institutions, set out in the "Concept for preschool education"

Let's consider these principles.

1. The principle of distance, positions in interaction

The primary condition for the implementation of a personality-oriented model of interaction between adults and children is to establish contact between them.

It is equally important for an adult to find the right distance to make contact, common psychological space communication with each child, and with the group as a whole. That is why the teacher must remember that each person - and the child as well - has his own special ideas about a comfortable distance of interaction: some feel better at a closer "short" distance, others - at a "longer" one. In addition, these ideas change depending on various reasons: a person's state, type of activity, etc. Children, like adults, get tired of constant communication and need privacy. The privacy corners created in the group allow the child to spend a few moments in silence or organize a game with 1 - 2 peers (prefabricated houses, fabric sheds, corners by the aquarium, by the "fireplace").

Psychologists say that children, sitting at a round table, feel psychologically more comfortable and protected, so they are more active in learning activities. In the conditions of our institutions, the teacher can also arrange tables not only "like in school", but also, taking into account various types of activities, transform their arrangement.

2. The principle of activity, independence, creativity

Compared to the usual family environment, the environment in a preschool institution should be intensively developing, provoke the emergence and development of the child's cognitive interests, his volitional qualities, emotions and feelings. An adult teaches children about household operations in the process of effective real activity and in the course of communication in the most natural way develops the cognitive, intellectual, emotional and volitional abilities of the child. For these purposes, various functional blocks are used (kitchen, workshop, etc.). A child and an adult in kindergarten should become the creators of their objective environment.

Frames are hung on the walls at a height accessible to children, into which various reproductions or drawings can be easily inserted: and then the child can change the design of the walls depending on the construction or new aesthetic tastes. One of the walls - the “wall of creativity” - is at the complete disposal of children. They can write and draw on it with chalk, paints, charcoal, creating both individual and collective paintings. Other walls can be used to accommodate large-scale aids focused on cognitive and emotional development.

3. The principle of stability - dynamism of the developing environment

The developmental environment stimulates children to be active with those objects and toys that attract with their shape and color. Light furniture, screens allow you to limit or expand the play space. In this case, an important point is to take into account the age and sex characteristics of the children of the group. If there are more boys in the group, then it is more expedient to allocate more space for the group to work with the floor constructor and machines. If there are more girls, the game of "family", "hospital", "shop" is more often played out, therefore, most of the group must be filled with appropriate games and manuals.

4. The principle of aggregation and flexible zoning When considering this principle, it should be borne in mind that it is not only closely related to the previous principle of stability - dynamism, but also to some extent overlaps it, especially in the part where the dynamism of the developing environment is presented. The living space in kindergarten should be such that it makes it possible to build non-overlapping spheres of activity. This will allow each child, in accordance with their interests and desires, to freely engage in different types of activities at the same time, without interfering with each other. These rooms should be arranged so that they could create a different emotional mood, that is, it becomes mysterious, fabulous, funny, mysterious, fantastic. Next, we will dwell in more detail on the requirements for these premises.

5. The principle of the emotional nature of the environment, individual comfort and emotional well-being of every child and adult

One of the tasks of organizing the environment can be formulated as follows: in order to determine the structure of the optimal environment in which a person can develop and feel comfortable, it is necessary to conduct an optimal selection of incentives in terms of quantity and quality. The environment should be organized so that it encourages children to interact with its various elements, thereby increasing the functional activity of the child. The environment should provide children with a varied and changing experience. The environment should awaken physical activity in children, giving them the opportunity to carry out a variety of movements. At the same time, it is necessary that the environment has properties to inhibit the motor activity of children, when necessary.

For the development of the cognitive activity of children, it is important that their environment contains stimuli that contribute to the acquaintance of children with the means and methods of cognition, the development of their intellect and ideas about the environment (nature, the man-made world, knowledge about a person). Sets of play and didactic equipment and aids should be commensurate with storage containers and available for children.

Considering that the child spends almost the whole day in kindergarten, it is necessary to create conditions for him to relax from communication, therefore, the group should have a recreation area where the child can retire, look at a book, etc., thereby we will create conditions for individual comfort every child.

Also, a prerequisite for the implementation of this principle is the provision of personal space for the child (wardrobe, bed, storage space for toys brought from home, "relics").

6. The principle of combining familiar and extraordinary elements in the es tethetic organization of the environment

Comprehension of the category of aesthetic design by children begins with the perception of the beauty of sounds, color spots, abstract lines. Therefore, it is important to place in the interior of the group, along with reproductions of paintings by famous artists, collages, applications, vases, flower compositions created by the hands of teachers and parents. At the same time, a necessary condition for the created exhibits is their artistic beauty, a sense of taste.

The interior of the group must change. For example, when acquainting preschoolers with folk art (Gzhel, Khokhloma, haze, etc.), it is advisable for the teacher to introduce objects and toys on this topic into the subject-developing environment. It is the thematic exhibitions that help the child to get better acquainted with folk art, to consolidate the main signs of painting. It is advisable in different styles to present to children the same content of a fairy tale, episodes from the life of children, adults: realistic, abstract, comic, etc. Then children will be able to master the beginnings of the specifics of genres.

The decoration of the group can be suspended environment, which is created taking into account the age of the children, the period of passage of certain topics of the implemented program. The suspended environment of the group allows not only to add beauty and novelty to the design of the room, but also to carry out work to consolidate the material passed through.

So, for example, in the younger group, in order to master sensory standards, you can hang birds (butterflies, snowflakes, leaves), different in color and size.

In older groups, to consolidate knowledge about migratory and wintering birds, you can hang drawings of birds in different corners of the group, to fix geometric shapes - place them in different corners of the group and use them to consolidate, both in class and in everyday life.

7. The principle of openness - closedness

The project of the developmental environment of the group should have the character of an open, open system, capable of change, adjustment and, most importantly, development. In other words, such an environment should be not only developing, but also developing. This principle is presented in several aspects:

First, openness to nature, design, contributing to the unity of man and nature. It is important to use flowers in groups, using plants taking into account their permission for use in child care, carrying out the arrangement based on the preferences of the various plants.

The second aspect of the principle is openness to culture. Elements of culture - real "adult" painting, literature, music - cannot be purely decorative in decorating a room, but must organically be included in the interior design.

The openness of your "I". The environment is formed in such a way as to facilitate the formation and development of "I - image". The age from 3 to 7 years is a wonderful age at which a child is formed as a person. He begins to take shape I - a concept - a dynamic system of self-representation, which includes:

Consciousness of their physical and intellectual properties;


Subjective perception of external factors affecting one's own personality.

I - the concept is formed under the influence of life experience, child - parental relationships. And since the child has little experience, it is necessary and important to help the child in the formation of the self-image, while paying special attention to the child's ability to recognize their positive personality traits, which help in communication with other members of society.

The "Corner of Mood" teacher will help the teacher to pay attention to the child's ability to assess his condition, mood, to give his own assessment of the performed activity. Exposing a certain "sign" in the form of a figurine (leaf, geometric figure, balloon), a standard previously discussed with the children (for example: red - excellent, cheerful mood, satisfied with the work done; green - average, not very good mood, not quite satisfied with the work ; blue - bad, bad mood, not satisfied with the work done) at the "Mood Corner" stand, the child shows his emotional state, his self-esteem of activities. Thus, it makes it possible for the teacher to trace the comfort of the child's stay in a certain time period.

In the development environment, there must be mirrors so that the child can not only see himself, but also his friend, compare and determine how he is similar and how he differs from his peer. Also, the presence of a mirror in the group helps the teacher to instill a culture of appearance in the child.

The teacher should pay special attention to the frequency of exposition of children's works on the "wall of creativity", which will allow the child to get acquainted with the works of other children, to highlight the best work. At the same time, it must be remembered that during the year, the work of each child should be placed on the "Wall of Creativity"!

8. The principle of taking into account gender and age differences in children

Building an environment taking into account gender and age differences makes it possible for the teacher to provide the filling of the group with various aids, equipment, games that will be of interest to both girls and boys. At the same time, developmental aids for girls in their form should be attractive, first of all, for them, but in terms of content they should be equal for both boys and girls. The developmental environment should help children realize their interests, abilities, inclinations.


Creating the conditions for the harmonious all-round development of the child, one should not forget about the aesthetic component of the organization of the space. Therefore, in the design of the premises, it is advisable to observe a single style and use only highly artistic works. It is known that the choice of color for walls, furniture, accessories has a direct impact on the emotional state, and, consequently, on the intellectual development of pupils.

The child greedily absorbs the impressions of the world around him. The acuteness of emotional sensations and perceptions of the child obliges designers and teachers when creating the interior of the premises where the children are, to take into account the possible reaction of the child as much as possible. The conditions surrounding children should not only caress the eye, but also be comfortable and appropriate. A beautifully decorated group room of pleasant color, a bedroom and a reception room - all this awakens in children a love of beauty, creates comfort and convenience.

Color is one of the main components in interior decoration. Color can give an object, an interior a feeling of lightness and heaviness, warmth and cold, it can visually limit, bring closer, divide or group spatial zones. Color can also change the perception of volumes, their scale and shape.

The physiological effect of color on a person can be both stimulating and tonic. Depending on the area of ​​color and intensity, the color can evoke various emotions: soothe, delight, excite, tire, suppress. So, for example, it is known that red tones excite, stimulate action, irritate and quickly tire, blue color - soothes, orange - pleases, green - evokes a feeling of freshness, vigor, black - depressing. The color for the room should be selected according to two basic principles:

By similarity (colors are selected that are adjacent to the color wheel: a combination of yellow and yellow-orange, blue and light blue, etc.). And this principle balances the psyche;

By contrast: colors lying on diametrically opposite sides of the color wheel (yellow-violet, yellow-green), colors lying on the vertices of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the color wheel. In this case, the psyche is excited.

The French physician Ferre investigated the relationship between learning activity and color. He found that color derives its significance from reality and its effect is determined by a whole set of factors, which includes a person's social experience. Therefore, it is recommended to match colors such as blues and blues in rooms and equipment where there is significant heat generation and where there is a lot of noise. Reds, yellows and oranges are stimulating and should be used sparingly. in rooms where children can be only for a short time, or where this excitement is necessary, for example, in a gym. When choosing the color of rooms, furniture, equipment, one should avoid monochromaticity, because monotony is boring, causing inhibition. Rational coloring (color) of training areas, premises and equipment can ensure the effectiveness of training activities.

When choosing a color, you must take into account the location of the room. A room facing south with plenty of natural light should be painted in cool colors. A room facing north should use warm colors. It is known that the color effect of the interior is the more natural, the more color tones of the walls, floor and ceiling correspond to the impressions received by man in nature; the tonality of the floor in association with the earth should have a warmer, more saturated color; the walls - by analogy with the landscape - will be lighter, and the ceiling will be quite light, like the firmament.

Kindergarten color schemes should be considered in connection with the age characteristics of children. So, for example, babies are very susceptible to bright simple colors, older children already distinguish mixed colors, flatness of tone. Children are in kindergarten for quite a long time, and this must be borne in mind when choosing the color of the main walls of the room.

For coloring the room where young children are, you can recommend very light warm (orange, pink, peach, yellow) tones, with a selection of a zone for games - with brighter, more saturated tones. In the interior of the older groups, special equipment for classes appears, placed on a well-lit wall. The recommended tones of this wall are green, which are the most receptive to the eye, without fatiguing it. Educational equipment, panels, should be highlighted with more contrasting, sonorous colors. Based on theoretical recommendations, it is believed that greenish-blue, yellow-green, cream tones - most accurately organize the climate of the interior of older groups of preschool educational institutions.

When decorating children's rooms, it should be borne in mind that inscriptions, symbols, shapes of objects should attract attention. Contrast coloring and placement of objects play a certain role here. Contrast creates a state of tension in a person that awakens interest in the subject. However, prolonged exposure to contrasts can cause stress conditions that are detrimental to health.

Auxiliary premises - corridors, changing rooms, you can offer to paint or choose the color of wallpaper that are more intense in tone, mainly with sunny colors, which increase the illumination of the corridor, reception room. Of great importance in the design of decorations - prints, products of decorative and applied art, which should complement the color scheme of the interior with bright spots. In addition to all of the above, it is necessary that children's works on visual activities are present in the decoration of the walls, it is especially interesting, works performed in non-traditional ways look advantageous. Large, beautifully decorated panels, made by children of the entire group, together with the teacher, look favorably in the group room or in the reception area. (These can be works made using the plasticine technique, an applique made of rolled paper).

Rooms become cozy and welcoming when they are brought to life
works of art. Artistically executed and skillfully selected
on the subject of the picture, they can lift the mood, make it optimistic
nym, reduce internal stress, relieve fatigue, etc. When selecting cars
ting needs to be as exacting as possible to their artistic
perfection and carefully consider the compliance of their content with those or
other conditions. Beautiful things, objects always delight children and deepen them
aesthetic feelings. What is the best way to decorate, distribute drawings on the wall, make installation?

Obliquely and carelessly attached drawings cause an uncomfortable feeling, and strict symmetry - a feeling of stiffness. It is desirable to arrange approximately the same size elements horizontally or vertically. A contrasting element can be placed nearby, and contrasts are possible both in size and in shape. The contrasting grouping looks interesting: a large drawing and several small objects nearby.

The installation of drawings requires a certain culture. It is advisable to attach them to a soft wall, to a special tablet with the help of special clips, clothespins. When using scotch tape, it is not recommended to make separate stickers, as this creates overall carelessness from installation. In this case, it is advisable to make an integral frame around the perimeter of the entire picture. In order to achieve a relief effect, you can insert pictures into a volumetric frame, hang them on cords (stable or mobile). At the same time, a drawing in such a frame not only decorates the room, but also serves as a spatial delimiter.




The subject environment is one of the factors influencing the development of children. The child is constantly in the world of objects. Some attract him, while others are ignored. The role of objects is especially great for children who have not yet read, who need to organize their activities. If a student can already independently engage in self-education, using books and textbooks, then a preschooler does not have such an opportunity. His activity entirely depends on the arrangement of the object space around him, the toys and objects surrounding him.

However, not every environment, even sufficiently saturated with various materials, can be called developing. A group room can contain a wide variety of items and play equipment, but their impact on the development of children will be minimal. It all depends on what age level the furnishings have on the child. Not everything in the environment of a preschooler is a source of his mental development, but only that which determines a special combination of internal processes of mental development and external environmental conditions. It (combination) is characterized, on the one hand, by the maturation in children of mental qualities of the personality and cognitive processes specific for a given stage, and, on the other hand, by the creation of conditions in which the possibilities and abilities of children can be maximally realized. The more accurately and more fully the subject environment reflects the mental characteristics of children at each age, the more opportunities will be presented to teachers for revealing the reserves of children's development. Therefore, it is so important to take into account one of the basic requirements when organizing a developing subject environment - the correspondence of the environment around the child to his age-related needs and capabilities.

All changes in the psychological content of activity are correlated with age, have a pronounced hierarchy, which makes it possible to build a psychological tree of goals for the developing objective environment of childhood. The stem (trunk) of this tree is the child's age from birth to 7 years. Each age period (or phase) has its own motivation for the leading type (type) of activity. Its manifestation is due to both the already existing experience and the social situation of development, the influence of which may correspond to age, lag behind or ahead of it. Usually, social situations are viewed as social (family, educational, etc.) conditions that act as a given that must be reckoned with.

Age-appropriateness is one of the most important and, at the same time, difficult to fulfill conditions. This is due to the fact that the materials, the complexity and accessibility of their content should correspond to today's patterns and features of the development of children of a given specific age and take into account those features of development zones that are characteristic, again today, of each individual child. At the same time, it should be remembered that the next age group is the guardian of the environment of the previous group for many reasons. She must preserve the materials of the previous stage of development:

First, for children who have not yet mastered these materials;

Secondly, for those games and activities that return children to their favorite toys and objects (plastic and rubber toys, plywood and cardboard plane images of natural objects for construction games, games with sand, water, etc.);

Thirdly, in order to create a play situation, which at an older age is almost not represented by play material, and all these significant things in the past now act as secondary support material for children.

The teacher must know what materials are needed for a particular type of activity, at a particular age. Then, from the many materials and play equipment surrounding the children, he will be able to choose those that can create an environment that has its own specific and distinctive signs for each age. In this regard, when determining the content of the subject environment and the characteristics of its placement, it is necessary to highlight priority tasks for each age stage, the solution of which should lead to the dynamic development of mental and cognitive processes in preschoolers.

Group for children 3 ~ 4

Younger age - the most important period in the development of a child. It is during this period that the baby transitions to new relationships with adults, peers, with the objective world. The main tasks of this stage: security emotionally positive well-being of young children, encouragement and support for the manifestations of children's independence, the accumulation of sensory experience of subject-cognitive in joint activity with an adult.

The objects of the immediate environment are for a small child a source of curiosity and the first stage of cognition of the world, therefore it is necessary to create a rich object environment in which the child's sensory experience is actively accumulated. Toys and objects in a group reflect the richness and variety of properties, stimulate interest and activity. It is important to remember that a child sees a lot for the first time and perceives what is observed as a model, a kind of standard with which he will compare everything he sees later. That is why it is necessary for the teacher to pay attention to the fact that toys, objects, images should correspond to real objects of the world, be close to them in appearance. For example, toy animals should correspond in color, structure, proportions to real animals; it is not recommended to include objects of caricature, caricature, distorted proportions, unnatural colors in the setting.

Small children prefer large equipment, large toys. For them, the main impetus for active action is an external factor. Taking this into account, the spatial situation of the group is organized for the simultaneous activity of 2-3 children and an adult. It is advisable to divide the area of ​​the playroom into two parts: a smaller one for exercising and eating, and a larger one for games and physical activity. But a large space for small children must necessarily be "broken" into small, connected by large objects (modules, boxes with toys, large cars, cubes, etc.) parts. It is necessary to place materials on open shelves, and yourself materials should be visually attractive, bright, catchy and sa my main thing is them. there shouldn't be too many. You should not lay out all the materials at once, in this case the choice of a game for the child becomes difficult, and putting things in order on the shelves becomes a constant problem. The material should be changed, thereby giving the children an opportunity to become interested in the new or "forgotten old". A variety of constructive and building sets (floor and table), light modular material (foam rubber of various sizes and shapes, covered with oilcloth) - the material is infinitely attractive for the child, giving him the opportunity to change and build the space at will. This material is attractive for both boys and girls, and the presence of this material in the group is required.

Toys for toddlers should primarily be functional and generic. For example, it is important that the car has a body, wheels, a cabin so that it can be rolled, everything else (type of car, purpose) is still insignificant for the child. In a group for four-year-olds, toys that reflect real life (for example, an ambulance, a truck, a car, a doctor doll, etc.) can already be used. A number of play attributes need to be replaced with substitute objects for the development of the child's imagination, expanding the creative possibilities of play. For this, it is advisable to have a container with scattered plastic and wooden cubes, bars, balls of different colors and sizes.

The most expressive feature of children at the beginning of the fourth year of life is their desire for independence. It manifests itself in the so-called "crisis of three years", when a child, unexpectedly for an adult, declares his rights to independence. The striving for it becomes an internal engine that guides the child's interest in practical means and methods of various actions and encourages them to master them. However, the desire to be independent and the ability to realize it do not always coincide. The adult's task is to help the child master practical means and ways to achieve goals. The interest of children 3-4 years old in practical actions creates at this age unique opportunities for the development of manual skill. In this regard, objects for research in action should be widely represented in the group:

1. Large mosaic of different shapes and colors.

2. Driving set: hammer with sleeves (plastic).

3. Screwing set (workbench with screwdrivers and a set of screws, plastic).

4. Frames with 2-3 types of fasteners (lacing, buttons, hooks, buttons).

5. Panel with various fasteners and removable elements.

6. Puzzle toys (collapsible from 2-3 elements).

7. Puzzles from 4 to 12 pieces.

8. Sets of cubes from 4 to 9 pieces.

9. Educational games like "Fold a square", "Fold a pattern".

10. Didactic games such as "Lotto" or "Paired pictures".

Great opportunities for the development of children are inherent in the experimenting game. Children's experimentation - one of the most important aspects of personality development. This activity is not assigned to the child by the adult in advance - in the form of one scheme or another, but is constructed by the preschooler himself as he receives more and more information about the object. Therefore, it is appropriate to talk about self-development in the activities of experimentation. Games with sand, water, clay, paints require special equipment. It is better to place materials for such "untidy" games closer to the water source. If it is not possible to purchase special equipment for playing with water and sand, you can make such centers yourself. To do this, it is necessary to cut a hole in the table for the pelvis, preferably wide and with a low bottom. It is advisable to make lids from plexiglass or plywood to cover these centers when not in use. Nearby in a box, container or on shelves are the necessary items: containers for pouring water, small rubber toys, toys for playing with water and sand (floating toys, water mills, sieves, ping-pong balls, foam sponges, molds, buckets, stamps, funnels, pebbles, small plastic toys for burying in sand and similar items).

A small child learns not only the surrounding objective and natural world, but also the world of people, including himself. In order for the child to be able to take into account the feelings and interests of other people in his behavior, the teacher helps him learn to empathize with the closest people - parents, peers, and understand their mood. In the group for this purpose, it is necessary to attach photographs, pictures with the image of people of different ages (children, adults), gender (men, women), with different expressions of the emotional state (sad, funny, laughing, crying), with different characteristics at the level of the eyes of the children. appearance, hairstyles, clothes, shoes. You can post pictures of the child's family members and himself. The teacher draws the child's attention to various emotional manifestations of a person, teaches them to find common and different things in the appearance of people.

It is very useful in a group to have many mirrors in different places, since the baby will be able to see himself among other children, observe his movements, facial expressions, and appearance. By the way, psychologists noted that when a baby sees himself in the mirror, he forgets about tears. And the corner of "dressing up" will allow him to change his appearance and observe these changes, to know himself, such a familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. This is why kids 3 - 4 years old love to play in the "corner of dressing up" so much. It should contain as broadly as possible the attributes that help to designate the external sign of the role - caps, bags, raincoats, crowns, helmets, etc. all this helps children in their opportunities to be just as “big and important”.

Younger children are actively developing movements, they tend to walk, run, climb quickly. At the same time, the movements are still poorly coordinated, there is no dexterity, speed of reaction, and dodging. Therefore, with the spatial organization of the environment, it is advisable to place the equipment along the perimeter of the group, highlighting the play part and the place for household needs, to provide for sufficiently wide, clearly visible paths of movement for the child. It is not recommended to include a lot of equipment in the setting, about two thirds of the space should be free.

To stimulate physical activity, it is necessary to have equipment for climbing, climbing, climbing. For example, plastic cubes with holes or labyrinths are good for this, trapezoidal tables with round holes in the sides are also suitable. You can use a large mattress or mat on which children will be happy to jump, lie, crawl, listen to a fairy tale. A bright applique with numbers, shapes or a fabulous plot will make this attribute even more attractive. Adding 2-3 very large, multi-colored inflatable balls and a few smaller balls to the group will help stimulate walking. You can also have 1-2 large strollers for dolls, 1-2 large cars (which the child can ride on), and if space permits, a tricycle. For the development of coordination, independence in younger preschoolers, it is necessary to use a variety of exercise rugs with markings on them from various objects. These rugs can be made by yourself using various materials (bath rugs, self-adhesive foil, fabric trimmings, etc.). This equipment not only helps to consolidate children's ability to act with given conditions (roll the ball, dodge obstacles, jump on one leg, jump over an obstacle, etc.), but also helps to consolidate the basic movements learned by children.

Small exercise equipment (massage balls, balls, rubber rings, etc.) should be kept in baskets or open boxes so that children can use them freely.

For storage of physical education aids in group rooms, sectional furniture with drawers or a "sports corner" trolley is used.


Target: Providing assistance in organizing a speech corner. Technique training,

the use of play material for the development of speech, cognitive and creative abilities of children.

In the group room, select a place where the speech development corner will be located. Under the corner, you can take several open shelves in the closet, rack. It should be marked with a colorful emblem: a picture, an illustration, a panel, a character from a fairy tale, a cartoon, or a work of art - well known to children. The emblem will be made of thick paper, cardboard, plywood, plastic, foam or! other material.

Second junior group

Tasks for the development of speech:

1. Increase passive and active vocabulary.

2. Pronounce the words in the active dictionary correctly.

3.To learn to ask questions and answer them, grammatically correct statements.

4. Compose short stories.

5. To teach to retell fairy tales, stories.

In the corner for the development of speech, it is desirable to have the following material:

1.Didactic small toys: cubes, balls, boards are different in shape, color, size, material from which they are made.

"Find the same", "Know and name": Purpose: to distinguish the names of objects, their color, to select by shape, size, color.

"Wonderful bag", "What's in the bag?"

Purpose: to identify the object by touch and name it.

Small toys are put into a beautiful linen bag, attractive in color and pattern, which is twitched with a cord. Store small toys and the bag in a cardboard box with compartments.

2.Dolls and household items.

For didactic games: “Put the doll to sleep”, “Let's dress the doll for a walk”.

Purpose: To fix the names of objects (blanket, pillow, bed, etc.), their quality (comfortable, clean, beautiful), actions with them (cover, put, put on, bed).

Games "Put on a dress, coat, hat of the same color." Purpose: To fix: the name and color of the clothes.

3.Clockwork toys: dancing (bear dog) playing musical instruments (doll - accordion player, hare - drummer), moving on the floor (motorcyclist, car), flying (airplane, rocket), floating (fish, boat, submarine), jumping (squirrel, frog ).

Use in a didactic game:

Find and name the action.

Purpose: Name the subject and the action.

Variants of didactic material for the game: a series of pictures depicting various actions, the state of the same person or object (a girl is sleeping, cleaning the bed, washing, reading, walking, running, etc.)

4.Sets of subject pictures for the classification of lexical topics : "Vegetables", "fruits", "Toys", "Furniture", "Dishes", etc.

Use in didactic games:

"Give a common name", "Name an extra item"

Purpose: To develop the ability to systematize and generalize objects.

5.Pair sets with attractive and varied content.

Game "Paired pictures"

Purpose: To teach to compare objects according to their distinctive features, according to their purpose.

6... Sets of subject pictures that develop understanding "Whole and its part".

Legs, cover - table,

Seat, backrest - chair,

Motor, cab, steering wheel, body, wheels, doors - car.

Didactic games: "Glue the broken dishes" (vase, cup, teapot).

Purpose: to name a word denoting a whole object.

"Name the parts."

Purpose: to name the parts of a whole subject.

Head - face, ears, back of the head.

7.Cut object pictures : "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Animals".

Cut into two, four pieces.

Store object pictures in beautiful boxes with compartments, separating from each other with appropriate designations.

8.Cubes with subject pictures.

A set of 4-6 cubes: vegetables, fruits, toys, animals,

Purpose: to consolidate the vocabulary, coordinate the movement of the hands.

9.Figurative toys : bear, bunny, dog.

Didactic games: "Where is the bunny hiding?"

Purpose: the development of spatial representations and their verbal designation.

Figurative toys - bright, attractive, with characteristic details, used in games: "Guess -ka!", "Help Dunno."

Target: compose descriptive stories, guess by the description of the toy. Object pictures depicting the same objects, different in color and size, for example: balls, balls.

The game "My funny, ringing ball"

Target: form a generalized meaning of words (ball, ball), develop coherent speech. Board games "What children did mom lose?"

Large cards with images of domestic animals: cows, dogs, cats, etc. and small cards - their cubs: kittens, calves, puppies. "

Target: fix the names of pets and their cubs. WORDS.

Game "Who needs what?"

Target: to consolidate and supplement knowledge about familiar professions: janitor, salesman, doctor, hairdresser, tell what they need for work.

On large cards - people of different professions, on small cards - their tools (broom, shovel, robe, thermometer, scissors, hairbrush).

Lotto "Botanical", "Where will you go, what will you find?"

Large cards with a generalizing plot (garden, city, forest, etc.); small cards with images of objects on lexical topics: "Vegetables", "Fruits", "Mushrooms", "Berries".

Target: to clarify, expand and activate the dictionary.

Small cards should not be offered all at once, but as soon as you get to know the environment. Pictures are stored in beautiful boxes with the name of the game.

Cut pictures, cubes with a simple plot, consisting of six to eight parts. Use for - writing sentences of stories, the development of fine motor skills of the hands.

Albums "Riddles" "Riddles", "Fairy Tales", "Games with fingers", Pictures, illustrations to nursery rhymes, riddles, to Russian folk tales: "Teremok", "Masha and the Bear", "Three Bears" are pasted into the album.

Target: to form artistic and speech activity. Cards with paired pictures: tall object - low object.

Target: Form diminutives - affectionate forms of nouns. Objects in paired pictures: a house - a house, a mushroom - a fungus, a shovel - a spatula, a book - a little book, etc.

Games "Big and small", "Name it affectionately".

Object pictures depicting one or many objects for example, a ball - balls, a bucket

Buckets, ring - rings, chair - chairs.

Target: exercise in the formation of plural genitive nouns.

Mathematical corner.

The math corner can be organized in a special room or in the playroom, where it is necessary to create those conditions that stimulate interest in the examination of objects. This is achieved by the presence of entertaining games and manuals, conveniently arranged furniture, an interesting panel that attracts the attention of children and arouses the desire to act. The necessary material should be located so that children can use them on their own.


· Attracting the attention of children with a qualitative and quantitative assessment of various groups of objects, the development of imaginations.

· Mastering by children of the methods available to them for examining objects in a tactile, visual way, by way of comparison;

· Mastering the pre-number assessment of quantitative groups and with the help of numbers in the limit accessible to the child;

· Development of independence in reproducing, re-creating, creative activity, children's initiative.

Sports corner

"The organization of a healthy lifestyle presupposes the satisfaction of the vital needs of the child, the creation of conditions for full-fledged life.

Targets and goals

Create conditions for physical exercise in a group, stimulating the desire of children to engage in physical activity. To bring up in children a conscious attitude to their health. Strengthening the muscles of the lower and upper extremities, prevention of flat feet.

Prevention of colds;

Strengthening the muscles of the spinal column, preventing scoliosis.

Choose a place in the group where you can arrange the attributes, sports aids
appointments so that children can freely use pins, balls, hoops, jump ropes., barefoot on massage mats, etc. it is better to mark the corner with colorful posters, posters, etc.
features of children of younger preschool age:

2nd junior group

1. Caps of fairytale heroes.

2. Balls - for coordination of movements.

3.Rubber bandages - to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, back and chest.

4. Drawing on the wall of a person - for the prevention of scoliosis.

5. Mats with spikes and sewn-on rings - for the prevention of flat feet.

6. Balloons. - to strengthen the respiratory system.

7.Sand bags (150 g) - to prevent scoliosis and correct


V the second junior group "

Purpose: To develop interest, attention, curiosity, emotional response of children to certain aesthetic properties and qualities of objects of the surrounding reality.

Therefore, in the corner there should be;

1. Paper, colored paper, glue - on a shelf with pictures of animals and flowers.

2. Plasticine - on the shelf with sculptures of small forms, clay toys

(Dymkovskaya, Kargopolskaya, Filimonovskaya).

On a shelf with toys made of wood (Semyonovskaya, Polkhov - Maidan, Zagorsk nesting dolls, fungi), elegant dishes, as well as landscapes of all seasons.


This is a place where a child can sit, think, dream, remember pleasant sensations, communicate with loved ones and relatives, consider something, listen to something pleasant and useful, act with some objects, toys, cooperate with an adult or a peer ...

The corner of privacy is a conventionally designated place, it can be organized anywhere where the need arises: perhaps it is a group room, or a bedroom, or a dressing room. It all depends on the tasks of communicating with children.

The equipment of the corner depends on the creative potential of educators, their mental wealth, intellectual capabilities, the function of communicating with children, their competence in the field of psychology and pedagogy, knowledge of the individual characteristics of children

In the second junior group, it is desirable to have 2-3 soft toys in the corner; you can put a music box or a musical card. You can put a multi-colored gas handkerchief in the corner. First, children need to be explained that it will help them hear music better. And then open the music box. When the hearing is over, it is useful to ask: "What color was the music today?"


Purpose: To teach children to find something unusual, interesting in the world around them, to be able to explain what is interesting and unusual about this or that subject. Teach children to improve, modify the subject, know its purpose. Help children master the various ways of knowing the world around them (comparison, elementary analysis, generalization, etc.), develop cognitive activity, curiosity, creative thinking, imagination, fantasy

Items can be very diverse: driftwood, cones, buttons, pebbles, shells, boxes, etc.

The Find Corner can be placed anywhere: in a group room, bedroom or dressing room at the discretion of the educator. The corner of the finds can be in a cabinet with a colorful sticker on the door. You can also arrange it in a large beautiful box located in a place accessible to the child.

When considering and discussing finds, the educator uses the goals of this

the age of the children.

Goals and objectives for each age: Younger age: teach to see an unusual object, teach to tell the purpose of the object, what it is like, how to use it. Learn to determine the properties and qualities of an object. To teach to see the possibilities of transforming objects, to change its purpose. Develop creative thinking, imagination, fantasy.


Target: develop ideas about the basic properties of volumetric geometric, mainly large, forms(stability, instability, strength), in acquiring the skills to recreate familiar horizontal objects (paths, ladders, chairs, etc.), to develop the skills of co-creation with adults of independent creativity, to develop fine motor skills of fingers and hands, in acquiring the ability to build furniture, slides, houses. Learn to understand the mutability, design variability, the possibility of building not only horizontally, but also vertically. Be able to analyze an object, see the main parts of the details that make up structures, the ability to create them from various shapes.

In the second junior group there must be a small constructor in an oxmozive version, i.e. this designer should bring novelty when the child becomes sad or wants to work out individually. There may be small toys in this corner.

Invite children to build a house, a zoo using toys. In this group, children can be offered a "kapitoshka" toy. This is a transf6rmer toy, it is interesting in that it can be converted into any toy, it can be angry or, on the contrary, happy.

Also in this group work with snow and sand is organized.


A powerful enriching factor in child development is the sociocultural environment and its subject environments. Every child in his development is undoubtedly influenced by the family, its way of life, and cultural preferences.

The kindergarten itself, with a variety of premises, their purpose, the nature of the activities of people in them, is also quite an interesting microenvironment for the child, which should constitute the first moments of his acquaintance with the world. In a preschool institution, the atmosphere of all premises serves one task - the upbringing and development of a child in a team. The creation of such a supportive environment is a great art, including the intelligent and beautiful organization of the space and its elements.

So, in the developmental environment surrounding the child, there should be a possibility that the child also becomes the creator of his objective world, in the process of personality-developing interaction with adults, peers, becomes the creator of his personality.

P. Leach, the author of a book on the development of children under 5, says: “If you give your child a place, provide objects and toys, he will take care of the development of his thinking. He is an experimenter and inventor, so your business is only to provide him with the laboratory, equipment and an assistant (himself) when he needs one. What he will do with this equipment is his concern. Like any scientist, he needs independence in his scientific work. "

Our position consists in modeling a socio-cultural spatial-objective developmental environment that would allow a child to show creative abilities, to learn ways of figuratively re-creating the world and the language of the arts, to realize cognitive-aesthetic and cultural-communicative needs in free choice. Modeling the subject environment creates conditions for interaction, cooperation, mutual learning of children. If in the environment there are children with a sufficiently high level of cultural and cognitive development nearby, then they will be able to create interesting models, images, deploying them into creative improvisation, or, conversely, if children with a low level of development of sensory experience turned out to be in it, then element-by-element samples also enable them to get a successful result. The element-by-element pattern is for the child a visual, auditory or speech control standard of his success.

In our pedagogical work, the socio-cultural environment is built in two layers: spatially-objective and spiritually-emotional. The first layer is material, materialized, and the second is spiritual, personal, evaluative, built on a dialogue between a teacher and a child, a child with art.


1. Artamonova O.V. Subject-spatial environment: its role in personality development // Preschool education. - 2005. - No. 4.

2. Grinyavichene N.T. Game and a new approach to organizing the subject-game environment: Materials of the All-Union Scientific and Practical Conference. / N.T. Grineavichienė. - M., 2006.

3. Karalashvili E.S. Express - review of groups // Management of the preschool educational institution. - 2006. -№5.

4. Kiryanova R.A. Designing a subject-development environment. /R. Kiryanov. - SPb .: KARO, 2007.

5. Kutuzova I.A. What a preschool institution should know, M., Enlightenment, 2005.

6. Nishcheva N.V. Subject-spatial developmental environment in kindergarten. / N.V. Nishcheva. - SPb .: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2006.

7. Petrovsky V.A. Building a developing environment in a preschool institution. / V.A. Petrovsky. - M, New School, 1993.

8. Polyakova M.N. Creation of models of a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution, M., Center for Pedagogical Education, 2008.

Municipal budgetary educational institution 2-

Gavrilovskaya secondary school

Model of a developing subject-spatial environment

Prepared by: Nosaeva I.A.

Early childhood educator

S. Peresypkino 1st

Target: creating conditions for the full development of preschoolers in all educational areas of the federal state educational standard in accordance with the specific features and requirements of the educational program of the preschool educational institution.

Create an atmosphere of emotional comfort;

Create conditions for physical development;

Create conditions for creative self-expression;

Create conditions for the manifestation of cognitive activity of children;

Create conditions for parents to participate in the life of the group.

The most important role in the organization of upbringing and educational activities with children is played by the developing subject-spatial environment, since the child spends most of the time in kindergarten in a group. The environment of children should perform educational, developmental, upbringing, stimulating, organizational, communicative functions, it should work to develop the independence and initiative of the child. A subject-developing environment is a set of material objects for the development of a child, subject and social means of providing a different type of activity. It is necessary so that children can fully grow and get acquainted with the world around them, know how to interact with it and learn independence.

The developing subject-spatial environment of the preschool educational institution is one of the main means that form the personality of the child.

In accordance with the federal state educational standard for preschool education, the structure of the main general educational program of preschool education.

The subject-developing environment of an educational institution contributes to the implementation of the main directions of children's development:

Social and communicative development;

Cognitive development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development;

The developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool organization should be:






1.Fiction Corner:

Aimed at forming a holistic picture of the world, including primary ideas;

Development of literary speech;

In the corner for artistic activities: books, literary games - quizzes, plot pictures.

2. Corner of nature:

Its goal is to enrich children's ideas about the diversity of the natural world, foster love and respect for nature, and familiarize children with caring for plants. Equipment for the care of indoor plants: watering cans, rags.

3. Corner of fine arts:

It contains a lot of different material for the development of children's creativity;

Here children can practice drawing, modeling, and applique work.

4. Corner of theatrical activities:

- in the theater, preschoolers open up, demonstrating unexpected facets of their character;

Children are happy to participate in performances and are happy to act as spectators;

In this corner there are: Bi-ba-bo dolls, costumes, masks.

5. Corner of constructive activity:

In this corner, different types of constructor are presented: small and large Lego, cubes;

The constructor can be moved to any place in the group and organize the activity as with a subgroup , and individually;

The guys are happy to be engaged in buildings, beat them.

6. Sports corner:

- equipped with a variety of materials for the development of physical activity of children;

It is aimed at developing motor qualities and abilities;

Equipment: jump ropes, hoops, rubber balls of different sizes, baskets for games, skittles.

7. Center for role-playing games:

In the life of a preschool child, play occupies one of the leading places;

Role-playing game is the child's true social practice, his real life in the society of his peers;

The play corner is equipped with: a clinic, a beauty salon, a cafe.

8. Musical corner:

Working in it contributes to the development of creative abilities in children, their musicality.

9. Corner of educational games:

It was created for the development of logical thinking and imagination in children, ingenuity and ingenuity, memory and speech;

It contains various games: loto, puzzles, dominoes, mosaics;

All material is selected taking into account the age of the children.

10. Exhibition of children's creativity:

A corner where creative works of children are exhibited.

The objective environment surrounding children, even if it is organized in the best way, cannot with itself, without the guidance of an adult, influence their development.

Only an adult, purposefully organizing the objective world, reveals its essence in his actions and relations with children. But most importantly, the developing environment should work to develop the child's independence and initiative.

The article contains photographs of the subject-developing environment of the territory of the MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 12" in Kursk.

The topic of organizing the developing subject-spatial environment of a preschool educational institution is especially relevant in modern conditions. This is due to the introduction of the federal state educational standard (FSES) for preschool education. Preschool teachers have an increased interest in updating the subject-developing environment of preschool educational institutions.

The most important role in the organization of educational and educational activities with children in the summer is played by developing subject environment on the territory of the kindergarten since children spend most of their time outdoors. The developing subject-spatial environment on the territory of our preschool institution is organized so that every child has the opportunity to freely do what he likes.

We always remember that the environment surrounding children should perform educational, developmental, upbringing, stimulating, organizational, communicative functions; it should work to develop the child's independence and initiative. In our small territory, we tried to organize everything in such a way as to involve every corner, to provide flexible and variable use of space, the integration of educational areas, taking into account the leading role of play. Almost the entire territory of the kindergarten becomes the basis for organizing an exciting, meaningful life, is the main means of forming a child's personality, a source of his knowledge and social experience.

Our know-how has become themed promenade verandas... Play, cognitive development, socialization, and safety are concentrated here. Children are always interested in the thematic veranda, on which several play areas are equipped at once ("Mini-market", "Medical office", "Apartment").


Medical office.


Here, children learn independence, correct communication, in fact they learn how to behave in a particular life situation, get acquainted with everyday wisdom, which contributes to the early socialization of preschoolers.

On one of the walking areas we have an impromptu weather station with a thermometer, barometer, sundial and even a dosimeter.

Meteorological station.

There is also a thematic veranda "Reserved corner", illustrating the originality of the flora and fauna of the Kursk Territory.

Reserved corner.

The promenade veranda "Village Upper Room" allows preschoolers to acquaint preschoolers with the history, culture and life of our ancestors in a playful way.

Themed veranda.

Every year, the verandas are modernized, their content is adjusted in accordance with the age, interests and needs of the children.

By the joint efforts of the kindergarten staff and the parents of the pupils, an educational and play area was created on the territory of the preschool educational institution, where on the forest edge you can see life-size figures of wild animals of the Kursk region, play in the "Glade of insects", walk along the shore of an impromptu pond.

"At the edge of the forest."

"Glade of insects".

There are on the territory of the preschool educational institution and an auto city with pedestrian crossings, traffic signs and traffic lights.


Traffic police post.

Environmental Police Corner.

Fabulous corner “Visiting Masha and the Bear”.

House of creativity.

"Rural Compound".

"Beach Photo Studio".

Chess corner.

Emotional saturation is an integral feature of the developing environment of the kindergarten territory. The non-standard design of the plots and the adjacent territory, the original design of the flower beds pleases everyone with its multicolor and variety.

What is attractive, funny, interesting, vivid, expressive, awakens curiosity and is quite easy to remember. Observations with children of aesthetically designed compositions made of natural and waste materials, plants and flowers allow teachers to solve problems of forming ideas about the simplest relationships in animate and inanimate nature, fostering respect for adult labor.

The role of an adult lies in the correct modeling of such an environment that contributes to the maximum development of the child's personality, makes it possible to simultaneously engage in active communicative-speech, cognitive-creative and motor activity, both individual pupils and all children of the group. The joint efforts of teachers and parents of our preschool institution are aimed at solving this problem.

  • Bodrova MA, Head of the Combined Kindergarten No. 12, Kursk;
  • L.L. Tretyakova, Deputy Head for Department of Internal Affairs.

ON A NOTE. Educational games and toys at low prices in the specialized store "Kindergarten" -

When arranging a children's room, you need to take care of creating a developing environment for a child, because the first knowledge of the world around you occurs here, when a newborn, while still lying in a cradle, examines toys, watches the rattles with his eyes, then, when he starts to crawl, take the first steps, and so on. ... In the nursery, the baby is emotionally saturated, and it would be extremely imprudent not to use this room for the effective development of the child.

Every parent wants his child to grow and develop fully, and every day he lives brings him the joy of new knowledge and interest in the upcoming discoveries. Therefore, from the moment the baby appears in the family, all parents should try to equip the developmental space for the child in the children's room.

Rules for organizing a subject-developing space

The debate about the need for developmental components in the child's environment does not subside. Mothers share their personal experiences, criticize different early development methods, but continue to enroll the child in group classes.

Sometimes adults forget that the child is like a blank sheet, all the inscriptions on which depend on the parent's desire to make this record. A person is born with a complex of inclinations that can be developed into abilities, and in some cases it is possible to talk about talent.

Young children are equally prepared to play the piano, distinguish a palette of colors, or deal with mathematical formulas. This feature is directly related to the characteristics of the development and growth of the brain. Scientists have found that the most intensive period in the development of the child's mental, creative and personal inclinations falls on the intensive growth of the brain, which slows down significantly by the age of three.

The development of a child does not have to be built on the methodological postulates of the masters of pedagogy. When arranging a nursery as a natural developmental environment for a baby, it is enough to follow the peculiarities of the child's age-related development and take into account his personal needs.

When organizing an objectively developing space, one should remember naturalness and unobtrusiveness. Do not grab onto everything at once, identify for yourself several educational areas in which you would like to develop your child's abilities, add to them physical education and the emotional comfort of the space. Based on this, plan the further arrangement of the children's room.

The features of the subject-developing environment for children are different for each age, but there are a number of general rules, the main ones are listed below.

  • When setting up a child's room, remember the physiological needs of the baby. Choose non-toxic materials, safe items, and psychoactive colors. For example, it is impossible for black or red to dominate in the children's room: in the first case, the child may develop fear, and in the second you risk facing over-excitation of the nervous system.
  • When designing an educational environment in a children's room, take into account the wishes of your child. Implement the learning component through familiar objects or favorite motifs in an interior that is familiar to your baby.
  • Pay special attention to the health-preserving factor of the child's developing environment. Distribute the lighting in the room correctly. Allocate a work area and a relaxation area, pick up safe equipment in the sports corner.
  • In order to avoid allergic phenomena, use simple objects in the decor of the children's room. The less dust accumulates in carpets, tapestries and furniture, the healthier your baby's respiratory system will be.
  • Having conceived of organizing a subject-developing environment for the child, if you are not sure that after a couple of months your interest in the development of the baby will remain, it is better not to start portraying activities in the room. Children are very sensitive to the desires and emotions of adults. Since the developmental component within the framework of the house is carried out in close communication between parent and child, then without your interest in classes, the child's interest in them will also disappear.
  • Even if you were confident before your baby was born that you would be taking early education programs with him, take your time. Before the first lesson begins, you will be able to understand your child's needs and adapt any theory to suit his particular needs.
  • When organizing a developmental environment in the home for a child from birth to two years old, do not forget to follow the basic steps for growing up a child. Emphasize the needs of the age rather than the guidance of “knowledgeable people”.
  • The interior of a nursery for a small child must be mobile, it must change as quickly as the child grows rapidly.
  • Visibility is the first essential ingredient in the development of a young child. Creativity helps not only to decorate the children's room, but also to attract the child to work, to interest him in the final result.
  • Do not rush to throw away the broken items: think about how they can be repaired or altered to meet the needs of the developing space here and now.

How to create a developmental environment tailored to your child's age

To create a developmental environment in the way that psychologists advise, you need to take into account the age of the child. Probably, every mother, long before the birth of her first child, imagines how his room will look like, what toys she will put on the shelf by the cradle, what games she will play with the baby, how joyful and happy their joint leisure will be. Everybody dreams. Not everyone realizes their dreams.

Having learned about the long-awaited pregnancy, the upcoming birth and the hassle of the first days of motherhood, a woman can start taking care of the nursery for the baby. Forget about the prejudices that grandmothers and mothers impose on us. From the fact that you prepare everything, nothing bad can happen, but if you entrust the purchase of the "dowry" and the design of the nursery to your husband in those few days that you will be in the hospital with the baby, you risk spending nerves and funds to restore the desired harmony in soul and nursery.

Do not put on the back burner the issue of organizing the subject-developing environment at home, you can develop a design project both independently and with a designer, but do not forget about a few rules: no bright colors on large surfaces. Calm tones should prevail on the walls; beautiful pictures and bright figures can be placed at the head of the cradle. This, on the one hand, will add variety to the room, on the other, it will become a good simulator in the development of a newborn's vision.

A newborn's room should have good ventilation and a warm floor, a table lamp-night light and a musical suspension for the crib. You can choose a set of furniture for the bed: a chest of drawers, a changing table, or you can take care of the regulation of the light in the room.

When the child goes to the garden, the nursery changes again. Now it's time to pay attention to: we need sports equipment, and mats, and balls.

It is necessary to remember about applied arts and to allocate a place in the home development environment for modeling, drawing, designing and other hobbies of the baby. Children love to play. The game becomes the main activity by the age of three and gives way only to the middle of elementary school. In arranging a preschooler's nursery, special attention should be paid to the play components: buying ready-made play sets or creating your own play space.

For the third time, parents think about restructuring the home subject-developing environment when their child enters the first grade. Here, education, training, organization of the workspace and recreation areas take the leading positions.

Following the rules for organizing a developing space for children, taking into account age, parents can only warm up their interest in the development of a child by organizing joint games, creative workshops or a reading room.

When creating a developing environment at home, deliberate festivity should be avoided. Do not overwhelm the space with pictures with letters, mosaics with numbers, or cards depicting objects. Remember that everything in the nursery should be easy to play. Your task is to turn cognitive activity into a fun gameplay within the familiar environment of your home.

This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Over time, parents themselves receive a lot of positive emotions from the success of their children and from their own involvement in the life of their child.

Color design of the developing subject-spatial environment

When starting to design a subject-developing environment, parents are faced with repairs. At this stage, it is important to make sure that the selected materials are non-toxic, dry quickly and do not leave indelible marks on the furniture.

Psychologists recommend using several color schemes in the arrangement of a children's room. For example, purple color activates the brain, contributing to the cognitive activity of the child - it is better to use it in the working area of ​​the developing space of the child's room or in active recreation areas.

Green color brings relaxation and calming after a long day, all shades of light green, salad flowers are recommended to be used in the sleeping area. White is a neutral component, which, together with decorative items, plays the role of a highlighter. Colored letters and numbers, colorful paintings and all kinds of educational visual aids look great on white walls.

It is imperative when designing a developing environment at home, the presence of yellow shades in the interior. Yellow is the color of joy, inner harmony. It is associated with morning, sun and good mood. Paint the wall of the nursery opposite the window yellow, and you get a bright continuation of the dawn in the house.

Correct creation of a subject-developing environment at home

But not only color plays a decisive role in a properly selected interior of a children's development room. For a small child, tactile sensations are very important, which facilitate the knowledge of the world around them, open up to the child the mysterious world of the shape, texture and density of toys, interior items, and the surrounding reality. That is why when choosing wallpaper with a pattern for a room, you need to take care of their texture component.

For example, protruding strawberries, or shapes of chickens, or flower petals or trees. The main thing is that this drawing is accessible to the child, i.e. was at the bottom of the wall.

But for the development of visual acuity with the correct creation of a subject-developing environment at home, it is recommended to use wallpaper with multiple patterns. Such material can combine two components: on the one hand, the child can color the elements of the picture he likes, on the other hand, it trains his eyesight.

It is usually advised to lay a laminate or parquet board on the floor in the children's room. Use cork as a backing, it will help increase sound insulation and save your relationship with your downstairs neighbors.

In the nursery, you can and should use a variety of rugs. Their value lies in the massage effect and in keeping warm during the cold season. Vivid themed designs on rugs can also play a role in the development of a developing environment. The only thing you have to take care of when choosing a carpet for a nursery is to check the quality of the material from which it is made.

Don't chase the price. Carpets made of 100% wool are not always suitable for your child's nursery, as wool is easily filled with dust and can provoke an allergy attack in a child. Also, you need to be careful when choosing a carpet made of artificial materials: sometimes the manufacturer may use toxic paints or an overly rigid canvas.

A rug, woven from fabric or created from foam blocks, will well complement the developing interior of your child's room. In the second case, he can replace the mat in a sports corner, for example.

The most important component of the correct organization of the developmental environment in the children's room is its lighting. If the room is facing east, then natural light will be intense in the morning, and if the windows are facing west or south, all natural light will have to wait until evening. In such layouts, a room with a window to the east will require less lighting costs than a room with windows to the other side, but it is worth considering the lighting of the working area, the play area.

For example, in the work area, the light should fall from the opposite side of the child's working hand. If your child is right-handed, then the lamp should be on the left. If the child is left-handed, then the lamp should be placed on the right side. When illuminating an album, notebook or book, the shadow should not obscure the field of activity.

In the play area, you can arrange spot lighting: for example, hang several bay window lamps with a swivel mechanism that allows you to adjust the light flow depending on the needs of the game. If this is a shadow theater, then direct the light to the screen; if this is a game with cars on the carpet, then turn the lamps so as to illuminate the playing space as much as possible.

Remember, in the twilight a child can be only before going to bed, in his bed. The dim light from the night light has a calming effect. The rest of the time, the child's eyes should not be exposed to undue stress.

When creating a developing environment for a child at home, you need to be careful about the presence of equipment in the child's room. In modern society, it is impossible to imagine a house without a computer, a large TV or a game console, but it is not necessary to load the space of a children's room with these objects.

If you can't do without a computer in a children's development environment - or without a TV, for example - then try to choose the right place for them. Position the monitor so that your child's viewing angle is below eye level. And when hanging the TV on the wall, make sure that the child does not raise his head to watch it.

Ideally, if there is one household appliance in the children's room, the area for one person should be at least 2.5 square meters. And ventilation in the room is required to smooth out excessive heating of the air.

Speaking about the physiological comfort of the object-developing environment for a child at home, one cannot fail to mention the furniture in it. For babies, you should buy low pedestals without sharp corners or take care of special nozzles for corners. The color of the furniture should not stand out from the general color scheme, but here you can use brighter, more saturated colors. So, the doors of the wardrobe can be bright red, and the shelves and walls of this furniture are made in soothing colors.

A separate topic is the choice of an orthopedic mattress for a child's bed. On the one hand, it should be comfortable for the child, on the other, it should correct spine imperfections as much as possible and relieve the stress of the past day. You cannot save on the mattress, as this is one of the key factors in maintaining the correct posture and a healthy back for your child.

Developmental environment in the room for young children

Having discovered that the child is developing rapidly, parents wonder how to help him in this development. The first thing to remember when organizing a developmental environment is that at an early age, children learn more by touching or tasting an interesting object. All rattles, toys and educational aids should not have small parts, and should also be made of non-toxic materials.

Starting from six months, the stage of the appearance of the first teeth is added to the active growth of the whole organism to the presence of cognitive interest. Each child passes this period individually. Some parents will not notice changes in the child's behavior, except that the intense salivation will signal the growth of teeth. For others, the appearance of the baby's first tooth may be associated with nighttime tantrums, the child's desire to try everything for a tooth, with refusal to eat.

To make this difficult period easier for yourself and your child, try to diversify his play activities. Select toys so that their surface is textured and comfortable for biting and sucking. On the other hand, take care of special water expanders: you can first put them in the refrigerator for a few minutes and thereby cool the water inside, and then give them to the child.

The first tooth will erupt, but the desire to pull everything into the child's mouth will remain for a long time. With the development of the ability to crawl, the baby begins to learn about the world around him. The time has come for massage development rugs on the floor. You can buy ready-made options from separate multi-colored parts, you can make such a massage track yourself.

To do this, you need a large piece of fabric, a synthetic winterizer as a filler, a sewing machine and a desire to think creatively. The massage mat must be supplemented with toys made from natural materials. From personal experience, I can say that my child more happily thundered with a bottle with a pencil inside than with a factory rattle.

As soon as your child crawled, the development of his tactile perception became more active, which means that fine motor skills of the fingers develops. By fingering the beads in the massage mat or exploring the relief of a new rattle, the baby develops his hand, activating cognitive processes in the brain. At this stage, it is important that there are many objects for knowledge around the child. These are not always toys.

Have you ever noticed how a baby rejoices when he “finds” flour in the kitchen, or mom’s decorations in the bedroom? All this can be touched, felt, and the most important stimulus for the development of a one-year-old baby is his tactile knowledge of the world around him.

Hence the need to feel everything, to taste, from here the craving is not considered, but to be studied by hand. In the nursery of a one-year-old child, there should be a lot of toys and items that replace toys. There is no need to be skeptical about household items converted for game inventory.

This does not mean that it is not necessary to develop vision and hearing, for example, in a one-year-old child.

On the contrary, when designing a developing subject-spatial environment for the effective development of a child, all vivid pictures should now be placed at the level of the baby's eyes. You can and should think about vocabulary expansion classes. It is a mistake to believe that a child under three years old independently learns the words that he hears. To assimilate something he assimilates, but for this it is necessary to pronounce with him everything he sees. For example, you are looking at a photo on the wall with him - voice who is in the photo; study a book with bright pictures - pronounce clearly, but not by syllables, the objects that are drawn there.

Books are another universal subject of a developing environment for a one-year-old child. Buy a large multifunctional book from the store.

With a child who has recently learned to walk, you need to read simple books. At the first stage, a bright picture, funny design, rough material or a singing toy in a book is enough to arouse the baby's interest. The texts in such books cannot be large.

For a child from one to three years old, all literature should be based on semantic repetitions. Remember how in Kolobok or Teremok? With each new turn of the plot, there is a repetition of the past.

If you know how to sew, knit, or want to learn how to do it, then creating the first book for your baby can be a good start to further creativity.

How to make a puppet show when creating an educational environment

The first thing that comes to mind when creating a puppet theater in a subject-developing environment at home is soft toys, a screen for performance and lighting in the room. But if you decide to do without bulky props, then the implementation of a puppet theater within the framework of a children's room can become a fun game and a developing element in the life of a child and his parent.

For example, for the screen behind which the actors will hide, it is not necessary to build an entire installation out of wood. It is enough to use a doorway, and for a finger theater it is even easier - a cardboard box at the eye level of the viewer.

Dolls in the theater can be different too. For a finger tetra, puppets can be knitted, they can be done using the quilling technique, they can be sewn from an old glove, masks and raincoats are suitable for a growth theater.

And how to make a shadow puppet theater in the developing environment of a children's room? To create a tetra of shadows, you will have to work a little. The first thing that is important in this type of theater is the illuminated screen. If the screen can be made of printed white paper fixed in the opening of a cardboard sheet, then a daylight lamp should be used for lighting, setting the flow of lighting so that the characters, but not the actors of this theater, are reflected on the screen.

Separately, it is necessary to say about the characters for the shadow theater. They are cut from thick paper. Their silhouettes are reflected on the screen, so the accuracy of rendering details depends on the actor's ability to correctly capture the light on his "stage".

In general, you can arrange a puppet theater in the broader sense of the word without any scenes, screens and screens. It is enough to play a scene in front of the child with two or three favorite toys - this is already a developing element of theatrical performance. And if the kid, together with the dolls-actors, joins the game and begins to come up with the continuation of the story, then we can talk about success.

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Development environment

MDOU has the necessary conditions that meet sanitary, hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements. The building has central heating, cold and hot water supply, sewerage system, equipped group rooms. In the building of the preschool educational institution there are game and sleeping rooms, a music hall. On the territory of the preschool educational institution there are areas for organizing walks with children, with verandas and small forms, a small sports ground is equipped. The organization of the subject-developing environment creates an opportunity for the implementation of constant spatial and subject choice by all subjects of the educational process. In an environment organized by teachers, children can not only search, but also construct objects of their motor, sensory, manipulative-cognitive, play and artistic activity. Wednesday provokes children to show independence and free activity.

In building a developing environment at a preschool educational institution, the team is guided by the principles of V.A. Petrovsky (1993), the methodological manual "Developing subject environment" edited by S.P. Novoselova (1995), the "From birth to school" program.

General principles of building a developing environment in a preschool educational institution are aimed at implementing a personality-oriented model of interaction between an adult and a child, determine the modern pedagogical strategy of the spatial organization and content of the group environment:

  • organization of non-overlapping spheres of independent children's activity within the play area: intellectual, theatrical play, creative role-playing, construction-constructive play and games with physical activity. This allows children to simultaneously organize different games in accordance with their interests and intentions, without interfering with each other;
  • creation of conditions for individual, subgroup and collective games of preschoolers, so that each child can find a convenient and comfortable place for himself, depending on his emotional state;
  • providing conditions of isolation ("I see, but do not interfere") between the elements of the play area, the environment surrounding the child in the kindergarten group is safe for his life and health;
  • the use of the functional premises of the group - bedrooms and changing rooms for organizing a play environment while ensuring constant visual contact with children;
  • timely change of the subject-play environment by teachers: introduction of new attributes, games, toys, play equipment in accordance with the new content of games and the increasing level of play skills of children;
  • conducting an optimal selection of games, toys, play equipment in terms of quantity and quality: their insufficient number and quality inadequate to the level of development of children's play limits the development of the child and disorients his play activity;
  • ensuring accessibility to the entire content of the developing subject-play environment: the location of games, toys, attributes at a level not higher than the child's outstretched arm;
  • taking into account the gender differences of children, i.e. taking into account equally the interests of both girls and boys.

Functions of a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution:

Early age group

  • cognitive- introduces the child to the world of familiar objects and unfamiliar objects, sounds, phenomena, actions and relationships;
  • wellness- determines the development of the baby's motor activity, corresponds to the improvement.

Junior group

  • cognitive- satisfies the child's need for mastering the surrounding world, stimulates cognitive activity;
  • communicative- stimulates speech development, allows the child to learn the basics of communication and interaction;
  • wellness- stimulates motor activity, enriches motor experience, introduces to the culture of health;
  • creative- introduces children to creative activities, promotes self-development and self-realization.

Senior groups

  • cultural and communicative- ensures the development of means and signs of speech communication, forms social experience;
  • spiritual-emotional- leads to understanding and assimilation of universal values;
  • sports and recreation- introduces to physical culture, helps to master the ways to preserve their health;
  • practical- enriches practical experience, makes it possible to act;
  • experimental- stimulates research activities;
  • artistically transformative- contributes to the artistic and creative process, forms the readiness and ability for self-expression;
  • intellectual and cognitive- creates conditions for advancement along the path of knowledge, implementation of the learning experience.

The kindergarten groups have created corners - microcenters for independent activities of children:

Role-playing game center

Located in groups on carpets, it occupies most of the group rooms. There is the necessary equipment for playing the "Family" - furniture, dishes, dolls, doll clothes, household items. For the role-playing games "Hospital", "Shop", "Hairdresser" selected thematic collections of toys, the necessary attributes. Some of the attributes for games are located on mobile shelves, which have several purposes. The attributes of the "Hospital" game are used for the "Pharmacy" game, the attributes of the "Shop" game are used for the "Cafe" game, etc.

Center for Physical Education

Sports equipment is collected in the carts (hoops, jump ropes, balls, ring throws, skittles, equipment for elements of sports games), which allows children to exercise in various movements, train muscles, develop dexterity, accuracy.

Fine Arts Center

There are materials for acquainting children with various types of fine and decorative arts. Materials and equipment necessary for children's art activities, manual labor and artistic design, taking into account the interests of both girls and boys. A small "beauty shelf" is hung on the wall at the level of the child's eyes. There is a table with chairs under it - a place for meetings with the beautiful.

Music Center

These are shelves for storing musical aids, a place for making music and didactic board games. The main content of the center is represented by musical aids, musical toys, homemade toys, children's musical instruments, costume elements, audio equipment.

Theater center

The necessary equipment for theatrical activities and games is collected here: children's costumes, bibabo dolls, finger puppets, toys and decorations for a table theater, a theater on a flannel, etc.

Center for the Development of Sensing

This center is mostly intended for kids - it contains manuals, games, books, materials that allow children to develop their ideas about various colors and shades, shapes, sizes of objects, roughness - smoothness of their surface, about sounds - their height, volume, etc. .d. There are materials for the development of fine motor skills.

Book Center

It contains small libraries: books for reading to children and independent reading of reading children, illustrations for works, thematic albums, speech material, speech games, magazines. It houses albums with family photographs of the children of the group, temporary thematic photo exhibitions that contribute to the development of various aesthetic ideas of children, as well as children's illustrations-drawings, creative works of various genres.

Nature center

The environment is unthinkable without natural content, which is the most important means of ecological, aesthetic, moral, mental education and spiritual development of children. The groups include plants, birds, fish, turtle. On the territory of the preschool educational institution there is a vegetable garden, flower beds. Areas of elementary experimental activities, a water and sand center are equipped.

Study Corner

Includes magnetic and chalk boards, typesetting canvases, diverse visual, handout, counting material, didactic games. All material is selected taking into account the age of children, for independent use, playing around with the passed material.

Also in the groups there is unformed material: corks, boxes, jars, which allows children to fantasize, to replace real objects with these materials.

The conditions for the normal psychosocial development of children have been created in the kindergarten. :

  • calm and friendly atmosphere;
  • attention to the emotional needs of children;
  • organization of games and conversations with children;
  • providing independence and independence to each child;
  • giving each child the opportunity to choose for himself
    communication partners;
  • conditions for development and learning have been created.